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Bahan ajar mata kuliah Page 1 ENGLISH IN MIDWIFERY PRACTICE BY Kh Endah Widhi Astuti, M.Mid

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Kh Endah Widhi Astuti, M.Mid

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Daftar isi


Daftar isi.............................................................................................................

Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Establishing Relationship

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum...................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus................................................................

Uraian materi.....................................................................................

Pokok pokok materi.............................................................................

Rangkuman ........................................................................................

Tugas terstruktur ................................................................................

Test formatif .......................................................................................

Kegiatan Belajar 2: Asking – Filling in Medical Report

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum...................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus................................................................

Pokok- pokok materi...............................................................................

Uraian materi........................................................................................

Rangkuman ..........................................................................................

Tugas terstruktur .................................................................................

Test formatif .........................................................................................

Kegiatan Belajar 3: Explaining Procedure

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum...................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus................................................................

Pokok- pokok materi...............................................................................

Uraian materi..........................................................................................


Test formatif .....................................................................................

Tugas Akhir ......................................................................................................

Test akhir ........................................................................................................

Acuan Pustaka..................................................................................................


























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Kegiatan Belajar 1

Establishing a relationship 1 0 0 M eni t


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum : Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1

diharapkan mahasiswa mampu berkenalan dan bertanya dengan benar.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran khusus: Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 1

diharapkan mahasiswa mampu:

a. Melakukan perkenalan

b. Menjelaskan fungsi dan bentuk yes / no question.

c. Menjelaskan fungsi dan bentuk WH question

d. Menjelaskan fungsi dan bentuk Tag -Question

III. Pokok –pokok materi

Untuk mencapai tujuan dalam kegiatan belajar 1 ini, Anda diharapkan mempelajari tentang

konsep – konsep berikut:

A. Introducing yourself / berkenalan

B. Yes/no question

C. WH-question

D. Tag-question.

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A. Introducing yourself / Berkenalan

Hello! I am your new friend and I am going to help

you learn English. However first I need to get to

know you. Please tell me about yourself.

Tugas anda :lakukan percakapan dibawah ini dengan teman anda.

What‟ s your name ?

My name is…..

How old are you ?

I am…..years old

Which midwifery academy are you from ?

I am from .........Midwifery academy

Which Semester are you ?

Semester ......

Where are you from ?

I am from .........

Do you enjoy being a midwifery student ?

Yes, I do

What is your favorite midwifery subject ?

My favorite subject is ......

Where do you work ? I work in hospital

Percakapan diatas adalah contoh bagaimana seorang mahasiswa kebidanan melakukan

perkenalan dengan teman barunya. Setelah anda berkenalan dengan teman anda, sekarang

anda diharapkan memperkenalkan teman anda ke teman yang lain.

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Cara memperkenalkan teman anda

Sebelum melakukan percakapan sebaiknya diawali

dengan salam/ greeting.

Contoh : greetings / salam

Saat akan menutup pembicaraan dengan orang lain anda tidak boleh begitu saja meninggalkan

tetapi harus menutup pembicaraan dengan baik dan sopan.

Contoh : percakapan sebelum menutup pembicaraan

let me introduce my friend to you “ her name is........................., her hobby is ...................

she is from .................., she lives in ...........................she has lived there for ........She

studied at Midwifery academy......................she is single/ married, she has studied here

for ........... she works in........................unit.


Good .......................Mr............/Miss/Mrs.................

Morning .................(until 12 mid day)

Afternoon ..............( until dark)

Evening...................(after dark )

Student A : It‟s been nice talking to you

Student B : nice talking to you too


Student A : (I‟m sorry , but ) I have to go now

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Dilanjutkan dengan menutup pembicaraan dimana dapat diungkapkan dengan mengucapkan

ungkapan perpisahan.

Sedangkan ketika Anda bekerja atau praktek di Rumah sakit , sebaiknya anda

memperkenalkan diri kepada pasien anda

Cara memperkenalkan diri kepada pasien:

Dibawah ini adalah contoh percakapan antara bidan dan pasien

Carilah partner teman anda dan lakukan percakapan di bawah ini !

Midwife : Good morning Mrs Rieke, How are you ?

Mrs Rieke : Good morning, midwife

Midwife : How are you this morning ?

Mrs. Rieke : not very well, I think

Midwife : I‟m midwife Elli, I will take care of you today. Your name is Mrs Rieke , isn‟ it?

How can I addres you ?

Mrs Rieke : Please call me Rieke.

Midwife : Mrs Rieke, if you need my assistance , please just call me. I will help you.

Mrs Rieke : Ok, Thank you Midwife.

Midwife : Now, it‟s time for me to visit other patients. I‟ve really got to go. See you

Mrs Rieke : see you

I‟m midwife .............(name), I will take care of you today.

If you need anything, please just give me a call, a midwife will help you.

Good bye


See you later

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Latihan 1 . Pasangkan antara pertanyaan dan jawaban latihan dibawah ini.

1. Where were you born ? A year ago

2. What do you do ? Three times a week

3. Are you married ? In Solo

4. Why are you learning English ? Because I need it for my job

5. When did you start learning English ? I‟m a midwife student

6. How often do you have English Classes ? No, I‟m single

Sekarang marilah kita identifikasi pertanyaan yang kita gunakan diatas.


B. Yes / No Question


Do you have a baby?

Yes, I do

No, I don‟t

Can you lift your index finger?

Yes, I can.

No, I can.t

Membuat pertanyaan dengan Yes / No Questions


They are down with flu ------------ Are they down with flu ?

The disease is communicable --------- Is the disease communicable ?

The children were immunize ---------- were the children immunized yesterday ?

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C. Pertanyaan dengan WH (WH- Questions)

Terdapat 6 tipe pertanyaan dengan WH (Wh – questions). Kata Tanya ini akan menanyakan

detail tentang manusia , benda , kejadian dan sebagainya.


When digunakan untuk bertanya waktu, tanggal, atau waktu kejadian.

contoh :

She is going to be promoted as midwife manager this month.

When is she going to be promoted as a midwife manager ?

I fractured my left leg when I was a child

When did you fracture your left leg ?

The doctor examined the hypertensive pregnant woman yesterday morning.

When did the doctor examine the hypertensive pregnant woman ?


What digunakan untuk menanyakan objek, aktifitas atau opini.


The talk given today is on pre-eclampsia woman

What is the title of the talk ?

Midwife Erna loves to read midwifery journals during her free time

What does midwife Erna love to do during his free time?

My patient is a civil and structural engineer.

What is your patient‟s occupation ?

5 W + 1 H

When Who Why

What Where How

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WHO digunakan untuk menanyakan orang

contoh :

I was just informed by Anna that I had to work on afternoon shift

Who informed you that you had to work on the afternoon shift?

Dr. Rita gave us a verbal order just now.

Who gave you the verbal order just now?

The midwife failed to detect the twin babies

Who failed to detect the twin babies?


WHY digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang alasan atau penyebab dari suatu kejadian /


contoh :

The hospital was sued due to the negligence of its staff

Why was the hospital sued?

We cannot operate on the patient, as we have not received any consent from his

relatives yet

Why can‟t we operate on he patient?

Ratna left for Surabaya to further her studies in master degree of midwifery

Why did Ratna leave for Surabaya ?


WHERE digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat kejadian atau tempat kegiatan

contoh :

My niece was admitted to Harapan Kita Specialist Mother and Child hospital

Where was your niece admitted to ?

I keep the medicine in the first-aid kit

Where do you keep the medicine?

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HOW digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang kondisi , keadaan, kejadian atau aktifitas

contoh :

She lost her 3 months pregnancy in an accident

How did she lose her 3 months pregnancy?

Midwife Emma helps deliver the baby carefully

How does Midwife Emma help deliver the baby ?

D. Tag –Questions

Merupakan ungkapan pertanyaan yang di pendekkan yang jawabanya yes / no

Dimana bentuk pertanyaan diakhiri dengan auxiliaries atau kata bantu yang lain ( have,

can, must, will, do,does, did, is, am, are, was dan were.

Syarat – syarat

a. Jika kalimat positif, maka akhir pertanyaan negative

b. Jika kalimat negative, maka akhir pertanyaan positif

c. Kata kerja bantu dalam kalimat harus di ulangi

d. Jika kata kerja bantu tidak ada , maka dipakai do, does atau did sesuai tenses

Kalimat positif – akhir pertanyaan negative f


He is working, isn‟t he?

She will recover soon, won‟t she?

The clinical assistant had sent the blood specimen, hadn‟t he?

Kalimat negative = akhir pertanyaan positif


It isn‟t rain now , is if ?

The teachers didn‟t remind the students, did they?

The midwife isn‟t prepared, is she?

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Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 1 maka dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa untuk berani

berbicara seseorang harus tahu apa dan bagaimana cara bertanya. Ada beberapa jenis

pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris diantaranya:

1. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yes / no question atau pertanyaan tertutup

2. Pertanyaan terbuka dimana jenis pertanyaan dengan What, when, where, why, who

and how

3. Pertanyaan dengan Question tag adalah ungkapan pertanyaan yang dipendekkan yang

hanya memerlukan jawaban ya atau tidak.

Setelah anda tahu teori maka kami berharap anda berani untuk bertanya, karena hal yang

terpenting dalam belajar bahasa adalah berani mencoba dan jangan takut salah.


Buatlah satu contoh conversation ketika pertama kali anda kenal dengan sahabat

anda di akademi Kebidanan

Perkenalkan sahabat anda ke teman yang lain seperti pada contoh diatas

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Pasangkan antara pertanyaan dan jawaban dibawah ini

1. What…………? Because I wanted to

2. Who …………? Last night

3. Where ………? Rp 5000,-

4. When ……….? A sandwich

5. Why …………? By bus

6. How many ….? In Kalimantan

7. How much ….? Mariana

8. How …………? The black one

9. Whose ………? It‟s mine

10. Which ……….? Five

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Asking –Filling in Medical Report

Kegiatan Belajar 2

2 x 100 M eni t


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum : Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 2,

mahasiswa mampu membuat pertanyaan dan mengisi medical report pasien

dengan benar

II. Tujuan pembelajaran khusus: Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2 mahasiswa


a. Mengajukan beberapa jenis pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan data awal


b. Mengisi medical report pasien dengan bertanya pada pasien

III. Pokok pokok materi

A. Asking question / bertanya

B. Filling in medical report / mengisi medical report pasien

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A. Asking question

Midwife : Good Morning Mrs Maria. I need

to fill a medical report about your health status

Patient : Sure

Midwife : Your complete name ?

Patient : Devi Maria

Midwife : What is your complete address?

Patient : Ir Sukarno , 38 .Surabaya

Midwife : What makes you come to hospital?

Patient : I have a backache.

Midwife : Where is the pain, could you point

at the pain ?

Patient : It’s around here ( pointing at the

lower back)

Midwife : Did you take any medicine for your pain ?

Patient : No,I didn’t

Midwife : Do you know the cause of pain ?

Patient : I don’t know

Midwife : What’s the pain like ?

Patient : It’s sharp

Midwife : How often do you feel the pain ?

Patient ; It’s occasional.

Midwife : Well, thank you Mrs Maria for your information. I will report this to your

obstetrician .

Carilah kata kata sulit dan temukan artinya dalam kamus.

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Beberapa pertanyaan yang sering digunakan dalam keseharian bidan

a). Pertanyaan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasien misalnya sebagai berikut !

b). Ekspresi pasien atau cara pasien menjawab tentang masalah kesehatan yang dihadapi:

1. I have + ( a part of the body + ache )

( a toothache )

(a headache)

( a backache)

2. I have ( a sore + parts of the body )

( a sore arm)

( a sore knee)

3. I have/ get + kind of physical problems

( the measles)

( the flu )

( a fever )

( a bad cough )

4. I experience + kinds of symptoms

and physical problems

( low back pain )

( difficult breathing )

5. I suffer from + kinds of certain


( cancer )

( constipation )

1. What’s your problem ?

2. How are you feeling today ?

3. What makes you call me ?

4. What’s your chief complaint ?

5. What’s troubling you ?

6. What’s the matter with you ?

7. What’s wrong with you ?

8. What seems to be bothering you ?

9. Doctor “ what are the symptoms?/ what is

she complaining about ?

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Carilah arti kata dari

Toothache :....................................

Backache :....................................

Headache :....................................

Soar arm :.....................................

Soar knee :.....................................

c). Beberapa pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan nyeri yang dialami pasien

a. Current pain medication ( pengobatan yang diambil saat ini )

Question : Did you take ( any medicine / anything ) for your pain

How many do you take ?

b. Where is the pain ? ( lokasi nyeri )

Instruction; show me where the pain is ?

Point at the pain you feel

c. Describe cause of pain, if known ( penyebab nyeri jika diketahui )

Question; Do you know the cause of your pain ?

Why do you feel that ?

d. How does a pain feel to the patient? ( seperti apa nyeri yang dialami oleh

pasien ?

Question : what is the pain like ?

Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching ?

e. Frequency of pain ( berapa sering nyeri itu muncul )

Question: How often do you feel the pain ?

Is it occasional, frequent or constant ?

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B. Filling in Medical report / Mengisi medical report pasien

Ketika pasien baru datang bidan perlu mengambil personal data untuk mengisi medical

report tentang status kesehatan pasien

Beberapa data yang diperlukan khususnya pada pasien dengan kasus kebidanan

adalah sebagai berikut;

Data Cara Bertanya

1. Name

2. Age

3. Nationality & Race

4. Address & telephone

5. Religion

6. Marital status

7. Occupation

Chief complaint / keluhan utama

History of present illnes relates to

the chief complain or problem

1. Date and time onset

2. Specific location

3. Type of pain or discomfort

Menstrual history

1. Age at menarche

2. Duration

3. Last menstrual period,

duration and amount

What is your name?

When were you born? / Your date of birth please.

What is your nationality? What is your race ?

What is your address and telephone number ?

What is your religion?

Are you married?

What is your occupational?

What’s your problem? / what’s your chief


When did the complaint start?

Where is the location? Or show me where the

location is?

How does the pain feel or what is the pain like?

When did you get the first time period?

How many days usually it happened ?

When did you have your last menstrual period?

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4. Dysmenorrhoea

Obstetric history

1. Gravida/ Para

2. Each pregnancy

a. Date of termination:

b. Weeks gestation:

c. Place of delivery

d. Any problem during

pregnancy, labour and

postpartum period?

e. Weight of baby birth;

f. Sex of baby:

g. Any complication h. Status of

infant at birth:

i. Present status of infant:

Contraceptive history

Present contraceptive method

a. Type

b. Side effect

c. Length of time using this


Is there any problem during period like

dysmenorrhoea or premenstrual syndrome?

How many children do you have? How many times

do you experience of pregnancy?

When was your previous baby born?

How many weeks was your previous pregnancy?

Where were you deliver your previous baby ?

Did you have any problem for your previous

pregnancy, labour and postpartum period?

How many kilos was your previous baby born?

Is it a boy or a girl?

Were there any complications for your previous

baby born?

How is your child now?

What type of contraceptive did you use before?

Are there any side effects?

How long did you use this method of contraceptive?

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Carilah 1 kasus ditempat anda praktek, lakukan interview pada pasien anda tersebut

dan isikan dalam medical report pasien

Tuliskan hasil interview anda dalam bahasa Inggris.

Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2 maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa bidan harus

mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien khususnya ketika bidan mempunyai pasien baru.

Beberapa pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pasien baru khususnya untuk kasus

kebidanan telah di pelajari dan cara pengisian medical report akan kita praktekkan sebagai

latihan. Sekarang marilah kita lanjutkan pada kegiatan belajar selanjutnya yaitu giving


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The admission interview was conducted by Midwife Eka on july 10th 2013. The patient was Mrs

Fatima, 35 years old, muslim, married, a teacher, Javanes. The address is nakulo st 26, Medan,

her problem is contraction in uterus after working since 3 days ago. She has 1 son 3 years old,

he was born on March, 5th, , He was healthy, at independent midwife, normal, term. His weight

was 3000 gram. Now, Mrs Fatima is pregnant, her last menstrual period was on march 13th

2013. She had never used any contraceptive method. Menarche when she was 13 years old,

never had problem, regular every month, normal.

Bacalah kasus diatas, pahami dan isikan data diatas dalam medical report pasien.

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Explaining Procedure

Kegiatan Belajar 3

1 0 0 M eni t

I. Tujuan pembelajaran Umum : Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 3,diharapkan

mahasiswa mampu memberikan instruksi dan menjelaskan prosedur kepada pasien

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus : setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 3, diharapkan

Mahasiswa mampu

a. Memberikan instruksi kepada pasien

b. Menjelaskan prosedur pemberian obat kepada pasien

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

A. Giving instruction

B. Explaining medication

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URAIAN MATERI Lakukan percakapan dibawah ini dengan teman anda Midwife : Good Morning Mrs Salma?

Patient : Good Morning, midwife

Midwife : Would you stand upright here ?

Patient : Sure Midwife

Midwife : That‟s fine Mrs Salma.

Ok, don‟t move your head. Keep your head steady, look straight ahead

Patient : Ok

Midwife : Let me measure your height ?

Patient : What is my height Midwife?

Midwife : It‟s 156 cm. It‟s normal

Percakapan diatas adalah contoh bagaimana bidan memberikan instruksi untuk mengukur

tinggi badan pasien.

Sekarang marilah kita bahas bagaimana cara bidan memberikan instruksi kepada pasien.

A. Giving Instruction

Ada beberapa cara yang dilakukan bidan untuk dapat melakukan instruksi yang akan dilakukan

kepada pasien atau explaining the procedure kepada pasien


- It‟s time to practice breastfeeding your baby

- I will assist you and help you breastfeed your baby

Give you instructions how to breastfeed your baby

Give you an example how to breast feed your baby

Kalimat lain yang bisa digunakan

This will take time

Follow / listen to my instructions

Let me help you wear your……shoes

Do you feel ……dizzy?

Fine, that‟s it

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Kalimat yang bisa digunakan bidan untuk memberi intervensi atau kalimat yang digunakan

kepada seorang pasien sebelum melakukan tindakan.

Bila pasien disarankan untuk mengukur sendiri berat badannya

Cara untuk menanyakan hasil pengukuran

Cara bidan memberitahu hasil pengukuran / observasi kepada pasien

I need to take your temperature

to weight you

to count your pulse

to measure your height

Please, weight yourself on that scale

How much do I weight ?

What is my temperature?

Blood pressure



How much do I weight?--> It is normal

It‟s 37 0 C

Your temperature is higher than normal

You weigh 67 kilo

You are 156 cm height

It is 130 over 80 mmHg

It is within normal.

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B. Explaining Medication

Sebelum memberikan obat kepada pasien bidan harus menjelaskan dulu cara

pemberian kepada pasien.

Cara memberi obat kepada pasien secara oral

Cara memberikan Peringatan kepada pasien.

Ketika bidan memberikan obat kepada pasien, biasanya ada beberapa pertanyaan dari pasien

sehubungan dengan pemberian obat

Jenis pertanyaan yang biasanya muncul adalah:

Please, take tablet a day/ three times a day

To reduce ......your temperature

To relieve your pain

Here are some tablets / pills ( which) you have to take

every ....eight hours.

Have you taken the medicine ?

Take these antibiotics all up

You must call the midwife if there is adverse reaction

Don‟t take this more than ........three times / 24 hours

Don‟t use it if it makes.....a skin rash

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Buatlah 10 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi instruksi kepada pasien yang

berhubungan dengan pekerjaan anda sebagai seorang bidan.

Demontrasikan conversation yang anda buat dengan teman anda.

Translate ke dalam bahasa inggris

1. Silahkan anda jongkok kemudian berdiri lagi

2. Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah bapak.

3. Sudahkah anda minum obat ini ?

4. Obat ini di minum 3 kali sehari

5. Ini untuk meredakan rasa mual

How should i take this .......

What is the use of this ......(tablet, medicine )?

(menanyakan fungsi obat)

How much do I have to take ......(tablets)? (Tanya dosis


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Setelah kita mempelajari tentang cara memberikan instruksi dan memberikan penjelasan

tentang pemberian obat maka dapat kita simpulkan bahwa:

1..Instruksi dapat dilakukan bila bidan dapat berkomunikasi dengan benar

2.Penjelasan tentang prosedur perlu di berikan kepada pasien agar pengobatan dapat

berjalan dengan benar .

Demikian modul 1 tentang speaking dalam kebidanan, silahkan anda melakukan praktek

mandiri agar skill anda semakin meningkat. Selanjutnya kita lanjutkan pada modul 2.

Setelah anda mempelajari modul 1, anda ditugaskan bermain peran

mengenai wawancara antara bidan dengan pasien kemudian

dokumentasikan hasil wawancara anda pada medical report. Untuk lebih

jelasnya ikuti panduan praktikum.

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Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar

1. …………………accompanied the patient to the Radiology Department?

2. …………………stimulates the kidneys and intestine to absorb more calcium?

3. …………………is the philanthropist that donated an enormous amount of money to the


4. …………………did the midwife place the patient‟s bed head ticket?

5. …………………makes you think that you have malaria?

6. …………………do you know that the surgeons is reluctant to perform mastectomy on

you ?

7. ………………….was the pharmacist trained ?

8. …………………do you feel this morning ?

9. …………………are the medical students worried ?

10. ………………….is my brother supposed to undergo the appendicitis operation?

Complete this explation using these word

After food - on an empty – stomach - to take - every hours - every 6 hours – three - two –

Not allergic - antibiotics - containers - instruction

Midwife : This antibiotics are for you to take home and I would like to explain about it . There are

(1)............on the labels, but it helps if we talk about it one by one as well.

There are (2)..................separate (3).....................(4) look at the (5)...............There

are (6)......................penicillin. You need (7)...............these (8)................and an hour before food

or (9).............. These are the best ones for your infection as you have said before that you are

not (10) penicillin. The other antibiotics is metronidazole , which you need

(11)..........(12)........but this time with or (13).......................

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Bradley, R. (2008). English For Nursing and Health Care. Mc Graw Hill:New York

Cox, K & Hill, D (2004). English For Academic Purposes. Pearson Longman : Australia

Eastwood, J (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar . Oxford University Press : China

Kerr. R. & Smith, J., (1982) . NUCLEUS. English for Science and Technology. Longman:USA

Pramudya . L (2008). English For the Profesional Nurses: EPN Consultan : Jakarta

Redaksi PM (2012). Buku Jagoan Cepat Menguasai Grammar. Pustaka Makmur : Jakarta

Salina, S & Mastura,M (2008). Nursing Your English. Pearson Prentice Hall : Malaysia

Soars,L & John (…) New Headway English Course. Oxford University Press: Oxford

======================= end of modul 1 =============================

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Part of speech 1


Kh Endah Widhi Astuti, M.Mid

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Daftar isi


Daftar isi..............................................................................................................


Kegiatan Belajar 1 : noun-adjective.................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum...................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus................................................................

Pokok- pokok materi...............................................................................

Uraian materi..........................................................................................


Tugas mandiri........................................................................................

Test Formatif..........................................................................................

Kegiatan Belajar 2: verb – adverb ................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum..................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus...............................................................

Pokok- pokok materi..............................................................................

Uraian materi.........................................................................................


Test Formatif..........................................................................................

Test Akhir ..........................................................................................................

Acuan Pustaka..................................................................................................

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Kegiatan Belajar 1

NOUN-ADJECTIVE 2 x1 00 m en i t


I. Tujuan pembelajaran Umum : Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 1

mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan noun dan adjectives

II. Tujuan pembelajaran khusus: Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran pada kegiatan

belajar 1 ini diharapkan mahasiswa mampu :

a. Menjelaskan pengertian noun

b. Menjelaskan bentuk noun

c. Mengidentifikasi macam macam noun

d. Mengidentifikasi tipe tipe noun

e. Menyebutkan number of noun

f. Menjelaskan tentang noun classes

g. Menjelaskan noun clause

h. Menjelaskan pengertian adjective

i. Menjelaskan jenis adjective

j. Menjelaskan tentang adjective clause

III. Pokok – Pokok Materi

A. Pengertian noun

B. Bentuk noun

C. Macam macam noun

D. Tipe tipe noun

E. Number noun

F. Noun classes

G. Noun clause

H. Pengertian adjective

I. Jenis adjective

J. Adjective clausa

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Didalam bahasa Inggris (grammar) terdapat “delapan bagian “ yang biasa dikenal dengan


Bacalah paragraph dibawah ini dan perhatikan kata kata yang dihitamkan (bold)

Kata yang yang dihitamkan pada paragraph diatas adalah bagian dari part of speech dan

masing masing mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda beda.


A Noun is a name of a person, animal, place or thing (nama orang, binatang atau sesuatu)

Contoh: a midwifery student

Ratna is a midwifery student. She is a very hardworking student. Ratna

always passes her midwifery subject. However, she is very weak in

English. She speaks English poorly and her spelling is very bad. Her

friends can barely understand her when she speaks. So, her lecturer

advices her to improve her English. Yesterday, she went to the bookshop

and bought an English book. She find the book interesting and could not

wait for her first English lesson to start. Good luck Ratna !


Noun Interjection

Verb Conjunction

Adjective Preposition

Adverb pronoun

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A verb may be said to be a”doing word” or an action word ( kata kerja )

contoh ; pass, is


An adjective describes a noun ( kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menambahkan arti

pada kata benda atau kata yang menerangkan kata benda)

Contoh: hardworking


An adverb generally modifies a verb ( kata keterangan yang memberikan kejelasan terhadap

kata kerja)

Contoh: poorly


A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun ( kata ganti yang digunakan menggantikan

orang atau benda)

contoh: she


A preposition is a word that takes the place of a noun ( kata yang ditempatkan sebelum kata


contoh : to


A conjunction is a word used to joint words and clauses ( kata penghubung yang berfungsi

untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat)

contoh: so


An exclamation or interjection expresses sudden emotion (kata seru adalah kata yang

digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu perasaan yang kuat seperti kekaguman, rasa sakit,

atau kegembiraan)

contoh : Good Luck Ratna

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Marilah kita mulai dengan pembahasan kita yang pertama yaitu tentang noun


A. Pengertian Noun

Noun atau kata benda adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan nama orang,

tempat, hal, kualitas, juga gagasan.

B. Bentuk-bentuk Noun

1. Concrete Noun

Yaitu kata benda yang terwujud, dapat dilihat atau disentuh.

Contoh: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book, pencil, etc.

2. Abstract Noun

Abstract Noun yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau disentuh.

Contoh: agreement, kindness, statement, etc.

C. Macam-Macam nouns

1. Proper nouns ( kata benda nama diri )

Contoh: Adam, Surabaya, Medan, New York

2. Common Nouns ( kata benda umum )

Contoh: Stone, Iron,Diamond,sand

3. Collective Nouns (kata benda kumpulan)

Contoh: Group, Club, Class

D. Tipe-Tipe Nouns

1. Countable Nouns

Adalah Kata benda yang dapat dihitung.

Contoh: table, car, chair, man, hospital, midwife, wheelchair, etc

2. Uncountable Nouns

Adalah Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung

Contoh: water, sugar, butter, dust, coffee, bread

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E. Number nouns

1. Singular Nouns (kata benda tunggal)

Kata benda tunggal bersama artikel a atau an.

Contoh: a book (sebuah buku), an apple ( sepotong apel), a box (sebuah kotak)

2. Plural Nouns (kata benda jamak)

Kata benda yang menunjukkan bahwa kata benda tersebut lebih dari satu.

Contoh: I want to buy five pencils

The pens are on the table

Contoh : Plural and singular noun (kata benda tunggal dan jamak)




( jamak)


(kata benda

beraturan dengan


s,es, ies)



Patient patients

Ward Wards

Nurse Nurses

Doctor Doctors



Virus Viruses

Class Classes

Midwife miidwives

Ditambah “ies”

Body Bodies

Baby Babies

Lady Ladies


( tidak beraturan )


( tidak beraturan)

Child chlidren

Woman Women

(tidak berubah)

Fish Fish

Furniture Furniture

sama antara plural dan singular Truth Truth

Honesty Honesty

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Bacalah paragraph dibawah ini, pahami isinya dan identifikasikan nouns kemudian isikan pada

kotak dibawahnya.


Physiotherapists in Britain claimed that baby walkers could be harmful for babies. Baby walkers

are said to be responsible for injuring 4.000 children a year in Britain. Hence, these

physiotherapists called for a ban on baby walkers.

They also claimed that baby walkers disrupt the ability of children to develop walking and visual

skills and prevent them from exploring their surroundings.

Meanwhile, physiotherapists in the US found that children who have used baby walkers take a

longer time to sit upright, crawl and walk. The findings also indicated that babies, who had been

in walkers, did not perform well in mental tests..

Latihan 1

Carilah kata kata sulit yang belum anda

ketahui artinya dan lihat dalam kamus anda.

Singular Plural

Baby walkers

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F. Noun classes

1. Masculine Gender

Kata benda jenis kelamin laki-laki.

Contoh: Father, Uncle, boy, Husband

2. Feminime Gender

Kata benda jenis kelamin perempuan.

Contoh: Mother, Aunt, Wife

3. Neuter Gender nouns

Kata benda yang tak berjenis kelamin, atau netral.

Contoh: Bus, car, book

4. Common Gender Nouns

Kata benda yang berjenis kelamin umum.

Contoh: Baby , Friend, Teacher

Latihan 2. Bacalah dengan cermat, pahami isinya dan Identifikasi noun dalam paragraph

di bawah ini.

G. Noun Clause

Noun clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai nomina karena fungsinya sebagai

nomina, maka noun clause dapat menduduki posisi-posisi berikut:

1). Subject kalimat (subject of a sentence)


What you said doesn‟t convince me at all.

How he becomes so rich makes peoples curious.

What the salesman has said is untrue

That the world is round is a fact.

Mrs Joan is a 45 year old midwife, who was referred to a consultant neurologist by her

family doctor. Of late, Mrs Joan always experience dizziness when she walks for a long

distance. Mrs Joan told the neurologist that she is unable to run but is able to ride


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2). Object verba transitif( object of a transitive verb)


I know what you mean.

I don‟t understand what he is talking about.

He said that his son would study in Australia.

3). Object preposisi ( object of a preposition)

Contoh :

Please listen to what your teacher is saying

Be careful of what you’re doing

4). Pelengkap ( complement)

Contoh :

This is what i want

That is what you need

5). Pemberi keterangan tambahan ( noun in apposition)

Contoh :

The idea that people can live without oxygen is unreasonable

The fact that Adam always come late doesn‟t surprise me

Latihan 3 . Isilah titik titik dengan jawaban di sebelah kanan ( jawaban boleh digunakan

lebih dai satu pertanyaan.

1. Nick is ..........owns enormous dog a. the man that

b. woman who sit beside me

c. the man who

d. Who / that

2. Jack is ............plays the guitar

3. a midwife

4. The man .......repaired my car is a real expert

5. I thought I recognized the assistant................served us

Apakah anda sudah memahami tentang kata benda ? sekarang marilah kita lanjutkan dengan

materi tentang kata sifat

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ADJECTIVES / kata sifat

H. Pengertian Adjectives

Kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menambahkan arti pada kata yang

menerangkan kata benda


1. Midwife Andini is a caring person

Adjective- caring describes the noun person

2. The ward is tidy

Adjective – tidy


1. Sebelum kata benda


a. The contaminated needle must be disposed of Adjective noun

b. The haughty doctor ordered me to observe the patient‟s vital signs Adjective noun

2. Setelah kata kerja seperti: like be, seem, appear, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, become,



a. The patient seems withdrawn today Verb adjective

b. I felt relief that the operation was a success

Verb adjective

c. The water in the tank is murky Be verb adjective

Latihan 4. Berikan garis bawah pada kata adjectives dalam kalimat dibawah ini

1. The newborn baby became restless when his diaper was soiled

2. The overweight child prefers sedentary activities

3. Normally, a toothbrush head gets worn, split and uneven after three months

4. He appeared uneasy when we asked about her disease

5. The cough syrup tastes bitter. However, the young boy was brave enough

to swallow it

6. Certain bacteria or tissues are acid-fast

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I. Jenis-jenis Adjectives

1. Limitting adjectives/ kata sifat terbatas

Article(kata sandang), terdiri dari: a, an, dan the.

a untuk kata berawalan consonan,

contoh: a pen, a book, a cat, etc.

an untuk kata berawalan vocal,

Contoh: an apple, an eagle, an hour, an orange, etc.

the untuk benda tunggal,

contoh: the earth, the sea, the moon, the sun, etc.

Latihan 5. isikan a, an atau the

2. Demonstrative Adjectives / kata sifat penunjuk

This = ini, menunjukkan benda yang dekat dalam bentuk tunggal

Contoh : this is my stetoscope.

These= ini, untuk menunjuk benda yang dekat dalam bentuk jamak

Contoh : these house are mine

7. Studies show that almost two-thirds of those taking anti-high blood pressure

medicines stop taking them within three years.

8. Menstrual flow become a problem if it is very heavy or frequent and might lead to

iron deficiency anaemia

9. Hormonal imbalances and lack of physical activities can contribute to childhood


10. Natural milk product are the best source of calcium as they enhance calcium

absorption within the body.

1. would you like ............tomato? There‟s one in ...........fridge

2. I have got...............problem with my phone bill

3. yes, go to ....fifth floor,.............lift is along the corridor.

4. I‟m going out for .....walk

5. They are on........floor in

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That = itu, untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam bentuk tunggal

Contoh : that book which you are reading is mine

Those= itu, untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam benda jamak.

Contoh : those woman are our patients.

3. Possessives Adjective / kata sifat kepunyaan


Contoh: my patient is a teacher

Your= punya kamu

Contoh : your neighbour is a midwife

our= punya kami/kita

contoh : our teacher expect us to study hard

their=punya mereka

contoh : their lecturers always come on time

His=punya dia laki-laki

Contoh: his wife is a nurse

her=punya dia perempuan

contoh : her husband is a doctor

its= punya dia, benda mati atau binatang

contoh: i have a book. Its colour is red

( untuk lebih jelasnya lihat modul 3 Kegiatan Belajar 1)

4. Numeral adjective / kata sifat bilangan

Cardinal number (bilangan pokok)

Contoh : 0 = zero

1 = one

2 = two etc

Ordinal number (bilangan urutan)

Contoh : the first = ke satu

the second = kedua

the third = ketiga

the fourth = keempat etc

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Dalam penulisan harus diikuti oleh “the”

Contoh : The fourth grade

Fraction number (bilangan pecahan)

Contoh : 1/2 = a half,

¼ = a fourth / a quarter

1/ 3 = a third

2/3 = two-third

5. Adjective of Indefinite quantity / kata sifat jumlah tidak tentu

Many : banyak , untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung, pada kalimat

negative dan interrogative

Contoh ; How many patients are there in your clinic?

Much : banyak, digunakan untuk kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung pada

kalimat negative dan interogatif

Contoh: Do you have much money?

A lot of : banyak , digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung pada

kalimat positif

Contoh : I have a lot of patients today.

Plenty of: banyak, digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan

tidak dapat dihitung dalam kalimat positif

Contoh : we have plenty of time

You must drink plenty of water

A great many : banyak, untuk kata benda yang dapat di hitung pada kalimat


Contoh : My mother has a great many rings

A few : beberapa , untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung

Contoh: I hope you can stay here for a few days.

A little : sedikit, untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat di hitung

Contoh : there is a little water in th bottle

Several : beberapa, untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung

Contoh: several students go to hospital today

All : semua , untuk benda yang dapat dihitung dan tidak dapat dihitung

Contoh : All students must go to clinic now.

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Latihan6 . Complete paragraph dibawah ini dengan many, few, much or little

6. Interogative adjectives / kata sifat penanya

terdiri dari: which, what, whose

J. Adjective Clause

Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjective. adjective clause

dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh adjective clause:

1. Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun

Contoh: The man who is sitting over there is my father

2. Adjective Clause dengan relative adverb

Contoh: This is the reason why she did it.


Setelah mempelajari tentang part of speech, anda semakin paham bahwa dalam setiap

kalimat dalam bahasa inggris terdapat susunan kata yang masing masing mempunyai

makna berbeda

1. Noun untuk menerangkan benda atau manusia

2. Adjective adalah menerangkan noun

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1 ini diharapkan anda akan dapat menggunakan

dalam penulisan dan dapat membedakan jenis katanya untuk menambah pengetahua anda.

The Islanders do not have (1) , and they have (2 )

with the outside world. There is not (3)........chance of the place attracting large

numbers of tourists. There are lots of bicycles but not (4) And there

are hardly any of the modern facilities. There are (5)............shops, and there is


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1. Carilah artikel dalam bahasa Inggris. Carilah kata kata sulit yang belum anda

pahami kemudian identifikasi noun dan adjective dalam artikel tersebut.

2. Tuliskan noun minimal 20 nouns di tempat kerja anda yang berhubungan

dengan pekerjaan anda sebagai bidan sehari hari.


Choose the correct answer

1. My father is not only the town mayor, he runs …………….., too

a. a business c. business

b. a piece of business d. some business

2. The ………………..produced at our factory in Scotland

a. good are c. goods are

b. good is d. goods is

3. I was watching TV at home when suddenly ……….rang

a. a doorbell c. doorbell

b. an doorbell d. the doorbell

4. I’ve always liked ………………..

a. chinese food c. some food of china

b. food of china d. the Chinese food

5. In England most children go …………at the age of five

a. school c. to some school

b. to school d. to the school.

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6. The government is doing nothing to help ………….

a. poor c. the poors

b. the poor d. the poor ones

7. The young man seem very ………..

a. sensible c. sensibley

b. sensiblely d. sensibly

8. A student midwife must be ………..when reporting for duty

a. pungent c. thick

b. accurate d. punctual

9. Nursing report must be …………in order to avoid any legal implications

a. punctual c. accurate

b. painful d. haughty

10. The postpartum mother complained that the analgesic injection was ……

a. anxious c. painful

b. thick d. blunt

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Kegiatan Belajar 2

verb - adverb 2 x 100 M eni t


Tujuan Pembelajaran

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2 diharapkan mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan

tentang verb - adverb

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran khusus

Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2 ini, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu

a. Menjelaskan pengertian verb

b. Menjelaskan jenis verb

c. Menjelaskan tipe tipe verb

d. Menjelaskan infinitive

e. Menjelaskan reguler dan irregular verb

f. Menjelaskan auxilary verb

g. Menjelaskan causative verb

h. Menjelaskan subjunctive

i. Menjalaskan gerund

j. Menjelaskan active dan pasive voice

k. Menjelaskan pengertian adverb

l. Menjelaskan adverb clauses

III. Pokok – Pokok Materi

Untuk mencapai tujuan dalam kegiatan belajar 2 ini, Anda diharapkan mempelajari tentang

konsep – konsep berikut:

A. Pengertian verb

B. Jenis verb

C. Tipe tipe verb

D. infinitive

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E. reguler dan irregular verb

F. auxilary verb

G. causative verb

H. subjunctive

I. gerund

J. active dan pasive voice

K. pengertian adverb

L. adverb clauses

URAIAN MATERI Bacalah paragraph dibawah ini. Pahami isinya dan perhatikan verb pada setiap

kalimat. Carilah arti kata yang di hitamkan dalam kamus.

Kata yang digaris bawah pada paragraph diatas adalah contoh dari verb. Sekarang

marilah kita membahas tentang Verb

Breast milk provides a balanced diet for infants as it

contains all essential nutrients, increase immunity

against diseases and improves both physical and

mental growth. Thus mothers are encouraged to nurse

their bundles of joy as soon as possible after the

baby‟s birth. In some cultures, colostrums, the first milk

that appears and which is yellowish in colour, is

discarded. Mothers are urged not to discard

colostrums because it is extremely rich in antibodies,

protein, zinc and other minerals, as well as low in

lactose and fat.

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A. Pengertian verbs

Verb atau kata kerja adalah semua kata yang menyatakan perbuatan dan

perilaku atau pengertian dinamis. missal: work, drive, type, run, dan sebagainya.

B. Jenis-Jenis Verb

1. Transitive Verb (kata kerja transitif)

Transitive verb atau kata kerja transitif adalah kata kerja yang subjeknya

membutuhkan objek sebagai pelengkap untuk menyatakan suatu pengertian yang


2. Intransitive verb (kata kerja intransitive)

adalah kata kerja yang subjeknya tidak membutuhkan objek sebagai pelengkap

untuk menyatakan suatu pengertian yang lengkap.

3. Verbs of incomplete Predication

yaitu verba yang membutuhkan pelengkap ( complement) untuk melengkapi artinya


C. Tipe verb

dibagi menjadi 3 jenis yaitu

1. Continous verbs

Ciri yang menonjol adalah Verbs ini merupakan kegiatan secara fisik yang biasa

dilakukan orang ( to run, to walk, to eat , to fly, to go , to say )

Contoh: I eat bread every morning

2. Noun Continous verbs

Ciri yang menonjol adalah Verbs ini merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa orang

kerjakan. kata kerja ini digunakan dalam continous tenses.


Student midwife Natalia Is inserting Naso gastric tube into the patient‟s stomach

The doctor auscultated the patient‟s chest an hour ago.

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Macam-Macam Non Continous Verbs

Abstract Verbs ( to be, to want , to cost , to seem, to need )

Possession verbs ( to belong , to own )

Emotion Verbs ( to like , to love , to hate, to dislike , to fear )

3. Mixed verbs

Ciri yang menonjol adalah verbs ini mempunyai dua arti yaitu berlaku seperti “Non-

Continous verbs” dan “continous verbs”

Contoh : Tony appears confused.

D. Infinitive

Adalah bentuk dasar dari verb. Dalam bahasa inggris, penulisan Infinitive biasanya

diawali dengan to. misalnya: (to) read, (to) eat, etc.

Meskipun, pada umumnya infinitive diawali to akan tetapi ada beberapa infinitive tanpa

to, biasanya disebut bare invinitive.

Perlu diingat, bentuk kata infinitive tidak bisa ditambah –s, -es, -ed atau –ing.

1. Bentuk-bentuk infinitive

The perfect infinitive

To have + past participle

Contoh : someone must have broken the window and climbed in

The continuous infinitive

To be + Present participle

Contoh: I happened to be waiting for the bus when the accident happened

S + V + O + to infinitive


I want you to study, now.

(saya ingin kamu belajar, sekarang)

The doctor advised him to stop


(dokter menasehatinya untuk

berhenti merokok)

S +V +to infinitive


I want to study English.

(saya ingin belajar bahasa


He refused to go.

(Ia menolak pergi

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The perfect continuous infinitive

To have been + present participle

Contoh: the woman seemed to have been crying

The passive Infinitive

To be + past participle

Contoh: I am expecting to be given a pay – rise next month

2. Penggunaan Infinitive

dapat digunakan sebagai Nouns, adjectives, atau adverbs.

Contoh ;

To sleep is the only thing Tony wants after his double shift waiting tables at the

neighbourhood cafe

To sleep berfungsi sebagai nouns (kata benda) karena sleep sebagai subjek dari


Latihan 1. Pilihlah jawaban yang dianggap benar

E. Regular and Irregular verbs

1. Regular verbs / kata kerja beraturan

2. Irregular verbs/ kata kerja tak beraturan

Kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris yang pembentukan lampaunya (past tense atau

past participle) tidak bisa ditambahkan akhiran –ed atau –d melainkan kata tersebut

berubah, sesuai kaidah yang ada.

Contoh : The class begins at seven o‟clock everyday

My class began at seven o‟clock yesterday

1. Hary decided ( to have / having ) a party

2. I want ( to avoid / avoiding ) hurting anyone „s feeling

3. I really dislike ( to sit / sitting) on the beach all day

4. We were planning ( hire / to hire ) a car

5. I don‟t fancy (to stay / staying) in one place all the time.

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Setelah kita mempelajari tentang kata kerja tidak beraturan marilah kita lihat contoh

daftar kata yang tidak beraturan dibawah ini.

F. Auxilary verbs

1. Pengertian

Merupakan kata kerja bantu yang diletakkan di depan kata kerja pokok untuk

membentuk „bentuk waktu‟ (tenses), ragam grammatical (voice) dan modals.

2. Bentuk-bentuk auxiliary verbs

Can digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan atau keahlian dan permohonan

Contoh : he can speak English fluently

May digunakan untuk menyatakan Permohonan izin dan kemungkinan

Contoh; May I beside you ?

Will digunakan untuk menyatakan Permintaan dan Janji

Contoh : I will come to your home

Shall digunakan untuk menyatakan Bantuan atau jasa dan Janji serta perintah yang

harus dilakukan

Contoh : shall I open your coat ?

Must digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan

Contoh: You must go now

Could: digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan yang sopan dan kemungkinan.

Contoh: could you show me the way?

Might ; digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan

Contoh: she might need a car

Would digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan secara sopan dan keinginan bila

bersama „like‟

Contoh : Would you help me , please?

What would you like to buy?

Should digunakan untuk menyatakan Anjuran dan Keharusan.

Contoh; you are tired, you should take a rest.

You should go to school.

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Latihan 2. Pilihlah jawaban dengan Shall, might, would, mustn’t , had.

G. Causative Verbs

Dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu yang

diinginkan oleh orang lain. Anda bisa menggunakan kalimat permintaan bahkan dengan

memaksa sekalipun.

1. Have/Get

Anda dapat membuat kalimat pasif atau aktif dengan menggunakan have/get

2. Make

kita dapat menggunakan kalimat aktif dengan menggunakan make. makna make

lebih kuat daripada have/get, make lebih bersifat memaksa


Contoh : the man makes wife cook special food


1. Subject + Have + complement

(usually person)c+ V1

2. Subject + get + complement

(usually person) +V1

Contoh : The

doctor had his

midwife arrange

the meeting


1. Subject + have + complement

(usually thing) + V3

2. Subject + get + Complement

(usually Thing) +V3

Contoh : Fatima

is getting his

mother to take

her photograph

1. Everyone‟s sleep. We ............make noise.

2. like to go for a ride with us

3. I wonder if this is the right way, It .................not be

4. It‟s late. I think we..............better go

5. you the way ?. oh , thank you.

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3. Let

Anda dapat menggunakan let sebagai causative, yang berarti mengijinkan



Contoh : My father let his son go to Bali with his friends


Contoh: My mother allowed her daughter to spend the night at her friend‟s house

4. Help

dapat digunakan sebagai causative. biasanya diikuti ole simple form atau infinitive.


Contoh : Tony helped linda find her ring

H. .Subjunctive

adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama(simple form) yang ditempatkan setelah kata kerja

(verb) yang lainnya. dapat digunakan apabila anda ingin menunjukkan seseorang yang

menginginkan orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Contoh kalimat:

The hospital requires that all his midwives take this training

The teacher advised that her student study hard

Latihan 3.Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat


1. (let’s, get ) listen to some music.

2. You should (get, have) your car serviced regularly

3. Where did you ( have , get ) your hair cut ?

4. We ( had , got) all our money stolen.

5. Laura (got, have) her shoes repaired.

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Adalah bentuk kata kerja ing yang difungsikan sebagai kata benda


He is smoking ( sebagai kata kerja)

Smoking is prohibited ( sebagai gerund)

Fungsi gerund

1. Sebagai subjek

Contoh : reading is good hobby

Swimming is healthy sport

2. Sebagai objek

Contoh : she likes cooking

I love singing

3. Sebagai larangan

Contoh : No smoking

No parking

4. Sebagai perintah atau ajaran

Contoh :Keep smiling

Keep talking

5. Setelah preposition

Contoh: I went without saying

After dringking , i went home

Verb + ing

Kata yang diikuti gerund

Finish , like , enjoy, prefer, keep, before, after, stop

Contoh : She enjoy looking after her patients

The baby stop crying when her mother give breastfeeding.

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Latihan 4. Pilih jawaban yang benar

J . Active – passive

a. Active voice : kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan pekerjaan


They bring two flowers

The patient moves his bowels twice a day

b. Passive voice

Adalah kalimat yang subjeknya di kenai perbuatan

Subyeknya berasal dari obyek pada kalimat pasif


Active : Sally feeds the patients in the morning Passive : The patients are fed by sally in the morning

S + V1 + es/es

S + to be + Viii + by + O

1. Just keep ( stirring / to stir ) the mixture until it boils

2. Mark promised ( to go / going ) shopping

3. Have you finish ( to type / typing) that letter?

4. We tend ( getting / to get ) up later at weekend.

5. My mother enjoy ( to travel / travelling) around the world.

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Latihan5. Buatlah kalimat passive dibawah ini

K. Adverbs adalah kata keterangan yang menerangkan verb, adjectives atau adverb yang

lain atau menambahkan kejelasan arti pada kata kerja


1. We must examine the patients thoroughly

Adverb – thoroughly describes the action examine

2. The clinical assistant walked hastily towards the ambulance

Adverb-hastily describes the action walked

L. Adverb clausa : Adverbs dikategorikan dalam beberapa klas menurut penggunaaaanya.

Macam macam adverb clausa :

a) Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner adalah keterangan yang menyatakan cara


- He eats alone

- The doctor examines his patients conscientiously

2. ADVERBS / kata keterangan

1. Mrs Mirna …………………(give) a 500 mg Ampicillin injection six hourly.

2. These procedures …………………..usually ………………….(perform) by the student


3. All disposable equipment …………………….(discard) immediately after use

4. These are the steps to prepare the dressing trolley. First, the trolley

…………..(wash) with soap and water. However , sometimes it ………………(map)

with antiseptic and later

5. It ………………….(dry). All sterile equipment …………………(place) on the top shelf

while all non-sterile equipment ……………………(put) on the bottom shelf.

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b). Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place adalah menyatakan tempat.


- She searched for the psychiatric patient everywhere.

- I shall meet you here tomorrow

c). Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu atau ketika sesuatu terjadi.


- The surgeon are performing the operation now.

- We have already documented the procedure.

d). Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree digunalan untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan atau suatu kegiatan


- The surgical wound is healing very well.

- The admission and emergency Department is quite busy during the

festive season due to the increase in road accidents

e). Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency digunakan untuk menunjukan berapa sering kegiatan atau

aktifitas dilakukan.


- Patients in the intensive Care Unit must always be monitored

- She constantly complains of angina.

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Penulisan Adverb

Biasanya adverb dibentuk dari adjectives dengan menambahkan ly.

Adverbs ending in –y


Full - Fully

Simple - simply

Legible - Legibly

Probable - Probably

Adverbs ending in –ily


Easy - Easily

Noisy - Noisily

Hungry - Hungrily

Voluntary - Votluntarily

Adverbs ending with –iy


Proper - Properly

Accurate - Accurately

Meticulous - Meticulously

Cheerful - Cheerfully

Adverbs, like adjectives, form their

opposites with prefixes.






Adverbs ending in-ally


Scientific - Scientifically

Systematic - systematically

Surgical - Surgically

Some adverbs do not have prefix or suffix. Examples:





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Latihan 6. Berikan garis bawah pada jawaban yang benar

1. The ambulance rushed (slowly, speedily) along the highway to take the patient to the


2. The students nurses made up the bed (neatly, lazily) to make it comfortable for the


3. The doctor advised me to take my medication (regularly, frequently)

4. The midwife (clumsily, carefully) spilled some disinfectant on the bed linen

5. Despite their grief, the relatives of the patient were glad that she died (awkwardly,


6. The mother of the newborn baby is happy to see the baby sleeping (restlessly,

soundly) in his crib

7. Dr.Ahmad always prefers to eat (lonely, alone) at the food court

8. They are extremely displeased with the patients for behaving (rudely, wisely) towards

the nurses

9. After visiting hours, relatives of the patients are (patiently, politely) asked to leave

10. The opening ceremony of the International midwifery conference will start (shortly,

quickly). I hope we will not be late.


Semoga anda semakin paham dan semakin bersemangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris,

Kegiatan belajar diatas merupakan dasar untuk dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.Dari

pembelajaran diatas dapat kita ambil kesimpulan bahwa

1. Verb adalah kata kerja dimana semua kalimat dalam bahasa inggris harus ada verb

2. Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan tentang kata kerja. Demikian pembelajaran kita

kali ini.

Sekali lagi, Selamat anda telah menyelesaikan modul 2, semoga apa yang anda pelajari dapat

bermanfaat. Kita lanjutkan pada modul 3.

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Choose the correct answer

1. I think I’ll buy these shoes……..really well

a. They fit c. they are fitting

b. They have fit d. they were fitting

2. We……….to Ireland for our holidays last year

a. Goes c. have gone

b. Going d. went

3. At nine o’clock yesterday morning we…………. For the bus

a. Wait c. was waiting

b. Waiting d. were waiting

4. I … that coat . It’s really nice

a. Am c. very

b. Do d. yes

5. Our friends……………… us at the airport tonight

a. Are c. go to

b. Are going to d. will be to

6. We can’t go along here because the road is …………

a. Been repaired c. repair

b. Being repaired d. repaired

7. I can remember ………….voices in the middle of the night

a. Hear c. hearing

b. Heard d. to hear

8. Susan has to work very hard, I …………….do her job. I’m sure

a. can’t c. don’t

b. couldn’t d. shouldn’t

9. They raised the money simply …………….for it. It was easy

a. Asking c. of asking

b. By asking d. with asking

10. The driver was arrested failing ……… accident

a. Of report c. reporting

b. Report d. to report

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Rumus : Jumlah pilihan yang benar x 100 %

Jumlah soal (score maksimal)

Jika anda mencapai nilai <75 %, maka anda harus mengulangi kembali materi kegitan

belajar 2.


Choose the correct answer

1. We gave ………..a meal

a. at the visitors c. the visitors

b. for the visitors d. to the visitors

2. I‟m busy at the moment……….on the computer

a. I work c. I‟m work

b. I‟m working d. I working

3. Where ………………………………………the car ?

a. did you park c. parked you

b. did you parked d. you parked

4. What „s the weather like in Canada? How often ……………………………….there ?

a. does it snow c. snow it

b. does it snows d. snows it

5. The chemist‟s was open , so luckily I ……………………………… some aspirin.

a. can c. did can

b. can‟t d. was able to

6. ………………………….I carry that bag for you?..Oh , thank you

a. do c. will

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b. shall d. Would

7. The story I‟ve just read ………………………………Agatha Christie

a. was written c. was written from

b. was written by d. wrote

8. Some film stars ………………………be difficult to work with

a. are said c. say

b. are said to d. say to

9. Someone suggested ………………………………..for a walk

a. go c. of going

b. going d. to go

10. The police want …………………………anything suspicious

a. that we report c. us to report

b. us reporting d. we report

11. Did you congratulate Tessa …………………her exam?

a. of passing c. passing

b. on passing d. to pass

12. I need to buy……………………………………………………

a. a bread c. a loaf of bread

b. a loaf bread d. breads

13. I‟m looking for ……………………………… cut this string

a. a pair scissors c. a scissors

b. a scissor d. some scissors

14. It‟s so boring here, nothing ever happens in ……………

a. that c. this

b. these d. those

15. There‟s …………………..use in complaining. They probably won‟t do anything about it.

a. a few c. few

b. a little d. little

16. Let‟s stop and have a coffee,………………..a café over there, look.

a. is c. there

b. it‟s d. there‟s

17. The house was………………building

a. a nice old stone c. a stone old nice

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b. a nice stone old d. an old nice stone

18. I…………………missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch it

a. mostly c. nearest

b. near d. nearly

19. We‟ve lived in this flat…………………..five years

a. ago c. for

b. already d. since

20. I prefer dogs ………………………..cats. I hate cats

a. from c. than

b. over d. To

21. When I looked round the door , the baby ………….

a. is sleeping c. was sleeping

b. slept d. were sleeping

22. We ………….. to Ireland for our holidays last year

a. goes c. have gone

b. going d. went

23. You haven‟t eaten your pudding,…………………it ?

a. are you no want c. don‟t want you

b. do you no want d. don‟t you want ?

24. Someone ……………….the tickets are free

a. said me c. told me

b. said me that d. told to me

25. What‟s the name of the man ……….gave us a lift

a. he c. which

b. what d. who

26. Susan is the woman …………… husband is in hospital

a. her c. whose

b. hers the d. whose the

27. If ……………….my passport, I‟ll be in trouble

a. I lose c. I lost

b. I‟ll lose d. I would lose

28. If the bus to airport hadn‟t been so late, we……………..the plane

a. caught c. would catch

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b. had caught d. would have caught

29. I just had to take………..the dog out……….of the awful weather

a. although c. even though

b. despite d. in spite

30. Anna put the electric fire on ……………..warm

a. for getting c. so she gets

b. in order get d. to get


Bradley, R. (2008). English For Nursing and Health Care. Mc Graw Hill:New York

Cox, K & Hill, D (2004). English For Academic Purposes. Pearson Longman : Australia

Easwood, J. ( 1999 ). Oxford Practice Grammar . Oxford University Press : China

Kerr. R. & Smith, J., (1982) . NUCLEUS. English for Science and Technology. Longman:USA

Redaksi PM (2012). Buku Jagoan Cepat Menguasai Grammar. Pustaka Makmur : Jakarta

Salina, S & Mastura,M (2008). Nursing Your English. Pearson Prentice Hall : Malaysia

Soars,L & John (…) New Headway English Course. Oxford University Press: Oxford

=========================== end of modul 2============================


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Part of speech 2


Kh Endah Widhi Astuti, M.Mid

Modul 3

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Daftar isi


Daftar isi..............................................................................................................


Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Pronoun - Preposition.........................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum...................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus................................................................

Pokok- pokok materi...............................................................................

Uraian materi..........................................................................................


Tugas mandiri........................................................................................

Test Formatif..........................................................................................

Kegiatan Belajar 2: Conjunction- Interjection-Comparison............................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum..................................................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus...............................................................

Pokok- pokok materi..............................................................................

Uraian materi.........................................................................................


Test Formatif..........................................................................................

Tugas mandiri.........................................................................................

Test Akhir ..........................................................................................................

Acuan Pustaka..................................................................................................




















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2 x1 00 m en i t


I. Tujuan pembelajaran Umum : Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 1,

mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan pronoun dan preposition

II. Tujuan pembelajaran khusus: Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1

diharapkan mahasiswa mampu :

k. Menjelaskan pengertian pronoun

l. Menjelaskan bentuk pronoun

m. Mengidentifikasi jenis pronoun

n. Menjelaskan pengertian preposition

o. Menjelaskan jenis preposition

III. Pokok – Pokok Materi

K. Pengertian pronoun

L. Bentuk pronoun

M. Jenis –jenis pronoun

N. Pengertian prepostion

O. Jenis preposition

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Bacalah paragraph di bawah ini

Pahami isinya dan idetinfikasi kata kata sulit yang belum

anda pahami.

Anda pastinya sudah dapat membedakan antara noun, adjective, verb, adverb. Pada

kegiatan belajar ini anda akan mempelajari tentang pronoun. Tahukah anda kata kata

yang termasuk pronoun dalam paragraph diatas ? marilah kita mempelajarinya saat ini.

A. PRONOUNS / kata ganti

adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda

B. Terdapat 2 bentuk pronouns:

Personal Pronouns / kata ganti orang atau benda

Possessives Pronouns/ kata ganti milik

In 1850, florence attended a training school for nurses. At

that time, nursing was an infamous profesion as nursing

care was only given by women of low moral standard.

Hence, it was against the societal code for affluent young

English women to be involved is such a profession. Miss

Nightingale‟s parents initially opposed to her career choice

but finally approved and gave her their blessings after

Mr.Nightingale became ill and received attentive care from

his daughter. Later, her father granted an allowance, which

allowed her to continue her training and work in London.

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Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns Reflexive

pronouns Subjek Objek Possessive







































Lihat contoh dibawah ini


I have a Forbes watch.

You bought a pair of crutches.

She owns a pharmacy.

He took the children to the hospital.

We built a therapeutic garden in the


They clean the classroom.

The monitor of the computer is faulty. It

has been sent to the lab to be repaired.

The Forbes watch is mine.

The pair of crutches is yours.

The pharmacy is hers.

The children are his.

The therapeutic garden is ours.

The classroom is theirs.

its monitor is faulty.

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Latihan 1. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan possessive adjectives

C. Jenis Jenis pronoun

3. Demonstrative Pronoun / kata ganti penunjuk

This : ini, untuk menunjuk benda dekat tunggal

These : ini , digunakan untuk benda dekat jamak

That : itu, untuk benda jauh tunggal

Those : itu, untuk benda jauh jamak

Contoh : This is my pen

These are our pens

That is your car

Those are your cars

contoh : she is admiring her brand new uniform

1. The surgeons are trying to identify ………………..weakness in the previous operation.

2. I have found a matric card which I handed over to aishah. It is ……………..matric card

3. The hospital is very large ………………….staff are highly efficient

4. My one year old daughter opens …………………..bowel once every 3 or 4 days

5. Encourage your child‟s independence and allow him to make……………..own decision

6. Midwives must observe the 5Cs‟ in caring-compasion, conscience, competence,

confidence and commitment in ………………….profession.

7. ……………………….lifestyle determines our health

8. He drew the diagram of the heart in detail. The diagram shows the heart with

…………walls an four chambers.

9. The ECG machine broke down just now…………………monitor was blank when I

switched it on..

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4. Indifinitive pronouns / kata ganti benda tak tentu

Each ; tiap tiap / setiap

One / ones : yang lainnya , yang satu

Each other; satu sama lain, untuk 2 orang

One another : satu sama lain untuk lebih dari 2 orang

Another : yang lain, untuk benda tunggal tak tentu

Others ; yang lain, untuk benda jamak tak tentu

The other : yang lain , untuk benda tunggal tertentu

The others : yang lain, untuk benda jamak tertentu

Both : kedua , untuk orang atau benda

Few : sedikit

Many ;banyak


Ana and alike help each other with their work

One another has the same meaning

Our house is the one on the left

There are many books on the table

I;ve got two bicycle, both of them are quite old

Few customers have some into the shop

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Latihan 2.

5. Relative pronouns/ kata ganti penghubung

Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua buah kalimat yang memiliki subjek atau objek

yang sama, sehingga pengulangan subjek atau objek tersebut. Dalam bahasa Indonesia

diterjemahkan” yang”

Who: digunakan untuk mennggantikan orang sebagai subjek

Whom : digunakan untuk menggantikan orang sebagai objek

The man is standing over there

He is my teacher

The man who is standing over there is my teacher

The man is Mr Joni

I admire him

The man whom i admire is Mr. Joni

Yourself it some us

me Ones there each other‟s

1. Take care, won‟t you. Anna look after......

2. Yes,.......would be lovely to see you again

3. If you want some apples, I‟ll get you .....

4. We have brought some food with .....

5. Who does this CD belong to ? .................I have just bought it

6. The shop doesn‟t sell new books. It only sells old.........

7. Is..............a post office near here, please

8. The two girls often wear .............clothes

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Which : digunakan untuk menggantikan bend (selain orang), baik sebagai subjek

maupun objek

That : digunakan untuk orang, benda atau binatang, baik sebagai subjek maupun objek

Whose : digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat yang mengandung unsure

kepemilikan. Bias diterjemahkan dengan “ yang.....nya”

I am reading a book

I bought the book yesterday

I am reading a book which I bought yesterday

He lent me a book

The book is very boring

The book that he lent me is very boring

Jack is a good basketball player

His father is a marketing manager in my company

Jack whose father is a marketing manager in my

company is a good basketball player

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Latihan 3.

D. PREPOSITIONS / kata depan

Preposotions adalah kata depan yaitu kata yang ditempatkan sebelum kata benda yang

menunjukkan hubungan dengan bagian bagian kalimat yang lain. kata ini menunjukan

waktu, posisi/ letak dan arah.

Daftar preposisi yang biasa digunakan:

About Above Across After

Against Along Among Around

At Before Below Beneath

Beside Between By Down

During Except For From

In in front of Into Near

Of Off On Over

Round Since Throught Till

To Towards Under Underneath

Until Up Upon With

Within Without

Which who whom where which whose

1. The plane ................has just taken off is an hour late

2. My friend Siti, at royal hospital earns much more than i do

3. Diana is someone with.............. i usually agree

4. Jakarta is the city....................the Sea games were held in 2011

5. It rained all the time,................was a great pity

6. We passed were decorated for idul fitri

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The paramedic is standing in front of the ambulance.

Her morning shift starts at 7 a.m.

The patient has been in comatose for 2 days.

E. Jenis – jenis preposition

1. At , in ( tempat )

In dipakai untuk nama negeri dan kota besar

At dipakai untuk kota kecil

2. At, In, on (waktu )

At dipakai untuk waktu yang tepat, in untuk suatu bagian waktu dan on untuk nama

hari atau tanggal

3. Beside ( kegiatan nyata ), besides ( untuk pernyataan)

4. Berween , among

Between : diantara 2.

Among : diantara banyak

Dina live in Jakarta

I passed my holiday at solo

I usually go to school at seven a‟clock

Midwife sinta works in the afternoon shift

She was sitting beside me

My friend studies French besides english

I stand between the two of girls

I stand among a crowd of girls

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5. By , before, since ( dipakai dalam batas waktu tertentu )

Latihan 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct Prepositions from the box

In on at of for with from about

You must go home by seven o‟clock

The employees didn‟t go home before five o‟clock

She has been here since five o‟clock

A 62-year-old widow is appealing (1)…………financial help for her dialysis treatment. Mrs

Fatimah of Surabaya, needs (2) ………….Rp 3 million a month for her dialysis treatment

and several hundred thousand Rupiah a month for medication for hypertension. She suffers

(3)………anaemia as well.

Her husband passed away five months ago, and one (4)….…..her sons, who is working

(5)……..singapore is supporting her (6)………………Rp 2 millions monthly allowance, but

this is not enough to cover her medical expenses. Her other son is jobless.

I have been depending (7)…………….friends for help. Fatimah who is now staying alone,

said. Those who wish to help her can contact her sister-in-law, Mrs latifa


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Setelah mempelajari tentang pronoun dan preposition dapat kita ambil kesimpulan bahwa

pronoun merupakan kata ganti benda atau orang yang banyak sekali bentuknya.

Sedangkan preposition adalah kata depan baik untuk menunjukkan tempat, waktu dan


Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1 ini diharapkan anda akan dapat menggunakan

dalam penulisan dan dapat membedakan kata dalam referensi yang anda baca.

Sekarang marilah kita lanjutkan ke kegiatan Belajar 2.


a. Carilah artikel dalam bahasa bahasa Inggris. Carilah kata kata sulit

yang belum anda pahami kemudian carilah pahamilah tentang pronoun

dan prepositionnya.

b. Buatlah contoh 10 kalimat yang menggunakan pronoun dan 10 kalimat

yang menggunakan preposition yang berhubungan dengan profesi

anda sebagai seorang bidan.

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Choose the correct answer

1. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to ……………..of them

1 any c. either

2 both d. neither

2. ……………….has left a bicycle outside

a. anyone c. someone

b. anything d. something

3. Would mind waiting ……………minutes

a. a few c. few

b. a little d. little

4. ………..countries still have a king or a queen, don’t they ?

a. any c. part

b. half d. some

5. Everyone in the group shook hands with ………

a. each other c. one the other

b. one other d. themselves

6. You can see all the information ……………the screen

a. at c. in

b. from d, on

7. Are these picture …………sale ?

a. at c. inside

b. in d. on

8. I have lived here …………last year

a. after c. for

b. by d. since

9. We do most of our business ………… summer

a. along c. in

b. at d. on

10. We are bored ……………this game

a. about c. for

b. at with

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Conjunction – interjection- comparative

Kegiatan Belajar 2

2 x1 00 m en i t


I. Tujuan pembelajaran Umum : Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2

mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan conjunction , interjection ,


II. Tujuan pembelajaran khusus:Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 2

mahasiswa mampu :

a. Menjelaskan pengertian conjunction

b. Menjelaskan bentuk conjunction

c. Menjelaskan jenis conjunction

d. Mengidentifikasi fungsi conjunction

e. Menjelaskan pengertian interjection

p. Menjelaskan pengertian comparative

q. Menjelaskan pattern dari comparative

III. Pokok – Pokok Materi

a. Pengertian conjunction

b. Bentuk conjunction

c. Jenis conjunction

d. Fungsi conjunction

e. Pengertian interjecrion

f. Pengertian comparative

g. Pattern comparative

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Uraian materi

Bacalah paragraph di bawah ini !! pahami isinya dan carilah kata kata sulit dalam kamus

Setelah anda membaca paragrap diatas, marilah kita perhatikan bahwa banyak conjuction

dan comparison yang terdapat dalam paragraph tersebut. Marilah kita bahas tentang

conjunction dan comparison.

1. CONJUNCTIONS / kata penghubung

A. Conjunctions adalah kata penghubung yang fungsinya untuk menghubungkan dua

kalimat atau lebih menjadi satu.

Mature breast milk appears between two and five days after birth.

Babies find it easier to digest breast milk because it contains a higher

ration of whey to casein (both are types of protein) compared to cow‟s

milk. This is because whey is more tolerated by an infant‟s digestive

system. Lactose , the only type of carbohydrate in breast milk, also

helps digestion and provides energy to the babies. Its presence helps

the infants to absorb essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus

and magnesium. General perception claims that many Asian babies

are lactose-intolerant. Contrary to this claim, studies show that

lactose-intolerance actually develops during childhood and very few

infants are allergic towards lactose. In fact, lactoglobin in cow‟s milk is

the main cause of allergies among babies. Breast-fed babies sleep

better compared to babies drinking cow milk due to the hormone

melatonin, which is found in human milk.

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Contoh conjunction yang sering di gunakan

- But (tetapi )

- And ( dan )

- Although ( walaupun )

- If (jika)

- Or ( atau )

- After ( setelah )

- Until (sampai)

- For ( sebab / karena )

- Not only .......but also ( tidak

hanya....tetapi juga.......)

- Because ( karena )

- So that ( agar / supaya)

- Where (dimana)

- In spite of ( meskipun )

B. Bentuk conjunction

1. Single form / tunggal : and , but , because , although

2. Compound / majemuk ; provided that , as long a, in order to

3. Correlatives / menghubungkan : so....that

C. Jenis conjunction

1. Coordinating conjunction : menggabungkan 2 kalimat yang berkedudukan sama

missal : and , but , or , nor, for , yet. So

2. Subordinating conjunction : menggabungkan anak kalimat dengan induk kalimatnya

dan biasanya berada di awal anak kalimat :

Missal ; if , after, although , as , because , before , how , if , once , since , then , that ,

though , till , until , when , where , whether , while.


a. Alan expects to receive free medical treatment.

b. He is poor man.

a. b.

[BECAUSE] [Because]

Alan expects to receive free medical treatment because He is a poor man

Alan expects to receive free medical


He is poor


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Maznah has been eating a lot of fatty foods.

a. She is suffering from heart problem.

a b

[as a result]

As a result of eating a lot of fatty foods, Maznah is suffering from heart problem.


Maznah is suffering from heart problem as a result of eating a lot of fatty foods.

D. Fungsi dari conjunctions

Conjunctions mempunyai 6 fungsi utama seperti dibawah ini:

1. ADDITION OR SIMILAR IDEAS ( ide dan kedudukan sama)

and, not only …. but also, both…and, neither…nor


Menggabungkan 2 kalimat yang idenya sama Contoh:

The midwives and the nurses of the ward are accompanying the doctor in the ward round


Menggabungkan 2 kalimat negative yang mempunyai ide yang sama contoh:

Neither the nurse nor the doctor is in the clinic at the moment.

The asthmatic patient can neither stand dust nor smoke


not only…but also Untuk penekanan


Both my uncle and aunt have contracted AIDS

The ward is not only dirty but also crowded

Maznah has been eating a lot of fatty


she is suffering from heart


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2. CAUSE & EFFECT ( sebab-akibat)

because, since, as, so, so that, so … that, as long as, as a result, consequently,

therefore, due to

3. TIME / waktu

after, before, when, while, until ,as soon as, once

Untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat dari suatu aktifitas


Daliza took two tablets of paracethemol as she had a headcache

effect cause

Norman frequented the toilet several times this morning since he had diarrhoea.

effect cause

The tumour cannot be removed because it has turned malignant.

effect cause

Professor Riaz is well-respected due to his expertise in Biochemistry.

effect cause

His gangrenous wound was so bad that the doctor had to amputate his foot.

effect cause


While Janice was flushing the patient‟s wound, she saw some maggots

crawling out of it

As soon as the tycoon was informed of his prognosis, he immediately

engaged a lawyer to draft his will

The cardiothoracic surgeons will only decide the date of the bypass surgery

once they receive the results of the angiogram.

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4. CONTRAST / ide yang berlawanan but, yet, still, however, nevertheless, although, even though, thought, despite, in

spite of, whereas.


if, unless

If Kata sambung” if” digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kondisi yang kemungkinan ada hasilnya. Example:

if the patient’s urinary output is abnormal, you will have to inform doctor immediately

Unless Kata smbung “ unless:”artinya jika tidak (“if you don’t”.) Example:

You will not recover from your ailment, unless you take your medication regularly.

Unless you have a strong interest in nursing, you should take up other profession.

6. CHOICE / pilihan

or, either … or

Latihan 1. Berikan garis bawah pada jawaban yang benar.

Untuk menunjukkan ide yang berlawanan contoh:

She is ill, yet she refuses to see a doctor

Mazni tired hard to quit smoking but she failed

The junior doctors are hardworking although they are inexperienced

Despite her anxiety, she managed to remain calm

In spite of the excruciating labour pain, she refused to have an epidural.

Membuat suatu pilihan


You can obtain the medicine either from the Guardian or the Georgetown


Ramzi can consult Dr.Zain or Dr.Visvabalan about his condition.

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Interjections/Exclamations atau kata seru adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan

suatu perasaan yang kuat seperti kekaguman, rasa sakit atau kegembiraan.


Oh! What tidy ward

to express surprise

Yes! That‟s what I call a neat incision

to express satisfaction

Oh my God! I‟m pregnant!

to express shock

Ouch! The injection is so painful!

to show pain


1. I cannot be a physician (as, although) I am afraid of blood

2. Jazila can walk faster than her husband (but, even though ) she is eight month pregnant

3. (Though, Since) he is afraid of operations, he is going to alternative medicine4

4. (Either, Neither) the patient (or , nor) his relatives are allowed to read the bed head ticket

5. During the first trimester, a mother-to-be is not allowed to take any medications (unless,

since) it may affect the baby.

6. You will never know whether you are pregnant (but, unless) you take a pregnant test

7. The baby cried all night ( although, because) he was ill

8. You must complete your assignment (either, neither) by today (nor, or) tomorrow the latest

9. Many patients dislike Dr.zurina (because,so) she is haughty (and, but) rude.

10. She searched through all the papers in the drawer (but , and) the report was not there.

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Comparison adalah suatu cara untuk mengungkapkan kalimat untuk membandingkan sesuatu

yang lain.

Comparative = lebih

Superlative= paling


Positive Degree : tidak menunjukkan adanya perbandingan

Contoh ; your house is as big as mine

Comparative Degree ; dapat digunakan , apabila ingin menunjukkan ketidaksamaan antara

seseorang dengan yang lainnya.

Contoh ; My house is smaller than yours

Superlative Degree ; perbandingan yang melibatkan lebih dari dua orang yang memperlihatkan



adalah tidak

menunjukkan adanya

perbandingan, tetapi




digunakan untuk



seseorang dengan

yang lainnya


Perbandingan yang

melibatkan lebih dari

satu yang

menunjukkan siapa

paling unggul atau


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Contoh ; Rena is the tallest girl in this class.

Al is not as tall as Joe Ed is taller than Al Ed is the tallest of three


Positive Comparative Superlative

Healthy Healthier Healthiest

Tidy Tidier Tidiest

Pale Paler Palest

Busy Busier Busiest

Early Earlier Earliest

Fast Faster Fastest

Hard Harder Hardest

Kata sifat yang lebih dari 3 suku kata ditambahkan more untuk compatrative dan most untuk


Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

Competent More competent Most competen

Beberapa bentuk comparative dan superlative yang sama

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Much More Most

Little Less Least

Late Later Latest

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In positive degree, we use patterns of:

„as …as…‟

„so …as…‟

„not as … as…‟ Examples:

1. The patient‟s were not as nervous as he was yesterday.

2. Rajan feels that the examination questions were as tough as last year‟s

3. Mr Yanto is not as fussy as Mr joko


The comparative degree is usually followed by:

„…than‟ Examples: 1.This hospital is busier than it was three years ago. 2.The patient seems stronger today than he was yesterday


In the superlative degree, we usually use:

„the…‟ but sometimes, „a…‟ can also be used. Examples: 1.Maria aims to be the best student nurse among the her coursemates 2.This is the most complicated procedure that I have ever performed.

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Latihan.2 Read the poster below and complete the blanks with appropriate comparative ajectives


1. Women who smoke have a ………….(great) risk

of developing lung cancer than men who smoke

the same number of cigarettes.

2. Women find it ……………..(difficult) to quit than


3. Women appear to be …………… (affected) by

the pain-reducing drug, ibuprofen.

4. Women lose bone mineral at a …………. (fast)

rate than men which could explain the ………….

(high) incidence of osteoporosis in women.

5. Dur

6. ing a heart attack, women tend to have …….. (subtle) symptoms than men. Abdominal

pain, nausea and fatigue generally appear as signs for women while men usually

experience chest pain.

7. Women have …………. (high) blood alcohol content than men after consuming the same

amount of alcohol even when size differences are considered.

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RANGKUMAN Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 2 pada modul 3 ini, maka telah selesai pula

pembelajaran kita tentang part of speech. Untuk kegitan belajar ini dapat kita ambil

kesimpilan bahwa:

1. Conjunction berfungsi untuk menghubungkan 2 kalimat atau lebih untuk menjadi satu

baik yang sederajat ataupun berlawanan.

2. Interjection adalah kata seru

3. Comparison adalah perbandingan dimana terdapat tiga tingkat yaitu yang positip artinya

sama , comparative artinya lebih dan superletive yang artinya paling.

Dengan demikian semua pembelajaran kita tentang part of speech sudah berakhir, saya

berharap anda memahami dan apa yang sudah anda pelajari dapat bermanfaat bagi

anda semua. Maaf bila ada salah dalam penulisan. Smapai jumpa lagi pada modul yang

lain dilain kesempatan. THANKYOU.


Buatlah 10 kalimat yang menggunakan conjuction yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan

anda sehari hari sebagai bidan.

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No 1 sd 4 Jawablah dengan comparative

No 5 sd 10 pilih satu jawaban yang benar

1. Janet looks……………( thin) than she did

2. Can‟t you think of anything ……………………( intelligent ) to say ?

3. It was the …………………….( horrible ) feeling I have ever had

4. It‟s the ……………………..( large) company in the country

5. This is the place ……………….the accident happened

a. when c. where

b. who d. that

6. Sarah,…….you meet yesterday , works in advertising

a. who c. whose

b. whom d. which

7. I have been waiting ……..ten past six

a. for c. at

b. since d. ago

8. The manager ……welcomed us to the hotel

a. theirself c. itself

b. ourself d. himself

9. They don‟t like ……….much

a. ones c. another

b. each other d. anyone

10. Toms is a friend of……

a. her c. mine

b. his d. my

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Test Akhir

Choose the correct answer

1. Is that my key , or is it........................?

a. the yours c. your

b. the your‟s d. yours

2. I don‟t want to buy any of these books, I have got......

a. all c. everything

b. all them d. the all

3. The village is ...........sheffield. It‟s only six miles away

a. along c. near

b. by d. next

4. I have got a meeting ...................Thursday afternoon

a. at c. on

b. in d. to

5. You can see the details..............the computer screen

a. at c. in

b. by d. on

6. What‟s the name of the man ................gave us a lift ?

a. he c. which

b. what d. who

7. We don‟t have …………….tonight

a. many homework c. many homework

b. much homeworks d. much homework

8. She hasn‟t seen her family ………….three years ago

a. since c. from

b. for d. before

9. I like these dishes, but ……………….is a little too small

a. the tea cup c. the tea‟s cup

b. the cup of tea d. the cup for the tea

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10. You can give me a receipt if you want to, but your word is ……… for me

a. enough good c. good enough

b. good as enough d. good than enough

11. Besides being expensive, the food in the cafeteria tastes…….....

a. badly c. too much bad

b. too badly d. bad

12. It was …………..that we went camping in the mountain last weekend

a. such nice weather c. too nice weather

b. so nice a weather d. nice weather

13. Ms. Jones isn‟t as nice …..Ms smith

a. as c. like

b. for d. to

14. They are ………….my other neighbors,

a. more friendlier than c. friendly as

b. friendly than d. friendlier than

15. Betty moved from the dormitory …………….the noise

a. because c. because of

b. cause d. caused from

16. I wonder where………

a. he did go c. he went

b. did he go d. went he

17. The tendency to develop cancer, even in high-risk individuals, can be decreased

……..the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet

a. to increase c. for increasing

b. for increase d. by increasing

18. William Torrey Harris was one of the first educators interested ………. a logical

progression of topics in the school curriculum

a. in establishing c. establishing

b. for establishing d. to establish

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19. All of the senses ………smell must pass through intermediate gateways to be processed

before they are registered in the brain

a. until c. to

b. but d. for

20. …………..orangutans live alone

a. near all c. the all

b. almost all d. the most all

21. Bill came to work at the university thirty

a. since c. from

b. before d. ago

22. Sam usually does his work very....................and well, but today he seemed a little


a. careful c. carefully

b. careful manner d. care

23. Although she is very popular, she is not ......................her sister

a. pretty as c. prettier than

b. as pretty d. more pretty than

24. This new soap is not much ........................................the others that i have tried.

a. different c. different from

b. different than d. different that

25. I am going to go out and .........................

a. have cut my hair c. let my hair cut

b. have may hair cut d. my hair be cut

26. We are both pleased ................honored to be guest of the president

a. also c. alike

b. and d. as

27. .......................................his wealth, he is not spoiled

a. despite of c. In spite of

b. in despite d. In spite

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28. More murders are reported ...................Desember in the United states than during any

other month.

a. on c. at

b. in d. for

29. Have you seen the book ............i was reading ?

a. who c. whose

b. whom d. that

30. We have locked .............out

a. himself c. herself

b. ourselves d. themselves


Bradley, R. (2008). English For Nursing and Health Care. Mc Graw Hill:New York

Cox, K & Hill, D (2004). English For Academic Purposes. Pearson Longman : Australia

Easwood, J (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press: China

Kerr. R. & Smith, J., (1982) . NUCLEUS. English for Science and Technology. Longman:USA

Redaksi PM (2012). Buku Jagoan Cepat Menguasai Grammar. Pustaka Makmur : Jakarta

Salina, S & Mastura,M (2008). Nursing Your English. Pearson Prentice Hall : Malaysia

Soars,L & John (…) New Headway English Course. Oxford University Press: Oxford

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