membuka tabel microsoft access via odbc di

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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Membuka Tabel Microsoft Access via ODBC diMapInfo10DECMicrosoft Access adalah database paling sederhana yang dapat dikoneksikan dengan MapInfo via settingODBC (Open Database Connectivity). Data yang awalnya hanya berupa tabel di Access, apabila berisi koordinat X dan Y, data tersebut dapat digeocodeatauCreate Pointotomatis di MapInfo meskipun sesungguhnya hanya membaca data di Access tanpa mempunyai file .TAB MapInfo. Keuntungan ODBC adalah ketika data atau peta pada tampilan di MapInfo diedit, maka data yang ada di database juga akan teredit, sehingga user tidak perlu melakukan editing pada masing-masing software. Hal ini dapat diaplikasikan pada database lain yang disupport MapInfo (Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012, Oracle, PostgreSQL/PostGIS). Petunjuknya dapat dibaca melaluiKnowledge Base Tech Support MapInfodisini. Happy reading!Database yang disupport oleh MapInfo v11.5(last version) adalah :

MapInfo Products KnowledgeBase

Product:MapInfoVersion:7.0Platform:All Windows PlatformsCategory:ODBC

Summary:Opening an Access table via ODBC in MapInfo Professional v.7.0.

Question:Opening an Access table via ODBC in MapInfo Professional v.7.0.


Here is a suggested list of items that should be done in Microsoft Access before trying to open the table in MapInfo Professional:

1. Make sure the Access table to be opened in MapInfo has a numeric, primary key field defined. Without a primary key field present, it will not be possible to edit or geocode the downloaded table in MapInfo.

2. If the table to be downloaded will be geocoded or already has x/y coordinate values representing points, the table will need to be made mappable. Make sure there are coordinate columns (i.e. Longitude, Latitude or x, y) already in the table in Access. These fields should be defined in Access as data type: Number and Field Size: double.

Start the process to Download the table:

A. Create the Map Catalog:

1. Load the DBMS Catalog program throughTools>Tool Manager.2. Run the DBMS Catalog program throughTools>DBMS Catalog.3. In the DBMS DBA Functions dialog, chooseCreate Catalog.4. In the Select Data Source dialog, click on theMachine Data Sourcetab. ClickNew:

5. In the Create New Data Source dialog, choose User Data Source. Click Next.6. From the list of available drivers to set up a data source, choose Microsoft Access Driver. Click Next.7. In the next dialog, verify the information entered. Click Finish.8. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog, enter a Data Source Name (this can be any name desired) and Description (Description is optional). For this example, the Data Source Name (DSN) will be called My_CitiesConnector and will connect to an Access table called My_Cities. In the Database group, chooseSelectand locate the Access database.9. After the database has been selected, the path to the database should show up in the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog:

10. Click OK. The Data Source Name should now appear in the list of available data sources in the Select Data Source dialog. Click OK. If the data source has been properly configured, the following message will appear:

Click OK. Click Cancel in the DBMS DBA Functions dialog.

B. Make the DBMS Table Mappable.

1. ChooseTable>Maintenance>Make DBMS Table Mappableor click on the Make DBMS Table Mappable button located in the DBMS Tool bar:

2. This dialog shows the My_Cities table in the Access database as well as the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG. This table will also be visible in the database when opening Microsoft Access. The Mapcatalog table stores the x/y or longitude/latitude values so that MapInfo Professional will recognize those columns and create points for those values.

Notice the Files of type: is the name of the DSN(data source name) entered when setting up the connection to Access.

For this example, the My_Cities table is selected. Click Open.

4. In the Make Table Mappable Dialog, make the Index TypeXY Coordinates. Select the columns in the table that have or will store the X and Y coordinate columns (Ex: x=Longitude/y=Latitude). In the Object Style group, choose a desired symbol style and the proper projection.

5. Click OK. The following message will appear:

6. Click OK. Notice that the table name no longer appears in the list. The table is now mappable and ready to be opened. ClickCancelin the Select DBMS Table dialog to close the dialog.

C. Opening the DBMS Table.

1. Go to File>Open. If all the steps listed above have been followed sequentially, a connection to the database will still be available. In the Files of type: dropdown choose the DSN connection name (My_CitiesConnector in this example). Then, select the table and click Open.

(If the DSN connection name is not available, choose File>Open DBMS Connection. On the Machine Data Source tab, select the existing DSN (My_CitiesConnector in this example) and click OK. Then, choose File>Open and follow the steps listed above.)

2. Choose a name and location for the .Tab file. Clicking OK at this point will download the table with all the columns and any map objects it the x/y columns are already populated with data.**

(**Columns specified to hold x/y or longitude/latitude values in the Make DBMS table Mappable dialog are hidden by default and are collectively called the Object column. Those columns can be specified explicitly in the Expert Mode by clicking on the SQL View button.)

-Click on the Column Filter button to download only specified columns in the table.*** Note: If all the columns are not selected for download and the table is mappable, do not forget to select theOBJECTcolumn. If theOBJECTcolumn isnot selected, the table will not be mappable and no objects will appear. Only the browser will open.

-Click on the Row Filter button to download only specified rows in the table.

Last Modified:Document URL:

Opening an Access table via ODBC in MapInfo Professional v.7.0.^B2719BA0C1DCD0AD85256C54006BB54A^Y

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