rpp listening

Post on 16-Oct-2014






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Sekolah : SMP................................

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII / Genap

Standar Kompetensi : 7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 7.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, dan berterima

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan

tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, serta memberi,

meminta, dan menolak barang

Indikator : a. Merespon ungkapan meminta, memberi, dan menolak jasa.

b. Merespon ungkapan meminta, memberi, dan menolak barang

Aspek : Mendengarkan

Jenis Teks : Transaksional/interpersonal

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa mampu:

a. Memahami percakapan dan ungkapan tentang ”asking for, giving, refusing help and


b. Merespon ungkapan “asking for, giving, refusing help and things”.

c. Menggunakan ungkapan “asking for, giving, refusing help and things” dalam percakapan


d. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog tentang “asking for, giving, refusing help and


B. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan: Dapat dipercaya (


Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

C. Materi Pembelajaran

“ Asking for, giving, refusing help and things”.

a. Expressing of “Asking for help”

Asking for help Response

Would you like to help ?

Could you....?

Can you.....?

Is it possible that you help me....?

Will you help me...?

Pass me the book. Please.

Please hepl me lift the table

Yes, let me handle it for you

No, problem


It is not a big deal.

Right away

O.K. Here it is.

Oh, certantly

b. Expression of “Giving help”

Giving help Response

Let me do it, Grandma

Let us handle it, Sir.

Give me chance to cook, moom

I can wash your car, Dad

Let me give you a lift. Let’s go.

Thank you, dear.

Thank you. You are very kind.

No. Thanks.

Can you? Let’s do it together then.

Oh, that’s very sweet.

c. Expression of “Refusing help”

Refusing services/ help

Don’t bother your self.

That’s very kind, but I can manage my self.

No, you don’t need to…………

d. Expression of “Asking for things”

Asking for something Responding

Could you please……?

Would you kindly give me…..?

May I have it, please?

Can I have one?

Can you give me…?

I’d like a glass of tea, please.

Pass me the chili, please.


Yes, of course.

Certainly, here it is.

Sure. Here you are.

No problem

Yes, here it is.

Help yourself.

e. Expression of “Giving things”

Giving something Responding

This is for you

Please accept this

I have a special gift for you. Here you are

We have a surprise for you. Here it is.


O.K., Thanks

That’s great, thanks

Wow! This is what I want.


f. Expression of “Refusing things”

Refusing things

Thank you for your offer, but I don’t want to.

No, thanks.

No, need to bother, thanks.

D. Model Pembelajaran : Three Phase technique

E. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke

Kegiatan Tahapan Alokasi waktu

Kegiatan awal

a. Memberi salam kepada siswa b. Memeriksa kehadiran siswac. Brainstorming:

menunjukkkan gambar yang terkait dengan “ Asking for ,giving, refusing help and things”.

10 menit

1 menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa terkait dengan gambar yang yang sudah diberikan:

a) What picture it is?

b) What did they do?

Kegiatan inti

a. Memberikan contoh ungkapan asking for help and things pada slide no.3 dan 4

60 menit

Expression of asking for help :

Expression of asking something:


b.Memberikan contoh ungkapan giving help and things pada slide no.5 dan 6

c. siswa diminta untuk membuat contoh ungkapan asking for, giving help and things dengan bahasa dan kalimat mereka sendiri.

d. Memberi contoh ungkapan asking for, giving help and things dalam bentuk dialog.

e. Meminta siswa mencari vocab baru ataupun kata-kata sulit yang ada pada dialog dan mencari arti katanya bersama-sama.

f. Guru menanyakan kembali materi yang telah disampaikan dan menerima pertanyaan dari siswa.

g. Memberi latihan soal dengan memperdengarkan rekaman soal.

h. Meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal dari rekaman yang sudah diperdengarkan oleh


Expression of giving help:

Listen to the tape, and then complete the dialog!

CONFIRMING A HOTEL BOOKINGReceptionist : Good afternoon, Orion Hotel, (1)

______________________?Customer : I’m ringing to confirm a booking I

made a week ago. I was expecting an email but I haven’t received anything.

Receptionist : I’m sorry the line is rather bad, (2) ________________________?

Customer : Yes, I made a reservation on your website under the name of Coutts. George Coutts.

Receptionist : (3) ____________________________?

Customer : Yes, that’s C-O-U-T-T-S Receptionist : And when was the reservation for? Customer : July 23rd to the 29th

Receptionist : Sorry, did you say the 21st? Customer : No, the 23rd

Receptionist : Let me just check if we have your details on the system. Ah… yes, here we are.

Customer : I put down one double and one single room, but I wonder if I could change that.

Receptionist : I’m terribly sorry I didn’t quite catch that. (4) _____________________?

Customer : Yes, I wanted to change the number of rooms. Is it possible to have two doubles instead of a single and a double?

Receptionist : Let’s see…oh hold on a moment. I’ve got someone on the other line. (Speaks to other customer) yeah, yeah…would you mind if I rang you back. I’m just dealing with a reservation. Thanks.

Customer : Sorry?Receptionist : Yes, sorry about that Mr. Coutts,

I’m just getting your booking details up now. Yes, we do have another double available for those nights. (5) __________________________?

Customer : Well, I wanted to know if you did vegetarian food for the evening meal. It wasn’t clear (6) ____________________.

Receptionist : Yes, we do, but by prior arrangement. But now you’ve requested it, I’ll put that down in the booking. (7) ____________________________?

Customer : Just myself

Receptionist : Very good. (8) ___________________?

Customer : Well, we’ve got a very early return flight on the 30th, so we’ll need an alarm call at about 5.30, I should think.

Receptionist : (9) _________________, I’ll arrange that now. Was that all?

Customer : I think so.Receptionist : So you’d like two double rooms for

the nights of 23rd to the 29th July inclusive, vegetarian provision for one and an early morning call on your departure. Is that correct?

Customer : That’s rightReceptionist : If we (10)

________________________, just give us a ring. We look forward to seeing you in July.

Answer the question based on the dialog above.

1. What is the dialogue about?2. Who are speaking in the dialogue above? 3. Who is booking hotel room?4. When the customer does need the hotel room?5. Where Mr. George Coutts/customer does book

the room (the name of hotel)?

Kegiatan penutup

a. Menanyakan kesulitan siswab. Mereview materi yang sudah dijelaskanc. Meminta siswa mempelajari kembali apa yang

sudah dipelajari hari ini, untuk persiapan pertemuan berikutnya.

10 menit

F. Alat dan sumber bahan


Papan tulis

Spidol board marker

Laptop dan LCD

LKS PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas VIII Semester 2

Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs kelas VIII

G. Penilaian

Penilaian kerja:

a. Teknik : tes tulis

b. Bentuk : teks rumpang

c. Instrument :

Listen to the tape, and then complete the dialog!


Receptionist : Good afternoon, Orion Hotel, (1) ______________________?

Customer : I’m ringing to confirm a booking I made a week ago. I was expecting an

email but I haven’t received anything.

Receptionist : I’m sorry the line is rather bad, (2) ________________________?

Customer : Yes, I made a reservation on your website under the name of Coutts. George


Receptionist : (3) ____________________________?

Customer : Yes, that’s C-O-U-T-T-S

Receptionist : And when was the reservation for?

Customer : July 23rd to the 29th

Receptionist : Sorry, did you say the 21st?

Customer : No, the 23rd

Receptionist : Let me just check if we have your details on the system. Ah… yes, here we


Customer : I put down one double and one single room, but I wonder if I could change


Receptionist : I’m terribly sorry I didn’t quite catch that. (4) _____________________?

Customer : Yes, I wanted to change the number of rooms. Is it possible to have two

doubles instead of a single and a double?

Receptionist : Let’s see…oh hold on a moment. I’ve got someone on the other line.

(Speaks to other customer) yeah, yeah…would you mind if I rang you back.

I’m just dealing with a reservation. Thanks.

Customer : Sorry?

Receptionist : Yes, sorry about that Mr. Coutts, I’m just getting your booking details up

now. Yes, we do have another double available for those nights. (5)


Customer : Well, I wanted to know if you did vegetarian food for the evening meal. It

wasn’t clear (6) ____________________.

Receptionist : Yes, we do, but by prior arrangement. But now you’ve requested it, I’ll put

that down in the booking. (7) ____________________________?

Customer : Just myself

Receptionist : Very good. (8) ___________________?

Customer : Well, we’ve got a very early return flight on the 30th, so we’ll need an alarm

call at about 5.30, I should think.

Receptionist : (9) _________________, I’ll arrange that now. Was that all?

Customer : I think so.

Receptionist : So you’d like two double rooms for the nights of 23rd to the 29th July

inclusive, vegetarian provision for one and an early morning call on your

departure. Is that correct?

Customer : That’s right

Receptionist : If we (10) ________________________, just give us a ring. We look

forward to seeing you in July.

Answer the question based on the dialog above.

1. What is the dialogue about?

2. Who are speaking in the dialogue above?

3. Who is booking hotel room?

4. When the customer does need the hotel room?

5. Where Mr. George Coutts/customer does book the room (the name of hotel)?

d. Pedoman Penilaian :

untuk jawaban benar diberi skor:

8 untuk task 1

4 untuk task 2

jumlah skor maximal 8 x 10 = 80 (task 1)

4 x 5 = 20 (task 2)

nilai maximal = 100

nilai siswa: jumlah skor perolehan task 1 + jumlah skor perolehan task 2

e. Rubrik penilaian:

No. Uraian Skor

1- 10


Exercise 1

Setiap jawaban yang benar

Setiap jawaban yang salah/tidak dijawab

Exercise 2

Setiap jawaban yang benar

Setiap jawaban yang salah/tidak dijawab






Guru Pamong

( ........................................., S. Pd.)

NIP: ................................................

Batu, 31 Januari 2012

Guru Praktikan

(Nun Farrij )

NIM: .......................

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