
Chapter II


A. Target Text

Chapter I

[1.1] “The Surfer” by Linda Cargill

[1.2] Diary,

[1.3] Lagi-lagi aku dihukum. Ibu tidak mau berhenti. Semua yang dilakukan hanya

mengomel terus. Kalau tidak, “Jessie, kamu sudah potong rambut belum?”, “Aku pikir lebih baik

kamu mulai diet. Kamu sudah bukan anak 12 tahun, tapi 17 tahun. Kamu harus mulai terlihat

seperti gadis.”

[1.4 ]Aku berharap kalau ibu adalah temanku, bukan musuhku. Tapi kurasa ibu juga masih

punya banyak masalahnya. Dan ayah. Minggu lalu, ia keluar dari rumah, hanya dengan membawa

tasnya lalu pergi. Perceraian ini seharusnya ditentukan pada bulan ke-enam. Aku harap kalau ada

seseorang yang bisa aku ajak untuk berbicara tentang ini. Aku berharap aku dapat memberitahu

kepada ibu semua yang hanya kamu yang tahu, diary. Yang terjadi tentang diriku.

[1.5] Sebenarnya aku bisa menceritakan ke Nick, tapi dia itu laki-laki. Dan kamu tahu laki-

laki itu seperti apa. Terkadang mereka pendengar yang baik, tapi Nick bilang kalau dia langsung

tertidur lelap di malam hari. Dia bahkan tidak ingat mimpinya. Ketika kami di pesta dan mencoba

untuk saling menakut-nakutin dengan cerita, dia hanya terdiam. Dan lebih parahnya, aku

menepuknya karena dia tertidur. Dia bilang kalau dia lelah karena kegiatan renang yang dia

lakukan untuk tim, tapi aku pikir dia hanya bosan.

[1.6] Trish mungkin akan mendengarkan, tapi dia itu sinis. Hal terakhir yang aku inginkan

darinya adalah candaannya. Sekarangpun aku bisa mendengarnya; “kamu tenggelam di mimpimu?

Konyol. Aku mulas mendengarkanya”

[1.7] Selain itu, aku bukan mencoba untuk menakuti seseorang. Ini sangat nyata dan terasa

aneh. Hampir setiap malam, aku langsung tidur ketika menutup mata. Aku terbiasa terbawa pikiran

tentang apa saja yang aku lakukan tadi, tapi sekarang aku tidak bisa. Walaupun aku tidak capek,

yang aku lakukan hanya menutup mata dan terbawa oleh arus – seperti di laut. Aku tidak bisa


bernafas. Seperti ada sesuatu yang hitam, gelap dan berat menimpa paru-paru dan membuatku

tidak bisa bernafas. Itu memenuhi mulutku dan aku tidak bisa berbicara. Itu juga yang menutupi

mataku sehingga aku tidak bisa melihat dan membuatku putus asa. Ketika paru-paruku mau

meledak, aku bangun dengan terengah-engah. Aku merasa seperti berenang keatas dan

memecahkan permukaan air. Baju tidurku selalu basah karena keringat

[1.8] Kamu tahu diary, aku berada di tim renang sejak kelas 9 (3 SMP). Aku tidak begitu

hebat. Kecepatan biasa saja dan itu saja. Tapi aku tidak takut dengan air. Ada apa dengan ku? Aku

akan menjadi gila kalau tidak berhenti sekarang.

[1.9] Jessie naik ke mobil dan pergi menjauh dari rumah. Dia berhasil memakirkan mobil

tua itu ke salah satu tempat parkir di jalan 36th Streets, Atlantic. Satu - satunya keberuntungan

yang dia miliki akhir-akhir ini. Tapi, itu di bulan mei, beberapa minggu sebelum musim turis


[1.10] Setelah dia melewati area berumput di depan toko es krim, dia melewati patung.

Orang-orang di Virginia Beach menyebutnya “The Norwegian Lady”. Patung perunggu setinggi 9

kaki ini seharusnya mengawasi siapapun yang pergi ke laut. Ini mengingatkan Jessie pada studi

turnya di kelas 4, ketika guru memberitahu anak-anak tentang monumen yang dihadiahkan ke

Pantai Virgina oleh orang-orang Norwegia. Patung ini memperingatkan tentang kecelakaan kapal,

“The Norwegian Lady” yang tragis. Tahun patung perunggu itu terukir “1897”

[1.11] “The Norwegian Lady” menatap lurus ke cakrawala yang jauh, dimana langit dan

laut bertemu.

[1.12] Jessie harus menunggu di sebelah monument itu untuk menunggu kereta lewat,

membawa penumpang dari kamar hotel ke restoran dan taman bermain. Anak laki-laki yang

membawa tongkat golf mainan yang terbuat dari plastik juga ikut naik. Semuanya tidak sadar

dengan “The Norwegian Lady”, di sepanjang perjalanan dengan barang bawaannya, bergegas

untuk makan siang, pertemuan bisnis atau hanya parkir.

[1.13] Semuanya sudah terbiasa dengan keberadaan patung. Jessie merasa agak murung

sambil yang memperhatikan patung itu. Itu terjadi ketika dia mendengar suara.

[1.14] “Hei Jess, mau kemana?” tanya Nick


[1.15] Jessie menatap orang dengan tinggi 6 kaki dengan tulang yang kurus dan berotot itu.

Hanya Nick yang rambut merahnya acak-acak.

[1.16] Dia selalu mengejutkan Jessie dengan cara muncul dari mana saja. Mereka saling

kenal sejak kecil, tapi Jessie berpikir kalau Nick terlalu menanggapinya. Terkadang Jessie berpikir

kalau Nick selalu mengikutinya kemana saja. Hanya karena Nick lebih tua dibandingkan Jessie,

Nick berpikir kalau dia adalah orang dewasa dan seperti kakak laki-laki.

[1.17] “Nick, jangan ganggu aku, mengerti?” jawabnya sambil tidak menghiraukan Nick.

[1.18] Tapi Nick langsung menyusul Jessie. “Tunggu sebentar Jess! Aku-kan cuma tanya

kamu mau kemana.”

[1.19] “Sana beritahu orang tua-ku. Kamu paling mahir dalam hal itu.” Jessie berjalan

dengan cepat sebisanya menjauhi jalan dan mendekati laut. Dia memasukkan tangannya ke saku

blazer1 hijau dan menundukkan kepalanya ke bawah, melihat sneaker2nya

[1.20] “Jess, kamu tahu kalau ini kan bukan salahku” Nick dapat menyusulnya dengan

mudah. Kakinya sangat panjang sehingga tidak sesuai dengan proporsi tubuhnya. Ini mungkin

alasan kenapa dia yang memimpin tim renang gaya dada.

[1.21] “Kamu dan ibumu belum check-in setelah pulang sekolah, dan dia menanggil aku.

Aku harus memberitahu ibumu kalau kamu pergi ke pantai, maksudku -”

[1.22] “Maksudmu, kamu cuma pengadu!” Jessie berbalik dan menatap tajam Nick. “kamu

sama dengan ibu dan yang lain, tidak mau membiarkan aku sendiri”

[1.23] “Jess, kamu tahu kalau ini tidak adil. Kamu yang memberi tahu kemana kamu akan

pergi. Aku pikir ada sesuatu yang tidak benar” Nick mengangkat bahu “mungkin sesuatu terjadi

dengan kamu..”

1 Blazer: semi-formal, casual jacket

2 Sneaker: kind of shoes – sport shoes


[1.24] “Begini ya tuan olimpic gaya dada, untuk informasi-mu, saya sudah berada di tim

renang selama tiga tahun dan juga bisa berenang seperti anda. Jadi Saya bisa menjaga diri saya


[1.25] “Kamu mau pergi ke pantai lagi?”

[1.26] “Kalau iya kenapa?

[1.27] “tidak apa-apa, hanya saja warga diminta untuk menjauh dari dermaga tua. Kamu

ingat ada kejadian tenggelam di april? Mereka memasang pelampung pembatasan laut dimana

saja. Beberapa jalan kayu ada yang hampir lepas atau sesuatu yang lain”

[1.28] “Huh, berhenti berperilaku seperti ibu-ibu dan biarkan aku sendiri!” Jessi pergi

[1.29] Dermaga tua itu adalah tempat favoritnya Jessie. Sejak dia dapat mengendarai mobil

di tahun ke 2 nya, itu menjadi tempat persembunyiannya, tempat spesial dimana bisa sendirian

dengan tenang dan berpikir.

[1.30] Setelah sampai di tangga yang menuju ke pantai, Jessie melepas kedua sneaker dan

menendangkan-nya. Dia lari di atas pasir dengan kaki telanjang. Terasa hangat ketika tersentuh.

Di tengah bulan Mei, hanya beberapa minggu sebelum dimulainya musim turis di Hari pahlawan.

Dingin di musim semi ini tidak biasa dan dia sangat merindukan hari pertama di musim panas. Dia

bisa datang setiap hari setelah selesai kerja di kolam renang tempat dia bekerja sebagai petugas

penjaga pantai.

[1.31] Seperti yang setiap kali dilakukan, Jessie lari ke tepi air dan membiarkan ombak

datang berayun kekakinya sampai pasir menutupi-nya. Awalnya air terasa sangat dingin, tapi dia

dengan cepat terbiasa.

[1.32] Jessie memandang ke arah pantai. Dia melihat pelampung merah yang menyebalkan.

Semuanya bersikap seperti nenek-nenek hanya karena sepasang laki-laki terbunuh karena bermain

di dermaga tua pada malam hari. Kepala mereka hancur seperti seseorang memukul mereka

dengan papan atau batu. Mereka juga bisa saja saat mabuk, berkelahi dan jatuh dari dermaga,

terhanyut sampai terbentur batu-batuan. Sudah pasti Jessie tidak akan melakukan hal yang bodoh

pada dirinya sendiri.


[1.33] Jessie memanjat tumpukan batu diantara dermaga yang dulunya teluk kecil sampai

ke dermaga lama. Sekarang semuanya menggunakan teluk Rudee , jarak beberapa mili dari pantai

ke mercusuar. Ketika dia berjinjit dan menyipitkan mata, dia hampir tidak dapat melihat dari

kejauan bersama dengan perahu nelayan, kapal kecil, kapal tur, dan kapal pesiar pribadi yang

masuk dan keluar sepanjang hari.

[1.34] Jessie merasa akan jatuh, dengan tidak sadar dia melindungi dirinya jatuh ke blok-

blok batu granite dengan tangannya, tapi dia jatuh lebih keras dari pada yang dia bayangkan.

Tenaganya di tangan tidak cukup untuk menahannya, lutut dan sikunya terluka dan membuat

memar. “Sial!” katanya sambil mengambil sapu tangan dari kantong untuk membalut lukanya.

[1.35] Jessie tidak tahu apa yang terjadi dengannya. Biasanya, dia dapat menjaga

keseimbangannya dimana saja. Mungkin karena kegemparan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Jessie

tidak akan membuat semua kejadian ini membuat dia bingung. Dia akan menjalankan

kehidupannya seperti biasanya. Jessie turun dari bebatuan itu lebih hati-hati lalu harus memanjat

dan berjalan di jalan kayu demarga tua yang rapuh. Jessie berhenti di tengah-tengah dan merasa

bahwa tangannya berkeringat. “Ini konyol!” teriaknya. “sekarang kamu bersikap seperti orang

brengsek, Jess.” Tetapi tiba-tiba dia merasakan firasat pertamakali sepanjang hidupnya. Untuk

sementara, dia tidak dapat bernafas, merasa bahwa ada yang menyentuh bagian belakang lehernya

dengan jari tangan yang dingin. Jantungnya berasa berdetak dan dia merasa pusing. Yang bisa dia

lakukan hanyalah memegang pagar sampai kukunya seperti menusuk di kayu tua.

[1.36] Jessie menarik nafas untuk keberanian dan berputar balik. Tentu saja tidak ada

siapapun dibelakangnya. Hanya ada beberapa tetesan kerigat digin yang mengalir di belakang

lehernya. Dia sadar bahwa itu hanya beberapa tetesan keringat, tidak ada yang menyentuhnya.

[1.37] “Ini terlalu aneh!” keluh Jessie dan mencoba menertawakan diri sendiri. Dia terus

melangkah dan melempar rambutnya ke belakang bahu agar tidak menutupi matanya.

[1.38] Sekarang Jessie sudah berada diatas dermaga berjalan turun kebawah seperti apa

yang dia lakukan seperti biasanya, hati-hati untuk tidak memijak retakan karena takut akan apa

yang akan terjadi. Ada beberapa ember kayu lama berserakan dan peti kayu lama yang berbau ikan

yang ditinggalkan oleh nelayan dulu. Beberapa meter dari pantai, berlawanan dengan mercusuar


terdapat dermaga memancing yang baru. Jessie sering pergi kesana bersama Nick untuk

memancing ikan untuk makan malam. Tapi, ini adalah tempat pribadinya.

[1.39] Jessie duduk di ujung dermaga, mengayunkan kakinya sampai tepi. Ini seperti dulu

dengan angin meniupi wajahnya dan sinar matahari mengenai kepalanya. Sudah beberapa tahun

lalu di musim semi, gugur, bahkan musim panas, Jessie datang kesitu setiap hari setelah pulang

sekolah. Saat musim dingin, Jessie tidak sabar menanti pergantian musim, dan di hari yang hangat

di bulan januari, Jessie dapat menemukan cairan-cairan es pada saat berjalan-jalan di pantai atau

duduk di dermaga lama. Laut menarik perhatiannya.

[1.40] Jessie merasa sangat bahagia. Tidak ada yang salah. Dia dapat melihat mil demi mil.

Jessie bisa saja duduk diam sampai burung camar datang di sebelahnya dan berhenti di atas pagar

kayu atau tiang kayu yang tertancap di laut.

[1.41] Jessie menyalakan radionya. Dia menenangkan dirinya dengan musik. Tidak ada

yang memarahi dia karena gagal di tes geografi. Ayahnya tidak dapat memberi tahu kalau dia

mencela nama baik keluarganya dan tidak berarti apa-apa. Burung camar sangat bahagia dengan

kumpulan serpihan-serpihan roti yang dibeli dari kantin sekolah. Sepertinya mereka meyukai

Jessie apa adanya.

[1.42] Jessie duduk di dermaga sambil melihat ke laut , berpikir betapa baiknya jika orang

tuanya bersikap seperti dulu pada saat dia masih kecil. Lalu Jessie mensadari sesuatu dari air

kejauh. Pertamanya, dia tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas. Apakah itu lumba-lumba yang sedang

melompat? Tapi itu terlalu besar untuk lumba-lumba, dan tidak begitu besar untuk kapal.

[1.43] Apapun itu, itu bergerak menuju tepi pantai dan maju dengan cepat.

[1.44] Jessie berdiri. Terlihat lah seseorang, seorang cewek diatas papan seluncur. Jessie

pernah berseluncur beberapa kali dan berpikir bagaimana cewek itu dapat berseluncur sangat jauh

di laut sampai seperti titik di horizon. Selancar itu belum memulai istirahat, ombak belem

membentuk sampai mencapai kumpulan pasir. Kumpulan pasir itu dekat dengan pantai dan semua

orang tau hal tersebut.

[1.45] Tapi Jessie hanya tahu apa yang dia lihat dan dia tidak salah bahwa sosok itu

pastinya cewek dengan baju renang bewarna merah. Rambutnya yang panjang dan pirang


melambai-lambai seperti bendera karena terkena angin, dan dia memiliki kulit putih yang cantik

dan mencolok dari semua yang pernah Jessie lihat. Papan seluncurnya diikat ke pergelangan kaki

layaknya peseluncur yang lain, tapi anehnya dia tidak memakai pakaian selam. Masih terasa dingin

di bulan Mei untuk hanya memakai baju renang saja. Pastinya temperature air diatas 60.

[1.46] Dengan segera, Jessie kehilangan keraguannya ketika melihat aksi akrobat orang itu.

Sepertinya, dia bisa sampai di puncak ombak yang membentuk sabit dan panjang. Dia

membentangkan tangannya seperti pesawat dari satu sisi ke sisi satunya dengan keseimbangan

yang sempurna dan bungkukan kaki yang tepat. Dengan gaya yang sangat sempurna dan dengan

mudah sehingga tanpa sadar Jessie menirukan gadis yang sedang berselancar itu, membungkukan

kakinya sampai dia berdiri di ujung dermaga tua. Hanya pada saat akhir dia ingat untuk mundur.

[1.47] Seolah-olah masih kurang dengan keseimbangan yang sempurna untuk ahli selacar,

dia menaikan kaki yang satunya dari papan dan berselancar di ombak hanya dengan satu kaki. Dan

yang menakjubkannya, dia menarik kakinya kebelakang, menjaga keseimbangan dengan

tangannya dulu dan berdiri dengan satu kaki lagi. Itu seperti ballerina yang bisa jalan dan menari

diatas air. Jessie mendengar dirinya mengengap dan menutup mulutnya dengan tangannya.

[1.48] Gadis itu melihat kearah Jessie seperti dia dapat mendengar Jessie. Itu tidak mungkin

karena dia sangat jauh. Gadis itu tidak terlihat sedikitpun kaget atau takut akan pelampung polisi.

Dia hanya tersenyum dengan bibir merahnya dan melambai ke Jessie.

[1.49] Untuk sesaat, Jessie kebingungan dan tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Sudah

sewajarnya untuk bersikap ramah kecuali hampir tidak ada satu orang –pun yang mempunyai

kemampuan untuk melambai tangan dari atas papan seluncur tanpa jatuh. Dengan malunya, Jessie

membalas lambaian tangan dengan malu.

[1.50] Jessie terkejut tidak pada hanya kemampuan gadis saja, tapi juga penampilannya.

Sangat jelas bahwa gadis itu sangat cantik. Dia terlihat seumuran dengan Jessie, tapi tidak pasti.

Dia terlihat dewasa dengan pakaian renangnya, terlihat seperti “Miss America Contest.” Dia

mungkin cukup tinggi, tapi tidak ada sedikitpun lemak dibadannya. Semuanya otot, posisi juga

yang pas dan pinggang.

[1.51] Hanya dengan menatapnya membuat Jessie merasa canggung. Jessie merasa dirinya

hanyalah gadis dengan penampilan yang biasa saja. Tidak akan ada orang yang akan tertarik


dengannya di kerumunan. Di bioskop, banyak sekali kepala yang menutupi pandangannya.

Diumur orang-orang pada umumnya dia cukup tinggi untuk menaiki roller coaster di taman

bermain. Ketika dia komplain tentang temannya Trish, cewek paling tinggi dikelas, Trish tertawa

meremehkan dan berkata “apa kamu mau jadi Frankenstien seperti aku?”

[1.52] Dengan rambut coklat yang bergelombang dan mata yang berwarna coklat, Jessie

tahu kalau dia tidak bisa menanding rambut pirang yang lurus dan kulit putih gadis itu. Lebih

parahnya, yang bisa Jessie pikirkan adalah kata-kata ibunya “ya ampun, akhir-akhir ini kamu

tambah gemuk!” bagaimana dia bisa menjelaskan kepada ibunya bahwa dia memakan makanan di

lemari es ketika dia takut tidur di malam hari?

[1.53] Sepertinya gadis di papan seluncur itu memberikan beberapa pertunjukan karena dia

tahu bahwa Jessie melihatnya. Lagi-lagi dia berdiri dengan satu kaki, bahkan menjinjit lalu dengan

mencolok salto diatas kepala, sambil memegang papan seluncur dengan kedua tangan. Ini adalah

sesuatu yang belum pernah Jessie lihat dan berpikir tidak mungkin dilakukan. Jessie bertepuk


[1.54] Ombak yang luar biasa panjangnya itu akhirnya selesai. Gadis itu muncul lagi diatas

permukaan laut. Dengan cepat dia naik ke atas permukaan papan seluncur dan sekali lagi

melambaikan tangannya ke Jessie.

[1.55] Jessie berpikir bahwa akan lebih sopan untuk memperkenalkan dirinya. Dia

menangkup tangannya dan berteriak sekeras-kerasnya, “Namaku Jessie, Jessie Rogers,”. Gadis itu

tidak begitu jauh . “Kamu terlihat sangat hebat di atas papan itu.”

[1.56] “Makasih” balas gadis itu dengan tersenyum. “apakah kamu mau lihat yang lebih


[1.57] Gadis itu bergerak dengan cepat sehingga tidak memberi kesempatan Jessie untuk

membalas pertanyaannya. Dia menggunakan tangannya seperti menggali untuk mendorong papan

seluncur melawan ombak ke arah laut. Bahunya yang berotot itu memberinya kekuatan untuk

melawan bagian atas ombak. Angin darat bertiup dengan kencang


[1.58] “Hei!” panggil Jessie ke gadis itu. “apa kamu yakin akan melakukannya lagi?

Mungkin sebentar lagi akan hujan.” Awan di langit mulai gelap dan sangat banyak kejadian

sebelum badai.

[1.59] “aku suka air.” Jawabnya. Jessie hamper tidak dapat mendengarnya. Dia juga tidak

pasti apa yang gadis itu katakan. Dia pergi kearah lain dan di cuaca seperti ini kata-katanya tidak

masuk akal.

[1.60] Sebuah petir mengenai air yang jauh di laut

[1.61] “Bagus! Sangat bagus. Semua ini jadi salahku karena aku mendukungnya.” Pikir


[1.62] Orang asing itu naik lagi ke papan seluncurnya. Ombaknya lebih besar dari

sebelumnya. Dia menaik-in kumpulan dari ombak setinggi sepuluh kaki yang hampir siap untuk

memukul tumpukan pasir dan membentuk sabit putih. Air laut di sekitarnya telah berubah menjadi

lebih gelap., tapi dia masih melakukan pertunjukan akrobatnya, berdiri dengan satu kaki,

menyeimbangkan dengan tangannya, bahkan melakukan sedikit lompatan dari ujung papan ke

ujung papan lain.

[1.63] Jessie ketakutan dan meletakkan tangannya di tenggorokannya. Apakah dia akan


[1.64] Gadis itu lebih dekat dari yang pertama kali dia berseluncur terlihatannya seperti dia

datang dari tepi, menaik-in ombak dengan sangat sempurna dari pantai. Dia sangat dekat dengan

Jessie sehingga Jessie dapat melihat kalung dari kerang-kerang yang besar, kalung keristal bulat

dengan pirus biru ditengah. Permata itu berwarna biru sama seperti mata gadis itu. Warnanya pucat

dan tampak seolah-olah orang bisa menatapnya selamanya dan tidak pernah mencapai dasar. Bibir

gadis itu menutup rapat dan muncul dengan senyum misterius. Wajahnya berseri-seri. Ini

memancarkan cahaya. Gadis itu terlihat percaya diri dengan apa yang dia lakukan, walaupun Jessie


[1.65] Lalu terjadi hal yang diluar dugaan dan mengerikan. Ketika Jessie pergi ke pantai

untuk menyapa kenalannya yang baru, gadis itu terpleset dari papannya dan dengan teriakan yang


mengerikan. Itu seharusnnya tidak mungkin terjadi karena airnya terlalu dangkal. Dia hampir dekat

ditepi pantai, tapi tidak dapat disangkal bahwa ombak sangat ganas.

[1.66] Jessie hanya tercengah. Tapi, ketika dia melihat papan tanpa pemiliknya muncul

dipermukaan air, ombak yang besar datang dan menutupi tepi pantai. Hanya dengan sekali sapuan

ombak itu menutupin setengah dari pantai menghapus jejak kaki Jessie dan juga tanda-tanda

kehidupan gadis itu.

[1.67] “Gawat! Kepalanya terbentur. Dia akan terbawa oleh ombak laut.” kata Jessie sambil

panik. Jessie tidak bisa membiarkan itu terjadi. Dia akan merasa bersalah

[1.68] Jessie mengambil nafas dan menyelam ke laut dari dermaga. Mulutnya kemasukan

air laut, tapi Jessie pernah ikut “penyelamatan” dan pernah melakukan beberapa penyelamatan

pada saat dia bekerja di kolam renang. Dia juga pernah melakukan penyelamatan di laut. Dia tidak

dapat melihat dengan baik di kedalaman yang gelap, tapi dia terbentur sesuatu. Benda itu solid and

dense seperti badan manusia yang terhanyut. Sepertinya badannya terlilit dan ketika Jessie

memegangnya, dia melihat rambut manusia yang pirang.

[1.69] Jessie meletak tangannya kedagu dan berenang ke daratan. Walaupun dia tidak bisa

melihat gadis itu, dia dapat merasakan kalau itu dia. Pasti dia karena hanya dia yang badannya

terhanyut di pantai. Itu pasti dia.

[1.70] Sebelum itu, dia harus berenang di air yang berombak. Tapi ini sulit dipercaya.

Lautan bertambah kasar – cuaca seperti ini dimana lifeguard akan memasang bendera merah yang

artinya “berbahaya untuk berselancar” dan memperigatkan semuanya untuk menjauh dari air yang

kondisinya bahaya untuk berenang. Tidak ada yang bisa mempredeksi bahwa pagi ini akan ada

badai ketika Jessie mendengar berita cuaca. Bahkan Jessie duduk di dermaga sambil mengayung-

ayunkan kakinya dengan tersamar-samar mengingat mendengar sesuatu di radio seperti “cuaca

cerah, persentase akan turun hujan di siang ini hanya 20%....” badai sebesar ini seharusnya tidak

terjadi begitu saja.

[1.71] Arus bawah sangat ganas. Walaupun Jessie perenang yang kuat, tapi susah sekali

untuk dia maju. Dia hampir sampai di tepi pantai, tapi dia tidak dapat meraihnya. Mendayung

dengan tangan dan kaki sebisanya. Dan sepertinya badan gadis itu bertambah berat. Jessie hampir


tidak tahan, tapi dia tidak bisa melepaskan gadis itu begitu saja. Gadis itu akan mati dan dia akan

merasa bersalah.

[1.72] Tetapi tangannya kehilangan tenaga sedikit demi sedikit. Seprtinya sesuatu menarik

gadis itu ke arah yang lain

[1.73] Dengan panik, Jessie melihat kebelakang. Pantai yang tadinya dekat jadi semakin

menjauh. Jessie juga terseret ke laut.

[1.74] Ketika kilat muncul, ombak yang besar datang dan menghantam Jessie, memisahkan

Jessie dari gadis itu dan menyeret ke dalam perairan buih laut yang gelap. Jessie merasa badannya

ditarik ke seluruh arah. Di saat bersamaan, arus menarik kaki dan tangan Jessie seperti memisahkan

tangan dan kakinya dari tubuh Jessie. Dinding air telah menutupi kepalanya dan dia terlalu terpinta

kemana-mana sehingga dia tidak tahu kemana arah ke atas. Dia tidak bisa lihat apa-apa kecuali


[1.75] Paru-parunya terasa akan meledak bila dia tidak bisa menghirup udara. Yang bisa

dia pikirkan adalah “Aku akan mati!”, dan tiba-tiba dia teringat dengan mimpinya ketika tertimpah

dengan ombak yang lain. Entah mengapa dia tahu bahwa ini akan terjadi. Dia telah hidup dan

menggalaminya di setiap malam berminggu-minggu, tapi dia tidak mendengarkannya. Dia tidak

tahu bahwa ini adalah peringatan. Seharusnya Jessie menghindari pergi ke pantai atau dermaga,

dan karena Jessie mengabaikan peringatan itu, dia akan mati.

[1.76] Gawat, dia tidak bisa! Dia mencoba melemaskan badannya sehingga dia bisa

mengambang ke permukaan. Tapi terlalu banyak halangan untuk membuat rencana itu berhasil.dia

juga tidak dapat melihat arah buih-buih pergi. Jessie harus mengira kemana arah ke atas. Tidak

ada waktu lagi sebelum Jessie kemasukan air.

[1.77] Dengan sekuat tenaga, dia menendang, mendorong, dan menggayung ke atas dari

kedalaman air yang gelap. Dan tiba-tiba, seseorang meraih pinggang Jessie. Jessie sudah tidak ada

tenaga untuk melakukan perlawanan, tapi dia dibawa ke arah yang berlawanan dari arah

berenangnya. Dengan lemas dia mencoba melepasnya dari jari-jarinya, tapi genggamannya seperti

besi – kuat dan keras.


[1.78] Akhirnya mereka sampai ke permukaan air. Sulit untuk Jessie mengambil nafas

dengan baik, dia terengah-engah.

[1.79] “Jessie, apakah kamu baik-baik saja?” muncul suara yang cukup dia kenal

[1.80] Ternyata itu adalah Nick

Chapter II

[2.1] “Masih ada orang yang tenggelam di laut!’ kata Jessie sambil terengah-engah.

Sekarang dia ingat dan mereka harus menyelamatkannya.

[2.2] Nick tidak mendengarkannya. Dia hanya bermaksud menarik Jessie ke tepi pantai

melewat ombakan air. Dulu, Jessie selalu mengejek kemampuan Nick di teknik berenang gaya

dadanya, tapi sekarang dia senang bahwa Nick yang terbaik di tim berenang sekolah Virgina Beach.

Jessie tidak bisa berenang maju karena arus, tapi Nick menyimpulkan tangannya di badannya

untuk melindunginya dan terus maju melawan ombak.

[2.3] Tapi, Jessie tidak merasa benar untuk meninggalkan tempat kejadian meskipun itu

membahayakan dia.

[2.4] “Lihat Nick, badainya sudah tidak seburuk tadi. Mulai reda.” Katanya sambil

terbatuk-batuk dan melangkah ke pasir yang basah. “Ayo kita kembali dan cari gadis itu lagi.

Mungkin dia masih hidup.” Jessie menunjuk ke arah laut dengan ombak yang hitam, langsung

menjadi terang dan warnanya berubah dari abu-abu menjadi hijau ke abu-abuan seperti awan yang

tertiup. Ancaman badai hilang begitu saja. Dari atas, terlihat sinar matahari menuju laut.

[2.5] Nick hanya terdiam dan menatapnya dengan terkejut. Jessie lari ke laut.

[2.6] “Tunggu Jess!” Nick memgenggam meraih Jessie dan membalikan badannya ke

hadapan Nick. “Apa yang kamu lakukan? Apa kamu sudah gila?”

[2.7] Jessie dengan cepat mengumpulkan tenaganya dan melepaskan dirinya dari

genggaman Nick dengan kepala yang menentang. “Kalau kamu bisa bilang bahwa menyelamatkan

orang hanya membuang waktu” lalu dia berbalik melanjutkan untuk pergi

[2.8] “Tunggu sebentar, Jess! Aku tidak sejahat itu. Disana tidak ada siapa-siapa.”

[2.9] “Ada. Ada gadis di-“


[2.10] “Gadis seperti apa?”

[2.11] “Badannya tinggi dan berambut pirang. Kamu seharusnya tahu. Gadis yang

berselancar.” Jessie mengentakkan kakinya.

[2.12] Dengan kerut dahinya, Nick menggelengkan kepalanya. “Selama ini aku melihatmu

dari kejauhan, tapi aku tidak lihat siapa-siapa kecuali kamu.”

[2.13] “Tidak mungkin!”

[2.14] “Aku akui aku pikir kamu sudah mulai gila, duduk di dermaga dan berbicara sendiri

di tengah badai. Tapi aku hanya mengira sampai kamu loncat ke laut dan mencoba

menenggelamkan dirimu sendiri.”

[2.15] Jadi itu yang kamu pikirkan… Jessie tertampak pucat dan bulu kuduknya berdiri di


[2.16] Bagaimana mungkin Nick tidak melihat gadis itu? Dia tampak dengan jelas. Bahkan

dia cukup mencolok, bukan sesuatu yang biasa tidak disadari. “Paling tidak kamu mendengar dia

berbicara dengan aku? Jessie bertanya dengan suara tegang

[2.17] “Apa kamu yakin kamu baik-baik saja?” Nick terlihat khawatir dan meletakan

tangannya di dahinya. “Kalau benar ada gadis yang sedang berselancar, seharusnya kita melihat

papannya terbawa ke pantai. Kamu ingat bahwa papan selancar pasti menggampun?”

[2.18] Jessie menggelengkan kepalanya dan menjauh dari Nick dia tidak tahu apa yang

terjadi di sini, tapi dia tidak ada waktu untuk membantah Nick. Tidak di saat gadis itu bisa mati.

Jessie melihat orang yang kebetulan lewat di jalan. “Tolong!” teriak Jessie. “Tolong ada yang

tenggelam. Ada gadis di tengah laut,”

[2.19] Anak-anak yang berada di jalan lari mencari pertolongan. “Ada yang tenggelam!

Ada yang tenggelam!” teriakan mereka menyebar ke segala arah. Mereka memberitahu kepada

tamu hotel yang mulai keluar dari lobi hotel setelah badai berakhir untuk berjemur di kolam renang.

Salah satu wanita tua mulai menangis. Semua mulai berkumpul di jalan, memandang laut untuk

mencari badan korban. Polisi yang mengatur lalu lintas di jalan Atlantic, yang berada di deretan

hotel dan motel mendengar teriakan orang, melihat keributan, dan lari sambil meniupkan peluitnya.


[2.20] “Yang disana, diharapkan untuk bubar sekarang juga! Menjauhlah dari sini. Kita

akan memanggil ambulans darurat!” kata polisi

[2.21] “Ayo Jess, kita pergi dari sini!” Nick menggengam tangannya dan menariknya. “Apa

kamu mau terlibat masalah?”

[2.22] “Tidak! Gadis itu masih disana!” Jessie melawan Nick di setiap langkah

perjalanannya. “Apa kamu pikir aku bisa mengabaikannya?”

[2.23] Tapi kali ini Nick tidak berhenti. Dia benar-benar menarik Jessie pergi dari pantai

dan membawanya naik ke tangga. Jelas Nick tidak peduli kalau Jessie memukul punggungnya

ketika Nick membawanya dengan punggunnya. Nick dengan cepat pergi kejalan dimana dia

memakirkan mobilnya.

[2.24] “Tunggu, Jessie! Nick!”

[2.25] Itu adalah Trish dan Dot yang berlari ke arah mereka dari shopping plaza di hotel

Big Surf. Belanjaannya terkena celana jeans mereka. Mereka dapat melihat Trish dimana saja.

Tingginya 6 kaki dengan rambut ikal yang hitam sampai di bahunya.

[2.26] “Apa yang terjadi di sini? Aku tahu ini tidak mungkin seperti Tarzan dan Jane, tapi

ini terlihat aneh ketika kamu menyandang pundak Nick.” kata Trish sambil menarik nafas dan

menyingkirkan rambutnya dari wajahnya.

[2.27] Nick melepaskan Jessie.

[2.28] Kalau suasana hatinya seperti biasa, Jessie hanya tertawa. Trish selalu terlihat aneh.

Sepatunya tidak sama, dan celana jeansnya dilipat sampai betisnya. Dia selalu terihat senang

dimana saja dan selalu membuat Jessie merasa baik apapun yang terjadi. Tapi dia merasa salah

untuk merasakan apapun kecuali mati rasa karena syok.

[2.29] Tapi Jessie merasa bersyukur dengan usaha Trish.

[2.30] Kakak perempuan Trish yang berumur 16 tahun, Dot selalu terburu-buru. Dia

menepuk bahu Trish. “Trish, sebaiknya kita pergi dari sini. Polisi menuju ke sini.” Dot adalah

gadis kecil yang kurus dengan rambut kuncung yang selalu takut akan hal yang paling buruk terjadi.


Dia selalu terlihat mengetukan kakinya karena dia tidak bisa diam dengan tenang. Keduanya telah

menjadi teman Jessie selamanya, dia tahu kalau mereka selalu menjadi kenyamanan untuk Jessie.

[2.31] Mereka mulai pergi menuju parkiran tapi ini semua telah telat.

[2.32] Suara peluit memberhentikan gerakan semuanya. “Baiklah, anak-anak! Berhenti!

Aku melihat kalian di pantai.” Polisi yang bertampak galak mengejar mereka. Dia melepaskan

topinya dan mengusap keringat dari alisnya.

[2.33] Nick telah mencoba untuk menghindar dari semua masalah ini. Dia menyeret

kakinya dan memasukkan tangannya di kantongnya. Nick membiarkan Jessie untuk berbicara.

[2.34] “Aku lihat semuanya.” Jessie maju ke depan, menepukkan tangannya. “Aku bersama

degan gadis yang tenggelam.” Dia tidak tahu masalah apa yang terlibat pada dirinya, tapi dia

merasa harus memberitahu kenyataan.

[2.35] Mobil darurat telah tiba. Petugas yang lain melambaikan ke polisi yang sedang

berbicara dengan mereka.

[2.36] “Aku tidak ada waktu. Kita akan berbicara lagi nanti.” Kata polisi. “Tunggu di sini

sampai aku kembali.”

[2.37] “Makasih, Jess!” kata Trish sambil menghela nafas ketika polisi pergi dengan

terburu-buru. Dia terlihat kesal seperti mereka dikembalakan ke suatu tempat di pagar dimana

wartawan-wartawan mulai mempersiapkan kamera dan peralatan lainnya. Dia bersandar di pagar

dengan 1 siku, memimbangkan dengan satu kaki. “Aku selalu ingin tahu rasanya ditangkap.”

[2.38] “Jess, apa yang terjadi?” bisik Dot yang terlihat gelisah.

[2.39] Nick bergabung dengan yang lainnya. Dia terlihat tidak ingin tatapan mata dengan


[2.40] Polisi wanita dengan rambut hitam yang pendek, mulai datang dan mulai menulis

semua fakta dan sosok dari Jessie. Dimana pertama kali Jessie bertemu dengan gadis tersebut?

Siapa namanya? Bagaimana tampaknya? Berapa umur gadis itu? Apakah mereka telah berteman

lama? Apakah mereka pernah bertengkar? Pensilnya bergerak dengan teliti di buku notes.


[2.41] “Tunggu sebentar, maksud kamu bahwa temanku Jessie terlibat sesuatu?” kata Nick

memotong pembicaraan

[2.42] “Selama hidupnya, Jessie tidak pernah terlibat sesuatu.” Dot hampir mengaku

dengan air matanya.

[2.43] “Ini yang kami coba untuk menentukannya.” Kata polisi wanita itu dengan wajah

yang dingin dan tanpa emosi.

[2.44] Nick berdiri di dekat Jessie, mencoba membantunya dengan hovering presence. Dia

bersandaran dan mengatakan dengan tenang, “Ini yang ingin aku hidari, Jess.” Nick menjawab

polisi untuk membuat dia tidak mencolok sebisa mungkin. Nick tidak melihat gadis tersebut. Dia

tidak pernah bertemu dengan gadis itu sebelumnya atau mengenal seseorang yang cocok dengan

diskripsi tersebut – perempuan, kira-kira tujuh-belas tahun, tinggi, terlihat athelik, dan pirang

dengan mata yang biru.

[2.45] “Aku akan menjawab semua pertanyaannya – pertanyaan apapun.” Jessie menatap

Nick dengan cangguh. “Apapun mungkin dapat menolongnya untuk menemukan badannya dan

mungkin membantu hidupnya. Kita selalu bisa berharap untuk keajaiban. Kamu seharusnya tahu

itu, Nick Stevesion. Ayahmu seorang ahli bedah.”

[2.46] Sekarang kendaraan darurat mengeluarkan suara yang keras di jalan. Keramaian

penonton digiring ke belakang tali oleh barisan polisi, yang sepertinya berkumpul disegala arah.

Lalu lintas di jalan Atlantik telah dihentikan olah penghalang jalan dan memberi jarak yang cukup

untuk mobil ambulans dan pemadam kebakaran ke taman. Orang-orang meninggalkan mobilnya

hanya untuk melihat apa yang terjadi dan maju kedepan, menerobos penghalang sampai polisi

mengancam mereka dengan tahanan.

[2.47] Mobil ambulans dengan sirene yang berbunyi keras dan lampu merah yang menyala

menuju ke jalan dengan cepat. Alat bantuan pertama keluar dari truk beserta dengan alat-alat yang

terlihat berguna dan pergi turun ke pantai. Mereka menyiapkan tandu dan selimut di dekat ujung


[2.48] Selanjutnya mobil van polisi menuju ke jalan dengan cepat sehingga jalan kayu tua

retak dan dermaga kuno terguncang. Mereka menggunakan penutup muka dan sirip, melompat


dari pembatasan jalan dan menyelam ke laut. Helicopter bergerak terlihat berterbangan serendah

mungkin untuk dapat menlihat lebih dekat. Kapal penjaga pantai dan kapal polisi dapat terdengar

sembelum mereka sampai di tempat kejadian. Mereka melempar ke air menarik jaring dan rantai

dianatara mereka.

[2.49] “lihat kait itu. Untuk apa mereka gunakan itu?” Tanya Dot

[2.50] Mereka perlu untuk mencari badannya.” Jawab Nick dengan suram tapi tenang

[2.51] Dot meletakkan tangannya di lehernya dan menyembunyikan wajahnya di belakang

pundak Jessie. Jessie merasa temannya menaggis dan dengan otomatis mengelus rambut Dot

berkali-kali dan membisikan kata-kata yang menenangkan yang nantinya dia tidak bisa ingat.

Setidaknya temannya terasa hangat – dan hidup. Gadis peselancar itu harusnya sudah mati. Tidak

ada seorangpun dapat bertahan di sana tanpa bernafas. Jessie menelan ludah dengan keras.

[2.52] Orang asing itu terasa sangat penting, lebih hidup daripada orang lain yang pernah

Jessie temui. Ekspresi wajahnya yang sangat bersemangat dan senyumnya menarik. Dia baru saja

memancarkan energinya dengan aksi selancarnya yang liar. Dan semangatnya – untuk mencobai

takdir ketika badai mulai datang! Kemana dia pergi? Sesaat dia puncak dunia. Tidak ada yang

dapat menghentikannya. Dan selanjutnya…

[2.53] Jessie menggigit bibirnya. Ini seperti dia mengenal gadis tersebut. Air matanya ingin

keluar, tapi Jessie menahannya meskipun tenggorokannya terasa panas. Dia harus diam demi Dot.

Temannya yang sudah sedih dan Jessie merasa bertanggung jawab.

[2.54] Ayo hadapin. Jessie telah membiarkan gadis itu meninggal. Ini membuat dia menjadi


[2.55] Jessie merasa tangan yang kuat di pundaknya. Memancarkan kehangatan yang

special dari tangan tersebut. Tidak perlu melihat, Jessie tahu bahwa itu pasti Nick. Terkadang Nick

terasa menyebalkan di setiap waktu, tapi di situasi seperti ini Jessie memerlukan Nick.

[2.56] “Apakah gadis tersebut memberitahu sebelumnya bahwa dia akan bunuh diri?”

Tanya wartawan KRRX-TV dengan memegang mic kearah Jessie

[2.57] “Aku…. Ah…” Jessie membasahi bibirnya. Tiba-tiba, tengorokannya terasa kering.

Suaranya tidak dapat keluar.


[2.58] “Bisakah kalian melihat apa yang dia alami? Kenapa tidak kalian biarkan dia sendiri”

Nick melangkah di depan Jessie. Dia berdiri dengan kaki yang menentang, melotot ke kuruman

wartawan. Tapi wartawan mendorong Nick. “Apakah ini bagian dari perjanjian bunuh diri? Kita

mendengar banyak tentang remaja akhir-akhir ini yang mencoba untuk mengakhiri hidupnya.

Bagaimana perasaan sebagai orang yang terselamat?”

[2.59] Wartawan Virginia Times mendekati Jessie untuk berteriak di teliganya,

“Bagaimana rasanya hampir tenggelam?”

[2.60] Kerumunan pres, massa, lautan wajah. Ini membuatku sesak. Tiba-tiba Jessie ingat

akan mimpinya tentang air laut hitam yang menekan paru-parunya, memaksa semua udara keluar.

Jessie harus keluar dari sini. Polisi memberi tahu bahwa mereka sudah selesai dengan

pertanyaannya – untuk saat ini. Sudah tidak ada yang dapat dilakukan.

[2.61] “Nick?” Jessie melihat sekelilingnya. Nick berada di samping Jessie. “Untuk kali

ini kamu benar. Ayo pergi dari sini.”

[2.62] Nick mengambil tangan Jessie

[2.63] “Baik, semua, kalian sudah mendapatkan korbannya, aku yakin kalian dapat menjual

banyak koran.” teriak Trish kepada wartawan, mencoba untuk membuka jalan melewati

kerumunan dengan Dot. Tapi Nick yang memimpin jalan. Beberapa wartawan memaksa untuk

mengikuti mereka dan berteriakan pertanyaan, tapi tidak ada yang memperhatikan.

[2.64] “Tunggu!” suara itu muncul dari pantai.

[2.65] “Ayo” kata Nick sambil melihat ke belakang dari bahunya.

[2.66] Salah satu dari penyelam. “Apakah ini punya kamu?” Dia menyerahkan kalung

kerang laut dengan liontin kristal bulat. Itu adalah kalung yang dipakai gadis itu. Batu pirus yang

ditengah Kristal tampak bersinar.

[2.67] Dot dan Trish kebingungan. Jessie tiba-tiba menangis dan berbalik. Nick

menatapnya dengan ketakutan.


[2.68] “Aku bilang bahwa dia benar-benar ada.” Protest Jessie. Jessie dan temannya masuk

ke mobil Nick dan menutup pintu mobil dengan keras. “Ini buktikannya.” Dia memegang kalung

sampai di wajahnya.

[2.69] Ini sangat persis seperti yang gadis itu pakai. Jessie mengenggam rantai emas

dirangkai dengan cangkang kecil berwarna karang. Ketika Jessie memegang itu dia langsung tahu

kalau ini bukan kalung tiruan – ini terbuat dari kerang laut. Dipermukaan masing-masing tidak

sempurna, tapi dipermukaannya bersinar dan berkilau seperti mengajak jari Jessie untuk

menyentuh setiap cangkang, seluruh sudut dan lubang kecil.

[2.70] Di tengah-tengah untaian tergantung perhiasan liontin, kristal yang indah bagaikan

berlian dengan api berlian yang cemerlang. Tapi yang paling indah dari semuanya adalah pirus

berwarna biru kehijauan yang tertanam di pusat kristal. Bagaimana ini bisa terpasang disini kristal

tanpa terusak?

[2.71] “Beruntung kamu memberitahu ke penyelam kalau kalung itu punyamu.” Trish

menghela nafas dari kursi belakang mobil Nick. “Mungkin mereka akan menahan kita dengan

banyak pertanyaan.”

[2.72] Nick mengantar semuanya pulang di saat jalan mulai ramai. Mereka memutuskan

untuk meninggalkan mobil Jessie di parkiran dan kembali lagi nanti. Teman-teman Jessie tidak

yakin untuk Jessie mengendarai mobil. Badan gadis itu masih belum ditemukan. Pencarian masih

berlanjut, tapi juga tidak ada harapan. Semuanya ingin pulang dan menerusakan hidupnya.

Kehebohan sudah berakhir.

[2.73] “Ya, kamu terlihat pucat dan syok sampai aku mengira kamu akan pingsan,” tambah


[2.74] “Kenapa kalian bilang kalau kalung itu punya aku? Itu bohong!” kata Jessie


[2.75] “Ayo pergi dari sini. Aku yakin kamu akan merasa lebih baik setelah aku mengantar

kamu pulang,” kata Nick terlihat khawatir


[2.76] “Itu gampang untukmu. Kamu tidak punya orang tua yang gila seperti aku.” Jessie

berguman pelan ketika dia menyimpan kalung itu di sakunya. Jessie menantang dengan

menyilangkan lengannya dan duduk membungkuk di kursinya.

[2.77] Jessie tahu kalau Jessie bersikap tidak adil kepada Nick. Itu bukan salah Nick bahwa

dia berasal dari salah satu keluarga terkaya di Virginia Beach. Rumahnya adalah satu dari beberapa

rumah pantai yang tersisa yang diketahui penduduk lokal sebagai “The Strip.” Dia tinggal dekat

dengan hotel-hotel dan restorant yang mewah. Nick bisa keluar dari kamarnya, turun tangga dan

keluar menginjak pasir. Dua saudara perempuannya yang mirip seperti ibunya dan tidak mirip

dengan Nick, tinggal di sana – ada juga kedua orang tuanya.

[2.78] Ayah Nick adalah dokter bedah terkenal yang kerja di rumah sakit Norfolk Memorial.

Dia menjual property keluarga yang lama warisan dari beberapa leluhur kapten laut.

[2.79] Ibu Nick adalah wanita yang sosalita. Dia selalu terlihat tinggi, dengan rambut

pirangnya yang di sangul dan baju yang mewah. Dia tidak harus kerja tapi dia mengikuti semua

klub wanita lokal, dan satu-satunya ibu yang Jessie tahu yang selalu di sana menunggu Nick pulang

dari sekolah.

[2.80] Jessie menyalakan radio agar tidak gila. Dia telah meninggalkan pemutar radionya

di pantai dan jarinya butuh sesuatu melakukan sesuatu. Dia menganti acak saluran dari stasiun ke

stasiun lain, AM ke FM, dan diulang lagi. Madonna di salah satu stasiun dan Pearl Jame di stasiun


[2.81] Nick menatap Jessie dengan suram.

[2.82] Kebetulan, atau begitulah tampaknya awalnya, Jessie menyalakan berita. Saat ini

pukul enam, dan ada laporan lokal “Hari ini terjadi peristiwa tenggelam di pantai Strip, Atlantic,”

kata penyiar berita seperti sebuah iklan yang merusak suasana.

[2.83] Jessie tidak bisa bergerak. Dia mendengar nafas Dot dan Trish. Nick memegang erat

stir mobil dengan kedua tangannya. Ketika dia hampir sampai di jalan Pacific, lalu lintas menjadi

padat. Ini saatnya jam sibuk, tetapi Nick sepertinya tidak sadar. Dia menuju lampu lalu lintas saat

merah. Klakson berbunyi, tetapi Jessie hanya menyalakan radio. Dia harus mendengar ini.


[2.84] “Murid SMA lokal Virginia Beach, Jessie Rogers, adalah satu-satunya saksi di

kejadian tenggelam itu sekitar jam lima sore di dermaga tua dekat Norwegian Lady Plaza. Menurut

ceritanya, yang menurut hasil pemeriksaan polisi saat ini, seorang gadis SMA yang belum dikenal

terlihat berselancar di daerah di mana sudah terjadi dua kali kasus tenggelam musim semi ini.

Gadis yang hilang itu digambarkan memiliki tinggi sekitar enam kaki dengan rambut pirang

panjang dan mata biru. Polisi tidak dapat menemukan tubuhnya. Kami tidak tahu apa yang

dilakukan kedua gadis itu di pantai daerah larangan. Polisi belum mengungkapkan apakah mereka

akan mendenda gadis yang selamat itu karena masuk tanpa izin.”

[2.85] “Pantai telah ditutup untuk umum sejak tanggal 1 April, ketika terjadi kasus

tenggelam dua siswa SMA terjadi. Telah dibicarakan tentang pembongkaran dermaga tua untuk

alasan keamanan, tetapi sejauh ini Kumpulan Sejarah Virginia Beach telah menghalang semua

upaya. Mereka mengklaim bahwa dermaga ini adalah Tempat Bersejarah Nasional karena

kedekatannya dengan Norwegian Lady Plaza dan harus dijaga dan direnovasi…”

[2.86] Nick mematikan radio.

[2.87] Terjadi keheningan dan kemudian Jessie berkata, “kalian semua, apakah kalian tahu

berapa banyak masalah yang aku hadapi? Ibuku mendengarkan berita di perjalanan pulangnya.

Tidak mungkin dia tidak akan tahu apa yang terjadi!”

[2.88] “Ya, aku selalu ingin menjadi terkenal,” kata Trish. "Sekarang aku tidak begitu


[2.89] “kamu pikir hanya kamu saja, Jess.” kata Dot. “Ibu kita akan tahu juga, dan kita

akan dihukum selama sebulan - bahkan sepanjang musim panas bila ibu sangat marah.”

[2.90] Nick tidak berkata apapun. Dia hanya memperlambat kecepatan mobil setelah

meninggalkan Virginia Beach Express dan jalan menuju Jalan Besar Neck yang dipenuhi pohon.

Pohon-pohon ek membayangi mobil Saab hitamnya saat dia turun jalan. Tapi yang ditakutkan

Jessie, mobil Chrysler K putih tua milik ibunya itu menepi jalan masuk di depan mereka - tepat di

depan mereka. Perutnya terasa mual.

[2.91] Perlahan Jessie membuka pintu mobil Saab dan keluar, diikuti oleh teman-temannya.

Mereka merasa bahwa Jessie membutuhkan dukungan mereka. Nick berada di belakangnya.


[2.92] Segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih buruk dari yang ditakutinya. Ibunya melompat

keluar dari kursi pengemudi seperti kecepatan seekor kucing liar ketika dia melihat Jessie di kaca

spion. Ibunya berdiri, mengetukkan kakinya. Dia mengenakan salah satu baju pekerja sederhana

sesuai dengan rok hitam, jaket bergaris-garis hitam-putih, dan sepatu hak hitam. Dia tampak keras,

seperti guru galak yang membuat generasi siswa SMA Virginia Beach takut langsung tunduk.

[2.93] Bu Rogers memiliki mata yang gelap dan tatapannya yang tampak tidak

menyenangkan, terutama ketika menonjolkan kacamatanya. “Jessie Rogers,” katanya dengan nada

suara yang tidak bercanda “Masuk ke rumah sekarang juga.”

[2.94] “Tapi-”

[2.95] “Aku bilang sekarang juga, gadis muda!” Bu Rogers selalu membuat satu titik untuk

tidak mengangkat suaranya. Dia menunjukkan maksudnya dengan baik tanpa itu.

[2.96] “Bu Rogers, saya bisa menjelaskan.” Nick melangkah maju.

[2.97] “Nick Stieveson, saya terkejut, bahwa kamu terlibat dalam hal ini! Anak laki-laki

yang baik sepertimu. Apa yang akan dikatakan oleh ibu dan ayahmu?"

[2.98] “Tapi itu tidak terjadi seperti yang anda pikirkan,” Nick dengan berani berbicara.

[2.99] “Aku pikir kamu adalah lelaki yang bisa kami percayai. Aku pikir kamu memliki

akal sehat dan berpengaruh yang baik untuk Jessie kami. Aku tidak mengira kamu mendukung

kebiasaannya yang buruk”

[2.100] Jessie menghela nafas. “Kebiasaan buruk” Jessie adalah titik sakit ibunya dan juga

ayahnya. Dia menuduh Jessie sejak kecil dengan mempunyai “Kebiasaan buruk” dan cenderung

mendapatkan masalah. Pikirannya berkeliaran di sekolah. Dia tidak memperhatikan dengan cara

ikut campur urusan orang lain, dan dia selalu tampak seperti “terbawa emosi” yang membuat

dirinya sendiri terbawa masalah dengan ikut campur dalam masalah orang lain.

[2.101] Jessie menggantungkan kepalanya, terdiam. Tapi itu tidak seberapa dibandingkan

dengan keterkejutannya ketika ayah keluar dari mobil ibunya bersama pengacara keluarga.

[2.102] “Ayah!” teguk Jessie dan mundur selangkah.


[2.103] Jika kehadiran ibu Jessie menakutkan, Ayahnya sepuluh kali lebih menakutkan.

Dia adalah kepala sekolah di SMA dimana istrinya mengajar. Dia tidak hanya di atas orang lain,

dia memiliki keberanian untuk mengintimidasi anak bermasalah. Jessie sering melihat ayahnya

menjaga ketertiban peraturan sendirian. Itulah alasan SMA Virginia Beach memiliki tingkat

kejahatan terendah dan kehadiran terbaik senegara bagian. Sekarang kehadiran yang menuju ke


[2.104] “Jessie Rogers!” dia berdiri berhadapan dengan Jessie. “Aku mengandalkanmu

untuk memberikan contoh yang baik untuk seluruh murid sekolah. Apa yang ingin kamu katakan

untuk dirimu sendiri?”

[2.105] “Tidak ada.” katanya, menundukkan kepalanya. Tidak mungkin dia bisa membuat

ayahnya mengerti. Tidak ada satu pun di antara mereka yang dapat mengerti. Mereka semua

mengira Jessie sudah gila - oleh Nick, Trish dan Dot, orang tuanya. Mungkin dia gila. Dia

membayangkan dia berbicara dengan orang asing dengan papan selancar. Dia bahkan berpikir dia

merasakan tubuh yang setengah tenggelam di lengannya sebelum ditarik. Tapi, bagaimana itu bisa

terjadi? Bagaimana bisa gadis itu menghilang tanpa jejak?

[2.106] “Pak Rogers,” Nick memotong pembicaraan, terdengar sehormat mungkin, “Dia

hanya mencoba menyelamatkan gadis yang dia kira tenggelam. Dia pikir dia melihat seseorang di


[2.107] Kenapa dia tidak bilang kalau aku harus dirawat di rumah sakit jiwa? Kata Jessie

pada dirinya sendiri.

[2.108] Trish dan Dot kaget dengan keberanian Nick untuk berhadapan dengan kepala


[2.109] Pak Rogers menarik napas dengan tajam. “Nick, aku maupun kamu tahu bahwa

tidak ada alasan yang baik untuk berada di pantai pada hari ini. Itu tidak aman dan ditutup karena

ada alasan yang bagus. Kamu melanggar hukum. Itu adalah sesuatu yang orang muda harus sedikit

hormatkan. Kamu bisa saja mati.”

[2.110] “Jessie hampir saja mati,” Dot, suaranya melengkin, “Nick menyelamatkannya dari



[2.111] Wajah bu Rogers memucat. Untuk sesaat Pak Rogers tidak dapat berkata-kata.

Pengacara itu berdiri diam di samping mobil, menggenggam erat-erat gagang pintu.

[2.112] “Aku tahu, Ayah, aku tahu. Aku akan masuk,” kata Jessie akhirnya. Dia melewati

semua orang menuju ke rumah dan mengunci diri di kamar tidurnya. Setelah itu dia shock dengan

semua yang baru saja dia alami.

[2.113] Setelah itu Jessie menangis.

Chapter III

[3.1] Setelah teman-temannya dipulangkan, Jessie mendengarkan dari kamarnya ketika

orangtuanya duduk di meja makan bersama pak Evans. Dia adalah pengacara keluarga dan orang

tuanya telah lama mengenalnya. Mereka menyusun rencana pengasuhan anak mereka. Orang

tuanya akan bercerai.

[3.2] “Di usia tujuh belas tahun, Jessie berada pada usia di mana hakim mungkin bertanya

padanya siapa yang ingin dia tinggali,” kata Pak Evans, menjelaskan satu hal yang tidak pernah

dipertimbangkan oleh siapa pun.

[3.3] “Kamu pikir Jessie sudah cukup dewasa, tapi jelas dia tidak bersikap seperti itu,” kata

bu Rogers. Suaranya yang nyaring menembus pintu kamar Jessie, meskipun itu di lantai dua.

[3.4] “Jelas dia membutuhkan pengawasan orang tua,” kata pak Rogers dengan suaranya

yang rendah. “Setidaknya kita setuju dengan itu.”

[3.5] Namun percakapan itu segera berubah menjadi sebuah pertempuran, masing-masing

orang tua menyalahkan satu sama lain karena kesalahan penyimpangan putusan Jessie. Bu Rogers

menuduh suaminya karena tidak melakukan kewajibannya. Pak Rogers menuduh istrinya karena

tidak terlalu membantu Jessie untuk menangani “Kebiasaan buruk”nya. Mungkin bu Rogers tidak

cukup tegas. Bagaimanapun juga, kerabat istrinya terlihat cukup kikuk dan kelompok pemimpi

dan peminta-minta.

[3.6] “Semuanya berawal ketika dia masih kecil. Ingat ketika Jessie berjalan di jalan yang

semennya baru dituangkan dan membuat sepatunya tersangkut?” Kata pak Rogers. “Kita baru saja

membelikannya untuk ulang tahun keempatnya dan harus membuangnya.”


[3.7] “Ya,” kata bu Rogers, “Kamu seharusnya mengawasinya. Tapi kamu bertelepon

dengan inspektur!”

[3.8] “Dia selalu impulsif,” komplain Pak Rogers. “Dia berlari ke jalan raya hanya untuk

menyelamatkan kucing sialan itu. Mobil itu membelok dan menabrak pohon, dan kucing itu

menggigitnya untuk semua kebaikannya.”


B. Source Text

Chapter I

[1.1] “The Surfer” by Linda Cargill

[1.2] Dear diary,

[1.3] I’m grounded again. Mom just won't quit. All she does is nag, nag, nag. If it's not,

“Jessie, haven’t you gotten your hair cut yet” it's, “I think you'd better go on a diet. You're not

twelve years old anymore. You're seventeen. You should look like a young lady.”

[1.4] I wish Mom were my friend and not my enemy. But then I guess she's got too many

problems of her own right now. And Dad, too. He finally moved out last week. Just packed his

bags and left. The divorce is supposed to be final in six months. I really wish I had somebody to

talk to. I wish I could tell her about it you know, Diary all about what only you know. What's been

happening to me.

[1.5] I guess I could tell Nick, but he's a guy. And you know how guys are. Sometimes

they're good listeners, but Nick says when he goes to sleep at night he just conks out. He doesn't

even remember his dreams. When we have parties, and try to scare each other with stories, he kept

his mouth shut. It gets worse. Sometimes I even have to elbow him in the ribs use he just falls

asleep. He says he's tired from all that swimming he does for the team, but I think he just bored.

[1.6] Trish would probably listen, but she's such a cynic. The last thing I want is to be the

butt of one of her jokes. I can just hear her now: “You keep drowning in your dreams? Ridiculous.

Sounds like indigestion to me.”

[1.7] Besides, I'm not trying to scare anybody. This is very real and kind of weird. Almost

every night now, I fall asleep as soon as I shut my eyes. I used to drift of gradually, thinking about

everything I did during the day. But now I can't help myself Even when I don't feel really tired,

all I have to do is shut my eyes and I'm dragged off by some undertow like in the ocean. I can't

catch my breath. Something heavy, dark, and black presses down on my lungs, and I can't breathe.

It fills my mouth, and I can't speak. It even covers my eyes so I can't see. I flail about hopelessly.


Just when my lungs are ready to burst, I wake up gasping. It feels as if I've been swimming upward

and have just broken the surface of the water. My nightgown is always bathed in sweat.

[1.8] You know, Diary, I’ve been on the swim team since I was in ninth grade. I'm nothing

great. Average time and all. But I've never been afraid of the water. What's wrong with me? I'm

going to go crazy if this doesn't stop soon.

[1.9] Jessie got into her car and zoomed away from the house. She was able to nudge her

old Buick into one of the few parking spaces next to the boardwalk at Atlantic and 36th Streets -

the only luck she'd had lately. But then it was May, a few weeks before the tourist season started

in earnest.

[1.10] As she crossed the grassy area in front of the ice cream store, she passed a statue.

Everyone in Virginia Beach called it “The Norwegian Lady.” This nine-foot bronze sculpture was

supposed to watch over all those who went out to sea. It reminded Jessie of her fourth-grade field

trip, when the teacher told the class the monument had been a gift to Virginia Beach from the

people of Norway. The statue commemorated the tragic wreck of the ship The Norwegian Lady.

The date etched in bronze read “1897.”

[1.11] The Norwegian Lady kept her eyes fixed on the far distance, the horizon, where the

sky met the sea.

[1.12] Jessie had to wait beside the monument for the boardwalk train to pass, taking

passengers from their hotel rooms to restaurants and amusement parks. A little boy carrying a

plastic miniature golf club rode on it. People didn't even seem to notice The Norwegian Lady as

they walked up and down the boardwalk with their packages, hurrying to lunch, to a business

appointment, or just because they were double-parked.

[1.13] People sort of got used to the statue's face after a while. Jessie noticed the statue,

she thought, because she was feeling rather glum. That's when she heard a voice.

[1.14] “Hey, Jess, where are you going?” Nick said.

[1.15] Jessie looked up with a start at six feet of lanky bones and muscles. It was only Nick

sporting his tousled head of red hair.


[1.16] He was always surprising her like that, showing up everywhere. They'd known each

other since they were kids, but she thought Nick presumed too much. Sometimes she thought he

was following her around. Just because he was a senior and she was only a junior, he thought he

was all grown up and sort of like a big brother.

[1.17] “Look, Nick, I’m busy now. All right?” She shrugged him off.

[1.18] But he soon caught up with her. “Wait a minute, Jess! I just asked you where you

are going.”

[1.19] “Go ahead and tell my parents, why don't you? You're good at that.” Jessie walked

as fast as she could, keeping to the far side of the boardwalk, closest to the sea. She shoved her

hands into the pockets of her green blazer and kept her head down, looking at her sneakers.

[1.20] “Look, Jess you know that wasn't my fault,” Nick kept up easily with her. His legs

were so long they were almost out of proportion with the rest of him. That's probably why he was

the lead breaststroker on the swim team.

[1.21] “You hadn’t checked in with your mom after school, and she called me. I had to tell

her you were going to the beach. I mean –”

[1.22] “You mean, you’re just a snitch!” she turned around and glared at him. “You don’t

want to give me any space – just like my mother and everbody else.”

[1.23] “Now, Jess, you know that's not fair. You told me where you were going. I thought

there was something wrong.” He shrugged. “Maybe something happened to you- or something”

[1.24] “Well, Mr. Olympic Breaststroker, for your information, I've been on the swim team

three years, and I can swim just as well as you can I can also take care of myself.”

[1.25] “You're going to the beach again?”

[1.26] “What of it?"


[1.27] “Nothing, except...well, you know. The police have asked people to stay away from

the old fishing pier. You remember the drownings in April? They've got buoys and lines up

everywhere. Some old plankings are loose or something.”

[1.28] “Oh, stop acting like an old woman and leave me alone!” She stalked off.

[1.29] The old fishing pier was her favorite place. It always had been. Ever since she had

gotten a car when she was a sophomore, it had been her hideaway, her special spot to be alone

where it was quiet and she could think.

[1.30] As soon as Jessie reached the stairs leading down to the beach, she took them two

at a time and then kicked off her sneakers. She ran through the sand in her bare feet. It felt warm

to the touch. It was the middle of May, just a couple of weeks before the beginning of the tourist

season on Memorial Day weekend. The weather had been unusually chilly this spring, and she

longed like crazy for the first hot days of summer. She could come here every day then after she

got off her job at the swimming pool where she worked as a lifeguard.

[1.31] Just as she always did, Jessie ran down to the water's edge and let the waves lap up

over her feet until they were buried in the sand. At first, the water felt very chilly indeed, but she

soon got used to it.

[1.32] Jessie looked out to sea. She saw those annoying red buoys. Everybody had to act

like an old grandmother these days just because a couple of silly boys had been killed playing

around the old pier after dark. Their heads had been smashed in as if someone hit them with boards

or rocks. They could have gotten drunk, beat each other up, and then fallen off the pier to be

washed up on the rocks. Jessie was certainly not about to do anything so silly herself.

[1.33] She climbed up on the pile of rocks between the pier and what used to be the inlet

to an old bay. Now everyone used Rudee Inlet, several miles up the beach by the lighthouse. When

she stood on her tiptoes and squinted, she could barely make it out in the distance, along with all

the fishing boats, deep sea charters, tour boats, and private yachts that went in and out all day long.

[1.34]J essie felt herself falling. Instinctively she put out her hands to cushion her landing

on the jagged granite blocks. But she seemed to fall harder than she expected. The strength in her


hands did not prevent her from scraping her knee badly and bruising her elbow so that it turned

black and blue. She said, "Oh, darm! and took out a pocket handkerchief to tie around her bleeding


[1.35] She didn't know what had come over her. Usually she could keep her balance

anywhere Maybe it was all the excitement lately. She certainly was not going to let the experience

unnerve her. Jessie was going to go about her day as she always did. Jessie clambered down from

the rocks more carefully than she had climbed up and started up the rickety wooden steps of the

old pier She paused halfway up, feeling a sweat start under her arms. “This is silly!” she said aloud

“Now you're acting like a jerk, Jess.” But she had suffered from sudden premonitions all herlife.

For a moment she was breathless, think- ing she felt a cold finger touching the back of her neck.

Her heart started pounding, and she felt giddy. It was all she could do to hold on tight to the railing,

digging her fingernails into the old wood.

[1.36] Jessie took a deep breath for courage and spun around. There was no one behind her,

of course. Only a cold droplet of sweat streamed down the back of her neck. She realized that's

what it was all along-just drop- lets of sweat. No one had really touched her.

[1.37] “This is the outside of too much!” Jessie groaned, trying to laugh at herself. She kept

climbing the steps, tossing her hair back over her shoulders to get it out of her eyes.

[1.38] Now that she was up on the pier, she was going to walk down to the end the way

she always did, careful not to step on the cracks for fear of bad luck. There were old wooden

buckets lying about, left there by fishermen of long ago-old crates that once smelled of fish. There

was a new fishing pier a couple of miles down the beach in the opposite direc- tion from the

lighthouse. She had often gone there with Nick to catch dinner on rented fish-ing poles. But this

was her private place.

[1.39] She sat down on the end of the pier, dangling her feet over the edge. This was old

times with the wind blowing in her face and the sun beating down on her head. Jessie had come

here nearly every day after school for the past couple of years in the spring, the fall, and all during

the long, hot summer. All winter long she would wait inpatiently for the season to change, and


warm day during the January thaw often be found strolling on the beach or sitting on the old pier.

The sea drew her to it.

[1.40] She felt on top of the world here. Nothing could go wrong. She could see for miles

and miles. Jessie could sit so still that a seagull would often wing by and land right next to her on

top of a wooden railing or a mooring pole stuck into the sea.

[1.41] A flick of the switch turned her Walkman on. The music calmed her. No one here

could yell at her for flunking her latest geometry test. Her father couldn't tell her she was a disgrace

to the family and that she would never amount to anything. The seagulls were for the pocketful of

bread crumbs she had brought from the school cafeteria. They seemed to like her just for being


[1.42] Jessie was sitting on the pier looking out to sea thinking how much nicer it was when

her parent used to bring her here as a child. Then she spotted something far out on the water. At

first she could not make it out clearly. Was it a leaping dolphin? It was too large for that, but not

so large as a ship or a boat.

[1.43] Whatever it was, it was moving toward shore. And it was moving rapidly.

[1.44] Jessie stood up. It looked like a person, a girl on a surfboard. Jessie had been surfing

a few times herself and wondered how the girl, whoever she was, could have started so far out at

sea that she seemed like a speck on the horizon. The surf did not begin to break, and the waves did

not form, until they reached the sandbars. The sandbars were closer to the beach. Everybody knew


[1.45] But Jessie only knew what she saw. There was no doubt about it now. The figure

was definitely a girl in a red, one-piece bathing suit. Her long, blond hair streamed out behind her

in the wind like a flag, and she possessed the most striking, beautiful white skin Jessie had ever

seen. The surfboard was tethered to her ankle the way all surfers did it, but it was odd that she

didn't have a wet suit. It still was kind of chilly in May to go so far out in only a bathing suit. The

water temperature must still be in the upper sixties.


[1.46] Soon Jessie's doubts were swallowed up in her admiration for the stranger's

acrobatics She seemed to be just catching the peak of very long, cresting wave. She was planing

with perfect balance, her knees bent just so and her long, slender arms thrust out to either side. The

pose was so perfect and so efort lessly sustained that Jessie found herself imitating the girl on the

surfboard, bending her own knees as she stood on the edge of the old pier. Only at the last moment

did she remember to move back.

[1.47] As if that perfect balance was not enough for such an expert surfer, the girl now

lifted one leg up from the board and rode the cresting wave with only one knee bent. And then,

incredibly, she thrust that leg out behind her balancing herself first on her hands and then again on

one foot. It was as if the stranger were a ballerina who could walk and dance on water! Jessie

heard herself gasp and put her hands over her mouth.

[1.48] The stranger looked up just where Jessie was standing, almost as if she could hear

Jessie. That was impossible because she was so far away. The girl did not look at all surprised or

put off by all the police buoys. She merely smiled, curling her red lips upward, and waved at Jessie.

[1.49] For a moment, Jessie felt confused. She did not know why. It was perfectly natural

to be friendly, except that almost no one had the skill to wave from a surfboard without falling.

Shyly, she waved back.

[1.50] Jessie was surprised not merely by the girl's skill but by her looks. The stranger was

clearly a raving beauty. She seemed about Jessie's age, but it was hard to tell for sure. She looked

so grown up in that bathing suit, just like a contestant in a Miss America contest. She might be tall,

but there was not an ounce of spare flesh on her body. Everything was all muscle, in the right

places- and curves, in the right places, too.

[1.51] Just gazing at the girl made Jessie feel awkward. She was too average-looking

herself, she guessed. Nobody ever noticed her in a crowd. In a movie theater there were just as

many heads above hers blocking her view as below. She became tall enough to ride the roller

coasters at the amusement park at just the same age as most everybody else. When she complained


to her friend Trish, who was the tallest girl in the class, Trish smirked and said, "Would you rather

be a Frankenstein like me?"

[1.52] With her curly brown hair and hazel eyes, Jessie knew she couldn't compete with

this stranger with the striking blond hair and white complexion. Even worse, Jessie could think of

was her mother saying, "My, you've been putting on some weight lately" How could she explain

to Mother that there was nothing to do but raid the refrigerator when she was afraid to sleep at


[1.53] The stranger on the surfboard seemed to be putting on a show now that she knew

that Jessie was standing there watching her. She stood on one foot again, even on tiptoe, and then

in a flash flipped over onto her head, holding on to the board with both hands. This was something

else Jessie had never seen before and never thought possible. Jessie clapped.

[1.54] The extraordinarily long wave finally gave out. The girl went under only to surface

again. She immediately scooted herself up on her surfboard belly first and waved once more at


[1.55] Jessie thought it would be only polite to introduce herself. “My name's Jessie, Jessie

Rogers,” she cupped her hands and called at the top of her lungs. The girl was barely within hailing

distance. “You look like a pretty tough customer out there on that board.”

[1.56] “Thanks” the girl called back, smiling. “Do you want to see some more?”

[1.57] The girl moved so fast that Jessie did not even have a chance to answer. She used

her hands to dig down into the waves and push her board farther out to sea. Her shoulder muscles

gave her strength to fight the frothing tops of the waves. The onshore wind was pick ing up quite

a bit.

[1.58] “Hey!" Jessie called after the girl. “Are you sure you want to go out there again? It

looks like it might rain.” The sky was clouding up with dark blue and black clouds. They were big

and puffy, just the sort of thing one expected before a storm.”


[1.59] “I like the water,” came the answer. Jessie barely heard it. She couldn't even be sure

the girl had said it. She was turned in the other direction, and in this weather the words didn't make

much sense.

[1.60] A jagged lightning bolt hit the water far out at sea.

[1.61] Great! Thought Jessie. Just great. Now it’s The stranger rose on her surfboard again.

[1.62] The stranger rose on her surfboard again. The waves were bigger now. She be riding

the hump of a ten-foot swell that about ready to hit the sandbar and crest into a white, frothy peak.

All around her, but still she put on her acrobatic show, riding on one foot, balancing on hand, and

even doing little leaps from one end of the board to the other.

[1.63] Jessie put her hand to her throat in fear. Could she possibly make it?

[1.64] The girl was closer now than she had been before on her first ride in. It looked as if

she was coming in to shore, riding the wave perfectly all the way up the beach. She was near

enough that Jessie could make out a necklace of shells from which hung a large, round crystal

pendant with a blue turquoise center. The jewel was the same shade of blue as the girl's eyes. They

were a limpid color and looked as pale as sunlight on the water. It seemed as if one could gaze into

them forever and never reach the bottom. The girl's lips were pursed and turned up at the ends in

a mysterious sort of smile. Her face was radiant. It gave off a glow. The stranger seemed to be

confident of what she was doing - even if Jessie was not.

[1.65] Then a horrible, unexpected thing happened. Just as Jessie was about to run down

to the beach to greet her new acquaintance the girl slipped off the board and with a terrible cry

went under. It had to be impossible. The water was too shallow. She was almost ashore. But there

was no denying the waves were fierce.

[1.66] Jessie waited a breathless moment for the girl to surface as she had the last time. But

just when she thought she saw the surfboard bobbing up without the surfer, a huge wave came

crashing ashore, burying it. The wave washed halfway up the beach, erasing Jessie's footprints in

one fell swoop as well as any sign en he of life from the stranger.


[1.67] “Oh, no!” panicked Jessie. “She’s hit her head. She’ll be washed out to sea.” Jessie

couldn’t let that happen. She would be responsible.

[1.68] Jessie took a deep breath and dove into the ocean from the pier. Soon she had a

mouthful of seawater, but Jessie had taken lifesaving last summer and had performed a few rescues

at the pool where she worked. She'd even on occasion made ocean rescues. She could not see well

in the murky depths, but something bumped into her. It was solid and dense like a drifting human

body. It seemed to coil its tentacles around her, and when Jessie grabbed a handful of them she

saw it was human ha blond hair

[1.69] Jessie hooked her arm under the girl's chin and tried to swim ashore. Although she

could not see the girl, she felt it had to be her. Surely hers was the only body drifting around near

the beach. It had to be her.

[1.70] Jessie had swum in choppy waters before. But this was incredible. The sea had gone

from rough - the kind of weather where a lifeguard put up a red flag for “dangerous surf” and told

everyone with sense to get out of the water- to almost unswimmable. No one had predicted such a

storm this morning when Jessie had heard the weather report. In fact, while she sat on the pier and

dangled her legs she dimly remembered hearing something on the radio like “Sunny skies, twenty

percent chance of rain this afternoon. ..” A storm of this magnitude did not just come out of


[1.71] The undertow was something fierce. Jessie was a strong swimmer, but she could

hardly make any headway. She was so close to shore, and yet she could not reach it - kick and flail

as she would. The girl's body seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. Jessie could barely hold

on. But she just couldn't let go. The girl would die, and she would be responsible.

[1.72] Yet, her fingers seemed to be losing their grip one by one. Something seemed to be

tugging the girf in the other direction.

[1.73] Jessie looked back over her shoulder in panic. The beach had been so close. It was

getting farther and farther away she, too, was being dragged out to sea


[1.74] As lightning flashed, a hage wave smashed over Jessie's head, pushing her away

from the girl and sending them both down into the black waters of the frothing sea Jessie felt she

was being pulled every direction at once. Currents tugged down on her legs at the same time tried

to tear her arms out of their sockets wall of water had closed over her head, and she had been spun

around so much she did not even know which way was up. She could see nothing but blackness


[1.75] Her lungs were going to burst it she didn’t find some air soon. I’m going to die! was

all she could think of, and then the memory of her dream hit her with the impact of another wave.

Somehow she had known this was going to happen. She had lived it and relived it every night for

weeks. But she had not listened. She had not known how to heed its warning, Jessie had not stayed

away from the beach and the pier, and now because she hadn't she going to die.

[1.76] Oh, no, she wasn't! She tried to force herself to let her body go limp. She would o

to the surface. But she was being knocked around too much for that to work. Nor could she see the

direction of the bubbies. She had to take a wild guess which way was up. There was no time left

before she would breathe in water

[1.77] With her last burst of strength she kicked, pushed, and clawed her way through the

murky depths. Then suddenly someone grabbed Jessie around the waist. She hardly had the

strength to resist, but she was being dragged the opposite direction from the way she had been

swimming. Feebly she tried to peel the fingers away from her, but the grasp was like iron - strong

and unyielding.

[1.78] Finally, they broke the surface. She could hardly catch her breath. She panted.

[1.79] “Jessie, are you all right?” came a familiar voice

[1.80]It was Nick

Chapter II

[2.1] “There's a girl out there in the water!” Jessie gasped. Now she remembered. They had

to save her.


[2.2] Nick didn't listen. He was intent only on pulling Jessie ashore through the turbulent

waters. Jessie always teased him about his abilities as a breaststroker, but right now she was happy

he was the best on the Virginia Beach High School swim team. She had not been able to make

headway against the undertow, but with his arm looped protectively around her Nick was just

keeping ahead of the tide. They were barely making it in.

[2.3] Jessie had all she could do just to keep her head above the water. But she didn't feel

right about leaving the scene, despite her own danger

[2.4] “Look, Nick, the storm's not so bad now It's letting up.” she coughed as she pulled

herself to her feet on the wet sand. “Please, let’s go back and look for the girl. She might be alive

out there.” Jessie pointed out to sea at the black waves, now rapidly brightening to their usual gray

to gray-green color as the clouds blew away. The storm threatened to disappear as rapidly as it had

come. From overhead a solitary ray of sunlight hit the sea

[2.5] Nick could do nothing but stare at her in amazement. Jessie was turning to run back

into the water.

[2.6] “Hold on there, Jessl” He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face

him “What in the hell are you doing? Are you out of your mind?”

[2.7] Jessie was rapidly regaining her strength and shook herself free of Nick's grasp with

a defiant toss of her head. "If you can call it a waste of time to save somebody's life!" She turned

to go again.

[2.8] “Now wait a minute, Jess! I’m no ax murderer. There's just no one out there.”

[2.9] “Of course there is. The girl—”

[2.10] “What girl?”

[2.11] “The tall one with the blond hair, you know-” she stomped her foot “The one on the



[2.12] He wrinkled up his forehead and shook his head. “I was watching you the whole

time from the boardwalk. I didn't see anybody but you.”

[2.13] “That's impossible!”

[2.14] “I admit I thought you were nuts sitting on the pier talking to yourself while the

storm rolled in. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt that is, until you jumped in and tried drown


[2.15] So that's what you thought.... The hair stood up on the back of Jessie's neck in horror

s the blood drained from her face.

[2.16] How was it possible he didn't see the girl? he had been clearly visible. In fact, she

was quite striking, not the sort of person you didn't notice. “You must at least have heard her

peaking to me?” Jessie's voice sounded rained

[2.17] “Are you sure you feel OK?” Nick put his and out to touch her forehead. He looked

really concerned. “I mean, if there was a girl out there on a surfboard, we should at least see the

board washed up on shore. Those things float, remember?”

[2.18] Jessie shook her head and backed away from Nick. She didn't know what was going

on here ut she didn't have time to argue. Not now then the girl could be dying. Jessie spotted

passersby on the boardwalk. “Help!” screamed. “Help! There's been a drowning. There's a girl lost

at sea.”

[2.19] The kids on the boardwalk ran for help. “Drowning! A drowning!" they echoed as

the scattered in all directions. They alarmed the hotel guests, who were just starting to come out

of the hotel lobbies again after the storm to sun themselves beside the pools. One lady burst into

tears. Crowds started gathering at the railing of the boardwalk, gazing off in the ocean to see if

they could make out a bodies. A policeman directing traffic on Atlatic Avenue, just behind the

first string of hot and motels, heard the screaming girls, saw the crowd, and came running blowing

his whist.

[2.20] “Hey there, folks, let's disperse now!” said policer. “Get away from the railing. We're

going to have to get emergency vehicles in here.”


[2.21] “Come on, Jess, let's get out of here!” Nick grabbed her hand and started dragging

after him. “Do you want to get in trouble something?”

[2.22] “No, that girl’s out there!” Jessie fought him every step of the way. “Do you think I

can just walk off?”

[2.23] But Nick wouldn't stop this time. He took upon himself to literally yank Jessie off

the ach and carry her up the stairs. He obviously didn't care if she pounded his back with her fists

when he threw her up over his shoulder hurried off down the boardwalk to where had his car


[2.24] “Jessie! Nick! Wait!”

[2.25] It was Trish and Dot headding for them at a dead run from the direction of the

shopping plaza next to the Big Surf Hotel. Their packages slapped against their jeans. You could

spot Trish anywhere. She was six feet tall with curly black hair that spilled down over her shoulders.

[2.26] “What's going on here, you two? I know it can’t be Tarzan and Jane, but it does look

ood with you slung over Nick's shoulder,” said Trish, catching her breath and pushing her hair

Back from her face.

[2.27] Nick put Jessie down.

[2.28] If she'd been in a different mood Jessie could have laughed. Trish always looked

oddly put together. Her shoes didn't match and her jeans were halfway up her calves. She was fun

to have around and she usually made Jessie feel better no matter what was wrong. But there was

too much wrong now to feel anything but numb with shock.

[2.29] Still Jessie was grateful that Trish was trying.

[2.30] Trish's sixteen-year-old sister Dot was always in hurry. She tapped Trish on the

shoulder. “Trish, I think we'd better get going. Here comes the policeman.” Dot was a thin little

girl with a ponytail who was always afraid the worst was going to happen. She always seemed to

be bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet because she couldn't stand still. But both of them

had been Jessie's friend forever, and she knew they had her welfare in mind.


[2.31] They all started toward the parking lot, but it was too late.

[2.32 ]The shrill whistle froze everyone right their tracks. “All right, kids! Halt! I saw you

down on the beach.” A harried-looking policeman caught up with them. He took off his hat and

wiped the sweat from his brow.

[2.33] Nick had been trying to avoid all this trouble. He shuffled his feet and stuck his

hands deep into his pockets. He let Jessie do the talking.

[2.34] “I saw everything.” Jessie went forward, clasping her hands. “I was with the girl

when she drowned.” She didn't know what kind of trouble she was getting into, but she had to tell

the truth.

[2.35] Emergency vehicles were arriving. Another officer was waving to the cop talking to


[2.36] “I don't have time now. I’ll question you all later,” said the officer. “Stand right here

until I get back”

[2.37] “Thanks, Jess!” sighed Trish, as the officer hurried away. She rolled her eyes as they

were herded over to a place by the railing where the reporters were beginning to set up their

cameras and remotes. She leaned on the railing with one elbow, precariously balanced one foot. “I

always wanted to know what it s like to be arrested.”

[2.38] “Jess, what's going on?” whispered Dot as she looked nervously from side to side.

[2.39] Nick shuffled along beside the girls. He didn't seem to want to make eye contact

with anybody.

[2.40] A female officer with short, cropped black hair arrived in a moment and started

taking down all the facts and figures from Jessie. This officer wanted to know everything. Where

had e first met the girl? What was her name? What did she look like? How old was she? Had they

been friends for long? Had they ever quarreled? Her pencil point moved with utmost precision

across her tablet.


[2.41] “Now wait a minute,” interrupted Nick "You don't mean to imply my friend Jessie

mixed up in anything, do you?"

[2.42] “Jessie's never been mixed up in anything in her life, "Dot almost pleaded. Tears

coming to her eyes.

[2.43] “That's what we're trying to determine,” said the policewoman with a cold,

emotionless face.

[2.44] Nick stood close to Jessie, trying to lend her his support by his hovering presence.

He leaned back against the railing and said very quietly, “This was what I was trying to prevent,

Jess.” He answered the questions the policewoman put to him as plainly as possible. No, he hadn't

seen the girl. He'd never met her before or known anyone who fit that description about seventeen,

female, tall, athletic-looking, and blond with blue eyes

[2.45] “I will answer any questions - any questions at all.” Jessie gave Nick a nasty stare.

Anything that might help find her body and maybe put her on life support. We can always hope

for a miracle. You ought to know that Nick Stieveson. Your father's a surgeon.

[2.46] By now the emergency vehicles were screeching up on the boardwalk. The

evergrowing crowds of spectators were herded behind ropes by rows upon rows of police, who

seemed to gather from every direction. Traffic on Atlantic Avenue was stopped by roadblocks to

allow room for the larger ambulances and fire engines to park. People abandoned their cars just to

see what was happening and surged forward, breaking down the barricades until the police

threatened them with arrest.

[2.47] An ambulance with its siren screeching and its red light flashing careened up to the

boardwalk steps. A CPR unit leaped out of the truck with their equipment in hand and took the

steps two at a time down to the beach. They laid out their stretchers and blankets near the water's


[2.48] The next police van zoomed up the boardwalk at such a pace the old wooden boards

creaked and the ancient pier rattled. Men in wet suits jumped out. They put on their masks and

fins, leaped over the boardwalk railing, and dove into the sea. Helicopters moved into view


swooping down as low as they could to get a closer look. The coast guard cutters and police boats

could be heard long before they reached the scene. They plowed through the water dragging net

and chains between them.

[2.49] “Look at those hooks!” said Dot. “What do they use those for?” said Dot

[2.50] Nick grimly but calmly. "They have to dredge for the body,"

[2.51] Dot put her hand to her neck and hid her face against Jessie's shoulder. Jessie felt

her friend sobbing and responded automaticall She stroked Dot's hair again and again and

whispered words of comfort she couldn't even remember later. At least this friend felt warm- and

alive. The girl on the surfboard had to be dead. No one could stay alive out there that long without

breathing. Jessie swallowed hard.

[2.52] The stranger had seemed so vital, more alive than anyone Jessie had ever met. Her

facial expressions had been so lively and her smile winning. She had just exuded energy with her

wild performances on the surfboar. And such spirit - to tempt fate so when a storm was coming

on! Where had she gone? One moment she seemed on top of the world Nothing could stop her.

And the next…

[2.53] Jessie bit her lip. It was almost as if she known the girl. A sob wanted to come out,

but, Jessie fought to keep it down even though it burned her throat. She had to be quiet for Dot's

sake. Her friend was already upset enough and Jessie supposed she was probably responsible for

that, too.

[2.54] Let's face it. She, Jessie, had let the girl die. That made her a murderer.

[2.55] Jessie felt a strong hand on her shoulder. A special warmth radiated from that hand.

Without turning around, she knew it must be Nick. He might be annoying most of the time, but a

situation like this she needed him.

[2.56] “Did she tell you ahead of time she was going to kill herself?” the KRRX-TV

reporter id, holding the mike up to Jessie's mouth.


[2.57] “I. . . ah . . .” Jessie wet her lips. Suddenly her throat went dry. Her voice wouldn't


[2.58] “Can't you see she's been through enough? Why don't you leave her alone?” Nick

stepped front of Jessie. He stood there with his legs part, glaring back at the crowd of journalists.

But a reporter shoved him aside. “Was it a suicide pact? We hear so much abou teenagers trying

to take their lives today. How does it feel to be a survivor?”

[2.59]A Vinginia Times reporter came very close to screaming in her ear, “What does it

feel like to almost drown?”

[2.60] The press of the crowd. . the mob .. the sea of faces... It was suffocating. Suddenly

Jessie remembered her dream about the black seawater pressing down on her lungs, forcing all the

air out of them. She had to get out of there. The police said they were finished with their questions

for now. There a nothing left to do.

[2.61] “Nick?" Jessie looked around. He was right by her side. “You're right for once. Let's

get out of here.”

[2.62] Nick took her hand.

[2.63] “All right, everybody, you've had your victim for the day,” Trish yelled to the

reporters “I'm sure you'll sell a lot of newspapers.” She tried to clear a way through the crowd

along with Dot. But it was Nick who led the way Some of the reporters persisted in following them

and shouting questions, but none of them paid any attention.

[2.64] “Wait a minute!” The voice was coming from the beach

[2.65] “Hurry,” said Nick, looking over his shoulder

[2.66] It was one of the scuba divers. “Is this yours?” He handed Jessie a necklace of

seashells with a round crystal pendant. It was the necklace the girl was wearing when she went

under. The turquoise in the center of the crystal seemed to glow.


[2.67] Dot and Trish were puzzled. Jessie burst to tears and turned away. Nick gazed at it


[2.68] “I told you she was real!” Jessie protested. She and her friends got into Nick's car

and he slammed the car doors behind them. “This proves it.” She held the necklace up to his face.

[2.69] It was perfect, just like the girl who had worn it. Jessie held fingered them she could

tell at once these were of cheap imitations - they were actual shells from the sea. Each one had

slight imperfections on its surface, but each surface was lustrous and glowed and invited her fingers

to roam over each shell and rest in tiny nooks and cavities.

[2.70] In the center of the strand hung the jewel like pendant, a beautiful crystal as fine as

a diamond with a diamond's fire and brilliance. But most breathtakingly beautiful of all was the

fine blue- green turquoise imbedded in the crystal's center. How had it gotten there without

damaging the crystal?

[2.71] “I'm glad you didn't tell the scuba diver the necklace wasn't yours.” Trish sighed

from the back seat of Nick's Saab. “They probably would have kept us for more questions.”

[2.72] Nick was taking the girls home now that the traffic was starting to break up. They'd

decided to leave Jessie's Buick in the parking lot and come back for it later. Her friends didn't trust

her to drive. The girl's body hadn’t been found. The search was continuing, but hopes were also

dying. Everybody wanted to get home and get on with their lives. The excitement was over

[2.73] “Yeah,” added Dot, “you looked so pale and so shocked I thought you were going

to faint.”

[2.74] “Why did you have to tell them it was my necklace? That's a lie!” Jessie insisted.

[2.75] “Let's get away from here,” said Nick, looking worried. “I'm sure you'll feel better,

Jess, as soon as I get you home.”

[2.76] “That's easy for you to say,” Jessie mumbled under her breath as she stuffed the

necklace into her pocket. She crossed her arms defiantly and slumped down in her seat. “You don't

have crazy parents like mine.”


[2.77] Jessie knew she wasn't being fair to Nick He couldn't help it if he came from one of

the richest families in Virginia Beach. Home for him was one of the few remaining beachfront

houses on what was locally known as “The Strip.” He lived close to the plushest hotels and fanciest

restaurants in town. He could walk right out of his bedroom, down some stairs, and out onto the

sand. His two sisters, who looked like miniature versions of their mother and nothing like Nick,

lived there and both his parents.

[2.78] Nick's father was a well-known surgeon who worked at the Norfolk Memorial

Hospital. He'd sold off old family properties inherited from some ancestral sea captain.

[2.79] Nick's mother was a society lady. She always sported a tall, blond updo and fancy

clothes. She didn't have to work but she joined all the local ladies’ clubs, and was the mother Jessie

knew who was always waiting when Nick came home from school.

[2.80] Jessie flicked on the radio to keep herself from going crazy. She had left her

Walkman at the beach and needed something to do with her fingers. She switched randomly from

station to station, AM to FM, and back again. Madonna was on one station and Pearl Jam on


[2.81] Nick stared at her grimly.

[2.82] By chance, or so it seemed at first, she tuned in the news. It was six o'clock, and the

local report was on. “A drowning in the Atlantic off the coast of The Strip today. All this and more

in a moment,” said the newscaster as they broke away for a commercial

[2.83] Jessie couldn't move. She heard Dot and Trish suck in their breaths. Nick gripped

the steering wheel tightly with both hands. As he neared Pacific Avenue, the traffic got heavy It

was rush hour, but Nick didn't seem to notice. He ran a red light. Horns honked, but Jessie just

turned up the radio. She had to hear this.

[2.84] “Local Virginia Beach High School junior, Jessie Rogers was the only witness to a

drowning around five o'clock this afternoon at the old pier near the Norwegian Lady Plaza.

According story, which the police are at this hour examining, an unknown, as yet unidentified,

high school girl was seen surfing in the area where there have already been two drownings this


spring. The missing girl was described as being about six feet tall with long blond hair and blue

eyes. Police have been unable to recover her body. We do not know what the two girls were doing

on the beach in this unauthorized area. The police have not disclosed whether they will charge the

surviving girl with trespassing.”

[2.85] “The beach has been closed to the public since April 1, when the drownings of two

local high school boys occurred. There has been much talk out dismantling the old pier for safety

reasons, but the Virginia Beach Historical Society has so far blocked all attempts. It claims that

the pier a National Historic Landmark because of its proximity to the Norwegian Lady Plaza and

could be preserved and renovated. . .”

[2.86] Nick flicked off the radio.

[2.87] There was dead silence and then Jessie said, “Do you know how much trouble I'm

in, guys? My mother listens to the news on her drive me. There's no way she won't know what


[2.88] “Well, I always wanted to be famous,” said Trish. “Now I'm not so sure.”

[2.89] “Don't think you're the only one, Jess,” said Dot. “Our mom'll find out, too, and

when she does we'll be grounded for a month - maybe even all summer if she gets mad enough.”

[2.90] Nick said nothing. He just slowed the car down after he left the Virginia Beach

Express way and headed for the tree-lined Great Neck Road. Towering oaks shaded his black Saab

as it purred down the street. But, just as Jessie had feared, her mother's old white Chrysler K car

was pulling into the driveway ahead of them -just ahead of them. Her stomach did flip-flops.

[2.91] Slowly Jessie opened the door of the Saab and got out, followed by her friends. They

seemed to sense that Jessie needed their sup- port. Nick was right behind her.

[2.92] Things were even worse than she had feared. Her mother sprang out of the driver's

seat with the swiftness of a wildcat when she saw Jessie in the rearview mirror. Her mother stood

there in the driveway, tapping her to She was wearing one of her severe work suits-a black skirt, a

black-and-white pinstriped jacket, and pointed black heels. Shed put on her stern, schoolmarm

look frightened a generation of Virginia Beach school history students into instant submission.


[2.93] Mrs. Rogers had very dark eyes and had a way of glaring that looked nothing short

of ominous, especially when accentuated by her horn-rimmed glasses. “Jessie Rogers,” she said in

that tone of voice that brooked no nonsense, “Get into that house right now.”

[2.94] “But-”

[2.95] “I said right now, young lady!” Mrs. Rogers always made it a point never to raise

her voice. She got her point across very well without it.

[2.96] “Mrs. Rogers, I think I can explain.” Nick stepped forward.

[2.97] “Nick Stieveson, I'm shocked, to say the very least, that you're mixed up in this! A

nice boy like you. What will your mother and father say?”

[2.98] “But it didn't happen the way you think.” Nick dared to say.

[2.99] “I thought you were a boy we could trust. I thought you had some sense in your head

and were a good influence on our Jessie. I don’t expect you to encourage her worst tendencies.”

[2.100] Jessie sighed. Jessie's “worst tendencies” were her mother's sore spot - and her

dad's too. She had accused Jessie from the time she was a little girl of having “worst tendencies”

and a penchant for getting into trouble. Her mind wandered at school. She didn't pay attention by

meddling in other people's problems and she always seemed to be the “bleeding heart” who got

herself into trouble by meddling in other people’s problem.

[2.101] Jessie hung her head, speechless. But that was nothing compared to her shock when

her father got out of her mother's car with the family lawyer.

[2.102] “Dad!” Jessie gulped and took a step back- ward.

[2.103] If her mother had a scary presence, Dad had ten times as much. He was the principal

at the high school where his wife taught. He not only towered above everyone else, he had the

brawn and shoulders to intimidate any of the school's troublemakers. Jessie had often seen him

keep order all by himself. That was the reason Virginia Beach High had one of the lowest crime


rates and best attendance records in the state. Now that towering presende was descending upon


[2.104] “Jessie Rogers!” he stood toe-to-toe with her. “I rely upon you to set a good

example for the rest of the school. What do you have to say for yourself?”

[2.105] “Nothing,” she said, hanging her head. There was no way she could make him

understand. None of them seemed to understand. They all thought she was crazy -from Nick, to

Trish and Dot, to her parents. Maybe she was nuts. She had imagined talking to a stranger on a

surfboard. She had even thought she felt the half-drowned body in her arms before it was pulled

away from her. But then, how could that have happened? How could the girl disappear without a


[2.106] “Dr. Rogers,” Nick broke in, sounding as respectful as he could, “She just tried to

save a girl she thought was drowning. She thought she saw somebody out there.”

[2.107] Why doesn't he say I ought to be locked in the loony bin? Jessie said to herself.

[2.108] Trish and Dot were obviously shocked at Nick's nerve in standing up to the school


[2.109] Dr. Rogers inhaled sharply. “Nick, you know as well as I do that there was no good

reason for either of you to be on that beach today. It was unsafe and had been closed down for a

good reason. You were breaking the law. That's something young people have too little respect for.

You could have gotten yourselves killed.”

[2.110] “Jessie almost did get herself killed,” Dot's voice squeaked. “Nick saved her from


[2.111] Mrs. Rogers paled. Dr. Rogers was speech- less for a moment. The lawyer stood

silently beside the car, tensely gripping the door handle.

[2.112] “I know, Dad, I know. I'm going,” Jessie finally said. She slipped past everyone

into the house and locked herself in her bedroom. Only then did the shock of everything she had

just gone through sink in.


[2.113] Only then did she cry

Chapter III

[3.1] After her friends had been sent home, Jessie listened from her room as her parents sat

down at the dining room table with Mr. Evans. He was the family lawyer and her parents had

known him forever. They were drawing up their child custody plans. Her parents were getting


[3.2] “At seventeen, Jessie is at an age where the judge might ask her with whom she

prefers to live,” said Mr. Evans, bringing up a point that no one had considered

[3.3] “You would think she was old enough, but she certainly doesn't act it,” said Mrs.

Rogers. Her shrill voice penetrated Jessie's bedroom door, even though it was on the second floor

[3.4] “She obviously needs close parental supervision,” said Dr. Rogers in his low, com-

manding voice. “At least we agree on that.”

[3.5] But the conversation soon degenerated into a battle, each parent blaming the other for

Jessie's lapses of judgment. Mrs. Rogers ac cused her husband of not laying down the law. Dr.

Rogers accused his wife of doing too little to help Jessie get over her “worst tendencies.” Perhaps

Mrs. Rogers wasn't stern enough. At any rate, his wife's relatives certainly seemed to be kooky

enough all a bunch of day- dreamers and drifters.

[3.6] “It all started when she was a kid. Remember that time she walked on the newly

poured cement driveway and got her shoes stuck in the muck?” Dr. Rogers said. “We'd just bought

them for her fourth birthday and had to throw them away.”

[3.7] “Yes,” said Mrs. Rogers, “You were supposed to be watching her. But you were on

the telephone talking to the superintendent!”

[3.8] “She's always so impulsive,” complained Dr. Rogers. "She just had to run out into the

street to save that damn cat. The car swerved and hit a tree, and that cat bit her for all her pains.

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