konsep dan struktur sel 13-14sept12

KONSEP & STRUKTUR SEL By: Dr. Rumiyati, M.Si., Apt.

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By: Dr. Rumiyati, M.Si., Apt.

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2 tipe sel

• Prokariot– “before” “nucleus”– Blm ada membran nucleus/organel nya– Mpy membran sel, ribosom & DNA

• Eukariot– “true” “nucleus”– Lebih kompleks..(see berikutnya..)

Kedua tipe dikelilingi oleh suatu Plasma Membrane

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Sel eukariot

• Ukuran lebih besar dp prokariot– bakteri - 1 - 10 µm (diameter)– eukaryotic cells - 10-100µm (diameter)

• Kromosom ada di dalam nukleus• Sitoplasma :daerah diantara plasma

membran dan nukleus– Mpy organel 2 lain dengan fungsinya


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Animalcell overview




Golgi apparatus






smooth ER


rough ER

intermediate filaments



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Plant cell overview

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Perbedaan sel hewan / tanaman

Tdk ada (Animal cell) Tdk ada (Plant cell)

ChloroplastsTonoplastCentral VacuolePlasmodesmata

LysosomesCentriolesFlagella (but in some plant sperm)

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1. Plasma Membran

• Mengelilingi sel– Fungsi: as a selective barrier– Oksigen, nutrient, and senyawa lain dapat

melalui plasma membran. – Sel memerlukan suatu permukaan yang

lebih besar untuk efisien transer

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Plasma Membran

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2. Nukleus (mayor of city hall)

- pembawa material genetic (kromosom) dari suatu sel dan juga “otak” dan pengontrol segala aktivitas dari sel dengan DNA as a blueprint.

- blue print, dapat mencetak/memproduksi protein yang dibutuhkan oleh sel

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• Ukurannya paling besar– ~5µm in diameter– dikelilingi oleh a double membrane

• nuclear envelope• nuclear lamina

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Nucleus and its envelope

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Double membrane structure - 20-40nm space

Nuclear Envelope

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• Nuclear lamina– network of protein fibers on “nuclear” side

of membrane– Menjaga keutuhan nukleus

• Nuclear contents– Chromatin = DNA + protein

• Organized into chromosomes– Nucleolus - one or more

• Site of ribosome component synthesis

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3. Ribosom (“lumber or brick yard”)

- tempat dimana terjadinya sintesis protein.

- Ribosom membawa semua raw ingredients untuk sintesis protein sepertis RNA (copies of the original DNA blueprints), asam amino.

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The large and small subunits of ribosomal RNA translating an mRNA strand into a polypeptide chain

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Site for protein synthesis - Contain rRNA and protein


Ribosomes can be free or membrane-bound

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4. The Endomembrane System

– A. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)– B. Golgi Apparatus– C. Lysosomes– D. Vacuoles

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A. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Hampir ½ vol membran selseperti hal nya sistem jalan dalam suatu kota.

- Rough ER - ada ribosomes along its membrane dan merupakan sumber protein.

- Smooth ER – tdk ada ribosome dan responsible for lipid synthesis dan variasi proses seperti drug detoxification.

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B. Badan Golgi /GOLGI APPARATUS (“post office” or delivery syst)

golgi apparatus digunakan untuk shipping dari molekul2 yang di kreasikan oleh ER and ribosomes ke tempat store dari sel.

Or sebagai “stores and releases chemicals”

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ER products are modified, sorted & stored, then sent to other destinations

The Golgi Apparatus

Vesicles to or from ER cis-face

trans-faceSome vesicles move backward

TEM of Golgi


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The Golgi Apparatus

– May modify ER products• Alters carbohydrate of glycoproteins

– Synthesizes certain polysaccharides• For secretion

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C. Lisosom/LYSOSOMES (“waste disposal and recycling” or digestion center)

tempat digesti/breakdown makromolekul di dalam sel menggunakan proses hidrolisis dengan menggunakan enzim ensim yang ditemukan didalam lisosom.

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Lysosome - phagocytosis

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Lysosome - autophagy

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D. Vakuola/VACUOLES and VESICLES (“warehouses, water towers or garbage dumps”)

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• Large membrane

• Various functions & types • Food vacuole• Central vacuole• Contractile vacuole

D. Vacuoles

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Functions of Vacuoles

• Food vacuoles – Formed by phagocytosis

• Contractile vacuoles– found in freshwater protists– pump excess water out of the cell.

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Hubungan antar organela pada endomembrane system

Nuclear envelope is connected to rough ERRough ER is continuous with SER.

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Hubungan antar organela pada endomembrane system

Vesicles transportmaterials from ER to Golgi

Golgi sorts and packages

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Review hubungan antar organela pada endomembrane system

Vesicles from transface of Golgi become lysosomes or are secretory vesicles

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5. Mitokondria

• Inner membrane is site of respiration– Reaksi pembentukan energi/ATP synthesis

• energy plant” or “powerhouse”

• Organ ini ditemukan pada sel hewan maupun tanaman

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Reaksi pembentukan energi:Satu molekul glukose dapat memberikan ~38

molecules of ATP

6-7Sept012 Sismindari- S1 Farmasi UGM

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The mitochondrion, site of respiration

1-10µm in length

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6. Kloroplast (solar energy plant)

• One of several types of plastids– Amyloplast - stores starch– Chromoplasts - store pigments

• Double membrane around chloroplast

• dalam sel tanaman yang berfungsi sebagai “ solar energy plant” yang menggunakan sinar matahari, CO2, air untuk “ create energy for the city”

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Thylakoid space - inside membraneous sacs

The chloroplast, site of photosynthesis

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7. Cytoskeleton

• Internal framework of cells– Network of fibers in cytoplasm– Maintenance of cell shape– Provides support for internal organelles– Aids in motility (movement)

• Movement of cell from place to place• Movement of intracellular components

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The cytoskeleton

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8. CELL MEMBRANE (“City Border”) and CELL WALL (“City Wall”)

- Membran sel (cell membrane) ditemukan di dinding sel hewan sedangkan dinding sel (cell walls) ditemukan di dinding sel tanaman,

- Mengelilingi/melapisi sel dan mempunyai kemampuan untuk meregulasi keluar masuknya substance.

- Dapat memprotect sisi dalam sel dari gangguan/tekanan dari luar sel.

- Cell walls, lebih kuat daripada membrane sel dan mampu memprotek sel dari lysis (exploding) di dalam extremely hypotonic (diluted) solutions.

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9. SITOPLASMA/CYTOPLASM (“lawns/lapangan and parks”)

- semi-fluid substance yang ditemukan di dalam sel dan dpt memprotek internal organel

- sebagai “cell landscape “

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1. Organel apa yang berfungsi sebagai “post office”?

2. Organel apa yang digunakan untuk storage nutrien dan air?

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Any Questions???

Thank you