makalah profesi keperawatan

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Profession is a loan word from an English word "profess", which means

 promise to fulfill the oligation to perform a specific tas! in fied # permanent$

Profession itself has the meaning of a %o that re&uires training and master' of a

speciali(ed !nowledge and epertise$ ) profession usuall' ha*e professional

associations, codes of conduct, as well as the process setrifi!asi and special

licenses for the professional field$ Profession is a wor! intended for the pulic

interest and not for the enefit of a particular class or group$ Profession is *er'

concerned with the welfare of others, in the contet of this discussion of

consumers as recipients of professional nursing ser*ices$ )ccording to +ester,

the profession is a %o that re&uires a long education and s!ills regarding


Professionalism is &ualit', &ualit', and eha*ior that is characteristic of a

 profession or a professional person characteristic$ +hile professional word itself

means e professional, ha*e the epertise and s!ills for education and training,

recei*e pa'ment for his epertise$ ) person can e said to ha*e professionalism

when ha*ing two main points, namel' s!ills -competencies. are worth' of the

field of dut' and a decent income suit their needs$

Profession comes from the profession that means a %o that re&uires the

support od' of !nowledgeseagai asis for the de*elopment of a s'stematic

theor' meghadapi man' new challenges, and therefore in need of education and

training for a long time, ha*e a code of ethics is the main orientation ser*ing


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 Nursing as a profession, in Indonesia agreed at the National Seminar on

 Nursing in /012, initiated ' the wor!ing group of the 3irectorate of 4ealth

Sciences Nursing 5onsortium of 4igher Education$ Under the agreement in /016

opened Nursing Science Program in the Facult' of 7edicine, Uni*ersit' of

Indonesia$ On the program is the asics of science nursing e&uipped to students so

that each graduate is epected to ha*e a solid scientific foundation in gi*ing

 pela'anan!eperawatan$ In accordance with the nature of the profession, especiall'

related to education in which to e ale to pro*ide ser*ices # &ualit' of nursing

care and the de*elopment of nursing re&uired of nursing education at graduate

le*el nursing$

+4O Epert 5ommittee on Nursing in )ditama -8999. stated that nursing

care is a comination of medical science and the art of ser*ing # gi*ing care -care.,

a %oint humanistic of science, philosoph' of nursing, clinical acti*ities,

communication and social sciences$

 Nursing is a professional ser*ice which form an integral part of health care

 ased on nursing science and trouleshooting, ser*icing form a comprehensi*e

 iops'chosocial and spiritual, addressed to indi*iduals, families and communities

neither sic! nor health' co*ering all aspects of human life$ -National +or!shop,


Since the last centur' has megalami nursing drastic change, ut it also has to

follow the law and was awarded as a full profession$ 4ugnes E5 -/0:2. sa's, "is

an epert profession, the' !now etter aout things than others, and !now etter

than their clients aout what is happening on the client"$ In the concept of the

 profession, there are three important *alues that need to e understood namel'

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If *iewed in the dictionar', the same as the %o re&uires more etensi*e

education or ha*e special !nowledge, s!ills and prepared in a good wa'$ ;he

world continues to mo*e the nursing profession$ Nearl' two decades of this

 profession calls for a paradigm shift Profession is a wor! intended for the pulic

interest and not for the enefit of a particular class or group$ Profession is *er'

concerned with the welfare of others, in the contet of this discussion of

consumers as recipients of professional nursing ser*ices$ )ccording to +ester,

the profession is a %o that re&uires a long education and s!ills regarding


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Profesi adalah !ata serapan dari seuah !ata dalam ahasa Inggris

<Profess=, 'ang erma!na >an%i untu! memenuhi !ewa%ian mela!u!an suatu

tugas !husus secara tetap#permanen$ Profesi sendiri memili!i arti seuah

 pe!er%aan 'ang memutuh!an pelatihan dan penguasaan terhadap suatu

 pengetahuan dan !eahlian !husus$ Suatu profesi iasan'a memili!i asosiasi

 profesi, !ode eti!, serta proses setrifi!asi dan lisensi 'ang !husus untu! idang

 profesi terseut$ Profesi adalah suatu pe!er%aan 'ang ditu%u!an untu! !epentingan

mas'ara!at dan u!an untu! !epentingan golongan atau !elompo! tertentu$

Profesi sangat mementing!an !ese%ahteraan orang lain, dalam !onte!s ahasan ini

!onsumen seagai penerima %asa pela'anan !eperawatan profesional$ 7enurut

+ester, profesi adalah pe!er%aan 'ang memerlu!an pendidi!an 'ang lama dan

men'ang!ut !eterampilan intele!tual$

Profesionalisme adalah mutu, !ualitas, dan tinda! tandu! 'ang

merupa!an ciri suatu profesi atau ciri orang 'ang profesional$ Sementara !ata

 profesional sendiri erarti ersifat profesi, memili!i !eahlian dan !eterampilan

!arena pendidi!an dan latihan, eroleh a'aran !arena !eahliann'a itu$ Seseorang

dapat di!ata!an memili!i profesionalisme mana!ala memili!i dua hal po!o!

terseut, 'aitu !eahlian -!ompetensi. 'ang la'a! sesuai idang tugasn'a dan

 pendapatan 'ang la'a! sesuai !eutuhan hidupn'a$

Profesi erasal dari !ata profession 'ang erarti suatu pe!er%aan 'ang

memutuh!an du!ungan body of knowledgeseagai dasar agi per!emangan

teori 'ang sistematis meghadapi an'a! tantangan aru, dan !arena itu

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memutuh!an pendidi!an dan pelatihan 'ang cu!up lama, memili!i !ode eti!

orientasi utaman'a adalah mela'ani -alturism.$

?eperawatan seagai suatu profesi, di Indonesia disepa!ati pada Seminar

 Nasional !eperawatan pada tahun /012 'ang diinisiasi oleh !elompo! !er%a

!eperawatan ?onsorsium Ilmu ?esehatan 3ire!torat Pendidi!an ;inggi$

@erdasar!an !esepa!atan terseut pada tahun /016 diu!a Program Studi Ilmu

?eperawatan pada Fa!ultas ?edo!teran Uni*ersitas Indonesia$ Pada Program ini

dasarAdasar !eilmuan !eperawatan die!ali !epada mahasiswa sehingga setiap

lulusan diharap!an mempun'ai landasan !eilmuan 'ang !o!oh dalam memeri

 pela'anan!eperawatan$ Sesuai dengan ha!e!at profesi !hususn'a 'ang ter!ait

dengan pendidi!an dimana untu! dapat memeri!an pela'anan#asuhan

!eperawatan 'ang er!ualitas dan pengemangan ilmu !eperawatan diperlu!an

 pendidi!an !eperawatan pada %en%ang magister !eperawatan$

+4O Epert 5ommittee on Nursing dalam )ditama -8999. mengata!an

 ahwa, pela'anan !eperawatan adalah gaungan dari ilmu !esehatan dan seni

mela'ani#memeri asuhan -care., suatu gaungan humanisti! dari ilmu

 pengetahuan, filosofi !eperawatan, !egiatan !lini!, !omuni!asi dan ilmu sosial$

?eperawatan merupa!an suatu entu! pela'anan profesional 'ang

merupa!an agian integral dari pela'anan !esehatan erdasar!an ilmu dan !iat

!eperawatan, erentu! pela'anan iopsi!ososial dan spiritual 'ang

!omprehensif, ditu%u!an !epada indi*idu, !eluarga dan mas'ara!at ai! sa!it

maupun sehat 'ang menca!up seluruh aspe! !ehidupan manusia$ -Bo!a!ar'a

 Nasional, /012.$

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Se%a! aad 'ang lalu !eperawatan telah megalami peruahan 'ang drastis,

selain itu %uga telah mengi!uti perundangAundangan dan mendapat!an

 penghargaan seagai profesi penuh$ 4ugnes E$5 -/0:2. mengata!an ahwa,

<Profesi adalah seorang ahli, mere!a mengetahui leih ai! tentang sesuatu hal

dari orang lain, serta mengetahui leih ai! daripada !lienn'a tentang apa 'ang

ter%adi pada !lien=$ 3alam !onsep profesi ada tiga nilai penting 'ang perlu

dipahami 'a!ni

>i!a dilihat di dalam !amus, sama dengan pe!er%aan 'ang menghenda!i

 pendidi!an 'ang leih luas atau memili!i ilmu pengetahuan 'ang spesial,

!eterampilan serta dipersiap!an dengan cara 'ang ai!$ 3unia profesi

!eperawatan terus ergera!$ 4ampir dua de!ade profesi ini men'eru!an

 peruahan paradigma Profesi adalah suatu pe!er%aan 'ang ditu%u!an untu!

!epentingan mas'ara!at dan u!an untu! !epentingan golongan atau !elompo!

tertentu$ Profesi sangat mementing!an !ese%ahteraan orang lain, dalam !onte!s

 ahasan ini !onsumen seagai penerima %asa pela'anan !eperawatan profesional$

7enurut +ester, profesi adalah pe!er%aan 'ang memerlu!an pendidi!an 'ang

lama dan men'ang!ut !eterampilan intele!tual$