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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

i Jenjang

I_ : Bahasa lnggris : SMPIMTs

--------------- ------ ---------------------- - ----�

! Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 24 April 20 l 9 t ium , 1_0_ .30_ - �2Jo __

.11. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang mcliputi: a. Ke\engkapan jumlah halaman dan urutannya.

I b. Kc\engkapan nomor soal dan urutannya. c. Kcscsuaian Numa Mata Uji dan Program Studi yang tertera pada kanan atas

Naskah Soal dengan Lernbar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN). 11 d. LJUN yang masih menyatu dengan naskah soal I

. 2. Laporkan kepada pcngawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat Jcmbar soal, nomor soal

yang tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUN yang rusak, robck atau terlipat untuk ·1

memperoleh gantinya. 3. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Pcserta Ujian Anda pada kolom yang disediakan di

i halaman pertama soal ujian. 4. Gunakan pcnsil 2B untuk mengisi LJUN dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: 1

a. Tuliskan Nama Anda pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.

b. Tuliskan Nomor Pcserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang discdiakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya I

c. Tuliskan Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda I !I

pada kotak yang disediakan. I d. Salinlah kalimat bcrikut pada tcmpat yang disediakan dalarn LJUN: "Saya i

I mengerjakan ujian denganjujur" '11 5, Jika terjadi kcsalahan dalam mengisi bulatan, hapus sebersih mungkin dengan karet

penghapus kemudian bulatan yang menurut Anda benar. , 't 6. Pisahkan LJUN dari Naskah Soal secara hati-hati dengan cara menyobck pada


tempat yang telah ditentukan. 17, Waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal adalah 120 rnenit. 18. Naskah terdiri dari 50 butir soal yang masing-rnasing dengan 4 (empat) pilihan 'i=� . I 9. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator. HP, label matematika atau alat bantu hitung i]

I lainnya.

lO. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kcpada pengawas ruang ujian. ! \_ 11. Lem bar soal_ boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan _LJUN tidak _ boleh dicorat-co�t. I

SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN Berdoolah sebelum menger jakan seal.

Kerjakan dengon jujur, kareno kejujuron ado!ah cermin kepribadmn.

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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs 3 SANGA T RAI IASIA


Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following notice.

1. What merit will students get upon understanding the notice? A They feel secure as everyone should be friendly. B. They have to make friends with anybody. C. They will be careful in choosing friends. D. They should behave appropriately.

2. If the school spots any student against others, what most likely must be done by school? A The school will establish a stricter rule. B. The school environment will not be conducive for learning. C. The student will not become popular among others. D. The school must handle this problematic student wisely.

' I

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Typewritten text
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_ _ Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs ue_stions 3 to 6 are based o�_!!lis te�J_.___ _ __ _ __

The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and i1 opened daily (except Friday). The Museum building has adopted the traditional Aceh House, while at the same time it resembles a ship with its protruding bowsprit.

Stepping inside, one will find a narrow corridor with water flowing from either side accompanied by scary rumbling sounds, reminding of the devastation made by the 2004 tsunami. The Museum also features an electronic simulation of the Indian Ocean earthquake, pictures of the casualties, and stories and testimonies of survivors.

The first floor is an open area which serves as reminder of the tsunami disaster. There are several sections on the first floor which recall the unfortunate day including pre­ tsunami, the D-day, and post-tsunami pictures. Several images, ruins, and a diorama are showcased here. Some of the most notable dioramas are fishing boats being hit by the high waves and dashed ashore. There is also a picture of the PLTD Apung Ship which was swept up and carried far inland to finally come aground at Punge Blang Cut.

The second floor features educational media including a library, simulation rooms, 4D room, and a souvenir shop. Some of the exhibits showcased here are an earthquake resistant building and a model of the earth crust. There is also a room displaying tsunami disaster paintings and dioramas.

3. In general, the text informs about .... A. the catastrophic tsunami in Aceh B. the construction of Aceh Tsunami Museum C. the features and displays of Acch Tsunami Museum D. the reasons to remember the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh

4. On the second floor of the museum the visitors will be able to .... A. find the pictures of tsunami's victims B. see how the earth's crust is structured C. know how tsunami destroyed everything D. hear the story of people who survived tsunami

5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? A. Despite the devastating disaster, some boats managed to come aground. B. Visitors may feel terrified and touched by the testimonies of survivors. C. The reminders of the tsunami disaster are displayed on the first floor. D. How fishing boats dashed onto the shore.

6. Upon entering the museum, visitors may feel frightened ... the scary rumbling water flowing from either side.

A. when B. although C. in order to D. because of

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EiiiiBiiiiliiM Questions 7 and 8 refer to the followma text. Dear Haikal,

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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs 5

Congratulations on receiving the perfect attendance award! Going to school every single day and never skip the classes is not easy. You already possess the trails of a true winner. Love, Mom

7. The writer sent the card in order to .... A. show the sympathy of someone's misfortune B. recall someone for being a winner at school C. congratulate someone on achieving something great D. congratulate someone for being an accomplished teenager

8. Why did Haikal get an award? A. He has accomplished a great task. B. He never comes late to school. C. He is never absent from the class school. D. He is a diligent and perfect student.

uestions 9 to 13 refer to the followin text. Have you ever seen the pictures on our banknote rupiah? Yes, the Indonesian national

hero picture. One of them is the picture Mohammad Thamrin. His face is featured on the one side ofRp 20,000.00 banknote. Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin was a Betawi or Jakarta of origin. He was born in Weltevreden, Batavia (now Sawah Beser, Jakarta), on 16 February 1894. His father Thamrin bin Thabri was a Wedana (district head) of the Batavia Dutch East Indies administrative under Governor General Johan Comelis van der Wijck. It was a very rare position for an inlanders (Indonesian native) in the Dutch East Indies government system.

Because of his father position, little Tharnrin was lucky enough to have education in his early days. First he entered Bosch Institute (a kind of private Dutch Elementary School). After graduated from this school, he then proceeded to Koning Willem III Gymnasium High School, which made him very easy to get an administrative job later. He then worked in several governmental jobs before finally working as a Book Keeper in Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (KPM - a Dutch Shipping Venture). This was his last job as an employee because after that, he only devoted his energy and mind to the social and political issues.

9. The text mainly focuses on .... A. the Betawi' s great figure B. Moh. Hoesni Thamrin biography C. Muhammad Hoesni Thamrin's political activities D. the education privilege of Moh. Hocsni Thamrin

10. lloesni Thamrin found an easy job because ... A. he had studied in a Dutch school. B. he had a good educational background. C. his father had a good position as an inlanders. 0. his father worked in several governmental job.

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What did Moh. Hoesni Thamrin do before being involved in a social political issues? A Spending most of his time studying. B. Working in a Dutch company. C. Changing job several times. D. Taking his father position.

S \Nl,,\ I K \HASI \



12. The underlined word in" ... he only devoted his energy and mind ... " in paragraph 2 can be replaced with ....

A. spent B. thought C. gave D. served

13. Hoesni Thamrin finally decided to stop being an employee and dedicated his life ... social and political issues.

A. behind B. under C. for D. to

Ouestions 14 and 15 refer to the followlna text. ANNOUNCEMENT

2" APRIL 2018 Try outs will be held on Monday, April 9th and Tuesday April iost from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday April 12th, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the common room.

Registration forms are available in the administrative office.

14. The text above is intended to .... A. tell the deadline of the tryouts B. inform the tryouts payment C. announce the tryouts schedule D. remind the change of tryouts schedule

15. For students wishing to join the tryouts, what should they do after reading the announcement? A. Check the schedule of the try outs. B. Go to the common room and get registered. C. Ask the materials of the tryouts. D. Register in the administrative office.

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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs uestions 16 to 18 refer to the followin text. =�-- Once upon a time, there was an old snake who was too weak to hunt for frogs. Then, he had an idea to trap the frogs. He went to a pond full of frogs, and relaxed on the bank without any intention to hunt. At first the frogs ran away, but then they approached him. The frog king asked, "O Snake! Why don't you hunt us as usual?"

The snake replied, "Last night, I bit a holy priest. He cursed me that from then on, I have to serve frogs. So, I lie here to give a ride on my back to any frog who needs service."

Then, the king decided to take a ride. The snake rode him around the pond, and the king was very pleased. However, the next morning, when the king frog asked to ride on the snake back, he said, "I am too weak to crawl. I have not eaten for so long, and must eat something to be strong to give you a ride."

The frog king decided that they must take turns to serve the snake; one frog each day to keep him strong. From then onwards, the snake gave ride to the frogs, and got to eat one frog every day. However, the king of frogs was too excited that he did not realize the frogs were rapidly decreasing. finally, one day, the snake also ate the king and the entire frogs in the pond were gone.

Adapted from:

16. What is the main point of the story? A. How the old snake got cursed. B. How the snake befriended with the frogs. C. How the old snake fooled and ate the frogs. D. How the frogs king got rid of the snake.

17. What adjective best describes the king frog? A. Wise. B. Thoughful. C. Thoughtless. D. Intelligent.

18. "The frog king decided that they must serve the snake ... ", (last paragraph). The underlined word is closed in meaning with ....

A. satisfy B. work for C. control D. look for

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Page 8: Bahasa Inggris SMP/ · 2019. 8. 15. · The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and . i1

I DOKUMEN NEGARA I .,,,,,,,,. 8

Ouestlons 19 to 22 refer to the followins text.

I IIIIIII II IIII IIII illl llll llll lllll Ill llll Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

Galileo Galilei was born in 1564 in the city of Pisa, Italy. About twenty years later he attended the University of Pisa. At first, he wanted to become a doctor, but while he was there he became interested in science and decided to become a scientist. In 1592, a year after his father's death, the University of Padua invited him to be a professor of Mathematics. He stayed there for 19 years, where he became interested in the stars. He invented an instrument which made far-away-things look larger and easier to examine. It is called the telescope. It could make things look thirty-two times bigger. Using this instrument, Galileo could see the stars. He then began to study them and other things in the sky.

Galileo studied the moon first and discovered that the Moon has a spherical shape just like our earth, with mountains and valleys. When he studied the stars, he discovered that the "moving stars", were not really stars, but worlds like the Earth. He showed that Copernicus was right; the earth and the planets indeed moved around the Sun. Galileo also discovered th<\! one big planet, Jupiter, had four moons, but he made a mistake by naming them planets. Gat\leo developed many other things too, such as clocks and watches. He also wrote many important books which opened the way to the discovery of new things. Unfortunately, in 1637 he lost his eye-sight. However, he continued to work until he passed away on January 8, 1642.

19. What made Galileo interested in learning about the stars? A. The University of Padua made him love everything about stars. B. He became a professor of Mathematics and started studying the stars. C. He could see stars using the telescope he invented and started studying them. D. He invented a telescope which made sky objects look larger and easier to examine.

20. In the text above, Galileo had a misconception on .... A. considering Jupiter as the biggest planet B. naming the moons around Jupiter as planets C. discovering that the stars moved around the Sun D. considering that the Moon has similar shape as the Earth

21. The word "him" in " ... the University of Padua invited him ... (paragraph 1)" refers to .... A. the Mathematician B. Galileo's father C. the professor D. Galileo

22. The underlined word in "He invented an instrument which ... " in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ....

A. discovered B. utilized C. described D. designed

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Ouestlons 23 and 24 refer to the followinz text. Dear Mrs. Linda,

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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

I am really sorry. I missed your class today. My parents had a doctor's appointment and my younger sister was home alone so I had to go home earlier and looked after her. I'll make sure that I will catch up with important points of your class and do my homework.

Best regards, Sherly

23. The writer's aim of writing the text is to .... A. inform the readers that Sherly had to accompany her parents to the doctor B. ask for Mrs. Linda's apology for having to look after her sister at home C. ask permission to Mrs. Linda that she had to leave her class D. show her regret that she could not attend Ms. Linda's class

24. The reason Sherly did not attend Mrs. Linda's class is that she had to .... A. nurture her sister B. take care of her younger sister C. make an appointment with the doctor D. accompany her parents to see the doctor

25. By reading the text, the readers will .... A. get detailed information about the product B. be informed about the benefits of the product C. be able to schedule the product consumption D. know the procedure of how to consume the product

26. The ads claims that the product .... A. brings no cholesterol 8. has no vegetable proteins C. is excellent on calcium and fat D. keeps the natural flavours of its ingredients

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I OOKUMEN NEGARA I •11111111¥+ 10

uestions 27 to 29 refer to the followim! text,


Long time ago, there lived a powerful boy named Joko Sakti. His magical power had made an old magician jealous. The wicked magician cursed the boy, so his body was covered with a very disgusting smell. Due to his condition, no one wanted to be close to him. They were afraid of being affected by his disease.

One day, the boy dreamed of an old woman who could cure his illness. He wanted to find her. He visited every village, but the villagers always rejected him. They were disgusted and turned him away.

One day, the boy arrived at a village where most people were arrogant. He managed to get in and asked about the old woman. However, the villagers immediately expelled him without answering his question. Feeling disappointed, the boy reminded the villagers to always help people in need. The villagers ignored his words and even spat at him. The boy felt so hurt that he quickly stuck a stick on the ground and said, ''No one can pull this stick off the ground but ME!" Soon, one villager tried to pull out the stick, but they couldn't. When he managed to pull up the stick, water sprang from the ground around the stick. The water swept over the boy's diseased skin, and miraculously it was cured. The water came out more and more and became hotter. Not long after, it drowned the whole village. As for the boy, with his magical power, he escaped the flood. The boy looked at the drowned village which had become a lake. He then named the lake Telaga Rawa Pening.

27. What can we learn from the story? A. We must welcome strangers who come to our house. B. We have to cure someone with skin disease. C. We must be willing to help people in need. D. We have to keep calm in bad situation.

28. What happen right after the boy pulled the stick from the ground? A. The village was drowned. B. Hot water sprang out from the ground. C. The water from the spring got hotter. D. Telaga Rawa Pening was formed.

29. made by- Telaga Rawa Pening -Joko Sakti's stick- sprang- water-which was 1 2 3 4 5 6

What is the best arrangement of the words to make a good sentence? A.2-1-4-6-3-5 B. 3 - 5 - 1 -2 -6 -4 C.2-4-5-6-1-3 D. 3 ----0 -4 - 1 - 5 -2

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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs )uestions 30 to 32 refer to the following text. Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is one of the Australia's unique animals that have pockets (marsupials) like a kangaroo. The name of Koala comes from the aboriginal language which means "not drinking". It is because Koala rarely drinks water. They rely on water contained in eucalyptus leaves. They can be found along the eastern coast of Australia from Adelaide to Cape York Peninsula They can also be found far inside the jungle. They live in areas which have enough rainfalls.

They have a distinctive body shape. They have thick and soft fur and wide ears. They also have large claws for climbing trees. The body weight is different from one another. For example, the males can reach 14 kg, while the females in the northern part weigh only S kg.

They spend all their time at the top of the tree. They are quiet animals and do not like a fuss. They spend 20 hours each day to sleep. However, during the mating season, they become more active. Even the males can emit a loud sound and can be heard up to a radius of I km.

In the wild, they only eat eucalyptus leaves. They contain low protein phenolic and terpene compounds. These compounds can be toxic to other animals. However, they can neutralize those toxins in their heart. They usually eat at night because during the day, they always fall asleep. They generally spend about 500 grams of eucalyptus leaves per day. They will chew it till smooth before swallowina it.

30. What is the text about? A A general description of koalas. B. The physical appearance of koalas. C. The daily behaviour of koalas. O. An explanation of koalas' life.

31. How can Koala survive although they seldom drink? A They have pockets to keep water. B. They get water from eucalyptus leaves. C. They consume water at the top of the tree. D. They like sleeping so they do not get thirsty easily.

32. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? A Eucalyptus leaves contain dangerous compounds. B. Koalas prevent their bodies from toxins in eucalyptus leaves. C. Koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves during the night. D. Koalas have a unique eating habit.

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ucstions 33 and 34 refer to the following text.

I IIIIIIII Ill lllll llll llll lllll llll lllll ill llll Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

The Sumatran rhinoceros or Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis is the most endangered of all rhinoceros species due to its rapid rate of decline. The species was declared extinct in the wild in 2015. The main threats to their survival in the wild arc poaching and habitat destruction by humans.

Sumatran rhinos are generally solitary creatures that feed on fruit, twigs, leaves, and shrubs. Being the smallest rhino, Sumatran rhino weighs about 1,760 pounds, and its height reaches 5 feet and 8 to IO feet in length. Unlike most other rhinos, their skin, dark red-brown in color, is covered with short, dark, stiff hair.

The Sumatran rhino lives in dense tropical forests, both lowland and highland, mainly on the island of Sumatra and in central Borneo. Their life span is 35 and 40 years. The mothers are believed to give birth to one calf about every 3 years. This condition contributes to their extinction. Some Sumatran rhinos are kept in zoos, but they rarely breed in captivity.

Rhino Protection Units are hoped to be the shield for Sumatran rhinos. These units guard Sumatran rhinos in protected areas. Continued protection, added with uniting small groups of population into larger ones, provides the best possible hope for the species's survival.

33. In every 3 years, female rhino generally .... A. has its health examined in zoo B. gives birth only one baby rhino C. dies due to human poaching D. is sent to the zoo

34. "The Sumatran Rhino lives in dense tropical forest. .. ", (paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

A. loose B. thick C. wild D. barren

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nuestions 35 to 37 refer to the followine text.

Things you'll need 1. Leather cleaner 2. Leather conditioner 3. Bubble wrap 4. Dust bag or pillowcase 5. Tissue paper 6. Soft cotton cloth 7. Suede brush 8. White chalk powder

I lmll I ll1i 11111111 Ml 111 ll!il Ii 1111 Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs 13

Maintenacc of Leather Handbags: • Handle leather handbags with clean hands. • Apply a cleaner specially made for leather. • Moisturize your bag with a leather conditioner to keep it supple. • Do not use a conditioner on patent leather purse • Remove stains as soon as you notice them. • Stuff your unused bag with bubble wrap to restore and keep its shape. • Clean suede bags with a suede brush. (takenfrom:

35. The text is useful for readers to .... A. be able to use a leather bag B. be encouraged to create a leather bag C. know how to maintain a leather bag D. be informed how to store a leather bag

36. What must we do to keep leather bag soft? A. Hold it with clean hands. B. Coat it with bubble wrap. C. Apply a leather cleaner. D. Apply a leather conditioner.

37. It is not suggested to apply the moisturizer ... genuine leather purse. A. in B. over C.on D. into

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-SiiiiiiHM 14

Ouestlons 38 to 40 refer to the followine: text.

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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

Many years ago, the sea tasted like ordinary rainwater so it was tasteless. The people living in the islands did not have salt for their food but, luckily, they knew about a friendly giant who kept mounds of salt in his cave. People would cross the ocean with their boats to reach the giant's island, and that was how they were able to bring salt back to their villages in order to prepare more delicious meals.

One day the ocean was quite rough for several days so they could not sail out to gather salt. They eventually ran out of salt and the villagers could no longer enjoy their tasteless meals. They wondered how they could get salt again. A child suggested them to ask the giant to stretch out his legs over the ocean so that they could walk on his legs to his island. The kind-hearted giant agreed, and the villagers with empty salt sacks walked along the giant's legs.

Unfortunately, the giant's feet landed on an ant hill, and the dangerous red ants started biting his enormous legs. The giant felt hurt, but they still managed to arrive at the giant's island to get the salt. On their way back home, the giant asked the people to hurry up, but the heavy salt sacks slowed them down.

Before the villagers could make it back to their island, the giant cried out and push his ant­ bitten feet into the ocean. All the packed salt fell into the plain-water sea and dissolved. The giant saved the people from drowning, but no one was able to get the spilled salt again. From that day, the sea became salty.

(adapted from; tales/)

38. What does the text tell us about? A. Why a giant is friendly to people. B. Who the native of the sea was. C. How to get salt from the sea. D. Why the sea is salty.

39. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? A. The villagers dropped the salt into the sea. B. The dropping of the salt into the sea made sea water salty. C. The giant could no longer stand the ants' bite. D. The giant saved the people but not their salt sacks.

40. Why did the giant pull his foot off and put it into the ocean? A. His feet was full of villagers. B. His feet was loaded with sacks of salt. C. His feet was bitten by dangerous ants. D. He felt tired of stretching out his feet.

P-A-20I8no19 °Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUO

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Page 15: Bahasa Inggris SMP/ · 2019. 8. 15. · The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and . i1

11111111 ffil 1111 �! ffll ! Ill! ii 1111

Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs 15 SANG A I I{ \IIASIA


4 uestions 41 to 43 refer to the followine text. Sun Cereal

Do you have no time for breakfast in the morning? Get Sun Cereal, pour hot water on it, and that's all! You will have a bowl of nutritious breakfast! Sun Cereal is absolutely for you who are always busy in the morning. Now you can prepare a nutritious breakfast for the whole family in less than 5 minutes.

Sun Cereal contains nourishing ingredients such as: Protein Carbohydrate Calcium, Vitamins A, B, C and D

Huny Up and Grab Sun Cereal. Do not let time take away your breakfast.

(taken from:

4 l. What is the writer's intention in writing the text? A. To persuade people to buy Sun Cereal. B. To tell how to make nutritious breakfast. C. To promote the nourishing ingredient. D. To give information about the product.

42. We know from the text that Sun Cereal is ... food. A. complicated B. saturated C. instant D. filling

43. The underlined word "Hurry Up and Grab Sun Cereal" in last paragraph in the text is closest in meaning to ....

A. buy 8. win C. carry D. hold

P-A-2018nOl9 Cfiak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

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Page 16: Bahasa Inggris SMP/ · 2019. 8. 15. · The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and . i1

r ooKUMEN NEGARA I llfhiiiiiiiiii 16

Juestions 44 to 46 refer to the followine text.

1111111111 11111111111111111111111


Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

Gedong Songo, a group of small 8th century Hindu Javanese temples, is a resort on the slope of mount Ungaran, about 900 meters above sea level. The place can be reached either by car or on horseback from the town. Built at about the same time as the temples of the Dieng complex, Gedong Songo is one of the most beautiful temple complexes in Central Java and the views alone are worth the trip.

Both Gedong Songo temples and the temples of the Dieng complex belong to the earliest antiquities of Java. They are situated in a quiet, cool and peaceful place, as other holy and worship places were. They are also built high in the volcanic mountains. While the temples on Dieng Plateau are likely gathered in a foggy valley, Gedong Songo temples spread over the higher parts of the mountains, which guarantees a splendid view. On clear days, we can see an amazing row of volcanoes in the horizon, from Mount Lawu in the east, towards Mount Sumbing, Mount Sundoro, and Dieng Plateau in the west.

The temples were built-between 730 and 780 AD, except the first temple, which could have been built some 30 years later. Gedong Songo is not the original name and also does not point at the number of structures. The number nine (songo) has a special meaning in the Javanese culture, in which there is a strong attachment to numbers. The temples are located at about the same distance from each other (100 meters, 200 meters) on a naturally formed terrace at the edge of a mountain.

(adapted from: htt-ns://

44. The text tells the Gedong Songc related to its .... A. name B. origin C. history D. description

4 5. We know from the text above that the buildings were constructed in an area which is .... A. a busy and peaceful valley of a full volcanic activity area B. a noisy and crowded valley, on a top of a mountain C. a calm and peaceful place on a top of a mountain D. a silent and peaceful place on a mountain slope

46. . ... its amazing scenery, Gedong Songo becomes one of the most desirable tourist attractions in Central Java.

A. When B. Although C. Due to D.If

P-A-2018/2019 °Rak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

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Page 17: Bahasa Inggris SMP/ · 2019. 8. 15. · The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and . i1


,'. SAN(iA r RAI !ASIA 17 11111111111111

1!111 illl 1111111111!11 ii 1111

Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

Tania : "Is it true what the newspaper said?" Johny : "Which part?" Tania : "The one that told our basketball team won the first winner in last week

competition?" : "Yup. I was also a part of the team, remember?" : "Oh, sorry I forgot. Well done. I'm really glad to hear it." : "Oh, nothing special actually. It's the result of our extensive practice.

After all, that's teamwork." : "That's great achievement, bro. By the way, when will our team play

again?" : "Thanks. We'll play in the province competition next December." : "Hopefully, our team will win again. You have to practise harder " : "Surel . We will be the cham ion in the com etition."

47. We know from the dialog, it is necessary to .... A. read sport news in the newspaper B. support our friends to be a good athlete C. show our happiness on someone's achievement D. be the champion in every sport competition

48. How did Tania know Johny's winning on the competition? A. Tania came to Johny's house. B. Tania watched the competition. C. Johny showed the result of the competition. D. Tania read the news on the newspaper.


Johny Tania John

Johny Tania Johny

P-A-2018/2019 °Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pcndidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

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Page 18: Bahasa Inggris SMP/ · 2019. 8. 15. · The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and . i1


SANl.,,\ T RAB ASIA 18 111111111111 m1m1111111111111111111

Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs 1uestions 49 and 50 refer to the following text. B.J. Habibie was born on June 25, 1936, in Pare Pare, South Sulawesi. He was an Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician and former president of Indonesia (1998-99). He was brilliant in science and mathematics since he was a child. He underwent his tertiary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained there as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor.

Indonesian second president then, Suharto, asked Habibie to return to Indonesia to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Firstly assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles, he supervised a number of companies involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition.

In 1993 he showed the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design. In the following year he launched a plan to rebuild more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The finance ministry refused to finance the latter. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for rebuilding. His achievement made him viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto in the late 1990s.

He became a president, from vice- president, after Suharto announced his resignation in May 1998, after the wake of large-scale violence in Jakarta. He ruled the country until 1999 due to his speech in front of extra-ordinary plenary session of MPR was rejected. He went back to stay in Germany until his wife passed away in 2010.

(adapted from: https:/

49. The text informs readers about .... A. the biography ofB.J. Habibie B. the description ofB.J. Habibie C. the success stories ofB.J. Habibie D. the story of Indonesia's third president

50. We know from the text that B.J Habibie became Indonesia's president because he .... A. replaced Suharto's position who resigned earlier B. was the best aircraft engineer in Indonesia C. was elected in the Indonesia's general election D. achieved a great success as an aeronautics researcher

P-A-2018/2019 oHak Cipla pada Pusa1 Penilaian Pendidikan-BALJTBANG·KEMDIKBUD

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