dust, mist and fume hazards respiratory protective...

DEBU DI LINGKUNGAN INDUSTRI Dust, Mist and Fume Hazards Respiratory Protective equipment Industrial Ventilation General ventilation

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Dust, Mist and Fume HazardsRespiratory Protective equipmentIndustrial VentilationGeneral ventilation

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Pernafasan manusia

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Bahaya Debu…

Dapat memasuki tubuh lewat Inhalasi masuk ke aliran darah atau ke paru-paru dan

menyebabkan kerusakan Ingesti yang bersifat toksik akan menyebabkan gangguan

kesehatan kulit absorpsi sehingga menimbulkan iritasi

Jaringan paru-paru sangat efektif untuk mengabsorp debukarena: luas paru-paru orang dewasa = 55-75 m2 >Luas kulit 2 m2.

Luas permukaan debu semakin besar dengan semakinhalusnya ukuran debu. Misal 1 cm3 quartz murni bila ditumbuk halus menjadi ukuran 1

mikron, maka terbentuk debu sebanyak 1012 dengan luaspermukaan 6 m2 dibanding dengan asalnya 6 cm2.

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Bahaya Debu…

• Volume benda padat yang dihaluskan akanbertambah, karena adanya celah di antarapartikel di dalam massa. • Misalnya, konsentrasi debu di udara sebesar 50 mppcf

(million particles per cubic foot) berasal dari 1 cm3

zat yang dihaluskan menjadi ukuran 1 mikron, diudara akan memenuhi volume 20.000 ft3.

• Orang pada pengelihatan normal dapat melihatdebu diameter 50 mikron, partikel yang lebihkecil akan terlihat jika terdapat peneranganyang cukup kuat

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Bahaya Debu…

• Debu dalam industri ukurannya sangatbervariasi dengan ukuran halus mendominasiyang lain.

• Jika apabila ada debu di sekitar prosesindustri, dan orang dapat melihatnya, makakemungkinan besar debu yang lebih halus pun terdapat banyak di sekitar itu.

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Bahaya debu…

Faktor yang menentukan Ukuran partikel


Hardness (resist the pulverizing action of mechanical device)

Dipengaruhi oleh gayagravitasi

Dipengaruhi oleh gerakbrown

Size in Microns Time to Fall 1 foot (minutes)

0.25 590.0

0.50 187.0

1.00 54.0

2.00 14.5

5.00 2.5

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5-10 μm

3-5 μm

1-3 μm

0,1-1 μm

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Sifat berdasarkan ukuran

5-10 μm tertangkap pernafasan bagian atas

3-5 μm tertangkap pernafasan bagian tengah

1-3 μm tertangkap pada alveoli (paru-parubagian dalam)

0,1-1 μm mengikuti gerak brown dan akanterbawa keluar kembali.

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Efek debu terhadap kesehatan(efek fisiologis)

Bervariasi tergantung jenis, sifat kimia-fisikadebu.

Pneumoconiosis : Silicosis, asbestosis padabeberapa kasus jantung ikut terpengaruh (cor-pulmonale), terutama jika fibrosis parah.

Keracunan sistemik: Hg, Pb, Mn, Cd, Be, bentuk senyawanya, senyawa organik.

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Efek debu terhadap kesehatan (2)

Metal fume fever terhisapnya uap atau asap(fume) dari Zn, Mg atau oksidanya.

Alergiinhalasi atau kontak dengan kulitmisalnya : tepung, kayu, dll.

Bakteri, jamurmenghisap debu yang mengandung mikroorganisma, contoh : Anthrax dari wool dan tulang, jamur dari kayu, bagasse.

Iritasi pada hidung, tenggorokanasam, alkali, Cr, dll.

Kerusakan jaringan organ dalamzat radioaktif, Ra, dll.

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Mekanisme debu di dalam paru-paru

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Bahasa Yunani: Paru-paru dan debu


Debu (+asap, uap, gas) yang mengiritasi alatpernafasan –alveoli- sehingga terbentukjaringan baru yang tidak sama dengan fungsiaslinya.

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is a disease of the lungs caused by long-term breathing of dust, especially certain mineral dusts. Forms of pneumoconiosis include black lung disease (coal worker's pneumoconiosis), silicosis, and asbestosis. The disease typically results from working in a mine for many years, but factory work and other occupations can expose people to the ill effects of breathing dusts.

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What Causes Pneumoconiosis?

Only microscopic-size dust particles, about 1/5,000 of an inch across or smaller, are able to reach the tiniest air sacs (the alveoli) in the lungs.

There they cannot be removed, and accumulate to cause a scarring and thickening of the lungs called fibrosis. Eventually, the lungs begin to lose their ability to supply oxygen to the body.

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is the formation or development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue as a reparative or reactive process.

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Pneumoconiosis: Mengerasnya jaringan paru-paru akibatfibrosis berlebih karena iritasi debu.



Uap logamGas


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Paru-paru penderita pneumoconiosis

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What Happens When People Have Pneumoconiosis?

Because pneumoconiosis usually takes 20 or 30 years to develop, workers often do not notice symptoms until they are over 50.

The main symptoms are coughing and difficulty in breathing, which gradually increases.

Complications include emphysema and increased risk of tuberculosis.

Asbestosis patients are more likely to develop lung cancer, especially if they smoke cigarettes.

Damaged lungs make the heart work harder, and heart problems can accompany severe cases of pneumoconiosis.

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Sesak nafas, yang disebabkan oleh berkurangnyaefisiensi paru-paru dalam mengambil oksigen.


Pneumoconiosis Asbestosis dan Silicosis yang diakibatkan oleh debu asbes dan silika.

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Terjadi pada industri yang menggunakan silika padaprosesnya : Pemotongan batu granit Industri kaca Pengecoran

Gejala : Terjadi fibrosis Nafas pendek Berkurangnya volume paru-

paru Berkurangnya kapasitas kerja Tidak demam Rentan terhadap TBC

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Berbentuk silika bebasSiO2

Analisis geologi, biasanya terdapatbersama oksidalainnya: SiO2, Al2O3,K2O, Fe2O3

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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi

The amount and kind of dust inhaled

The percentage of free silica contained in the dust

The form of the silica

The size of the particles inhaled

The duration of the exposure

The power of resistance of the individual concerned

The presence or absence of a complicating process such as infection

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Penderita silicosis

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Jenis pekerjaan yang beresiko sililicosis

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Pneumoconiosis & Asbestosis

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comes from breathing tiny asbestos fibers in mining, building construction, and other industries

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Several minerals having a fibrous character

Asbestos mineral hydrated silicates of magnesium with variable amount : Iron Calsium Sodium Potassium Aluminium

When inhaled produces fibrous tissue in the lungs of both man and animal

Other silicates but non fibrous is form produce no reaction or relatively mild reaction but not the severe reaction of fibrous asbestos dust

Asbestosis is mainly the result of physical irritation of the lung tissue

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Manufacturers commonly use asbestos in the following products:

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Manufacturers commonly use asbestos in the following products:

Metal Pouring into theAssembled Mold


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Manufacturers commonly use asbestos in the following products:

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Manufacturers commonly use asbestos in the following products:

Products containing asbestos cement - Pipes, shingles, clapboards, sheets

Vinyl-asbestos floor tiles

Asbestos paper in filtering and insulating products

Material in brake linings and clutch facings

Textile products - Yarn, felt, tape, cord, rope

Spray products used for acoustical, thermal, and fireproofing purposes

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Examples of occupations associated with asbestosis

Insulation workers






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A complex form of pneumoconiosis

Chronic disease breathing air containing dust that has free silica of its component

Various processes involved : In mining : preparing

anthracite (hard) coal and bituminous coal

Characterized anatomically by generalized fibrotic changes throughout both lungs and excessive amounts of carbonaceous and siliceous material

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The prevalence of black lung disease did not begin to decrease until it became clear that the cause was excessively high levels of coal dust in mines

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Lead Poisoning

Keracunan Pb: Biasanya kronis

Jika Pb masuk melalui pencernaan akan lebihberbahaya

Pb merupakan unsur pokok pada tanamandan hewan pada dosis tertentu

Tubuh dapat mengatasi dan mengeliminasinya

Jika konsentrasi cukup tinggi maka akanmenunjukkan adanya keracunan Pb

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Keracunan Berryllium

Biasanya parah, disebabkan oleh Be fumes dan Be terikat pada debu. Be-fluorida jugaberbahaya.

Terdiri dari dua jenis : Akut : chemical pneumonitis dengan gejala : dema,

sakit, sesak nafas, cyanosis dan kehilangan beratbadan

Kronis (berylliosis) dengan gejala : kehilangannafsu makan dan berat badan, lemah, demam, gagal jantung bahkan kematian

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Demam logam (Metal Fever)

merupakan penyakit akut, jangka pendek

disebabkan Zn dan Mg dengan oksida logamnya.

Gejala timbul 12 jam setelah eksposur dengan demamdan menggigil.

Sembuh dalam satu hari, bila pekerja kembali kerja, makakemungkinan besar ia takkan memperlihatkan keracunanlagi, tetapi apabila sudah lama tidak kena kontak denganuap logam, maka penyakit akan berulang.

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Efek debu terhadap kesehatan (2)

Alergi: terjadi pada orang yang peka terhadap zat kimia, makanan, obat, dll. Reaksi dapat berupa asthma, hay fever, hives. Eksposur dalam konsentrasi kecil mungkin tidak menimbulkan reaksi alergi, tetapi segera ia tidak kontak untuk jangka waktu cukup lama, maka ia akan bereaksi alergi bila terekspos.

Bakteri dan fungi: anthrax yang masuk ke paru-paru dapat mengakibatkan pulmonary anthrax.

Debu radioaktif: menimbulkan kerusakan organ internal

Debu pengganggu: yang tidak langsung menimbulkan masalah.

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Imaging Studies:

Radiography Chest radiographs are basic and required diagnostic

imaging studies. The International Labor Office standardized

classification of radiographic abnormalities is useful in grading the extent of disease in asbestosis and in other pneumoconioses.

Computed tomography scan CT scan is useful in delineation of pleural or pleura-

based abnormalities (eg, effusion, thickening, plaque, malignant mesothelioma, rounded atelectasis).

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Foto Sinar-X penderita silicosis

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Penderita Silicosis

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Other Tests:

Pulmonary function tests Diffusing capacity reduction may precede lung volume

changes, but findings from a diffusing capacity measurement are not specific. Besides diffusing capacity reduction, the earliest physiologic abnormality is exertional hypoxemia.

Total lung capacity is reduced in asbestosis and in other restrictive disorders.

Using spirometry, vital capacity typically appears reduced, without a reduction in the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity (FEV1-to-FVC).

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Hubungan antara volume dan

kapasitas paru-paru


A = kapasitas paru-paru total (TLC)

B = volume cadangan inspirasi (IRV)

C = tidal volume (TV)

D = volume cadangan expirasi

E = volume residual (RV)

F = kapasitas vital (VC)

G = kapasitas residual fungsional (FRC)

C+B = kapasitas inspirasi (IC)

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Mengukur debu melalui metode ‘impingement. Alatnya Impinger

Impinger dapat digunakan untuk mengukur debu ruangan + dapat juga sebagai personal sampler pada breathing zone(mengukur debu masuk ke paru-paru pekerja).

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