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  • 8/12/2019 tugas ku b.ing 1


    Report widya tour to the island of bali


    NO NAMA NO.ABSEN/KELAS1 Afri Nursalafi 02/VIIIE2 Muhamad Arif Hidayat 19/VIIIE3 Muhammad Ilyas U.T 20/VIIIE4 Riyadin 26/VIIIE



    Bligo road Km. 1 Ngluwar, Magelang Regency(0293) 550599156485 2013/2014


  • 8/12/2019 tugas ku b.ing 1



    Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Thank God we pray to the Almighty God who has mercy and His grace to the author that the paper

    entitled Travel Reports Study Natural Environment Bali know this can be completed according to the plan

    which will be held on:

    Date : March 18 to March 22, 2014

    Objects : Sanur Beach

    Puja Mandala

    Tanjung Benoa

    Coastal Pandavas

    Garuda Wisnu Kencana

    Kecak Dance


    Barong Dance

    Bajra Sandi

    Kuta Beach



    Report this tour we have completed after conducting various observations on the places we had

    visited .

    This report is the work of the increase in class IX Year 2013/2014 , all was not as easy as it would

    have taken place without the help and guidance from various parties .We would like to thank :

    1 . Mr. Drs . Mugita , Spd MPD , as the principal of SMP N 1 Ngluwar

    2 . Teachers who have accompanied us .

    3 . 's Father and mother who has been supporting us .

    4 . Bureau Mulya Travel Partners

    5 . All parties have given motivational guidance, direction , and guidance .

    So says the introduction we can make , if there is an error we apologize profusely . Hopefully can

    bermanfat for us all .

    Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

    Ngluwar , 2April2014

    Muhamad arif hidayat



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    1 . Repent past because there are disappointments and mistakes , but make it as a weapon regret for thefuture to avoid mistakes again .

    2 . Tolerance in overcoming difficulties and act wisely to overcome is the main thing .

    3 . Sacred heart is always right , but the thrill of the sacred heart's desire is always changing . People who

    are in sacred hearts are faithful and believe. That's the challenge of life .

    4 . The Way is the best in finding comrades we must apply as a friend .

    5 . Goodness is not worth long after pronounced but worth doing .

    6 . Life does not give away the goods to man is nothing without hard work .

    7 . Victory is beautiful - beautiful and as difficult - the difficulty that may be taken by a human being is

    subduing themselves .

    8 . Education is the best equipment for the old days .

    9 . Underestimate the stupidity only education .

    10 . Haste in every business brings failures .

    11 . The one who knows , does not speak . He is talking , do not know .

    12 . A friend is a source of happiness when our unhappy .

    13 . Policies and kebajikaan is the best shield .

    14 . Flowers that will not wilt throughout the ages is kebajikaan .

    15 . If you do good to others , then you have to be kind to yourself.

    16 . The experience is the best teacher but the exhaust was the only bad experience harm .

    17 . Today should be better than yesterday and tomorrow is hope.

    18 . Present late is better than not at all present but when many times is a faux pas .

    19 . Wait success is futile act stupid .

    20 . History is not just a series of stories , there are many lessons , pride and treasure it.


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    We dedicate this paper to:

    1) Drs. Mugito, M. Pd, as Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Ngluwar

    2) Mrs. Sri Widaryanti S.Pd, as Supervisor Essay

    3) Mr / Ms teachers and employees SMPN1 Ngluwar

    4) Beloved father and mother

    5) My friends who are dear at SMPN1 Ngluwar

    6) Dear Readers

    Hopefully with the formulation of this work can benefit us all.


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    This paper has been qualified as a rise in class IX considerations in the Academic Year 2013/2014. Andhas been duly investigated by our guidance counselor.

    Was passed on:

    Day and Date: 2 Juni 2014

    In: Ngluwar

    find out

    Headmaster Supervisor

    Drs. Mugito, M.PD Sri Windarti, S.P.DNIP: NIP:


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    1.1 Background

    Education is very important for every person , because education itself concerning future efforts as well as

    efforts to educate the nation's children . Education is not only the responsibility of a teacher , government ,

    masysrakat , and parents . However, all levels of Indonesian society jug participate beranggung

    responsible for the establishment of a national education of high quality and noble character .

    Because of that to happen , there are some activities that support one Widya Tourism , because it can

    make students more experienced and berpengrtahuan .

    This paper is structured around sebgai terms increase in class IX in 2013/2014 . In addition we would like

    to give a new experience for the reader through the wrought - or attraction visited .

    1.2 PURPOSE

    In the implementation of the field trip must have a very important purpose , including :

    1 . Increasing knowledge , familiarity and kinship on students of

    2 . Meumbuhka love for the homeland and the nation

    3 . Refreshes mind

    4 . Adding insight

    5 . Coaching collaboration and peer kekompkan

    1.3 BENEFITS

    In the implementation of the Travel Widya tertetu many benefits , among others :

    1 . Mempertebalrasa love of homeland and nation

    2 . Instilling environmental awareness and increase knowledge

    3 . Improving learning process visually .


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    Travel groove

    The first day we headed to Bali on Tuesday , 18 March 2014 we set off at 07.00 pm . We were

    given a briefing by Mr. Mulya Mitra teachers and Tourism Bureau . We will be heading to ngawi for

    lunch , prayer , and rest a while . Then we went to the port ketapan , banyu fragrant . We arrived in theearly morning ketapan 01.00 am . We boarded the ship to cross the harbor to Gilimanuk , Bali . We

    arrived at 03.00 pm Gilimanuk .

    The second day , the 19th of March 2014 we got in bali . Once we cross into our Gilimanuk port

    to proceed to the house to eat shelled . After we showered and ate breakfast at home eat shelled us

    continue the journey toward the first tourist spot that is to the Sanur beach . We were at the beach sanur

    given 15 minutes . Panti resort of Sanur is a famous tourist spot in the island of Bali . This place is located

    just east of the city of Denpasar , capital of Bali . Sanur is located in the municipality of Denpasar .

    After the beach we headed to Sanur Tanjung Benoa . One of the beach is known as a tourist

    paradise water is Tanjung Benoa beach . beaches are located in the district of Tanjung Benoa , Badungregency with a distance of about 45 minutes from Denpasar .

    Once completed in Tanjung Benoa beach we went to the Pandavas . The trip to the beach

    pandawa for about 15 minutes . The beach is one of the Pandavas in the tourist area of Kuta area south ,

    the district delinquent . This beach is located in the hills behind the beach and is often referred to as a

    secret . Around the beach , there are 2 very large cliff and decorated with statues of the five Pandavas

    karst cliff wall section . Statue Pandavas of Mahabharata narrated includes yudhistira / Dharmawangsa ,

    bima , Arjuna , Nakula and Sahadev .

    After that we went on a trip to Garuda Wisnu Kencana . We arrived at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana

    at 17:00 pm . Garuda Wisnu Kencana cultural park is often called GWK , is a tourist park in the southernpart of the island of Bali . This park is located in cape Nusa Dua , Badung district , approximately 40

    kilometers to the south of Denpasar , in the cultural park area is planned to be established a landmark or

    mascot of Bali , which is a giant statue of the god Vishnu who is riding the eagle , as high as 12 meters .

    After that we watched the Kecak dance at 18.00 pm . We watched the Kecak dance for an hour . After

    watching Kecak dance we went kepenginapan . At the lodge we had dinner and rest and prepare for

    tomorrow .

    The third day , we went on a trip to a traditional house galuh . There we were given 30 minutes to

    look around and shop . Galuh located on highway moonstone . by the center by selling a variety of batik

    clothes , knick - knacks and others.

    After the purchase by by at galuh we proceeded to dance barong.di barong dance studio we see

    barong dance performance . Barong dance to illustrate the virtues and evil . Being acted by virtue of the

    Barong , the dancers using a four-legged animal costumes . form of sleaze diamainkan by Rangda , the

    sinister figure with two pointy fangs in mulutya . we watched the barong dance around 1 hour .After the

    barong dance we went to the museum bajra password . Museum bajra password is Balinese people


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    struggle monument located in the area of the field Niti Mandala Denpasar . The museum was built

    to mimic the shape of bajra are often used by Sulinggih .

    Of bajra our password to the Kuta beach . There we were given 2 hours to enjoy the beauty of

    Kuta beach . Once off the bus we still need to take the vehicle again . Because buses can not enter keobjek

    Kuta beach tour . Arriving at Kuta beach we saw a lot of tourists dri many countries and many people are

    playing the water , surfing , sunbathing under the hot sun .

    Once in Kuta beach we continued our journey to the center of souvenirs is krisna . Our

    disanadiberi an hour to buy a souvenir / souvenir . There selling various kinds of clothes , knick knacks ,

    tas.sandal , painting etc. . After that we headed to the hotel to rest .

    Fourth day or the last day we went to the tourist shopping center in Park Joger , we departed from

    the hotel at around 08.00 and got there at 09:00 and it turns out there we are still waiting for a few hours

    because garden Joger unopened . Once opened we were given an hour to shop for souvenirs or souvenirs .

    There are many doubts about dasakan travelers willing to care for t-shirts , key chains , slippers and

    anything else that smells jogger .

    After the park Joger we continued our journey to Lake Bedugul there we saw beautiful scenery

    with a very cool air and cold after that we had lunch at home makan.disana also famous for strawberries

    and wine garden we deberi there about thirty minutes . After seeing the sights of Lake Bedugul satisfied

    we then traveled to the island of Java . We headed to the port of Gilimanuk to cross by boat , we are still

    waiting for a few hours to cross the harbor munuju Ketapang.setelah 1 hour trip to the port ketapan came

    and we went on a trip home to magelang using bus.setelah few hours we arrived at the junior STATE

    beloved 1NGLUWAR on Saturday March 22 , 2014 at 09.30 am .


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    Sanur Beach is located in Sanur Village , South

    Denpasar District of the Municipality Dati II Denpasar . This

    beach is located on the east and south of the village of Sanur ,

    which is the edge of the southern Indian Ocean Indonesia island

    of Bali . The place is famous since ancient times , especially

    when there is a war Bellows Badung on 20 September 1906

    where the Dutch troops landed there . In the history of ancient

    Bali Sanur beach is also well known , and there masdih written

    stone monument is the inscription of King Kasari Warmadewa

    Singhadwala berkeraton in 917 years , which is now located in the Southern Blanjong Sanur Beach .

    Sanur Beach was built in 1932 , founded by Jean Adrean Majeor The Mark pres . At first Adrean

    Jean Majeor The Markpres sailing in Indonesia, he had stopped at the island of Bali . At that time Adrean

    jean Majeor The markpres met a girl named Nyi Nyoman Polok , she was only 15 years old. He was only

    15 years old . Then they were in a relationship and then they got married .In 1958 Adrean jean Majeor The

    Markpres died and in 1985 Nyi Nyoman Polok also died .

    Sanur Beach is famous with the rising sun . According to the Sanur beach is a sacred place Nyi

    Roro Kidul Sanur Beach and eventually became one of the attractions on the island of Bali is famous in

    the world . Sanur beach is also famous for its white sand which can eliminate rheumatic diseases .

    Among Tourism , Sanur beach was first introduced by the Belgian painter named AJLe Mayeur

    and his wife Ni Polok who settled there since 1937 and held an exhibition of his own paintings . The

    attraction of Sanur beach next to its North coiled like a half circle and Southern parts turned from East to

    West , where a wave of sea water was so great and when the water subsided terlihatlah rock that stretches

    colorful . On the day of the month approaching dead rising sea water and the waves are rather large . In

    southeastern terlihatlah Nusa Penida island chain across the sea and on the east coast panorama looks

    South Island of Bali with the mountain .


    Sanur Beach is one of the attractive beaches on the island of Bali . This beach has a length of 3kilometers with a coastline facing east . Sanur Beach is famous for its clean white beaches and gentle . In

    addition, Sanur beach is a rocky beach that has its own advantages .


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    Sanur beach scene also looks beautiful in the afternoon , because the state of the sea water is

    usually low tide and waves are small ripples . Attacks islands and hills rocks jutting into the sea across the

    sea visible from Sanur Beach to the South . Panorama southern Sanur beach is more beautiful views in the

    morning . Place a strategic review is part of the East , in Semawang and Mertasari . Circumstances there

    was fresh air and a comfortable sea breeze blowing . The atmosphere along the coast of Sanur

    light and shade as full of big trees . Sanur beach is good for enjoying the sunrise ( Sun Rise ) and

    sunbathing along the white sandy beaches .

    Tourist attraction of Sanur beach is one of the well-known beaches in Bali than Kuta beach . Located in

    East Denpasar city about 17 miles from the city of Denpasar , Sanur beach supine length from north to

    south, with sand -colored black and white there .

    To go to Sanur Beach is 6 km from Denpasar city center , can be reached by car , motorbike or

    public transport linking the city of Denpasar Sanur beach . Very crowded public transportation back and

    forth between the Sanur - Denpasar , so there is no difficulty transportation problems . Sanur Beach isvisited by tourists by tourists and the archipelago .

    Sundays and public holidays , the place of choice for recreational Denpasar city residents while

    bathing in the sea . On the day of full moon night many people come to relax and bathe there , looking at

    the beauty of the beach at night .


    With a tranquil atmosphere and the waves are not too big , Sanur Beach became a favorite recreation spot

    for a family holiday in Bali for local people and tourists . Activities ranging from swimming , canoeing ,jogging , sports watersport , etc. can all be done here .

    Sanur area itself is known as the beginning of the development of tourism in Bali with the availability of

    the facilities available there , among others, the existence of international standard hotels such as Hotel

    Grand Bali Beach , Hotel Hyatt , Hotel Sanur Beach , Hotel Sindu Beach and many more throughout the

    East and South-East coast of Sanur . Kiosk Art Shop arts and also a lot there .


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    Conflicts between religious or a -religious people insome areas raises a big question mark about how strong

    tolerance in the country today .

    In Bali , pharmaceutics tolerance was one of them reflected

    in the establishment of five houses of worship side by side in

    the complex Puja Mandala , Nusa Dua , South Kuta ,

    Badung .

    In the complex area of 2 hectares , since 15 years ago has

    stood the Mosque of Ibn Battuta , the Catholic Church of

    Our Lady of All Nations , Mount of Prayer Christian Protestant Church , temple Pura Jagat Natha and

    Budhina order .

    Located in Nusa Dua Siligita Road , five houses of worship was located next to each other filled with

    shades of harmony . " It becomes a miniature inter-religious harmony , " said Head South Kuta Wayan

    Puja to merdeka.com , Saturday ( 8/9 ) .

    He said , complex Puja Mandala help PT BTDC ( Bali Tourism Development Centre ) was originally built

    as a means of worshiping tourists who vacation in the area of Nusa Dua .

    Over time , Puja Mandala has become a symbol of religious tolerance in Bali . " Although the majority of

    Hindus in Bali , Bali uphold tolerance , " said Puja .

    In fact, every holiday season arrives , Puja Mandala complex religious tourism destination . Primarily

    from domestic travelers , but also not a few foreign tourists .

    In addition to enjoying the charm of tolerance in a single location , from the plateau also tourists can

    witness the beauty of the Nusa Dua area . Before he left the complex , tourists did not forget to take

    pictures with the background of five houses of worship .

    " It can be outside when it can make themselves to worship in this complex , " said Yulia Astuti , tourists

    from London .


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    certainly not foreign to listen to you - you who 'venever even often on holiday to Bali . The tourist areas are

    located in the tail of this island has a name that is quite unique .

    Although it is not easy to find the origin of why this area is

    called Tanjung Benoa . However, it could be because this

    region shaped headland and adjacent to the port named Benoa .

    Thus the region was named Tanjung Benoa . Emm ... that if we

    see the origin of the location and position of the tourist area .

    Tanjung Benoa is located in the south of Nusa Dua, precisely

    in the village of Tanjung Benoa Indigenous Pekraman , sub-

    district of South Kuta , Badung regency - Bali . And you can travel approximately 25 minutes from

    Ngurah Rai Airport , or if you are in the city center of Denpasar can you travel about 60 minutes , and

    even then if it is not jammed . But for those of you who came for the first time to Bali , and want to visit

    the Maritime attractions need not worry because the available routes are very easy to get to the Maritime

    Travel .

    The attraction is owned Tanjung Benoa beach is quiet and also its complete water sport . Tanjung Benoa

    Beach has white sand and maintained coupled with calm waves . And along the Tanjung Benoa area also

    built numerous hotels - five-star hotels and tourist lodges as places to stay you , so complete is not ? ? ? .

    Further on Tanjung Benoa Water Sport is one of the tourist destinations are full of water , to provide a

    wide range of water sports are very pleasant and always waiting for you to test . The share of water sports

    facilities that include :

    1 ) Parasailing : A game where you will use the umbrella parachute and pulled by speed boat surrounding

    the Tanjung Benoa beach . Like real skydiving . When the game is a round about 4 minutes in the air .

    Height of the rope which connects the parachute to a speed boat about 80 meters . So his flying pretty high


    2 ) Banana Boat : Judging from its name is definitely there to do with bananas . Yupz true inflatable boat

    shaped like a banana has a capacity of max 4 people plus instructors , which will be pulled by a speed boat

    around the coast with about time - about 15 minutes .

    3 ) Jet Ski : The game is not less fun , seemed to drive on the beach and how its use such as motorcycles

    and time permainanya guess - about 15 minutes

    4 ) Fly Fish : Games that use inflatable boats were rather wide and played max 3 people with positions

    including instructor can stand as riding a motorcycle or on her back and then pulled by a speed boat at

    high speed with a direction against the wind so the fish fly can fly about about 2 meters above the water .


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    5 ) Snorkeling : Swimming while looking at the beautiful scenery under the sea Tanjung Benoa . Its terms

    must be swimming . And using masks and fins .

    6 ) Scuba Diving : That diving in the sea floor , together with a snorkel but my goal using complete diving

    equipment , ranging from clothing , etc. oxygen tank . Diving should not be swimming , it is better if you

    can not swim , because it's easier . The tourists will be accompanied by an instructor in the water , so no

    need to worry and time in the water approximately 40 minutes

    7 ) Wake board : A game play felt like surfing but pulled by speedboat

    8 ) Donnat : This game uses a rubber boat shaped donut that is certainly true to its name and pulled by

    speed boa seemed tossed around in the water , max capacity 2 people .

    9 ) Turtle Island or Turtle Island : Turtle Island or Turtle Island located in Tanjung Benoa, Serangan

    Island is in fact not , however, Tanjung Benoa has a specially shaped area of small islands located to the

    west coast area of Tanjung Benoa with Moncot or Pudut Sari name for turtle breeding places as an

    endangered species .


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    According to the Pandavas beach is a new touristarea in Bali and unspoiled place . Compared to other

    beaches , such as Kuta and Sanur , this beach is not so well

    known . However, since it opened in 2012 , this beach has

    been attracting a lot of visitors , both from within and

    outside the country .

    The name is derived from the Pandava Pandava hero in the

    history of puppetry . These figures have described the

    properties of a good , noble , and wise . In this place , we

    can see the statue of Five Pandavas that Arjuna , Bhima ,

    Nakul , Sahadev , and Yudhishthira . The fifth statue is made and placed on a rock cliff overlooking the

    coast .

    The existence of these sculptures are very special in my opinion . Not only big in size but also very

    beautiful carving made . These statues are from donations Pandavas beachgoers either general travelers ,

    government agencies , officials , and businessmen . In front of the statue was written the name of the

    person or organization that has contributed to making the statue

    Promptly at nine in the morning I had reached the coast of the Pandavas . Atmosphere is quite deserted

    when I got there . The air temperature is not so hot at that time . Before getting into my Pandavas beach

    rocks down a steep cliff area . It appears obvious that the cliffs are freshly dug . Development and

    improvement of the cliff is still clearly visible . The combination of black and brown rocks whitish createa very beautiful combination .

    I am a time to stop and climb to the top of the cliff to see the beach Pandavas . The view was incredible

    beauty . Beach waves are not big , blue sky and white sand beaches visible in front of my eyes . Everyone

    who saw this scene will surely be amazed . In addition to seeing the beautiful scenery , there is also a

    young couple who did pre-wedding photos . Nowadays there are many people who come to the beach is

    not just for water but also tourist activities like this .

    After that I went on a trip to the beach . The crowd on the beach when it's solid enough . It appears some

    people are ready to rent the canoe guards on the coast . Some families look happy after playing canoe on

    the beach . The tents are lined up neatly made so much beautiful scenery . The white sand beach is so softPandavas . Several small children were playing on the beach sand .

    Lots of activities to do at the beach is like a sun , sand play , volleyball , canoeing , swimming , or just

    walk on the beach . Satisfied to enjoy the atmosphere of the morning , I went on a trip around the coast .

    At the beach there is a Hindu temple . At the moment there are still many people who pray .


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    Formerly on the beach commonly held Melasti ceremony . Melasti ceremony was part of a ceremony

    Nyepi day for Hindus . At that time the Hindus pray on the beach with the aim to purify themselves of all

    the bad things in the past . One of the highlights of each visit to the beaches in Bali we can see directly

    how strong Hindu culture and how they keep the tradition well . Through this culture of Bali become

    tourist destination of the world.

    After that we went on a trip to the east coast of the Pandavas . This section became a favorite part of the

    surfers . Some surfers are most foreigners are getting ready to go to the beach . Approximately thirty

    minutes I spent time here while enjoying the sea breeze blowing gently . Occasional traders offering

    visitors to stop by drinking coffee in their own stalls .

    Pandavas unspoiled beaches will get better and thrive if all the visitors always maintain the cleanliness . It

    is unfortunate that I have met a lot of rubbish strewn everywhere . Let us always keep this beauty so that

    we can enjoy it more comfortably .


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    Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, abbreviated GWK , is atourist park in the southern part of the island of Bali . This park

    is located in cape Nusa Dua , Badung regency , about 40

    kilometers south of Denpasar , the provincial capital of Bali .

    In this culture garden area , planned to set up a landmark or

    mascot of Bali , which is a giant statue of Lord Vishnu who is

    riding his mount , Garuda , as high as 12 meters .

    Area Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is located at an

    altitude of 146 meters above ground level or 263 feet above sea

    level . This statue will once completed will be the world's

    largest statue with a height of 75 meters and width of 60 meters and will beat the statue of liberty . GWK

    is a masterpiece of Balinese artist I Nyoman Nuarta who was in the area of South Bali precisely in

    Unggasan hill . Area Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is located at an altitude of 146 meters above

    ground level or 263 feet above sea level .

    In the region there is also a statue of Garuda is right behind the Plaza Wisnu is the Plaza Garuda where the

    18 -meter tall statue of Garuda placed temporarily . At this time , Plaza Garuda becomes the focal point of

    a large hall carved limestone pillars which covers more than 4000 square meters of open space that is the

    Lotus Pond . Limestone pillars colossal and monumental Garuda statue make Lotus Pond a very exotic

    space . With a room capacity that can accommodate up to 7000 people , Lotus Pond has gained a good

    reputation as a perfect place to hold big and international events .

    There is also a statue of Vishnu hands that are part of a statue of Lord Vishnu . It is one step closer to

    completing the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue complete . This work is placed in the area while Tirta

    Agung .

    Located high above the limestone dataraan the rocks and staring south coast tourist area of Bali , Garuda

    Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is a window of art and culture that the island has a natural background and a

    very impressive panorama . With the distance 15 minutes from the Air Port and less than an hour from

    major hospitality locations , GWK become one of the main objectives for the various art performances ,

    exhibitions and conferences or a relaxing visit even spiritual visit . This statue is the work of the famous

    sculptor Bali , I Nyoman Nuarta . This monument was developed as a park of culture and became an icon

    for tourism in Bali and Indonesia .

    The statue of Lord Vishnu in the form of Hinduism is God the Preserver ( Sthiti ) , riding a Garuda bird .

    Garuda figure can be seen in the story of Garuda & empire that tells the devotion and sacrifice of birds

    Garuda to save his mother from slavery that ultimately protected by Lord Vishnu .


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    This statue is projected to bind spatial visibility of up to 20 miles so apat seen from Kuta , Sanur , Nusa

    Dua up to Tanah Lot . Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is a symbol of environmental rescue mission and the

    world . The statue is made from a mixture of copper and steel weighing 4,000 tons , with a height of 75

    meters and width of 60 meters . When construction is completed , the sculpture will be the largest

    sculpture in the world and beat the Statue of Liberty .

    An area of 250 acres summarizes various cultural events , venues and a variety of culinary services . As

    the palaces of Bali in antiquity , visitors will witness the GW K monumental grandeur and spiritual

    kekhusukan where all enhanced with a modern twist with the facilities and appropriate services . Despite

    you come as part of thousands of visitors a cultural event or an individual to enjoy a light meal and drinks

    while watching the sunset, you will feel the beauty of nature and culture and the hospitality of its

    inhabitants .


    Vishnu is a Hindu symbol which symbolizes a major force maintainer of the universe that dominates the

    region . Manifested as a giant sculpture made of brass and copper with a height reaching 22 meters ,

    making this figure as a modern manifestation of an ancient culture and tradition . Being attached to them

    is Garuda - a large bird vehicle of Lord Vishnu who became a symbol of freedom as well as unconditional

    dedication .

    Stone gate - a few pieces of natural rock pillars as high as 25 meters which will stand solid carved with

    various ornaments taken from the dramatic story of the Ramayana is the source of inspiration Balinese

    performing arts . Sculptured reliefs carved background patterned sculpture puppet ( Kayon or Mountains )

    is very typical of Bali and Java .


    Adjacent to the statue of Lord Vishnu are Parahyangan Somaka Giri , a sacred spring from which the

    water flows to the main content of minerals . Presence of water in the rocks limestone hilltop is indeed a

    miracle and can not be explained by science , thus making it a spiritual visit and meditation .

    The water is believed to cure various diseases and has been widely used among the local population in

    order to get a rain ceremony invoke good harvest . The existence of highly evocative Parahyangan

    Somaka Giri instinct someone in search of enlightenment thought , inwardly and outwardly .



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    With relatively low rainfall but open to enjoy the tropical breeze , facilities owned by GWK be very ideal .

    Amphitheatre with a capacity of 800 seats and first-class acoustic arrangements , an unparalleled place for

    cultural arts performances . Lotus Pond is surrounded by stone pillars and rock background Garuda bird

    statue head area with a capacity of 7500 people makes this very dramatic for various grand event . As the

    ceremonial arena villages in Bali , Street Theatre is the perfect place for various processions , fashionshows and various performances move . The place to be nice ideal is Plaza turtle , which has a capacity of

    up to 200 people . In addition , open to the public , Exhibition Gallery, which has an area of 200m2 there

    are 10m2 open pages in it

    Dinner under the auspices of STAR

    A number of cafes and restaurants provide a complete culinary services , from snacks , light meals to

    banquets . On-site catering services are available capable of serving up to 2000 portions , with a variety of

    Indonesian dishes , Oriental or International dishes that can be customized with themes and specific

    location .

    GWK has several recreational areas include:

    Vishnu Plaza

    Vishnu Plaza is the highest ground in the area where the pedestal we place while the most important part

    of the statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue of Vishnu . At certain times of day , there will be some

    traditional Balinese performance with the magnificent statue of Vishnu as a backdrop . Because of the

    high location , you can see the surrounding panorama . Statue of Vishnu , as the central point of Vishnu

    Plaza , surrounded by fountains and water wells in the nearby holy he was never dry even in the dry

    season .

    Parahyangan Somaka Giri placed next to a statue of Vishnu . This is where water is present , whichhistorically has been trusted by the people in the area as a blessing with strong magical powers to cure

    illness and asked the gods of rain during the dry season . Because of its location on high ground ( on the

    hill ) , this natural phenomenon is considered holy and local people believed it to be holy water .

    Street Theater

    Street Theater is the starting point and the end of a visit to Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park . Here we

    can find many shops and restaurants in one place and where all the festivities going on .

    You can get souvenirs and merchandise GWK Bali especially at GWK Bali Souvenir Shop and Art

    Market . We can even find a Balinese spa and aromatherapy products in this store . While here , why not

    try the foot reflexology Bali after a walk . We could taste the good food at the best price only in our food

    court , Food Theatre , and our newest restaurant , The Home with all you can eat package . At several

    times a day , we can enjoy shopping and dining while accompanied by the performance of Bali especially

    like barong , rindik and parades .


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    Lotus Pond

    Lotus Pond is the largest outdoor area at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana ( GWK ) Cultural Park and , most

    likely , in Bali . Thus , Lotus Pond is a great place and only for large-scale outdoor events .

    Over the years , the pedestal has been trusted for large scale was held , both nationally and internationally, in the event the Lotus Pond as music concerts , international meetings , a large party . Lotus Pond is a

    unique place with limestone pillars at the sides and the magnificent statue of Garuda in the background .

    Lotus Pond originated from lotus . Lotus is the ultimate symbol of beauty , prosperity and fertility .

    Vishnu also always carries a lotus flower in her hand and almost all the gods of the Hindu god who sits on

    a lotus or carrying flowers .

    Some of the interesting facts is that the lotus plant grows in water , has its roots in illus or mud , and

    spreading flowers in the air above . Thus , the lotus symbolizes human life and also that of the cosmos .

    Lotus roots are sunk in the mire of material life . Stalk skipped through the water symbolizes the existencein the astral world . Floating on the water and opening to the sky is emblematical of spiritual being .

    Indraloka Garden

    The park is named after heaven Lord Indra Indraloka for beautiful panoramic view . Indraloka Garden is

    one of the most favorite places in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana medium for a small party , gathering and

    wedding ceremony . We can see the view from the top Indraloka Bali Garden


    Amphitheatre is the outdoor venue for special performances by well-designed acoustics . Every evening

    you can watch http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tari_Kecak " > famous Kecak dance and free which is around18:30 s / d 19:30 pm . In fact the Kecak dance can be collaborated with other regions .

    Tirta Agung

    Tirta Agung is the perfect outdoor space for the intermediate event . You can also visit the statue of

    Vishnu 's hand , part of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue located nearby .


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    Kecak Dance is a typical Balinese performing arts thatare created in the 1930s and played mainly one man

    laki.Tarian is performed by many ( tens or more ) male

    dancers who sat lined up in a circle and with a certain

    rhythm called " cak " and raised both arms , depicting

    the Ramayana as Rama's line of apes help fight Ravana .

    However, Kecak originated from sanghyang ritual ,

    which dancers dance traditions will be in unconscious

    condition , to communicate the spirit gaib.Tari Kecak

    dance is usually referred to as " Cak " or dance of fire (

    Fire Dance ) is a dance show or entertainment mass and tends to the art of ballet is full of drama and dance

    as art depicting the role of " the play Puppets " as Rama and Sita is not specifically used in Hindu religious

    rituals such as worship , temple ceremony and other ceremonies .

    Form - the form of " Sacred " in the Kecak dance is usually shown in terms masolah kerauhan or so

    invisibly that immunity was not burned by the fire .

    Uniqueness .

    Unlike other Balinese dance using the gamelan as a musical accompaniment but the Kecak dance

    performance is simply combining the art of sound - the sound of the mouth or cries - cries like " cak cak

    cak cak to all " so that this dance called Kecak dance .

    Kecak dance in Bali has continued to undergo change and development since the 1970s . Developments

    that can be seen is in terms of story and staging . In terms of staging the story for not just sticking to one

    part of the Ramayana but also other parts of the story of Ramayana .

    Then in terms of staging also began experiencing growth not only found in one place like the village of

    Bona , Gianyar but also other villages in Bali Kecak dance that began to develop around the Kecak Bali

    there are dozens of groups where members are usually members of the banjo . Activities such activities

    Kecak dance festivals are also frequently held in Bali either by the government or by an art school in Bali .

    As well as dancers from the highest number ever staged in the Kecak dance which was recorded in 1979

    involving 500 dancers . At that time Kecak performed by taking the story of the Mahabharata .

    However, this record was broken by the Tabanan Government organizes the colossal Kecak dancers 5000

    on September 29, 2006 , in Tanah Lot , Tabanan , Bali .


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    There is a philosophy behind the construction contained

    in Balinese traditional house . Custom home in Bali is a

    reflection of the condition of the existing society . There

    are three aspects or values that should be contained in a

    custom home in Bali . According to the Balinese ,

    harmony in the society will be realized JILA someone

    capable of realizing synergistic relationship between

    pawongan ( residents ) , palemahan ( the environment of

    the house where it is located ) , and parahyangan .

    Construction of houses in Bali must meet these three

    aspects , which are commonly referred to as the Tri Hita Karana .

    Most homes built in traditional Balinese other than on the basis of three aspects of earlier , well built and

    decorated with knickknacks such as wood-carving color contrasting yet seem natural . In any decorations

    or knick - knacks that exist in a traditional house in Bali , no philosophy or meaning adopted : for example

    the presence of the sculptures is a symbol of their worship to the creator, or thanks to the gods .

    Reflection of Balinese Culture

    Balinese society is a society that upholds the culture , and it is reflected in the daily habit of architecture

    and buildings that were there : be it Balinese traditional house which they occupy , public buildings ,

    places of worship , and others . Formerly, each custom homes in the occupied Bali consists of several

    small buildings united by a fence that surrounds the house . With the development of the architectural

    model and the development era , the house in Bali now no longer consists of several separate buildings .

    As reviewed in the article above , the construction of custom homes in Bali is guided by the ejection Asta

    Kosala Kosali and in accordance with the principle of Tri Hita Karana . Each custom home is built there

    must meet these principles because the Balinese upholds the rule of life contained in the scriptures and the

    guidance of hereditary custom . Every thing that is written in the scriptures always ditati by the people of

    Bali , because Bali is known as the community residents who emnjunjung high culture and customs . For

    more details , maybe you can find some information about Bali and testimony custom homes and custom

    homes of Bali and its function . The existence of custom home is part of the Indonesian nation's wealth of

    cultural treasures .


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    Besides being a tourist attraction to tourist attraction attractiveand beautiful , Bali also has a unique culture where one of them

    is the Barong dance of Bali . Less complete it if you do not

    watch the dance performance . Although both are called barong

    , barong dance is different from the barong dance Sai , Sai if

    barong fighting something in the attraction ( red packets ) while

    the Balinese Barong dance tells about the eternal struggle

    between the forces of good ( dharma ) and the forces of evil (

    adharma ) .

    Barong dance is usually performed during religious ceremonies

    dipura but now you can watch it in the theater . Barong figure itself is a figure of mythological beasts Pre -

    Hindu culture that symbolizes good strength there is in the form of Lion , Pig , Elephant and Dog . While

    the eternal enemy is the evil forces represented by the sinister figure with giant fangs and long hair and

    called Rangda . In the culture of Bali , Barong is divided into several types , namely :

    1 . Barong Keket / Ket

    This species is the most common form of lions .

    2 . Barong Landung

    Barong tangible as man and briefly looked like a high -ondel Betawi

    3 . Barong Bangkal

    Barong tangible adult male pig

    4 . Barong Macan

    Tiger shaped barong

    5 . Barong Asu

    Similar barong barong a Dog and a rare

    6 . Barong Brutuk

    Barong mask made from coconut shell , while the costumes made of banana and a barong rare and seldom

    staged .

    Barong Barong is often staged Keket / Ket which resembles the shape of a lion with a long thick fur made

    from pandanus fiber similar perasok and tail curved and decorated with charming combination of carving

    and glass . It takes two people to dance called bapang interpreter or interpreters saluk , one on his headand one at the back , followed by the orchestra and in the play there are also other figures such as

    monkeys who become friends Barong and Rangda followers .


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    Good Cening established on 27 April 2009 , standing on the

    land belonging to the village which is located on Jl . Kingdom

    Stone months 100X , Sukowati , Gianyar , Bali . GoodCening stand on the idea of helping with small craftsmen in

    Gianyar Bali . This company stands at zero / small business ,

    every two months Cening Good evaluation for future

    development. In Good Cening founding vision and mission

    cening are good , the vision of the Good Cening is " Helping

    small artisans ( home industry ) to prosperity " , while the

    mission of cening good is " Bali Tourism increasingly

    developed along with the government's call for the tourism sector in particular Bali follow dildalam

    promote tourism in Bali " , which makes Cening can dkembangkan Good as it is today .

    Good Cening as one of the companies engaged in services and product sales of souvenirs typical of Bali .

    Good Cening also have an important role in the revival of tourism development in Bali , especially after a

    bomb explosion ( known as the Bali Bombing I and II ) where Cening Good selling services / guides to

    tourists in Bali tourism menjalajahi . Good addition Cening also instrumental in the development of

    industry , especially housing handicraft industries , where Cening Good recommending the tourists who

    use the services to visit kegalerinya containing various products of Bali and beyond Bali . Good Cening

    also cooperate with the government in an effort to promote tourism in Bali . In Good Cening Similarly ,

    our group of Luxury Smansa do lunch and midday prayer . Once finished , we were soon back to their

    respective bus then traveled back .


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    There are various ways to commemorate and perpetuate thestruggle of a nation , one with erect a monument . In Bali , the

    Balinese people struggle from time to time recorded properly

    in the Bajra Sandhi Monument . This monument depicts

    Balinese life since prehistoric times to maintain independence

    period , between the years 1950-1975 . The forms of struggle

    are illustrated in 33 units diorama .

    Bajra Sandhi Monument was built in 1987 , but was

    inaugurated on June 14, 2003 by President Megawati Sukarno

    Putri . The main objective is the construction of this monument

    to perpetuate the spirit of struggle and creation of Balinese culture as well as efforts to pass it on to the

    younger generation . The name is taken from the Bajra Sandhi monument that resembles the shape of a

    bell ( bell ) which is commonly used by pedanda ( prince of religion in Bali ) when leading a prayer . As

    used bells to mark the time praying , this name was chosen to remind people of the meaning of the

    struggle Bali predecessors.

    Travelers visiting this monument will get a fairly complete picture of the history of the people of Bali

    from ancient to modern times . The picture presented by a circle of 33 dioramas follow the contour of the

    room . Each section contains figurines diorama complete with their natural environment setting . To

    clarify the information , there is a label on the outside in three languages : Bahasa Bali in Old Javanese ,

    Indonesian , and English .

    In the earlier parts , diorama displays of early man in the days of hunting and gathering . In this section , it

    appears Pithecanthropus Erectus hog hunting using a hand-held ax . The next section describes the

    development of the kingdom of the Balinese people , the colonial period , the physical revolution , until

    the post-independence period . At the end , a diorama showing the development process of Udayana

    University which took place in 1975 .

    After enjoying a glimpse of the history , visitors can climb the ladder to reach the top of the bell-shaped

    monument . From the top of the monument , visitors can see the beauty of Denpasar city from a height of

    about 45 meters . If the time is right , so visitors can enjoy the sunset ( sunset ) from this place .

    Renon , Denpasar city , Bali province .

    Bajra Sandhi Monomen government complex located in the province of Bali precisely in front of the

    Governor 's office in the area Renon , Denpasar , Bali . For travelers heading this monument can use a

    private vehicle or taxi. For these two types of vehicles , visitors not too difficult because access to the

    monument is not too difficult .


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    However , if travelers take advantage of public transport ( minibus ) , it should be noted that the road to

    the monument is a one-way street , so that only one regular public transport pass , that Sanur majors

    minibus - Teuku Umar . If travelers depart from Sanur , then tourists will certainly go down in front of the

    monument complex . However , when departing from Jalan Teuku Umar , then the tourists have to come

    down on Jalan Cok Agung Tresna then walk to the monument as far as + 300 meters .

    If the benighted travelers because it is too cool to enjoy complex Bajra Sandhi monument , tourists can

    rent hotels ranging from budget to five-star class that is in the corners of the city of Denpasar . Not only

    that , a wide variety of cafes , pubs , clubs , and other entertainment venues can be an alternative to spend

    the night in the city of Denpasar .


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    Originally Kuta is just a quiet village with beautiful waves farfrom the buzz of the crowd . But now Kuta has become a

    destination of foreign tourists who are very popular in the

    world . Visited by tourists who want to enjoy the nautical

    tourism .

    This is where you can swim , surf , or sunbathing on beautiful

    beaches . Tourists come dressed casually in shorts , t-shirts and

    flip-flops for a walk around Kuta . They shopped at a

    restaurant or culinary tour open to the sky open . While at Kuta

    then you will see the people here really in a holiday

    atmosphere .

    In the 1960s , initially the only hotel in Kuta Beach Hotel Kuta is , then no Kuta tourism planning has now

    quickly become prey of surfers and backpackers from all over the world . If you like a quieter atmosphere

    then can choose village of Sanur on the opposite side of the peninsula .

    Kuta has grown into a tourist area with full facilities . You will find many shops , restaurants, hotels , and

    pubs . Everything ranging from the simple to the exclusive and mushroomed along the main road from

    Kuta to Legian .

    In Kuta Beach you can enjoy parasailing , banana boat or a traditional massage on the beach from the

    local community or there is her hair . In addition, the attraction to do in Kuta Bali is Bungee Jumping andSlingshot . Shortly before sunset , do not miss coming to the beach to enjoy the beautiful sunset at Kuta

    beach is legendary . When the clouds darkening the Kuta nightlife starts with the beat of the music from

    the bars and restaurants , as well as shops open until late at night . There have been many bands and world

    famous celebrities volunteered to sing enliven the atmosphere in Kuta .

    October 2002 Kuta bombing shocks have occurred precisely at Paddy 's caf , then here Ground Zero

    monument built to commemorate the tragedy that left more than 300 people were killed which is

    overwhelmingly Australian and Indonesian workers .


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    KRISNA 1 or KRISNA Nusa Indah Gift Shop is located inNusa Indah street Denpasar Bali. Exactly near Cultural Park

    ART CENTER. KRISNA Nusa Indah Gift Shop is the first

    store than another KRISNA Outlet, on May 16, 2007 . And

    KRISNA Nusa Indah is often used as a purpose of visit

    STUDY TOUR of the institution of educational institutions

    from within and outside the island of Bali, Private, or from the

    Office of Governance for here you can see step by step how to

    making T-shirt that became a superior product-by KRISNA Gift Shop. And you can also see the

    distribution all items from the KRISNA Main Store then next sent to a KRISNA Gift Shop Outlet.

    KRISNA Nusa Kambangan is the second outlet was established on 16 May 2008 and because it islocated on Nusa Kambangan street Denpasar Bali, KRISNA 2 store is first shopping destination of

    domestic and foreign tourists because of its very strategic location in the center of town, making it easier

    for you to get souvenirs for friends or family while a walk to see the city of Denpasar, Bali T-Shirt House

    is a superior product of KRISNA Gift shop with cartoon Bali unique and funny design. T-Shirt which sell

    in KRISNA outlet was handmade with the trademark is COK KONVEKSI.

    Going into 2009, KRISNA returned to flap its wings by adding 1 other outlets. And this outlet is the

    largest outlets among other Krisna, even a gift shop the largest and most comprehensive in the Bali Island,

    which is KRISNA 3 or KRISNA Sunset Road, so called because it is located on Sunset Boulevard Road

    area of Kuta-Bali. Completed with a Grafika Restaurant always ready to accompany the time while you

    enjoy a meal in a clean and delicious of course, or just want to order drinks to relieve thirst. Comfortable

    shopping space and spacious lobby provides comfort and satisfaction to our visitors.

    A year passed from 2009 outlets KRISNA Bali Gift Shop increased to 1 which is located at Jalan Raya

    Tuban no. 2X, and Outlet KRISNA that the 4th is called RAMA KRISNA which is just 5 minutes from

    Ngurah Rai International Airport. So for those of you who ran out of time or just in your spare time can go

    directly to RAMA KRISNA, after that you can immediately go to the airport. RAMA KRISNA is a

    Balinesse Gift Shop the only one open for 24 hours. RAMA KRISNA was established on November 1,

    2010 to celebrated the birthday of the 4th child of husband and wife Bp. Cok and Ibu Jero (Owner of

    KRISNA Bali Gift Shop). In Outlet KRISNA, you can bring your shopping items that you have purchasedwith very practical. Because KRISNA Bali Gift Shop available for packing service using cardboard for

    only Rp. 5.000,only, so that your shopping items will be safe until your destination.


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    Joger Bali. For those of you who've never been to Bali,certainly no stranger to hear the word JOGER. Yes, one of the

    centers for souvenirs or shopping in Bali's tourist attractions is

    indeed unik.Joger first is simply a kind of gallery or shop that

    sells a variety of goods and batik art by store name "Art &

    Batik Shop Joger". But now Joger emerged as one of the

    shopping attractions that must be visited if you are in Bali.

    Joger words taken from a combination of the owner's name is

    Joseph Theodore Wulianadidengan sidekick named Mr.Gerhard Seeger in which the letter E was read as

    the word "delicious" or the word "economy". Stores Joger was originally born on January 19, 1981 with

    the help of the best friends who donated money of U.S. $ 20,000 as a wedding present that is the owner of

    Joseph Theodore Joger Wulianadi.


    Previously known Joger frills factory Joger words, whether started when the slogan was changed to Center

    glanced up Bali.Lokasinya Typical is easily accessible in Kuta Jl.Raya (without number) close to the

    Ngurah Rai airport, making Joger very well known to local tourists and mancanegara.Bahkan some people

    say "not to Bali name if it does not bring a souvenir from Joger".

    Giant Slipper

    Goods sold in Joger also varied and many were unik.Selain T-Shirt as its main commodity, hats, bags, key

    chains, sandals, there are also unique items that may not exist elsewhere, for example clock backwards,

    giant slippers, and lainnya.dari Joger terms of building is not too broad and not infrequently often cause

    congestion there because of a car or motorcycle that want to shop there.

    Words Factory

    For motorcycle parking is free, so is the car. Before entering the area in our store will be examined along

    with the luggage of our bodies with Metal Detector and X-Ray layaknyahotel five star, but be advised in

    Bali these days are often targeted in teroris.Masuk we will see many products such as slippers, bags,

    trinkets for young children, table decorations and the like.

    Rather we enter into the next room, separated by a mini fish pond and we would dress plastered VIP

    sticker that reads, we can enjoy the next room which contains the majority of clothing, either in the form

    of trousers, shirts, T-shirts, hats, jackets, bags are relatively more expensive than pertama.Di room this

    room there is also a special room for displaying items are super expensive and space for special items of



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    Another uniqueness in Joger are we going to get a 10% discount, when we are spending time to coincide

    with the anniversary date kita.Didalam there you will often hear the latest Joger slogan "Keep Shopping

    Shopping No Thank You". Kindly note also if you shop there on Peak Season period to be more careful

    with your belongings because at times it Joger filled with tourists who want to shop even for the road is

    very difficult because the full sesak.Jadi if you want to shop in Joger, prepare your bags are thickerbecause when he got there you will definitely want to buy everything.


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    Bedugul is one of the tourist sites in Bali p egunungan that

    you must visit if you want to get another atmosphere after

    content to enjoy the beaches . High place makes this area isalways shrouded in mist and cold air . Bedugul area is part of

    the district of Tabanan and is approximately 70 km or 2.5

    hours from the International Airport ( Airport ), Ngurah Rai .

    Here are some attractions that you can enjoy when you visit

    Bedugul :

    Lake Beratan

    Beratan Lake is located in Bedugul area , Village Candikuning , Baturiti , Tabanan , Bali . Being in lane

    provincial road that connects Denpasar - Singaraja . Beratan Lake is one of the attractions in Bedugul that

    unfortunately if you miss . The cool weather during the day makes you feel comfortable to enjoy the

    scenery around the lake Beratan . To enjoy the scenery around the lake , you can rent boats and canoes

    boot . It is suitable for you and your family or with friends to enjoy the natural beauty around the lake

    Beratan . Beratan lake tourist sites also offer a variety of water sports and restaurant as other supporting

    facilities .

    Ulun Danu

    Pura Ulun Danu is existing on the edge of Lake Beratan . According to the history of Ulun Danu Beratan

    known from archaeological and historical data contained in a papyrus chronicle of Mengwi . To the left of

    the front page PuraUlun Danu Beratan there is a stone sarcophagus and a board , which comes from

    tradition megalithic period , around 500 BC . Both artifacts are now placed above each estimated location

    babaturan or patio where Ulun Danu Beratan , has been used as a place for conducting rituals since the

    megalithic era . Ulun Danu Beratan temple complex consists of 4 are: Lingga Petak Temple , Penataran

    Pucak Mangu , Pura Terate Bang , and Pura Dalem purwa serves to adore the majesty of God in its

    manifestation as Tri Murti god , in order to invoke the grace of fertility , prosperity , human well-being

    and for sustainability of the universe .


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    1 . Conclusions

    Studied data from a review of existing data and research as well as the source of attraction existing books ,

    we will give a conclusion :

    attractions on the island of Bali has characteristic / special attraction for domestic and foreign tourists .

    That makes the island used as a place and as a place to visit on vacation Study Tour .

    The charm of nature and culture in Bali Study Tour participants making insight to the culture of the

    archipelago increases .

    The uniqueness and distinctive characteristics of the Indonesian island of Bali made more famous in the

    outside world and generate foreign exchange for Indonesia .

    In this Study Tour participants can better understand and respect the cultures that are still strong in

    Indonesia and to develop a sense of national unity without distinction of class , race , culture , and religion


    2 . Criticism and suggestions

    participants can follow the Study Tour Study Tour regularly .

    eferably more overseeing , advising , and prohibits students perform malicious

    actions that did not happen the things that does not want

    action against students who do not obey and defame the school .

    as a learning tool to broaden .

    , respectively , so as not to burden the supervising

    teacher .

    because prices of goods are relatively expensive in Bali . The price of the goods sold is pegged to foreign


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    Table Of Contents

    Title. i

    Foreword................................................................................................................................ ii

    Motto.. iiiOffering.............................................. iv

    Endorsement.......................................... v

    Table of contents............................................ vi


    1.1 background problem 1

    1.2 the purpose of.. 1

    1.3 benefits. 1


    2.1 Groove trip 22.2 Sanur beach... 4

    2.3 Puja mandala. 6

    2.4 Tnjung benoa. 7

    2.5 Pandawa beach.. 9

    2.6 Garuda wisnu kencana... 11

    2.7 Kecak dance... 15

    2.8 Rumah adat galuh.. 16

    2.9 Barong dance. 17

    3.1 Cening bagus. 18

    3.2 Bajra sandi. 19

    3.3 Kuta beach. 213.4 Krisna 22

    3.5 Joger.. 23

    3.6 Begudul. 25

    3.7 Photograph. 26CHAPTER3 COVER

    4.1 Conclusion 27

    4.2 Criticism and suggestions 27


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