sosiologi komunikasi

Sosiologi Komunikasi Kunto Adi Wibowo

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Page 1: Sosiologi Komunikasi

Sosiologi Komunikasi

Kunto Adi Wibowo

Page 2: Sosiologi Komunikasi

Sosiologi Roucek dan Warren

Ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara manusia dalam kelompok-kelompok

William F. Ogburn dan Meyer F. Nimkoff, Penelitian secara ilmiah terhadap interaksi sosial dan hasilnya yaitu organisasi sosial

J.A.A. Van Doorn dan C.J. Lammers Ilmu pengetahuan tentang struktur-struktur dan peroses-proses kemasyarakatan yang

bersifat stabil

Selo Soemardjan & Soelaeman Soemardi Ilmu yang mempelajari struktur sosial dan proses-proses sosial, termasuk perubahan-

perubahan sosial.

Howard BeckerIlmu yang mempelajari manusia “melakukan hal bersamaan” karena individu atau

masyarakat tidak akan pernah hadir secara independen satu sama lain.

Page 3: Sosiologi Komunikasi

Definisi text book• Sociology: the systematic or scientific study of human

society and social behavior, from large-scale institutions and mass culture to small groups and individual interactions

• Sociology is the study of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of human behavior involves the relationships among people -- or more specifically, the associations between people and the products of human interaction such as organizations, technologies, economies, cities, culture, media and religion.

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Sosiologi vs. antropologi

• The American Anthropological Association defines anthropology as the study of humans, past and present. Anthropological viewpoints are inspired by observing cross-cultural differences in social institutions, cultural beliefs and communication styles

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• society a group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from other groups

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Disiplin ilmu?

• Multidisipliner bahkan antidisipliner dalam ilmu karena pengotakan tidak memadai dalam melihat fenomena sosial secara utuh dan komprehensif

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Bagaimana mempelajari sosiologi?

• beginner’s mind approaching the world without preconceptions in order to see things in a new way

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Imajinasi sosiologis

• a quality of the mind that allows us to understand the relationship between our particular situation in life and what is happening at a social level

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Sosiologi dan ilmu sosial

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Level analisis sosiologi

Level makro

Level mikro

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Micro vs. macro

• Microsociology: examines small group interactions to see how they impact larger institutions in society

• Macrosociology: examines large scale social structures to determine how they impact groups and individuals

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• Kasus kekerasan kelompok bersepeda motor di Bandung.

• Buatlah analisis secara berkelompok:– Mikrososiologi yang menjelaskan makrososiologi– Makrososiologi yang menjelaskan mikrososiologi

• Presentasi per kelompok, masing-masing maksimal 10 menit.