
Steak Daging Bawang Bombay


Bahan-Bahan :

1200 gram daging sapi has luar, potong jadi 4 bagian1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk1/2 sendok teh garam6 sendok makan mentega tawar150 gram bawang bombay, cincang kasar150 cc krim kental1 sendok makan cuka1 1/2 sendok teh mustard2 lembar daun salam2 butir cengkeh1 sendok makan merica hijau, memarkan (Bahan Puree kentang)600 gram kentang, kupas, potong kasar (Bahan Puree kentang)50 gram susu bubuk (Bahan Puree kentang)1 sendok teh merica bubuk (Bahan Puree kentang)1 sendok teh garam (Bahan Puree kentang)50 gram mentega/margarin (Bahan Puree kentang)

Cara Mengolah :Cara membuat puree kentang :1. Kukus kentang hingga matang, angkat.2. Haluskan kentang.3. Tambahkan susu bubuk, merica bubuk, garam dan mentega, aduk hingga rata dan halus.

Cara membuat steak daging :1. campur krim kental, cuka, mustard, daun salam, cengkeh, dan merica hijau, aduk rata, lalu sisihkan.

2. Lumuri daging sapi dengan merica bubuk dan garam hingga rata, lalu sisihkan.3. Panaskan mentega tawar, lalu goreng daging sapi tadi hingga berubah warna, kecilkan api.4. Masukkan bawang bombay, aduk rata, masak hingga bawang bombay layu dan daging sapi empuk.5. Tambahkan campuran krim yang sudah dibuat, aduk rata.6. Masak hingga matang seluruhnya, angkat.

Sajikan steak daging bersama-sama dengan puree kentang

Bahan:    - daging sirloin 250 gr

    - 1 sdm kecap manis sedang    - 1 sdt merica bubuk    - 1 sdt kecap inggris    -  garam secukupnya

    - 2 sdm minyak goreng

Bumbu:   - 1 cup fresh orange juice

   - 4 siung bawang putih, haluskan   - 3 sdm saus tomat      - 1 sdm saus sambal

   - 1 sdm kecap inggris

   - 1 sdm kecap manis    - 25 ml air kaldu blok

   - garam dan gula secukupnya   - 2 sdm margarin

   - 1 sdt tepung maizena, cairkan dengan 1 sdm air

Cara Membuatnya:1. Lumuri daging dengan garam, merica bubuk,

kecap manis, kecap inggris dan olesi dengan minyak. Diamkan selama 1 jam.

2. Untuk sausnya, panaskan margarin, tumis bawang putih  hingga harum. Masukkan saus tomat, saus sambal, kecap inggris, kecap manis,garam, gula

dan air kaldu. Masukkan orange juice dan tepung maizena cair, masak hingga mendidih dan kental.

Angkat dan sisihkan.3. Panggang daging sambil dioles saus hingga

matang. Angkat. Sajikan steak dengan kentang dan sayuran rebus dan saus.

Untuk 1 porsiResep Cara Membuat Steak Daging Sapi Labels: Kuliner

Resep Cara Membuat Steak Daging Sapi ---Untuk membuat steak yang berbahan dasar daging sapi ini caranya tergolong mudah dan bisa kamu coba untuk berkreasi sendiri di rumah. Langsung saja berikut ini info dari Artikel Kuliner tentang Resep Cara Membuat Steak Daging Sapi.

Bahan Untuk Membuat Steak Daging Sapi

250 gram daging has dalam sapi, biarkan utuh 2 sendok makan kecap manis 1/2 sendok garam 1 sendok makan minyak goreng dibutuhkan pada saat menumis 350 mili liter lair 1 sendok makan susu bubuk dilarutkan pada 75 mili liter air

Bumbu Halus Steak Daging Sapi

3 siung bawang putih 1/4 sendok teh merica butiran 1/4 sendok teh biji pala 1/2 sendok makan merica butiran Bahan pelengkap: 1 buah kentang (bersihkan lalu kupas dan potong panjang 5x1x1 cm, goreng)

Sayuran Pelengkap Steak Daging Sapi

1/2 sdm margarin 1/2 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus 10 gram bawang bombay, dicincang halus 2 sendok makan biji jagung manis 2 sendok makan kacang polong beku 1/2 buah wortel, potong dadu 1 cm

Resep steak ini untuk 2 orang

Cara Membuat Steak Daging SapiMembuat Sayuran Pelengkap Steak Daging Sapi

Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai keluar aroma harum Tambahkan sayuran, aduk sebentar lalu angkat

Membuat Steak Daging Sapi

Daging ditusuk tusuk pada beberapa bagian menggunakan garfu Semir menggunakan bumbu halus sampai merata Tambahkan kecap, kemudian diaduk rata hingga semuanya terbaluri Simpan pada tempat bertutup di kulkas (kulkas bawah) semalaman Siapkan minyak panas untuk menumis, masukkan daging berikut bumbu rendamannya Aduk aduk sampai seluruh sisi daging kecokelatan. Beri air, tutup panci dan masak sampai daging empuk, lalu angkat Daging matang tersebut di potong 2 cm secara melintang Masukkan kembali ke dalam panci, beri susu Masak kembali sampai kuahnya mendidih Angkat, sajikan dengan Pelengkapnya

Demikianlah info dari Artikel Kuliner tentang Resep Cara Membuat Steak Daging Sapi, semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba sendiri di rumah. Temukan tips dan cara mengolah daging sapi pada artikel sebelumnya tentang Cara Mengolah Daging Sapi Lokal Biar Lebih Empuk.Diterbitkan Hendro Alpino pada jam 23.54

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Rolled omelette(Gyeranmalyee: 계란말이)

Ingredients:3 large eggs, ½ ts salt, a pinch of sugar, ½ chopped medium size onion, ground pepper, vegetable oil.

1. Crack 3 large size eggs and put it into a bowl.2. Make egg mixture by adding and beating these ingredients: ½ ts salt, a pinch of sugar,

½ chopped medium size onion, ground pepper3. Heat up a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and spread a little vegetable oil.4. Pour about 1/3 of the egg mixture on the pan and spread it thinly by tilting the pan.5. When it’s cooked, lift the right side edge of the omelette and roll it with a spatula

from right to left.6. Repeat this step of 4 and 5 until the egg mixture runs out.

*tip: To make nice yellow rolled omelette, lower the heat and cook it slowly7. Make a long rectangle box shape by cooking 4 sides.8. When the omelette cools down, cut it into bite size and serve it with rice.

Steamed egg(Gyeranjjim: 계란찜)

Gyegranjjim (steamed egg side dish) is very easy to make if you use a microwave oven.

My grandmother made her gyeranjjim using her special method. She had a huge pot made of cast iron (“ga ma sot” in Korean) with which she made rice or soup. She made her gyeranjjim when she cooked rice at the same time. When her rice was almost done, she lowered the heat to let it simmer, then she put the bowl that contained egg mixture into the pot and closed the lid. Several minutes later, not only her rice but also her gyeranjjim was done. She took her gyeranjjim out from the pot. The steamy gyeranjjim always made my mouth watery and excited!

Ingredients:3 eggs, ½ cup water, 3 ts of salted shrimp sauce (“sae woo jeot” in Korean), 2 green onions

1. In a microwavable bowl, put 3 cracked eggs, ½ cup water, 3 ts salted shrimp sauce, 2 chopped green onions and stir it with a fork*tip: If you don’t have sae woo jeot (salted shrimp sauce), you can use 3 ts of fish sauce.

2. Put it into the microwave oven and cook it for 5 minutes. Serve it with rice.

If no microwave oven is available, you can steam it. In a large pot, pour about 3-4 cups of water and place the bowl that contains the egg mixture in the center of the pot. Close the lid of the pot and cook it over low-medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Spicy steamed egg(Maewoon gyeranjjim: 매운 계란찜)

This spicy steamed egg side dish is unusual because hot pepper flakes are used. I learned this recipe from my cousin living in a very southern part of Korea. Sometimes I make it this way and sometimes I make the mild one, which is more authentic gyeranjjim.

Ingredients:3 eggs, 1/2 cup of water, 1.5 tbs soy sauce, 2 ts hot pepper flakes, ½ tbs toasted sesame seeds powder, 3 green onion or chopped asian chives (bu chu)

1. In a microwavable bowl, add 3 cracked egges, ½ cup of water, 1.5 tbs soy sauce, 2 ts hot pepper flakes, 3 chopped green onions, and ½ tbs toasted sesame seeds powder and mix it well with a fork.

2. Put it into a microwave oven and cook it for 5 minutes.3. Dribble some sesame oil on top before serving.


* Kocok telur dan susu bersama Bumbu hingga rata.* Masukkan nasi, paprika, bawang Bombay dan udang. Aduk hingga rata.* Panaskan wajan anti lengket, masukkan minyak.

* Tuang adonan nasi sambil ratakan. Tutup wajan. Masak hingga bagian bawahnya agak kering.* Balikkan, masak sisi yang lain hingga matang.* Angkat, sajikan panas.

Untuk 2 orang.(dat06/wolipop)


Tumis Cumi Hitam ResepPosted by Gigih Santoso Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 0 komentar

Cumi salahsatu pilihan masakan nusantara. bagi yang punya keinginan masak cumi hari ini, saya sediakan resep masakan tumis cumi hitam. jangan takut dengan tintanya yang hitam, walaupun warnanya hitam tapi tetep bisa di makan kok. tapi kalo yang kurang sukadengan tinta warna hitam nya, bisa di buang kok,bersihkan saja sampai bersih, atau jika suka dengan warna lain selain hitam, kamu bisa juga mewarnakan nya dengan di rendam di pewarna makanan, hehehe.. eits.. jangan dikira tidak bisa ya, kamu coba saja rendam dengan pewarna makanan dengan warna merah. tentunya setelah di cuci sampai bersih.

Langsung saja kita praktek membuat masakan tumis cumi hitam

Bahan :1 kg cumi-cumi, bersihkan, tintanya jangan di buang, bagi yg ngga suka, buang saja.8 siung bawang merah, iris halus4 siung bawang putih, iris halus juga2 lembar daun salam yang masih bagus4 cm kunyit, kupas dan geprek2 batang serai, geprek2 cm lengkuas, geprek1 sendok teh garam1 sendok teh gula pasir

Cara membuatnya :Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum. masukkan daun salam, kunyit, seri, dan lengkuas, aduk rata.Masukkan cumi-cumi, aduk hingga berubah warna, masukkan garam dan gula pasir, aduk rata.Masak sebentar, jika sudah matang silahkan angkat dan hidangkan.

Bisa di hidangkan juga dengan potongan wortel kecil-kecil supaya terlihat cantik.Silahkan di coba masak di rumah ya. selamat mencoba dan menikmati.

How to Make 'Nasi Goreng' ( Fried Rice ) [ Indonesian Food ]

Submitted by newton347 on June 26th, 2013 – Flag this news as inappropriateCategory: Food

Fried rice is one of the favorite foods of most people in Indonesia, but it tastes good, as you would simply loved.

Fried rice is usually served for breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea accompanied. Most women prefer a full breakfast, fried rice compared to other menus, and more material, easy to get, how it is very convenient. Only with a plate of white rice, a friend was able to make special fried rice is tasty and delicious.

For friends who are trying to special fried rice is easy and tasty want, go to the next article, a variety of special recipe of fried rice provide follow.

in Indonesia, fried rice, often used in my country as a breakfast. Now I'll tell you all how easy it is to make these foods :D

Rather curious, please read in its entirety below:

Easy recipe for fried rice

Ingredients:- 500 grams of white rice- 1 eggs grain- 3-4 tablespoons of soy sauce- 6 tablespoons oil for frying- 1-2 tablespoons tomato sauce

Spices:- 3 cloves of garlic- 6 onions- 3-5 pieces of pepper or to taste- Shrimp paste 1/2 teaspoon- Salt to taste

How to:

1 Mix all spices fried rice, then add oil in a pan and add 1 egg, then climbed until done. Remove and let cool.2 Fry the spice paste until fragrant.3 Add rice and stir until well blended.4 After packing, put tomato sauce, soy sauce and egg and mix well.5 Lift and ready to serve fried rice.==========================================================================================Special Fried Rice Recipe

Ingredients:- 2 plates of white rice- 2 cloves of garlic- 3 spring onions- 2 pieces of fruit cayenne pepper unfaithful- To taste tomato sauce- 1 stalk leek- 1 egg- 2 tablespoons of cooking oilPepper to taste or taste -- Salt- Chicken, shrimp, meatballs taste

How to:Heat one side of the cooking oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Enter sesame oil, garlic, onions and peppers that have been crushed until cooked and fragrant.2 Enter ingredients such as chicken, shrimp, and so on, and mix well cooked.Add 3 eggs, then climbed until done.4 Give the rice, mix all the above ingredients, then the tomatoes, salt and pepper until it is evenly distributed.5 Lift and ready to serve fried rice.6 In order to beautify the fried rice with tomatoes, cucumbers and sliced red pepper are added to taste.==========================================================================================Salted Fish Fried Rice Recipe

Ingredients:- 1 tablespoon margarine- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped- 4 onions, finely chopped- 75 grams of peas-100 Grams cutting saltfish SADU 1/2 cm, dry roasted- 300 grams of white riceCook 1 egg, scrambled eggs -- Soy sauce 1 tablespoon- 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper


- 1 tablespoon white bwang fries- 1 tablespoon finely chopped spring onions

How to:1 Heat margarine and cooking oil and saute garlic and onion until fragrant and wilted.2 Add the peas and salt fish, and stir until well blended.3 Add the rice, scrambled eggs, and other spices. Blend until smooth and dry.4 Remove and sprinkle topping ingredients.5 Serve hot with a cucumber.

The variety of recipes, how to make special fried rice completely and easily, I hope this article can be useful for friends.Thank you, good luck! :)

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