comandos para sof2

Upload: zenia-campoz-vladimir-orellana

Post on 09-Oct-2015




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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SERVER SIDE COMMANDS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

rmgmap{syntax "^2rmgmap [parameter] [[command] [parameter]...]"desc "Starts an rmg map or changes rmg parameters."}

rmgdevmap{syntax "^2rmgdevmap [parameter] [[command] [parameter]...]"desc "Starts an rmg map or changes rmg parameters. Cheats will be"desc "enabled when starting an RMG map using ^2rmgdevmap^7."}

map{syntax "^2map "desc "Starts the given map."}

devmap{syntax "^2devmap "desc "Starts the given map with cheats enabled."}

extendtime{syntax "^2extendtime "desc "Extends the timelimit of the current match by the given number of minutes."}

cancelvote{syntax "^2cancelvote"desc "Cancels the current vote in progress."}

mapcycle{syntax "^2mapcycle"desc "Advances to the next map in the mapcycle defined by ^2sv_mapcycle^7."}

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SERVER SIDE CVARS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

g_suicidePenalty{syntax "^2g_suicidePenalty "desc "amount of score added to a clients score when they kill"desc2 "themselves. Typically this is a negative number since"desc2 "suiciding is concidered a bad thing to do."}

g_teamkillPenalty{syntax "^2g_teamkillPenalty "desc "Sets the amount of score added to a clients score when they kill another"desc2 "teammate. Typically this is a negative number since killing teammates is"desc3 "concidered a bad thing to do."}

g_gametype{syntax "^2g_gametype "desc "Sets the gametype to be played. Since the gametype cvar is latched it"desc2 "requires a map change for the gametype to actually change. The following"desc3 "is a list of the known available gametype values:"space ""desc5 " ^2dm^7 - Deathmatch"desc6 " ^2tdm^7 - Team Deathmatch"desc7 " ^2ctf^7 - Capture the Flag"desc8 " ^2elim^7 - Elimination"desc9 " ^2inf^7 - Infiltration"}

scorelimit{syntax "^2scorelimit "desc "Sets the score that must be reached to end the match and move on to the"desc2 "next map. In team games this score is determined by the team's total score"desc3 "and in non team games its the highest score of all the client scores."}

timelimit{syntax "^2timelimit "desc "Sets the amount of time (in minutes) that must elapse on a server to end"desc2 "the match and move on to the next map."}

g_friendlyFire{syntax "^2g_friendlyFire "desc "Sets whether or not teammates can injure eachother. When set to 0 a client"desc2 "is unable to injure another teammate. When set to 1 a client will be able to"desc3 "injure a fellow teammate and teamkill rules will apply."}

g_teamAutoJoin{syntax "^2g_teamAutoJoin "desc "Sets whether or not clients will start in spectator mode when they join"desc1 "a server that is running a team game. When set to 1, clients will be"desc2 "automatically placed on a team when connecting to the server. When set"desc3 "to 0, clients will start in spectator mode and have to join a team"desc4 "on their own."}

g_teamForceBalance{syntax "^2g_teamForceBalance "desc "Sets whether or not clients will be forced to join the team that needs"desc1 "help the most. When set to 1 clients will be forced to join the team the"desc2 "server feels they should join, reguardless of what they choose. When set"desc3 "to 0 the client is free to make the choice on their own. Note, this"desc4 "option does not maintain balance by moving people from one team to another."}

g_warmup{syntax "^2g_warmup "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) for a warmup before a map restarts"desc1 "after a ^2map_restart^7 command is issued. For example, set this value to"desc2 "5 if you want there to be a 5 second notice before restarting the map."}

g_log{syntax "^2g_log "desc "Sets the filename to be used for logging."}

g_logSync{syntax "^2g_logSync "desc "Sets whether or not log information is immediately written to disk. When set"desc1 "to 1 all log messags will immediately be written to disk rather than being"desc2 "cached and written to disk later."}

g_logHits{syntax "^2g_logHits "desc "Sets whether or not to log each hit a client takes in battle. When set"desc2 "to 1 all client hits including who hit them and how much they hit them"desc3 "for will be logged to the log file. Note, this will generate very large"desc4 "log files."}

g_password{syntax "^2g_password "desc "Sets the password which is required by all connecting clients. When a"desc2 "password is set, all connecting clients will be prompted to enter the"desc3 "password in order to join the server. To remove a set password set"desc4 "g_password to 'none'."}

g_dedicated{syntax "^2g_dedicated "desc "Sets whether or not this server is dedicated and whether or not its a"desc2 "local server or internet server. When set to 1 the server will run"desc3 "in a dedicated fashion but will not be published to the global list of"desc4 "servers. When set to 2 the server will also run in a dedicated fashion,"desc5 "but its hostname and ip address will be published to the global list"desc6 "of servers for clients to find and join."}

g_speed{syntax "^2g_speed "desc "Sets the speed at which clients move. The default value is 280, set it"desc2 "higher to make clients move faster and lower to move slower."}

g_gravity{syntax "^2g_gravity "desc "Sets the amount of gravity in the world. The default value is 800, set it"desc2 "higher to increase gravity or lower to decrease gravity."}

g_knockback{syntax "^2g_knockback "desc "Sets the amount of push a client gets for being shot by another client. The"desc2 "default value is 700, set it higher to increase the amount of push and lower"desc3 "to decrease the amount of push."}

g_weaponRespawn{syntax "^2g_weaponRespawn "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) it takes a weapon to respawn after"desc1 "a client picks it up. To make weapons always stay set the value to 0."}

g_backpackRespawn{syntax "^2g_backpackRespawn "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) it takes a backpack to respawn after"desc1 "a client picks it up. To make backpacks always stay set the value to 0."}

g_forcerespawn{syntax "^2g_forcerespawn "desc "Sets whether or not a client must hit the attack button to respawn after"desc1 "being killed in a respawn game. When set to 1 the client will automatically"desc2 "be respawned into the game after dying. When set to 0 the client must hit"desc3 "the attack button to respawn."}

g_inactivity{syntax "^2g_inactivity "desc "Sets the time (in seconds) before a client will be kicked off the server for"desc2 "not moving at all. This is used to prevent people from leaving themselves"desc3 "connected to the server and going away to do something else. Set the value"desc3 "to 0 to never kick people for inactivity."}

g_allowVote{syntax "^2g_allowVote "desc "Sets whether or not clients are allowed to vote on the server. When set to 1"desc1 "client will be able to callvotes on the server."}

g_voteDuration{syntax "^2g_voteDuration "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) before a vote will fail due to a lack of"desc1 "yes votes."}

g_failedVoteDelay{syntax "^2g_failedVoteDelay "desc "Sets the amount of time (in minutes) that a client must wait before voting again"desc1 "after calling a vote that fails. This is useful to prevent a client from continually"desc2 "calling the same vote until it finnaly passes."}

g_respawnInterval{syntax "^2g_respawnInterval "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that clients must wait before being able"desc1 "to respawn in gametypes (ctf) that support interval respawning. When set to"desc2 "20 the first client who dies on a team will start a 20 second timer. When"desc3 "that timer hits zero all clients who have died since that timer was started"desc4 "will be respawned."}

g_respawnInvulnerability{syntax "^2g_respawnInvulnerability "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a client is protected from being"desc2 "shot after respawning. However, this time is voided as soon as the client"desc3 "shoots their own weapon."}

g_timeouttospec{syntax "^2g_timeouttospec "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a client must be timed out for to"desc1 "be automatically put on the spectator team. This helps get people who have"desc2 "connection issues out of the game but not off the server."}

g_roundtimelimit{syntax "^2g_roundtimelimit "desc "Sets the amount of time (in minutes) in a round. Rounds are used in"desc1 "gametypes where you do not respawn (such as infiltration and"desc2 "elimination). When the round time is up the next round will start and"desc3 "depending on the gametype one of the two teams will be awarded a point."}

g_timeextension{syntax "^2g_timeextension "desc "Sets the amount of time (in minutes) that the timlimit will be extended"desc1 "by if a time extension vote is passed. For example, if the timelimit"desc2 "of the server was 30 minutes and g_timeextension was 15 minutes then"desc3 "a successful time extension vote would change the timelimit to 45"desc4 "minutes for the current map only."}

g_roundstartdelay{syntax "^2g_roundstartdelay "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that clients are frozen while"desc2 "waiting for a round to start in a round based gametype."}

g_availableWeapons{syntax "^2g_availableWeapons "

desc "Sets the weapons that are available for use on the server. Each weapon"desc2 "is represented as a 0, 1, or 2. When a weapon is set to 0 it will not"desc3 "be available for use at all. When a weapon is set to 1 it will only be"desc4 "available for use in gametypes that have weapon pickups only (ie. Not"desc5 "in infiltration). When set to 2 the weapon will be available in all"desc6 "gametypes. The default value is '2222222222211' which is all weapons"desc7 "are on in deathmatch gametypes but the RPG-7 and MM1 are disabled in"desc8 "infiltration and elimination. The weapons are in the following order"desc9 " - Knife"desc9 " - M1911A"desc9 " - USSOCOM"desc9 " - M590 Shotgun"desc9 " - Micro Uzi"desc9 " - M3A1"desc9 " - USAS12"desc9 " - M4 Assault Rifle"desc9 " - AK74 Assault Rifle"desc9 " - MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle"desc9 " - M60 Machinegun"desc9 " - MM1 Grenade Launcher"desc9 " - RPG-7"}

g_forceFollow{syntax "^2g_forceFollow "desc "Sets whether or not clients are allows to fly around freely in when"desc2 "in ghost mode. When set to 1 clients will be forced to follow another"desc3 "client who is currently playing the game."}

g_followEnemy{syntax "^2g_followEnemy "desc "Sets whether or not clients are able to follow enemies around while"desc2 "in ghost mode. When set to 1 clients will be able to follow any client"desc3 "they wish."}

sv_mapcycle{syntax "^2sv_mapcycle "desc "Sets the filename to use for mapcycling. The mapcycle file indicates"desc1 "which maps the server will cycle through."}

g_pickupsDisabled{syntax "^2g_pickupsDisabled "desc "Sets whether or not to allow pickups in gametypes that normally would"desc1 "allow pickups. For example, if you wanted to disable pickups in"desc2 "deathmatch and instead have people choose their outfitting then set"desc3 "g_pickupsDisabled to 1."}

g_voiceFloodCount{syntax "^2g_voiceFloodCount "desc "Sets the number of voice messages allowed in one minutes worth of"desc2 "time before locking the client out from using voice messages. The"desc3 "amount of time a client is locked out is determined by the"desc4 "g_voiceFloodPenalty cvar. Set this cvar to 0 to disable voice"desc5 "flood control."}

g_voiceFloodPenalty{syntax "^2g_voiceFloodPenalty "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a client is unable to use"desc2 "voice chat after exceeding the voice flood count."}

g_teamkillDamageMax{syntax "^2g_teamkillDamageMax "desc "Sets the amount of damage that a client must do to fellow teammates"desc2 "before being kicked off the server for teamkilling. Each player has"desc3 "100 damage when they start so the default value of 300 damage means"desc4 "3 kills worth of damage must be done to be kicked from the server. Set"desc5 "this cvar to 0 to disable teamkill kicking."}

g_teamkillDamageForgive{syntax "^2g_teamkillDamageForgive "desc "Sets the amount of teamkill damage that is forgiven. Damage is"desc2 "forgiven at 1 minute intervals after the last time a client damaged"desc3 "a teammate."}

sv_hostname{syntax "^2sv_hostname "desc "Sets the name of the server that will be displayed in the server"desc2 "browser and when connecting to a server. Note, this name cannot"desc3 "include the '\' character."}

sv_maxclients{syntax "^2sv_maxclients "desc "Sets the maximum number of clients that this server will allow to"desc2 "connect before preventing futher connections."}

sv_floodProtect{syntax "^2sv_floodProtect "desc "Sets whether or not this server is protected from client command"desc2 "flooding. When set to 1 clients will only be able to send commands"desc3 "to the server every second. Note, it is advised to never set this"desc4 "to 0 unless you trust everyone on your server."}

sv_timeout{syntax "^2sv_timeout "desc "Sets the amount of (time in seconds) before a client will be"desc2 "automatically disconnected for not sending data to the server."}

sv_pure{syntax "^2sv_pure "desc "Sets your server into pure mode. Pure means that the data files"desc2 "on the client must exactly match the data files on the server."desc3 "Any files which do not match up will be rejected. You must set this"desc4 "cvar from the command line (+set sv_pure 0) and not the console."}

rconPassword{syntax "^2rconPassword "desc "If a non-blank password is specified, your server will have a"desc "remote console password. This allows the server operator to connect"desc "remotely to change server settings. If you specify a blank password"desc "then you will remove this password and disable remote console."}

g_filterBan{syntax "^2g_filterBan "desc "Sets whether or not the current ban list should be applied to"desc "connecting clients. When set to 1 bans will be enforced."}

sv_allowDownload{syntax "^2sv_allowDownload "desc "Sets whether or not this server will allow clients to download"desc "pak files from the server that it doesnt have. When set to 1"desc "downloads will be allowed. Note this can adversely affect the"desc "bandwidth of the server and should only be turned on if the server"desc "has enough bandwidth to support it."}

rmg_forcepure{cvar "^2rmg_forcepure "desc "This cvar should always be set to its default value 1 to ensure"desc "that both the client and the server have the same assets for the"desc "RMG generation. Otherwise, clients can generate completely"desc "different maps than the server, making them unplayable."desc "Set this cvar to 0 on the command line (+set rmg_forcepure 0) when"desc "you want to develop your own rmg concepts outside of a PK3 file."}

sv_privatePassword{syntax "^2sv_privatePassword "}

sv_fps{syntax "^2sv_fps "}

sv_zombietime{syntax "^2sv_zombietime "}

sv_reconnectlimit{syntax "^2sv_reconnectlimit "}

sv_privateClients{syntax "^2sv_privateClients "}

sv_maxRate{syntax "^2sv_maxRate "}

sv_minPing{syntax "^2sv_minPing "}

sv_allowAnonymous{syntax "^2sv_allowAnonymous "}

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CLIENT SIDE CVARS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

cg_shellEjection{syntax "^2cg_shellEjection "desc "Sets whether or not bullet shells will eject from guns when firing. When"desc "set to 1 bullets will eject from guns and dissapear over time."}

cg_autoswitch{syntax "^2cg_autoswitch "desc "Sets how weapons will automatically switch when you pick them up. When"desc "set to 0 it will never switch to a newly acquired weapon. When set"desc "to 1 it will always switch, and when set to 2 it will switch to anything"desc "besides grenades."}

cg_drawGun{syntax "^2cg_drawGun "desc "Sets whether or not the gun is draw in view. When set to 1 the gun"desc2 "will draw and when set to 0 i wont."}

cg_draw2D{syntax "^2cg_draw2D "desc "Sets whether or not the 2D components of the game are drawn. When set"desc2 "to 1 the 2D components will be rendered."}

cg_drawTimer{syntax "^2cg_drawTimer "desc "Sets whether or not the round timer is drawn on the HUD."}

cg_drawFPS{syntax "^2cg_drawFPS "desc "Sets whether or not the FPS meter is drawn on the HUD."}

cg_drawCrosshair{syntax "^2cg_drawCrosshair "desc "Sets which crosshair you would like to use."}

cg_drawCrosshairNames{syntax "^2cg_drawCrosshairNames "desc "Sets whether or not players names are draw on the HUD when your crosshair"desc "is over them. When set to 1 names will render at the bottom of the HUD"desc "and when set to 2 they will render right below the crosshair."}

cg_drawRadar{syntax "^2cg_drawRadar "desc "Sets whether or not the radar is drawn on the hud and whether the automap"desc "or radar takes precedence. When set to 1 the radar will always be up,"desc "when set to 2 the automap will be up (providing you are in a RMG game)."}

cg_drawTeamScores{syntax "^2cg_drawTeamScores "desc "Sets whether or not the team scores are rendered on the HUD."}

cg_crosshairSize{syntax "^2cg_crosshairSize "desc "Sets the size of the crosshair on screen."}

cg_crosshairX{syntax "^2cg_crosshairX "desc "Sets the horizontal offset from the center of the screen where the crosshair"desc "will be rendered."}

cg_crosshairY{syntax "^2cg_crosshairY "desc "Sets the vertical offset from the center of the screen where the crosshair"desc "will be rendered."}

cg_crosshairRGBA{syntax "^2cg_crosshairRGBA {-r-},{-g-},{-b-},{-a-}"desc "Sets the color of the normal crosshair. Each component is a range from"desc "0 to 1 with 0 being dark and 1 being light. The last component is the alpha"desc "value if you want to make the crosshair transparent. For example, to make"desc "a blue crosshair that is partially transparent set this cvar to '0,0,1,.5'."}

cg_crosshairFriendRGBA{syntax "^2cg_crosshairFriendRGBA {-r-},{-g-},{-b-},{-a-}"desc "Sets the color of the crosshair when over a friendly target. Each component"desc "is a range from 0 to 1 with 0 being dark and 1 being light. The last"desc "component is the alpha value if you want to make the crosshair transparent."desc "For example, to make a blue crosshair that is partially transparent set this"desc "cvar to '0,0,1,.5'."}

cg_simpleItems{syntax "^2cg_simpleItems "desc "Sets whether or not 2D icons should be drawn for items instead of their"desc "normal 3D model representation. When set to 1 the icons will be drawn"desc "instead of the models which can greatly increase FPS on some machines."}

cg_lagometer{syntax "^2cg_lagometer "desc "Sets whether or not the network monitor (lagometer) is displayed on the HUD."}

cg_centertime{syntax "^2cg_centertime "desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that centered text messages remain"desc "on screen. To disable centered text messages entirely set this cvars"desc "value to 0."}

cg_centerY{syntax "^2cg_centerY "desc "Sets the veritical location of the centered text messages."}

[SoF2] Admin Commands Tutorial

To perform a command:

1. Press the "tilde" key (~) or the "grave" key (`) to open the in-game console

2. Type in: \adm [command] #id

3. Press the "Enter" key to confirm the "adm" command

4. Press the "Esc" key to close the console

Available commands:


addcheatAdds a player to the cheat file\adm addcheat #id

backfireCauses a player's own bullets to turn against him\adm backfire #id

baitPlants a player in the enemy spawn, defenseless\adm bait #id

banKick a player off the server for a length of time\adm ban #id #minutes [optional text]

banguidPermanently ban a player (using their guid)\adm banguid #id

banipPermanently ban a player (using IP address)\adm banip #id

banlistView the list of IP bans on the server

cancelvoteCancel the current vote

cfgForces the server to apply a specific server cfg\adm cfg [filename]

chatSend a message to your peers only\adm chat [text]

cheatlistView the list of the players marked as cheaters

clanvsallRearranges teams to put all clan members on one side\adm clanvsall [team]

cleartagsClears all player tags

clonelistView the list of the aliases used by this GUID

crippleWeakens a player's health and damage\adm cripple #id #percentage

cvarcheckDisplays the value of a player's cvar\adm cvarcheck #id [cvar]

cvarsetChanges the value of a player's cvar\adm cvarset #id [cvar] [value]

dummyMarks or unmarks a player as a free-kill target dummy\adm dummy #id

endmapEnds the current map and moves everyone to intermission

endmatchEnds the current match, returning to normal settings

eventeamsEvens the teams

explodeDetonates a player from within\adm explode #id

extendtimeExtends the timelimit by a certain amount

forcematchForces a match to start, even if all players aren't ready

forcesayForces a player to say something\adm forcesay #id [text]

forceteamForce a player onto a particular team\adm forceteam #id [team]

freezemapFreezes or unfreezes the current map in the mapcycle

friendlyfireTurns friendly fire on or off\adm friendlyfire [on/off]

frySet a player on fire\adm fry #id

gametypeSets the game type\adm gametype [type text]

guidbanlistView the list of GUID bans on the server

guidmutelistView the list of GUID mutes on the serve

hideShow/Hide your self from all players below you on the server

infoDisplays the info of that player\adm info #id

inviteInvites a player to join or spectate a locked team\adm invite #id [team]

kickKick a player off the server\adm kick #id [optional text]

launchTosses a player up into the air\adm launch #id

lockLocks or unlocks a team\adm lock [team]

mapSwitches to a specific map\adm map [map name] [optional gametype]

mapcycleSwitches to the next map

muteMute or unmute a player\adm mute #id

muteguidPermanently mute a player (using their guid)\adm muteguid #id

novotePrevents a player from calling votes for a period of time\adm novote #id #minutes

passvotePasses the current vote

passwordPasses the current vote\adm password [password]

pausePauses the game

pbbanPermanently ban a player (using PunkBuster)\adm pbban #id [optional text]

pbgetssTake a screenshot of a player (using PunkBuster)\adm pbgetss #id

pbkickKick a player for a length of time (using PunkBuster)\adm pbkick #id #minutes [optional text]

penaltyThrow a player in the penalty box\adm penalty #id [optional time] [optional reason]

plantImmobilizes a player\adm plant #id

removecheatRemoves a player from the cheat file (select line number)\adm removecheat [line number]

renameChanges a player's name\adm rename #id [new name]

resetResets all gametype items

respawnForces a player back to the respawn area\adm respawn #id

restartRestarts the current map

scorelimitSets the scorelimit to a specific amount\adm scorelimit #score

setrateChanges the value of a player's rate\adm setrate #id [value]

shuffleteamsRandomly mixes up the teams

slapKnock a player back with a taunt\adm slap #id [optional type 1-7]

startmatchBegins a match, with special server settings

strikeKill a player\adm strike #id

stripStrip a player of all weapons\adm strip #id

surrenderStrips a player of all weapons and puts their hands up\adm surrender #id

suspendToggle your admin status on or off

suspendallForce all admins to suspend their admin status

swapSwaps two players on opposite teams\adm swap #id1 #id2

swaptagsSwaps the tags on all players

swapteamsSwaps the teams

switchMove a player onto the opposite team\adm switch #id

tagTags specific players for subsequent commands\adm tag [id or string]

tagvsallRearranges teams to put all tagged players on one side\adm tagvsall [team]

talkSend a message to all players\adm talk [text]

telefragKills a player by telefragging them\adm telefrag #id

timelimitSets the timelimit to a specific amount\adm timelimit #time

unbanguidRemove a ban issued on a player (select line number)\adm unbanguid [line number]

unbanipRemove a ban issued on a player (using IP address)\adm unbanip [line number]

unmuteguidRemove a mute issued on a player (select line number)\adm unmuteguid [line number]

unpauseUnpauses the game

unpenaltyPull a player out of the penalty box prematurely\adm unpenalty #id

warmupTurns warmup on or off\adm warmup [on/off]

Roc mod console commands

/sounds - List all available voice commands

/tokens - List all available text tokens

/adm - Admin commands

/ref - Referee commands

/clan - Clan commands

/match - Match moderator commands

/addadmin - Adds a new admin to the server

/removeadmin - Removes an existing admin from the server

/addsysop - Adds a new sysop to the server

/removesysop - Removes an existing sysop from the server

/addref - Adds a player as referee

/removeref - Removes an existing referee from the server

/refme - Gives yourself temporary referee status

/setref - Sets a particular player as a temporary referee

/addclan - Adds a player as a clan member

/removeclan - Removes an existing clan member from the server

/addmod - Adds a player as a temporary match moderator

/removemod - Removes an existing match moderator from the server

/motd - Display the server MOTD again

/admrcon - Admin access to selected rcon commands

/admtell - Sends an admin message to a particular player

/players - Lists all players with their id numbers

/admlist - Lists all admins currently in the game (if not anonymous)

/about - Server mod version info

Admin commands

talk - Send a message to all players

chat - Send a message to all peers only

kick - Kick a player off the server

ban - Kick a player off the server for a length of time

cancelvote - Cancel the current vote

passvote - Passes the current vote

mute - Mute or unmute a player

suspend - Toggle your admin status on or off

pause - Pauses the game

unpause - Resumes a paused game

freezemap - Freezes or unfreezes the current map in the mapcycle

strike - Kill a player

slap - Knock a player back with a taunt

strip - Strip a player of all weapons

forceteam - Force a player onto a particular team

switch - Move a player onto the opposite team

penalty - Throw a player in the penalty box

gametype - Sets the game type

restart - Restarts the current map

mapcycle - Switches to the next map

map - Switches to a specific map

friendlyfire - Turns friendly fire on or off

extendtime - Extends the timelimit by a certain amount

timelimit - Sets the timelimit to a specific amount

scorelimit - Sets the scorelimit to a specific amount

swapteams - Swaps the teams

endmap - Ends the current map and moves everyone to intermission

lock - Locks or unlocks a team

suspendall - Force all admins to suspend their admin status

fry - Set a player on fire

launch - Tosses a player up into the air

explode - Detonates a player from within

plant - Immobilizes a player

telefrag - Kills a player by telefragging them

surrender - Strips a player of all weapons and puts their hands in the air

respawn - Forces a player to respawn

bait - Plants a player in the enemy spawn, defenseless

eventeams - Evens the teams

clanvsall - Moves all clan members to one team, and others to the other team

swap - Swaps two players between opposite teams

invite - Invites a player to join or spectate a locked team

pbkick - Kick a player for a length of time (using PunkBuster)

pbban - Permanently ban a player (using PunkBuster)

pbgetss - Take a screenshot of a player (using PunkBuster)

freezemap - Freezes or unfreezes the current map in the mapcycle

startmatch - Begins a match, with special server settings

endmatch - Ends the current match, returning to normal settings

forcematch - Forces a match to start, even if all players aren't ready

dummy - Marks or unmarks a player as a free-to-kill target dummy

novote - Prevents a player from calling votes for a period of time

cvarcheck - Displays the value of a player's cvar

cfg - Forces the server to apply a specific server cfg

tag - Tags specific players for subsequent commands

swaptags - Swaps the tags on all players

cleartags - Clears all player tags

tagvsall - Rearranges teams to put all tagged players on one side

cripple - Weakens a player's health and damage

backfire - Causes a player's own bullets to turn against him

password - Changes the server passwordPAGE