  • 7/30/2019 Scenario b.inggris 2


    Scenario 1 ( setting: outpatient)

    rachel (12 years old, women) get pain in her stomach. rachel and her parents decide to visit the

    physician in interne policlinic of medika hospital in banjarbaru. unfortunately, they don't know

    the place where the policlinic is. rachel and her parents come to the receptionist first and ask

    for the direction, receptionist and security explain the direction to the interne policlinic. in this

    outpatient service, rachel gets some brief assessment by nurse, and physical assessment by

    physician. finally the physician decides to transfer rachel to the ward because of appendicitis


    ((rachel (12 tahun, perempuan) mendapatkan rasa sakit di perutnya. rachel dan orangtuanya

    memutuskan untuk mengunjungi dokter di poliklinik interne dari Medika rumah sakit di

    Banjarbaru. sayangnya, mereka tidak tahu tempat di mana poli ini. rachel dan orangtuanya

    datang ke resepsionis pertama dan meminta resepsionis, arah dan keamanan menjelaskan arah ke

    interne poliklinik. dalam layanan rawat jalan, rachel mendapatkan beberapa penilaian singkat

    oleh perawat, dan penilaian fisik oleh dokter. akhirnya dokter memutuskan untuk mentransfer

    rachel ke bangsal karena tersangka usus buntu.))

    Scenario 2 (setting : ward)

    nurse in outpatient call the nurse in ward to explain that there is a patient, Rechal ( 12 years old,

    woman), who gets the appendicitis suspect. the patient is transferred to the ward and nurse starts

    to accompany patient first, gives the patient orientation of the room care, and medical team

    (physician, dietitian) that is responsible in patient care. a complete patient assessment's then

    delivered by nurse to complete patient and gather information of the patient thoroughly.

    additionally as a procedural diagnostic test, the blood sample directly takes after the assessment

    complete and radiologic photography will plan in the following day.

    ((perawat di rawat jalan memanggil perawat di bangsal untuk menjelaskan bahwa ada seorang

    pasien, Rechal (12 tahun, perempuan), yang mendapatkan tersangka usus buntu. pasien

    dipindahkan ke bangsal dan perawat mulai untuk menemani pasien pertama, memberikan

    orientasi pasien dari ruang perawatan, dan tim medis (dokter, ahli gizi) yang bertanggung jawab

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    dalam perawatan pasien. penilaian pasien lengkap yang kemudian disampaikan oleh perawat

    untuk menyelesaikan pasien dan mengumpulkan informasi dari pasien dengan saksama.

    tambahan sebagai tes diagnostik prosedural, sampel darah langsung mengambil setelah fotografi

    penilaian lengkap dan radiologis akan merencanakan pada hari berikutnya.))

    Scenario 3 (setting:ward)

    Rachel needs the surgery due to the inflammatory in her appendices. the day before surgery

    procedure, nurse come to Rachel and her parent, explains the operation prosedure as well as

    disease processs. rachel seems scare; because it's her first surgery experience. nurse tries to

    explain again and assure that everything will be under control. today's Rachel schedule of

    surgery, nurse prepares Rachel in ward and deliver to surgery department. nurse in surgery

    department checks the patient first and explain the procedure, then Rachel is delivered to

    operation chamber.

    ((Rachel membutuhkan operasi akibat inflamasi dalam apendiks nya. hari sebelum operasi,

    perawat prosedur datang ke Rachel dan orang tuanya, menjelaskan PAD operasi serta proses-

    proses penyakit. rachel tampaknya ketakutan, karena pengalaman operasi pertamanya. Perawat

    mencoba menjelaskan lagi dan memastikan bahwa semuanya akan berada di bawah kendali. hari

    ini jadwal Rachel operasi, perawat mempersiapkan Rachel di lingkungan dan menyampaikan ke

    departemen bedah. perawat dalam operasi departemen memeriksa pasien pertama dan

    menjelaskan prosedur, maka Rachel dikirim ke ruang operasi.))

    Scenario 4 ( setting: ward post operative)

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    the appendices surgery has already finished, after the patient is conscious and delivered to ward,

    nurse observes and checks the patient first such as consciousness level, vital sign, peristaltic

    sound etc., nurse explains the mobilization technique in the following day of Rachel care in this

    ward. five days after the surgery prosedure, Rachel in given permission to come back in her daily

    activities and nurse gives the discharge planning, regarding Rachel condition.

    ((operasi apendiks telah selesai, setelah pasien sadar dan dikirim ke bangsal, perawat

    mengamati dan memeriksa pasien pertama seperti tingkat kesadaran, tanda vital, dll suara

    peristaltik, perawat menjelaskan teknik mobilisasi di hari berikutnya perawatan Rachel di

    bangsal ini. lima hari setelah operasi Prosedure, Rachel dalam izin yang diberikan untuk kembali

    dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dan perawat memberikan perencanaan pulang, mengenai kondisi


    NURSING ASSESSMENT (( pengkajian perawat))

    Assessment is the first step of nursing process. nursing assessment includes two steps. the first

    step involves the collection and verification of primary source (client) and secondary source (e.g.

    family, health profesisional, medical record). the second step involves the analysis of all data as a

    basis for developing nursing diagnoses and an individualized plan of care for the client. the

    purpose of assessment is to establish a database about the client's perceived need, health problem

    and responses to the problems. these problem are expressed as either actual or potential.

    there are 3 components of a nursing assessment:

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    1. nursing history

    taking a nursing history prior to the physical examination allows nurse to establish a rapport

    with the patient and family. elements of the history include:

    -health status

    -course of present illness including symptoms

    -current management of illness

    -past medical of history including family's medical history

    -social history

    -perception of illness

    2. psychological and social examination

    the psychosocial examination may include:

    -client's perception (why they think they have been referred/being assessed; what they hope to

    gain from the meeting)

    -emotional health (mental health state, coping styles, etc)

    -social health (accommodation, finances relationship, genogram, employment status, ethnic

    background, support networks, etc)

    -physical health (general health, illness, previous history, appetite, weight, sleep pattern,diurinal variations, alcohol, tobacco, street drugs, list any prescribed medication with

    comments on effectiveness)

    -spiritual health (is religion important? if yes, in what way? what/who provides a sense of


    -intellectual health (cognitive functioning, hallucinations, delusions, concentration, interestsm

    hobbies, etc)

    3. physical examination

    a nursing assessment includes a physical examination: the observation or measurement sign,

    which can be observed or measured, or symptom such as a nausea or vertigo, which can be felt

    by the patient. the techniques used may include palpitation, auscultation and percussion

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    addition to the vital sign of temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and further

    examination of the body system, such as the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.

    Pengkajian adalah langkah pertama dari proses keperawatan. keperawatan penilaian meliputi

    dua langkah. langkah pertama melibatkan pengumpulan dan verifikasi sumber utama (klien)

    dan sumber sekunder (misalnya keluarga, kesehatan profesisional, rekam medis). langkah

    kedua melibatkan analisis dari semua data sebagai dasar untuk mengembangkan diagnosa

    keperawatan dan rencana perawatan individual untuk klien. tujuan penilaian adalah untuk

    membangun database tentang dirasakan klien, masalah kebutuhan kesehatan dan tanggapan

    terhadap masalah. Masalah ini dinyatakan sebagai baik aktual atau potensial.

    ada 3 komponen penilaian keperawatan:

    1. riwayat keperawatan

    mengambil sejarah keperawatan sebelum pemeriksaan fisik memungkinkan perawat untuk

    membangun hubungan dengan pasien dan keluarga. unsur riwayat meliputi:

    -status kesehatan

    -perjalanan penyakit ini termasuk gejala-saat ini manajemen penyakit

    -masa lalu sejarah medis termasuk riwayat kesehatan keluarga

    -sosial riwayat

    -persepsi penyakit

    2. pemeriksaan psikologis dan sosial

    pemeriksaan psikososial dapat mencakup:-klien persepsi (mengapa mereka pikir mereka telah dirujuk / sedang dinilai, apa yang mereka

    harapkan untuk memperoleh hasil dari pertemuan)

    -emosional kesehatan (kondisi kesehatan mental, gaya koping, dll)

    -kesehatan sosial (akomodasi, keuangan hubungan, genogram, status pekerjaan, latar belakang

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    etnis, jaringan dukungan, dll)

    -kesehatan fisik (kesehatan penyakit, umum, riwayat sebelumnya, nafsu makan, berat badan,

    pola tidur, variasi diurinal, alkohol, tembakau, obat jalanan, daftar setiap obat resep dengan

    komentar pada efektivitas)

    -spiritual kesehatan (adalah agama yang penting? jika ya, dalam hal apa? apa / siapa yang

    memberikan rasa tujuan?)

    -intelektual kesehatan (fungsi kognitif, halusinasi, delusi, konsentrasi, interestsm hobi, dll)

    3. pemeriksaan fisik

    penilaian keperawatan meliputi pemeriksaan fisik: tanda pengamatan atau pengukuran, yang

    dapat diamati atau diukur, atau gejala seperti mual atau vertigo, yang dapat dirasakan oleh

    pasien. teknik yang digunakan mungkin termasuk palpitasi, auskultasi dan penambahan perkusi

    ke tanda vital temperatur, tekanan darah, denyut nadi, laju pernapasan, dan pemeriksaan lebih

    lanjut dari sistem tubuh, seperti sistem kardiovaskular atau muskuloskeletal.

    polite request

    patient in hospital are usually anxious and fearful. it is important that hospital and staff put

    them and their ease by being polite and pleasant. the following drills teach you polite forms inenglish. be careful about the way your voice rises and falls when you say these sentences. listen

    to the way the teacher say the sentence.

    see the difference between command and request

    sopan permintaan

    pasien di rumah sakit biasanya cemas dan takut. adalah penting bahwa rumah sakit dan staf

    menempatkan mereka dan kemudahan mereka dengan bersikap sopan dan menyenangkan.

    latihan berikut ini mengajarkan Anda bentuk sopan dalam bahasa Inggris. berhati-hati tentang

    cara suara Anda naik dan turun ketika Anda mengatakan kalimat-kalimat ini. mendengarkan cara

    guru mengucapkan kalimat tersebut.

    melihat perbedaan antara perintah dan permintaan

  • 7/30/2019 Scenario b.inggris 2


  • 7/30/2019 Scenario b.inggris 2



    in the clinic

    doctor : Rachel, how do you feel now? (While looking at Rachel)

    Rachel : I feel sick (crying)

    rachel father's : does rachel required hospitalization doctor? (worried)

    doctor : sir, rachel will stay here. This nurse will escort you to the room inpatient.

    clinics nurse escort rachel and her father to Anna ward, room 9. in the room, ward nurses will

    waiting rachel. Rachel is sleeping in the bed and his father was at his side.

    Clinics nurse : nurses, this is Rachel.

    Ward nurse : yes mom, I've studied the status of Rachel

    Clinics nurse : if there is a problem tell the nurses room

    Ward nurse : yes mom, thank you very much.


    in the Rachels room. nurses doing assessments.

    Ward nurse : hi Rachel, introduce my self. My name is Nurmala. You can call me Nurse Mala.

    how are you today?

    Rachel : Im sick (crying)

    Ward nurse :

    hours later the doctor to come

    doctor : hi Rachel, how are tou feeling today? (smile)

    Rachel : (be silent)

    rachel father's : rachel still sick. how do doctor?

    Doctor : dont worry sir. we will treat Rachel to recover.

    nurse, I prescribed the drug. Please you will give to Rachel. (checking Rachel)

    Ward nurse : yes Sir, I do.

    Doctor : I've finished examining you. Now, I'm going, but I'll be back again.

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    take the medicine so that you get better soon. (walked out of the Rachels room)

    next day ward nurses :

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