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12 situs-situs pelajaran bahasa inggris gratis coba link berikut ini untuk belajar bahasa inggris gratis di internet : 1. 2. 1.cfm 3. 4. 5. 6. selamat belajar bahasa inggris Selasa, 04 Januari 2011 majalah bahasa inggris Modul 1 People and place 1. My Personality Hello guy’s good morning, I will introduce my self : my name is Lisa Nuri and my nick name nuri. I live in Jl. Wr. supratman Gang Melati unib belakang, I am from SMK-N 2 Metro lampung, my home of provincy lampung, I am study program Agroekoteknologi class D. I am the second child from four child, I was born on 26 June 1991 in Negara Harja (lampung), I like eat Bakso, Friedchickend, and sate, my Hobby is playing basket Ball, reading, chating, and traveling, I also like Agriculture, I want to be successful entrepreneur to make happy both my old fellow and people people closest my, and will friends have cell me in my namber 081997394691 no missed, okey...... thanks very much.

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selamat belajar bahasa inggris

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

majalah bahasa inggris

Modul 1People and place1. My PersonalityHello guy’s good morning, I will introduce my self : my name is Lisa Nuri and my nick name nuri. I live in Jl. Wr. supratman Gang Melati unib belakang, I am from SMK-N 2 Metro lampung, my home of provincy lampung, I am study program Agroekoteknologi class D. I am the second child from four child, I was born on 26 June 1991 in Negara Harja (lampung), I like eat Bakso, Friedchickend, and sate, my Hobby is playing basket Ball, reading, chating, and traveling, I also like Agriculture, I want to be successful entrepreneur to make happy both my old fellow and people people closest my, and will friends have cell me in my namber 081997394691 no missed, okey...... thanks very much.2. My IdentityName : Lisa NuriNickname : NuriStudy program : AgroekoteknologiOrigin of prouncy : LampungHobby : read and traveling Date : Negara harja, 26 june 1991Phone Namber : 081997394691Email : [email protected] / [email protected]

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My facebook : [email protected]

3. My place I live in a small country side in Indonesia to go to my place need time old ones and very tiring because my place there the way very damage , and electrics also there there is no, facility which I meet in town not yet of course in my country side. But I very happy remain and born there, I get fresh air , and sociability of mutual assistance all mores and resident over there, because possible its it him religion and tribe but interfaith reconciliation and tribe remain to awake. Ianguage which I use usually Ianguage of java Ianguage and of indonesia , yes although I is a little-litle understand Ianguage of sunda. making my surprise me born and big float but I cannot converse Ianguage float, because although my live in to float, in place I there many tribe of jawa and of sunda, I now become university student of bengkulu, of course I feel foreign remain here, but I feel balmy live in here because me progressively science add and experience.

4. Read AND discuss

The dialogNURI : Hi my name is nuriFeti : Hi my name is feti, i’glad to meet youNuri : i’m glad to meet you too. Whwre are you from??Feti : i’m from bengkulu, where are you from?Nuri : i’m from lampungFeti : where are you living now?Nuri : i’m living at Jl. Wr. Supratman. Gang melati. And you?Feti : i’m living in a suprapto street MODUL 2EVERYDAY LIFE

1. Nuri is a student in Universitas Bengkulu2. He’s nineteen year old3. He go to campus at eight o’clock everyday4. He drink a cup energen sereal every morning5. He in campus at seven thirty o;clock6. He came home at seventeen o’clok

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7. In the evening he study in home

I usually get up at 04.30 am. After that I study at 05.00 am. Until 06.00 am. Some time. I like study in the morning because study in the morning is that calm and I can consentration, after finished study I gi to take bath than go to campus. I am study in gb 1 bengkulu university at 08.00 am, until 12.00 pm. For Monday, but schedule study in this class not arrange because study in this class always different. After that I go to home.

my parents is farmer

1. My parents is farmer2. Theirs fourty five years old3. My parents work every dayBoth my old fellow is a farmer, I very devoting to both parent. darling and proud to them, I will be out for become best child and will pride upon them, in my eye of family is its, hence I will try to become child


1. My Eating and drinking faforite

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I aspire after, eat , bakso, sate, chicken noodles, empek-empek, , and drink , juice, coffee, tea, milk, all these me eat what sif when mint of money me again, but which often I eat chicken noodles and bakso, because its price which do not too costly, and usually I eat each drink him every week night, for my beverage often drink coffee, milk, and tea, devoted almost my morning drink tea my place eat and drink usually at home, or n next cafe of Unib, 2. Question dialogdian : What your favorit drink?My : My drink favorit is tea and jus.dian : Where do you drink tea?My : I drink tea in cost.dian : when do you drink tea at cost?My : I drink tea al cost every morning.dian : Which is your favorit tea?My : The tea sweat is my favorit tea.dian : Whose this tea?My : This in my tea.dian : Who takes your tea?My : inggi takes my tea.dian : Why do you like tea?My : because tea very delicious.dian : How do you mike tea?My : I mike tea by segar,tea and hot water.


Okey friends, I will explain a few little information about me to You. Now I is experiencing study I one of the University Country exist in Town of Bengkulu that is university of bengkulu study program of

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agroekoteknologi faculty of agriculture.I aspire after to collect my clothes or clothes very is majoring of appearance so that I looked to be perfect, because in our state of state have tropical climate to so that I also accomodate clothes matching with my state, dress nattyly. and cleanness is especial of me in dressing.


For eliminating feel saturated usually I go to the beach with friends. In the beach I usually feel peace, free all existing burden, playing at and screaming at will.One most matter of me like is eating ashore, because it is true during is small of me live in beach area. In our beach often burn fish, lobster, and its sea animal of him. Lobster is to food menu I is obliged to. Because pregnant lobster of high protein, and very both for our body.


I have a friend he is desmara, she is nineteen years old. desmara is boy fat, he like play food ball and traveling some time, he like reading too.Now desmara study in university Bengkulu. he in fakultas agriculture and he study program agroekoteknologi, desmara is my best friend, he is just not asked. But he always give support to me he usually eat plenty of him and he is my friend in smk.The dialog I’am and desmaramy : how many you eat evey day ?desmara : I eat three until four time one daymy : Where do you eat?

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desmara : I eating in the cost.My : when do you eat in the cost?desmara : I eat in the cost every : just hour many is you eat?desmara : I eat seven o’clock morning, twelef o’clock noon, four o’clock evening and teen o’clock night.My : Whose this eat?Desmara : This in my eat.My : What is your friend eat?desmara : I’am eat and inggiMy : Why do you like eat?Desmara : because I need eat for produkcy energy.


Hallo friends….still the spirit ….??? Goods …for which often I hold and I use that is, hand phone, pulpen, book and laptop, that all almost every day I use first handphone and laptop, of course all of you youngster law now surely caw will get out of its name of electronic goods , if me usually use hand phone for call family, gir lfriend and friends of it is of course, for laptop usually I use for the hear of music, definitive make duty working of lecturer.


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Every day I eat jengkol, I’am very like jengkol because jengkol it’s my favorite eat. When I child I’am always eat jengkol, but now iam didn’t like eat jengkol, because I like eat bakso.

MODULE 9Democracy

Democracy is the right of the people to choose their own government. In it is purest from; people of every community from small villages to the whole nation would discuss and vote on every proposed law. This is real practical in to day busy word. In most democracies, citizens choose or elect, representatives,. Representatives are law maker who represent or work for, all the people who elected them, voters also choose the officials who will administer or curry out the laws.In a democracy, if the people are un happy with the job their representatives are doing the can replace them with new ones, for this reason, elected officials who want to keep their job tend to pay attention to what the citizen want.Sometimes, even in a representatives democracy, citizens do vote directly on the proposed law. These proposals get to the ballot when enough people sign petitions. Requiring a vote sometimes the elected representatives must present certain proposed law to the voles for a yes or note vote.As you study history, you’ll find that many people have not been fortunate enough to have the benefit of democracy through out recorded history, most people have been ruled by kings and other dictators even today millions. MODULE 10BUYING AND SELLING

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I very like to buy purse and clothes because I’am like purse. Every week I’am go to market . if I’am have a money and I’am go to market with my best friend . if I go to market I ‘am usually buy a purse, shirt, and clothes.After that finish shopping I’am go to campus with my friend everyday except Saturday and Sunday I’am leave together.

MODULE 11My soulmates

I have a soul mates she is feti. She 18 years old, she live in suprapto street she live with her parents, she study in Hazarin university one semester, at mathematicks scienece. She smart, clever, beautiful, she is perfect for me. She have kateristick such us : she us jilbab, white skins, slims, heigh and beautiful girls, she come from lampung. I introduce with her in the shop gramedia book at Bengkulu. Brother number one he is agung 12 years old school in smpn-2 bengkulu class two. Brother number two heis andi 8 years old she school in sdn 1 bengkulu class two.

MODULE 12My campus

I ‘am study in Bengkulu university. In the university Bengkulu have a some faculty such us : faculty agriculture, faculty f.kip faculty Mipa, faculty economy, faculty of law, faculty fisipol faculty ethnic and doctor science.Now I’am will te tell about difficult faculty firs: faculty agriculture in the have a some science such us : agroekoteknologi, agrobisnis, peternakan, kelautan and kehutanan.Second : faculty kip in the faculty kip have a some scien such us : engglish, Indonesia language, and other. Such us : mathematic and Ipa after that in the f aculty Ekonomi have asome science such us : Akutansi, Administrasi Etc.I’am study in Bengkulu university faculty agriculture and agroekoteknologi science I’am study in class d at class are twenty student. Six girls and fourteen boys, I’am very happy in class d because I ‘am have best friend.

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I go to Padang use my car I’ am across Bengkulu city, ketahun, and linggau a long time I’ am see some think the beach that very wonderful I feel in the a long street the cool weather. I can see mountain at long street from kephahyang, in the kephayang I see tree tea, it very green. I’am go to padang from my house to padang science one day one night. I’am to visit my grandfather and traveling in padang city.There I’am can see, zoo, weather fall, and trains. I’am go to padang with my soul mate and my family to Holliday together science a week.

MODULE 14 PRESENTATIONNuri : hello friends, how are you?Agung : I fine and youNuri : I ‘am fine too……what’s your activities now??Agung :I’am study in Bengkulu university.Nuri : what you faculty?Agung : I’am study in faculty agroculture and study program.Nuri : oh…by the way what your opinion, about this country,Agung : my opinion this countryhave a hot weather.Nuri : why….?Agung : because this country have a impure co2 it this difficult because co2 for the live every Day.Nuri : what do we you do?Agung : we have to make a country cool weather tree in inside your house.Nuri : oh I see. I’ am will planting many tree I the house.Agung : a good ideaNuri : oke nice to meet you.Desmara : nice to meet you too.\