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PENGARUH SOSIAL(Pertemuan 1 dan 2)

Psikologi Sosial IIFakultas Psikologi Universitas Pembangunan Jaya



• Mengapa Psikologi mempelajari Kelompok?

Kelompok yang dimaksud terdiri dari individu

Individu cenderungan untuk selalu bersama orang lain

Walaupun individu sedang sendiri pun, kognisi/pikirannyaberisi tentang sesuatu yang mengarah pada hal-hal di luardirinya

Dengan kata lain, eksistensi individu akan dipengaruhi danmempengaruhi situasi / orang lain.

Eksistensi individu akan dipengaruhi danmempengaruhi situasi / orang lain






Peran & Norma




2 orang/lebih

TABLE 1.1Varieties of Social Group

Group Definition Examples

Reference Group

Suatu kelompok individu yang kita cari dan identifikasikan dengan diri kita karena rasa suka dan keinginan untuk bergabung di dalamnya

Pertemanan, Kolega, kelompok olahraga

Working Group

Kelompok yang terdiri dari antara 3 – 12 individu yang aktif berusaha untuk meraih goal tertentu

Team Jury, Kelompok Peneliti

Social Category

Sebuah kelompok sosial yang besar dan permanent, orang-orang yang sama kondisinya seperti gender, agama, kebangsaan dan cacat fisik.

Laki-laki / perempuan, Orang Eropa, Orang Asia, Kelompok Manula

CultureKelompok sosial besar yang dibentuk olehindividu berdasarkan kondisi geografis satusama lain dan membagi beliefs dan values sepertibahasa, agama.

Budaya Barat, Masyarakat Eropa, Tibet

CrowdJumlah individu tertentu yang datang bersama dalam suatu tempat umum untuk maksud-maksud umum pula

Orang berbelanja di pasar, Kerumunan karena kecelakaan dll.

Variasi Kelompok Sosial (Stangor, 2004)


• A collection of persons who are perceived to be bonded together in a coherent unit to some degree.

• Two or more people who share a common definition and evaluation of themselves and behave in accordance with such a definition

• Sebuah kelompok adalah dua individu atau lebih yang berinteraksi tatap muka (face to face interaction), yang masing-masing menyadari keanggotaannya dalamkelompok, masing-masing menyadari keberadaan orang lain yang juga anggota kelompok dan masing-masingmenyadari saling ketergantungan secara positif dalammencapai tujuan bersama. (Johnson & Johnson, 1987)

• Perceived ENTATIVITY : The extent to which a group is being perceived as being coherent entity (Campbell, 1958)

• Determined What Makes a group is (really) a Group.

People line at a bank (score entativity = 2.40)

People live in the same neighborhood (4.78)

Sport Team (8,27)

• This rating is influenced by: to the degree to which group members interacted with one another

Type groups usually identified by their members

• Intimacy group – Keluarga

– Kerabat

• Task oriented group – Panitia / Komite

– Kelompok Kerja

• Weak social relationship or Associations– RT/RW

– Kelompok mancing

Groups Function

How precisely do groups affect their members ?

• ROLES: Sets of behaviors that individuals occupying specific positions within a group are expected to perform.

• STATUS : Position or rank within a group.• NORMS : Rules within a group indicating how

its members should or should not behaves.• COHESIVENESS: All forces (factors) that cause

groups members to remain in that groups.


• Social facilitation: Effects upon performance resulting from the presence of others

• Drive theory of social facilitation:

A Theory suggesting that the mere presence of others is arousing and increases the tendency to perform dominant responses.

Zajonc’s drive Theory

Presence of Others


Increase in performing dominant response

If correct

If incorrect

Social facilitation

Social Inhibition

Performance is enhanced

Performance is reduced

If dominant responsesare correct in

The present situation

If dominant responses are incorrect in

The present situation

Enhanced tendency to perform dominant


Presence of others (either as an

audience or as Co-actors

Heightened Arousal

How does the presence of others influence task performance?

• Evaluation Apprehension: Concern over being evaluated by others. Such concern can increase arousal and so contribute to social facilitation

• Distraction-conflict theory: A theory suggesting that social facilitation stems from the conflict produced when individuals attempt, simultaneously, to pay attention to other persons and to the task being performed.

• Additive Task: Task for which the group product is the sum or combination of the efforts of individual members.

• Social Loafing: Reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively in a group compared to when the work individually or as independent coactors

• Collective effort Model: An explanation of social loafing suggesting that perceived links between individuals effort and their outcomes are weaker when they work together with others in a group. This, in turn, produces tendencies toward social loafing.

Apa Penyebab Pemalasan Sosial?

1. Output Equity : setiap orang yakin bahwa orang lain melakukan hal yang sama dalam kelompok(Jackson & Harkins, 1985)

2. Evaluation apprehension : kehadiran orang lain dalam kelompok merangsang situasi anonimuntuk orang yang tidak termotivasi/ tidaktertarik/ atau tugas yang membosankan (Kerr & Bruun, 1981)

3. Matching to standard : tidak adanya standar / individu-kelompok pengawas yang mengimbangi performance level dalam tugas(Goethals & Darley, 1987; Harkins & Szymanski, 1987)

The Discontinuity Effect : Why Groups are more competitive than Individuals

Ada kecenderungan bahwa kelompok lebihbersifat kompetitif dibandingkan individu

1) People tend to distrust other groups more than other persons

2) Easy to convince people that it is appropriate if a groups was selfish than individuals

3) Individuals setting the are easily identifiable, than if they are in group (anonimity)


3 Macam Respon dari Pengaruh Sosial:





• Suatu bentuk social influence dimana individumengubah sikap dan tingkah lakunya agar sesuai dengan norma sosial

• Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konformitas:

– Cohesiveness (daya tarik)

– Besar kelompok

– Tipe dari norma sosial: deskriptif atau injungtif(sudah jelas konsekuensinya)

Penyebab munculnya konformitas:

– Karena ingin disukai oleh orang lain ---normative social influence

– Karena ingin mendapatkan kebenaran -informational social influence

Normative Social Influence: Pengaruh sosial yang didasaripada keinginan untuk disukai atau diterima oleh orang lain

Informational Social Influence: Pengaruh sosial yang didasari pada keinginan individu untuk merasa benar (untukmendapatkan persepsi yang akurat mengenai lingkungansosialnya)

Penyebab tidak munculnya konformitas:

• Adanya kebutuhan untuk menjadi unik (the need to be unique atau the need for individuation)

• Adanya keinginan untuk mempertahankankontrol terhadap hidupnya.

Konformitas dan Minoritas

Bagaimana pengaruh kelompok minoritasterhadap pembentukan konformitas?

• Kelompok minoritas bisa mempengaruhiterbentuknya konformitas, asalkan:

– Anggota kelompok minoritas konsisten

– Anggota kelompok minoritas tidak kaku dandogmatik

– Sesuai dengan situasi saat itu.

Decission Making in Group

• Decission making:Processes involved in combing and integrating available information in order to choose one of several possible courses of action

• Social Decision Schemes:Rules relating the initial distribution of member’s views to final group decisions.

• Group Polarization:The tendency of a group members, as a results of group discussion, to shift toward more extreme positions than those they initially held

• Groupthink:

The tendency of the members of highly cohesive groups to assume that their decisions can’t be wrong, that all members must support the group’s decision strongly, and that information contrary to it should be ignored.

• Devil’s advocate technique:

A technique for improving the quality of group decision in which one group member is assigned the task of disagreeing with and criticizing whatever plan or decision is under consideration

• Authentic dissent:

A technique for improving the quality of group decisions in which one or more group members actively disgree with the group’s initial preference without being assigned this role.

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