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Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia

Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Republik Indonesia

Republic of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




r Angka-angka diperbaiki * Angka-angka sementara ** Angka-angka sangat sementara *** Angka-angka sangat-sangat sementara - Angka tidak ada

r Revised figures * Provisional figures ** Very Provisional figures *** Preliminary figures - Not available

… Data belum tersedia LHS Left Hand Scale – Skala Kiri

… Data are not available yet LHS Left Hand Scale

RHS Right Hand Scale – Skala Kanan

RHS Right Hand Scale

Sumber: Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia, kecuali disebutkan sumber lain @2013 Publikasi Bersama Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Kementerian Keuangan Gedung Frans Seda Jl. Dr. Wahidin Raya No.1 Jakarta 10710 Telepon : (021) 3864778 Fax : (021) 3843712 Website : Departemen Internasional Bank Indonesia Menara Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Lantai 5 Jl. MH Thamrin No.2 Jakarta 10350 Telepon : (021) 3818374, 3818128 Fax : (021) 2311936, 3502002 Email : [email protected] Data dalam publikasi ini boleh dikutip dengan menyebutkan sumbernya.

Source: Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia, unless stated otherwise @2013 Joint Publication Directorate General of Debt Management Ministry of Finance Frans Seda Building Jl. Dr. Wahidin Raya No.1 Jakarta 10710 Telephone : (021) 3864778 Fax : (021) 3843712 Website : Department of International Bank Indonesia Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Tower 5th floor Jl. MH Thamrin No.2, Jakarta 10350 Telephone : (021) 3818374,3818128 Fax : (021) 2311936, 3502002 Email : [email protected] Material in this publication may be cited with reference to the source

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia

merupakan media publikasi bersama antara

Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia,

yang menyajikan data utang Pemerintah, Bank

Indonesia dan Badan Usaha Milik Negara

(BUMN). Penyusunan Statistik Utang Sektor

Publik Indonesia dilatarbelakangi oleh

kebutuhan akan adanya informasi utang sektor

publik yang komprehensif, dapat dan mudah

dibandingkan (comparable) serta terpercaya

(realiable). Ketersediaan informasi ini sangat

diperlukan sebagai bahan monitoring dan

evaluasi bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam

mengendalikan utang sektor publik, mengingat

faktor potensi risiko utang sektor publik yang

dapat menjadi salah satu pemicu kerentanan

(vulnerability) perekonomian Indonesia, yang

pada gilirannya dapat menciptakan biaya

tersendiri bagi perekonomian. Selain itu,

penerbitan publikasi Statistik Utang Sektor

Publik Indonesia juga dimaksudkan untuk

mewujudkan aspek transparansi dan

akuntabilitas pengelolaan utang sektor publik,

dalam kaitannya dengan upaya penyediaan

informasi bagi kalangan investor dan pelaku

pasar keuangan.

Penyusunan publikasi Statistik Utang Sektor

Publik Indonesia ini mengacu pada konsep

pelaporan utang sektor publik dari World Bank

dan IMF’s Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide

for compilers and Users (2011), serta beberapa

ketentuan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan

Peraturan Bank Indonesia.

Publikasi Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia

ini menampilkan data posisi utang

(outstanding), yang terbagi dalam dua

kelompok. Kelompok pertama menyajikan data

utang sektor publik sebelum dikonsolidasikan


Public Sector Debt Statistics Indonesia is a

joint publication between the Ministry of

Finance and Bank Indonesia, which presents

data of government debt, Bank Indonesia and

the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The

Preparation of Public Sector Debt Statistics

Indonesia motivated by the need for

information of a comprehensive public sector

debt which can be easily comparable and

reliable. The availability of information is

indispensable as a monitoring and evaluation

for policy makers in controling the public

sector debt, considering the potential risk

factors of public sector debt can be one of

Indonesian’s economic vulnerability, which in

turn will create the costs for the economy

itself. In addition, the publication is also

intended to bring transparency and

accountability in the management of public

sector debt, in relation with the effort to

provide information to investors and financial

market participants.

The presentation of Public Sector Debt

Statistics Indonesia refers to the concept of

public sector debt reporting from the World

Bank and IMF's Public Sector Debt Statistics:

Guide for Compilers and Users (2011), as well

as several provisions of the Government of

the Republic of Indonesia and Bank

Indonesia’s Regulation.

The publication of Indonesian’s Public Sector

Debt Statistics presents outstanding debt

position, which are divided into two groups.

The first group provides data before public

sector debt consolidation (gross), while for the

second group of data presents position after

public sector debt consolidation. The position

data of Public sector debt in the first group are

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


(gross), sementara untuk kelompok kedua

menyajikan data posisi utang sektor publik

setelah dikonsolidasikan (consolidated). Posisi

data utang sektor publik pada kelompok

pertama disajikan secara triwulanan menurut

jenis instrumen utang, sedangkan untuk

publikasi statistik utang sektor publik

(consolidated) pada kelompok kedua disajikan

secara tahunan menurut mata uang (currency)

dan domisili kreditur (creditors).

Untuk memudahkan pembaca/pengguna dalam

memahami tren dari perkembangan posisi

utang sektor publik, materi publikasi Statistik

Utang Sektor Publik ini dilengkapi dengan

beberapa grafik. Selain itu, juga menampilkan

rasio utang sektor publik terhadap GDP, yang

secara relatif dapat digunakan sebagai salah

satu indikator dalam melihat perkembangan

kemampuan perekonomian Indonesia dalam

menanggung beban utang sektor publik.

presented on a quarterly basis according to

the type of debt instrument, while the data of

public sector debt in the second group

(consolidated) are presented annually by

currency and domicile creditors.

To facilitate the reader or user to understand

the trend of the development of public sector

debt positions, the material of Public Sector

Debt Statistics are equipped with several

charts. It also presents the ratio of public

sector debt to GDP, which is relatively can be

used as one indicator in view of Indonesian’s

economic ability to bear the burden of public

sector debt.

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia (SUSPI) ini merupakan media publikasi bersama antara Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia yang menyajikan data utang Pemerintah Pusat, Bank Sentral dan BUMN.

Publikasi ini menampilkan data posisi utang

yang terbagi dalam 2 (dua) kelompok. Kelompok pertama menyajikan data utang sektor publik sebelum dikonsolidasikan (gross), sementara untuk kelompok kedua menyajikan data utang sektor publik setelah dikonsolidasikan (consolidated). Publikasi SUSPI (gross) yang diterbitkan secara Triwulanan merupakan edisi cetak dari public sector debt data yang disampaikan secara online ke website Bank Dunia dan IMF.

Latar belakang penyusunan publikasi

didasarkan pada kebutuhan akan adanya informasi utang sektor publik yang komprehensif, dapat dan mudah dibandingkan serta terpercaya untuk menginformasikan kepada para pembuat kebijakan, pasar keuangan dan pengguna-pengguna lainnya. Kebutuhan tersebut semakin menguat setelah adanya krisis keuangan global yang dimulai pada tahun 2007. Hal tersebut dikarenakan krisis dimaksud berpotensi menciptakan biaya ekonomi yang meluas tidak hanya bagi pemerintah dan perusahaan publik, tetapi juga bagi seluruh perekonomian. Untuk tujuan ini, penyajian Statistik Utang Sektor Publik sangat relevan sebagai bahan monitoring dan pengendalian terutama bagi pelaku pasar dan penyusun kebijakan.

Jakarta, Desember 2014

The Indonesia’s Public Sector Debt Statistics (SUSPI) is a joint publication between Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia and Ministry of State Owned Entreprises (SOEs) which presents data and profile of central government, central bank and SOEs’s debt.

The publication presents the data of debt

position which are divided into 2 (two) groups. First group provide the data of public sector debt before consolidation (gross), while the second group present the data of public sector debt after consolidation. The publication of SUSPI (gross) which published quarterly is the printed edition of the public sector debt data that are submitted online to the website of the World Bank and the IMF.

The background of preparation of this

publication based on the need of information about public sector debt which comprehensive and internationally comparable, and reliable to give the information to the policy makers, financial markets, and other relevant users. The need for such information become stronger after the global financial crisis that started in 2007. It is due to the nature of the crisis on public debt that has the potential to create widespread economic costs, not only for the government and public enterprises, but also for the entire economy. For this purpose, the presentation of the Public Sector Debt Statistics is very relevant as a material for monitoring and controling, particularly for market participants and policy makers.

Jakarta, December 2014

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Daftar Isi

Ringkasan Eksekutif iii

Kata Pengantar v

Daftar isi vi

Cakupan vii

Metodologi viii

Definisi ix

Penjelasan xiii

Daftar Grafik xv

Daftar Tabel xvi

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Table of Contents




Explanatory Notes

List of Graphs

List of Tables

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



Utang sektor publik yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini terdiri dari Utang Pemerintah Pusat, Utang Bank Sentral, dan Utang BUMN, yang didalamnya sudah termasuk utang luar negeri dan utang dalam negeri. Namun demikian, berdasarkan aspek legal yang berlaku di Indonesia (Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.77/PUU-IX/2011 tanggal 17 September 2012) dinyatakan bahwa BUMN adalah badan usaha yang memiliki kekayaan terpisah dari kekayaan Negara, sehingga kewenangan penyelesaian utang BUMN tunduk kepada UU Perseroan Terbatas No.40 Tahun 2007. Dengan demikian, utang BUMN secara hukum bukan merupakan utang sektor publik.

Utang Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) dan Badan

Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) belum termasuk dalam cakupan data utang sektor publik dalam publikasi ini.

Public sector debt that presented in this publication consists of Central Government Debt, Central Bank Debt and State-Owned Enterprises Debt which includes external debt and domestic debt. Nevertheless, according to legal aspect in Indonesia (Decision of the Constitutional Court No.77/PUU-IX/2011 dated 17 September 2012) stated that the SOE is an entity that has a separate wealth from the wealth of the State, the authority is subject to the completion of the debt owned Limited Liability Company Act 40 of 2007. Thus, the State-Owned Enterprises debt is not legally public sector debt.

Local government debt (Pemda) and regional-

owned enterprises (BUMD) not includes in public sector debt coverage in this publication.

Cakupan Utang Publik Yang Ditampilkan Dalam Publikasi Coverage of Public Debt Which Presented in This Publication

Sektor Publik/Public Sectors


Luar Negeri External

Dalam Negeri Domestic

Pemerintah Government

Pemerintah Pusat Central Government

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes

Pemerintah Daerah dan BUMD Local Government and Local Government Enterprises

Tidak/No Tidak/No

Lembaga Publik Public Corporation

Lembaga Keuangan Publik Public Financial Corporations

Bank Sentral Central Bank

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes

Bank BUMN State Bank

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes

Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank – BUMN Public Nonbank Financial Corporations

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes

BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Public Nonfinancial Corporations

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



Sumber Data

Data utang pemerintah pusat diperoleh dari Kementerian Keuangan, sedangkan data utang bank sentral dan utang BUMN diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia.

Konversi ke dalam Valuta USD dan IDR

Data utang sektor publik yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini menggunakan mata uang USD dan IDR. Posisi utang diperoleh melalui proses konversi dari valuta asal dengan menggunakan kurs laporan atau kurs tengah pada akhir periode.


Klasifikasi utang dalam tabel pada publikasi utang bruto mengacu pada klasifikasi utang yang sudah ditentukan oleh World Bank dan IMF. Sedangkan klasifikasi pada tabel utang konsolidasi disusun berdasarkan konsep mata uang dan domisili kreditur

Obligasi Pemerintah

Data obligasi pemerintah yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini menggunakan data penerbitan obligasi di pasar perdana.

Data Sources

The Central Government Debt is obtained from the Directorate of Evaluation, Accounting and Settlement, Ministry of Finance. The data of total debt of central bank and State-Owned Enterprises are obtained from Bank Indonesia.

Currency conversion into USD and IDR

Public sector debt data is presented in USD and IDR. The debt position acquired through the process of conversion from the original currency at the Bank Indonesia mid-rate at the end of the period under review.


The debt classification in the table of public sector debt (gross) is based on the standard classification of the World Bank and IMF. While, the classification in the table of public sector consolidated prepared on the currency and domicile creditors. Government Securities

The data of government securities in this publication is presented by using the issuance of government securities in the primary market

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



Asuransi, Pensiun, dan Skema penjaminan Utang sektor publik yang timbul akibat adanya pemberian jaminan asuransi, pensiun dan skema penjaminan yang sudah ditetapkan. Bank Sentral Bank Sentral adalah Bank Indonesia yaitu Lembaga Negara yang independen, bebas dari campur tangan Pemerintah dan/atau pihak-pihak lainnya. BUMN / SOE Badan usaha yang seluruhnya atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan. BUMN Non Keuangan Badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang aktivitas utamanya memproduksi barang-barang kebutuhan dan jasa non keuangan. BUMN Sektor Keuangan Badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di sektor jasa keuangan. Jatuh tempo original

Periode waktu utang yang dihitung mulai dari timbulnya kewajiban utang sampai dengan utang tersebut jatuh tempo.

Kas dan Simpanan Kas dan simpanan yang terdapat di Bank Sentral, yang dimiliki oleh penduduk maupun bukan penduduk. Dalam publikasi ini tidak termasuk kas dan simpanan yang terdapat di bank umum. Kreditur Dalam Negeri Pemberi pinjaman yang berdomisili di wilayah hukum Indonesia. Kreditur Luar Negeri Pemberi pinjaman yang berdomisili di luar wilayah hukum Indonesia Pemerintah Yang dimaksud pemerintah adalah Pemerintah Umum yang terdiri dari Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah.

Pemerintah Daerah Otoritas legislatif, yudikatif dan eksekutif dari pemerintahan lokal terbatas pada area geografis yang lebih kecil ditujukan pada keperluan politik


Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes

Public sector debt arising from the provision of insurance, pension and guarantee schemes that have been set. Central Bank

Central Bank is Bank Indonesia, the independence state institution that free from government or other parties interference.

State Own Enterprise A corporate entity partially or wholly owned by the state through direct placement taken from state assets allocated separately for that purpose. Public Nonfinancial Corporation

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) whose main activity to produce the goods and non-financial services.

Public Financial Corporation

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) operating in the financial services sector.

Original Maturity The period of time from when the financial asset/liability was created to its final maturity date. Currency and Deposits Currency and deposits in the Central Bank, which is owned by a resident or non-resident. In this publication does not include cash and deposits in common bank. Domestic creditor Lenders who live in the jurisdiction of Indonesia. Foreign Creditor Lenders who live outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia.

General Government The meaning of government int his publication is the general government consisting of the Central Government and Local Government Local Government The legislative, judicial and executive authority of local government is restricted to the smallest

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


dan administrasi. Cakupan otoritas dari pemerintah lokal lebih kecil dari pemerintah pusat negara. Pemerintah Pusat

Adalah otoritas politik dari sebuah negara yang menguasai seluruh wilayah negeri. Pemerintah pusat dapat memaksakan pajak bagi penduduk maupun bukan penduduk yang mempunyai aktivitas ekonomi di negeri itu. Pemerintah pusat yang bertanggung jawab menyediakan layanan kolektif untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat luas, seperti keamanan nasional, hubungan luar negeri, keamanan, layanan sosial/umum dan sistem ekonomi negara. Pinjaman Utang sektor publik yang diperoleh dari pemberi pinjaman atau kreditur yang harus dibayar kembali dengan persyaratan tertentu Produk Domestik Bruto Total produksi atau output yang dihasilkan oleh penduduk di suatu wilayah negara dalam 1 (satu ) tahun

Posisi Utang

Nilai utang pada tanggal tertentu, biasanya disajikan pada akhir bulan atau pada akhir tahun.

Remaining (Residual) Maturity

Periode waktu utang yang akan jatuh tempo dalam jangka waktu maksimal 1 (satu) tahun ke depan dari posisi bulan pelaporan. Posisi utang berdasarkan remaining maturity dihitung dengan menjumlahkan posisi utang jangka pendek berdasarkan original maturity dan posisi utang jangka panjang yang akan dibayar dalam jangka waktu maksimal 1 (satu) tahun kedepan dari posisi bulan pelaporan.

Sektor Keuangan Non-Bank Meliputi sektor keuangan selain bank dan perusahaan lain yang sejenis (seperti, penyedia jasa tabungan dan pinjaman, asosiasi dan lembaga kredit) dan termasuk perusahaan asuransi, yayasan pensiun, lembaga perantara non bank lainnya, dan bantuan keuangan.

Sektor Publik Yang termasuk sektor publik adalah pemerintahan umum, otoritas moneter, dan entitas-entitas di

geographical areas distinguished for political and administrative purposes. The scope of the local government’s authority is much less than the central or state governments. Central Government The political authority of a country’s central government extends over the entire territory of the country. The central government can impose taxes on all resident institutional units and on nonresident units engaged in economic activities within the country. The central government is typically responsible for providing collective services for the benefit of the community as a whole, such as national defense, relations with other countries, securities, social services and economic system of the country. Loans Public sector debt obtained from the lender or creditor that will be repaid with specific requirements Gross Domestic Product Total production or output generated by residents in an area of the country within 1 (one) year

Principal Outstanding

Value of debt at a specific date, usually provides at the end of month or end of year.

Remaining (Residual) Maturity

The period of time until debt payments fall due. Short-term remaining maturity of outstanding external debt be measured by adding the value of outstanding short-term external debt (original maturity) to the value of outstanding long-term external debt (original maturity) due to be paid in one year or less.

Non-bank financial sector

This sector comprises financial sector other than banks and related corporations (such as savings banks, savings and loans, associations and credit unions) and includes insurance corporations, pension funds, other non-bank financial intermediaries and financial auxiliaries

Public Sector Public sector includes the general government, monetary authorities, and other entities in the banking sectors and other public corporation

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


sektor perbankan dan lainnya yang merupakan korporasi publik.

Sektor Publik Bukan Keuangan Meliputi entitas yang aktivitas utamanya memproduksi barang-barang kebutuhan dan jasa non keuangan.

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) Instrumen yang dikembangkan oleh IMF pada tahun 1969, yang merupakan aset cadangan devisa yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat cadangan devisa suatu negara. Total Utang Jumlah utang secara keseluruhan meliputi utang pemerintah, utang bank sentral dan utang Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Utang dalam bentuk sekurities Utang sektor publik yang diperoleh dari hasil penerbitan surat-surat berharga di pasar keuangan. Utang Dalam Mata Uang Asing Jumlah utang sektor publik yang diperoleh dalam mata uang selain Rupiah. Utang Dalam Mata Uang Rupiah Jumlah utang sektor publik yang diperoleh dalam mata uang Rupiah. Total Utang Konsolidasi Jumlah utang pemerintah, Bank Sentral dan BUMN setelah dilakukan proses konsolidasi Utang Jangka Panjang Utang sektor publik yang berjangka waktu lebih dari 1 (satu) tahun. Utang Jangka Pendek Utang sektor publik yang berjangka waktu kurang atau sama dengan 1 (satu) tahun. Utang Lainnya Utang sektor publik yang antara lain terdiri dari utang dagang dan utang lainnya.

Utang Luar Negeri Sektor Publik Kewajiban utang luar negeri dari sektor publik. Utang Publik Kewajiban pemerintah, bank sentral dan BUMN kepada penduduk dan bukan penduduk. Namun demikian, berdasarkan aspek legal yang berlaku di Indonesia (Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.77/PUU-IX/2011 tanggal 17 September 2012) dinyatakan bahwa BUMN adalah badan usaha


Non-financial Public Sector

The sector comprises entities whose main activity as the producer of market goods and non-financial services

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

The instrument was developed by the IMF in 1969, which an asset of foreign exchange reserves that can be used to strengthen a country. Total Debt

Overall total debt amount which consists of government debt, central bank debt and the debt of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Debt in securities form

Public sector debt is obtained from the issuance of securities in financial market.

Foreign Currency Debt

Total public sector debt obtained in currencies other than rupiah.

Debt in IDR

Total public sector debt acquired in Rupiah.

Total Debt Consolidated

Total debt of government , central bank and state-owned enterprises after consolidation process

Long-Term Debt

Public sector debt that has a maturity of more than

1 (one) year.

Short-Term Debt

Public sector debt that has a maturity of one year or


Other Debts / Other accounts payable Public sector debt which is comprised of accounts payable and other debt. Public Sector External Debt External debt obligations derived from the public sector.

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


yang memiliki kekayaan terpisah dari kekayaan Negara, sehingga kewenangan penyelesaian utang BUMN tunduk kepada UU Perseroan Terbatas No.40 Tahun 2007. Dengan demikian, utang BUMN secara hukum bukan merupakan utang sektor publik.

Utang yang dijamin publik

Kewajiban pihak swasta kepada penduduk dan bukan penduduk yang dijamin pembayarannya oleh entitas publik.

Public Debt The obligation of the government, central bank and state owned enterprises to residents and non-residents. Nevertheless, according to legal aspect in Indonesia (Decision of the Constitutional Court No.77/PUU-IX/2011 dated 17 September 2012) stated that the SOE is an entity that has a separate wealth from the wealth of the State, the authority is subject to the completion of the debt owned Limited Liability Company Act 40 of 2007. Thus, the State-Owned Enterprises debt is not legally public sector debt.

Publicly guaranteed debt Obligations of the private debtor to residents and non-residents that are guaranteed payment by public entities.

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Perusahaan BUMN

Bukan Lembaga

Keuangan / Public



Bank Sentral

/ Central Bank


/ State Bank

LKBB BUMN / Public

Nonbank Financial



LKBB / Nonbank



Penduduk / Resident a c e g

Bukan Penduduk / Non Resident b d f h i j k l b+d+f+h+i+j+k+l

Total a + b c + d e + f g + h i j k l

a + b a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i b+d+f+h+i+j+k+l

*) consist of foreign, joint venture and private national company

Lembaga Keuangan Publik / Public Financial


Kreditur / Creditors

Sektor Publik / Public Sector Bukan Sektor Publik / Non Public Sector *)


Lembaga Publik / Public Corporations

Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Publik /

Non Public Financial Corp.Perusahaan Bukan

Lembaga Keuangan /




Keterkaitan Antara Buku Perkembangan Utang Negara, Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia dan Statistik ULN Indonesia

Pemerintah /


Bukan Lembaga Publik / Non Public Corporations

Interrelation Diagram Among Government Debt Profile, Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia and External Debt Statistics of Indonesia

Perkembangan Utang Negara / Government Debt Profile

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt

Statistics of Indonesia

Statistik ULN Indonesia / External Debt Statistics of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia



I. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam US Dollar (USD)

I. Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Tabel 1 Utang dalam “Domestic Currency” adalah utang sektor publik dalam mata uang Rupiah (IDR) Utang dalam “External Currency” adalah utang sektor publik dalam mata uang selain Rupiah (Valas) Utang dari “Domestic Creditor” adalah utang sektor publik kepada penduduk. Utang dari “External Creditor” adalah utang sektor publik kepada bukan penduduk.

Table 1 Debt in “Domestic Currency” is public sector debt in rupiah (IDR) Debt in “External Currency” is public sector debt in currency other than Rupiah (foreign currency) Debt from “Domestic Creditor” is debt from public sector to residents. Debt from “External Creditor” is debt from public sector to non-residents.

Tabel 2 Cukup jelas.

Table 2 Self explanatory

Tabel 3 Cukup jelas.

Table 3 Self explanatory

Tabel 4 Cukup jelas.

Table 4 Self explanatory

II. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam Rupiah (IDR)

II. Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Tabel 1 Cukup jelas

Table 1 Self explanatory

Tabel 2 Cukup jelas.

Table 2 Self explanatory

Tabel 3 Cukup jelas

Table 3 Self explanatory

Tabel 4 Cukup jelas

Table 4 Self explanatory

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


III. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam US Dollar (USD)

III. Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Tabel 1 Yang dimaksud “Intrasector Debt Holdings” adalah jumlah utang suatu entitas publik kepada entitas publik lainnya

Table 1 The meaning of “Intrasector Debt Holdings” is the amount of debt a public entitiy to other public entities

Tabel 2 Cukup jelas.

Table 2 Self explanatory

IV. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam Rupiah (IDR)

IV. Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Tabel 1 Cukup jelas.

Table 1 Self explanatory

Tabel 2 Cukup jelas.

Table 2 Self explanatory

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Daftar Grafik/List of Graphs Halaman/Pages

1. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Kelompok Peminjam

Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Group of Borrower


2. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Jangka Waktu Sisa

Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Remaining Maturity


3. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Mata Uang

Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Currency


4. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Kreditur

Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Creditor


5. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Menurut Mata Uang

Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Currency


6. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Menurut Kreditur

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position by Creditor


7. Rasio Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Terhadap PDB

Consolidated Public Sector Debt to GDP Ratio


Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Daftar Tabel/List of Tables Halaman/Pages

I. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam US Dollar (USD)

Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah Pusat Bruto

Gross Central Government Debt Position


2. Posisi Utang Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Bruto Gross

Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position


3. Posisi Utang Lembaga Keuangan Publik Bruto

Gross Public Financial Corporation Debt Position


4. Total Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto

Total Gross Public Sector Debt Position


II. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah Pusat Bruto

Gross Central Government Debt Position


2. Posisi Utang Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Bruto Gross

Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position


3. Posisi Utang Lembaga Keuangan Publik Bruto

Gross Public Financial Corporation Debt Position


4. Total Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto

Total Gross Public Sector Debt Position


III. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam US Dollar (USD)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Menurut Mata Uang/by Currency

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan


Consilidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt



2. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position


IV. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Menurut Mata Uang/by Currency

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan


Consilidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt



2. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position


V. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam US Dollar (USD)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Menurut Kreditur/by Creditor

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan


Consilidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt



2. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position


VI. Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Menurut Kreditur/by Creditor

1. Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan


Consilidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt



2. Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position


Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan

This page is intentionally left blank

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Grafik Graphs

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Grafik/Graphs I

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Kelompok Peminjam Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Group of Borrower

Grafik/Graphs II

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Jangka Waktu Sisa Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Remaining Maturity






296 294


301 301


















Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Government Non Financial Financial Total (RHS)






296 294


301 301



















Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Short - term Long - term Total (RHS)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Grafik/Graphs III

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Mata Uang Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Currency

Grafik/Graphs IV

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto Menurut Kreditur Gross Public Sector Debt Position by Creditor






296 294


301 301






















Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Domestic currency Foreign currency Total (RHS)






296 294

























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Domestic creditors External creditors Total (RHS)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Grafik/Graphs V

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Menurut Mata Uang Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position by Currency

Grafik/Graphs VI

Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Menurut Kreditur Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position by Creditor



221 223















2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Domestic Currency Foreign Currency Total (RHS)



221 223
















2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Domestic Currency Foreign Currency Total (RHS)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Grafik/Graphs VII

Rasio Utang Sektor Publik Konsolidasi Terhadap PDB Consolidated Public Sector Debt to GDP Ratio
























2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

in b


n U


Consolidated public sector debt GDP Public Sector Debt to GDP (%)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia


Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan

This page is intentionally left blank

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam US Dollar (USD)

Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 1: Posisi Utang Pemerintah Pusat Bruto / Gross Central Government Debt Position

(Juta USD / Millions of USD)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross General Government Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 3,272 2,745 2,709 3,443 3,568 3,098 3,038 2,380 2,401 2,398 3,804 3,502

Currency and deposits - - - -

Debt securities 3,272 2,745 2,709 3,443 3,568 3,098 3,038 2,380 2,401 2,398 3,804 3,502

Loans - - - -

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 191,312 197,778 196,192 196,044 198,985 201,375 203,014 202,140 202,478 202,672 191,990 191,387

With payment due in one year or less: 11,513 11,767 10,653 12,313 10,939 12,711 12,946 11,690 12,207 12,619 10,902 12,839

Currency and deposits - - - - - -

Debt securities 6,636 6,409 5,586 6,972 5,736 7,200 7,156 5,955 6,740 7,047 5,444 7,401

Loans 4,878 5,358 5,068 5,341 5,203 5,510 5,791 5,735 5,466 5,572 5,459 5,438

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 179,798 186,011 185,539 183,731 188,047 188,665 190,067 190,449 190,271 190,054 181,087 178,548

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 116,181 122,856 121,458 120,557 126,499 128,324 129,315 132,420 135,011 137,312 127,687 125,372

Loans 63,617 63,155 64,081 63,174 61,548 60,341 60,752 58,030 55,261 52,742 53,400 53,176

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 194,584 200,523 198,901 199,487 202,553 204,473 206,051 204,520 204,879 205,070 195,794 194,888

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 126,089 132,010 129,753 130,972 135,802 138,621 139,508 140,755 144,152 146,756 136,935 136,275

Loans 68,495 68,513 69,149 68,515 66,751 65,852 66,543 63,765 60,727 58,314 58,859 58,614

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By currency of denomination: 194,584 200,523 198,901 199,487 202,553 204,473 206,051 204,520 204,879 205,070 195,794 194,888

Domestic currency 108,092 111,544 109,232 109,488 112,666 112,952 113,822 113,546 117,093 116,779 104,408 103,694

Foreign currency 86,492 88,979 89,669 89,999 89,886 91,521 92,229 90,973 87,786 88,291 91,386 91,194 -

By residence of the creditor: 194,584 200,523 198,901 199,487 202,553 204,473 206,051 204,520 204,879 205,070 195,794 194,888

Domestic creditors 83,853 84,210 84,513 84,912 88,187 89,279 88,689 93,866 88,206 88,281 79,080 80,438

External creditors 110,731 116,313 114,388 114,575 114,365 115,194 117,362 110,653 116,673 116,789 116,714 114,451

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value

20132011 2012

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 2: Posisi Utang Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Bruto / Gross Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Juta USD / Millions of USD)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 1,890 2,882 5,738 5,685 4,745 5,466 3,738 3,675 4,667 6,401 6,096 5,971

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 2) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Loans 1,885 2,874 4,012 3,092 3,578 3,690 2,262 2,702 3,087 4,591 4,569 4,644

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 2 1,721 2,588 1,162 1,771 1,471 968 1,575 1,805 1,522 1,323 - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 16,835 17,913 17,742 18,812 18,997 21,481 23,038 27,798 27,246 29,716 28,946 29,920

With payment due in one year or less: 3,635 2,660 3,482 2,978 2,725 2,392 3,616 4,827 3,678 2,605 2,539 2,007

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 2) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Loans 3,635 2,660 3,482 2,978 2,720 2,392 3,616 4,827 3,678 2,605 2,539 2,007

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 0 - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 13,200 15,253 14,260 15,834 16,272 19,089 19,421 22,971 23,568 27,110 26,407 27,912

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 2) 92 1,599 1,587 2,582 2,576 5,076 5,064 6,064 6,058 9,308 9,296 9,296

Loans 13,109 13,654 12,673 13,252 13,696 14,013 14,357 16,907 17,510 17,802 17,110 18,616

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 18,725 20,795 23,480 24,496 23,742 26,947 26,776 31,473 31,913 36,116 35,042 35,891

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 2)

97 1,604 1,592 2,587 2,581 5,081 5,069 6,069 6,063 9,313 9,301 9,301

Loans 18,629 19,189 20,167 19,322 19,993 20,096 20,236 24,436 24,275 24,999 24,219 25,267

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 2 1,721 2,588 1,167 1,771 1,471 968 1,575 1,805 1,522 1,323 - - - -

By currency of denomination: 18,725 20,795 23,480 24,496 23,742 26,947 26,776 31,473 31,913 36,116 35,042 35,891

Domestic currency 7,821 7,900 8,632 7,916 8,486 9,313 9,021 12,169 10,778 11,681 10,779 9,885

Foreign currency 10,905 12,895 14,848 16,580 15,255 17,634 17,755 19,304 21,135 24,436 24,263 26,006 - - - -

By residence of the creditor: 18,725 20,795 23,480 24,496 23,742 26,947 26,776 31,473 31,913 36,116 35,042 35,891

Domestic creditors 11,793 11,875 12,721 12,213 12,584 12,847 12,435 16,684 15,504 16,591 15,256 15,094

External creditors 6,932 8,919 10,759 12,283 11,157 14,100 14,341 14,789 16,409 19,526 19,786 20,797

Country-specific notes:

1) Covered external debt only for 6 non financial SOEs

2) Debt securities are at nominal value

20132011 2012

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 3: Posisi Utang Lembaga Keuangan Publik Bruto / Gross Public Financial Corporation Debt Position

(Juta USD / Millions of USD)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 63,045 72,827 64,108 49,256 55,408 58,153 53,601 48,617 54,113 49,424 46,050 42,320

Currency and deposits 24,598 36,357 33,434 19,925 26,667 29,368 27,570 16,595 20,429 19,887 18,357 14,156

Debt securities 28,931 24,785 20,450 16,184 13,459 15,301 11,592 12,624 13,526 11,098 9,136 10,529

Loans 3,485 4,509 4,938 7,826 9,386 8,224 8,946 8,869 9,250 8,612 9,252 8,511

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 6,031 7,176 5,288 5,320 5,896 5,261 5,492 10,529 10,908 9,827 9,304 9,124 - - - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 5,676 6,482 6,138 6,211 6,237 6,765 8,024 7,684 10,291 10,153 8,975 8,456

With payment due in one year or less: 830 1,033 424 556 462 567 945 541 2,515 2,648 2,021 1,260

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 135 144 55 52 46 40 97 99 123 147 123 104

Loans 695 888 369 504 416 527 848 442 2,392 2,501 1,898 1,155

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 4,846 5,449 5,713 5,655 5,776 6,198 7,079 7,143 7,776 7,505 6,953 7,197

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 3,129 3,163 3,104 3,031 3,060 2,992 3,049 3,053 2,963 2,978 3,035 3,050

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 477 632 582 567 577 1,262 1,214 1,223 1,911 2,301 1,685 1,669

Loans 1,241 1,653 2,027 2,057 2,138 1,945 2,816 2,867 2,902 2,225 2,234 2,478

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 68,721 79,309 70,246 55,467 61,645 64,918 61,624 56,301 64,404 59,577 55,025 50,776

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 3,129 3,163 3,104 3,031 3,060 2,992 3,049 3,053 2,963 2,978 3,035 3,050

Currency and deposits 24,598 36,357 33,434 19,925 26,667 29,368 27,570 16,595 20,429 19,887 18,357 14,156

Debt securities 29,543 25,562 21,087 16,803 14,082 16,603 12,902 13,946 15,560 13,547 10,944 12,302

Loans 5,421 7,051 7,334 10,388 11,940 10,695 12,610 12,178 14,544 13,339 13,384 12,145

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 6,031 7,176 5,288 5,320 5,896 5,261 5,492 10,529 10,908 9,827 9,304 9,124 - - - - - -

By currency of denomination: 68,721 79,309 70,246 55,467 61,645 64,918 61,624 56,301 64,404 59,577 55,025 50,776

Domestic currency 50,635 49,342 41,847 39,679 41,929 39,539 36,864 34,829 40,422 36,267 32,082 31,927

Foreign currency 18,086 29,967 28,399 15,788 19,716 25,379 24,760 21,473 23,982 23,311 22,942 18,850

- - - -

By residence of the creditor: 68,721 79,309 70,246 55,467 61,645 64,918 61,624 56,301 64,404 59,577 55,025 50,776

Domestic creditors 51,926 62,884 56,615 46,138 52,679 53,674 50,871 41,377 49,441 46,152 40,987 37,579

External creditors 16,795 16,424 13,631 9,329 8,966 11,244 10,753 14,925 14,963 13,426 14,038 13,197

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value

2011 20132012

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 4: Total Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto / Total Gross Public Sector Debt Position

(Juta USD / Millions of USD)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Public Sector Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 68,207 78,453 72,555 58,383 63,720 66,717 60,376 54,673 61,181 58,223 55,950 51,793

Currency and deposits 24,598 36,357 33,434 19,925 26,667 29,368 27,570 16,595 20,429 19,887 18,357 14,156

Debt securities 32,208 27,535 23,163 19,632 17,031 18,403 14,634 15,009 15,931 13,501 12,946 14,036

Loans 5,371 7,383 8,950 10,918 12,964 11,914 11,209 11,572 12,337 13,203 13,822 13,155

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 6,031 7,178 7,008 7,908 7,058 7,032 6,963 11,497 12,483 11,631 10,826 10,446

Long-term, by original maturity: 213,823 222,173 220,072 221,067 224,219 229,621 234,075 237,621 240,015 242,541 229,910 229,763

With payment due in one year or less: 15,978 15,459 14,560 15,847 14,125 15,669 17,507 17,058 18,400 17,872 15,463 16,106

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 6,771 6,553 5,641 7,024 5,782 7,240 7,253 6,054 6,864 7,194 5,567 7,505

Loans 9,208 8,907 8,919 8,823 8,338 8,429 10,255 11,003 11,536 10,679 9,896 8,601

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 0 - - 5 - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 197,845 206,714 205,512 205,220 210,095 213,952 216,567 220,564 221,615 224,669 214,447 213,657

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 3,129 3,163 3,104 3,031 3,060 2,992 3,049 3,053 2,963 2,978 3,035 3,050

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 116,750 125,087 123,628 123,706 129,652 134,661 135,593 139,707 142,980 148,921 138,668 136,337

Loans 77,967 78,463 78,781 78,483 77,382 76,299 77,925 77,804 75,673 72,770 72,744 74,270

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 282,030 300,626 292,627 279,450 287,939 296,338 294,451 292,294 301,196 300,764 285,861 281,555

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 3,129 3,163 3,104 3,031 3,060 2,992 3,049 3,053 2,963 2,978 3,035 3,050

Currency and deposits 24,598 36,357 33,434 19,925 26,667 29,368 27,570 16,595 20,429 19,887 18,357 14,156

Debt securities 155,728 159,175 152,432 150,362 152,465 160,305 157,480 160,770 165,775 169,616 157,180 157,878

Loans 92,545 94,753 96,649 98,224 98,684 96,642 99,389 100,379 99,546 96,652 96,462 96,026

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 6,031 7,178 7,008 7,908 7,063 7,032 6,963 11,497 12,483 11,631 10,826 10,446 - - - - - - - - - - - -

By currency of denomination: 282,030 300,626 292,627 279,450 287,939 296,338 294,451 292,294 301,196 300,764 285,861 281,555

Domestic currency 166,548 168,786 159,712 157,084 163,082 161,804 159,707 160,544 168,293 164,727 147,270 145,506

Foreign currency 115,483 131,840 132,916 122,366 124,858 134,534 134,744 131,750 132,903 136,038 138,591 136,050 - - - - - - - - - - - -

By residence of the creditor: 282,030 300,626 292,627 279,450 287,939 296,338 294,451 292,294 301,196 300,764 285,861 281,555

Domestic creditors 147,572 158,970 153,849 143,263 153,451 155,801 151,995 151,927 153,152 151,024 135,324 133,111

External creditors 134,458 141,656 138,778 136,187 134,489 140,537 142,457 140,367 148,045 149,740 150,537 148,445

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value

2011 20132012

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Bruto dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Gross Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 1: Posisi Utang Pemerintah Pusat Bruto / Gross Central Government Debt Position

(Miliar IDR / Billions of IDR)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross General Government Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 28,495 23,600 23,900 31,220 32,750 29,365 29,125 23,015 23,335 23,810 44,178 42,683

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 28,495 23,600 23,900 31,220 32,750 29,365 29,125 23,015 23,335 23,810 44,178 42,683

Loans - - - - - - - - - - - -

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 1,666,134 1,700,297 1,731,006 1,777,727 1,826,684 1,909,039 1,946,494 1,954,691 1,967,882 2,012,333 2,229,577 2,332,813

With payment due in one year or less: 100,271 101,157 93,995 111,658 100,416 120,496 124,130 113,046 118,637 125,291 126,610 156,490

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 57,789 55,094 49,281 63,226 52,654 68,257 68,611 57,586 65,510 69,965 63,220 90,210

Loans 42,482 46,063 44,714 48,432 47,762 52,239 55,519 55,460 53,128 55,326 63,390 66,280

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 1,565,863 1,599,140 1,637,011 1,666,069 1,726,268 1,788,542 1,822,364 1,841,646 1,849,245 1,887,042 2,102,967 2,176,322

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 1,011,824 1,056,193 1,071,626 1,093,209 1,161,261 1,216,508 1,239,871 1,280,500 1,312,168 1,363,367 1,482,828 1,528,162

Loans 554,040 542,947 565,385 572,859 565,007 572,035 582,493 561,146 537,077 523,675 620,139 648,160

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 1,694,629 1,723,897 1,754,906 1,808,947 1,859,434 1,938,404 1,975,619 1,977,706 1,991,217 2,036,143 2,273,755 2,375,496

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 1,098,107 1,134,887 1,144,807 1,187,655 1,246,665 1,314,130 1,337,607 1,361,101 1,401,012 1,457,142 1,590,226 1,661,055

Loans 596,522 589,010 610,099 621,292 612,770 624,274 638,013 616,605 590,205 579,001 683,529 714,441

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - -

By currency of denomination: 1,694,629 1,723,897 1,754,906 1,808,947 1,859,434 1,938,404 1,975,619 1,977,706 1,991,217 2,036,143 2,273,755 2,375,496

Domestic currency 941,373 958,947 963,755 992,838 1,034,276 1,070,785 1,091,324 1,097,993 1,138,029 1,159,498 1,212,495 1,263,929

Foreign currency 753,257 764,949 791,151 816,109 825,158 867,619 884,296 879,713 853,188 876,645 1,061,260 1,111,567 - - - - - - - -

By residence of the creditor: 1,694,629 1,723,897 1,754,906 1,808,947 1,859,434 1,938,404 1,975,619 1,977,706 1,991,217 2,036,143 2,273,755 2,375,496

Domestic creditors 730,273 723,957 745,659 784,000 809,559 846,365 850,348 907,688 857,277 876,542 918,360 980,453

External creditors 964,356 999,940 1,009,247 1,024,947 1,049,875 1,092,039 1,125,271 1,070,018 1,133,940 1,159,602 1,355,395 1,395,043

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value


Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 2: Posisi Utang Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Bruto / Gross Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Miliar IDR / Billions of IDR)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 16,463 24,773 50,626 51,550 43,557 51,822 35,842 35,542 45,355 63,555 70,795 72,784

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 44 44 44 45 46 47 47 47 47 48 57 59

Loans 16,419 24,709 35,398 28,035 32,843 34,985 21,692 26,132 30,001 45,586 53,065 56,604

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 20 15,183 23,470 10,669 16,791 14,103 9,363 15,307 17,920 17,673 16,120 - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 146,617 153,999 156,541 170,584 174,391 203,639 220,884 268,804 264,808 295,045 336,148 364,689

With payment due in one year or less: 31,657 22,870 30,724 27,000 25,011 22,674 34,672 46,673 35,746 25,867 29,486 24,468

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities - - - - - - - - - - - -

Loans 31,657 22,870 30,724 27,000 24,967 22,674 34,672 46,673 35,746 25,867 29,486 24,468

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 0 - - 44 - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 114,959 131,129 125,817 143,584 149,380 180,965 186,212 222,131 229,061 269,179 306,661 340,221

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 797 13,744 14,003 23,411 23,650 48,117 48,555 58,640 58,879 92,419 107,960 113,313

Loans 114,162 117,385 111,814 120,173 125,730 132,848 137,657 163,492 170,182 176,759 198,701 226,909

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 163,080 178,772 207,167 222,134 217,948 255,461 256,726 304,346 310,163 358,600 406,943 437,473

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 841 13,788 14,048 23,456 23,696 48,163 48,602 58,687 58,927 92,468 108,017 113,372

Loans 162,239 164,964 177,936 175,208 183,540 190,507 194,021 236,296 235,930 248,212 281,253 307,981

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 20 15,183 23,470 10,712 16,791 14,103 9,363 15,307 17,920 17,673 16,120

By currency of denomination: 163,080 178,772 207,167 222,134 217,948 255,461 256,726 304,346 310,163 358,600 406,943 437,473

Domestic currency 68,110 67,916 76,164 71,787 77,906 88,289 86,492 117,675 104,754 115,979 125,178 120,489

Foreign currency 94,970 110,855 131,002 150,347 140,042 167,172 170,233 186,671 205,409 242,622 281,765 316,984 - - - - - - - - - -

By residence of the creditor: 163,080 178,772 207,167 222,134 217,948 255,461 256,726 304,346 310,163 358,600 406,943 437,473

Domestic creditors 102,708 102,093 112,237 110,751 115,522 121,794 119,226 161,336 150,686 164,731 177,169 183,981

External creditors 60,372 76,679 94,930 111,382 102,426 133,667 137,500 143,010 159,478 193,869 229,774 253,492

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value


Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 3: Posisi Utang Lembaga Keuangan Publik Bruto / Gross Public Financial Corporation Debt Position

(Miliar IDR / Billions of IDR)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 549,059 626,091 565,627 446,651 508,644 551,290 513,923 470,131 525,928 490,736 534,780 515,835

Currency and deposits 214,226 312,559 294,984 180,684 244,799 278,408 264,345 160,474 198,552 197,463 213,179 172,546

Debt securities 251,957 213,079 180,427 146,759 123,552 145,051 111,142 122,074 131,455 110,196 106,102 128,339

Loans 30,355 38,765 43,564 70,966 86,166 77,959 85,775 85,765 89,902 85,509 107,447 103,742

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 52,520 61,689 46,652 48,241 54,127 49,872 52,661 101,817 106,019 97,568 108,052 111,208 - - - - - - - - -

Long-term, by original maturity: 49,435 55,724 54,152 56,326 57,257 64,133 76,932 74,304 100,016 100,809 104,222 103,076

With payment due in one year or less: 7,227 8,877 3,743 5,043 4,237 5,375 9,059 5,229 24,443 26,294 23,472 15,356

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 1,178 1,240 489 469 422 382 929 959 1,198 1,459 1,427 1,272

Loans 6,050 7,637 3,254 4,574 3,816 4,993 8,130 4,270 23,245 24,834 22,045 14,084

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 42,208 46,847 50,409 51,283 53,020 58,758 67,873 69,075 75,573 74,515 80,750 87,720

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 27,246 27,195 27,385 27,484 28,090 28,361 29,238 29,521 28,797 29,570 35,249 37,175

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 4,152 5,437 5,138 5,143 5,299 11,962 11,635 11,829 18,574 22,850 19,564 20,338

Loans 10,810 14,215 17,885 18,656 19,631 18,435 26,999 27,726 28,202 22,096 25,938 30,207

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 598,493 681,815 619,779 502,976 565,901 615,423 590,855 544,435 625,944 591,545 639,002 618,911

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 27,246 27,195 27,385 27,484 28,090 28,361 29,238 29,521 28,797 29,570 35,249 37,175

Currency and deposits 214,226 312,559 294,984 180,684 244,799 278,408 264,345 160,474 198,552 197,463 213,179 172,546

Debt securities 257,287 219,756 186,054 152,371 129,272 157,395 123,706 134,862 151,227 134,505 127,093 149,949

Loans 47,214 60,616 64,703 94,196 109,613 101,387 120,904 117,761 141,350 132,439 155,429 148,033

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 52,520 61,689 46,652 48,241 54,127 49,872 52,661 101,817 106,019 97,568 108,052 111,208 - - - -

By currency of denomination: 598,493 681,815 619,779 502,976 565,901 615,423 590,855 544,435 625,944 591,545 639,002 618,911

Domestic currency 440,982 424,192 369,218 359,814 384,907 374,828 353,455 336,793 392,859 360,094 372,574 389,153

Foreign currency 157,511 257,623 250,561 143,162 180,994 240,595 237,400 207,642 233,085 231,451 266,428 229,758

By residence of the creditor: 598,493 681,815 619,779 502,976 565,901 615,423 590,855 544,435 625,944 591,545 639,002 618,911

Domestic creditors 452,226 540,616 499,514 418,378 483,597 508,834 487,751 400,114 480,518 458,243 475,982 458,055

External creditors 146,267 141,200 120,265 84,599 82,304 106,589 103,104 144,320 145,426 133,302 163,020 160,856

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value

2011 2012 2013

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Table 4: Total Posisi Utang Sektor Publik Bruto / Total Gross Public Sector Debt Position

(Miliar IDR / Billions of IDR)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Gross Public Sector Debt

By maturity and type of instrument:

Short-term by original maturity 594,017 674,464 640,153 529,421 584,951 632,476 578,889 528,688 594,619 578,101 649,753 631,302

Currency and deposits 214,226 312,559 294,984 180,684 244,799 278,408 264,345 160,474 198,552 197,463 213,179 172,546

Debt securities 280,496 236,722 204,371 178,025 156,348 174,462 140,314 145,136 154,837 134,054 150,337 171,082

Loans 46,774 63,474 78,962 99,001 119,009 112,944 107,467 111,897 119,904 131,096 160,512 160,346

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 52,520 61,709 61,835 71,711 64,796 66,663 66,764 111,181 121,326 115,489 125,726 127,328

Long-term, by original maturity: 1,862,186 1,910,020 1,941,698 2,004,636 2,058,332 2,176,811 2,244,311 2,297,800 2,332,706 2,408,188 2,669,947 2,800,577

With payment due in one year or less: 139,155 132,904 128,462 143,701 129,664 148,546 167,862 164,947 178,827 177,452 179,569 196,314

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 58,966 56,334 49,770 63,694 53,075 68,639 69,540 58,545 66,708 71,425 64,647 91,482

Loans 80,189 76,569 78,692 80,006 76,545 79,907 98,322 106,402 112,119 106,027 114,922 104,832

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - 0 - - 44 - - - - - - -

With payment due in more than one year: 1,723,031 1,777,116 1,813,237 1,860,935 1,928,668 2,028,265 2,076,449 2,132,853 2,153,879 2,230,736 2,490,379 2,604,263

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 27,246 27,195 27,385 27,484 28,090 28,361 29,238 29,521 28,797 29,570 35,249 37,175

Currency and deposits - - - - - - - - - - - -

Debt securities 1,016,773 1,075,374 1,090,768 1,121,763 1,190,210 1,276,587 1,300,061 1,350,968 1,389,620 1,478,636 1,610,352 1,661,812

Loans 679,012 674,547 695,084 711,688 710,368 723,317 747,149 752,364 735,462 722,530 844,778 905,276

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable - - 0 - - - - - - - - -

Total gross debt 2,456,203 2,584,484 2,581,852 2,534,057 2,643,283 2,809,287 2,823,200 2,826,487 2,927,325 2,986,289 3,319,700 3,431,880

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 27,246 27,195 27,385 27,484 28,090 28,361 29,238 29,521 28,797 29,570 35,249 37,175

Currency and deposits 214,226 312,559 294,984 180,684 244,799 278,408 264,345 160,474 198,552 197,463 213,179 172,546

Debt securities 1,356,235 1,368,431 1,344,909 1,363,483 1,399,632 1,519,688 1,509,915 1,554,649 1,611,165 1,684,115 1,825,336 1,924,376

Loans 805,975 814,589 852,738 890,695 905,922 916,167 952,938 970,662 967,485 959,653 1,120,211 1,170,455

Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other accounts payable 52,520 61,709 61,835 71,711 64,839 66,663 66,764 111,181 121,326 115,489 125,726 127,328

By currency of denomination: 2,456,203 2,584,484 2,581,852 2,534,057 2,643,283 2,809,287 2,823,200 2,826,487 2,927,325 2,986,289 3,319,700 3,431,880

Domestic currency 1,450,465 1,451,056 1,409,137 1,424,438 1,497,090 1,533,902 1,531,271 1,552,461 1,635,643 1,635,571 1,710,247 1,773,571

Foreign currency 1,005,737 1,133,428 1,172,714 1,109,618 1,146,194 1,275,385 1,291,929 1,274,026 1,291,682 1,350,718 1,609,453 1,658,309 - - - - - - - - - - - -

By residence of the creditor: 2,456,203 2,584,484 2,581,852 2,534,057 2,643,283 2,809,287 2,823,200 2,826,487 2,927,325 2,986,289 3,319,700 3,431,880

Domestic creditors 1,285,206 1,366,666 1,357,409 1,313,129 1,408,679 1,476,993 1,457,326 1,469,139 1,488,480 1,499,516 1,571,512 1,622,490

External creditors 1,170,996 1,217,818 1,224,442 1,220,928 1,234,605 1,332,295 1,365,874 1,357,348 1,438,845 1,486,773 1,748,188 1,809,390

Memorandum item:

1) C&Ds are not included

2) Debt securities at nominal value

2011 2012 2013

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




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Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam US Dollar (USD)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Menurut Mata Uang

By Currency

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel I - Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Konsolidasi

Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Miliar USD / Billions of USD)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Central government 1) 169.2 187.0 199.5 204.5 194.9

a.Domestic Currency 89.0 100.4 109.5 113.5 103.7

b.Foreign Currency 80.2 86.6 90.0 91.0 91.2

2 Minus: Central government debt held by Bond Sinking Fund - - - - -

a.Domestic Currency - - - - -

b.Foreign Currency - - - - -

3 Central government, consolidated with Bond Sinking Fund 169.2 187.0 199.5 204.5 194.9

a.Domestic Currency 89.0 100.4 109.5 113.5 103.7

b.Foreign Currency 80.2 86.6 90.0 91.0 91.2

4 Social security institutions - - - - -

a.Domestic Currency - - - - -

b.Foreign Currency - - - - -

5 Local government units 0.1 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.8

a.Domestic Currency 0.1 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.8

b.Foreign Currency n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

6 General government debt, unconsolidated 169.4 188.1 200.9 206.0 196.7

a.Domestic Currency 89.1 101.5 110.9 115.0 105.5

b.Foreign Currency 80.2 86.6 90.0 91.0 91.2

7 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings (domestic currency) 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

b.National government debt held by Local government units n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

c. Local government debt held by National government 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

8 Total consolidated general government debt 169.3 188.1 200.7 205.9 196.6

a.Domestic Currency 89.1 101.5 110.7 114.9 105.4

b.Foreign Currency 80.2 86.6 90.0 91.0 91.2

9 Nonfinancial public corporations 2) 3) 15.3 19.4 24.5 31.5 38.2

a.Domestic Currency 6.4 8.4 7.9 12.2 11.8

b.Foreign Currency 8.9 11.1 16.6 19.3 26.4

10 Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt: unconsolidated 184.6 207.5 225.2 237.3 234.8

a.Domestic Currency 95.5 109.8 118.6 127.1 117.1

b.Foreign Currency 89.1 97.7 106.6 110.3 117.6

11 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 10.5 17.0 15.6 10.5 10.2

a.Domestic Currency 8.0 13.8 11.9 8.0 8.4

i. Central government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

ii. Local government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

iii. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Central government 4.6 6.9 5.6 4.9 5.3

iv. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Local government - - - - -

v. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 3.3 6.9 6.2 3.1 3.2

vi. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

b.Foreign Currency 2.5 3.2 3.7 2.5 1.8

i. State-Owned Companies debt held by national government - - - - -

ii. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 2.5 3.2 3.7 2.5 1.8

iii. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

iv. Central Bank Debt to Central Government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

12 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 174.2 190.5 209.6 226.9 224.6

a.Domestic Currency 87.6 96.0 106.8 119.1 108.7

b.Foreign Currency 86.6 94.5 102.8 107.8 115.9


. Total intrasector- debt holdings -

a.Domestic Currency 8.0 13.8 12.0 8.1 8.5

b.Foreign Currency 2.5 3.2 3.7 2.5 1.8

. GDP 596.4 715.9 819.0 852.3 745.3

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel II - Posisi Utang Sektor Publik

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position

(Miliar USD / Billions of USD)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 174.2 190.5 209.6 226.9 224.6

a.Domestic Currency 87.6 96.0 106.8 119.1 108.7

b.Foreign Currency 86.6 94.5 102.8 107.8 115.9

2 Public Financial Corporations 49.9 54.0 55.5 56.3 48.5

Domestic Currency 39.4 41.4 39.7 34.8 30.0

Foreign Currency 10.6 12.6 15.8 21.5 18.4

i. Central Bank 1) 40.9 45.9 45.3 43.4 37.1

Domestic Currency 34.5 36.9 34.8 29.5 24.8

Foreign Currency 6.4 9.0 10.5 13.9 12.3

ii. Financial SOE 2) 9.0 8.0 10.2 12.9 11.3

Domestic Currency 4.8 4.5 4.9 5.3 5.2

Foreign Currency 4.2 3.6 5.3 7.6 6.1

3 Public sector debt, unconsolidated 224.1 244.5 265.1 283.2 273.0

Domestic Currency 126.9 137.4 146.5 153.9 138.7

Foreign Currency 97.2 107.0 118.6 129.3 134.3

4 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

Domestic Currency 49.2 52.3 61.4 61.1 48.8

a Central government securities held by Central Bank 2.7 3.1 9.1 11.2 9.6

b Central Government debt to Central Bank 27.1 28.0 27.3 25.1 19.5

c Local government debt to Financial SOE 0.0 0.0 n.a. n.a. n.a.

d. Central government debt to Financial SOE 15.3 14.7 16.5 15.3 12.2

e. Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 4.0 6.6 8.5 9.5 7.6

Foreign Currency 0.2 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.6

a Central government securities held by Central Bank n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

b Central Government debt to Central Bank - - - - -

c Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.2 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.6

5 Consolidated public sector debt 174.8 192.0 202.3 220.6 222.6

Domestic Currency 77.8 85.1 85.0 92.8 89.9

Foreign Currency 97.0 106.9 117.2 127.7 132.7


. Total contingent obligations (guaranteed debt) 135.2 163.7 189.2 204.7 177.4

Domestic Currency 135.2 161.7 186.5 202.0 174.9

Government guaranteed loan 3) - 2.0 2.6 2.6 1.8

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) 135.2 159.6 183.9 199.4 173.0

Foreign Currency - 2.1 2.7 2.7 2.5

Central Government direct guaranteed on State-Owned Companies loans 3) - 2.1 2.7 2.7 2.5

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) - - - - -

. Total intra-public sector debt holdings 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

Domestic Currency 49.2 52.3 61.4 61.1 48.8

Foreign Currency 0.2 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.6

. GDP 596.4 715.9 819.0 819.0 745.3

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,068.0 12,189.0

. Public Sector Debt to GDP (%) 29.3 26.8 24.7 26.9 29.9

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

1) Excludes Currency (M1)

2) Banking sector SOEs Debt, excludes 3rd Parties Time Deposits

3) Guarantees to PT. PLN

4) Deposits guarantees on LPS

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Menurut Mata Uang

By Currency

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel I - Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Konsolidasi

Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Triliun IDR / Trillions of IDR)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Central government 1) 1,590.7 1,681.7 1,808.9 1,977.7 2,375.5

a.Domestic Currency 836.3 902.8 992.8 1,098.0 1,263.9

b.Foreign Currency 754.3 778.8 816.1 879.7 1,111.6

2 Minus: Central government debt held by Bond Sinking Fund - - - - -

a.Domestic Currency - - - - -

b.Foreign Currency - - - - -

3 Central government, consolidated with Bond Sinking Fund 1,590.7 1,681.7 1,808.9 1,977.7 2,375.5

a.Domestic Currency 836.3 902.8 992.8 1,098.0 1,263.9

b.Foreign Currency 754.3 778.8 816.1 879.7 1,111.6

4 Social security institutions - - - - -

a.Domestic Currency - - - - -

b.Foreign Currency - - - - -

5 Local government units 1.3 9.7 12.4 14.2 21.6

a.Domestic Currency 1.3 9.7 12.4 14.2 21.6

b.Foreign Currency n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

6 General government debt, unconsolidated 1,592.0 1,691.3 1,821.4 1,991.9 2,397.1

a.Domestic Currency 837.6 912.5 1,005.2 1,112.2 1,285.5

b.Foreign Currency 754.3 778.8 816.1 879.7 1,111.6

7 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings (domestic currency) 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.2 1.2

a.National government debt held by Local government units n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

b.Local government debt held by National government 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.2 1.2

8 Total consolidated general government debt 1,591.7 1,691.1 1,820.1 1,990.7 2,395.9

a.Domestic Currency 837.3 912.3 1,004.0 1,111.0 1,284.3

b.Foreign Currency 754.3 778.8 816.1 879.7 1,111.6

9 Nonfinancial public corporations 2) 3) 144.0 174.8 222.1 304.3 465.6

a.Domestic Currency 60.6 75.4 71.8 117.7 143.5

b.Foreign Currency 83.4 99.4 150.3 186.7 322.1

10 Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt: unconsolidated 1,735.7 1,865.9 2,042.2 2,295.0 2,861.5

a.Domestic Currency 897.9 987.7 1,075.8 1,228.7 1,427.8

b.Foreign Currency 837.8 878.2 966.5 1,066.4 1,433.7

11 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 98.4 153.3 150.7 112.8 124.2

a.Domestic Currency 74.9 124.3 116.7 88.7 102.8

i. Central government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

ii. Local government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

iii. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Central government 43.3 61.7 60.2 58.7 64.1

iv. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Local government - - - - -

v. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 31.0 62.1 56.5 29.9 38.7

vi. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0

b.Foreign Currency 23.6 29.0 34.0 24.1 21.4

i. State-Owned Companies debt held by national government - - - - -

ii. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 23.4 28.9 33.9 24.0 21.4

iii. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

iv. Central Bank Debt to Central Government 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

12 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 1,637.2 1,712.6 1,891.5 2,182.3 2,737.3

a.Domestic Currency 823.0 863.4 959.0 1,140.0 1,325.0

b.Foreign Currency 814.2 849.2 932.5 1,042.3 1,412.3


. Total intrasector- debt holdings

a.Domestic Currency 75.2 124.5 118.0 89.9 104.0

b.Foreign Currency 23.6 29.0 34.0 24.1 21.4

. GDP 5,606.2 6,436.3 7,427.1 8,241.9 9,084.0

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel II - Posisi Utang Sektor Publik

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position

(Triliun IDR / Trillions of IDR)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 1,637.2 1,712.6 1,891.5 2,182.3 2,737.3

a.Domestic Currency 823.0 863.4 959.0 1,140.0 1,325.0

b.Foreign Currency 814.2 849.2 932.5 1,042.3 1,412.3

2 Public Financial Corporations 469.4 485.3 503.0 544.4 590.7

Domestic Currency 370.1 372.1 359.8 336.8 366.1

Foreign Currency 99.3 113.2 143.2 207.6 224.6

i. Central Bank 1) 384.6 413.1 410.4 419.9 452.6

Domestic Currency 324.6 332.0 315.3 285.3 302.3

Foreign Currency 60.0 81.1 95.1 134.6 150.3

ii. Financial SOE 2) 84.8 72.2 92.6 124.6 138.1

Domestic Currency 45.4 40.2 44.5 51.5 63.8

Foreign Currency 39.3 32.1 48.1 73.1 74.3

3 Public sector debt, unconsolidated 2,106.6 2,197.9 2,394.5 2,726.7 3,328.0

Domestic Currency 1,193.1 1,235.5 1,318.9 1,476.8 1,691.1

Foreign Currency 913.5 962.4 1,075.6 1,249.9 1,636.9

4 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

Domestic Currency 462.1 470.0 556.9 590.6 595.3

a Central government securities held by Central Bank 25.4 27.5 82.4 108.4 117.1

b Central Government debt to Central Bank 254.9 251.5 247.6 243.1 237.8

c Local government debt to Financial SOE 0.1 0.1 n.a. n.a. n.a.

d. Central government debt to Financial SOE 144.2 131.9 149.5 147.5 148.1

e. Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 37.6 59.0 77.5 91.6 92.3

Foreign Currency 1.5 1.3 12.5 14.8 19.8

a Central government securities held by Central Bank n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

b Central Government debt to Central Bank - - - - -

c Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 1.5 1.3 12.5 14.8 19.8

5 Consolidated public sector debt 1,643.0 1,726.6 1,825.1 2,121.3 2,712.9

Domestic Currency 731.0 765.5 761.9 886.2 1,095.9

Foreign Currency 912.0 961.1 1,063.1 1,235.1 1,617.0


. Total contingent obligations (guaranteed debt) 1,271.3 1,471.9 1,715.6 1,980.7 2,161.9

Domestic Currency 1,271.3 1,453.4 1,690.8 1,949.8 2,131.3

Government guaranteed loan 3) - 18.2 23.1 21.2 22.3

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) 1,271.3 1,435.2 1,667.7 1,928.6 2,109.0

Foreign Currency - 18.5 24.8 30.9 30.6

Central Government direct guaranteed on State-Owned Companies loans 3) - 18.5 24.8 30.9 30.6

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) - - - - -

. Total intra-public sector debt holdings 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

Domestic Currency 462.1 470.0 556.9 590.6 595.3

Foreign Currency 1.5 1.3 12.5 14.8 19.8

. GDP 5,606.2 6,436.3 7,427.1 8,241.9 9,084.0

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

. Public Sector Debt to GDP (%) 29.3 26.8 24.6 25.7 29.9

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

1) Excludes Currency (M1)

2) Banking sector SOEs Debt, excludes 3rd Parties Time Deposits

3) Guarantees to PT. PLN

4) Deposits guarantees on LPS

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam US Dollar (USD)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in US Dollar (USD)

Menurut Kreditur

By Creditors

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel I - Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Konsolidasi

Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Miliar USD / Billions of USD)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Central government 1) 169.2 187.0 199.5 204.5 194.9

a.Domestic Creditor 78.4 79.6 86.5 93.9 80.4

b.External Creditor 90.9 107.4 113.0 110.7 114.5

2 Minus: Central government debt held by Bond Sinking Fund - - - - -

a.Domestic Creditor - - - - -

b.External Creditor - - - - -

3 Central government, consolidated with Bond Sinking Fund 169.2 187.0 199.5 204.5 194.9

a.Domestic Creditor 78.4 79.6 86.5 93.9 80.4

b.External Creditor 90.9 107.4 113.0 110.7 114.5

4 Social security institutions - - - - -

a.Domestic Creditor - - - - -

b.External Creditor - - - - -

5 Local government units 0.1 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.8

a.Domestic Creditor 0.1 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.8

b.External Creditor n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

6 General government debt, unconsolidated 169.4 188.1 200.9 206.0 196.7

a.Domestic Creditor 78.5 80.7 87.8 95.3 82.2

b.External Creditor 90.9 107.4 113.0 110.7 114.5

7 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings (domestic creditor) 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

b.National government debt held by Local government units n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

c. Local government debt held by National government 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

8 Total consolidated general government debt 169.3 188.1 200.7 205.9 196.6

a.Domestic Creditor 78.5 80.7 87.7 95.2 82.1

b.External Creditor 90.9 107.4 113.0 110.7 114.5

9 Nonfinancial public corporations 2) 3) 15.3 19.4 24.5 31.5 38.2

a.Domestic Creditor 9.0 12.4 12.2 16.7 17.4

b.External Creditor 6.3 7.0 12.3 14.8 20.8

10 Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt: unconsolidated 184.6 207.5 225.2 237.3 234.8

a.Domestic Creditor 87.5 93.1 99.9 111.9 99.5

b.External Creditor 97.2 114.4 125.3 125.4 135.2

11 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 10.5 17.0 15.6 10.5 10.2

a.Domestic Creditor 10.5 17.0 15.6 10.5 10.2

i. Central government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

ii. Local government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

iii. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Central government 4.6 6.9 5.6 4.9 5.3

iv. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Local government - - - - -

v. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 5.8 10.1 10.0 5.6 4.9

vi. Central Bank Debt to Central Government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

vii. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

b.External Creditor - - - - -

i. State-Owned Companies debt held by national government - - -

12 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 174.2 190.5 209.6 226.9 224.6

a.Domestic Creditor 77.0 76.0 84.3 101.4 89.3

b.External Creditor 97.2 114.4 125.3 125.4 135.2


. Total intrasector-debt holdings

a.Domestic Creditor 10.5 17.1 15.7 10.6 10.3

b.External Creditor - - - - -

. GDP 596.4 715.9 819.0 852.3 745.3

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel II - Posisi Utang Sektor Publik

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position

(Miliar USD / Billions of USD)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 174.2 190.5 209.6 226.9 224.6

a.Domestic Creditor 77.0 76.0 84.3 101.4 89.3

b.External Creditor 97.2 114.4 125.3 125.4 135.2

2 Public Financial Corporations 49.9 54.0 55.5 56.3 48.5

Domestic Creditor 39.7 40.7 46.1 41.4 35.3

External Creditor 10.3 13.2 9.3 14.9 13.2

i. Central Bank 1) 40.9 45.9 45.3 43.4 37.1

Domestic Creditor 32.5 34.2 39.0 33.5 27.9

External Creditor 8.4 11.8 6.2 9.9 9.3

ii. Financial SOE 2) 9.0 8.0 10.2 12.9 11.3

Domestic Creditor 7.2 6.5 7.1 7.9 7.4

External Creditor 1.9 1.5 3.1 5.0 3.9

3 Public sector debt, unconsolidated 224.1 244.5 265.1 283.2 273.0

Domestic Creditor 116.7 116.8 130.4 142.8 124.6

External Creditor 107.4 127.7 134.6 140.4 148.4

4 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

Domestic Creditor 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

a Central government securities held by Central Bank 2.7 3.1 9.1 11.2 9.6

b Central Government debt to Central Bank 27.1 28.0 27.3 25.1 19.5

c Local government debt to Financial SOE 0.0 0.0 n.a. n.a.

d. Central government debt to Financial SOE 15.3 14.7 16.5 15.3 12.2

e. Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 4.2 6.7 9.9 11.0 9.2

External Creditor n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

Central government securities held by Central Bank n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

5 Consolidated public sector debt 174.8 192.0 202.3 220.6 222.6

Domestic Creditor 67.4 64.3 67.6 80.2 74.1

External Creditor 107.4 127.7 134.6 140.4 148.4


. Total contingent obligations (guaranteed debt) 135.2 163.7 189.2 204.8 177.4

Domestic Creditor 135.2 161.7 186.5 201.6 174.9

Government guaranteed loan 3) - 2.0 2.6 2.2 1.8

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) 135.2 159.6 183.9 199.4 173.0

External Creditor - 2.1 2.7 3.2 2.5

Central Government direct guaranteed on State-Owned Companies loans 3) - 2.1 2.7 3.2 2.5

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) - - - - -

. Total intra-public sector debt holdings 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

Domestic Creditor 49.3 52.4 62.8 62.6 50.5

External Creditor - - - - -

. GDP 596.4 715.9 819.0 852.3 745.3

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

. Public Sector Debt to GDP (%) 29.3 26.8 24.7 25.9 29.9

Sources: Dit EAS, Dit SUN, Dit SPU, Bank Indonesia, Dit APK DJPB dan Dit SMI DJPB

1) Excludes Currency (M1)

2) Banking sector SOEs Debt, excludes 3rd Parties Time Deposits

3) Guarantees to PT. PLN

4) Deposits guarantees on LPS

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia Konsolidasi dalam Rupiah (IDR)

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia in Rupiah (IDR)

Menurut Kreditur

By Creditors

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel I - Posisi Utang Pemerintah dan Perusahaan BUMN Bukan Lembaga Keuangan Konsolidasi

Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporation Debt Position

(Triliun IDR / Trillions of IDR)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Central government 1) 1,590.7 1,681.7 1,808.9 1,977.7 2,375.5

a.Domestic Creditor 736.6 716.1 784.0 907.7 980.5

b.External Creditor 854.0 965.6 1,024.9 1,070.0 1,395.0

2 Minus: Central government debt held by Bond Sinking Fund - - - - -

a.Domestic Creditor - - - - -

b.External Creditor - - - - -

3 Central government, consolidated with Bond Sinking Fund 1,590.7 1,681.7 1,808.9 1,977.7 2,375.5

a.Domestic Creditor 736.6 716.1 784.0 907.7 980.5

b.External Creditor 854.0 965.6 1,024.9 1,070.0 1,395.0

4 Social security institutions - - - - -

a.Domestic Creditor - - - - -

b.External Creditor - - - - -

5 Local government units 1.3 9.7 12.4 14.2 21.6

a.Domestic Creditor 1.3 9.7 12.4 14.2 21.6

b.External Creditor n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

6 General government debt, unconsolidated 1,592.0 1,691.3 1,821.4 1,991.9 2,397.1

a.Domestic Creditor 737.9 725.7 796.4 921.9 1,002.1

b.External Creditor 854.0 965.6 1,024.9 1,070.0 1,395.0

7 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings (domestic creditor) 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.2 1.2

b.National government debt held by Local government units n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

c. Local government debt held by National government 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.2 1.2

8 Total consolidated general government debt 1,591.7 1,691.1 1,820.1 1,990.7 2,395.9

a.Domestic Creditor 737.6 725.5 795.1 920.7 1,000.8

b.External Creditor 854.0 965.6 1,024.9 1,070.0 1,395.0

9 Nonfinancial public corporations 2) 3) 144.0 174.8 222.1 304.3 465.6

a.Domestic Creditor 84.8 111.4 110.8 161.3 212.2

b.External Creditor 59.2 63.4 111.4 143.0 253.5

10 Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt: unconsolidated 1,735.7 1,865.9 2,042.2 2,295.0 2,861.5

a.Domestic Creditor 822.4 836.9 905.9 1,082.0 1,213.0

b.External Creditor 913.2 1,029.0 1,136.3 1,213.0 1,648.5

11 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 98.4 153.3 150.7 112.8 124.2

a.Domestic Creditor 98.4 153.3 150.7 112.8 124.2

i. Central government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

ii. Local government debt held by Nonfinancial SOE - - - - -

iii. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Central government 43.3 61.7 60.2 58.7 64.1

iv. Nonfinancial SOE debt held by Local government - - - - -

v. Central Government deposits at Central Bank 54.4 91.0 90.4 53.92 60.08

vi. Central Bank Debt to Central Government 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

vii. Nonfinancial SOE deposits at Central Bank 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0

b.External Creditor - - - - -

i. State-Owned Companies debt held by national government - - - - -

12 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 1,637.2 1,712.6 1,891.5 2,182.3 2,737.3

a.Domestic Creditor 724.0 683.7 755.2 969.2 1,088.7

b.External Creditor 913.2 1,029.0 1,136.3 1,213.0 1,648.5


. Total intrasector-debt holdings

a.Domestic Creditor 98.7 153.5 152.0 114.0 125.5

b.External Creditor - - - - -

. GDP 5,606.2 6,436.3 7,427.1 8,241.9 9,084.0

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




Tabel II - Posisi Utang Sektor Publik

Consolidated Public Sector Debt Position

(Triliun IDR / Trillions of IDR)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Total Consolidated Government and Public Nonfinancial Corporations Debt 1,637.2 1,712.6 1,891.5 2,182.3 2,737.3

a.Domestic Creditor 724.0 683.7 755.2 969.2 1,088.7

b.External Creditor 913.2 1,029.0 1,136.3 1,213.0 1,648.5

2 Public Financial Corporations 469.4 485.3 503.0 544.4 590.7

Domestic Creditor 372.8 366.2 418.4 400.1 429.9

External Creditor 96.6 119.1 84.6 144.3 160.9

i. Central Bank 1) 384.6 413.1 410.4 419.9 452.6

Domestic Creditor 305.5 307.3 354.0 323.8 339.8

External Creditor 79.1 105.8 56.4 96.0 112.8

ii. Financial SOE 2) 84.8 72.2 92.6 124.6 138.1

Domestic Creditor 67.3 58.9 64.3 76.3 90.1

External Creditor 17.5 13.3 28.2 48.3 48.1

3 Public sector debt, unconsolidated 2,106.6 2,197.9 2,394.5 2,726.7 3,328.0

Domestic Creditor 1,096.8 1,049.8 1,173.5 1,369.3 1,518.6

External Creditor 1,009.8 1,148.1 1,220.9 1,357.3 1,809.4

4 Minus: Intrasector-debt holdings 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

Domestic Creditor 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

a Central government securities held by Central Bank 25.4 27.5 82.4 108.4 117.1

b Central Government debt to Central Bank 254.9 251.5 247.6 243.1 237.8

c Local government debt to Financial SOE 0.1 0.1 n.a. n.a. n.a.

d. Central government debt to Financial SOE 144.2 131.9 149.5 147.5 148.1

e. Financial SOE deposits at Central Bank 39.1 60.3 90.0 106.4 112.2

External Creditor n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

a Central government securities held by Central Bank n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

5 Consolidated public sector debt 1,643.0 1,726.6 1,825.1 2,121.3 2,712.9

Domestic Creditor 633.2 578.5 604.1 763.9 903.5

External Creditor 1,009.8 1,148.1 1,220.9 1,357.3 1,809.4


. Total contingent obligations (guaranteed debt) 1,271.3 1,471.9 1,715.6 1,980.7 2,162.1

Domestic Creditor 1,271.3 1,453.4 1,690.8 1,949.8 2,131.3

Government guaranteed loan 3) - 18.2 23.1 21.2 22.3

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) 1,271.3 1,435.2 1,667.7 1,928.6 2,109.0

External Creditor - 18.5 24.8 30.9 30.9

Central Government direct guaranteed on State-Owned Companies loans 3) - 18.5 24.8 30.9 30.9

Government Financial Institution guarantees assumed by Central Government 4) - - - - -

. Total intra-public sector debt holdings 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

Domestic Creditor 463.6 471.3 569.4 605.4 615.1

External Creditor - - - - -

. GDP 5,606.2 6,436.3 7,427.1 8,241.9 9,084.0

. IDR/USD1 9,400.0 8,991.0 9,068.0 9,670.0 12,189.0

. Public Sector Debt to GDP (%) 29.3 26.8 24.6 25.7 29.9

Sumber / Source : Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia / Ministry of Finance and Bank of Indonesia

1) Excludes Currency (M1)

2) Banking sector SOEs Debt, excludes 3rd Parties Time Deposits

3) Guarantees to PT. PLN

4) Deposits guarantees on LPS

Statistik Utang Sektor Publik Indonesia / Public Sector Debt Statistics of Indonesia




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Republik Indonesia Republic of Indonesia

Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Gedung Frans Seda Jl. Dr. Wahidin Raya No.1 Jakarta 10710

Departemen Internasional, Bank Indonesia Menara Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Lantai 5 Jl. MH Thamrin No.2 Jakarta 10350