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(Serealia, Legum & Ubi-ubian

Teknologi Produksi Tanaman 3


Tanaman Serealia

• Contoh tanaman padi (Oryza sativa)Fase-fase pertumbuhan :

- Fase vegetatif cepatMulai dari pertumbuhan bibit sampai jumlah

anakan maksimum. Selama fase ini jumlah anakan, tinggi tanaman dan

bobot jerami terus bertambah. Jumlah anakan bertambah dengan cepat. Jumlah anakan maksimum biasanya dicapai pada minggu keenam atau ke tujuh setelah tanam.


Tanaman Serealia

• Contoh tanaman padi (Oryza sativa)Fase-fase pertumbuhan :

- Fase vegetatif lambatMulai dari saat jumlah anakan maksimum sampai keluarnya premordia (bakal malai); kurang lebih 50-60 hari setelah tanam.


Tanaman Serealia

• Contoh tanaman padi (Oryza sativa)Fase-fase pertumbuhan :

- Fase reproduksiMulai keluarnya primordia sampai malai

berbunga; tinggi dan bobot jerami berambah dengan cepat.


Tanaman Serealia

• Contoh tanaman padi (Oryza sativa)Fase-fase pertumbuhan :

- Fase pemasakan Mulai keluarnya bunga sampai saat panen.

Bobot malai bertambah dengan cepat sedangkan bobot jerami menurun.


Tanaman SerealiaFase tumbuh :


Tanaman SerealiaFase tumbuh :


Zadoks Cereal Growth StageDevelopment phase Decimal Growth Example Stages• Stage (GS) Code1. Germination Growth stages 00 – 092. Seedling growth Growth stages 10 – 19 GS12 = 2 leaves unfolded3. Tillering Growth stages 20 – 29 GS21 = main stem + 1 tiller

GS24 = main stem + 4 tiller4. Stem elongation Growth stages 30 – 39 GS30 = start of elongation

GS31 = 1st node detectableGS32 = 2nd node detectableGS39 = flag leaf emerged

5. Booting Growth stages 40 – 496. Ear emergence Growth stages 50 – 59 GS51 = 10% of ear visible

GS59 = 100% of ear visible7. Flowering (Anthesis) Growth stages 60 – 698. Milk development Growth stages 70 – 799. Dough development Growth stages 80 – 8910. Ripening Growth stages 90 – 99


Tanaman Leguminosa

• Contoh Kedelai (Glycine max L.)


Tanaman Leguminosa

• Keterangan :VE - EmergenceDepending on soil moisture, soil temperature, and

planting depth, VE or emergence occurs one to two weeks after planting. At this stage, cotyledons are above the soil surface. Loss of the cotyledons prior to the V1 growth stage may cause a yield reduction of 8 to 9 percent. Nodule formation typically begins at this growth stage.


Tanaman Leguminosa

• VC - CotyledonAt this growth stage the cotyledons have fully

expanded and the unifoliate leaves have unfolded. The unifoliate leaves are located at the first true node on the plant. Numbered V-stages begin at the the first node above the unifoliate leaves (V1 is actually at the second true node on the plant).


Tanaman Leguminosa

• V1 - First Trifoliolate (Second Node)Although it is the second true node, this stage marks the first node at which the first trifoliolate is produced. The trifoliate is considered to be fully developed when the leaflets at the third true node are unfolded (leaflet edges are no longer touching).


Tanaman Leguminosa

• V2 - Second Trifoliolate (Third Node)Soybean plants at the V2 stage have two fully developed trifoliolates. Nodules formed at the VE growth stage begin actively fixing nitrogen for the plant. Lateral roots are growing rapidly in the top 6 inches of the soil between soybean rows.


Tanaman Leguminosa

• V3 - Third Trifoliolate (Fourth Node)Three trifoliolates are now fully developed above the unifoliate leaves.


Tanaman Leguminosa

Other Stages:• V4 - Fourth Trifoliolate (fifth node). Four trifoliolates above the

unifoliate.• V5 - Fifth Trifoliolate (sixth node). Five fully developed

trifoliolates above the unifoliate leaves. The axillary buds in the top stem axils appear bushy and are beginning to develop into flower clusters. The total number of nodes the plant will develop is set at this growth stage.

• V6 - Sixth Trifoliolate (seventh node). Six trifoliolates above the unifoliate leaves. However, by this growth stage the cotyledons and the unifoliate leaves have dropped off leaving scar tissue at the nodes, but still need to be recognized for proper staging.


Tanaman Leguminosa

• R1 - Beginning BloomA plant is at the R1 growth stage when one open flower is at any node on the main stem. Typically, plants at the R1 stage are 15 to 18 inches tall and are in the V7 to V10 growth stage. Flowering tends to begin on the third to sixth node, and progresses upward and downward. Axillary branches initiate flowering a few days after the main stem. The appearance of new flowers is almost complete by R5 with the peak of flowering occuring between R2.5 and R3. Vertical root growth sharply increases at this growth stage and growth rate of the roots remains high until th R4 to R5 reproductive stage.


Tanaman Leguminosa

Previous Stage: R2 - Full Bloom• A plant is at the R2 stage of reproduction when there is an open

flower at one of the two uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf. Plants tend to be in the V8 to V12 growth stage and are approximately 17 to 22 inches tall. At this stage, the plant has attained about 50% of its mature height and total mature node number. At this stage the plant is rapidly accumulating dry matter and nutrients initially in the vegetative tissues, but nutrient accumulation will shift to the pods as seeds begin to develop. Nitrogen fixation in the nodules increases rapidly. Roots continue to grow deeper into the soil profile and lateral roots have grown across the interrow space at this stage. Yield will be reduced by approximately 6% if plants are defoliated by 50%.


Tanaman Leguminosa

R3 - Beginning Pod• When pods are 5 mm (3/16 inch) long at one of

the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with fully developed leaf the plant is at the R3 stage. Typical plants at the R3 stage are in the V11 to V17 growth stage and are approximately 23 to 32 inches tall. It is common to find developing pods, withering flowers, open flowers, and flower buds on the same plant.


Tanaman LeguminosaPrevious Stage: R4 - Full Pod• At this stage the seed pod is 2 cm (3/4 inch) long at one of the four uppermost nodes on

the main stem with a fully developed leaf. Plants are typically 28 to 39 inches tall and are at the V13 to V20 stage. Rapid pod growth and initiation of seed development are characteristics of this period of development. Dry weight accumulation by the pods is rapid from R4 to R5.5, with some pods on the lower nodes of the main stem close or at full size. Pods normally reach their full length and width before seeds begin to develop rapidly. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find some beans in pods at the lower nodes of the main stems that are in the rapid growth phase. Some of the last flowering will occur at the tip of the main stem. This stage marks the most critical period for yield, with stresses occurring from R4 to shortly after R6 reducing yields more than the same stress at any other period of development. The period between R4.5 and R5.5 is especially critical because flowering becomes complete and cannot compensate, and because young pods and seeds are more likely to abort under stress than those formed earlier. Yield reductions at this time are mainly from reductions in total pod numbers per plant, with less loss in beans per pod and seed size. If better conditions prevail after R5.5, seed size may be compensated with genetic limitations.


Tanaman LeguminosaR5 - Beginning Seed• The seed in the pod at one of the four uppermost nodes with fully developed

leaves on the main stem is 3 mm (1/8 inch) long at this stage. Plants at the R5 stage are normally V15 to V23 and are approximately 30 to 43 inches tall. This stage is characterized by rapid seed growth, with nutrient accumulation and dry matter distribution shifting from vegetative development toward the growing seed. At about R5.5, plants have attained their maximum height, node number, and total leaf area. Nitrogen fixation in the nodules has peaked at this stage and will decline rapidly. Seeds have begun to rapidly accumulate dry matter and nutrients. Shortly after R5.5, nutrient redistribution begins to occur from the vegetative tissues to the developing seeds. Rapid seed dry weight accumulation continues until approximately R6.5, with 80% of the total seed dry weight acquired. Demand for water and nutrients is large at this time of seed development. A 75% yield reduction may occur is plant are completely defoliated between the R5 to R5.5. Yield reductions between R5.5 ad R6 are usually due to aborted pods and seeds per pod.


Tanaman Leguminosa

Previous Stage: R6 - Full Seed• A plant is at the R6 stage when a pod containing a green seed

that fills the pod cavity is present at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf. Plants at R6 are typically in the V16 to V25 vegetative stage and are approximately 31 to 47 inches tall. The growth rate of the whole plant at R6 is very rapid, with a decline in the growth rate beginning around R6.5. Rapid leaf yellowing begins shortly after R6 and continues to about R8. Leaf senescence begins on the older (lower) nodes first, with the possibility of3 to 6 trifoliate leaves falling off before leaf yellowing begins.


Tanaman Leguminosa

Previous Stage: R7 - Beginning Maturity• One normal pod on the main stem has reached its

mature pod color. Physiological maturity of a soybean seed occurs when dry weight accumulation has stopped, and occurs when the seed as well as the pod turn yellow. At this stage the plant is basically at physiological maturity because very little additional dry weight will be accumulated. Soybean seeds at physiological maturity are approximately 60% moisture and contain all necessary plant components for the next generation of soybean.


Tanaman Leguminosa

R8 - Full Maturity• At this stage 95% of the pods have reached

maturity, but 5 to 10 days of drying weather are needed after R8 before soybeans have less than 15% moisture. Ideal moisture for harvest and storage is 13%, with moisture below 13% causing increased pre-harvest shatter loss, increased number of split beans, and loss of weight to sell.


Tanaman Leguminosa


Tanaman Ubi-ubian• Contoh : kentang


Daftar Pustaka• Grain Research & Development Corporation.

2005. Cereal Growth Stage. ISBN 1-875477-40-3. Published September 2005.

• Hi Grain. 2003. Research to profit higher-rainfall temperate zone graingrowers. August. 2003.

• University of Illinois. Soybean Growth Stage Development.

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