eyl (b.inggris)

Post on 26-Sep-2015






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english for young learners



First of all, we want to say thanks to the Allah SWT, who has given us healthy until finish a paper under the title English young learners and development of teaching materials. And the second, we want to say very thanks to all people already helping we make a paper. That is Mom Fitra Elia S.Pd M.hum thats already give our instruction about the material.

We can hope this paper have a function for us to add this knowledge about vowel in

pronunciation subject.

The last we think this paper has many shortage and we really accept critism and suggestion from Mom Fitra Elia S.Pd M.hum and all of my friends.

Pekanbaru, August 30, 2014

Table of Content

Preface. ....1

Table of content2



A. Background.........3

B. Problem Formulation.......3

C. Destination..4



A. Definition of Teaching Materials...5

B. Teaching Materials for English Young Learners (EYL).... 6-7

C. Characteristic of EYL Teaching Materials8-11

D. Development of Teaching Material..12-15







A. Background

Appropriate teaching materials and the most important part in educating the children to learning the English language . Therefore it is necessary the development of teaching materials that can be done in several ways , such as the adoption , adaptation , and write your own . Because the teachers are required to have the skills to be able to choose or select instructional materials for students , especially for young learners themselves .

Speak about teaching materials , many things to consider , such as whether the material in accordance with the learning objectives , the needs of children , meaning the material , and there are information in materials.Many of the teachers are less able to develop an own materials or instructional materials. Because the teachers it has a role as a teaching material developer because their job is to adjust the material based on the needs of their students . Therefore this paper we will describe English teaching materials for Young Learners ( EYL ) as well as its development.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What kinds of teaching materials for English young learners?

2. How to provide learning materials that are relevant to English for young learners?

3. What steps the development of teaching materials?

C. Destination

In the manufacture of this paper aims to find out a kinds of teaching materials for English young learners and also know how to provide relevant teaching materials . Then to know the material development steps.



A. Definition of Teaching Materials

Teaching materials are all kinds of materials used to help teachers or instructors in implementing the learning process . Material intended material can be written or unwritten .

And Some experts also explained the meaning of the teaching material is what is used by teachers to give to students in order to achieve particular competencies or capabilities . To learn the necessary measure in the acquisition of content knowledge that is usually in the form of written records in text books , reference , or other materials that are relevant to the needs of students , ( pity , 2007: 76 ) .

Pannen And Purwanto (1997 : 14 ) define instructional materials are those materials or learning material arranged systematically used by teachers and students in the learning process . Further, the Director General of Basic Education (2003 : 13 ) explains that teaching materials in general consist of knowledge , skills , and attitudes students need to learn in order to achieve competency standards have been determined . In detail , the types of learning material consists of knowledge ( facts , concepts , principles , procedures ) .

B. Teaching Materials for English Young Learners (EYL)

After knowing what the definition of teaching material , then the next teaching materials English For Young Learners ( EYL ) . EYL teaching material is intended for children to learn English . Where the EYL teaching materials is packaged in a creative , educational , and fun . So the teaching material can be obtained from various sources , for example : text books , teacher books , tapes / CDs , picture cards , posters , and etc. Teachers must be selected to choose the materials. Because the most important part of the teaching materials is the contents.

Kinds of EYL teaching materials that will be developed depending on the purpose of the activity and what kind of language skills being taught . These four language skills ( listening , speaking, reading , and writing ) and the three components of language ( structure , vocabulary , and pronunciation ) specify the form or kind of teaching materials that suit their needs .

In summary examples of materials to EYL as shown below :





pronunciation drills, songs, pattern practices, news, dialogues, report, text, stories, etc

dialogs (about the children activities)

reports(reports of events , activities with his/her children)

news (news of natural disaster , a great memorial day)

songs (singing that tune)



-tape script (written)

recorded dan written



texts atau passages ( discourse with interesting content)

articles ( article about the tourist attractions).

stories ( fable , folklore).

poems ( natural conditions , daily activities).

Letters ( letter of invitation)

Poems ( expression of excitement , natural beauty)

Stories ( fairy tale , legend , fable).

Poster ( about the child , the environment)



C. Characteristic of EYL Teaching Materials

EYL teaching materials has its own characteristics due to limitation associated with child language development , language function , and the state of society . Characteristics include:

Grammar simple

Type and completeness vocabulary needs to be given because almost no exposure to English language outside the classroom .

Limited vocabulary of about 500 words

Materials need to be accompanied by a picture

Students heard almost no English language around them , it is necessary to practice memorization is repeated

Students did not get to practice the teaching materials should be easily understood and varied .

Vocabulary is used daily and simple language for communication .

Easy to be obtained there may be students who do not have a textbook .

Above limitations not all be experienced by elementary school students . Because the children are fortunate to have the support of their parents in learning the English language , of course its not be difficult to teach . And also the acquisition of English language learning students will be better and faster .

Thus the teacher can create a material with a format that can be used by students to learn English language . English lessons so that it becomes easy and fun .

For example :

1. Teacher asked about vegetables and fruit to students .

2. Asking such as :

Do you know what is it?

What is your favorite fruit?

Could you please tell me what fruit you know?

3. After that show images of vegetables and fruit , and explain.

Example image :






After showing and describing the pictures then the next play is "Guess who am I ??" accordance with the material already in previous we are learned , namely about fruits and vegetables . Students listen the clue , after that they are guess and answer.

Of course, the selection of vocabulary that is easy to be understood by students . And probably also will increase the child's vocabulary , because it is not all children know and understand the meaning of the English language .

D. Development of Teaching Material

Development of teaching materials is the process of selecting , adapting , and manufacturing of teaching materials based on the specific terms of reference ( Nunan , 1991) .

Richard, 2001: Writing teaching materials is similar to the processes involved in planning and teaching a lesson.

Gebhard, 2000: Materials are created by four groups of people publishing companies, government agencies, curriculum development teams, and classroom teachers.

Tomlinson dan Hitomi, 2004: the processes involved in evaluating adapting, writing, and using teaching materials.

Fourth definition of several experts strongly indicate that the development of teaching materials through the process and involves a lot of activities , like: planning , adapting , writing , evaluating . In general, how the development of teaching materials can be divided into 3 :

1. Adoption of teaching materials

Instructional materials adoption is very easy , because it does not require a lot of time and energy . Teachers can determine instructional materials by directly using existing materials . For example in reference books or books existing sources .Surely, the teachers also have to evaluate the material because they have to be fit with the needs and goals . There is also have weakness because the teacher just follow what is already available in the book . There may be materials which have not been covered or content appropriate to the circumstances and lives of students in the area .

Example :

2. Adaptation Material

Development of teaching materials can be done by adapting the material that already available then equated with the needs , culture , or customs respective with our countries . In the adaptation of materials teachers can do by adding, subtracting, replacing , or removing some of the material that is deemed irrelevant.

Develop instructional materials by adapting , so the teachers can adapt the material to the needs of the students so, they can absorb the contents of the subjects followed . Because all of the material thus be relevant to the needs and learning objectives .

Example :

Text above is an example about description of a singer . A singer was adjusted to famous singer in Indonesia . So the children can be easier to know and also understand.

3. Writing Teaching Materials

In addition to adopting and adapting teaching materials , teachers can also be the author of instructional materials . Good teaching materials , designed and written in accordance with the principles of learning , and meaningful to the learner , as well as it is in the real world . Written teaching materials for students , and therefore need a clear purpose . In addition, the flexible choice of words and easy to understand . Good textbook also contains , exercises , summary , contents , and how to learn the material .

Development of teaching materials can be divided into two , such as the writing of teaching materials for learning teaching classical materials and learning teaching self-study materials or module . Before to writing materials , usually the teacher collect , select, and have a collection of books , references , and others. Then the mapping theme or subject matter appropriate level of language development of students .

In fact , the development of teaching materials by way of writing teaching writing has advantages and disadvantage . Those advantages are :

Teaching materials according to the needs of the class

Development of materials is the development of professional teachers .

It is flexible

There is a separate academic satisfaction for teachers who successfully developed the material for students .

The disadvantage is:

It takes a long

require a cost quite a lot

There needs to be development training that development process through the correct procedure.

Finally , which also need to be considered on EYL teaching materials , namely :

Materials should be contextual , in accordance with the real life .

Content can develop science communication

Materials introduced a wide range of discourse

Exercise and activity can develop students' language competence and involve students actively .

The use of materials creates a fun learning activities

Fill material can be linked to students' lives and the real world .




Development of teaching materials English young learners are very diverse . Where teachers are required to make the material could be a fun teaching materials and of course to increase knowledge of students . In the development of teaching materials teachers can develop a way to reduce , add , modify , or even write your own . Teachers can take advantage of any material held to be packed into teaching materials that suit the needs of the class.

Surely English young learners teaching materials that educate and also can achieve the learning objectives .


Suyanto,K.E kasihani.2009.English For Young Learners.Jakarta:Bumi Aksara




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