effectiveness of uv light in hvac - articlesforpost.com

Post on 04-Nov-2021






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Ultraviolet light can kill certain bacteria. You can see UV light in HVAC in hospitals and even in air purifiers to enhance the quality of indoor air.



Effectiveness of UV light in HVACarticlesforpost.com/effectiveness-of-uv-light-in-hvac

Ultraviolet light can kill certain bacteria. You can see UV light in HVAC in hospitals and

even in air purifiers to enhance the quality of indoor air. Similarly, you can also install

these lights within your HVAC unit. It is to keep bacteria, mold, mildew, and other

pollutants and toxins out of your air and system. However, it’s unclear how to set these

lights. How they operate, and whether they’re even worth the money.

If the HVAC technician who maintains your house or office building asks if you’d want to

add ultraviolet lights inside your system? You should say yes. You can reduce and prevent

microorganisms from circulating within the duct by using UV lights.

Dirt and debris can Cause Damage to Health.

Contamination in HVAC units is a common problem that you should not overlook. This

exposure frequently leads to bacterial or viral infections, allergic reactions, breathing

problems, and respiratory disease. However, you can only use particular UV lights to

purify the air. UVGi (ultraviolet germicidal light) can aid in eliminating a wide range of

bacteria and viruses.


The homeowner’s responsibility is to guarantee that the conditions are suitable and that a

competent HVAC specialist carries out the installation. You should get the service of UV

Light in Atlanta GA. When installing a UVGi system, a specialist with experience must

keep a variety of considerations in mind. The quantity and positioning of UVGi lamps and

the humidity and temperature settings in the home have a significant influence on


Functions of UV Light in HVAC

UV light in HVAC is most effective when it is either near the coil or in the Ductwork.

UV light near Coils

These lights are near indoor coils in HVAC systems to stop mold and hazardous germs

from growing. Dust, filth, and animal dander tend to attach to this coil when it becomes

damp over time.

You can place UV lamps for coils near the coil and flash directly. It minimizes the

accumulation of these unwanted particles. It helps to keep your air free of harmful

pollutants and allergies.

UV light in Ductwork

These UV lights in HVAC ducting are used to remove some airborne pollutants.

All of this helps enhance indoor air quality. UV lights are primarily focused on cleaning

the air itself rather than being a part of your HVAC system.

Because of the emphasis on air quality, this would most likely be the chosen area if UV

light proves helpful against harmful contaminants.

Enhanced Airflow

UV light operates to reduce microbial accumulation on air filters, to cool coils, drain pans,

and duct surface areas. It keeps your complete HVAC system running like new. It’s a

misinterpreted technology that few homeowners are aware of. As a result, UV light

minimizes impurities that may otherwise build up in your HVAC system’s Ductwork. It

forces them to work extra hard to maintain pace. Heat exchange and airflow are

substantially improved when pollutants and other organic materials are removed from

your HVAC system.

The key advantages of this are lower energy consumption, improved indoor air quality,

and lower overall upkeep expenses over the lifespan of your HVAC unit.

Energy Efficiency

By installing a UV light to your current HVAC system, you can lower your home’s overall

energy expenditure. It saves you money on your electricity bill. UV lighting does not save

energy on its own. Instead, it recovers the HVAC system’s performance to ideal levels,


lowering power usage and allowing it to function as well as new.

When you realize that your home’s HVAC system accounts for the bulk of your home’s

overall power consumption. You can see how beneficial a UV device may be.

It’s critical to recognize that as an HVAC system works, pollutant buildup throughout the

system and on the coils reduces its capability.

This is why it’s so important to follow your annual HVAC maintenance schedule, notably

if your system doesn’t include UV light. Routine servicing allows specialists to notice any

flaws and repair them before they become significant concerns.

Additional Steps to Prevent Harmful Contaminants

Clean Filters

If your filter is washable, follow the manufacturer’s directions for cleaning it. If the filter is

a replacement, replace it once a month if you have pets, smoke, or live in a sandy area.

depending on how often your HVAC system is used, you should replace it every three


Remember that the filter requires attention not only during the summer period but also

during the winters. Mold air duct cleaning in Atlanta GA can be helpful to avoid

different types of bacteria.

Use a filter with a high MERV rating.

These filters filter out tiny pollutants from the air, ensuring that less debris enters your

HVAC system, where bacteria and mold can thrive. If you have an older or less expensive

furnace, a high-MERV filter may not be appropriate. Consult your HVAC professional or

the furnace owner’s manual for more information.

Seal the Ductwork

Dirt, debris, allergies, and other contaminants can enter the system through duct gaps.

Duct sealing takes care of it. It also prevents wasted heat and air conditioning, lowering

your HVAC expenditures.

Also Read: What is the 5G technology?

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