competitive technological independence - inc - cp 2016 (smallsize).pdf · visi, misi...

PT Len Industri (Persero) Competitive Technological Independence PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Company Profile PT Len Industri (Persero) Jl. Soekarno Hatta 442 Bandung 40254, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Telp. : +62-22-5202682 Fax. : +62-22-5202695 Email : [email protected] Len Technopark Jl. Raya Subang - Cikamurang Km 12 Cibogo, Subang 41285 Jawa Barat

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PT Len Industri (Persero)Competitive Technological Independence


PT Len Industri (Persero)Jl. Soekarno Hatta 442Bandung 40254, Jawa Barat, IndonesiaTelp. : +62-22-5202682 Fax. : +62-22-5202695Email : [email protected]

Len TechnoparkJl. Raya Subang - Cikamurang Km 12Cibogo, Subang 41285Jawa Barat

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Table of Contents



Visi, Misi & Peran Strategis Sumber Daya Manusia Inovasi Teknologi Tata Kelola Perusahaan Penghargaan & Sertifikasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Len Technopark Transformasi Perusahaan Len GrupElektronika Pertahanan Energi Terbarukan Sistem Navigasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi

Transportasi Perkeretaapian Fasilitas Produksi Pelanggan & Mitra

Vision, Mission & Strategic RoleHuman Resources

Technology Innovation Corporate Governance

Awards & CertificationsCorporate Social Responsibility

Len TechnoparkCompany Transformation

Len IncorporatedDefense Electronics

Renewable EnergyNavigation Systems

Information & CommunicationTechnology

Railway TransportationProduction Facilities

Customers & Partners

Daftar Isi


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Menjadi Perusahaan Elektronika Kelas Dunia

MisiMeningkatkan kesejahteraan stakeholder melalui inovasi produk elektronika industri dan prasarana

Vission and Mission Visi dan Misi


To be a world class electronics company

MissionTo improve stakeholders’ welfare through product innovation in industrial and infrastructure electronics

Strategic Role Peran Strategis

Teknologi yang dikembangkan Len mempunyai peran strategis dalam

Ÿ Turut serta menjaga kedaulatan negara dengan produk - produk pertahanan, transportasi, dan teknologi informasi & komunikasi.

Ÿ Meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui produk - produk energi terbarukan dan transportasi.

Untuk mendukung kedua peran tersebut Len mengembangkan manufacturing.Semua hal ini pada akhirnya bermuara pada tercapainya target Len, yaitu kemandirian teknologi yang berdaya saing.

Technology developed by Len has strategic roles in:

Ÿ Participate in maintaining state sovereignty with the product of defense, transportation, and information & communication technology.

Ÿ Improving the welfare of the community through the products of renewable energy and transportation.

To supporting both role’s Len develop manufacturing. Everything eventually led to the achievement of the Len target, the competitive technological independence.

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Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Capital

Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya Len menempatkan karyawan sebagai pelaku industri, bukan sebagai alat produksi. Bekerja dan berinovasi di Len berarti menjadi bagian dari tim yang dinamis dan berkomitmen untuk mencapai tujuan yang menantang dalam konteks nasional dan internasional.

While conducting the business Len place the employee as an industry executants , not as a production’s tool. Work and innovate at Len means to be a part of dynamic team and committed to achieving a challenging goal in the national and international context.

Pengembangan SDM di Len menjadi tanggung jawab seluruh jajaran manajemen PT Len Industri (Persero). Seluruh jajaran manajemen bertanggung jawab mengembangkan SDM melalui upaya-upaya yang mengarah kepada penguatan kultur perusahaan sehingga berdampak pada perkembangan bisnis Len secara keseluruhan.

Berkat dukungan seluruh karyawan yang berkualitas, berpengalaman dan profesionnal, Len berhasil meraih berbagai pencapaian dan prestasi yang membanggakan. Perusahaan memahami bahwa SDM memegang peran terpenting dalam mencapai kesuksesan bisnis.

Human capital development in Len is responsibility of entire management at PT Len Industri (Persero). Len Management is responsible for developing human resources through efforts that lead to the strengthening of the culture of the company so could impact the overall business development .

Thanks to the support of all qualified, experienced and professional employees, Len able to obtain a lot of remarkable achievement. and accomplishments. Company understands that the most important role in achieving business success is human capital .


Pengembangan SDM di Len menjadi tanggung jawab seluruh jajaran manajemen PT Len Industri (Persero). Seluruh jajaran manajemen bertanggung jawab mengembangkan SDM melalui upaya-upaya yang mengarah kepada penguatan kultur perusahaan sehingga berdampak pada perkembangan bisnis Len secara keseluruhan.

Human capital development in Len is responsibility of entire management at PT Len Industri (Persero). Len Management is responsible for developing human resources through efforts that lead to the strengthening of the culture of the company so could impact the overall business development .

Technician | 17.8%

Engineer | 36.4%

Management | 12.4%

GeneralAdministration 33.4%

Human CapitalComposition

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Inovasi TeknologiTechnology Innovation


n Power Electronics æ Renewable Energy : Bidirectional Inverter 5 / 15 / 30 kWæ Electric Vehicle : EV Inverter, EV DC/DC Converter, EV On Board Charger, EV ECU, EV BMSæ Railway Traction : VVVF Inverter, SIV, Braking Chopper, Rectifier

n Control Computer Base Interlock, ATP On Board Control, ATP DMI, Interface Blok Modul, Sinyal LED

n Telecommunication Radio Tactical, Manpack VHF, Radar Surveillance, Tactical Data Link, Firing Control System, DVB-T2 TV Digital

n Informaticse-ID/KTP-el Reader, Registration Kiosk – BPJS Employment, RFID Tracking, Sistem Seafarer Identity Document (SID), Smartcard Parking System

Penguasaan teknologi bukanlah hal yang mudah. Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat dan pencapaian skala keekonomisan serta tingkat persaingan yang tinggi menjadi tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Evaluasi rutin terhadap perkembangan penguasaan teknologi dilakukan melalui program inovasi teknologi.

Pengembangan teknologi direalisasikan diantaranya melalui kerjasama dengan instansi pemerintah dan institusi pendidikan. Konsep kemitraan dengan vendor teknologi pun menjadi salah satu solusi lainnya dalam upaya akselerasi penguasaan teknologi, dengan tujuan kondisi time to market dapat tercapai.

Pengembangan teknologi diarahkan kepada kemandirian teknologi yang berdaya saing.

Langkah-langkah pencapaian sasaran tersebut dilakukan melalui pemetaan kompetensi utama yang telah dikuasai oleh Len secara profesional dan difokuskan untuk mengembangkan produk utama melalui kegiatan manufaktur yang mendukung core business. Penguasaan teknologi sistem dan pengembangan produk diarahkan pada lini bisnis unggulan.

Technology mastering is not easy. Rapid technology development and achievement of economic scale with high level of competition is a challenge that must be faced. Routine evaluation of the development of technological mastery is done through technology innovation program.

Technology development is realized through cooperation with government agencies and educational institutions. The concept of partnerships with technology vendors had become one of the other solutions in an effort to accelerate the mastery of technology, with the aim of time to market conditions can be achieved.

Technological development directed toward competitive technological independence.

Steps to obtain these goals is done by mapping the core competencies that have been mastered by Len in a professional and focused way, and focused to develop the main products through the manufacturing activities that support the core business. Mastering of technology systems and product development aimed at leading business lines.

Bidirectional Inverter 15 kW

Electronic ID Cartd Reader


Komersialisasi Produk InovasiCommercialization of Product Innovation

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

RTM (Realtime onlineTeller Machine)

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Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

Good Corporate Governance (GCG) merupakan hal penting, mengingat risiko dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan semakin meningkat. Penerapan prinsip GCG secara konsisten akan memperkuat daya saing, akan mengokohkan kepercayaan pemegang saham dan stakeholders, sehingga perusahaan dapat beroperasi dan tumbuh secara berkelanjutan.

Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is important things, remembering the risk and chalenges that will faced by company continues to increase. Implementation of GCG principal consistently will strengthen competitiveness of the company and empowering faith of shareholders and stakeholders, so company could sustainably operate and grow

Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, Len menjunjung tinggi etika dengan menerapkan prinsip - prinsip Good Corporate Governance untuk menciptakan perusahaan yang sehat, bersih dan memiliki daya saing tinggi.

PT Len Industri (Persero) berkomitmen mematuhi standar terbaik dalam praktek tata kelola perusahaan. Len terus mendorong penerapan GCG secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan dengan melakukan penguatan infrastruktur GCG yang dimiliki dan penyesuaian sistem dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan GCG yang semakin efektif.

In conducting its business, Len is also responsible to society and ethics by applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance so could create healthy, clean and highly competitive companies.

PT Len Industri (Persero) committed to comply with the best standards in corporate governance practices. Len continues to encourage the implementation of good corporate governance and sustainable gradually by strengthening corporate governance infrastructure owned and adjustment systems and procedures necessary to support the effective implementation of GCG.

Penghargaan & SertifikasiAwards & Certifications

Sertifikasi Certifications

Penghargaan Awards


n BUMN Marketing Awards 2014n Penerapan Inovasi Teknologi / Model Bisnis

untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas dan/atau Efisiensi 2013

n Inisiator Pengembangan Solar Cell Untuk Ketahanan Energi 2013

n BUMN Penggagas Proyek Monorel 2013n BUMN Innovation Award 2013n Jamsostek Jabar Award 2012n Penghargaan Rintisan Teknologi Industri 2012n Institusi Pelopor Energi Switch 2012n Inovasi Invensi Teknologi BUMN Terbaik 2012

Penghargaan Energi 2015

SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008 (ISO/IEC 17025:2005)

08 09

OHSAS 18001:2007SNI ISO 9001:2008ISO 14001:2004 / SNI 19-14001:2005

Sistem Manajemen TerintegrasiSNI ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004,

OHSAS 18001:2007


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PT Len Industri (Persero) terus berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kinerja prima tidak hanya pada aspek keuangan dan operasional tetapi juga mencakup aspek sosial dan lingkungan. Untuk terus menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak dengan harapan dapat memberikan dampak positif kepada komunitas masyarakat dan lingkungan.

Program CSR PT Len Industri (Persero) dikelompokkan dalam 4 bidang utama:Ÿ Tanggung jawab sosial terhadap pegawai.Ÿ Tanggung jawab sosial terhadap pemberdayaan

masyarakat.Ÿ Tanggung jawab sosial terhadap lingkungan.Ÿ Tanggung jawab sosial terhadap pelanggan.

Sesuai dengan komitmen perusahaan dan kesadaran bahwa pelaksanaan CSR dapat memberikan dukungan bagi kelancaran operasional dan peningkatan kinerja perusahaan, setiap tahun Len Industri mengalokasikan anggaran CSR yang memadai.

Len berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kepedulian kepada stakeholders baik dari segi ekonomi, sosial maupun lingkungan melalui penerapan kebijakan alokasi anggaran CSR yang memperhatikan asas kepatuhan dan kewajaran

Len merancang dan melaksanakan program CSR secara sistematis dan terpadu. Pelaksanaan CSR dilakukan dengan metode partisipatif, yaitu dengan memberdayakan potensi daerah yang ada agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan, penghasilan dan kemakmuran secara berkelanjutan. Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi dan monitoring atas program-program CSR yang dilakukan agar program-program CSR tersebut dapat mencapai tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan.

PT Len Industri (Persero) is committed to improving the excellence performance not only on the financial and operational aspects but also include social and environmental aspects. For continue to work closely with various stakeholders with a view to providing a positive impact to the community and the environment.

CSR Program of PT Len Industri (Persero) grouped into 4 main areas:Ÿ Social responsibility towards employees.Ÿ Social responsibility towards community

empowerment.Ÿ Social responsibility to the environment.Ÿ Social responsibility to the customer.

According to commitment of the Company and being aware that CSR practice will provide support for operational going concern and performance growth of the company, Len Industri annually allocates sufficient CSR budgets.

Len is committed to continue increasing awareness to the stakeholders both on economics, social and environment aspects by implementing CSR budget allocation policy that concerns compliance and fairness principles.

Len designs and impalements systematic and integrated CSR program. CSR implementation is carried out with participatory method, by empowering existing local potential to increase capability, income and welfare in on going basis. The company carries out CSR program monitoring and evaluation intended that these CSR programs will achieve goal as targeted.


Tanggungjawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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Len TechnoparkJl. Sukamuning Km. 12, SubangWest JavaTechno Park

Innovation Without LimitInnovation Without LimitFasilitas manufaktur disektor :

n Indusri Pertahanan

n Indusri ICT n Indusri Energi Terbarukan

n Indusri Sistem Perkeretaapian

n Indusri Komponen Elektronik

Manufacturing facilities in the sector:Defense

IndustryICT Industry

Renewable Energy Industry

Railway System Industry

Electronics Component Industry

Bridges between researcher, academics, and business

It is a place where innovation has no Boundaries. Where ideas and technology could be created without limit and continuously connect with businesses practices. It also offer incomparable access to commercial infrastructure and industries.

Len Technopark offering 1) Secure, comprehensive and easy access facilities2) Highest standard of facilities and up to date services3) Optimization of foreign employee / experts4) Dominant foreign investor ownership5) Available foreign currency6) Long term investment



Diresmikan oleh Menteri BUMNRini M. Soemarno (9 Oktober 2015)Inaugurated by SOE Minister Rini M. Soemarno (9 October 2015)

Project of Strartreak System in Len Technopark(Short Range Air Defense)

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Transformasi PerusahaanCompany Transformation

PT Len Industri (Persero) didukung oleh anak perusahaan yang handal dengan jaringan yang luas baik domestik maupun internasional, yaitu:

PT Len Industri (Persero)reliable subsidiaries with an extensive network both domestically and internationally:

was supported by

Len Incorporated

PT Eltran Indonesia

Trading, ATMS (Air Traffic Management Systems), Railway TelecommunicationOil and Gas

Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 442Gedung Samaun Samadikun (C) Lt. 1Bandung 40254, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Telp.:+62 22 5204069, +62 22 5202682 Fax : +62 22 5204902Website : : [email protected]

PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Len Railway Systems

PT Len Telekomunikasi Indonesia

PT Len Sunseap Energy

Len Railway Systems

Renewable Energy Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 442Gedung Samaun Samadikun (C) Lt.2Bandung 40254, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Telp. : +62 22 5202682Fax : +62 22 5208037Website : www.suryaenergi.comE-mail : [email protected]

Railway Signaling SystemsRailway Telecom. SystemsRailway Traction SystemsRailway Substations Systems

Telecommunication Backbone Operator(Palapa Ring Middle Package)

Solar Module Manufacturing

Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 442Gedung Giri Suseno (T)Bandung 40254, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Telp. : +62 22 5231685Fax : +62 22 5208035Website: : [email protected]

Menara MTH 11th FloorJl. Letjen MT Haryono, Kav. 23Jakarta 12820, IndonesiaTelp. : +62 21 8378 2445 Fax. : +62 21 8378 2447

Jl. Bungur, Lot 293Kawasan Industri Batamindo,Muka Kuning, Batam, Indonesia



Survival Erast1 Phase Transformation

Fundamental Change :Basic Culture


1 1991 - 2000

LEN LIPI to PT Len Industri (Persero)

R&D Institution

Business Institution

Surviving by DevelopConsumer Goods

2 2000 - 2002

Business Development to

Consumer Goods

Stability to Growth Erand2 Phase Transformation

Revitalization Acceleration

3 2002-2007 4 2007 - Now

Business Transformation Business Reposition

Management Development

EPCManufacture, Development

& Services

Len Incorporation

Railway TransportationNavigation SystemRenewable Energy

TelecommunicationDefense Electronics

Control System PT Len Industri (Persero)

PT Eltran Indonesia

PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Len Railway Indotama

PT Len Sunseap Energy

PT Len Telekomunikasi Indonesia

LEN (Lembaga Elektronika Nasional) berdiri sejak tahun 1965 sebagai lembaga penelitian, kemudian bertransformasi menjadi sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) pada tahun 1991. Sejak saat itulah, LEN bukan lagi merupakan kepanjangan dari Lembaga Elektronika Nasional (LEN), tetapi telah menjadi sebuah entitas bisnis profesional dengan nama PT Len Industri (Persero).

PT Len Industri (Persero) berada di bawah koordinasi Kementrian Negara BUMN mengembangkan bisnis dan produk-produk dalam bidang elektronika untuk industri dan prasarana. Menyadari bahwa persaingan dalam bisnis berbasis teknologi elektronik sangat ketat, untuk itu Len mengambil langkah untuk fokus di sektor : elektronika pertahanan, energi terbarukan, perkeretaapian, ICT dan navigasi.

Len selalu berinovasi dengan bekerja sepenuh hati dan sekuat tenaga untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi bangsa dan negara. Len didirikan dengan visi untuk menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia dalam industri berbasis teknologi.

Penerapan standar-standar internasional dalam proses bisnis merupakan bagian dari usaha Len menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia.

LEN (Lembaga Elektronika Nasional) also known as National Electronics Institute was founded in 1965, later transformed into a State-Owned Company in 1991. Since then, LEN was no longer an extension of Lembaga Elektronika Nasional (LEN), but it has become a professional business entity named PT Len Industri (Persero).

PT Len Industri (Persero) is under the coordination of the Ministry of State Enterprises to develop the business and products in the field of electronics for industry and infrastructure. Aware of the competition in the electronic technology based business is very intense, so Len take steps to focus on sector : defense electronics, renewable energy, railways, ICT and navigation.

Len is always innovating by working wholeheartedly and militany to provide contribution to the nation. Len founded with a vision to be a world-class company in the electronics industry.

Implementation of international standards in the business process is part of an effort form Len to become a world class company.

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Lini Bisnis - Elektronika PertahananLine Business - Defense Electronics

Di bidang elektronika pertahanan, Len merupakan mitra strategis dan pemain utama industri dalam negeri yang memiliki kompetensi SDM yang handal dan berpengalaman untuk melakukan inovasi produk dan engineering. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan militer di Indonesia, Len mendukung konsep Operasi Trimatra Terpadu (darat, laut maupun udara).

Len telah berhasil mengembangkan peralatan tactical communication yang memiliki matriks hopping yang dirancang khusus untuk mengurangi risiko penyadapan pihak lain. Selain itu, CMS (Combat Management System) dan Surveillance System yang dikembangkan juga telah terbukti mampu memberikan solusi kebutuhan peralatan pertahanan militer Indonesia.

In the field of defense electronics, Len is a strategic partner and a major player in the domestic industry that has the competence of qualified and experienced human resources to product innovation and engineering. In fulfilling the needs of the military in Indonesia, Len supports the concept of Integrated Operations Trimatra (land, sea and air).

Len has succeeded in developing tactical communication tools which have the hopping matrix which was specially designed to cut down the risk of being bugged by other parties. Besides that, CMS (Combat Management System) and Surveillance System that has been developed has also been proven to provide solutions Indonesian military defense equipment needs.

Combat Management System (CMS)

Produk:Ÿ CMS Mandhala (Combat Management System)Ÿ MMS (Mission Management System)Ÿ LenLink - Tactical Data LinkŸ Marine Radar - Lenradar S-256/S-1000/S-5000/S-

20000Ÿ LenCRYPTOSYS - Crypto Device SolutionŸ NAVINSYS Intercom SystemŸ Radio Base StationŸ RETIMAX 2000 (Surveillance & Reconnaissance)Ÿ ATCS (Automatic Traffic Counting System)Ÿ ESM (Electronic Support Measure)Ÿ Tactical Radio CommunicationŸ Fire Control SystemŸ IFF (Identify Friend or Foe)Ÿ Transponder Sasaran Torpedo

Products:Ÿ CMS Mandhala (Combat Management System)Ÿ MMS (Mission Management System)Ÿ LenLink - Tactical Data LinkŸ Marine Radar - Lenradar S-256/S-1000/S-5000/S-

20000Ÿ LenCRYPTOSYS - Crypto Device SolutionŸ NAVINSYS Intercom SystemŸ Radio Base StationŸ RETIMAX 2000 (Surveillance & Reconnaissance)Ÿ ATCS (Automatic Traffic Counting System)Ÿ ESM (Electronic Support Measure)Ÿ Alkom - Radio ManpackŸ Fire Control SystemŸ IFF (Identify Friend or Foe)Ÿ Transponder Sasaran Torpedo

16 17

Elektronika PertahananDefense Electronics

Energi TerbarukanRenewable Energy

Sistem NavigasiNavigation Systems

Teknologi Informasi & KomunikasiInformation & Communication Tech.

Transportasi PerkeretaapianRailway Transportations

CMS Mandhala (Combat Management System)


Strartreak System(Short Range Air Defense)

Tactical Radio Communication (Indonesia-Malaysia border area)

Tactical Radio Communication (Manpack)

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Lini Bisnis - Energi TerbarukanLine Business - Renewable Energy

Dengan melimpahnya sinar matahari sepanjang tahun di Indonesia, Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan sumber energi alternatif yang sangat tepat. Selain itu, PLTS dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap bahan bakar minyak yang saat ini semakin langka. Len telah mengembangkan PLTS sejak 1997 dan telah teraplikasikan di berbagai daerah terpencil di Indonesia dengan total lebih dari 25 MWp energi yang telah tersalurkan. Saat ini Len memiliki kapasitas produksi modul surya 25 MWp per tahun.

With plenty of sunshine all year long in Indonesia, the Solar Power Plant System is one of the proper alternative energy resources. Beside that, the Solar Power Plant System can reduce the dependence on oil fuel, which is now rare. PT Len Industri (Persero) has developed the Solar Power Plant System since 1997 which has operated in many remote areas in Indonesia providing and distributing more than 25 MWp of energy. Len has a current production capacity of 25 MWp solar modules per year.

Products:• Solar Modules• Bidirectional Inverter• Grid Tied Inverter• Battery Solar Charger• Smart Rooftop System• Solar Tree• Solar Street Lamp• Solar Power Grid-Connected System• Centralized Solar Power Plant• Hybrid Power Plant• System Monitoring Unit

Produk:• Modul Surya• Bidirectional Inverter• Grid Tied Inverter• Battery Solar Charger• Smart Rooftop System• Solar Tree• Penerangan Jalan Tenaga Surya• Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Grid-Connected• Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Terpusat • Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hibrida• System Monitoring Unit

Independent Power Producer (IPP) Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) 5 Mega Watt peak (MWp) yang dibangun oleh PT Len Industri (Persero) telah terintegrasi ke dalam sistem kelistrikan PLN di Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) sejak tanggal 08 Desember 2015 dan diresmikan oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo pada tanggal 27 Desember 2015.

IPP PLTS 5 MWp yang terletak di Desa Oelpuah, Kupang Tengah, NTT ini menggunakan konsep investasi secara mandiri dengan total investasi sebesar USD 11.2 juta. Dimana USD 7.5 juta diantaranya menggunakan fasilitas pembiayaan investasi perbankan.

IPP PLTS 5 MWp tersebut saat ini merupakan yang terbesar kapasitasnya di Indonesia, dibangun di atas lahan seluas 7,5 Ha, yang terdiri dari 22.008 modul surya dimana kapasitas per modulnya sebesar 230 Wp dan seluruhnya diproduksi oleh Len.

Independent Power Producer (IPP) Solar Power Plant (PLTS) 5 Mega Watt peak (MWp) built by PT Len Industri (Persero) has been integrated into the electrical system of PLN in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) from the date of December 8, 2015 and inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on December 27, 2015.

IPP PLTS 5 MWp located in the village Oelpuah, Central Kupang, NTT is using the concept of independent investment with a total investment of USD 11.2 million. USD 7.5 million of them use the facility investment financing from banks.

IPP 5 MWp solar power is currently the largest capacity in Indonesia, built on an area of 7.5 hectares, consisting of 22 008 solar modules with a capacity of 230 Wp per module are entirely produced by Len.

18 19

Sistem NavigasiNavigation Systems

Teknologi Informasi & KomunikasiInformation & Communication Tech.

Transportasi PerkeretaapianRailway Transportations

Energi TerbarukanRenewable Energy

Elektronika PertahananDefense Electronics

Solar Modules

Solar Power Grid-Connected System

Solar Tree

Smart Rooftop System

Hybrid Power Plant for BTS Hybrid Power Plant for Offshore

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Lini Bisnis - Sistem NavigasiLine Business - Navigation Systems

PT Len Industi (Persero) menyediakan layanan pengadaan dan integrasi sistem dari peralatan navigasi laut dan udara. Peralatan ini menjadi solusi atas kebutuhan pelanggan dalam bidang navigasi yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat memanfaatkan teknologi yang tepat dan seimbang.

PT Len Industri (Persero) provides services in supplying and integrating marine and air navigation. These tools became the solution of the customers' needs in navigation which make it possible for the users to use it appropriately and in a balanced manner.

• Aeronautical Navigation Equipment• Marine Navigation Equipment• Training System Simulator • Weather Radar• Detection & Flow Management• SCADA• Automatic Dependent• Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

System Solution :• Peralatan Navigasi Penerbangan• Peralatan Navigasi Kelautan• Simulator Sistem Pelatihan• Radar Cuaca• Detection & Flow Management• Automatic Dependent• Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)• SCADA

System Solution :

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Flight Training Device

Flight Training Device

Crane & Tug Simulator

Weather Radar

Full Mission Bridge Simulator

Elektronika PertahananDefense Electronics

Sistem NavigasiNavigation Systems

Teknologi Informasi & KomunikasiInformation & Communication Tech.

Transportasi PerkeretaapianRailway Transportations

Energi TerbarukanRenewable Energy

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PT Len Industri (Persero) telah membuktikan pengalaman dalam bidang telekomunikasi selama puluhan tahun. Berbagai solusi atas kebutuhan pelanggan dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah berhasil disediakan dengan baik. Len mengembangkan produk-produk seperti peralatan broadcasting, KTP elektronik, tracking system, dan regenerasi jaringan kabel tembaga ke fiber optic (fo) di beberapa wilayah Indonesia, serta produk lainnya sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi.

Produk: • KTP-el / e-KTP (Reader, Card Printer, Mobile Enrollment)• RTM (Realtime onlineTeller Machine)• SID (Seafarers’ Identity Document)/ VISA Awak Kapal • DVB-T / DVB-T2 (Pemancar TV Digital)• LED Display• 4G LTE & WiMAX• Tracking System• Aplikasi RFID

PT Len Industri (Persero) has proven experience in the telecommunications sector for decades. A variety of solutions to customer needs in the information and communication technology sector has successfully provided. Len develops products such as broadcasting equipment, tracking system, and regeneration copper cable to fiber optic (fo) in some regions of Indonesia, as well as other products accordance with technological developments.

Products:• e-ID Card (Smart Card, Mobile Enrollment, Reader, Printer)• RTM (Realtime onlineTeller Machine) Solution• SID (Seafarers’ Identity Document)• DVB-T / DVB-T2 (Digital TV Transmitter)• LED Display• 4G LTE & WiMAX• Tracking System• RFID System

Lini Bisnis - Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi Line Business - Information & Communication Technology

Pemancar TV DigitalTelah digunakan dalam penyiaran acara APEC 2013 Indonesia

Digital TV TransmitterIt has been used in broadcasting APEC 2013 Indonesia

Proyek Palapa Ring Paket Tengah merupakan pembangunan jaringan serat optik nasional yang tersebar di 17 Kabupaten/Kota terpencil di wilayah Indonesia Bagian Tengah sepanjang 1.761 Km (bawah laut) dan 999 Km (darat).

Palapa Ring Middle Package is the construction of a national fiber-optic network spread across 17 districts / remote city in Indonesian Middle Section along 1.761 Km (submarine) and 999 Km (land).

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Elektronika PertahananDefense Electronics

Sistem NavigasiNavigation Systems

Teknologi Informasi & KomunikasiInformation & Communication Tech.

Transportasi PerkeretaapianRailway Transportations

Energi TerbarukanRenewable Energy

RTM (Realtime onlineTeller Machine)Mini ATM MIDI KIOSK

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Produk:• Sistem Persinyalan Perkeretaapian :

Sistem Interlocking Len - 02 (SIL-02), CBI (SIL-03), CBTC, Main Distribution Panel (MDP), Train Dispatching System (TDS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), CTC (Centralized Control System), Automatic Warning System(AWAS) & Level Crossing, LED Signal, TBI, Mobis

• Sistem Telekomunikasi Perkeretaapian : Digital Sentranik, Digital Gentanik, Backup Link Switch, Telecom Rack, Train Dispatching System, Radio Link

Products:• Railway Signaling System:

Sistem Interlocking Len - 02 (SIL-02), CBI (SIL-03), CBTC, Main Distribution Panel (MDP), Train Dispatching System (TDS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), CTC (Centralized Control System), Automatic Warning System (AWAS) & Level Crossing, Signal LED, TBI, Mobis

• Railway Telecommunication System:Sentranik Digital, Gentanik Digital, Backup Link Switch, Telecom Rack, Train Dispatching System, Radio Link

Lini Bisnis - Transportasi PerkeretaapianLine Business - Railway Transportations

PT Len Industri (Persero) telah menjadi pelaku utama dan satu-satunya industri sinyal perkeretaapian di Indonesia. Len menempatkan keamanan dan kehandalan sebagai perhatian utama dalam pengembangan produk dengan moto “failsafe - no compromise”. Len juga telah familiar dengan berbagai macam vendor teknologi signalling system & equipment lebih dari 30 tahun.

PT Len Industri (Persero) has become main performer and the only railway signaling industry in Indonesia. Len puts the security and reliability as the primary concern in the development of products with the motto "failsafe - no compromise". Len also familiar with a variety of technology vendors signaling system and equipment over 30 years.

Produk:• Sistem Traksi Perkeretaapian :

Filter Reactor, Brake Resistor, IGBT Static Inventer (IGBT SIV), Inverter Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF), Main Switch Box (MSB), COS Box (Change Over Switch), Pantograph, Pantograph Fuse Box

• Sistem Substation Perkeretaapian : Visual Control Panel (VCP), Interconnection Panel, Linked Brake Device (LBD)

Products:• Railway Traction System:

Reactor Filter, Brake Resistor, IGBT Static Inventer (IGBT SIV), Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Inverter (VVVF), Main Switch Box (MSB), COS Box (Change Over Switch), Pantograph, Pantograph Fuse Box

• Railway Substation System:Visual Control Panel (VCP), Interconnection Panel, Linked Brake Device (LBD)

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Automatic Train Protection (ATP)


Sistem Interlocking Len - 02 (SIL-02)

LED Signal

Traction SystemLenVPS (CBI / SIL-03)

Elektronika PertahananDefense Electronics

Sistem NavigasiNavigation Systems

Teknologi Informasi & KomunikasiInformation & Communication Tech.

Transportasi PerkeretaapianRailway Transportations

Energi TerbarukanRenewable Energy

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PT Len Industri (Persero) dikelola oleh para profesional yang berkualitas serta didukung dengan fasilitas produksi yang memadai, dengan fokus pada penyediaan produk kelas internasional untuk kepuasan pelanggan.

Len mempunyai fasilitas produksi:- Electronic & Electrical Floor Shop- Mechanical Floor Shop- Solar Module Facilities

Len has production facilities:- Electronic & Electrical Floor Shop- Mechanical Floor Shop- Solar Module Facilities

PT Len Industri (Persero) is managed by qualified professionals and supported by adequate production facilities, with a focus on providing world-class products for customer satisfaction.

Production Facility


Fasilitas Produksi


Fasilitas ProduksiProduction Facilities

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Pelanggan & MitraCustomers & Partners

Aerodata - Germany, ALSTOM - France, ALTPRO - Croatia, Aselsan -Turki, Airspan - UK, Bombardier-Belgia, CAE-Canada, CETC-China, CNBM - China, China Light Solar - China, GE Fanuc, Gematronik - Germany, Hareon Solar - China, Hitachi-Japan, Hollysys - China, JA Solar-China, Kongsberg-Norway, Mitsubishi - Japan, Pintsch Aben-Netherlands, RWE Cshoot Solar-Germany, Rohde & Schwarz-Germany, Runcom - USA, Saab-Swedia, Siemens AG - Germany, Simoco - Inggris, SIM-LM - Netherlands, Sumitomo Corp - Japan, Thales - France, Ultra Electronics - UK (England), Vialis Railway Systems - Netherlands, Westinghouse - Australia, ZTE Corp.-China.

Mitra Partners

Pelanggan Customers

Elektronika Pertahanan

Energi Terbarukan

Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi

Sistem Navigasi

Transportasi Perkeretaapian

Defense Electronics

Renewable Energy

Information & Communication Technology

Navigation System

Railway Transportation

Secure Radio Communication, Combat Management System (CMS), Tactical Data Link, Surveillence & Reconnaissance System, Radio Base Station, Crypto Device Solution for Voice and Data Communication, Vehicular Intercommunication System, Radar System

Modul Surya, Penerangan Jalan Tenaga Surya, Solar Tree, PLTS Hibrida, PLTS Grid-Connected, PLTS Terpusat, Bidirectional Inverter

KTP Elektronik, 4G LTE, WiMAX, VSAT, Telepon Satelit Tenaga Suarya, DVB-T Transmitter (Pemancar TV Digital), FM-Transmitter, Sistem Antena

Radar Cuaca, Simulator, Automatic Dependent, Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), Aeronautical Navigation Equipment, Marine Navigation Equipment, Detection & Flow Management, SCADA

Sistem Interlocking, Automatic Warning System & Level Crossing, CTC , LED Signal, Traction System, Substation System, Railway Telecommunication System

Secure Radio Communication, Combat Management System (CMS), Tactical Data Link, Surveillance & Reconnaissance System, Radio Base Station, Crypto Device Solution for Voice and Data Communication, Vehicular Intercommunication System, Radar System

Solar Module, Solar-Powered Street Lighting System, Solar Tree, Hybrid PLTS, Grid-Connected PLTS, Centralized PLTS, Bidirectional Inverter

Electronic ID Card, 4G LTE, WiMAX, VSAT, Solar-Powered Satellite Telephone, DVB-T Transmitter (Digital TV Transmitter), FM-Transmitter, Antenna System

Weather Radar, Simulator, Automatic Dependent, Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), Aeronautical Navigation Equipment, Marine Navigation Equipment, Detection & Flow Management, SCADA

Interlocking System, Automatic Warning System & Level Crossing, CTC , LED Signal, Traction System, Substation System, Railway Telecommunication System

Kementerian Pertahanan, TNI, Polisi Republik Indonesia, Thales

Kementerian Kelautan & Perikanan, BPPT, Pemda, Kementerian ESDM, PT PLN (Persero), Telkomsel, Indosat,Perusahaan Renewable Energy Swasta, dll

PT PLN (Persero), Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Komunikasi & Informatika, Kementerian Kelautan & Perikanan, IM2, TVRI, RRI, TV & Radio Swasta, Pemerintah Daerah, PT Telkom

Kementerian Perhubungan, PT Pelindo II (Persero), Badan Meteorologi & Geofisika, Direktorat Jenderal Bea & Cukai, Lembaga Pelatihan, PT Indonesia Power

Kementerian Perhubungan, PT INKA (Persero), PT Kereta Api (Persero), Kereta Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Malaysia

Ministry of Defense, Indonesia Armed Forces, Indonesian Police, Thales

Ministry of Marine & Fishery, BPPT, Regional Governments, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PT PLN (Persero), Telkomsel, Indosat, Private Renewable Energy Companies, etc.

PT PLN (Persero), Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Ministry of Marine & Fishery, IM2, TVRI, RRI, Private TV & Radio Stations, Regional Governments, PT Telkom

Ministry of Transportation, PT Pelindo II (Persero), Badan Agency for Meteorology & Geophysics, Directorate General of Tax & Excise, Training Institutions, PT Indonesia Power

Ministry of Transportation, PT INKA (Persero), PT Kereta Api (Persero), Kereta Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Malaysia

Business UnitUnit Bisnis Produk Products Pelanggan Customer