modal auxiliary verb

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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Comparison of Adjectives KELOMPOK 1 (Modal Auxiliary Verb)

Desma YulisWilla ArafaEli YusnitaWulandari


Nada AzhanaWagiartina Afsari

ErnaniRisma AlfianiDewi Suryani

Pengertian Modal Auxiliary Verb

Yaitu kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untOuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility (kemungkinan).

Kata kerja bantu ini antara lain: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, dan Ought to


S + Auxiliary + Verb1+ O + AdjCth: Can speak English now I may sit beside you.   We must study English well I could help you.

2. Rumus kalimat bertanya:Aux+ S + Verb I + O + Adv1.    Can you help me, friend?2.    Could you open the door?3.    Must he make you sad like this?4.    Ought they to help us?

3. Rumus kalimat negatif: S + Aux. + Not + Verb I + O + Adv1. I can’t come tomorrow.2. They mayn’t distusb our friends.4. Rina mustn’t work today.5. She ought to speak like that.

RUMUS SELAIN VERBRumus kalimat positaf:

S + Aux. + Be + Non-V + Adv1.    I can be crazy about english.2.    It may be suitable to me.3.    You ought to be honest.4.    I could be here at 10.00 am.5.    I would be your friend.

Rumus kalimat bertanya:Aux. + S + Be + Non-V + Adv1.    Must Dian be on time tomorow?2.    Can you be our leader on next hiking?3.    Could you be slowly, please?4.    Ought we to be committee?5.    Must Paul be here now?

Rumus kalimat negatif:S + Aux. + Not + Be + Non-V + Adv1.    I can’t be an English teacher.2.    You mayn’t be proud, Joko.3.    They shouldn’t be here.4.    We shan’t be angry.5.    I oughtn’t to be difficult to do it.

Macam-macam Modal1. Modal Present/FutureMenyatakan kejadian sekarang/ akan datang

Rumus:S + Auxiliary + Verb1+ O + Adj S + Aux. + Not + Verb I + O + AdvAux+ S + Verb I + O + Adv

Catatan: contoh auxiliary pada present yaitu can, will, May, Should, Ought to, Must

2. Modal PastKejadian masa lampau/yang telah terjadi

Rumus:S + Auxiliary + Verb 1+ O + Adj S + Aux. + Not + Verb 1+ O + AdvAux+ S + Verb 1 + O + Adv

Catatan: contoh auxiliary pada past yaitu Would, Could, Might, Should, Ought to, had to

3. Modal Perfects

S + Auxiliary + Verb 3+ O + Adj S + Aux. + Not + Verb 3+ O + AdvAux+ S + Verb 3 + O + Adv

Catatan: contoh auxiliary pada perfects yaitu Would have, Could have, Might have, Should have, Ought to have, Must have

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary VerbMenggunakan Present/Futurea) Can

Modal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk menyatakan kemampuan/ketidakmampuan (ability/possibility) dan izin informal (informal permission).

Contoh:You can buy anything with your money but you can not buy love.(Kamu dapat membeli apapun dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak dapat membeli cinta)Can you speak mandarin? Can you give me money? Can I Ask you question?

couldModal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk

menyatakan kemampuan di masa lampau (past ability) dan untuk menyatakan permintaan sopan (polite request)Contoh: She could play the piano went she was young You could run faster than me two years ago I could use your computer to print and scan yesterday

Could haveberfungsi untuk menyatakan kesimpulan mengenai hal yang terjadi di masa lampauEdo could have stayed here longerHe was lucky when he felt of the ladder. He could have hard himself

b. May modal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk menyatakan izin formal (polite permission) dan kemungkinan (possibility). Contoh: May I go home nowMay I borrow your handphoneShe may be angry because of our mistake You may go to night but you have to go home before late

MightModal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan lampau dan memperhalus permintaanContoh:You might forget the embarassing accident


Might HaveBerfungsi untuk menyatakan kemungkinan di masa lamapau (past possibility)Contoh:The doctor might have warned you not to eat

red meat.(Dikatakan setelah diketahui fakta: The doctor has not warned–Dokter belum melarang.)

c. ShouldShould untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat)Contoh:You should see the doctor.

(Kamu harus ke dokter.)We should meet more often.

(Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)You should drink medicine now

Shouldmodal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk

mengungkapkan saran (suggestion) dan menyatakan kemunkinan atau kepastian (possibility/certainly)Contoh: I should go to jakarta yesterdayWe should shoping yesterday

Should haveBerfungsi untuk menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada masa lampau tapi tidak dilakukan (past suggestion) atau bisa juga menyatakan kemungkinan di masa lalu.Contoh:The party was great you should have come why didn’t you?I feel sick I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolateShe shouldn’t have been listening to our conversation

d) WillModal will ini memiliki kegunaan untuk menyatakan masa depan (future), kemauan atau niatan (willingness), dan bisa juga digunakan untuk memperhalus permintaan (polite request).Contoh: I will go to New York.  I will help you if you need my help We will study ennglish Tomorrow Shall I go despite the rain?

WouldModal ini memiliki kegunaan untuk menyusun past future tense, menyatakan kembali bentuk keinginan dan preference, dan meminta dengan sopan.Contoh: when she was a girl, her mother would tell her storiesWould you help me lift this bag, please!

Would haveContoh:Rara would have cleaned the whole house by the time her family come back last friday

e) MustContoh: You must work carefully, I must train every

day You must Clean Your teeth You mustn’t give up We must go to bed now

Had toI had to go the hospitalWe had to go the marketShe stayed in bed this morning because she didn’t have to go to work

Must HaveThe phone rang, but I didn’t hear it. I must have been a sleepI made a lot of noise when I came home you must have heard me

f) Ought tomodal ini memiliki keguanaan untuk menyatakan saranContoh: It’s raining so hard,you ought to bring your umbrella I ought to wear high quality running shoes.

(Saya harus menggunakan sepatu lari berkualitas tinggi)We ought to select the best candidate for the job.

(Kita harus memilih kandidat terbaik untuk pekerjaan tsb.)

Ought to have

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