tugas bahasa inggris - nurrokhman 1208010044 farmasi 2b

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  • 7/28/2019 Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Nurrokhman 1208010044 Farmasi 2b




    Name : Nurrokhman

    NIM : 1208010044

    Class : Farmasi 2B




  • 7/28/2019 Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Nurrokhman 1208010044 Farmasi 2b


    Health sense: Stomach cancer: Symptoms and treatment

    Chan Hsiang Sui, Contributor, Singapore | Body and Soul | Wed, November 30 2011, 11:08 AM

    Stomach cancer is also known as gastric cancer. It is a disease that is caused by an abnormal

    growth of cells in the stomach. The cancer cells can develop throughout the stomach wall and

    can spread and affect other organs in the body.

    Like other forms of cancer, gastric cancer more commonly affects older people from ages 50 and

    up. It is common in countries like Iceland, Japan and Chile.

    In Singapore, it is the fifth most common cancer among women and the third among men. Over

    the past 60 years, there has been a decreasing trend in the number of people diagnosed with

    stomach cancer.

    The most common type of stomach cancer is adhocaranoma of the stomach. This is when the

    case arises from the lining of the stomach. Other types of stomach cancer are: lymphoma that

    affects the functions of the immune system, carcinoid tumours that disrupt the hormone-

    producing cells in the stomach and gastrointestinal stomach tumors, referring to gastric


    Symptoms of stomach cancer do not manifest in the early stage. More often than not they are

    associated with the symptoms of minor stomach and digestive diseases. It is therefore

    recommended to see a physician if any of the symptoms below persist longer than the usual:

    persistent abdominal discomfort (bloating, nausea, heartburn), unintentional weight loss,

    unexplained loss of blood, vomiting blood or passing out, difficult or painful swallowing,

    previous stomach surgery or persistent vomiting.

    When the patient has any of the above mentioned symptoms, he or she should be evaluated by

    his or her physician. After evaluation, the doctor may refer him to an endoscopist for more

    detailed investigation of the symptoms.

    An endoscopist may be a general surgeon or a gastroenterologist. These are doctors who have an

    interest in treating diseases of the stomach, intestines and colon.

    When required a gastroscopy can be performed. In this procedure, a small tube with a camera at

    the end is passed from the mouth into the stomach to have a look at the lining of the stomach. If a

    cancer is found in the stomach, a biopsy can be performed at the same time to confirm the

    diagnosis. This procedure usually takes less than 20 minutes. Many patients are initially fearful

    about the procedure but their fears are usually unfounded. This procedure is done under sedation

  • 7/28/2019 Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Nurrokhman 1208010044 Farmasi 2b


    and the patient does not feel any discomfort when it is being performed. The risks with this

    procedure are minimal.

    The amount of stomach removed during surgery depends on the extent of and the position of the

    cancer. If the cancer is in the upper half of the stomach, the whole stomach is removed. If it is in

    the lower half than half to two-thirds of the surroundings of the stomach are also removed. At the

    time of surgery, the lymph nodes surrounding the stomach are also removed.

    After surgery the patient may require further treatment in the form of chemotherapy or

    radiotherapy. This depends on what stage the cancer is.

    After surgery, the patient is slowly able to return to a normal diet. Portions for each meal may be

    smaller and as such those in recovery will need to eat more frequently.

  • 7/28/2019 Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Nurrokhman 1208010044 Farmasi 2b


    Difficult WordsWord Synonim Means

    Throughout along sepanjang

    Commonly generally umumnya

    Symptoms signs gejala

    Manifest Real Nyata

    Unintentional unwitting Tidak disengaja

    Vomiting throw up muntah

    Swallowing ingest menelan

    Persistent continuous Terus menerus

    Surgeon Sawbones Ahli bedah

    Treating Medicate Mengobati

    Fearful Afraid takut

    Sedation obat penenang

    Risks hazard Resiko, bahaya

    Surgery operation Operasi pembedahan

    Extent of level tingkat

    Surroundings environment lingkungan

    Further Lebih lanjut

  • 7/28/2019 Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Nurrokhman 1208010044 Farmasi 2b


    ResumeThis article describes about disease stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is also known as

    gastric cancer, is a disease caused by an abnormal growth of cells in the stomach. Gastric

    cancer commonly attack people older than age 50 and over.

    The most common type of stomach cancer is adhocaranoma stomach, is when cases arise

    from the lining of the stomach. Other types of stomach cancer are: lymphoma that affects

    the functions of the immune system, carcinoid tumors that disrupt the cells that produce

    hormones in the stomach and gastrointestinal stomach tumors, referring to gastric


    Symptoms of stomach cancer are not seen in the early stages. Therefore if there are

    symptoms of bloating, nausea, heartburn, unintentional weight loss last longer than usual,

    it is advisable to see a doctor. persistent abdominal discomfort (bloating, nausea,

    heartburn), weight loss was not intentional, described losing blood, vomit blood or pass

    out, difficult or painful swallowing, history of abdominal surgery or persistent vomiting.

    When a patient has the symptoms mentioned above, it should be evaluated by his or her

    doctor. After evaluation, the doctor may refer him to the endoscopist for more detailed

    investigation of symptoms.

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