bloom's taxonomy psychomotor domain (suryana) baru 2 taksonomi dave

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  • 7/23/2019 Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain (Suryana) Baru 2 Taksonomi DAVE


    Berdasarkan versi RH Dave tentang Domain psikomotor ('Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives', 1970.

    Dimodifikasi oleh Simpson, Gronlund, dan kawan-kawan.

    Deskripsi Kategori-kategori Utama Domain


    Contoh Kegiatan atau unjuk

    kerja dan bukti yang terukur

    Kata kerja yang digunakan

    untuk menyatakan


    1. Imitation tahap awal dalam belajar keterampilan

    yang kompleks, secara diam, setelah siswa

    menunjukkan kesiapan untuk melakukan suatu

    tindakan. Imitasi termasuk mengulangi kegiatan

    yang telah didemonstrasikan atau dijelaskan, dan ini

    meliputi tahap coba-coba hingga mencapai respon

    yang tepat.

    Tingkah laku mengamati dan meniru orang lain.

    Unjuk kerja yang ditampilkan masih rendah


    Memperhatikan Guru dan

    mengulangi kegiatan dan

    proses yang dicontohkan.

    Contoh: Mengkopi pekerjaan


    Imitation Mengikuti, memulai,

    membengkokkan, merakit

    (mengumpulkan), mencoba,

    melaksanakan, menyalin,

    mengkalibrasi, membangun,

    membedah, menduplikasi,

    mengikuti, meniru, bergerak,

    berlatih, melanjutkan, mengulangi,

    meniru, mereproduksi,

    menjawab/merespon, mengelola,

    membuat sketsa, mulai, mencoba,


    2. Manipulation- seseorang terus berlatih danmempraktekkan suatu keterampilan atau urutan tertentu

    hingga menjadi terbiasa dan mampu melakukan suatu

    pekerjaan dengan sedikit percaya dan kemampuan.

    Respon lebih kompleks daripada di tingkat sebelumnya,

    tetapi siswa tersebut masih belum "percaya akan dirinya


    Mampu melakukan kegiatan tertentu dengan mengikuti

    perintah dan berlatih.

    Melaksanakan tugas yangdiberikan melalui tulisan atau

    secara lisan

    Contoh: Menciptakan

    pekerjaan sendiri, setelah

    mengikuti pelajaran atau

    membaca tulisan tentang

    pekerjaan tersebut.

    Manipulation- (sama sepertiimitasi), acquire, merakit,

    membangun, melengkapi,

    melaksanakan, melakukan,

    menggapai, menangani,



    meningkatkan, membuat,

    memanipulasi, mengoperasikan,

    menampilkan, memproduksi,

    memajukan, mencipta kembali,


    3. Precision- keahlian telah dicapai. Kecakapan

    (profisiensi) dibuktikan dengan unjuk kerja yang cepat,

    halus, dan akurat, dengan memerlukan tenaga minimum.

    Respon (Tanggapan) yang diberikan sangat kompleks

    dan dilakukan tanpa ragu-ragu.

    Refining,sudah lebih tepat. Hanya sedikit kesalahan.

    Melakukan suatu tugas atauaktivitas dengan keahlian dan

    kualitas yang tinggi tanpa

    bantuan atau instruksi; dapat

    mendemonstrasikan kegiatan

    kepada siswa lainnya

    Contoh:Bekerja dan

    Mengerjakan lagi sesuatu,

    jadi dapat dikatakan "Sangat


    Precision- (sama seperti imitasi

    dan manipulasi), mencapai,

    menyelesaikan, memajukan,

    automatize, mengkalibrasi,

    melengkapi, mengontrol,

    mendemonstrasikan, membedakan

    (melalui sentuhan), exceed, excel,

    menguasai, menyempurnakant,

    mencapai, refine menghaluskan,

    menunjukkan, succeed,

    mengungguli, melampaui

    4. Articulation lebih tinggi dari tingkat presisi.

    Keterampilan berkembang dengan baik

    sehinggaseseorang dapat mengubah pola gerakan sesuaidengan persyaratan khusus atau untuk mencapai masalah


    Mengkoordinasikan serangkaian kegiatan , untuk

    mencapai konsistensi internal dan keharmonisan.

    Menghubungkan dan

    menggabungkan kegiatan-

    kegiatan yang berkaitan danmengembangkan metoda

    untuk memenuhi persyaratan

    novel yang bervariasi

    Contoh:Membuat video yang

    di dalamnya terdapat musik,

    drama, pewarnaan, suara, dsb.

    Articulation- mengadaptasi,

    alter, mengubah, mengkonstruksi,

    menggabung, mengkoordinasikan,mengembangkan, excel, express

    (facially), menformulasikan,

    mengintegrasikan, menguasai,

    memodifikasi, menyusun kembali,

    mengorganisasi ulang, merevisi,

    memecahkan, surpass, transcend

    5. Naturalization respon diberikan secara spontan. Menentukan tujuan, Naturalization menyusun


  • 7/23/2019 Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain (Suryana) Baru 2 Taksonomi DAVE


    Siswa mulai bereksperimen , menciptakan cara

    memanipulasi bahan di luar pemahaman, kemampuan

    dan keterampilan yang dikembangkan. Seseorang

    bertindak tanpa berpikir.

    creating new motor acts or ways of manipulating

    materials out of understandings, abilities, and skills

    developed. One acts "without thinking."

    melakukan unjuk kerja level tinggi secara alamiah, tanpa

    perlu berpikir lama.

    Having high level performance become natural, without

    needing to think much about it.

    pendekatan dan strategi

    melakukan kegiatan untuk

    memenuhi kebutuhan

    strategis. (Define aim,

    approach and strategy for use

    of activities to meet strategic


    Contoh: Michael Jordan

    bermain basket, Nancy Lopez

    memukul bola golf, dsb.



    mengkonstruksi, mencipta,

    mendesain, menemukan,

    mengelola, originate, mengelola

    proyek, refine, membuat

    spesifikasi, transcend

    Ranah Psikomotor Dave di atas paling banyak dijadikan rujukan dan digunakan dalam menginterpretasikan ranah

    psikomotor. Dua orang lainnya, yaitu: Simpson's, and Harrow's. Diperlukan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami

    perbedaan interpretasi ketiga ranah Psikomotor tersebut. Masing-masingnya tentu memiliki perbedaan dan

    penggunaannya juga berbeda.

    In my view the Dave model is adequate and appropriate for most adult training in the workplace. For young

    children, or for adults learning entirely new and challenging physical skills (which may require some additional

    attention to awareness and perception, and mental preparation), or for anyone learning skills which involve

    expression of feeling and emotion, then the Simpson or Harrow models can be more useful because they more

    specifically address these issues.

    Simpson's versionis particularly useful if you are taking adults out of their comfort zones, because it addresses

    sensory, perception (and by implication attitudinal) and preparation issues. For example anything fearsome or

    threatening, like emergency routines, conflict situations, tough physical tasks or conditions.

    Harrow's versionis particularly useful if you are developing skills which are intended ultimately to express, convey

    and/or influence feelings, because its final level specifically addresses the translation of bodily activities (movement,

    communication, body language, etc) into conveying feelings and emotion, including the effect on others. For

    example, public speaking, training itself, and high-level presentation skills.

    The Harrow and Simpson models are also appropriate for other types of adult development. For example, teaching

    adults to run a difficult meeting, or make a parachute jump, will almost certainly warrant attention on sensory

    perception and awareness, and on preparing oneself mentally, emotionally, and physically. In such cases therefore,

    Simpson's or Harrow's model would be more appropriate than Dave's.

    Ranah Psikomotor

    Ranah Psikomotor mengacu pada penggunaan keterampilan motor dasar, koordinasi, dan gerakan fisik. Kelompok

    penelitian Bloom tidak mengembangkan kategori ranah ini secara mendalam dengan alas an karena kurangnya

    pengalaman mengajar keterampilan tersebut . Bloom's research group did not develop in-depth categories of this

    domain, claiming lack of experience in teaching theseskills. Akan tetapi, Simpson (1972) mengembangkan tujuhkategori psikomotor untuk mendukung domain Bloom. developed seven psychomotor categories to support Bloom's


    Tingkah laku fisik tersebut dipelajari melalui latihan yang berulang-ulang. Kemampuan seseorang dalam

    menampilkan keterampilan tersebut didasarkan pada presisi, kecepatan, jarak, dan teknik. These physical behaviors

    are learned through repetitive practice. A learner's ability to perform these skills is based on precision, speed,

    distance, and technique.(Clark, 1999).'s%20psychomotor%20domain

  • 7/23/2019 Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain (Suryana) Baru 2 Taksonomi DAVE


    3. bloom's taxonomy - psychomotor domain - (physical - skills - 'do')

    Domain psikootor ditentukan untuk perkembangan keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan gerakan fisik dan tugas-

    tugas manual,, akan tetapi domain ini juga meliputi keterampilan social dan bisnis modern seperti alat komunikasi

    dan pengoperasian IT, misalnya keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan keyboard dan tilpun, atau berbicara di depan

    umum. Jadi, keterampilan motorik meluas hingga ke keterampilan fisik dan manual secara tradisional, oleh karena

    itu domain ini harus selalu digunakan walaupun kita pikir bahwa lingkungannya diliputi oleh domain Afektif danKognitif. Apapun situasi pelatihannya, Domain Psikomotor cukup signifikan. Domain psikomotor versi Dave sangat

    menonjol disini karena menurut pandangan saya domain versi Dave tersebut sangat relevan dan membantu dalam

    perkembangan kehidupan dan lingkungan kerja. Walaupun Domain Psikomotor yang disarankan Simson dan

    Harrow lebih relevan dan membantu untuk pelatihan dan perkembangan anak dewasa jenis tertentu, serta pengajaran

    dan perkembangan anak-anak dan remaja, oleh karena itu perlu dieksplor. Setiap versi memiliki kelebihan dan


    The Psychomotor Domain was ostensibly established to address skills development relating to manual tasks and

    physical movement, however it also concerns and covers modern day business and social skills such as

    communications and operation IT equipment, for example telephone and keyboard skills, or public speaking. Thus,

    'motor' skills extend beyond the originally traditionally imagined manual and physical skills, so always consider

    using this domain, even if you think your environment is covered adequately by the Cognitive and Affective

    Domains. Whatever the training situation, it is likely that the Psychomotor Domain is significant. The Dave version

    of the Psychomotor Domain is featured most prominently here because in my view it is the most relevant andhelpful for work- and life-related development, although the Psychomotor Domains suggested by Simpson and

    Harrow are more relevant and helpful for certain types of adult training and development, as well as the teaching

    and development of young people and children, so do explore them all. Each has its uses and advantages.

    Dave's psychomotor domain taxonomy.

    Taksonomi ranah psikomotor Simpson.

    Simpson's psychomotor domain taxonomy

    Interpretasi Elizabeth Simson tentang domain Psikomotor berbeda dengan interpretasi Dave yaitu pada dua level

    tambahan sebelum level imitasi dan copy

    Dua level pertama yaitu Persepsi dan Set diasumsikan atau digabung dalam level pertama Dave yaitu Imitasi

    dengan asumsi berkaitan dengan orang-orang yang sehat (yaitu orang dewasa bukan anak-anak muda), dan siapatau mempersiapkan diri merupakan bagian yang rutin diajarkan, dipelajari, atau diukur. Jika tidak demikian, versi

    Simpson yang lebih komprehensif dapat digunakan untuk melihat bahwa tugas fisik dan pengembangannya sudah

    tercaup. Dengan demikian versi Simpson atau Harrow lebih cocok dibandingkan dengan model Dave terkait dengan

    perkembangan anak-anak muda.

    Elizabeth Simpson's interpretation of the Psychomotor domain differs from Dave's chiefly because it contains extra

    two levels prior to the initial imitation or copy stage. Arguably for certain situations, Simpson's first two levels,

    'Perception' and 'Set' stage are assumed or incorporated within Dave's first 'Imitation' level, assuming that you are

    dealing with fit and healthy people (probably adults rather than young children), and that 'getting ready' or 'preparing

    oneself' is part of the routine to be taught, learned or measured. If not, then the more comprehensive Simpson

    version might help ensure that these two prerequisites for physical task development are checked and covered. As

    such, the Simpson model or the Harrow version is probably preferable than the Dave model for the development of

    young children.


  • 7/23/2019 Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain (Suryana) Baru 2 Taksonomi DAVE


    psychomotor domain (Simpson)




    atau levelDeskripsi Contoh kegiatan atau demonstrasi dan bukti yang harus diukur

    Kata Kerja Operasional yang

    menjelaskan kegiatan yang akan

    diajarkan atau diukur di setiap level.

    1 Perception

    Kesadaran, kemampuan

    menggunakan sensory cues untuk

    membimbing kegiatan fisik.

    Kemampuan untuk menggunakan

    sensory cues untuk mengarahkankegiatan motorik. Hal ini dimulai

    dari stimulus sensor melalui

    pemilihan cues, hingga ke tahap

    translasi (penterjemahan).

    Awareness, the ability to use

    sensory cues to guide physical

    activity. The ability to use sensory

    cues to guide motor activity. This

    ranges from sensory stimulation,

    through cue selection, to translation.

    menggunakan dan/atau memilih indera untuk menahan fakta

    (data) guna mengarahkan gerakan.

    use and/or selection of senses to absorb data for guiding


    Contoh: Mendeteksi isyarat dalam komunikasi non-verbal.

    Memperhitungkan dimana bola akan jatuh ketika dilempar dan

    kemudian bergerak ke tempat yang tepat untuk menangkap bola

    tersebut. Mengatur panas kompor ke suhu yang tepat dengan

    mencium dan mencicipi makanan. Mengatur ketinggian garpu

    pada forklift dengan membandingkan lokasi garpu dengan


    Detects non-verbal communication cues. Estimate where a ball

    will land after it is thrown and then moving to the correct

    location to catch the ball. Adjusts heat of stove to correct

    temperature by smell and taste of food. Adjusts the height of the

    forks on a forklift by comparing where the forks are in relation

    to the pallet.

    Pada akhir program teater music, siswa dapat menghubungkan

    antara tipe music dengan gerakan tarian

    By the end of the music theatre program, students will be able to

    relate types of music to particular dance steps.

    memilih, mendeskripsikan, mendeteksi,

    membedakan, merasa, mendengar,

    mengidentifikasi, mengisolasi,mengenali, menghubungkan, memilah,

    memisah-misahkan, menyentuh.

    chooses, describes, detects,

    differentiates, distinguishes, feels,

    hears, identifies, isolates, notices,

    recognizes, relates, selects, separates,


    2 Set Kesiapan, yaitu kesiapan siswa

    untuk melakukan sesuatu. Kesiapan

    untuk melakukan sesuatu meliputimental, fisik, dan emosi. Ketiganya

    merupakan disposisi yang

    menentukan respon seseorang

    terhadap berbagai situasi. (kadang-

    kadang disebut pola pikir)

    Readiness, a learner's readiness to

    act. Readiness to act. It includes

    mental, physical, and emotional

    sets. These three sets are

    dispositions that predetermine a

    persons response to different

    situations (sometimes called


    Persiapan mental, fisik, dan emosi sebelum melaksanakan tugas.

    mental, physical or emotional preparation before experience or


    Contoh: Mengetahui dan melakukan serangkaian kegiatan

    dalam proses manufaktur. Mengenal kemampuan dan

    keterbatasan seseorang. Menunjukkan keinginan untuk

    mempelajari sesuatu yang baru (motivasi).

    CATATAN: Bagian dari Psikomotor ini sangat berkaitan

    dengan bagian dari Merespon Fenomena ranah Afektif.

    Pada akhir program pendidikan fisik ini, siswa dapat

    mendemonstrasikan stance for batting a ball dengan tepat

    Examples: Knows and acts upon a sequence of steps in a

    manufacturing process. Recognize ones abilities and

    limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process (motivation).

    menyusun, memulai, memajang,

    menjelaskan, gets set, menggerakkan,

    menyiapkan, melanjutkan, memberireaksi, menunjukkan, menyatakan,

    menyarankan, merespon/menanggapi,


    arranges, begins, displays, explains,

    gets set, moves, prepares, proceeds,

    reacts, shows, states, volunteers,

    responds, starts,


  • 7/23/2019 Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor Domain (Suryana) Baru 2 Taksonomi DAVE


    NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is closely related with

    the "Responding to phenomena" subdivision of the Affective


    By the end of the physical education program, students will be

    able to demonstrate the proper stance for batting a ball.



    Mencoba. Langkah awal dalam

    mempelajari keterampilan kompleks

    yang termasuk imitasi dan coba-coba. Ketepatan unjuk kerja

    diperoleh melalui latihan/praktek.

    Attempt. The early stages in

    learning a complex skill that

    includes imitation and trial and

    error. Adequacy of performance is

    achieved by practicing.

    Meniru atau mengikuti instruksi, coba-coba.

    imitate or follow instruction, trial and error.

    Contoh: Melakukan persamaan matetamik seperti yang

    didemonstrasikan. Mengikuti instruksi untuk membuat model.

    Merespon kode tangan yang dilakukan pengajar ketika belajarmengoperasikan forklift.

    Performs a mathematical equation as demonstrated. Follows

    instructions to build a model. Responds hand-signals of

    instructor while learning to operate a forklift.

    Pada akhir program pendidikan fisik, siswa dapat melakukan

    ayunan golf seperti yang didemonstrasikan oleh instructor.

    By the end of the physical education program, students will be

    able to perform a golf swing as demonstrated by the instructor.

    Merakit, membangun, mengkalibrasi,

    mengkonstruksi, menyalin, dismantle,

    memamerkan, membedah,

    mengencangkan, memasang, mengatur,

    mengikuti, menggiling/menggerinda,

    memanaskan, meniru, memanipulasi,mengukur, memperbaiki, mencampur,

    member reaksi, mereproduksi,

    merespon, membuat sketsa, menjiplak,


    assembles, builds, calibrates,

    constructs, copies, dismantles, displays,

    dissects, fastens, fixes, follows, grinds,

    heats, imitates, manipulates, measures,

    mends, mixes, reacts, reproduces,

    responds sketches, traces, tries.

    4 Mechanism Keahlian/kecakapan dasar,

    kemampuan melakukan

    keterampilan motorik komplek.

    Ini merupakan langkah menengah

    dalam mempelajari keterampilan

    motorik komplek. Respon yangdipelajari sudah menjadi kebiasaan

    dan pergerakan dilakukan dengan

    cukup yakin dan cakap.

    basic proficiency, the ability to

    perform a complex motor skill.

    This is the intermediate stage in

    learning a complex skill. Learned

    responses have become habitual and

    the movements can be performed

    with some confidence and


    Merespon stimulus secara kompeten.

    competently respond to stimulus for action

    Contoh: Menggunakan computer. Memperbaiki keran yang

    rusak. Mengendarai mobil.

    Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking faucet. Drive a car.

    Setelah program biologi selesai, siswa dapat merakit peralatan

    laboratorium untuk melakukan percobaan dengan tepat

    By the end of the biology program, students will be able to

    assemble laboratory equipment appropriate for experiments.

    merakit/memasang, bembangun,

    mengkalibrasi, melengkapi,

    mengkonstruksi, membongkar,

    memperlihatkan, mengencangkan,

    memasang, menggiling, memanaskan,

    membuat, memanipulasi, mengukur,memperbaiki, mencampur, mengelola,

    melakukan, membentuk, membuat


    assembles, builds, calibrates,

    completes, constructs, dismantles,

    displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats,

    makes, manipulates, measures, mends,

    mixes, organizes, performs, shapes,



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    atau 'level'Deskripsi

    Contoh kegiatan atau demonstrasi serta bukti yang dijadikan


    Kata Kerja Operasional yang

    menggambarkan kegiatan yang

    dilatihkan dan dijadikan ukuran di

    setiap level.

    5 Complex



    Keahlian, langkah pertengahan

    dalam mempelajari keterampilan


    Unjuk kerja kegiatan motoric yang

    terampil melibatkan pola-pola

    pergerakann yang komplek.

    Kecakapan ditunjukkan dengan

    adanya unjuk kerja yang cepat,

    tepat, dan unjuk kerja yang

    terkoordinasi, hanya membutuhkan

    sedikit tenaga (energy). Kategori ini

    termasuk melakukan pekerjaan

    tampa keragu-raguan, dan secara

    otomatis. Contoh: pemain tenis

    seringkali mengungkapkan rasa

    puasnya segera setelah berhasil

    memukul bola atau pemain

    sepakbola yg berhasil melempar

    bola, karena mereka dapat

    mengatakan menurut perasaan hasilapa yang akan diperolehnya.

    expert proficiency, the intermediate

    stage of learning a complex skill.

    The skillful performance of motor

    acts that involve complex

    movement patterns.

    Proficiency is indicated by a quick,

    accurate, and highly coordinated

    performance, requiring a minimum

    of energy. This category includes

    performing without hesitation, and

    automatic performance. For

    example, players are often utter

    Melaksanakan kegiatan yang komplek dengan mahir.

    Execute a complex process with expertise

    Contoh: Memanuver mobil ke dalam tempat parkir parallel.

    Mengoperasikan computer dengan cepat dan tepat.

    Menunjukkan kompetensinya sambil bermain piano

    pada akhir program kerja lapangan (di Industri), siswa dapat

    mendemonstrasikan penggunaan peralatan kerja kayu dengan

    benar di depan mahasiswa

    Examples: Maneuvers a car into a tight parallel parking spot.

    Operates a computer quickly and accurately. Displays

    competence while playing the piano.

    By the end of the industrial education program, students will

    be able to demonstrate proper use of woodworking tools to high

    school students.

    Merakit, membangun, mengkalibrasi,

    mengkonstruksi, mengkoordinasikan,

    mendemonstrasikan, mengurai,

    memamerkan, membedah,

    mengencangkan, memasang,

    menggerinda, memanaskan,

    memanipulasikan, mengukur,

    memperbaiki, mencampur,

    mengorganisasikan, membuat


    CATATAN: Kata-kata kunci sama

    seperti pada MECHANISM, tapi

    ditambah dengan kata keterangan dan

    kata sifat yang menunjukkan bahwa

    unjuk kerja tersebut lebih cepat, lebih

    baik, lebih akurat, dsb.

    assembles, builds, calibrates,constructs, coordinates, demonstrates,

    dismantles, displays, dissects, fastens,

    fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates,

    measures, mends, mixes, organizes,


    NOTE: The key words are the same as

    Mechanism, but will have adverbs or

    adjectives that indicate that the

    performance is quicker, better, more

    accurate, etc.


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    sounds of satisfaction or expletives

    as soon as they hit a tennis ball or

    throw a football, because they can

    tell by the feel of the act what the

    result will produce.

    6 Adaptation

    Kecakapan yang dapat diadaptasi,

    kemampuan siswa memodifikasi

    keterampilan motorik untuk

    disesuaikan dengan situasi yang


    Keterampilan dikembangkan

    dengan baik dan seseorang dapat

    memodifikasi pola pergerakan

    sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan.

    adaptable proficiency, a learner's

    ability to modify motor skills to fit a

    new situation.

    Skills are well developed and the

    individual can modify movement

    patterns to fit special requirements.

    Mengubah respon sesuai untuk memenuhi berbagai tantangan

    alter response to reliably meet varying challenges

    Contoh: Secara efektif merespon pengalaman yang tidak

    diharapkan. Memodifikasi instruksi sesuai dengan kebutuhan

    siswa. Melaksanakan tugas dengan sebuah mesin yang

    sebenarnya tidak perlu dilakukan. (mesin tidak rusak dan tidak

    berbahaya untuk melaksanakan tugas baru).

    Examples: Responds effectively to unexpected experiences.

    Modifies instruction to meet the needs of the learners. Perform a

    task with a machine that it was not originally intended to do

    (machine is not damaged and there is no danger in performing

    the new task).

    By the end of the industrial education program, students will

    be able to adapt their lessons on woodworking skills for

    disabled students.


    mengatur/menyesuaikan, mengubah,

    mengintegrasikan, menyusun kembali,

    mengorganisasikan lagi, merevisi,

    memecahkan permasalahan, membuat


    adapts, adjusts, alters, changes,

    integrates, rearranges, reorganizes,

    revises, solves, varies.

    7 Origination

    Kecakapan/kemahiran yang kreatif,

    kemampuan siswa menciptakan

    pola pergerakan baru. Menciptakan

    pola gerakan yang baru untuk

    menyesuaikan dengan situasi ataupermasalahan tertentu. Hasil belajar

    menekankan pada kreatifitas

    berdasarkan pada keterampilan yang


    creative proficiency, a learner's

    ability to create new movement


    Creating new movement patterns to

    fit a particular situation or specific

    problem. Learning outcomes

    emphasize creativity based upon

    highly developed skills.

    Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan kegiatan dan respon baru

    yang terintegrasi.

    develop and execute new integrated responses and activities

    Contoh: Membuat teori baru. Mengembangkan program

    pelatihan baru yang komprehensif / menyeluruh. Menciptakan

    kegiatan olahraga / senam yang dilakukan secara rutin.

    Examples: Constructs a new theory. Develops a new and

    comprehensive training programming. Creates a new gymnastic


    Mengatur, menyusun, membangun,

    menggabungkan, mengkonstruksi,

    mendesain, memulai, menggambar

    ulang, mendeteksi permasalahan

    (trouble shoots),

    arranges, builds, combines, composes,

    constructs, creates, designs, formulates,

    initiate, makes, modifies, originates, re-




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    Adapted and simplified representation of Simpson's Psychomotor Domain ('The classification of educational objectives in the psychomotor domain', 1972). Elizabeth

    Simpson seems actually to have first presented her Psychomotor Domain interpretation in 1966 in the Illinois Journal of Home Economics. Hence you may see the theory

    attributed to either 1966 or 1972.


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    Harrow'spsychomotor domain taxonomy

    Interpretasi Harrow tentang Domain Psikomotor sangat bias denganperkembangan kesehatan fisik, kecekatan, kegesitan, dan control fisik badan, dengan level

    keahlian. Model Harlow tersebut lebih cocok untuk perkembangan keterampian dan gerakan tubuh anak-anak muda serta gerakan yang ekpresif dibandingkan dengan

    perkembangan keteramplan bermain keyboard.

    Harrow's interpretation of the Psychomotor domain is strongly biased towardsthedevelopment of physical fitness, dexterity and agility, and control of the physical

    'body',to a considerable level of expertise.As such the Harrow model is more appropriate to the development of young children's bodily movement, skills, and expressive

    movement than, say, the development of a corporate trainee's keyboard skills. By the same token, the Harrow model would be perhaps more useful for the development of

    adult public speaking or artistic performance skills than Dave's or Simpson's, because the Harrow model focuses on the translation of physical and bodily activity into

    meaningful expression. The Harrow model is the only one of the three Psychomotor Domain versions which specifically implies emotional influence on others within the

    most expert level of bodily control, which to me makes it rather special.

    Pilih kerangka kerja yang paling cocok dengan situasi anda, kebutuhan dan tujuan yang harus dicapai siswa . atau peserta.

    psychomotor domain (harrow)

    level Kategori ataur 'level' DeskripsiContoh kegiatan atau demonstrasi dan

    bukti fisik yang akan diukur.

    Kata kerja operasional yang

    menggambarkan kegiatan yang akan

    dilatihkan atau diukur

    (pada masing-masing level)

    1Gerakan refleks (Involuntary


    involuntary reaction,

    Segmental, intersegmental, and

    suprasegmental reflexes.

    Respon secara fisik dan menurut


    respond physically instinctively

    Memberikan reaksi

    react, respond

    2 Basic Fundamental Movements

    Gerakan dasar yang sederhana.

    Gerakan lokomotor, non-

    lokomotor, dan gerakan


    basic simple movement.

    Locomotor movements,

    nonlocomotor movements,

    manipulative movements.

    Mengubah posisi, gerak, menampilkan

    kegiatan yang sederhana

    alter position, move, perform simple


    Menggenggam, berjalan, berdiri,melempar.

    grasp, walk, stand, throw

    3 Perceptual Abilities Respon dasar. Kinestetik,

    visual, auditory dan

    diskriminasi tactile dan

    kemampuan yang


    basic response. Kinesthetic,

    Menggunakan satu kemampuan untuk

    merespon berbagai persepsi sensor

    use than one ability in response to

    different sensory perceptions

    Menangkap, menulis, mengeksplore,

    membedakan dengan menggunakan

    catch, write, explore, distinguish using



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    visual, auditory and tactile

    discrimination and coordinated


    4 Physical AbilitiesFitness. Endurance, strength,

    stamina, flexibility, and agility.

    Mengembangkan kekuatan,

    develop strength, endurance, agility,


    endure, maintain, repeat, increase,

    improve, exceed

    5 Skilled Movements

    Pengoperasian yang komplek.

    Keterampilan adaptif yang

    sederhana, gabungan, dan


    complex operations. Simple,

    compound, and complex

    adaptive skills, advanced

    learned movements

    Melaksanakan dan mengadaptasi

    pergerakan yang terintegrasi dan

    tingkat tinggi.

    execute and adapt advanced, integrated


    Menggerakkan, membangun, juggle,

    memainkan alat music, kerajinan

    drive, build, juggle, play a musical

    instrument, craft

    6 Non-discursive Communication

    Keluaran atau kegiatan yang

    ekspresif dan bermakna;

    gerakan yang interpretatif dan

    ekspresif, bahasa tubuh yang


    meaningfully expressive

    activity or output; Expressive

    and interpretive movement,

    effective body language.

    Kegiatan mengekspresikan interpretasi

    yang bermakna.

    activity expresses meaningful


    Mengekspresikan dan mengemukakan

    perasaan dan makna melalui gerakan dan


    express and convey feeling and meaning

    through movement and actions

    Adapted and simplified representation of Harrow's Psychomotor Domain (1972). (Non-discursive means intuitively direct and well expressed.)


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    The Affective Domain &

    The Affective Domain addresses interests, attitudes, opinions, appreciations, values, and emotional sets. This domain includes the manner in which we deal with things

    emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The Taxonomy is hierarchical (levels increase in difficulty/sophistication) and

    cumulative (each level builds on and subsumes the ones below). The levels, in addition to clarifying instructional objectives, may be used to provide a basis for

    questioning that ensures that students progress to the highest level of understanding. If the teaching purpose is to change attitudes/behavior rather than to transmit/process

    information, then the instruction should be structured to progress through the levels of the Affective Domain.Level

    Category Description Examples Action Verbs1 Menerima Siswa menghadiri fenomena atau stimulus

    (kegiatan di kelas, buku teks, music dll) secara

    pasif. Perhatian guru merupakan perhatian siswa

    yang difokuskan. Hasil yang diharapkan meliputi

    kesadaran anak terhadap keberadaan sesuatu.

    Penekanan pada kesadaran, keinginan untuk

    mendengar/menyimak, perhatian tertentu.

    The student passively attends to particular

    phenomena or stimuli [classroom activities,

    textbook, music, etc.] The teacher's concern is

    that the student's attention is focused. Intended

    outcomes include the pupil's awareness that a

    thing exists. Emphasis is on awareness,

    willingness to hear, selected attention.

    Mendengar dengan penuh perhatian, menunjukkan kepekaan

    terhadap permasalahan social.

    Listens attentively, shows sensitivity to social problems.

    Mendengarkan orang lain dengan penuh hormat. Mendengar untuk

    mengingat nama-nama baru.

    Listens to others with respect. Listens for and remembers the

    name of newly

    Pada akhir program pembelajaran tentang kewanitaan, siswa

    akan menyimak pandangan-pandanngan alternative terhadap isu-

    isu tertentu

    By the end of the women's studies program, students will listen

    attentively to alternative views on select issues.

    Menghadiri, menerima,

    menanyakan, memilih,

    menguraikan, mengikuti,

    memberi, memegang,


    mendengan, menempatkan,

    memberi nama, menunjuk,

    memilih, menghadiri ,

    menjawab, menggunakan.

    Attends, accepts, asks,

    chooses, describes, follows,

    gives, holds, identifies,

    listens, locates, names,

    points to, selects, selectively

    attends to, replies, uses.

    2 Responding Siswa berpartisipasi secara aktif. Murid tidak

    hanya terdorong untuk menghadiri tapi juga

    memberi reaksi.

    The student actively participates. The pupil not

    only attends to the stimulus but reacts in some


    Penekanan pada partisipasi aktif siswa. Hasil

    belajar memberi tekanan pada adanya respon,

    kemauan untuk memberi respon, atau kepuasan

    hati dalam merespon (motivasi).

    Menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah, mentaati aturan, berpartisipasi

    dalam diskusi, menunjukkan perhatian pada pelajaran, senang

    membantu orang lain.

    Completes homework, obeys rules, participates in class

    discussion, shows interest in subject, enjoys helping others.

    Melakukan presentasi. Menanyakan cita-cita, konsep, model

    (contoh) yang baru untuk dapat memahaminya. Mengetahu aturan

    keselamatan kerja dan dapat mempraktekkannya.

    Gives a presentation. Questions new ideals, concepts, models, in

    Menyatakan, membantu,

    menjawab, menghargai,

    membuktikan, menolong,

    menuruti, menyesuaikan

    diri, membahas, menyapa,

    membantu, memberi nama,

    melakukan, berlatih,

    menyampaikan, membaca,


    melaporkan, memilih,

    mengatakan, menulis,

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    Emphasis is on active participation on the part of

    the learners. Learning outcomes may emphasize

    compliance in responding, willingness to

    respond, or satisfaction in responding


    order to fully understand them. Knows safety rules and practices


    Pada akhir program pandidikan dasar, siswa dapat mengikuti PL

    94 142

    By the end of the elementary education program, students will

    able to comply with PL 94-142.

    Menyampaikan secara


    Acclaims, aids, answers,

    applauds, approves, assists,

    complies, conforms,

    discusses, greets, helps,

    labels, performs, practices,

    presents, reads, recites,

    reports, selects, tells, writes,


    3 Valuing Penghargaan seorang siswa terhadap benda,fenomena, atau tingkah laku tertentu. Mulai dari

    menerima hingga komitmen (contoh: menerima

    tanggung jawab terhadap kelompoknya) Sikap

    dan apresiasi.

    The worth a student attaches to a particular

    object, phenomenon, or behavior. Ranges from

    acceptance to commitment (e.g., assumes

    responsibility for the functioning of a group).

    Attitudes and appreciation.

    Pemberian penghargaan didasarkan pada

    internalisasi nilai-nilai khusus, sedangkan tanda-

    tanda penghargaan tersebut diberikan pada

    tingkah laku nyata dan dapat diidentifikasi.

    Valuing is based on the internalization of a set of

    specified values, while clues to these values areexpressed in the learners overt behavior and are

    often identifiable.

    Menunjukkan kepercayaan dalam proses demokrasi, menghargaiperan ilmu pengetahuan alam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,

    menunjukkan perhatian pada kesejahteraan orang lain,

    mendemonstrasikan pendekatan pemecahan masalah.

    Demonstrates belief in democratic processes, appreciates the role

    of science in daily life, shows concern for others' welfare,

    demonstrates a problem-solving approach.

    Memiliki kepekaan terhadap perbedaan budaya dan manusia (nilai

    keberagaman). Menunjukkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah.

    Mengajukan perencanaan mengadakan perbaikan social dan

    mengikuti komitmen. Menginformasikan manajemen masalah

    yang sangat dirasakan.

    Is sensitive towards individual and cultural differences (value

    diversity). Shows the ability to solve problems. Proposes a plan to

    bring about social improvement and follows through with

    commitment. Informs management on strongly felt matters.

    Pada akhir program ilmu pengetahuan politik, siswa dabat

    memberikan argumentasi dalam perdebatan

    By the end of the political science program, students will be able

    to debate numerous sides to an argument.

    Membantu, menyelesaikan,berdebat,


    menyangkal, membedakan,

    menjelaskan, mengikuti,

    membentuk, meningkatkan

    profesiensi, memulai,

    mengundang, bergabung,

    mengajukan, memberikan

    alas an, mengusulkan,

    memprotes, membaca,

    melepaskan , melaporkan,

    memilih, berbagi, belajar,

    mendukung, bekerja.

    Assists, completes, debates,

    demonstrates, denies,

    differentiates, explains,follows, forms, increases

    proficiency in, initiates,

    invites, joins, justifies,

    proposes, protests, reads,

    relinquishes, reports, selects,

    shares, studies, supports,

    works.Level Category Description Examples Action Verbs

    4 Organization Brings together different values, resolving

    conflicts among them, and starting to build an

    internally consistent value system--comparing,

    Recognizes the need for balance between freedom and responsible

    behavior, understands the role of systematic planning in solving

    problems; accepts responsibility for own behavior.

    Accommodates, adheres,

    alters, arranges, balances,

    combines, compares,


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    relating and synthesizing values and developing

    a philosophy of life.

    Organizes values into priorities by contrasting

    different systems. The emphasis is on

    comparing, relating, and synthesizing values.

    Explains the role of systematic planning in solving problems.

    Accepts professional ethical standards. Creates a life plan in

    harmony with abilities, interests, and beliefs. Prioritizes time

    effectively to meet the needs of the organization, family, and self.

    By the end of the environmental studies program, students will

    be able to organize the conservation efforts of urban, suburban and

    rural communities.

    completes, defends,

    explains, formulates,

    generalizes, identifies,

    integrates, modifies, orders,

    organizes, prepares, relates,


    5 Internalizingvalues:


    ion by a

    Value or



    At this level, the person has held a value systemfor a sufficiently long time to control his/her

    behavior, has developed a characteristic "life

    style." Behavior is pervasive, consistent,

    predictable, and most importantly, characteristic

    of the learner. Instructional objectives are

    concerned with the student's general patterns of

    adjustment (personal, social, emotional).

    Concerned with personal, social, and emotional adjustment:displays self reliance in working independently, cooperates in

    group activities (displays teamwork), maintains good health


    Uses an objective approach in problem solving. Displays a

    professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis.

    Revises judgments and changes behavior in light of new evidence.

    Values people for what they are, not how they appear.

    By the end of the counseling program, students will be able to

    objectively interpret evidence presented by clients during a

    therapy session.

    Acts, discriminates,

    displays, influences,

    interprets, listens, maintains

    objectivity modifies,

    performs, practices,

    proposes, qualifies,

    questions, respects, revises,

    serves, solves, uses

    evidence, verifies.


    1. Bengamin S. Bloom, Bertram B. Mesia, and David R. Krathwohl (1964). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (two vols: The Affective Domain & The Cognitive

    Domain). New York. David McKay


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    Krathwohl's Taxnomy of Affective Domain

    Taksonomi ranah afektif dari Krathwohl yang lebih dikenal dengan taksonomi afektif. Taksonomi diurutkan

    berdasarkan prinsip internalisasi. Internalisasi mengacu pada proses dimana pengaruh seseorang terhadap suatu

    obyek berjalan dari tingkat kesadaran umum hingga ke suatu titik dimana pengaruh (affect) terinternalisasi dansecara konsisten mengarahkan dan mengontrol tingkah laku.

    Krathwohl's affective domain taxonomy is perhaps the best known of any of the affective taxonomies. "The

    taxonomy is ordered according to the principle of internalization. Internalization refers to the process whereby a

    person's affect toward an object passes from a general awareness level to a point where the affect is 'internalized' and

    consistently guides or controls the person's behavior (Seels & Glasgow, 1990, p. 28)."


    Yaitu menyadari atau sensitif terhadap

    keberadaan ide-ide, material, ataufenomena, dan mau bersikap toleran.

    Contoh termasuk: membedakan,

    menerima, mendengarkan, merespon.

    is being aware of or sensitive to the

    existence of certain ideas, material, or

    phenomena and being willing to tolerate

    them. Examples include: to differentiate,

    to accept, to listen (for), to respond to.

    Respondingis committed insome small measure to the ideas,materials, or phenomena involved by

    actively responding to them. Examples are: to comply with, to follow, to commend, to volunteer, to spend leisure

    time in, to acclaim.

    Valuingis willing to be perceived by others as valuing certain ideas, materials, or phenomena. Examplesinclude: to increase measured proficiency in, to relinquish, to subsidize, to support, to debate.

    Organizationis to relate the value to those already held and bring it into a harmonious and internallyconsistent philosophy. Examples are: to discuss, to theorize, to formulate, to balance, to examine.

    Characterization by value or value setis to act consistently in accordance with thevalues he or she has internalized. Examples include: to revise, to require, to be rated high in the value, to avoid, to

    resist, to manage, to resolve.

    Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., and Masia, B.B. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives: Handbook II: Affective

    domain. New York: David McKay Co.


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    Seels and Glasgow (1990).Exercises in instructional design. Columbus OH: Merrill Publishing Company.

    Task Analysis

    Harrow's Taxonomy of Psychomotor Domain

    Taksonomi Anita Harrow untuk domain psikomotor diatur berdasarkan tingkat koordinasi termasuk respon yang

    otomatis (tanpa disengaja) ataupun yang dipelajari. Refleks yang sederhana dimulai pada level taksonomi paling

    bawah, sedangkan koordinasi otot saraf yang kompleks terjadi pada level paling tinggi.

    Anita Harrow's taxonomy for the psychomotor domain is organized according to the degree of coordination

    including involuntary responses as well as learned capabilities. Simple reflexes begin at the lowest level of the

    taxonomy, while complex neuromuscular coordination make up the highest levels (Seels & Glasgow, 1990).

    Reflex movementsareactions elicited without learning in

    response to some stimuli. Examples

    include: flexion, extension, stretch,

    postural adjustments.

    Basic fundamentalmovementare inherentmovement patterns which are formed by

    combining of reflex movements and are

    the basis for complex skilled movements.

    Examples are: walking, running, pushing,

    twisting, gripping, grasping,


    Perceptualrefers to interpretationof various stimuli that enable one to make adjustments to the environment. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile

    discrimination. Suggests cognitive as well as psychomotor behavior. Examples include: coordinated movementssuch as jumping rope, punting, or catching.

    Physical activitiesrequire endurance, strength, vigor, and agility which produces a sound, efficientlyfunctioning body. Examples are: all activities which require a) strenuous effort for long periods of time; b) muscular

    exertion; c) a quick, wide range of motion at the hip joints; and d) quick, precise movements.

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    Skilled movementsare the result of the acquisition of a degree of efficiency when performing acomplex task. Examples are: all skilled activities obvious in sports, recreation, and dance.

    Non-discursive communicationis communication through bodily movements ranging fromfacial expressions through sophisticated choreographics. Examples include: body postures, gestures, and facial

    expressions efficiently executed in skilled dance movement and choreographics.

    Harrow, A.J. (1972).A taxonomy of the psychomotor domain. New York: David McKay Co.

    Seels and Glasgow (1990).Exercises in instructional design. Columbus OH: Merrill Publishing Company.

    Task Analysis

    Writing Student Learning Outcomes for CMU Programs

    Writing Student Learning Outcomes for CMU Programs

    When writing Student Learning Outcomes, the focus should be on observable outcomes and an action verb can

    provide that focus. Student Learning Outcomes usually begin with something like:

    By the end of the secondary education program, students will be able todesigncurriculum and instruction

    appropriate for the cognitive development of all learners.

    Designis the action verb in this example.

    By the end of the chemistry program, students will be able toapplyknowledge of ions, solutions and solubility to

    explainthe formation and properties of homogeneous mixtures.

    Applyand explainare the action verbs in this example.

    Student Learning Outcomes should describe what students should know, be able to do and/or be like (dispositions)

    by the end of the defined program. These types of Student Learning Outcomes are typically linked to domains. The

    common domains of learning include cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

    The affective domain includes a focus on students attitudes, values and dispositions. These outcomes are a little

    more difficult to measure; however, it is possible, and many disciplines are including these in their national

    standards (e.g., Students will develop respect and understanding for people from all backgrounds and cultures and

    be able to engage in constructive discussion of significant social and ethical issues. and as part of the General

    Education Requirements, Students will develop intellectual concerns to include a cross-cultural perspective

    through the study of diverse cultures).

    The Psychomotor Taxonomy focuses on the development of students physical abilities and skills. These StudentLearning Outcomes may include performances, skill in a sport, typing skills, painting, playing an instrument,

    manipulating another persons limbs during physical therapy and demonstrating a dissection


    Gronlund, N.E. (2000). How to Write and Use Instructional Objectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall,

