daily expression in english

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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People will be easy studying basic English. in can be media in the class to demonstrate how we great and meet someone. by reading this article there will be satisfying. I made it for three hours and helped by my friends.


Daily Expression in English Daily expression adalah ekspresi yang sering dikeluarkan atau perkataan yang diucapkan oleh orang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut ini adalah kumpulan kata-kata dari daily expression yang diucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris dan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia: 1. i didnt mean too! : Saya tidak sengaja! 2. You are really something!: Kamu ada-ada saja! 3. Take it easy! : Santai saja! 4. Dont block my sight! : Jangan halangi pandanganku 5. Dont be cocky! : Jangan GR! 6. I change my mind! : Saya berubah pikiran! 7. Dont give up! : Jangan menyerah! 8. I dont care! : Saya tidak perduli! 9. Move a bit! : Geser sedikit! 10. How could it be : Bagaimana mungkin! 11. Wish me luck! : Doakan aku berhasil! 12. I pray for you! : Saya berdoa untukmu! 13. Take care of yourself! : Jaga dirimu baik-baik! 14. Not so bad! : Lumayan! 15. Just so so! : Biasa-biasa saja 16. It is your turn! : Ini giliranmu! 17. Dont look me down! : Jangan merendahkanku! 18. What a shamed! : Memalukan! 19. Anybody home? : Ada orang dirumah? 20. I take a pity on you! : Aku kasihan padamu! 21. Just a minute! : Tunggu sebentar! 22. Just kidding! : Cuma bercanda! 23. Once more!: Sekali lagi! 24. Anything else?: Ada yang lain? 25. Spend the night!: Menginap! 26. Hurry up!: Cepetan! 27. Feel free!: Jangan sungkan-sungkan 28. Watch out!: Awas! 29. Step by step : Tahap demi tahap 30. Here you are : Ini yang kamu inginkan 31. I dont think so: Aku kira nggak gitu 32. Be careful on the way : Hati-hati di jalan 33. Dont disturb me!: Jangan ganggu aku! 34. Dont take too long! : Jangan lama-lama! 35. Dont insult me! : Jangan menghinaku! 36. Dont be hopeless! : Jangan putus asa! 37. Dont waste the time! : Jangan buang-buang waktu! 38. Guide me! : Bimbing aku! 39. Forgive me! : Maafkan aku! 40. Do it by yourself! : Kerjakan sendiri! 41. Take it or leave it! : Jadi apa nggak! 42. What is going on? : Apa yang terjadi? 43. Keep your spirit : Jaga semangatmu 44. What will I get for this? : Apa imbalannya? 45. Dont kid me! : Jangan mempermainkan saya! 46. Dont throw the rubbish anywhere! : Jangan buang sampah sembarangan! 47. Thats sound like a bunch of nonsense to me! : Gombal! 48. It doesnt matter : Tidak masalah 49. Wake up honey : Bangun sayang 50. Thats sound like a fun : Kayaknya asyik nih

Expressing Promise I swear I promise that Thats promise Keep your promise Dont break your promise I give you my word on that You have my word on thatExpressing Sactisfaction Great job Well done Its sactifiying Its Disappointed Im really disappointed Im sactifiying Great, good workExpressing Opinion I feel that I think that According to What is your opinion? What do you think about? What do you think of? In my opinionExpressing Believe Do you belive it I dont belive you Are you kidding? Are you serious? Are you jocking? Really? Did you? Oh my goodness Can you imagine that? Wouldnt you believe itExpressing Hope I hope I wish I think so Lets hope May god bless you May your dream come true I look forward to Hopefully I expect thatExpression of persuasion :

1.Come on ..2.Can I/ Could I/ Couldnt I persuade you..?3.How can I persuade you to?4.Couldnt you be persuaded?5.Wont you . Please?6.I think it would be a pity Id we didnt ..7.Why dont you..?8.I wish I could9.We feel you should go ahead.expressions of encouragement1.You have my support.2.Dont worry. I am sure youll do better this time.3.You can do it.4.We feel you should go ahead.5.Well done6.Youre doing very well.expressions of criticism1.The film is totally boring.2.Whats ridiculous movie!3.I cant stand the rudeness.4.Youd be well advisen to / not to5.Id say .expressions of prevention 1.I must try to prevent ..2.We cant do much to prevent 3.I woludnt do that .. If I were you.4.It is not a good idea.5.I think it is not wise to do that.6.I think thats not a good idea. Youd better cancel your plan.7.I wouldnt take the risk if I were in your position.the possible answerIll consider that.Ill think that.Ill reschedule my plan.expressions of plan, intention and purposes1.I plan to.2.I am planning to.3.I am going to4.I intend to.5.I am thinking of ..6.I want to.7.I desire 8.I reckon I will,,,,,expressions of prediction1.I would say 2.I predict that .3.I guess 4.I think .Possible responses 1.I think so2.I can be3.I dont think so4.My prediction is 5.I think its well grounded.expressions of speculation1.We can speculate2.I speculate Possible responses1.Its worth speculating2.I can beexpressions of assessing1.I think the movies is .2.What a cruel movie!3.The jokes are really funny.4.It is the worst performance. Ive ever seen

1.expression of Introduction(Perkenalan)Id like to introduce myself, ______Let me introduce myself, ______Allow me to introduce myself, ______Let me introduce you to ______This is ______

2. expression of Greeting and Leave Taking(Selamat / Bertemu dan Berpisah)How do you do ?How are you ?How are you doing ?How is life ?It is nice to meet youI am very happy to meet youHelloHiGood morning, afternoon, evening, nightGood byeSee you laterSee you soonCheerio

3. expression of Gratitude and Appreciation(Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan)Thank youThank you very muchIt is very kind of youCongratulationCongratulation on ______Happy ______Have a nice ______Good luck

4. expression of Apology(Permintaan Maaf)I am sorryI dont mean to ______Forgive meI hope you forgive me

5. Ability and Disability(Mampu dan Tidak Mampu)Yes, I canNo, I cantYes, I am able to ______No, I am not able to ______I think I am able to ______I think I am unable to ______I cant, Im afraid

6. expression of Certainty and Uncertainty(Yakin/Pasti dan Tidak Yakin/Tidak Pasti)I am sureI am not sureI am certainI am not certainI doubt thatI cant decideI dont know

7. expression of Agreement and Disagreement(Setuju dan Tidak Setuju)I agreeI disagreeI absolutely agreeI think soI dont think soYou are absolutely rightYou are right, but ______

8. expression of Like and Dislike(Suka dan Tidak Suka)I like itI love itIm very keen on ______I dont like itI hate it

9. expression of Opinion(Pendapat)What do you think of ______I think ______Lets talk about itI wonder ______Give me comments or suggestions, please

10. expression of Asking and Offering(Meminta dan Menawarkan)Excuse me, May I ______ ?Do you mind ______Would you please ______Would you help me, please ?What can I do for you, _____?11. expression of Command and Prohibition(Perintah dan Larangan)Pay attention, please!Listen to me!Keep the room clean!Lets go!Be on time!Be a good student!Dont move, please!Dont go away!Dont worry!Dont be late!No talking, please!No smoking!No parking in this area!

12. expression of Warning(Peringatan)Watch out !Be aware of ______ !Be careful !

13. expression of Preference(Lebih Suka / Pilihan)I like ______ better than ______I prefer ______ to ______I would rather ______ than ______

14. expression of Exclamation(Kekaguman)What a wonderful world !What a beautiful girl !How beautiful she is !How big the ship is !It is great !Excellent !

15. S expression of ympathy(Ikut bersimpati)Take it easyDont worry, everything will be all rightWhat a pityI am sorry to hear that

Poor you

excuse me, where's the toilet?permisi, di mana kah kamar kecil?

excuse me, where's the Gents?permisi, di mana kah kamar kecil pria?

excuse me, where's the Ladies?permisi, di mana kah kamar kecil wanita?

Tanda yang mungkin anda lihatEntrancePintu masuk

ExitPintu keluar

Emergency exitPintu darurat



ToiletsKamar kecil / toilet


Gentlemen (kadang disingkat Gents)Toilet pria

LadiesToilet wanita


Occupied or EngagedSedang digunakan

Out of orderRusak

No smokingDilarang merokok


No entryDilarang masuk