Page 1: Menggabungkan Beberapa Partisi Harddisk Tanpa Software Di Windows 7

menggabungkan beberapa partisi harddisk tanpa software di windows 7

Pada kesempatan yang lalu saya telah memposting tentang cara membuat partisi baru

pada windows 7. Sehingga setelah dibuat partisi baru, maka jumlah partisi menjadi

bertambah. Sekarang jika partisi yang ada sudah banyak dan akan dikurangi jumlah

partisinya atau mau menggabungnya menjadi satu partisi, caranya bagaimana????...

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menulis  cara untuk menggabungkan beberapa

partisi menjadi satu partisi tanpa software di windows 7. Langsung saja berikut ini

langkah-langkahnya :

1. Backup dulu data yang ada di partisi yang mau dimerger atau digabung.

2. Klik kanan [computer] pilih [manage]

3. Pada jendela “computer management”, pilih [storage] kemudian pilih [disk

management]. Disebelah kanan jendela tampak sederetan partisi yang telah


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4. Klik kanan partisi yang mau di merger atau digabung, pilih [delete volume].

(dimaksudkan untuk menjadikan partisi tadi menjadi free space)

5. Muncul konfirmasi delete volume. Jika data anda sudah di backup, maka pilih

saja [yes], kalau belum klik [no] kemudian backup dulu data anda. dan ulangi

lagi langkah-langkahnya.

6. Sekarang partisi yang mau di merger atau digabung sudah menjadi free space.

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7. Pilih partisi yang akan ditambah volumenya, kemudian klik kanan dan

pilih [extend volume].

8. Muncul wizard extend volume, klik [next].

9. Muncul extend volume. Disini atur volume free space yang mau ditambahkan.

Gambar dibawah menunjukkan semua free space ditambahkan. jika sudah

klik [next]

10.Muncul completing the extend volume wizard, klik [finish].

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11.Sekarang partisi telah ditambahkan atau digabung, alias di merger, otomatis

volumenya bertambah sesuai dengan free space yang ditambahkan.

Selesai … semoga bermanfaat bagi sahabat syahidacomputer.

Setup was unable to create a new system partition

First time with Windows 7 installation. Hit an error "Setup was unable to create a new system partition ...".

Solution, unplug any USB drive connected. 

Reboot into Windows 7 setup mode again. Click the DRIVE option & re-delete the hard drive partition, create a new partition & re-format it.

And that should do the job!

What a great suggestion. I tried endless suggestions for three days, blowing off hours at a time, reformatting, writing zeros to my hard disk, etc. Nothing worked. Every time I got the same message. Then you suggest to remove my usb drive, I do so, reboot, and voila! Windows 7 installs in 15 minutes! Thanks, thanks, thanks, for the great suggestion.

After going through pages and pages of google results,this is the one that worked!


ISSUE: When I try to install Windows 7 on my home desktop computer (Compaq Presario SR2020NX) it show me following error message.

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“Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the Setup log files for more information.”RESOLUTION: After some search & research I found that this issue is because I have 2 hard disk in my desktop computer. To resolve this issue only option that works is to open the computer and disconnect the second drive.If you have more then 2 disks then disconnect all but one where you will be installing the Windows 7. So I open my computer and disconnect the 2nd hard disk. I run the setup again and everything work perfectly fine. Also after install I re-connected my 2nd hard disk without any issue.ALTERNATE OPTIONS: that did not work:1. Delete other partition on the hard disk where I wanted to install Windows 7. But I did not delete or format the 2nd hard disk.2. In the BIOS setup I verify and updated the boot sequence to 1st boot from CD/DVD and then from the hard disk where I wanted to install the Windows 7.ALTERNATE OPTIONS: that I did not try:3. Boot from Windows XP CD/DVD and create and format the hard disk where you want to install Windows 7. Once partition is created and formatted then shut down and boot from Windows 7 DVD. I have not try this option.Technical details of the computer & Windows 7 I used for this:1. Hardware: Compaq Presario SR2020NX, AMD 64 Athlon 2. Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 BitRELATED ISSUE: Check out another post related to similar issue -Bootmgr Is Missing - Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to Restart

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