Page 1: RPP Listening kelas XI/1

Inas Afifah Zahra/6E



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi dasar :

2.1. Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akaurat lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition.

Indikator :

1. Mengemukakan tema secara lisan berdasarkan audio yang

di dengar.

2. Menjabarkan secara lisan karakteristik suatu benda/fenomena

dari teks report yang di dengar.

3. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan secara tertulis dari teks

report yang di dengar.

4. Menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang terjadi dalam teks lisan

monolog berbentuk report yang telah diperdengarkan.

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 30 menit (1 x pertemuan)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat :

1. Mengemukakan tema secara lisan berdasarkan audio yang di dengar.

2. Menjabarkan secara lisan karakteristik suatu benda/fenomena dari teks report yang di


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3. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan secara tertulis dari teks report yang didengar.

4. Menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang terjadi dalam teks lisan dialog berbentuk report

yang telah diperdengarkan.

B. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Script report text (terlampir)

2. Generic structure of report text :

a. Social function : to describe the way thing are, with reference to a range of

natural, man-made, and social phenomena in our environment.

b. Generic structure : to tell the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of

parts, qualities, habits, or behavior. (gambaran tentang benda atau kondisi yang

sedang dibahas, dalam hal: bagian-bagiannya, kualitasnya, kebiasaan/tingkah


c. Linguistic features :

Focus on generic participants

Use of relational processes to state what it is and that which it is

Use of the simple present tense

No temporal sequence

C. Metode Pembelajaran

Collaborative learning dengan talking stick dan snowball.

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa Tujuan

1. Pendahuluan (5 menit)

a. Apersepsi :

Guru memberikan salam dan menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru memberikan pengantar atau motivasi mengenai pembelajaran yang akan dibahas sesuai tema yang ada di RPP

Merespon salam dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.

Memperhatikan guru

Menarik perhatian siswa agar focus terhadap materi yang akan diajarkan

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2. Kegiatan inti (20 menit)

a. Eksplorasi :

Guru menyajikan audio tentang report text.

Guru membahas tema dan berdiskusi bersama siswa tentang audio yang diperdengarkan.

b. Elaborasi :

Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat sebuah lingkaran besar.

Guru memperdengarkan audio tentang report text sebanyak 2 kali.

Guru memberikan 3 pertanyaan kepada 3 siswa yang berbeda berkaitan dengan audio yang diputarkan menggunakan metode talking stick (memutar stick yang diberikan guru dengan iringan lagu dan ketika lagu berhenti, siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari guru sesuai dengan pemberhentian stick tersebut).

Guru memberikan apresiasi dengan bertepuk tangan kepada siswa yang baru saja tampil

Guru meminta 1 siswa untuk menceritakan kembali tentang peristiwa yang terdapat dalam audio yang telah diperdengarkan dengan metode snowball (melemparkan kertas

Siswa menyimak dan mendengarkan audio yang guru berikan.

Siswa berdiskusi dan menjawab tema audio yang telah diberikan.

Siswa membuat lingkaran besar.

Siswa mendengarkan audio dan sesekali membuat taking notes.

Siswa menerima stick tersebut dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru secara lisan.

Siswa bertepuk tangan mengikuti guru.

Siswa yang terpilih menceritakan kembali secara lisan peristiwa yang terdapat dalam audio yang telah diperdengarkan.

No. 1

No. 1,2,3

No. 1,2

No. 4

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secara acak, dan siswa yang mendapatkan kertas tersebut harus menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang ada di audio tersebut).

Guru memberikan apresiasi dengan bertepuk tangan kepada siswa yang baru saja tampil.

c. Konfirmasi :

Guru kembali memutarkan audio sebanyak 2 kali untuk mengambil nilai test listening siswa.

Guru memberikan soal berupa melengkapi kalimat rumpang dari script audio yang telah diperdengarkan kepada siswa.

Siswa bertepuk tangan mengikuti guru.

Siswa mendengarkan dengan seksama.

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut secara tertulis sesuai dengan pemahaman.

No. 3

3. Penutup (5 menit) :

Guru memberikan PR kepada siswa untuk memberikan satu contoh teks report.

Guru menutup pelajaran dengan bertepuk tangan dan salam.

Siswa mencatat PR

Siswa bertepuk tangan dan menjawab salam.

Tindak lanjut penguatan

Apresiasi terhadap kinerja siswa dan menjaga semangat siswa sehingga meninggalkan kesan menyenangkan.

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E. Alat dan Sumber Bahan Pembelajaran

1. Alat Pembelajaran :

a. Audio berbentuk teks report dialog

b. Laptop dan speaker

c. Stick kayu

d. Kertas yang dibentuk seperti bola

2. Sumber Bahan Pembelajaran :

a. Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA XIA Intan Pariwara hal 5-6, 8-9.

b. Let’s Talk 1 Class Audio CDs , Cambridge University Press.


F. Penilaian

1. Jenis penilaian : Mendengarkan

2. Bentuk tes : Tertulis

3. Instrumen : Instruksi atau perintah

Listen to the recording and write the words you hear in

the correct blank (untuk evaluasi)

Mengetahui, Jakarta,


Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Inas Afifah Zahra

……………………….. …………………………


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Lampiran 1 (Untuk Eksplorasi)


Listen and complete the conversation!

1. Josh : I really like your new jeans

Dana : Thanks. I got them at Tracy’s Department Store. They were on sale

Josh : at Tracy’s? I can never find clothing I like there. I prefer to shop at outdoor


2. Grace : Can I borrow fifty dollars?

Tyler : What for?

Grace : It’s my mom’s birthday, and I need to buy her a gift. I want to get her

favorite perfume, and it costs fifty dollars.

Tyler : I don’t have fifty dollars, but I can lend you twenty dollars. Maybe you can

by her a nice shirt or sweater.

Lampiran 2 (Untuk Elaborasi )


Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day gift.

Man: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The black one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

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Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

Man: It's $25.99.

Girl: Humm. I don't have that much money.

Man: Okay. How much money do you have to spend?

Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I've been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money.

Man: Well, let's just say the tie went on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?

Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.

a. Talking Stick Quiz

1. What is the girl shopping for?

A. a present for her mother

B. a present for a friend

C. a present for her father

2. How much is the black wallet?

A. $49.95

B. $40.95

C. $44.95

3. Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?

A. There isn't a place to put pictures.

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B. It's too big and heavy.

C. She doesn't like the color.

4. About how much does the girl have to spend?

A. $5.00

B. $10.00

C. $13.00

5. What does the girl decide to buy?

A. a black wallet

B. a brown belt

C. a tie

b. Snowball Quiz

Please re-tell the dialogue by your own words!

Lampiran 3 (Untuk Konfirmasi)


Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day gift.

Man: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The black one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

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Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

Man: It's $25.99.

Girl: Humm. I don't have that much money.

Man: Okay. How much money do you have to spend?

Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I've been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money.

Man: Well, let's just say the tie went on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?

Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.

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Quiz Script

Listen to the recording and write the words you hear in the correct blank!

Man: Hi young (1) . How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm (2)  for a Father's Day's gift.

Man: Okay. How about (3)  your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The (4)  one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

Girl: Huh? That's too (5)  for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the (6) on the outside, and it

doesn't have a (7)  to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

Man: It’s $25.99.

Girl: Hmm. I don’t have that much money.

Man: Okay. How much money do you have to (8) ?

Girl: I’m not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I’ve been(9)

my mom around the house for the past week to (10) some money. This is all I have.

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Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That’s real pretty, but the price tag (11) $13.99, and I know I don’t have that much money.

Man: Well, let’s just say the tie (12) on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?

Girl: Oh, thanks, I’ll take it.

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