  • The cardiovascular system

    Structure of the heart

    The cardiac cycle

    Structure and organization of blood vessels

  • Pandangan Umum Sistem KardiovaskulerSistem kardiovaskular mempunyai perananan yg sangat penting dalam proses homeostasis agar tubuh dapat beradaptasi terhadap berbagai perubahan yang terjadi dilingkungan sekitar kita. Fungsi sistem kardiovaskulerPenyediaan berbagai bahan nutrisi dan oksigen ke sel dan jaringan dan membuang hasil metabolisme.

    Transport berbagai bahan dari suatu organ keorgan lainnya, misal hormon, enzim dan berbagai antibodi dan sitokin yang diperlukan untuk pertahanan tubuh terhadap mikroorganisme

    Mengatur keseimbangan caitan tubuh melalui pengaturan konsentrasi air dan ion pada sel dan jaringan

  • Fungsi lain dari jantung :> Sebagai organ endokrin dengan menghasilkan berbagai hormonHormon ANP, adrenomedullin, dan oksitosin

    Struktur anatomik jantungJantung terletak di dalam rongga mediastinum dari rongga dada (toraks), diantara kedua paru.Bagian atas ICS 2, garis sternum, ICS 4 dan garis axila anterior

    Dinding jantung 3 lapisan :Lapisan luar disebut epikardium (perikardium viseralisLapisan tengah miokardiumLapisan dalam endokardium

  • Ruang-ruang jantung Atrium kananAtrium kiri Ventrikel kanan Ventrikel kiri

    Katup-katup jantung Katup atrioventrikulerKatup Trikuspidalis Katup Mitralis Katup semilunar Katup aorta Katup pulmonal

  • Sistem Konduksi Kontraksi otot-2 jantung secara spontan & ritmik.Sifat-sifat :1. Otomatisasi: impuls secara spontan2. Ritmisasi: impuls secara teratur3. Konduktivitas: menyalurkan impuls4. Daya rangsang: menanggapi stimulasi

    Karena sifat-sifat ini menghasilkan secara spontan & ritmis impuls yg disalurkan melalui sistem penghantar utk merangsang miokardium & menstimulir kontraksi otot.

    Sirkulasi Koroner Efisiensi jantung sbg pompa ~ nutrisi & oksigenasi.Sirkulasi koroner membawa O2 & nutrisi ke miokardiumMorbiditas & mortalitas infark miokard ~ derajat gangguan fungsi mekanik ataupun elektrik.

  • Nodus SA (sinoatrial)- Pemicu alami jantung- Letak: dinding post. A.Ka dekat muara VCS- Jalur antaratrium (berkas Bachmann) mempermudah penyebaran impuls dari A.Ka ke A.KiJalur internodal menghub. nodus SA dgn nodus AV.

    Nodus AV (atrioventrikular)- Letak: septum interventrikularis dlm A.Ka dekat muara sinus koronaria- Memiliki 2 fungsi:a. Menunda impuls jantung selama 0,08 0,12 detik guna memungkinkan pengisian ventrikel selama kontraksi atrium.b. Mengatur jumlah impuls atrium yg mencapai ventrikel; biasanya tidak lebih dari 180 impuls/mnt.

  • Berkas His Suatu berkas serabut yg tebal yg menjulur ke bawah di sebelah kanan septum interventrikularis. Berkas ini membelah menjadi cabang kiri dan kanan.

    Serabut purkinje Cabang-cabang tsb di atas berakhir sbg jalinan serabut kompleks yg disebut sistem purkinje, yg menyebar ke seluruh permukaan kedua ventrikel jantung.Terdapat susunan sel-sel miokard (di luar sistem konduksi) ikut berperan dalam kecepatan penyebaran impuls. Sel-sel ini dipisahkan oleh duktus interkalaris. Dalam diskus ini terdapat tempat-tempat membran sel saling berdekatan neksus. Neksus ini mempercepat transmisi rangsangan listrik.

  • FAKTOR PENENTU CURAH JANTUNGCurah jantung tergantung pada :1. Frekuensi Jantung (heart rate)Parasimpatis bradikardi (resting)Simpatis takikardi (heart disease)

    2. Curah sekuncup (stroke volume)a. Beban awal (preload)b. Kontraktilitasc. Beban akhir (afterload)Hukum Starling: peregangan serabut miokard selama diastol melalui peningkatan volume akhir diastol meningkatkan kontraktilitas pada saat sistolik. SIRKULASI SISTEMIK (peredaran darah besar)Ventrikel kiri aorta arteri besar arteri kecil arteriola kapiler arteri kapiler vena venula vena kecil vena besar vena cava inferior dan vena cava superior atrium kanan (jantung menuju seluruh tubuh)

    SIRKULASI PULMONAL (peredaran darah kecil)Ventrikel Kanan arteri pulmonal paru (alveoli) vena pulmonal atrium kiri

  • SIRKULASI SISTEMIKMerupakan peredaran darah dari jantung menuju seluruh jaringan tubuh dan kembali lagi ke jantung.Darah dipompakan dari ventrikel kiri keluar jantung melalui aorta menuju ke 2 cabang aorta yang berukuran pendek, satu cabang mengalirkan darah yang kaya akan oksigen ke bagian kepala dan lengan dan cabang lainnya mengalirkan darah ke berbagai bagian tubuh lainnya.Peredaran darah sistemik bertanggung jawab terhadap berlangsungnya pertukaran gas , nutrien, limbah pada semua bagian tubuh kecuali paru-paru.Kemudian darah yang miskin oksigen dari bagian kepala dan lengan akan kembali masuk jantung melalui vena cava superior dan darah yang berasal dari bagian tubuh lainnya masuk jantung melalui vena cava inferior.

    SISTEM PEREDARAN DARAH PULMONALPeredaran darah pulmonary merupakan peredaran darah dari jantung ke kapiler paru-paru kemudian kembali ke jantung.Darah dari paru-paru mengalir melalui arteri pulmonari dan kembali ke jantung melalui vena pulmonari

  • What is the cardiovascular system?

    The heart is a double pump

    heartarteries arterioles veinsvenules capillaries

  • The double pump

  • Serous membraneContinuous withblood vessels

  • Chambers of the heart; valves

  • Valves control flow of blood from onechamber to another

    Prevent backflow

  • Blood supply to the heart

    Coronary artery and vein system

    Right and left coronary arteries branch off ofaortaBranch into smaller vessels

    Cardiac veins deliver blood to coronary sinus,and back to the right atrium

  • Coronary artery disease results when coronaryarteries cannot deliver blood adequately

    Usual cause: plaques in arterial walls

    Angina pectoris (pain) when body is notreceiving adequate oxygen

    Myocardial infarction (heart attack) whenblood supply to heart is completelyblocked; muscle dies

  • Coordination of chamber contraction, relaxation

  • Conduction system of the heart

    Heart contracts as a unit

    Atrial and ventricular syncytia help conductelectrical signals through the heart

    Sinoatrial (S-A) node is continuous with atrialsyncytium

    S-A node cells can initiate impulses on theirown; activity is rhythmic

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) can trace conductionof electrical signals through the heart

  • Aberrant ECG patterns indicate damage

  • Regulation of heart rate

    Blood pressure and its control

    What is hypertension and how is it treated?

    The heart rate and exercise

    Characteristics of arteries and veins

    Organization of the vascular system andresponses to physiological needs

  • Regulation of the cardiac cycle

    Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervoussystems

    Parasympathetic: from medulla oblongata(vagus nerve)Nerve branches to S-A and A-V nodes, andsecretes acetylcholine (slows rate)

    Parasympathetic activity can increase (slowheart rate) or decrease (increase heartrate)

  • Sympathetic nervous systemthrough celiac plexus to heartsecretes norepinephrineincreases force of contractions

    Cardiac control center in medulla oblongatamaintains balance between the two

    Normally both sympathetic and parasympatheticfunction at a steady background level

  • Baroreceptors detect changes in blood pressure

    Rising pressure stretches receptorsvagus nerveparasympathetic system

    Increased temperature increases heart rate

    Ions and heart rate:excess potassium decreases it

    excess calcium increases it

  • Blood pressure

    Blood flow is generally equal to cardiac output

    Blood flow affected by pressure and resistance

    Blood pressure: the force that is exerted by bloodagainst blood vessel walls

    Resistance depends on size of blood vessel andthickness (viscosity) of blood

  • Blood pressure is highest in large arterieswill rise and fall as heart pumps

    highest with ventricular systolelowest with ventricular diastolepulse pressure is the difference betweenthe two

    Resistance is highest in capillaries

  • More cellsconstriction of bloodvessel walls

  • Control of blood pressure

    Regulation of cardiac outputcontraction strengthheart ratevenous returnskeletal musclesbreathing rate

  • Long term regulation of blood flow (hormones)

    If blood pressure is too low:

    ADH (antidiuretic hormone) promotes waterretention

    Angiotensin II- in response to reninsignal (renin) produced by kidney- why?drop in blood pressurestimulation by sympathetic nervoussystemsodium levels too low

  • What happens?vasoconstriction (by angiotensin II)what will that do to blood pressure?ADH is secretedaldosterone is secreted

    EPO (erythropoietin) secreted by kidneysif blood volume is too low

    ANP secreted if blood pressure is tooHIGH

  • What is hypertension?

    Arterial pressure is too high

    Sometimes cause is unknown, or is secondaryto diseaseVariety of causes/ risk factors are knownsedentary lifestylesmokingobesitydiet (excess sodium; cholesterol; caloriesin general)stressarteriosclerosisgenetic factors

  • Consequences?heart has to work harder; left ventricleenlargesatherosclerosis may affect coronaryarteries as well (which have to work harderanyway) heart disease

    deficient blood supply to other parts ofbody

    damage to blood vessels accumulates

    heart failure

  • Treatment of high blood pressure

    Quit smoking; adjust diet; exercise

    Drug therapies- strategies differ

    Reduce heart ratecalcium channel blockersreduce calcium flow into heartmuscle and therefore heart raterelax smooth muscle liningcoronary arteriesbeta blockers (reduce stimulation bysympathetic nervous system)

  • Diuretics reduce blood volumeACE inhibitors interfere with renin-angiotensin pathway

    Vasodilators (such as nitroglycerin) open upblood vessels (reduce resistance)

    If heart is actually failing, digitalis increasesefficiency of heat muscle

    Anti-hypertensive drugs may be taken incombination

  • Why is exercise good for the heart?

    A trained heart is biggerpumps blood more efficiently (at a lowerrate)stroke volume increases (due to strongercontractions, allowing for lower rate)

    other benefits: higher aerobic capacity(contributing to efficiency)

    Note that this takes training!

  • Characteristics of blood vessels

    Arteries and arterioles carry blood away fromheart

    Capillaries- site of exchange

    Venules, veins- return blood to heart

  • Endothelium- prevents platelet aggregationsecretes substances that control diameterof blood vessel

    Tunica media- smooth muscle and connectivetissue. Innervated by sympathetic nerves(vasoconstriction)Missing in smallest arteries

    Tunica externa- connective tissue; isvascularized

  • Capillaries most permeable (and more permeablein some parts than others)

    Especially so in liver, spleen and red marrow(so cells can enter and leave circulation)

    Blood flow can vary to different parts of the body, too

  • What does this mean?

  • Blood is forced through arteries and arteriolesvessel walls are too thick for blood com-ponents to pass through

    In capillaries, oxygen and nutrients move outby diffusion; CO2 in (via lipid membrane,channels, etc.)

    Blood pressure moves molecules out by filtration

    Plasma proteins maintain osmotic pressureof blood

  • Returning blood to the heart

    Venules are continuous with capillaries; takein some returned fluid (rest is retained bytissues or returned to blood via lymphaticsystem)

    Veins have thinner walls;less muscle; but can hold much more blood

    Many veins in limbs have valves to preventbackflow(Varicose veins arise when pressure on valvesis prolonged)

  • See pp. 351-359 for allcircuits

  • Summary

    The heart is a double pump, delivering bloodto the lungs for oxygenation, and thento the body

    Blood leaves the heart through arteries, andreturns to the heart through veins

    The heart rate is regulated by a conducting system (the heart beats about 100,000times per day!)

  • The cardiac cycle is regulated by the cardiaccenter in the medulla oblongata whichregulates sympathetic and parasympa-thetic input

    Exercise (i.e., needs), temperature and ionbalance also affect heart rate

    Cardiac rate is also controlled by long-termresponders such as ADH, angiotensin,EPO and ANP

  • Blood (arterial) pressure is affected by heartaction, blood volume, peripheralresistance, and blood viscosity

    Inability to regulate blood pressure can contribute to disease

    Arteries and veins have structural characteristicsappropriate to bringing blood to the cellsand then back to the heart

    Circulatory system allows for adjustments to exercise, digestion and other necessaryfunctions

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