stairway the heaven

ffirryoie$erues . ' ...:, i:' Y. fuT*l $stiyanta

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Page 1: Stairway The Heaven


' ...:, i:'

Y. fuT*l $stiyanta

Page 2: Stairway The Heaven



Mlei $etiyanta


Buku ini dinyatakan layak uniuk dipergunakan di sekolah dan tercantumdalam lampiran Surat Edaran Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan MenengahNo. 8957/C.C6/PT/99 tertanggal 8 November 1 999.


Page 3: Stairway The Heaven

Stairway To Heaven021,1,11,

O Kanisius 1998


Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan,Yogyakana 55281'

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N7ebsite : www.kanisiusmedia.comE-mail : [email protected]

Cetakanke- 7 6 5 4 3

Tahun 06 05 04 03 02

Ilustasi oleh Yulius Suryono

fsBN g7g4g7-841-8rsBN 979497-844-2

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang.DtTarangmemperbanyakkarya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengatl c f^ aPapun'

termasuk fotokopi, tarrp^ izin tertulis dari Penerbit.

Dicetak oleh Percetakm Kmisius Yogl'aktta

Page 4: Stairway The Heaven


eading is a good way of getting knowledge. It should be introduced

tn early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage

children to love reading, we provide interesting stories rn a fable series. \7e

believe that antmal kingdom stories have their own ^ttractt.veness

to amuse

children with fantasac stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to buitd theit

own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to

have in their soul good moral values that are always enriching every story.

Page 5: Stairway The Heaven
Page 6: Stairway The Heaven

It was a bright day. The water of the river looked clear. At that time, all of the

river inhabitants v/ere platrng ioyf,rlly. They realfi enioyed the nice day.

"Don't go too far my dear. Stay close to me," Mrs. Mujau remirtded her child.

She was always taking care of her only child. \Thenever her child v/ent away, she

always followed her because Mrs. Mujair felt afrard that her child would go astr^y.

"Dofl't 'v/ofry, Mum. I am platrng hefe," her child would answef. Together

with them were Miss Blackmolly and Mr. I(okky.

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Page 8: Stairway The Heaven

"V/hat is it? It's a fat worm.It must be very delicious," said Miss Blackmolly. She

wrc /ann1 fish.'

"$(/atch out! Don't touch it. It's dangerous. Two days ago, Mr. Tombro ate a

worm like that then he'v/ent ^way

and he didn't come back again," shouted Mr. I{okky.All the fish stayed away from that worm. No fish dared to apprcach or eat tt.

Sucldenly, the worm slowly started moving upwards,higher and higher above the place

where the fish could swim and play. Of course, they were all surprised. How could a

tlcad worm suddenly be able to move? Soon, there was a cockroach near them. It was

rrlso dead. Quicldy, Mrs. Muja:r approached.It seemed that she was eagerto eatit be-

ciruse cockroach was her.fauounte food.

Page 9: Stairway The Heaven

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Page 10: Stairway The Heaven

"How delicious it is," she wbispered. Then she started

fish were watching her. They were all worried. Nothing

Mujair was about to finish eating the cockroach when

l<lud voice,

'o'How dare you eat the cockroach, Mrs. Mujair?"

eating its head. Other

happened. No.t, Mrs.

suddenly there was a


Page 11: Stairway The Heaven
Page 12: Stairway The Heaven

All the {tsh turned around to see who was coming. From a distance, they saw

Mr. Lele swimming closer to them. They were aII fightened and su/am away to

find a hiding place. All the fish were afraid of Mr. Lele. He often hurt fish who

rlisobeyd his orders. He had dark skin, a long moustache and two sharp weaporus

on his head. He was not only cruel but also geedJ.He always took other fish's


"Damn it! Who dares to eat the cockroach's head? It's my favourite," h.growled

^ngrtry.FIe was so upset that no fish answered him.

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Page 14: Stairway The Heaven

"This is my meal. None of you is allowed to eat it!" he shouted. Quickly,Mr. Lele ate the cockroach. Other fish kept watching from their hiding places.

SLrcldenly, Mr. Lele's body went slowly upwards. The water of the river was.rl.trrking fast but none of them dared to leave their safe place.

After the water had become calm again, the fishes came out from their hiding

1;lrrces. They did not know that Mr. Cnb was watching everything with great interest.Mrrst of the fish did not like Mr. Crab because hewasfusy and bad tempered. He wasnls<> jealous of the fish' closed friendship. Wh at he wanted was to live alone in therivcr without being disturbed by the frsh' existence,

"Nfhere did Mr. Lele go?" asked Miss Blackmolly.

"I don't know But he was a gre^t fish. He can ascend up there by his own

l)()wer. Franldy speaking, I hate him, the greedy fish, but I admire him," repJied Mr.Kol<ky.

"I know where he is," Mr. Crab suddenly interrupted. All the fish turned their:rllcntion to Mr. Crab.

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Page 16: Stairway The Heaven

"My beloved comradeq Mr. Lele has got a wonderful life now. He is up on the

ltnd. Don't you know what it is like up there? Up there, you will experience night and

dty," explained Mr. Crab. A11 the fish came closer to him to l-isten to his interestino


"Duringthe days, it's very bright up there because of avery bnght lamp, namely

tlrc sun. The sun is hung in the rky," the tric@tMr. Crab said.

"What is the sky?" wondered Mrs. Mujair.

"$7ell. The sky is mmm ..... It's real7y difficult to explain it to you. In fact, it's

rt'tlly beautiful. You will understand and admire it if you see it by yourself," said

N'lr. Crab. He found it difficult to explain the sky to the fish. Mrs. Mujair, however,

ttorlrled though she was not quite satisfed with the answer.

"Go on telling me your story," urged Mr. I{okky.

"\7ell, besides the sun, there are also clouds in the sky. A cloud rs a mass oftrroving steam. The steam c fl move because the wind blows it. When the night('( )rlrcs, there will be dark up there. However, there is still a lamp which ltghtens therririlrt a little. It is called the moon. Besides the moon, there are also lots of stars.'l lrcy're so beautiful," tricked Mr. Crab.

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Page 18: Stairway The Heaven

Mr. Crab was happy because he had succeeded in tricking the fish.

"Foolish fish!" he thought arrogant[t.

"Come on Mr. Crab. Why do you keep silent? Don't stop telling me your expe-

rience. I like tt, " beged M:rs. Blackmolly,

"In other words, there are lots of wonderful things up there. During the day,

there is the sun. At night, there are the moon and the stars," said Mr. Crab ending his


"I wantto go up there. I want to experience day and night," shouted all the

fish. Suddenly, there was a worm near them.

"Look. It's a worm," called Mrs. Mujair. The fish were frightened.

"Don't be afraid, my comrades. It's a stair to go up there. The up there is called

beauen. So, it's a stairway to heaven. If you want to go there, you must take the 'worm

irrto your mouth," said the me tt Mr. Crab.

"Do you believe me? Look at mq" said Mr. Crab. He pinched the worm. Sud-

tlcnly, Mr. Crab was going up. All the fish were surprised. When Mr. Crab was about

t<r reach the surface of the water, Mr. Crab released his pinch.

Page 19: Stairway The Heaven

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Page 20: Stairway The Heaven

"My goodness. It's wonderfiil," said Mr. I(okky. In a few moments, there was a

v/orm near the fish again. And from a iistance, Mr. Crab walked approaching them.

"You see how marue/ouslt this stairway to heaven worked," promoted Mr. Crab.

"Whv didn't Mr. Lele come back here with you?" asked Mr. I(okky."Hmm. He is too happy in heaven," said the tricky Mr. Crab brirfb.

Page 21: Stairway The Heaven
Page 22: Stairway The Heaven

A1l the fishfowghtto take the worm into their mouths. They u/ere eagff to go toheaven to see the day and the night, the gky, the sun, the clouds, rhe wind, the moonand the stars. One by one, the fish left the water. They v/ere all going up. At last, Mr.Crub was alone.

For many days, Mr. Crab eryoyd himself in the water. No one disturbed himanymore. He danced and sang joyfully. He ate the plankton as much as he could.

While laughing, he said,

"I am happy now, aten'tI?"' But there was no answer.

"I am huppy now, aren't I?" Mr. Cnb shouted.

No answet agalr'.

"Am I happy now?" Mr. Crab shouted even louder.

Still there'v/as no answer.

Page 23: Stairway The Heaven

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Page 24: Stairway The Heaven


approach, approached (v) = mendekati

aftogant ("di) = sombong

anogandy (adv) = dengan sombong

ascend, ascended (r) = nuik ke atas

asftay (adv) = tersesat

bad tempered (adj) = berwatak burukbeg, begged (v) = meminta

brief (adj) = singkat

briefly (adv) = dengan singkat

bright (adj) = cerah

cleat (adj) = tetaLng, bening

cocktoach (n) = kecoa

comtade (n) = sahabat

dare, dared (v) = berani

delicious (^dj) = enak,Iezzt

disobey, disobeyed (v) = tidak mentaati

distance (n) = jarak

disturb, disturbed (v) = mengganggu

during (n) = selama

eager (adj) = ingin sekali

enjoy, enjoyed (v) = menikmati

existence (n) = keberadaan

experience (n) = pengalaman

favourite (n) = kesukaan

fight, fought (n) = berkelahi

ftighten, frightened (v) = menakutkan

frightened (adj) = 1rPo,

funny (adj) = lucu

fussy (adf) = cerewet

greedy (rdj) = loba, rakus

growl, growled (v) = menggeram

hate, hated (v) = membenci

heaven (n) = surga

interrupt, interrupted (v) = menyela

jealous ("dj) = iri hati, cemburu

lighten, iightened (v) = menerangi

marvelous (rdj) = mengagumkan

marvelously (adv) = dengan mengagumkan

mass (n) = kelompok

nod, nodded (v) = mengangguk

Page 25: Stairway The Heaven

pinch, pinched (v) = menjePit

promote, promoted (v) = mempromosikan

reat (adj) = rryat^

teally (adv) = benar-benar

remind, reminded (v) = mengingatkan

satisfied (adj) = puas

satisfii, satisfied (v) = memuaskan

shake, -ing (v) = berguncang

shout, shouted (v) = berteriak

stair (n) = tangg:a

succeed, succedeed (v) = berhasil

surface (n) = permukaan

touch, touched (v) = menyentuh

tricky (udj) = licik, Penuh akal

turn, turned (v) = berbalik

upward (adv) = ke atas

weapofl (n) = senjata

whisper, whispered (v) = berbisik

wondeq wondered (v) = berPikir

worm (n) = cacing

Page 26: Stairway The Heaven

Llf is book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented

for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level.

Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautifulpictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete

stories of fables series?

1. False Beauty 9. The Smartest2. Mr. lnvoice 10. KikkY Koala

3. Broken Friendship 11. Trouble Makers

4. Bat's Deed 12. How the Tiger Got lts Stripes

5. A New House 13. Missing Eggs

6. Bad Habit 14. Belief in Friendship7. Be Yourself 15. Stainruay to Heaven

8. The Candidate campaign 16. Mr. Stork's Big scheme

rsBN 979497-841-8rsBN 979497-844-2

r ililt ililt ililr lllll lllll lllll llllllll02117 1