usm stis 2011 - bahasa inggris

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban yang diberi kode A, B, C, D

atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang

saudara anggap benar pada Lembar Kerja Komputer (LJK).

Contoh pengisian lembar jawaban komputer.

A B C D E Benar

A B C D E Salah

A B C D E Salah

A B C D E Salah

A B C D E Salah

Nilai jawaban tiap soal adalah :

4 untuk jawaban yang benar.

0 untuk tidak ada jawaban.

-1 untuk jawaban yang salah atau jawaban lebih dari satu.

Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor atau terlipat.

Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa pulang.

1 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.



1. X : “When are you going to tell your sister the good news ?”

Y : “When she __________ from her business trip.”

A. returns

B. is going to return

C. will be returning

D. was returning

E. had returned

Passive voice

2. Jupiter‟s four moons __________ through a telescope by Galileo.

A. were being first viewed

B. first viewed

C. had been first viewed

D. were first viewed

E. first being viewed

Conjunction (that/effect)

3. „What did your father say when you told him you had lost all your money ?‟

„He was so angry __________ he couldn‟t say anything.

A. therefore

B. after

C. that

D. when

E. so

Past participle

4. After the students had completed the test, they handed in their paper and left the room. We can

also say: __________ the test, the students handed in their paper and left the room.

A. Completing

B. Completed

C. To have complete

D. Having completed

E. To have completed

2 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

Concord (subject + verb)

5. The increasing in the sales of new cars __________ not expected to make traffic jams worse.

A. be

B. being

C. is

D. are

E. to be

Word order

6. „Why is he so happy today ?‟


A. He has been given an increasing just in salary

B. Just he has been given an increasing in salary

C. He has been just given an increasing in salary

D. He has been given just an increasing in salary

E. He has just been given an increasing in salary

Causative sentence

7. We are going on a long trip so we must __________.

A. to have the car checked

B. have had the car checked

C. have checked the car

D. have the car checked.

E. had the car checked

Direct-indirect speech

8. The foreman said: “Finish your task and do it well”.

It means __________ .

A. the foreman orderer me to finish my task and do it well

B. the foreman asked to finish his task and do it well

C. the foreman asked me to finish my task and do it well

D. the foreman told me to finish his task and do it well

E. the foreman told me finish your task and do it well

3 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


9. Ander : “I like that film very much.”

Aziz : “__________. I have seen it three times.”

A. I am too

B. So am I

C. So do I

D. I don‟t either

E. Neithere do I


10. Father : “What are you doing, Toni ?”

Anton : “I‟m studying, Father.”

Father : “Oh, I see. You __________.”

A. should turn on the television

B. should turn off the television

C. would rather turn on the television

D. would rather put out the television

E. should break the television


11. Miko preferred sandwich __________.

A. or rice better

B. than rice

C. to having rice

D. rather to rice

E. to rice

Degree of comparison

12. „Which dress shall I wear ?‟

„I think the blue dress is __________ the green one.

A. very beautiful

B. more beautiful from

C. more beautiful than

D. much beautifully than

E. more beautifully than

4 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


13. „He‟s already read the letter, __________ ?

A. hasn‟t he

B. isn‟t he

C. doesn‟t he

D. is he

E. has he


14. The children seemed to be __________ in watching the program.

A. interesting

B. interest

C. interestingly

D. interestedly

E. interested


15. „My car is broken. __________ me downtown on your way to work this morning ?‟

„Not at all.‟

A. May you take

B. Do you mind taking

C. Why don‟t you take

D. Can‟t you take

E. Do you think you can take

Passive voice (passive modal)

16. „There‟s latter stating that Darius has to leave for the U.S next week‟

„Well, he __________ the news right away then.‟

A. should tell

B. should be tell

C. should be taelling

D. should have told

E. should be telling it

5 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

Conditional sentence

17. Ferry : “Why don‟t you try to find a job in factory ?”

“With the money you earn, you can buy think you need.”

Aldi : “If I worked in a factory, I wouldn‟t have much time to study.”

What does the underline sentence mean ?

A. Aldi works hard in a factory.

B. Ferry allows Aldi in a factory.

C. Aldi doesn;t work in a factory.

D. Aldi worked in factory.

E. Aldi didn‟t work in a factory.


18. „Did you get a compensation for your car ?‟

„No, I didn‟t. If only __________.”

A. I had insured it

B. I should insure it

C. I have insured it

D. I wouldn‟t insure it

E. I would insure it


19. Linda is considered __________ to the deep.

A. not to go

B. not go to

C. not go

D. not goes

E. not going

Present Participle

20. A few days after interview, I receive a latter __________ me a job.

A. offered

B. has offered

C. being offered

D. offering

E. it was offering

6 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


21. Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders; __________, it may

harm non-smoker.

A. in addition

B. however

C. consequently

D. nevertheless

E. otherwise

Dependent clause, noun clause as object

22. I didn‟t hear __________ because there was too much noise when I was sitting.

A. what said

B. what did he say

C. what he said

D. what was he saying

E. what was saying


23. As soon as the news of the killing of the innocent prisoner spread out, people ran through the

streets, breaking windows, setting fire to cars, and __________.

A. the destruction was on everything in their path

B. destroying everything in their path

C. the destroying of everything was in their path

D. everything in their path was in destruction

E. everything in their path was destroyed

Direct-indirect speech

24. Teacher : ”Why was Irena absent yesterday ?”

Indah : “What did the teacher want to know, Ayu ?”

Ayu : “She wanted to know __________.”

A. if Irene was absent

B. why Irena had been absent

C. why was Irena absent

D. that Irena had been absent

E. why Irena was absent

7 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


25. Sue: “I didn‟t enjoy the movie last night.”

Bob: “Neither did I.”

From the dialog we know that __________.

A. Bob enjoyed the movie last night but Sue didn‟t

B. not only Sue but also Bob enjoyed the movie last night

C. both Sue and Bob didn‟t enjoy the movie last night

D. Bob enjoyed the movie last night, and so did Sue

E. either Sue an Bob enjoyed the movie last night

Degree of comparison

26. My English teacher always says that the more we practice our English __________.

A. then we become more fluent

B. of course we become more fluent

C. we are becoming more fluent

D. the more fluent we become

E. so we will become fluent


27. Anti-nutrients appears to be linked to such things as traffic pollution, antibiotics, deep fied

food, processed meat and the __________ of plastic and other chemicals in water.

A. present

B. presence

C. presentation

D. presently

E. presentable


28. „We are running out of fruits, while Fifi needs some this morning as she is on a diet.‟

„You __________ to the neighboring fruit stall, then!‟

A. could hurry

B. would rather hurry

C. may hurry

D. had better hurry

E. might hurry

8 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

Tenses (Future Perfect Continuous)

29. „Can we postpone the class meeting until Friday ?‟

„I‟m afraid not. I __________ basketball on Friday.‟

A. will have been playing

B. would play

C. have been playing

D. always play

E. played

Conditional Sentences (type III)

30. Had he handed in the application, he __________ last week.

A. was allowed to join the interview test

B. will have been allowed to join me interview test

C. would be allowed to join me interview test

D. was being allowed to join the interview test

E. would have been allowed to join me interview test

Subjunctive (sub type II)

31. She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem.

The underline words mean __________ .

A. she ought to know how solve the problem

B. she actually couldn‟t solve the problem

C. she definetely knew how to solve tghe problem

D. she should know how to solve the problem

E. she succeeded in solving the problem

Infinitive and Gerund (Gerund Passive)

32. Many people in Sidoarjo are looking forward to __________ a good solution to the mud


A. witness

B. witnessed

C. be witnessing

D. being witnessed

E. have witnessed

9 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

Dependent Clause (noun clause as subject)

33. __________ is big surprise to his colleagues.

A. Wijaya has been promoted to replace the retired Financial Manager

B. That Wijaya has been promoted to replace the retired Financial Manager

C. I hear Wijaya has been promoted to replace the retired Financial Manager

D. Do you know Wijaya has been promoted to replace the retired Financial Manager

E. Why was Wijaya promoted to replace the retired Financial Manager

Word Order (Complex Sentence)

34. Ever since the information technology revolution of the late 1980‟s, __________ of personal

computer and the microchip, the company, from the managing director down to the man in the

mailroom, has beeen striving for a constant policy of excellence.

A. occasional use

B. occasionally in the use

C. occasion, and the use of

D. occasioned by the use

E. occasionally used

Causative Sentences (something)

35. „Now that she has grown up, my niece has her old dresses lengthened.‟

This mean that __________ .

A. my niece has lengthened her old dresses.

B. my niece has been asked by someone to lengthen her old dresses.

C. my niece has to lengthen her old dresses.

D. my niece has been told to lengthen her old dresses.

E. my niece asks someone to lengthen her old dresses.

Direct-Indirect Speech (Ind-Dir)

36. Julia asked me if I had come to the party the day before.

In other word: Julia said, “__________”

A. Did you come the party the day before ?

B. Do you come the party this evening ?

C. Did you come the party yesterday ?

D. Do you come the party tomorrow ?

E. Do you come the party yesterday ?

10 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

Modal (non verb)

37. „I called him several times yesterday but there was no answer.‟

„He __________ out of town.

A. might have been

B. would rather so

C. should have been

D. had better he

E. would have been

Preference (would rather)

38. Simon: “What would you rather do in the morning, walking or running ?”

Joko: “I‟d rather walk that run.”

Form the dialog above, we know that __________ .

A. Joko prefers to run

B. Joko hates running

C. Joko likes running better than walking

D. Joko doesn‟t like walking

E. Joko prefers walking to running

Embedded question

39. Shiren: “__________ “

Saskia: “For almost five years.”

A. When did you study English ?

B. How many years will you study English ?

C. How long have you studied English ?

D. When will you study English ?

E. When do you study English ?


40. The bus came after I __________ for about twenty minutes.

A. have been waiting

B. have waited

C. was waiting

D. had been waiting

E. am waiting

11 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


Direction :

In question 41–50 each sentence has an underline word or phrase. Below each sentence are five other

word or phrases, marked A, B, C, D, E. You are to choose the one word or phrase that keeps the

meaning of the original sentences if it substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.

41. A democratic leader delegates authority and responsibility to other.

A. disputes

B. concentrates

C. directs

D. delivers

E. disseminates

42. Imagine the advertiser‟s chagrin when he realized that he had put the wrong date in the ad.

A. humiliation

B. indifference

C. surprise

D. anger

E. annoy

43. Prabu felt confident about his grade on the test he had just taken.

A. despressed

B. sure

C. ecstatic

D. uncertain

E. timid

44. When it comes to buying clothes, Herman is impetuous.

A. illustrious

B. immune

C. impolite

D. implicit

E. impulsive

45. Mathematic is a compulsary subject in Indonesia high schools.

A. difficult

B. easy

C. required

D. despised

E. optional

12 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

46. Volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to extinguish the raging forest fire.

A. wretched

B. sluggish

C. intense

D. riling

E. moderate

47. There is a campaign against those hunter who mercilessly slaughter baby seals.

A. net

B. capture

C. kill

D. skin

E. nurture

48. The speaker walked confidently and quickly to the podium.

A. assuredly

B. carefully

C. clumsily

D. thoughtfully

E. oddly

49. As we approached the pyramids, a massive stone sphinx greeted us at the entrance.

A. terrifying

B. inspiring

C. immense

D. magnificent

E. tiny

50. The gas company detected a leak in the main line and evacuated all the tenants of the building.

A. discovered

B. smelled

C. expected

D. predicated

E. suspected

13 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.


Question 51-55 refer to the following passage:

In 776 B.C, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mounth Olympus to honor the

Greeks‟ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of

youth. Therefore, contest in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and the

chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at the Mounth

Olympus. Winner were greatly honored by having olive wreaths palced on their heads and having

poems sung about their deeds. Originally these were held at games of friendship, and any wars in

progress were halted to allow the games to take place.

The Greeks attached so much importace to these games that they calculated time in four-year cycles

called “Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C.

51. Which of the following is not true ?

A. Winner placed olive wreaths on their own heads.

B. The games were held in Greece every four years.

C. Battles were interrupted in the games.

D. Poems glorified the winners in song.

E. The games were conducted as games of friendship.

52. Why were the Olimpic Games held ?

A. To stop wars.

B. To honor Zeus.

C. The crown the best athletes.

D. To sing songs about the athletes.

E. To educate young people.

53. Approximately how many years ago did these games originated ?

A. 776 years

B. 1235 years

C. 2277 years

D. 2767 years

E. 2787 years

54. Which of the following contests was not mentioned ?

A. Discus throwing

B. Boxing

C. Skating

D. Running

E. Horse racing

14 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

55. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks ?

A. They liked to fight.

B. They were very athletic.

C. They liked a lot of ceremony.

D. They couldn‟t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates.

E. They liked to be honored.

Question 56-60 refer to the following passage:

Petroleum product , such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil, and lubricating

oils, come from one source – crude oil found below the earth‟s surface, as well as under large bodies of

water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth‟s interior.

Sometimes crude oils is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry hole are drilling than

those producing oil. Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface.

Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten thousands of barrels per hour, Petroleum product

are always measured in 42-gallons barrels.

` Petroleum product vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but

regardless, their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which

from compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons

are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found but these are of such minutes

quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of

compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joining of these two atoms in the

hydrocarbon molecule.

The various petroleum product are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors.

These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosene, and distillate oil. The residue

remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oils and is used mostly for

burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the

hydrocarbon to products, some of which are used to upgrade and increasing the octane rating various

types of gasoline.

56. Which of the following is not true ?

A. Crude oil is found below land and water.

B. Crude oils is always found a few hundred feet below the surface.

C. Pumping abd pressure force crude oil to the surface.

D. A variety of petroleum products is obtained from crude oil.

E. A residual fuel oil is used mostly for burning under boilers.

15 / 15 By : Idrus Efendy (STIS 53 - 11.6708), Samarinda – Kaltim.

57. Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because __________ .

A. The petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance

B. Complicated refening process rearrange the chemical structure

C. The two atoms in the molecule assume many positions

D. The pressure needed to force it to the surface causes molecular transformation

E. Some of which are used to increasing the octane of the gasoline

58. Which of the following is true ?

A. The various petroleum products are produces by filtration.

B. Heating and condensation produce the various products.

C. Chemical separation is used to produce the various product.

D. Mechanical means such as the centrifuge are used to produce the various products.

E. Chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbon are abundant.

59. How is crude oil brought to the surface ?

A. Expansion of the hydrocarbons

B. Pressure and pumping.

C. Vacuum created in the drilling pipe.

D. Expansion and contractions of the earth‟s surface.

E. By drilling and flowing.

60. Which of the following is not listed as light oil ?

A. Distillate oil.

B. Gasoline.

C. Lubricating oil.

D. Kerosene.

E. Heating oil.

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