kode etik dan budaya perusahaan code of ......perusahaan mensosialisasikan kode etik dan budaya...

216 Finance a úvěr-Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 70, 2020 no. 3 https://doi.org/10.32065/CJEF.2020.03.02 *The authors gratefully acknowledge the constructive feedback from the editors and three anonymous referees. JEL Classification: E62, H55 Keywords: pension system, PAYG, new EU member states, sustainability, convergence Public Pension Expenditure in the New EU Member States: A Panel Data Approach* Lorena SKUFLIC - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Hrvatska ([email protected]) corresponding author Mira KRPAN - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Hrvatska Ana PAVKOVIC - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Hrvatska Abstract Sustainability and stability of public pension systems based on the pay-as-you-go social security scheme have been challenged by the aging societies of industrial economies. This paper concentrates on pension systems of eleven post-socialist economies referred to as the New Member States of the European Union that share a similar history of adaptations to a market economy and establishment of multi-pillar pension systems. Due to similar demographic and economic challenges, their pension systems are facing, and the corresponding pension reforms aimed at enhancing their pension systems´ sustainability, we empirically test for the convergence of public pension expenditure to GDP among these economies in the period between 1995 and 2017. At the same time, the impact of various macroeconomic, demographic, and institutional variables on public pension expenditure to GDP is empirically estimated. The results provide evidence of convergence in terms of public pension expenditure to GDP among the New Member States of the European Union, while also revealing the fiscal burden that population aging represents for the analyzed pension systems. 1. Introduction Sustainability of public finances, especially of social security systems, is largely affected by aging societies, in which the proportion of elderly is increasing, due to higher life expectancy and decreasing fertility rates. Some of the economies are facing even greater demographic challenges if the working-age population emigrates, causing a reduction in the proportion of individuals paying social contributions. This paper concentrates on pension systems of eleven post-socialist economies called the New Member States of the European Union (in further text abbreviated as NMS), that share a similar history of adaptations to a market economy and establishment of a multi-pillar pension system. This group comprises Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. The pension systems of NMS are prevalently based on the pay-as-you-go social security (PAYG) scheme, in which retirement benefits to current pensioners are financed from the contributions of the current workers (Barr and Diamond, 2006). As such, they are subject to changes in demographic and economic conditions, especially those in the labor market. Additionally, they are influenced by the parameters and rules of the pension systems (Verbič and Špruk, 2008).

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Page 1: KODE ETIK DAN BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN CODE OF ......Perusahaan mensosialisasikan kode etik dan budaya Perusahaan melalui program orientasi dan pelatihan internal kepada seluruh karyawan

KODE ETIK DAN BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN CODE OF ETHICS AND CORPORATE CULTURE Perusahaan memiliki kode etik dan budaya Perusahaan di antaranya:

The Company has a code of ethics and corporate culture, among others:

Kode Etik Bisnis dan Etika The Ethical Code of Business and Ethics Kode etik bisnis dan etika bisnis dirancang untuk meningkatkan:

The Ethical Code and Ethics of Business are designed to improve:

- Kejujuran dan perilaku yang beretika,

berintegritas dalam menangani semua urusan dan kepatuhan dengan hukum.

- Honesty and ethical behavior, integrity in handling all matters and compliance with the law.

- Pelaporan yang cepat dari setiap pelanggaran

kode etik yang diketahui atau patut diduga. - Immediate reporting of any known or

suspected violations of the code of ethics. - Akuntabilitas dan kepatuhan - Accountability and compliance Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Anti Corruption Policy Kebijakan ini ditetapkan agar menjadi landasan bagi Perusahaan agar selalu bertindak jujur dan etis dalam menjalankan bisnis dan menghindari segala praktik korupsi atau bentuk penyuapan yang dapat merusak reputasi Perusahaan serta membangun pedoman perilaku Perusahaan dan secara jelas menegakkan standar dan prinsip untuk menjalankan bisnis yang bersih, dan transparan serta patuh pada perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

This policy is determined to be the basis for the Company to always act honestly and ethically in conducting business and avoid any corrupt practices or forms of bribery that can damage the Company's reputation and establish guidelines for Company behavior and clearly enforce standards and principles for running a clean, transparent business. and comply with applicable laws.

Setiap pelanggaran terhadap Kebijakan ini atau Undang-undang dan peraturan ini dapat mengakibatkan tindakan disiplin oleh Perusahaan, hingga dan termasuk pemutusan hubungan kerja dengan pelaku pelanggaran. Selain itu Pelanggaran terhadap Kebijakan ini dan undang-undang serta peraturan anti korupsi dan anti penyuapan dapat menyebabkan hukuman pidana dan/atau perdata yang berat bagi Perusahaan dan orang yang terlibat termasuk denda finansial berdasarkan Undang-undang yang berlaku.

Any violation of this Policy or these laws and regulations may result in disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including termination of employment with the violator. In addition, violations of this policy and anti-corruption and bribery laws and regulations can result in severe criminal and / or civil penalties for the Company and the people involved including financial penalties based on applicable laws.

Manajemen Perusahaan bersama dengan Satuan Unit Kepatuhan bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan kontrol, guna memastikan bahwa bisnis yang dijalankan secara global sesuai dengan

The Company's management together with the Compliance Unit are responsible for establishing controls, to ensure that the business is carried out globally in accordance with Company policy and all

Page 2: KODE ETIK DAN BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN CODE OF ......Perusahaan mensosialisasikan kode etik dan budaya Perusahaan melalui program orientasi dan pelatihan internal kepada seluruh karyawan

kebijakan Perusahaan dan semua Undang-undang serta peraturan yang berlaku. Satuan Unit Kepatuhan bersama Internal Audit Perusahaan akan secara teratur memantau dan mengkaji kepatuhan karyawan terhadap Kebijakan ini, prosedur terkait dan Undang-undang serta peraturan yang dirujuk.

applicable laws and regulations. The Compliance Unit along with the Company's Internal Audit will regularly monitor and review employee compliance with this Policy, related procedures and the laws and regulations referenced.

Setiap direktur, pejabat, atau karyawan Perusahaan menduga atau mengetahui tentang pelanggaran terhadap Kebijakan ini atau undang-undang serta peraturan ini wajib melaporkan informasi tersebut segera kepada Direktur Utama ataupun Komite Audit.

Every director, officer or employee of the Company suspects or is aware of violations of this Policy or this law and regulation must report this information immediately to the President Director or the Audit Committee.

Kerahasiaan Informasi Confidentiality of Information Kewajiban setiap elemen Perusahaan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan informasi milik Perusahaan dan tidak mengungkapkan informasi rahasia kepada Pihak lain.

It is the obligation of each element of the Company to maintain the confidentiality of the Company’s information and to not disclose any confidential information to other Party.

Kebijakan Pelaporan Pelanggaran Violation Reporting Policy Kebijakan ini mengharuskan setiap elemen Perusahaan untuk melaporkan setiap pelanggaran kode etik uang diketahui atau patut diduga menimbulkan potensi pelanggaran hukum. Kebijakan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong dan memungkinkan setiap elemen perusahaan untuk meningkatkan itikad baik dengan mengungkapkan adanya pelanggaran yang diketahuinya tanpa rasa takut.

This Policy requires every element of the Company to report any violation of the code of ethics which is known or suspected to be potentially violating the law. This policy is intended to encourage and enable every element of the Company to improve its good faith by revealing an existence of a violation without fear.

Sosialisasi Kode Etik dan Budaya Perusahaan Socialization of the Code of Ethics and Corporate

Culture Perusahaan mensosialisasikan kode etik dan budaya Perusahaan melalui program orientasi dan pelatihan internal kepada seluruh karyawan yang dilakukan secara berkala. Semangat pelaksanaan kode etik dan budaya Perusahaan harus tercermin ke dalam pelayanan kepada nasabah.

The Company socializes the Company's code of ethics and culture through orientation programs and internal training to all employees that are conducted regularly. The spirit of implementing the Company's code of ethics and culture must be reflected in service to customers.

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Sistem pelaporan pelanggaran (whistleblowing system) memungkinkan setiap orang untuk melaporkan adanya dugaan tindakan kecurangan, pelanggaran hukum, etika dan kode etik Perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh Karyawan Perusahaan. Melalui sistem ini, Perusahaan dapat menjamin kerahasiaan identitas serta melindungi Pelapor.

The whistleblowing system allows anyone to report suspected fraud, violation of law, ethics and Company code of ethics carried out by the employee/s of the Company. Through this system, the Company guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter’s identity and protect the reporter.

Pelapor baik dari pihak internal maupun dari pihak eksternal dapat melaporkan dugaan adanya pelanggaran melalui email langsung kepada Direktur Kepatuhan dan Tim Unit Internal Audit melalui email [email protected] dan [email protected] untuk laporan internal dan email melalui [email protected] untuk laporan eksternal. Tim akan menindaklanjuti laporan tersebut dengan memenuhi persyaratan berikut:

Reporters from both internal and external parties can report suspected violations via e-mail directly to the Compliance Director and the Internal Unit Team Audit via email [email protected] and [email protected] for internal reports and email via [email protected] for external reports. The team will follow up on the report by meeting the following requirements:

- Laporan yang disampaikan berhubungan

dengan korupsi, kecurangan (fraud), pencurian, penyuapan, gratifikasi, benturan kepentingan, pelanggaran hukum dan/atau kebijakan/prosedur Perusahaan.

- Reports submitted relating to corruption, fraud (fraud), theft, bribery, gratuity, conflict of interest, violation of law and / or Company policies / procedures.

- Laporan harus dilakukan dengan itikad baik dan

bukan merupakan suatu keluhan pribadi atas suatu kebijakan Perusahaan tertentu ataupun didasari kehendak buruk/fitnah.

- Reports must be made in good faith and are not a personal complaint against a particular Company policy or based on bad will / slander.

- Pelapor harus memberikan informasi mengenai

identitas diri Pelapor untuk mempermudah komunikasi sekurang- kurangnya meliputi nama Pelapor, dan nomor telepon/alat email yang dapat dihubungi.

- The Reporting Entity must provide information regarding the Identity of the Reporting Person to facilitate communication at least including the name of the Reporting Entity, and telephone numbers / email tools that can be contacted.

- Pelapor harus menyertakan bukti berupa data,

informasi atau indikasi yang jelas atas terjadinya pelanggaran sehingga laporan dapat ditindaklanjuti atau ditelusuri.

- Reporting parties must include evidence in the form of data, information or clear indications of violations so that reports can be followed up or traced.

Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk menjaga setiap kerahasiaan data Pelapor serta melakukan tindakan-tindakan berupa investigasi, interview

The Company is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of Reporting data and to take actions in the form of investigations, interviews

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dengan tanpa melibatkan data Pihak Pelapor. without involving the Reporting Party's data. Selain itu, Perusahaan memberikan jaminan perlindungan terhadap perlakuan ataupun tindakan-tindakan yang merugikan bagi pihak Pelapor seperti tindakan ancaman, intimidasi, hukuman ataupun tindakan lainnya yang tidak menyenangkan pihak Pelapor.

In addition, the Company guarantees protection against adverse treatment or actions for the Reporting Party such as threats, intimidation, punishment or other actions that are not pleasing to the Reporting Party.

Sampai dengan tanggal penerbitan Laporan Tahunan ini, Perusahaan belum menerima pelaporan terkait hal-hal yang masuk dalam unsur-unser Pelanggaran diatas.

As of the issuance date of this Annual Report, the Company has not received any reports related to the matters included in the Violation elements above.