


Garis-Garis Besar Mata Kuliah• Konsep – konsep dasar peralatan Lifesupport dan Lifesaving.• Patient Monitor : Dasar teori dan Fungsi, Blok diagram fungsional, pengoperasian

pemeliharaan, trouble shooting dan pengujian EKG, SpO2, NIBP, IBP dan temperatur.

• Bedside-Central monitor Dasar teori dan fungsii, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, troubleshooting dan pengujian alat.

• Infussion Pump : Dasar teori dan fungsii, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, troubleshooting dan pengujian Infussion Pump.

• Syringe Pump : Dasar teori dan fungsii, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, troubleshooting dan pengujian Syrnge pump.

• Ventilator: Dasar teori dan fungsi, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, troubleshooting dan pengujian ventilator.

• Bubble CPAP: Dasar teori dan fungsii, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, troubleshooting dan pengujian ventilator.

• Defibrillator Monitor : Dasar teori dan fungsi, cara pengoperasian, pemeliharaan dan troubleshooting dan pengujian defibrillator.

• Baby Incubator: Dasar teori dan fungsi, cara pengoperasian, pemeliharaan dan troubleshooting.

Konsep DasarPeralatan Life Support dan Life Saving merupakan alat alat yang dapat mendukung hidup manusia yang mengalami kegagalan pada fungsi organ vitalnya misal jantung, paru-paru. Life support refers to the treatments and techniques performed in an emergency in order to support life after the failure of one or more vital organs. Healthcare providers and emergency medical tecnicians are generally certified to perform basic and advanced life support procedures; however, basic life support is sometimes provided at the scene of an emergency by family members or bystanders before emergency services arrive

Patient Monitor

A typical high end patient monitor system has 5 basic subsystems: ECG, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, body temperature and respiration. Typically the most critical components in each system are the sensor circuits.Each module uses a different sensor and signal conditioning circuit. For example, the ECG uses electrodes to measure the electric pulse from the heart. The pulse oximetry (SpO2) uses a light-emitting diode and light sensor to measure oxygen content. Blood pressure is typically measured using a piezo-resistive pressure transducer.

OksimetriOksimeter adalah alat yang sangat diperlukan

oleh klinisi yang melakukan tindakan/ intervensi bedah untuk mengetahui saturasi oksigen dalam darah. Komponen oksimeter ini biasanya diintegrasikan dalam peralatan monitor yang tampil dan menjadi panduan dokter ahli bedah dan anestesi di ruang operasi untuk memantau kondisi pasien.

Oksimetri termasuk alat kategori non invasivFungsinya mengamati titik jenuh oksigen di

pembuluh darah arteri.

Oksimetri menggunakan light emitting diode berwarna merah dan infra red yang tidak nampak,alat ini menampilkan frekuensi denyut jantung dan saturasi oksigen,parameter yang menjadi andalan dan sangat berguna untuk mengetahui kondisi pasien saat pemeriksaan dan atau intervensi/pembedahan.

Welch Allyn® 1500Patient Monitor

Front panel

Tampak Belakang



NIBP Test setup

• Blok diagram of A Patient Monitor


In blood pressure biometric modules, the most critical function is the pressure sensor circuit. Here precision amplifiers are used to detect very small signals from the transducer and amplify them to a level suitable for ADC processing. This is typically followed by an active filter to limited unwanted noise at higher frequencies. Amplifiers with low noise, low drift and high gain are necessary to minimize measurement errors and ensure accurate readings.

ELEKTROCARDIOGRAF (ECG /EKG)Merupakan instrumen medik untuk mengukur dan merekam biopotensial yang ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas listrik otot jantung

Kerja Jantung



Koneksi ECG-Patient Monitor

• Durasi• Polaritas• Magnitude• Heart Rate : bpm (beat per minute)



Pola Grafik EKG• Gelombang P: depolarisasi atrium• Gelombang Q: depolarisasi di berkas his• Gelombang R: depolarisasi menyebar dr

bgn dalam ke bgn luar dasar ventrikel• Segmen PR: waktu yg dibutuhkan oleh

impuls dari SA node ke AV node; terjadi perlambatan AV node

• Gelombang S: depolarisasi menyebar naik dr bgn dasar ventrikel

• Kompleks QRS: depolarisasi ventrikel• Segmen ST: waktu sejak akhir

depolarisasi ventrikel sebelum terjadi repolarisasi (fase plateau); saat tjd kontraksi & pengosongan ventrikel

• Gelombang T: repolarisasi atrium • Interval TP: waktu saat terjadinya

relaksasi & pengisian ventrikel

SPESIFIKASI ECG• Impedansi input : > 5 MW• Response frekuensi : + 0,5 dB -3 dB (0,14 Hz –

25 Hz hingga 100 Hz)




Troubleshooting ECGNo Fault Possible Cause Solution

1ECG traces have artifacts or base line drift

Improper grounding

Try with battery power only. If the recording improves than problem is with grounding.Check the grounding.Power the machine from another outlet with proper electrical ground


ECG traces have artifacts in one or more traces but no on all traces

Improper electrode

connection with patient or

problem with the ECG cable

Check the patient cable continuity with continuity tester . Replace cable if found faulty Check the electrode expiration date.Check patient skin preparation .Check limb electrodes end chest electrode for damage replace if necessary.

3 Paper feed not advancing

Incorrect paper loading

Use instructions to reload paper

4Printing not clear or not uniform

Printing head problem

Adjust the printing head temperature or position.Clean the printing head with head cleaner. If no improvement , replace the printing head.Check the paper roller and replace if not smooth


The machine shuts down after a few minutes while on battery power

Problem with battery or charging circuit

Recharge the unit overnightIf there is no improvement then replace the batteryIf still no improvement refer to technician


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