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Maria, M. Psi. [email protected] | @marp13n psikologibudananak.blogspot.comMATA KULIAH DIBUAT TAHUN STASTUS PERBAIKAN TAHUN PERBAIKAN DOSEN : PSIKOLOGI PERKEMBANGAN I : 2012 : BARU : --: MARIA, M.PSI



TATA TERTIB: Datang tepat waktu. Toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit. Untuk dapat mengikuti ujian, jumlah kehadiran minimal 75% (maksimal absen 2 kali). Memakai baju yang pantas dan sopan serta tidak diperkenankan mengenakan sandal. Sekali saja melakukan PLAGIARISME dalam tugas/kuis/ujian akan langsung mendapatkan nilai E untuk mata kuliah ini. Sumber Referensi: Papalia, D. E., Duskin-Feldman, R., & Martorell, G. (2012). Experience human development (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Santrock, J. W. (2009). Life-span development (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

IntroductionTUGAS & KUIS akan sesuai dengan yang tertera pada SAP. Terkadang, tidak akan ada informasi ulang di dalam kelas, oleh karena itu mohon perhatikan SAP dengan baik. Semua materi perkuliahan dan SAP bisa di download di: NILAI: Tugas & Keaktifan: 50% UTS: 25% UAS: 25%

DESKRIPSI TUGAS/PROJECT: Semua tugas harus dibuat berdasar FORMAT yang diinformasikan, jika tidak sesuai akan mendapat pengurangan nilai 5 poin. Tugas individual/kelompok: mahasiswa memiliki pilihan untuk mengerjakan tugas secara kelompok maupun individual. Jika memilih tugas kelompok, jumlah mahasiswa per kelompok maksimal 3 orang. Tugas kelompok: 1 kelompok terdiri dari 3 orang mahasiswa. Tidak ada toleransi waktu untuk keterlambatan pengumpulan tugas. Jika terlambat, maka akan diberikan nilai NOL. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (




The Study of Human DevelopmentFIELD Human Development Life-span Development BASIC CONCEPTS Physical Development Cognitive Development Psychosocial Development Social Construction INFLUENCES ON DEVELOPMENT Individual Differences Heredity Environment Maturation Nuclear Family 2012 by [email protected]

Extended Family Socioeconomic Status (SES) Risk Factors Culture Ethnic Group & Ethnic Gloss Normative Historical Generation Cohort Non-normative Imprinting Critical Period Plasticity Sensitive Periods PAUL B. BALTESS APPROACH

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (


WHY ?Normal >< Abnormal Common >< Uncommon

2012 by [email protected]

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development Human development (Papalia): Scientific study of systematic processes of change and stability throughout the human life span. Development (Santrock): The pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span. Human development includes both growth and decline. All individual is unique. But, the change people experience during their lifetimes have certain patterns in common. LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT human development is a lifelong process.

2012 by [email protected]

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development Studying life-span development: 1. Helps prepare us to take responsibility for children, 2. Gives us insight about our own lives, and 3. Gives us knowledge about what our lives will be like as we age. The study of human development seeks to describe, explain, predict and, when appropriate, intervene in development.Umumnya, anak mulai lancar berbicara pada usia berapa? Bagaimana anak mempelajari bahasa? Mengapa ada anak yang terlambat bicara? Apa saja perilaku yang akan ditampilkan oleh anak yang terlambat bicara?

Pemberian terapi wicara untuk melatih keterampilan bicara pada anak.

2012 by [email protected]

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development3 major domains/ aspects: PHYSICAL, COGNITIVE, PSYCHOSOCIAL Growth of body and brain, including patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health. Pattern of changes in mental abilities, such as learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity. Pattern of changes in emotions, personality, and social relationships.

Saling terkait satu sama lain. Saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Saling mendukung satu sama lain.

2012 by [email protected]

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development The concept of periods of development is a social construction. Social construction: A concept or practice that may appear natural and obvious to those who accept it, but that in reality is an invention of a particular culture or society. A sequence of 8 periods generally accepted in Western industrial societies: (Lihat Chapter 1 Papalia- halaman 8)1. 2. 3. 4. Prenatal Period (conception to birth) Infancy and Toddlerhood (0 3 tahun) Early childhood (3 6 tahun) Middle childhood (6 11 tahun) 5. 6. 7. 8. Adolescence (11 20 tahun) Emerging & Young Adulthood (2040 thn) Middle Adulthood (40 - 65 tahun) Late Adulthood (>65 tahun meninggal)

We often think of age only in terms of chronological age. But, a full evaluation of age requires consideration of chronological, biological, psychological, and social age. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development

Individual Differences Temukan dua orang yang persis sama di kelas Anda! Anak kembar Heredity: Inborn traits or characteristics inherited from the biological parents; biological inheritance. (NATURE) Environment or experience: totality of nonhereditary, or experiential, influences on development. (NURTURE) Maturation: Unfolding of a natural sequence of physical and behavioral changes.

2012 by [email protected]

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development
















8 bln

Nuclear Family (Keluarga Inti) = 2 generasi Terdiri dari: ayah, ibu, anak (kandung, tiri, adopsi) Extended Family (Keluarga Besar) = Multi generasi Bisa terdiri dari: kakek, nenek, paman, bibi 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development Socioeconomic Status (SES): combination of economic & social factors describing an individual or family, including income, educational level, & occupational level. Ex: POVERTY Physical: Malnutrition Bad brain development+Cognitive: Lack of academic simulation Not creative on problem solving Act based on drive, not based on logical thinking

+Psycho-: Lack of social support Social Low norm guidance

DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR Multiple risk factors increase the likelihood of poor outcomes. Risk Factors: conditions that increase the likelihood of a negative outcome. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development Culture (Papalia): A societys or groups total way of life, including customs, traditions, beliefs, values, language, & physical products all learned behavior, passed on from parents to children. Kebudayaan (KBBI): Keseluruhan pengetahuan manusia sebagai makhluk sosial yang digunakan untuk memahami lingkungan serta pengalamannya dan yang menjadi pedoman tingkah lakunya (seperti kepercayaan, kesenian, adat istiadat). Ethnic Group (Papalia): A group united by ancestry, race, religion, language or national origins,which contribute to a sense of shared identity. Suku Bangsa (KBBI): Kesatuan sosial yg dpt dibedakan dari kesatuan sosial lain berdasarkan kesadaran akan identitas perbedaan kebudayaan. Ethnic Gloss: Over generalization about an ethnic or cultural group that obscures differences within the group. Historical context: The time in which people live how certain experiences tied to time and place, affect the course of peoples lives. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development

Influences may be NORMATIVE or NON-NORMATIVEBiological or environmental events that occurs in a similar way for most people in a groupAGE GRADED INFLUENCES Highly similar for people in a par-ticular age group. Ex: puberty, menopause. 2012 by [email protected]

Unusual events that happens to a particular person or a typical event that happens at an unusual time of life. life. Ex: Ex: death of significant others, accident, marriage by accident. accident. Historical generation: A group of people strongly influenced by a major historical event during their formative period.

HISTORY GRADED INFLUENCES Significant events that shape the behavior & attitudes of a historical generation Ex: Acehs Tsunami.

people born at about Cohort: a group ofthe same time.

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development Timing of influences: CRITICAL or SENSITIVE PERIODS

Specific time when a given event or its absence has a specific impact on development

Times in development when a person is particularly open (especially responsive) to certain kinds of experience

Imprinting: Instinctive form of learning in which, during a critical period in early development, a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees, usually the mother. Plasticity: Range of modifiability of performance. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human DevelopmentTo understand development we need to: 1. Look at the inherited characteristics that give each person a special start in life. 2. Consider the many environmental, or experiential, factors that affect development, especially such major contexts as family, neighborhood, SES, race/ethnicity and culture. 3. Consider how heredity and environment interact. 4. Understand which developments are primarily maturational and which are not. 5. Look at influences that affect many or most people at a certain age or a certain time in history and also at those that affect only certain individuals. 6. Finally, we need to look at how timing can accentuate the impact of certain influences. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human Development1. Development is lifelong. Perkembangan adalah proses sepanjang masa. 2. Development is multidimensional. Perkembangan bersifat multiaspek. 3. Development is multidirectional. Perkembangan bersifat multiarah. 4. Relative influences of biology and culture shift over the life span. Keluarga mempengaruhi perubahan biologis dan budaya seseorang. 5. Development involves changing resource allocations. Perkembangan meliputi perubahan alokasi sumber daya seseorang. 6. Development shows plasticity. Perkembangan itu fleksibel. 7. Development is influenced by the historical and cultural context. Perkembangan dipengaruhi oleh budaya dan keadaan di masa lalu. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

The Study of Human DevelopmentNATURE: Keturunan SALING BERINTERAKSI NURTURE: Lingkungan -Keluarga -Status Sosial Ekonomi -Ras dan Budaya

NOTEPaul B. Baltess Life Span Developmental Approach

Pertumbuhan badan & otak, termasuk perubahan kapasitas sensori, kemampuan motorik, & kesehatan.


Pola perubahan pada kemampuan mental, seperti belajar, atensi, memori, bahasa, berpikir, penalaran, dan kreativitas. Pola perubahan emosi, kepribadian, dan hubungan dengan orang lain (sosial).

Matang / Tidak MatangCommon Normal Uncommon Abnormal

1. Development is lifelong. 2. Development is multidimensional. 3. Development is multidirectional. 4. Relative influences of biology and culture shift over the life span. 5. Development involves changing resource allocations. 6. Development shows plasticity. 7. Development is influenced by the historical and cultural context.

Referensi: Papalia, D. E., Duskin-Feldman, R., & Martorell, G. (2012). Experience human development (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 2012 by [email protected]

The Study of Human Development INDIVIDUAL/ KELOMPOK Buatlah mind map mengenai Five Theoretical Perspectives yang tertera pada buku Experience Human Development (12th ed.) halaman 26 37. Mind map dicetak pada media: 1. Kertas Glossy ukuran A2 1 lembar (untuk poster) 2. Kertas HVS/ Karton ukuran A3 1 lembar (untuk mencatat) INDIVIDUAL Selagi Anda membaca materi dan membuat mind map mengenai Five Theoretical Perspectives tersebut, buatlah minimal 3 pertanyaan mengenai materi tersebut. Pertanyaan yang telah dibuat akan dijadikan bahan diskusi pada kuliah pertemuan 2. 2012 by [email protected] Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (