Page 1: B. inggris bisnis 2 ( job interview )


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Interviewer : Tell us about yourself?

Applicant : My name ARINI NURMALA SARI, born in Jakarta, 15 May 1990,

Live in jakarta with my parents, my last education S1 economic

management Gunadarma University, during college had been a lab

assistant in college.

Interviewer : Who's your best boss?

Applicant : I have learned from each of my leadership. Of good, what to do, from

the challenging - what not to do.

Early in my career, I had a mentor who helped me a lot of things, we

still keep in touch. To be honest I have learned a lot from every leader

that I had.

Interviewer : What is your role when participating in the team?

Applicant : In college, I enjoy playing soccer and performing with marching

bands, each of which requires a different type of game, but the overall

goal of learning to be a very valuable member of the group. I continue

to grow as a student and debate team member to join our Student

Cooperative where many teams duty.

Page 2: B. inggris bisnis 2 ( job interview )

Interviewer : You prefer to work individually or in teams?

Applicant : I am equally comfortable working both as a team member or

independently. When I find out these companies, the company's

mission statement and job description, I can see similarities with my

previous position where there are some tasks that require a lot of work

and independent research and other necessary parts of effective

teamwork. As I said, I am comfortable with both.

Interviewer : Why should we accept you?

Applicant : because I was a hard worker, professional, reliable and a team


Interviewer : What criticism you often receive?

Applicant : No persistent criticism. I am open to personal and professional

development as well as very happy to get the chance to improve


Interviewer : How many hours do you work a week?

Applicant : I work as much as necessary to get the job done.

Interviewer : How do you best strength will help your performance?

Applicant : My biggest strength is my ability to work with different people. I

enjoy learning from all the people I have met, and in this position I

believe that this will improve my ability to perform better in the team.

Interviewer : What is your biggest weakness?

Applicant : When I was working on a project, I do not want to just work to meet


Instead, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

Being organized is not my strongest point, but I implemented a time

management system that really helped my organizational abilities.

Page 3: B. inggris bisnis 2 ( job interview )

Interviewer : How do you handle stress or pressure?

Applicant : I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It is a great stress


Interviewer : When was the last you angry?

Applicant : Anger to me means loss of control. I did not lose control. When I get

stressed, I step back, take a deep breath, thoughtfully think about the

situation and then begin to formulate a plan of action.

Interviewer : How do you judge success?

Applicant : I judge success differently. In the workplace, how to meet the goals set

by my boss and my colleagues.

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