papua dalam angka 2015

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  • 8/18/2019 Papua Dalam Angka 2015



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    Papua in igures

    ISSN : 0215-2312

    No. Publikasi : 9400.1531

    Publication Number

    Katalog BPS : 1102001.94

    BPS Catalogue

    Ukuran Buku : 14,8 cm x 21 cm

    Book SizeJumlah Halaman : lxviii + 606 halaman/ pages

    Number of Pages

    Naskah/ Manuscript   :

    Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi Statistik

    Integration Processing and Statistics Dissemination Division

    Naskah/ Manuscript   :

    Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi StatistikIntegration Processing and Statistics Dissemination Division

    Desain Sampul/ Cover Design  :

    Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi Statistik

    Integration Processing and Statistics Dissemination Division

    Gambar Sampul/ Cover Picture :

    Ir. Didik Koesbianto, M.Si

    BPS Provinsi Papua/ Statistics of Papua Province

    Dicetak Oleh/ Printed by : 

    ©Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Papua

    ©Statistics of Papua Province

    (Cetakan /Printed I: November /November 2015)

    Dilarang mengumumkan, mendistribusikan, mengomunikasikan, dan/atau

    menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa

    izin tertulis dari Badan Pusat Statistik

  • 8/18/2019 Papua Dalam Angka 2015



    Prohibited to announce, distribute, communicate, and/or copy part or all of this

    book for commercial purpose without permission from BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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     Map of Papua Province

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    Chief Statistician of Papua Province

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 ix 


    Papua Dalam Angka merupakan seri publikasi tahunan BPS Provinsi

    Papua yang menyajikan beragam jenis data yang bersumber dari BPS dan

    institusi lain. Publikasi ini memuat gambaran umum tentang keadaan geografi

    dan iklim, pemerintahan, serta perkembangan kondisi sosial-demografi dan

    perekonomian di Provinsi Papua. Beberapa tabel tertentu menyajikan data

    pada tingkat kabupaten dan provinsi untuk melihat keterbandingan antar

    wilayah. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman dan pemanfaatan data, disertakan

     juga statistik deskriptif dari setiap bab.

    Data yang disajikan dalam Publikasi Papua Dalam Angka memiliki lag

    satu tahun. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan konsumen data, publikasi

    Papua Dalam Angka terus mengalami penyempurnaan baik struktur maupun

    muatannya. Untuk mempermudah akses terhadap data Papua Dalam Angka,

    seri tabel berdasarkan subjek dan Publikasi Papua Dalam Angka sudah bisa

    dibaca dan diunduh melalui website BPS Provinsi Papua( tanpa berbayar. Pada publikasi Papua Dalam Angka

    2015 ini dilengkapi dengan infografis data strategis sebagai bagian dari

    pembatas bab.

    Publikasi ini dapat terwujud berkat kerja sama dan partisipasi dari

    berbagai pihak. Kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi, kami

    sampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih. Semoga statistik yang disajikan

    memberi manfaat bagi banyak pihak untuk berbagai keperluan. Kami

    mengharapkan tanggapan dan saran dari para pengguna publikasi ini untuk

    perbaikan edisi yang akan datang.

    Jayapura, November 2015




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    x P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    P R E F A C E

    Papua in Figure is an annual publication presenting various data from

    BPS-Statistics of Papua Province and other agencies. The publication provides

    general pictures of geographic and climate conditions, government, and jey

    socio-demographic and economic characteristics of Papua Province. The data in

    some particular tables are presented at regency/municipality and provincial

    level to compare socio-economic condition among regions. Descriptive Statistic

     for each chapter is also features in this publication to provide a better

    understanding in interpreting data.

    Data in Papua in Figure presented with one-year lag. In line with the

    increasing demand of data users, the contents and the structure of this

     publication have been continously improved. This publication and a series of the

    tables by subject can be read and downloaded on our website

    (  ) for free as our commitment to provide an immediate

    and easier access to the data. In this edition, it also comes with infographics forsome strategic data on chapter breaks.

    The release of the publication has been made possible due to assistance

    and contribution of various government and private organizations. To all parties

    who have been involved in the copletion of this publication, we would like to

    express our high appreciation and gratitude. Hopefully this publication will be a

    useful resource for any purpose. Comments and Suggestions to improve the

     publication are always welcome

     Jayapura, November 2015



    Chief Statistician

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xi 

    D A F T A R I S I

    C O N T E N T S

    Kata Pengantar ....................................................................... ix

    PrefaceDaftar Isi ................................................................................ xi


    Daftar Tabel ....................................................................... xiii

    List of Tables

    Daftar Gambar ....................................................................... lv

    List of Figures

    Penjelasan Umum .............................................................. lxvExplanatory Notes

    Statistik Kunci ....................................................................... 1

    Key Statistics

    1 Geografi dan Iklim .......................................................... 3

    Geography and Climate

    2 Pemerintahan ................................................................ 33


    3 Penduduk dan Ketenagakerjaan ..................................... 79

    Population and Employment

    4 Sosial ................................................................................ 113


    5 Pertanian ....................................................................... 251


    6 Industri, Pertambangan, dan Energi .............................. 353

    Industry, Mining and Energy

    7 Peradagangan ................................................................ 383


    8 Hotel dan Pariwisata ........................................................ 405

    Hotel and Tourism

    9 Transportasi dan Komunikasi ........................................ 423

    Transportation and Communication

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    xii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    10 Keuangan dan Harga ........................................................ 477

    Finance and Price

    11 Pengeluaran Konsumsi dan Konsumsi Makanan ............... 565

    Consumption Expenditure and Consumption

    12 Pendapatan Regional ..................................................... 575

    Regional Income

    13 Perbandingan Antarprovinsi ........................................... 594

    Interprovincial Comparison

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xiii 

    D A F T A R T A B E L

    L I S T O F T A B L E S




    1.1 Geografi/ Geography

    1.1.1 Luas dan Persentase Wilayah Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Total and Percentage Area by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 17

    1.1.2 Tinggi Beberapa Kota dari Permukaan LautMenurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Height Above Sea Level of Some

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 18

    1.1.3 Letak Geografis Beberapa Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Geographical Location of some

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 19

    1.1.4 Nama Ibukota Kabupaten/Kota dan Jarak ke

    Ibukota Provinsi Menurut Kabupaten/Kota diProvinsi Papua, 2014

    Name of Regency/Municipality Capital and

    Distance to Province Capital by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 20

    1.1.5 Luas Wilayah Kabupaten/Kota Menurut Kelas

    Lereng/Kemiringan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

     Area of Regency/Municipality by Slope/Inclination

    Class in Papua Province, 2014 ................................ 211.1.6 Jarak Tempuh Antar Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Distance Between Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Provinces, 2014 ..................................................... 22

    1.1.7 Jumlah Gempa Bumi di Provinsi Papua Menurut

    Bulan, 2013

    Number of Earthquakes in Papua Province by

    Month, 2013 .......................................................... 24

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    xiv P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    1.2 Iklim/ Climate

    1.2.1 Rata-rata Suhu Udara, Kelembaban, Tekanan

    Udara, Kecepatan Angin, Curah Hujan, Hari Hujan

    dan Penyinaran Matahari Menurut Stasiun di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

     Average of Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric

    Pressure, Wind Velocity, Precipitation, Rain Days

    and Duration of Sunshine by Station di Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 25

    1.2.2 Suhu Udara Maksimum, Minimum dan Rata-rata

    Menurut Bulan di Provinsi Papua (0C), 2014

    Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature

    by Month in Papua Province ( 0C), 2014

    ................... 281.2.3 Kelembaban Udara Maksimum, Minimum dan

    Rata-rata Menurut Bulan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Maximum, Minimum and Average of Humidity by

    Month in Papua Province, 2014 ............................. 29

    1.2.4 Jumlah Curah Hujan dan Hari Hujan Menurut

    Bulan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Precipitation and Rain Days by Month

    in Papua Province, 2014 ........................................ 30

    1.2.5 Rata-rata Tekanan Udara, Kecepatan Angin danPenyinaran Matahari Menurut Bulan di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

     Average of Athmospheric Pressure, Wind Velocity

    and Duration of Sunshine by Month in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  31


    2.1 Wilayah Administrative/ Administrative Area

    2.1.1 Jumlah Distrik dan Kampung/Kelurahan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Subdistrict and Village/Suburban by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014

    ......  51

    2.1.2 Nama-nama Distrik dan Jumlah

    Kampung/Kelurahan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xv 

    Names of Subdistrict and Number of

    Village/Suburban by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  52

    2.2 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD)/ Regional Parliament  

    2.2.1 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Provinsi Papua Menurut Partai

    Politik/Fraksi, 2014-2019

    Number of Regional Parliament Members of

    Papua Province by Political Party/Fraction, 2014-

    2019 .......................................................................  67

    2.2.2 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Provinsi Papua Menurut Partai

    Politik/Fraksi dan Daerah Pemilihan, 2014-2019Number of Regional Parliament Members of

    Papua Province by Political Party/Fraction and

    Voting Area, 2014-2019 .........................................  68

    2.2.3 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Provinsi Papua Menurut Partai

    Politik/Fraksi dan Jenis Kelamin, 2014-2019

    Number of Regional Parliament Members of

    Papua Province by Political Party/Fraction and

    Sex, 2014-2019 ......................................................  692.2.4 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Provinsi Papua Menurut Tingkat

    Pendidikan, 2014-2019

    Number of Regional Parliament Members of

    Papua Province by Education Level, 2014-2019 .....  70

    2.2.5 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Provinsi Papua Menurut Daerah Pemilihan

    dan Agama, 2014-2019Number of Regional Parliament Members of

    Papua Province by Voting Area and Religion, 2014-

    2019 .......................................................................  71

    2.2.6 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

    (DPRD) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis

    Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Regional Parliament Member by

    Regency/Municipality and Sex in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  72

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    xvi P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    2.3 Sumber Daya Manusia/ Human Resources

    2.3.1 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Menurut Unit

    Kerja dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number and Percentage of Regional Civil Servant

    by Working Unit in Papua Province, 2014 ...............  73

    2.3.2 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Menurut Unit

    Kerja dan Tingkat Kepangkatan di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of Regional Civil Servant by Working Unit

    and Hierarchy in Papua Province, 2014 ..................  74

    2.3.3 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Menurut Unit

    Kerja dan Pendidikan Tertinggi yang Ditamatkan di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Regional Civil Servant by Working Unitand School Attainment in Papua Province, 2014 ....  75


    3.1 Penduduk/ Population

    3.1.1 Luas Wilayah dan Jumlah Penduduk Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Total Area and Population by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  933.1.2 Jumlah Penduduk dan Laju Pertumbuhan

    Penduduk Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2000, 2010, 2014

    Number of Population and Population Growth by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2000,

    2010, 2014 .............................................................  94

    3.1.3 Jumlah Penduduk Menurut Jenis Kelamin dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014Number of Population by Sex and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  95

    3.1.4 Jumlah Penduduk, Rumah Tangga dan Rata-rata

    Anggota Rumah Tangga Hasil Sensus Penduduk di

    Provinsi Papua, 1990-2010

    Number of Population, Household and Average of

    Household Member as Population Census Result in

    Papua Province, 1971-2010 ...................................  96

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xvii 

    3.1.5 Jumlah Penduduk Jenis Kelamin dan Kelompok

    Umur di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population by Sex and Age Group in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  97

    3.1.6 Jumlah Penduduk Jenis Kelamin dan Kelompok

    Umur Sasaran Program di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population by Sex and Programme

    Target Age Group in Papua Province, 2014 ............  98

    3.1.7 Proporsi Penduduk Perempuan Usia 10 Tahun ke

    Atas yang Pernah Kawin Menurut Usia

    Perkawinan Pertama di Provinsi Papua,2010-


    Proportion of Female Population Aged 10 years

    Old and Above Who Ever Married by FirstMarriage Age in Papua Province, 2010-2014 .........  99

    3.1.8 Persentase Penduduk Usia 10 Tahun ke Atas

    Menurut Jenis Kelamin, Kelompok Umur dan

    Status Perkawinan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Percentage of Population Aged 10 years Old and

     Above by Sex, Age Group and Marital Status in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  100

    3.2 Ketenagakerjaan/ Employment

    3.2.1 Jumlah Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun ke Atas Menurut

    Jenis Kegiatan Utama di Provinsi Papua,2012-


    Number of Population Aged 15 years Old and

     Above by Type of Main Activity in Papua Province,

    2012-2014 .............................................................  101

    3.2.2 Jumlah Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun ke Atas Menurut

    Jenis Kegiatan Utama dan Jenis Kelamin di ProvinsiPapua, 2014

    Number of Population Aged 15 years Old and

     Above by Type of Main Activity and Sex in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  102

    3.2.3 Jumlah Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun ke Atas Menurut

    Jenis Kegiatan Utama dan Pendidikan Tertinggi

    yang Ditamatkan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population Aged 15 years Old and

     Above by Type of Main Activity and School Attainment in Papua Province, 2014 ......................  103

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    xviii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    3.2.4 Jumlah Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun ke Atas yang

    Bekerja Menurut Kelompok Umur dan Jenis

    Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population Aged 15 years Old and

     Above Who Worked by Age Group and Sex in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  104

    3.2.5 Jumlah Penduduk Berumur 15 Tahun ke Atas yang

    Bekerja Menurut Lapangan Usaha dan Jenis

    Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population Aged 15 years and Old Who

    Worked by Main Industry and Sex in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  105

    3.2.6 Jumlah Penduduk Berumur 15 Tahun ke Atas yang

    Menganggur Menurut Pendidikan Tertinggi yangDitamatkan dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of Population Aged 15 years and Old Who

    Unemployment by School Attainment and Sex in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  106

    3.2.7 Jumlah Penduduk Berumur 15 Tahun ke Atas yang

    Bekerja Menurut Jam Kerja Seminggu yang Lalu

    dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Population Aged 15 years and Old Who

    Worked and by Working Hours During the

    Previous Week and Sex in Papua Province, 2014 ....  107

    3.2.8 Jumlah Pencari Kerja yang Terdaftar dan

    Ditempatkan Menurut Pendidikan Terakhir yang

    Ditamatkan dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of Registered and Placed Job Seeker by

    School Attainment and Sex in Papua Province,2013 .......................................................................  108

    3.2.9 Jumlah Pencari Kerja Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

    dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi Papua, 2013

    Number of Job Seeker by Regency/ Municipality

    and Sex in Papua Province, 2013 ............................  110

    3.2.10 Jumlah Lowongan Kerja yang Terdaftar Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi

    Papua, 2013

    Number of Registered Job Vacancies by Regency/Municipality and Sex in Papua Province, 2013 .......  111

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xix 

    3.2.11 Jumlah Pencari Kerja yang Ditempatkan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Kelamin di Provinsi

    Papua, 2013

    Number of Registered Job Vacancies by Regency/

    Municipality and Sex in Papua Province, 2013 .......  112


    4.1 Pendidikan/ Education

    4.1.1 Angka Partisipasi Sekolah (APS) Menurut

    Kelompok Umur di Provinsi Papua, 2010- 2014

    School Attendance Rate (SAR) by Age Group in

    Papua Province, 2010-2014 ...................................  141

    4.1.2 Angka Partisipasi Murni (APM) dan AngkaPartisipasi Kasar (APK) Menurut Tingkat

    Pendidikan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Net Enrollment Rate (NER) and Gross Enrollment

    Rate (GER) by Education Level in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  142

    4.1.3 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Provinsi Papua, 2010-


    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Kindergarten in Papua Province,

    2010-2014 .............................................................  143

    4.1.4 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Taman Kanak-kanak Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Kindergarten by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  1444.1.5 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Raudhatul Athfal/Bustanul Athfal Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Moslem Kindergarten by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  146

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    xx P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    4.1.6 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Dasar Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Primary School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  148

    4.1.7 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, -2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of State-Owned Primary School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  150

    4.1.8 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Dasar Swasta MenurutKabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Private-Owned Primary School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  152

    4.1.9 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Moslem Primary School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  154

    4.1.10 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Junior High School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  156

    4.1.11 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of State-Owned Junior High School

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  158

    4.1.12 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Swasta

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxi 

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Private-Owned Junior High

    School by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  160

    4.1.13 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Moslem Junior High School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  162

    4.1.14 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas Menurut Jenis

    Sekolah di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-Teacher Ratio of Senior High School by Type of

    School in Papua Province, 2014 ..............................  164

    4.1.15 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Senior High School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  166

    4.1.16 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of State-Owned Senior High School

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  168

    4.1.17 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta MenurutKabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Private-Owned Senior High

    School by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  170

    4.1.18 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    xxii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of Vocational Senior High School by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  172

    4.1.19 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-

    Teacher Ratio of State-Owned Vocational Senior

    High School by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  174

    4.1.20 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Rasio Murid-

    Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student, Teacher and Student-Teacher Ratio of Private-Owned Vocational Senior

    High School by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  176

    4.1.21 Jumlah Sekolah, Murid yang Terdaftar Mengikuti

    dan Lulus Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) Menurut

    Tingkat Pendidikan dan Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of School, Student Who Registered and

    Passed of Final State Examination by Education

    Level and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  178

    4.1.22 Jumlah Mahasiswa dan Dosen pada Perguruan

    Tinggi Swasta di Kota Jayapura, 2014/2015

    Number of Students and Lecturers on Private-

    Owned University in Jayapura Municipality,

    2014/2015 .............................................................  184

    4.1.23 Banyaknya Dosen menurut Perguruan Tinggi DiKota Jayapura, 2014/2015

    Number of Lectures at College in Jayapura City,

    2014/2015 ............................................................. 185

    4.1.24 Jumlah Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Menurut

    Jenis Kelamin di Kota Jayapura, 2014/2015

    Number of Students in University by Sex in

     Jayapura City, 2014/2015 ...................................... 186

    4.1.25 Jumlah Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Jayapura

    Menurut Jenis Kelamin, 2014/2015

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxiii 

    Number of University Graduates by Sex in

     Jayapura City, 2014/2015 ...................................... 187

    4.1.26 Jumlah Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Jayapura,


    Number of University Graduates in Jayapura City,

    2014/2015 ............................................................. 188

    4.2 Kesehatan/ Health

    4.2.1 Jumlah Fasilitas Kesehatan di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of Health Facility in Papua Province,

    2010-2012 .............................................................  189

    4.2.2 Jumlah Rumah Sakit Umum dan Tempat Tidur

    Menurut Institusi Pengelola dan Kabupaten/Kotadi Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Public Hospitals and Beds by

    Management and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2012 .......................................................  190

    4.2.3 Jumlah Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat dan

    Sejenisnya Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2012

    Number of Public Health Centre and Similar by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2012 .....  1924.2.4 Jumlah Puskesmas Keliling Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Public Mobile Health Centre by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2012 .....  193

    4.2.5 Jumlah Dokter Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Doctor by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2012 .............................................  1944.2.6 Jumlah Bidan dan Perawat Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Midwife and Nurse by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2012 .....  195

    4.2.7 Jumlah Tenaga Kesehatan Lainnya Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Other Health Worker by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2012 .....  196

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    xxiv P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    4.2.8 Jumlah Balita yang Pernah Mendapat Imunisasi

    Menurut Jenis Imunisasi dan Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2012

    Number of Children Under Five Years Were

    Immunized by Type of Immunization and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2012 .....  197

    4.2.9 Jumlah Bayi Lahir, Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah

    (BBLR), BBLR Dirujuk, dan Bergizi Buruk di Provinsi

    Papua, 2007-2011

    Number of Infants Born, Infant Low Birth Weight

    (LBW) Referred LBW, and Nutritious Poor in Papua

    Province, 2007-2011 ..............................................  200

    4.2.10 Jumlah Ibu Hamil, Melakukan Kunjungan K1 dan

    Melakukan Kunjungan K4 di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

    Number of pregnant women, do visit K1 and visit

    K4 in Papua Province, 2008-2012 ...........................  201

    4.2.11 Jumlah Penderita HIV/AIDS di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of HIV/AIDS Patient in Papua Province,

    2005-2012 .............................................................  202

    4.2.12 Jumlah Penerima Donor Darah melalui PMI

    menurut Golongan Darah di Kota Jayapura, 2010-2014

    Number of Transfusion Receipt Through IRC by

    Type of Blood in Jayapura Municipality,

    2010-2014 .............................................................  203

    4.2.13 Jumlah Donor Darah melalui PMI menurut Jenis

    Donor Darah di Kota Jayapura, 2010-2014

    Number of Transfusion Received Through IRC by

    Kind of Blood Donation in Jayapura Municipality,2010-2014 .............................................................  204

    4.2.14 Jumlah Pendukung Program Keluarga Berencana

    Menurut Jenis dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Family Planning Programme Support

    by Type and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  205

    4.2.15 Jumlah Klinik Keluarga Berencana Menurut

    Pengelola dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxv 

    Number of Family Planning Clinics by

    Management and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  208

    4.2.16 Jumlah Akseptor Aktif menurut Jenis Pemakaian

    Alat di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Number of Active Acceptors by Contraceptive

    Methods in Papua Province, 2010-2014 .................  209

    4.2.17 Jumlah Akseptor Aktif Menurut Pemakaian Jenis

    Alat Kontrasepsi dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Active Acceptor by Contraceptive

    Methods and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  211

    4.2.18 Jumlah Akseptor Baru Menurut Jenis PemakaianAlat di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Number of New Acceptors by Contraceptive

    Methods in Papua Province, 2005-2014 .................  213

    4.2.19 Jumlah Akseptor Baru Menurut Alat Kontrasepsi

    yang Dipakai dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of New Acceptors by Contraceptive

    Methods and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  2154.2.20 Jumlah Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS), Akseptor Aktif

    dan Akseptor Baru di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Number of Reproductive Age Couples, Active

     Acceptors and New Acceptors in Papua Province,

    2005-2014 .............................................................  217

    4.2.21 Target dan Realisasi Akseptor Keluarga Berencana

    menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Target and Realization of Family Planning Acceptors by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  218

    4.2.22 Jumlah Sarana Pelayanan dan Akseptor Baru

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Facilities and New Acceptors by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  220

    4.2.23 Jumlah Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dan Akseptor

    Aktif Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


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    xxvi P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Number of Number of Reproductive Age Couples

    and Active Acceptors by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  221

    4.2.24 Jumlah, Sasaran, dan Persentase Pencapaian

    Kontrak Kinerja Provinsi (KKP) di Provinsi Papua,


    Total, Goal, and Percentage of Achievement of

    Provincial Performance Contracts in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  222

    4.3 Agama/ Religion

    4.3.1 Jumlah Pemeluk Agama menurut Golongan

    Agama dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,

    2014Number of Adherent of Religion by Religion and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  223

    4.3.2 Jumlah Tempat Peribadatan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Places of Worship by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  224

    4.3.3 Jumlah Jemaah Haji Menurut Jenis Kelamin dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Moslem Pilgrims by Sex and

    Regency/Municipality by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 225

    4.4 Kriminalitas/ Crime

    4.4.1 Jumlah Perkara Pidana Umum yang Diterima dan

    Diselesaikan per Daerah Kejaksaan di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of General Criminal Cases Received andFinished by District Attorney in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  226

    4.4.2 Jumlah Perkara Pidana Korupsi yang Diterima dan

    Diselesaikan per Daerah Kejaksaan di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Corruption Cases Received and

    Finished by District Attorney in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  227

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxvii 

    4.4.3 Jumlah Perkara Perdata yang Diterima dan

    Diselesaikan per Daerah Pengadilan di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Civil Cases Received and Finished by

    District Court in Papua Province, 2014 ...................  228

    4.4.4 Jumlah Perkara Pidana yang Diterima dan

    Diselesaikan per Daerah Pengadilan di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Criminal Cases Received and Finished

    by District Court in Papua Province, 2014 ...............  229

    4.4.5 Jumlah Perkara Pidana Lalu Lintas yang Diterima

    dan Diselesaikan per Daerah Pengadilan di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Traffic Criminal Cases Received andFinished by District Court in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  230

    4.4.6 Perkara yang Masuk dan Diputuskan oleh

    Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Menurut Daerah di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Cases Reported and Judged by Religious High

    Court in Papua Province, 2014 ...............................  231

    4.4.7 Jumlah Kapasitas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan

    Narapidana Menurut Jenis Kelamin di ProvinsiPapua, 2014

    Number of Prison Capacity and Prisoner by Sex in

    Papua Province, 2014 .............................................  234

    4.4.8 Jumlah Narapidana dan Tahanan/Titipan di

    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Menurut Bulan di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Prisonersand Deposited Custody in

    Prison Office by Month in Papua Province, 2014 ....  235

    4.5 Kemiskinan dan Pembangunan Manusia/ Poverty and Human


    4.5.1 Jumlah Keluarga Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan

    Klasifikasi Keluarga di Provinsi Papua, 2011

    Number of Family by Regency/Municipality and

    Classification of Family in Papua Province, 2011 ....  236

    4.5.2 Jumlah dan Persentase Penduduk Miskin Menurut

    Daerah di Provinsi Papua, 2011-2015

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    xxviii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Number and percentage of Population Under

    Poverty Line in Papua Province, 2011-2015 ............  237

    4.5.3 Indeks Kedalaman Kemiskinan dan Indeks

    Keparahan Kemiskinan Menurut Daerah di

    Provinsi Papua, 2011-2015

    Poverty Gap Index and Poverty Severity Index in

    Papua Province, 2011-2015 ...................................  238

    4.5.4 Jumlah dan Persentase Penduduk Miskin, P1, P2

    dan Garis Kemiskinan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota,


    Percentage and Number of Population under

    Poverty Line, P1, P2 and Poverty Line by Regency,

    2013 .......................................................................  239

    4.5.5 Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) MenurutKabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Human Development Index (HDI) by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2010-

    2014 .......................................................................  240

    4.5.6 Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Menurut

    Dimensi dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


    Human Development Index (HDI) by Dimention

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  241

    4.6 Sosial Lainnya/ Other Social Issues

    4.6.1 Jumlah Peserta PT Askes Indonesia menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Participants of the PT Askes Indonesia

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 2424.6.2 Jumlah Peserta Peserta PT Askes Indonesia

    menurut Jenis Kepesertaan dan Kabupaten/Kota

    di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Participants of PT Askes Indonesia by

    Type of Participation and Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 243

    4.6.3 Perkembangan Peserta Program Jamsostek

    Berdasarkan SK Gubernur Papua No. 31 Tahun

    2001 di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxix 

    Trend of Jamsostek Programme Participation on

    Governor’s Decree No. 31 of 2001 in Papua

    Province, 2005-2014 .............................................. 245

    4.6.4 Perkembangan Pembayaran Jaminan Program

    Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (JAMSOSTEK) di

    Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Trend of Worker Social Guarantee Payment

    Programme in Papua Province, 2005-2014 ............  246

    4.6.5 Penerimaan dan Penyaluran Beras DOLOG di

    Provinsi Papua (kg), 2005-2014

    Revenue and Distribution of Rice by Logistic

    Warehouse in Papua Province (kg), 2005-2014 ...... 247

    4.6.6 Penerimaan dan Penjualan Beras DOLOG Menurut

    Konsumen di Provinsi Papua (kg), 2005-2014Revenue and Distribution of Logistic Warehouse

    Rice by Consumer Type in Papua Province (kg),

    2005-2014 ............................................................. 248

    4.6.7 Realisasi Pengadaan Beras Menurut Saluran

    Pembelian di Provinsi Papua (kg), 2005-2014

    Rice Procurement Realization by Purchase

    Channel in Papua Province (kg), 2005-2014 ........... 249


    5.1 Tanaman Pangan/ Food Crops

    5.1.1 Luas Lahan Menurut Penggunaan dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014 (ha)

     Area of Land by Utilization and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014

    (ha) ........................................................................ 267

    5.1.2 Luas Lahan Bukan Sawah Menurut Penggunaandan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014 (ha)

    Not Wet Land Area by Utilization and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014

    (ha) ........................................................................ 268

    5.1.3 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produkstivitas Padi

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Harvested Area, Production, and Productivity of

    Paddy by Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 270

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    xxx P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    5.1.4 Luas Panen, Produksi, Produktivitas Palawija

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Harvested Area, Production, and Productivity of

    Palawija by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 272

    5.1.5 Luas Panen, Produksi dan Produktivitas Padi

    Sawah dan Padi Ladang di Provinsi Papua, 2005-


    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Wet and Dry Land Paddy in Papua Province, 2005-

    2014 ....................................................................... 277

    5.1.6 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Jagung di

    Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity ofCorn in Papua Province, 2005-2014 ....................... 278

    5.1.7 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Ubi Kayu

    di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Cassava in Papua Province, 2005-2014 .................. 279

    5.1.8 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Ubi Jalar

    di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Sweet Potatoes in Papua Province, 2005-2014 ...... 2805.1.9 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Kacang

    Tanah di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Peanut in Papua Province, 2005-2014 .................... 281

    5.1.10 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Kacang

    Kedelai di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Soybean in Papua Province, 2005-2014 ................. 2825.1.11 Luas Panen, Produksi, dan Produktivitas Kacang

    Hijau di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Green Bean in Papua Province, 2005-2014 ............. 283

    5.1.12 Produksi Padi Sawah dan Padi Ladang Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Wet and Dry Land Paddy by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 284

    5.1.13 Produksi Jagung Menurut Kabupaten/Kota diProvinsi Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxxi 

    Production of Corn by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 285

    5.1.14 Produksi Ubi Kayu Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Cassava by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 286

    5.1.15 Produksi Ubi Jalar Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Sweet Potato by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 287

    5.1.16 Produksi Kacang Tanah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

    di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Peanut by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 2885.1.17 Produksi Kacang Kedelai Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Soybean by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 289

    5.1.18 Produksi Kacang Hijau Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

    di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Green Bean by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 290

    5.2 Hortikultura/ Horticulture

    5.2.1 Luas Panen, Produksi dan Produktivitas Sayur-

    Sayuran Menurut Jenis Tanaman di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Vegetables by Type of Plant in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 291

    5.2.2 Produksi Sayur-Sayuran Menurut Jenis Tanamandi Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014 (ton)

    Production of Vegetables by Type of Plant in

    Papua Province, 2010-2014 (ton) ........................... 292

    5.2.3 Luas Panen, Produksi dan Produktivitas Buah-

    buahan Menurut Jenis Tanaman di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Fruit by Type of Plant in Papua Province, 2014 ....... 293

    5.2.4 Produksi Buah-buahan Menurut Jenis Tanaman diProvinsi Papua, 2010-2014

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    xxxii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Production of Fruit by Type of Plant in Papua

    Province, 2010-2014 .............................................. 294

    5.2.5 Luas Panen, Produksi dan Produktivitas Tanaman

    Hias Menurut Jenis Tanaman di Provinsi Papua,


    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Ornamental Plants by Type of Plant in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 295

    5.2.6 Produksi Tanaman Hias Menurut Triwulan dan

    Jenis Tanaman di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production of Ornamental Plants by Quarter Type

    of Plant in Papua Province, 2014 ............................ 296

    5.2.7 Produksi Tanaman Hias Menurut Jenis Tanaman di

    Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014Production of Ornamental Plants by Type of Plant

    in Papua Province, 2010-2014 ................................ 297

    5.2.8 Luas Panen, Produksi dan Produktivitas Tanaman

    Biofarmaka Menurut Jenis Tanaman di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Harvested Area, Production and Productivity of

    Medicinal Plants by Type of Plant in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 298

    5.2.9 Produksi Biofarmaka Menurut Triwulan dan JenisTanaman di Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Production of Medicine Plant by Quarter Type of

    Plant in Papua Province, 2010-2014 ....................... 299

    5.2.10 Produksi Biofarmaka Menurut Jenis Tanaman di

    Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Production of Medicine Plant by Type of Plant in

    Papua Province, 2010-2014 ................................... 300

    5.3 Perkebunan/ Estate Crop

    5.3.1 Luas dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Planting Area and Production of Smallholders

    Estate by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 301

    5.3.2 Jumlah Petani Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Numbers of Smallholders Estate Farmers byRegency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 305

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxxiii 

    5.3.2 Luas Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Menurut Jenis

    Tanaman di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Planting Area of Smallholders Estates by Type of

    Plant in Papua Province, 2014 ................................ 308

    5.4 Peternakan/ Animal Husbandry

    5.4.1 Pemotongan Ternak Tercatat dan Tidak Tercatat

    Menurut Jenis Ternak di Provinsi Papua, 2005-


    Reported and Unreported Slaughtered Livestock

    by Kind in Papua Province, 2005-2013 ................... 309

    5.4.2 Pemotongan Ternak Tercatat dan Tidak Tercatat

    Menurut Jenis Ternak dan Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2013Reported and Unreported Slaughtered Livestock

    by Kind and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2013 ....................................................... 310

    5.4.3 Populasi Ternak Besar Menurut Jenis Ternak di

    Provinsi Papua, 2005-2013

    Big Livestock Population by Kind of Livestock in

    Papua Province, 2005-2013 ................................... 311

    5.4.4 Populasi Ternak Besar Menurut Jenis Ternak dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013Livestock Population by Kind of Livestock and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 ..... 312

    5.4.5 Populasi Ternak Kecil Menurut Jenis Ternak di

    Provinsi Papua, 2005-2013

    Small Livestock Population by Kind of Livestock in

    Papua Province, 2005-2013 ................................... 313

    5.4.6 Populasi Ternak Small Menurut Jenis Ternak dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013Small Livestock Population by Kind of Livestock

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2013 ....................................................................... 314

    5.4.7 Populasi Ternak Unggas Menurut Jenis Ternak di

    Provinsi Papua, 2005-2013

    Poultry Population by Kind of Livestock in Papua

    Province, 2005-2013 .............................................. 315

    5.4.8 Populasi Ternak Unggas Menurut Jenis Ternak dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013

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    xxxiv P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Poultry Population by Kind of Livestock and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 ..... 316

    5.4.9 Produksi Daging Menurut Jenis Unggas di Provinsi

    Papua, 2005-2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Poultry in Papua

    Province, 2005-2013 .............................................. 318

    5.4.10 Populasi Daging Menurut Jenis Ternak dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Poultry and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 ..... 319

    5.4.11 Produksi Telur Menurut Jenis Unggas di Provinsi

    Papua, 2005-2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Poultry in Papua

    Province, 2005- 2013 ............................................. 3215.4.12 Produksi Telur Menurut Jenis Unggas dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Poultry and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 ..... 322

    5.4.13 Produksi Daging Menurut Jenis Ternak di Provinsi

    Papua, 2005-2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Livestock in Papua

    Province, 2005-2013 .............................................. 324

    5.4.14 Produksi Daging Menurut Jenis Ternak danKabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013

    Meat Production by Kind of Livestock and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 ..... 326

    5.4.15 Ketahanan Pangan Menurut Penyediaan Ternak

    dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2013

    Food Security by Livestock Provisionand

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2005-

    2013 ....................................................................... 3285.4.16 Ketahanan Pangan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2013

    Food Security by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2013 ....................................................... 329

    5.5 Perikanan/ Fisheries 

    5.5.1 Jumlah Rumahtangga Perikanan Menurut Sub

    Sektor Perikanan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxxv 

    Number of Fisheries Household by Sub Sectors of

    Fisheries and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 330

    5.5.2 Produksi Perikanan Menurut Sub Sektor

    Perikanan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


    Production of Fisheries by Sub Sectors of Fisheries

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 331

    5.5.3 Nilai Produksi Perikanan Menurut Sub Sektor

    Perikanan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


    Production Valueof Fisheries by Sub Sectors of

    Fisheries and Regency/Municipality in PapuaProvince, 2014 ....................................................... 332

    5.5.4 Jumlah Rumahtangga Perikanan Menurut Fasilitas

    Perahu/Kapal dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Fisheries Household by Boat Facilities

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 333

    5.5.5 Jumlah Perahu/Kapal Penangkap Ikan Laut

    Menurut Jenisnya dan Kabupaten/Kota di ProvinsiPapua, 2014

    Number of Fishing Appared Boats by Type and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 334

    5.5.6 Jumlah Alat Penangkap Ikan Laut Menurut

    Jenisnya dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


    Number of Fishing Appared Tools by Kind and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 3355.5.7 Produksi Perikanan Laut Menurut Jenis Ikan dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Marine Fisheries Production by Kind of Fishes and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 ..... 338

    5.5.8 Nilai Produksi Perikanan Laut Menurut Jenis Ikan

    dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Production Value of Marine Fisheries by Kind of

    Fishes and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 340

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    xxxvi P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    5.6 Kehutanan/ Forestry

    5.6.1 Luas Kawasan Hutan dan Perairan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (ha), 2014

     Area of Forests and Waters by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province (ha),

    2014 ....................................................................... 343

    5.6.2 Volume Penjualan Dalam Negeri Beberapa

    Macam Produksi Hasil Hutan di Provinsi Papua

    (m3), 2010-2014

    Domestic Sale Volume of Several Kind of Forest

    Products in Papua Province(m3 ), 2010-2014 .......... 346

    5.6.3 Volume Penjualan ke Luar Negeri Beberapa

    Macam Produksi Hasil Hutan di Provinsi Papua


    ), 2010-2014Export Sale Volume of Several Kindof Forest

    Products in Papua Province (m3 ), 2010-2014 ......... 347

    5.6.4 Produksi Hasil Hutan Ikutan Menurut Jenisnya di

    Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Following Forestry Products by Kind in Papua

    Province, 2010- 2014 ............................................. 348

    5.6.5 Produksi Kayu Bulat Perusahaan Hak

    Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) di Provinsi Papua (m3),

    2010-2014Production of Logs of Forest Concession Estate in

    Papua Province (m3 ), 2010-2014 ............................ 349

    5.6.6 Luas Kawasan Suaka Alam dan Kawasan

    Pelestarian Alam di Provinsi Papua (ha), 2014

    Extent of Nature Preserve Concervation Area in

    Papua Province (ha), 2014 ..................................... 350

    5.6.7 Tutupan Lahan Mangrove Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (ha), 2014Mangrove Forest Area by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province (ha), 2014 ..................................... 351

    5.6.8 Luas Lahan Kritis Menurut Tingkat Kekritisan dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (ha), 2014

    Critical Lands According to the Severity and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province (ha),

    2014 ....................................................................... 352

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxxvii 



    6.1 Industri/ Industry

    6.1.1 Jumlah Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

    Menurut Sektor Usaha di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Numbers of Medium and Small Micro Entreprise

    by Economic Sector in Papua Province, 2014 .......... 363

    6.1.2 Jumlah Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

    Menurut Sektor Usaha dan Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Numbers of Medium and Small Micro Entreprise

    by Economic Sector and Regency/ Municipalityin

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 3646.1.3 Jumlah Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

    Menurut Jenisnya, Tenaga Kerja dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Numbers of Medium and Small Micro Entreprise

    by Kind, Employment and Regency/

    Municipalityin Papua Province, 2014 ..................... 365

    6.2 Pertambangan/ Mining

    6.2.1 Produksi Pertambangan PT Freeport MenurutBulan, 2012

    Mining Production of PT Freeport by Month,

    2012 ....................................................................... 366

    6.2.2 Produksi Pertambangan PT Freeport Menurut

    Bulan, 2012

    Mining Production of PT Freeport by Month,

    2012 ....................................................................... 368

    6.3 Energi/ Energy

    6.3.1 Jumlah Penyaluran Bahan Bakar Minyak Menurut

    Jenis dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (ribu

    liter), 2014

    Number of Petroleum Distribution by Type and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province

    (thousand litre), 2014 ............................................. 372

    6.3.2 Jumlah Bahan Bakar Minyak yang Disalurkan

    Menurut Jenis dan Bulan di Provinsi Papua (ribuliter), 2014

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    xxxviii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Numbers of Distributed Petroleum by Type of

    Petroleum and Month in Papua Province

    (thousand litre), 2014 ............................................. 374

    6.3.3 Penjualan Tenaga Listrik Menurut Stasiun

    Pembangkit di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Electricity Sales by Generator Station in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 375

    6.3.4 Besarnya Daya Terpasang Pembangkit Listrik PLN

    Menurut Tenaga Pembangkitnya di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Numbers of Installed Power of PLN by Power

    Generator in Papua Province, 2014 ........................ 376

    6.3.5 Besarnya Unit Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik PLN,

    Kapasitas Terpasang, Kemampuan Mesin danBeban Puncak Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Electric Generating Units of the State

    Electrical Company, Installed Capasity, Capability

    Machine and Peak Load by Regency/Municipality

    in Papua Province, 2014 ......................................... 377

    6.3.6 Tenaga Listrik yang Diproduksi, Dialirkan dan

    Dijual Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014Produced Electricity, Currented Electricity and Sold

    Electricity by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 379

    6.3.7 Perkembangan Jumlah Pelanggan Listrik Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Growth of Electricity Customers by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2010-

    2014 ....................................................................... 3806.3.8 Perkembangan Daya Terpasang Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2010-2014

    Growth of Installed Power by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2010-

    2014 ....................................................................... 381


    7.1 Volume dan Nilai Ekspor Dirinci Menurut KodeBEC di Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xxxix 

    Volume of Export and Value of Export by BEC Code

    in Papua Province, 2014 ......................................... 393

    7.2 Volume dan Nilai Impor Dirinci Menurut Kode BEC

    di Provinsi Papua di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Import and Value of Import by BEC Code

    in Papua Province, 2014 ......................................... 394

    7.3 Volume dan Nilai Ekspor Dirinci Menurut Kode HS

    2-Digit di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Export and Value of Export by HS 2-Digit

    Code in Papua Province, 2014 ................................ 395

    7.4 Volume dan Nilai Impor Dirinci Menurut Kode HS

    2-Digit di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Export and Value of Import by HS 2-

    Digit Code in Papua Province, 2014 ........................ 3967.5 Volume dan Nilai Ekspor Dirinci Menurut Kode

    SITC di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Export and Value of Export by SITC Code

    in Papua Province, 2014 ......................................... 397

    7.6 Volume dan Nilai Impor Dirinci Menurut Kode SITC

    di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Import and Value of Import by SITC

    Code in Papua Province, 2014 ................................ 398

    7.7 Volume dan Nilai Ekspor Dirinci Menurut NegaraTujuan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Export and Value of Export by

    Destination Country in Papua Province, 2014 ........ 399

    7.8 Pangsa Pasar Ekspor Dirinci Menurut Negara

    Tujuan di Provinsi Papua, 2013-2014

    Market Share of Export by Destination Country in

    Papua Province, 2013-2014 ................................... 400

    7.9 Volume dan Nilai Import Dirinci Menurut NegaraAsal di Provinsi Papua, 2013-2014

    Volume of Import and Value of Import by Native

    Country in Papua Province, 2013-2014 .................. 401

    7.10 Pangsa Pasar Impor Dirinci Menurut Negara Asal

    di Provinsi Papua, 2013-2014

    Market Share of Import by Native Country in

    Papua Province, 2013-2014 ................................... 402

    7.11 Volume dan Nilai Ekspor Dirinci Menurut

    Pelabuhan Muat di Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    xl P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Volume of Export and Value of Export by Port of

    Loading in Papua Province, 2014 ........................... 403

    7.12 Volume dan Nilai Impor Dirinci Menurut

    Pelabuhan Bongkar di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Volume of Import and Value of Import by

    Unloading Port in Papua Province, 2014 ................ 404


    8.1 Jumlah Hotel/Losmen, Kamar, Tempat Tidur dan

    Tenaga Kerja Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Hotel/Inns Rooms, Beds and Workers

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,2014 .......................................................................  415

    8.2 Jumlah Hotel/Losmen Kamar Berbintang dan

    Tidak Berbintang di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Hotel/Inns Rooms Classified and Non

    Classified by Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  416

    8.3 Rata-rata Lama Menginap Tamu Asing dan Tamu

    Domestik di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    The Average Time of Hotel’s Guests in Papua

    Province in Papua Province, 2014 ...........................  417

    8.4 Persentase Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel dan

    Akomodasi Lainnya Menurut Jenis Hotel di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Percentage Occupancy Rate of Hotel’s Rooms by

    Kind of Hotel in Papua Province, 2014 ....................  418

    8.5 Biro Perjalanan, Wisatawan Mancanegara, Rata-

    rata Lama Tinggal dan Pengeluaran di ProvinsiPapua, 2010-2013

    Percentage Occupancy Rate of Hotel’s Rooms by

    Kind of Hotel in Papua Province, 2010-2013 ...........  419

    8.6 Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Domestik di

    Provinsi Papua, 2006-2013

    Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourists in Papua

    Province, 2006-2013 ..............................................  420

    8.7 Jumlah Rumah Makan/Restoran Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2013

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xli 

    Number of Number of Restaurants by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2013 .....  421



    9.1 Transportasi/ Transportation

    9.1.1 Panjang Jalan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan

    Pemerintahan yang Berwenang Mengelolanya di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Road Length by Regency/Municipality and

    Government Which Manage It in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  435

    9.1.2 Panjang Jalan Menurut Jenis Permukaan danKabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Road Length by Type of Surface and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  436

    9.1.3 Panjang Jalan Menurut Kondisi dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Road Length by Condition and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  437

    9.1.4 Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor yang Terdaftar

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Kendaraan diProvinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Registered Motor Vehicles by

    Regency/Municipality and Type of Motor Vehicles

    in Papua Province, 2014 .........................................  438

    9.1.5 Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor yang Terdaftar

    Menurut Jenis Kenderaan dan Status Kepemilikan

    di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Registered Motor Vehicles by Type andOwnership Status in Papua Province, 2014 ............  439

    9.1.6 Banyaknya Kunjungan Kapal di Provinsi Papua

    Menurut Pelabuhan, Jenis Pelayaran dan Bulan di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Visiting Ships in Papua Province by

    Port, Type of Cruises and Month in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  443

    9.1.7 Banyaknya Kunjungan Kapal di Provinsi Papua

    Menurut Pelabuhan, Jenis Pelayaran dan Bulan diProvinsi Papua, 2014

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    xlii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Number of Visiting Ships in Papua Province by

    Port, Type of Cruises and Month in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  447

    9.1.8 Jumlah Kapal dan Banyaknya Penumpang

    Debarkasi dan Embarkasi di Provinsi Papua

    Menurut Pelabuhan dan Jenis Pelayaran, 2014

    Number of Ships and Number of Passengers That

     Arrive and Depart in Papua Province by Port and

    Type of Cruises, 2014 .............................................  453

    9.1.9 Arus Barang Antar Pulau yang Dimuat Menurut

    Kelompok Komoditi dan Pelabuhan, 2014

    Inter Island Loading Cargo by Commodity Group

    and Ports, 2014 ......................................................  455

    9.1.10 Arus Barang Luar Negeri yang Dimuat MenurutKelompok Komoditi dan Pelabuhan, 2014

    International Loading Cargo by Commodity Group

    and Ports, 2014 ......................................................  456

    9.1.11 Arus Barang Antar Pulau yang Dibongkar Menurut

    Kelompok Komoditi dan Pelabuhan, 2014

    Inter Island Unoading Cargo by Commodity Group

    and Ports, 2014 .....................................................  457

    9.1.12 Arus Barang Luar Negeri yang Dibongkar Menurut

    Kelompok Komoditi dan Pelabuhan, 2014International Unloading Cargo by Commodity

    Group and Ports, 2014 ...........................................  458

    9.1.13 Banyaknya Pesawat dan Penumpang yang

    Berangkat dan Datang melalui Pelabuhan Udara,


    Number of Aircrafts and Passengers which Depart

    and Arrive by Airport, 2014 ....................................  459

    9.1.14 Jumlah Barang, Bagasi dan Pos Paket yangDibongkar, Dimuat dan Transit Menurut

    Pelabuhan Udara, 2014

    Number of Goods, Baggage and Parcel of Loaded,

    Unloaded and Transit by Airport, 2014 ..................  460

    9.2 Pos dan Telekomunikasi/ Post and Telecommunication

    9.2.1 Jumlah Kantor Pos dan Giro Menurut Jenis dan

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Number of Post and Giro Office by Type andRegency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  462

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xliii 

    9.2.2 Jumlah Surat Pos Dikirim Menurut Sifat/Jenis

    Penanganan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Sent Post Letter by Kind of Handling

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  465

    9.2.3 Jumlah Surat Pos Diterima Menurut Sifat/Jenis

    Penanganan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Accepted Post Letter by Kind of

    Handling and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  467

    9.2.4 Jumlah Paket Pos yang Dikirim Menurut

    Sifat/Jenis Penanganan dan Kabupaten/Kota diProvinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Sent Post Package by Kind of Handling

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  469

    9.2.5 Jumlah Paket Pos yang Diterima Menurut

    Sifat/Jenis Penanganan dan Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Accepted Post Paccages by Kind of

    Handling and Regency/Municipality in Papua

    Province, 2014 .......................................................  470

    9.2.6 Jumlah Penerimaan Wesel Pos Menurut

    Sifat/Jenis dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua,


     Amount of Acceptance Money Order by Kind and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  471

    9.2.7 Jumlah Pengiriman Wesel Pos Menurut Sifat/Jenis

    dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014Number of Sent Money Order Delivery by Type and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  472

    9.2.8 Jumlah Sentral Telepon dan Kapasitasnya

    Menurut Jenis dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Telephone Center and Capacity by Type

    and Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  473

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    xliv P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    9.2.9 Jumlah Sambungan Telepon Menurut Jenis

    Sambungan dan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Telephone Link by Type and

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province, 2014 .....  474

    9.2.10 Potensi Sentral Telepon dan Pelanggan Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Telephone Central Potency and Consumers by

    Regency/City in Papua Province, 2014 ...................  475



    10.1.1 Realisasi Penerimaan dan PengeluaranPemerintah Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014 (ribu


     Actual Revenues and Expenditures Government of

    Papua Province, 2005-2014 (thousand rupiah) ......  495

    10.1.2 Rekapitulasi Laporan Pelaksanaan APBD di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Recapitulation of Budgeting Implementation

    Report of Papua Province, 2014 .............................  496

    10.1.3 Laporan Realisasi Anggaran di Provinsi Papua,2014

    Budget Realization Report of Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  498

    10.1.4 Jumlah Luas Tanah dan Wajib Pajak Bumi dan

    Bangunan di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Area and Land and Building Tax Payers

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua Province,

    2014 ....................................................................... 50110.1.5 Besarnya Nilai Ketetapan, Tunggakan dan Potensi

    PBB Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

     Amount of Tax Assessment, Arrears and Potency

     from Land and Building Tax by

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  502

    10.1.6 Rencana dan Realisasi PBB Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Target and Realization of Land and Building Tax by

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  503

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xlv 

    10.1.7 Realisasi PBB Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, 2012-


    Realization of Land and Building Tax Payers by

    Regency/Municipality, 2012-2014 .........................  504

    10.1.8 Realisasi Pajak Menurut Jenis Pajak dan

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Realization of Tax by Kind of Tax and

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  505

    10.2 Bank, Koperasi dan Penanaman Modal/ Bank, Cooperative and


    10.2.1 Jumlah Bank Menurut Kelompok dan

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Number of Bank by Type Group andRegency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  506

    10.2.2 Jumlah Bank Menurut Kantor dan

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Number of Bank by Office and

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  507

    10.2.3 Jumlah Aktiva Bank Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Kelompok Bank di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2010-2014

    Number of Bank Earning Assets of Indonesian

    Rupiah and Foreign Currency in Papua Province

    (million rupiah), 2010-2014

    ....................................  513

    10.2.4 Jumlah Aktiva Bank Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    BankUmum Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua (juta rupiah), 2010-2014

    Number of Bank Earning Assets of Indonesian

    Rupiah and Foreign Currency byRegency/Municipality in Papua Province (million

    rupiah), 2010-2014 ................................................  514

    10.2.5 Posisi Dana Simpanan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Kelompok Bank di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2010-2014

    Outstanding Saving Funds in Indonesian Rupiah

    and Foreign Currency by Group of Banks in Papua

    Province (million rupiah), 2010-2014 .....................  515

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    xlvi P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    10.2.6 Posisi Dana Simpanan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Bank Umum Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua (juta rupiah), 2010-2014

    Outstanding Funds in Rupiah and Foreign

    Exchange at Commercial Banks by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province (million

    rupiah), 2010-2014 ................................................  516

    10.2.7 Posisi Giro Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2010-2014

    Position of Clearing in Indonesian Rupiah and

    Foreign Currency at Commercial Banks by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province (million

    rupiah), 2010-2014 ................................................  51710.2.8 Posisi Simpanan Berjangka Rupiah dan Valuta

    Asing Bank Umum Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Provinsi Papua (juta rupiah), 2014

    Position of Time-Based Deposit in Indonesian

    Rupiah and Foreign Currency at Commercial Banks

    by Regency/Municipality in Papua Province

    (million rupiah), 2014 .............................................  518

    10.2.9 Posisi Tabungan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank

    Umum Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di ProvinsiPapua (juta rupiah), 2014

    Position of Saving in Indonesian Rupiah and

    Foreign Currency at Commercial Banks by

    Regency/Municipality in Papua Province (million

    rupiah), 2014 .........................................................  519

    10.2.10 Posisi Kredit Perbankan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Kelompok Bank di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2014Position of Banking Credit in Indonesian Rupiah

    and Foreign Currency by Group of Banks in Papua

    Province (million rupiah), 2014 ..............................  520

    10.2.11 Posisi Kredit Perbankan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2014

    Position of Banking Credit in Indonesian Rupiah

    and Foreign Currency by Regency/Municipality in

    Papua Province (million rupiah), 2014 ....................  521

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xlvii 

    10.2.12 Posisi Kredit Perbankan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Sektor Ekonomi di Provinsi Papua (milliar

    rupiah), 2010-2014

    Position of Banking Credit in Indonesian Rupiah

    and Foreign Currency by Economic Sector (million

    rupiah), 2010-2014 ................................................  522

    10.2.13 Posisi Kredit Usaha Mikro Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Kelompok Bank di Provinsi Papua (juta

    rupiah), 2011-2014

    Position of Micro Credit in Indonesian Rupiah and

    Foreign Currency by Group of Banks in Papua

    Province (million rupiah), 2011-2014 .....................  523

    10.2.14 Posisi Kredit Usaha Mikro Rupiah dan Valuta Asing

    Menurut Sektor Ekonomi, 2014Position of Micro Credits in Rupiah and Foreign

    Exchange by Economic Sector, 2014

    .......................  524

    10.2.15 Jumlah Unit Koperasi Menurut Kabupaten/Kota,


    Number of Cooperative Unit by

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  525

    10.2.16 Jumlah Anggota Koperasi Menurut

    Kabupaten/Kota, 2014Number of Cooperative Members by

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  526

    10.2.17 Jumlah Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Dalam

    Negeri (PMDN) dan Penanaman Modal Asing

    (PMA) di Provinsi Papua, 2005-2014

    Number of Domestic and Foreign Capital

    Investment in Papua Province, 2005-2014 .............  527

    10.2.18 Jumlah Perusahaan Penanaman Modal DalamNegeri (PMDN) dan Penanaman Modal Asing

    (PMA) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi

    Papua, 2014

    Number of Domestic and Foreign Capital

    Investment by Regency/City in Papua Province,

    2014 .......................................................................  528

    10.2.19 Jumlah Proyek dan Investasi Proyek Penanaman

    Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) yang Disetujui

    Menurut Rencana dan Realisasi di Provinsi Papua,2005-2014

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    xlviii P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    Number of Project and Approved Domestic Capital

    Invesment Project by Target and Realization in

    Papua Province, 2005-2014 ...................................  529

    10.2.20 Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Proyek Penanaman Modal

    Dalam Negeri (PMDN) yang Disetujui Menurut

    Rencana dan Realisasi di Provinsi Papua, 2005-


    Number of Approved Domestic Capital Investment

    Project Employee by Target and Realization in

    Papua Province, 2005-2014 ...................................  530

    10.2.21 Jumlah Proyek dan Investasi Proyek Penanaman

    Modal Asing (PMA) yang Disetujui Menurut

    Rencana dan Realisasi di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Project and Approved Foreign CapitalInvestment Project by Target and Realization in

    Papua Province, 2005-2014 ...................................  531

    10.2.22 Banyaknya Tenaga Kerja Proyek Penanaman

    Modal Asing (PMA) yang Disetujui Menurut

    Rencana dan Realisasi di Provinsi Papua, 2005-


    Number of Approved Foreign Capital Investment

    Project Employee by Target and Realization in

    Papua Province, 2005-2014 ...................................  53210.2.23 Jumlah Proyek Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri

    (PMDN) dan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA)

    Menurut Sektor Ekonomi di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Domestic and Foreign Capital

    Investment Project by Economic Sector in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 533

    10.2.24 Rencana dan Realisasi Nilai Investasi Penanaman

    Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) dan PenanamanModal Asing (PMA) Menurut Sektor Ekonomi di

    Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Target and Realization of Domestic and Foreign

    Capital Investment Value by Economic Sector in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 534

    10.2.25 Rencana dan Realisasi Jumlah Tenaga Kerja

    Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN)

    Menurut Sektor Ekonomi di Provinsi Papua, 2014

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    P a p u a D a l a m A n g k a 2 0 1 5 xlix 

    Target and Realization Number of Domestic

    Capital Investment Worker by Economic Sector in

    Papua Province, 2014 ............................................. 535

    10.2.26 Rencana dan Realisasi Jumlah Tenaga Kerja

    Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) Menurut Sektor

    Ekonomi di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Target and Realization Number of Foreign Capital

    Investment Worker by Economic Sector in Papua

    Province, 2014 ....................................................... 536

    10.2.27 Jumlah Proyek dan Investasi Proyek Penanaman

    Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) yang Disetujui

    Menurut Rencana, Realisasi dan Kabupaten/Kota,


    Number of Project and Approved Domestic CapitalInvestment Project by Target, Realization and

    Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..................................  537

    10.2.28 Jumlah Proyek dan Investasi Proyek Penanaman

    Modal Asing (PMA) yang Disetujui Menurut

    Rencana dan Target dan Kabupaten/Kota, 2014

    Project Number and Investment of Foreign

    Projects and Investment Approved by Target,

    Realizationand Regency/Municipality, 2014 ..........  538

    10.2.29 Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Penanaman Modal DalamNegeri (PMDN) Menurut Rencana, Realisasi dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014

    Number of Domestic Capital Investment Worker

    by Target, Realization and Regency/Municipality

    in Papua Province, 2014 .........................................  539

    10.2.30 Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Penanaman Modal Asing

    (PMA) Menurut Rencana, Target dan

    Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2014Number of Domestic Capital Investment Worker

    by Target, Realization and Regency/Municipality

    in Papua Province, 2014 .........................................  540

    10.3 Harga

    10.3.1 Angka Indeks Harga Konsumen (2012 = 100)

    Menurut Bulan dan Kelompok Pengeluaran Kota

    Jayapura, 2014

    Consumer Price Index (2012=100) by Month andExpenditure Group of Jayapura City, 2014 .............  541

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    l P a p u a I n F i g u r e s 2 0 1 5

    10.3.2 Angka Indeks Harga Konsumen (2012 = 100)

    Menurut Bulan dan Kelompok Pengeluaran Kota

    Merauke, 2014

    Consumer Price Index (2012=100) by Month and

    Expenditure Group of Merauke City, 2014 ..............  542

    10.3.3 Inflasi Menurut Bulan dan Kelompok Pengeluaran

    Kota Jayapura, 2014

    Inflation by Month and Expenditure Group of

     Jayapura City, 2014 ................................................  543

    10.3.4 Inflasi Menurut Bulan dan Kelompok Pengeluaran

    Kota Merauke, 2014

    Inflation by Month and Expenditure Group of

    Merauke City, 2014 ................................................  544

    10.3.5 Sumbangan Kelompok Pengeluaran terhadapInflasi Kota Jayapura, 2014 (persen)

    Contribution of Expenditure Group to Jayapura

    City Inflation, 2014 (percent) ................................. 553

    10.3.6 Sumbangan Kelompok Pengeluaran terhadap

    Inflasi Kota Merauke, 2014 (persen)

    Contribution of Expenditure Group to Merauke

    City Inflation, 2014 (percent) ................................. 554

    10.3.7 Perkembangan Laju Inflasi Menurut Kelompok

    Komponen Kota Jayapura, 2014Trends of Inflation by Component Group in

     Jayapura Municipality, 2014 ................................. 555

    10.3.8 Perkembangan Laju Inflasi Menurut Kelompok

    Komponen Kota Merauke, 2014

    Trends of Inflation by Component Group in

    Merauke Municipality, 2014 ................................. 556

    10.3.9 Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) dan Laju Inflasi Kota

    Jayapura, 2014Consumer Price Index and Inflation of Jayapura

    Municipality, 2014 ................................................ 557

    10.3.10 Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) dan Laju Inflasi Kota

    Jayapura, 2014

    Consumer Price Index and Inflation of Jayapura

    Municipality, 2014 ................................................ 558

    10.3.11 Indeks Harga Diterima Pet