perencanaan media...

Post on 26-Feb-2021






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Heri Akhmadi, S.P., M.A.

Desain Pesan dan PeriklananAgribisnis UMY 2016

Selamat Buat TIMNAS –> FINAL AFF 2016

Today’s Lecture• Perencanaan Media

• Memahami perbedaan dariberbagai macam media periklanan

• Menentukan media iklanyang tepat

Apa tanda datangnya bulan Ramadhan?

Video: Iklan Sirup Marjan

Musim masuksekolah

World Cup Football

Media Planning

Media Planning

“A plan of action to communicate a message to a target market a the right time, and right frequency.”

The goal of a media plan is to be efficient: to gain maximum exposure at minimum cost.

Media vs Vehicles

Media are the general communication methods that carry advertising messages—television, magazines, newspapers, and so on.

Media Vehicles

Vehicles are the specific broadcast programs or print choices in which advertisements are placed.

Advertising Strategy








Media Strategy

• Target Audience


• Objective Specification

• Media and Vehicle

• Media Buying



Media Planning Process

Media Strategy - Audience

• Faktor utama dalammensegmentasi audienssasaran:

1) Geografis

2) Demografis

3) Pemakaian produk

4) Gaya hidup/psikografis

• Audiens sasaran didefinisikandalam batas spesifik yang mempunyai implikasi jelasuntuk pesan dan strategimedia.

Media Objectives

Who is the target market?

What is the message?

Where are the priority markets?

When is the best time to advertise?

How many, often, long?

Media Scheduling

Flat Skip

Pulse Seasonal

Blitz Build-Up

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Karakteristik Media

Tiap media memilikikarakteristik yang berbeda

satu dengan lainnya, mempunyai kekuatan dan

kelemahannya masing-masing.

Pemilihan Media

Kebutuhan Luas Jangkauan dan Kecepatan Penetrasi

Apa bila pesan ditujukan pada masyarakat luas, media seperti radio dan televisi cukup tepat. Karena, selain kemampuan jangkauan yang luas, kecepatan penetrasinya tinggi.

Kebutuhan Pemeliharaan Memori

Apabila pesan ditujukan agar tetap diingat dalam kurun relatif lama maka media seperti majalahlebih cocok. Media ini memiliki 'life span' relatif lebih panjang.

Pemilihan Media

Kebutuhan Jangkauan Khalayak yang Selektif

Apabila pesan yang disampaikan dimaksudkan untuk kelompok masyarakat segmen tertentu, maka majalah khusus mungkin lebih tepat. Misal, majalah wanita untuk produk-produk kosmetika; majalah pria untuk motor, dan sejenisnya.

Kebutuhan Jangkauan Khalayak Lokal

Apabila khalayak sasaran yang ingin dijangkau bersifat lokal (misal pada satu kabupaten atau wilayah tertentu), maka penggunaan media seperti stasiun radio lokal atau bioskop (film) lebih tepat

Media : Surat Kabar

Local market circulation and readership make newspapers an attractive medium.

1. Newspapers are ideal for a “key

market” media strategy.

2. Newspapers are attractive to

national advertisers, and national

and local retailers.

3. Newspapers offer

“merchandising” opportunities.

Media : Majalah

Magazines are excellent at targeting precisely defined audiences.

1. Magazines are a “class”

medium instead of a


2. The clustering of ads has a

negative influence on

message impact.

3. Magazines are ideal for

“profile matching” media


Media : Televisi

Factors such as the budget available and market coverage priorities influence television decisions. TV is expensive.

• Network Spots

• Selective Spots

• Local Spots

• Sponsorships

• Branded Content

Media : Radio

In radio all decisions are usually based on demographics.

1. Station format determines

the audience profile.

2. Radio is ideal for reaching

targets defined by age.

3. Radio is an important

medium if a “key market”

strategy is recommended.

Media : Media Luar

Outdoor is a passive medium but the message is very visible.

1. Outdoor ads reach the same

audience frequently.

2. A wide variety of

alternatives are available.

Outdoor can be virtually


3. An ideal medium for

“shotgun” media strategies

in key markets.

Video : Media Iklan


1. Thomson South-Western. 2007. Planning for and Analyzing Advertising Media

2. Keith J. Tuckwell. 2005. Advertising: Media Planning. 25

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