  • Susu dan produk fermentasinya

  • PendahuluanSusu: makanan pertama untuk mamalia Tinggi protein, vitamin, mineral dan energiTernak yang biasa digunakan untuk memproduksi susuKambing, domba, kuda, sapiSapi: dairy cows

  • Fluid Milk

  • Fluid Milk (Susu cair)Dispersi protein susu (casein) dan whey protein80% Casein = milk protein20% Whey = milk proteinEmulsi lemak dalam airKandungan air87-89%Padatan terlarut dalam susu: 12-13%carbs, lactose, fat, protein and mineralsPadatan non lemakCasein, whey, lactose, proteins, minerals

  • ProduksiTidak semua jenis sapi sebagai sapi perah (penghasil susu)Usaha peternakan sapi semakin besarPeternakan besar : >1000 ekor sapiSusu segar : sterilPost handling sangat di[perlukan: mencegah kerusakan akibat fisik dan perubahan biologisPeralatan pengolahan harus terkontrol

  • ProduksiPemerahan susu sapi : 2 kali sehariSome farms milk 3-4 times/daySegera didinginkan dr suhu temperatur tubuh ke suhu di bawah 41 degrees FPenyimpanan suhu pendinginan sampai tanki-tanki penjemput datangA sample of the milk is collected at this time for later lab analysis

  • ProcessingKetika susu sampai di pabrik: akan dicheck suhu, total keasaman, flavor, kebersihan tempat penampungan susu, antibiotik. Kadar lemak juga dihitungSetelah lulus terst, susu dipindah ke tanki yang lebih besar/silo

  • PasteurisasiMemanaskan susu untuk membunuh patogenNot sterilizationSetelah pasteurisasi beberapa bakteri masih ada: bakteri penyebab keasamanRefrigerasi adalah cara terbaik memperlambat pertumbuhan bakteri pada susu

  • PasteurisasiLow Temperture Longer Time (LTLT)Heats milk to at least 145 degrees F for at least 30 minutesCan cause a cooked flavorNot used by some milk plants for fluid milk productsHigh Temperture/Short Time (HTST)Heats milk to at least 161 degrees F for at least 15 secondsMilk is immediately cooled to below 40 degrees F and packaged in plastic jugs or plastic coated cartonsUltrapasteurizationHeating milk to 280 degrees F or higher for 2 seconds followed by rapid cooling to 45 degrees or lessUltrahigh Temperture ProcessingSterilizes the milkHeats it to 280-302 degrees for 2 to 6 secondsMilk is aseptically packaged and does not require refrigeration until it is opened

  • ButterfatBeberapa tipe produkWhole milk, 2%, 1%, nonfat, Half & HalfSeperated using separator that separates the cream and skim portions of the milk

  • Butterfat: CreamHasil pemisahan separator dengan kadar lemak 35-45%Penggunaan:ice cream, butter

  • Milk Products and By-Products

  • Milk Products and By-ProductsIncludeButterConcentrated and dried milkCheeseWhey productsYogurtFermented productsIce Cream

  • Fermented Milk BeveragesCultured ButtermilkOnce a by-product of butter production, now produced from whole or skim milkAcidophilus MilkSusu fermentasi diduga memiliki efek penyembuhan (menyembuhkan penyakit terkait gastrointestinal)Sour CreamOthers

  • Cultured Milk ProductsCulture = bakteri kontrol yang ditambahkan ke dalam susuThe starter bacteria produce acid and flavors that are characteristic of each fermented milk product.Commercial producers use lactic-acid bacteria to break down lactoseInoculation = adding the starter culture to milk during the fermentation process that produces different cultured milk productsIncubation period = time needed for bacteria to grow and ferment the milk during the process of culturing milk to make various products finally its cooled down to stop or slow bacterial growth

  • Buttermilk/Sour Cream/YogurtButtermilk used to be the fluid left over from producing butter, today its a cultured product prepared from low-fat milkSour Cream culture of streptococcus lactis is added to cream.Yogurt eastern European food, yogurt contains lactose, lactic acid, B vitamins and high concentrations of proteinYogurt is prepared by adding a bacterial culture to milk that has been heatedBacteria used to making yogurt must be incubated between 41C-45C for around 8 hours

  • Cultured buttermilkCultured ButtermilkBerasal dari by produk atau dari skim atau susu utuh.

    Loctococcus lactis, termasuk subsp. cremoris or diacetylactis.

    Susu dipanaskan sd to 95C and didinginkan sampai 20-25C sebelum penambahan starter (1-2%). Proses fermentasi 16-20 jam sampai keasaman 0.9 % asam laktat.

  • Sour creamSour CreamCultured cream usually has a fat content between 12-30%, depending on the required properties. The starter is similar to that used for cultured buttermilk. The cream after standardization is usually heated to 75-80C and is homogenized at >13 MPa to improve the texture. Inoculation and fermentation conditions are also similar to those for cultured buttermilk, but the fermentation is stopped at an acidity of 0.6%.

  • CheeseCheese is made by coagulating the casein protein in milk.Once the curds have formed, the whey is drained away. (heating and cutting the whey helps this drain)The curd is then treated and allowed to ripen During ripening, the cheese is hung for at least 60 days, some take monthsFour main categories of cheese are based on moisture content:Very hard cheese parmesan and RomanoHard cheese cheddar, Colby and provoloneSemi-Soft cheese Munster, Roquefort, and stiltonSoft cheese brie, camembert, and mozzarellaUnripened Cheese cottage cheese and cream cheese

  • CheeseTradisional keju dibuat untuk mempertahankan nilai gizi susuDiperoleh setelah pemisahan :coagulation and pemisahan whey dari susu, cream, or susu skim, buttermilk or a mixture of theseRibuan jenis

  • Tahapan prosesPerlakuan awaladitiveInnokulasi dan fermentasikoagulasiEnzymeAcidHeat-acidPerlakuan thd curdPenuaan keju

  • YogurtSemisolid susu fermentasiOriginated in BulgariaMilk from a variety of animals is used in yogurt production but most of the industrialized nations use cows milkKultur starter: Streptococcus salivarius thermophilus (ST) and Lactobacillus delbruekii bulgaricus (LB)

  • Making YogurtSusu dipisahkan : cream dan skimStandarisasi kandungan lemakPencampuran berbagai ingridientpasteurisasiPendinginan, dan penambahan starter

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