cloze test tips

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  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    1. Pertama, baca dengan seksama seluruh teks tanpa mencoba mengisi bagian yang kosong(atau selanjutnya kita sebut sebagai gap). Bacalah dua atau tiga kali sampai andamendepatkan gambaran umum dari teks yang sedang anda hadapi.

    2. Isilah gap yang anda benar-benar yakin anda tahu jawabannya.

    3. Kemudian, cobalah untuk mencari kata yang hilang di sisa gap yang masih ada. Coba andacek, jenis kata apa yang mungkin cocok untuk mengisi gap tersebut (article, pronoun, noun,adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, atau verb?. Selain itu anda juga sangat perluuntuk memastikan grammar yang berada di sekitar gap (dalam hal ini saya menyarankanuntuk melihat kata sebelum dan sesudah gap, karena besar kemungkinan merekaberpengaruh terhadap pilihan kata untuk mengisi gap tersebut)

    4. Beberapa gap mungkin meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut:

    preposition sebelum noun, adjective, verb. (Contoh: good atlanguages)

    prepositional phrase (Contoh: in spite of)\

    adverb (Contoh: The girl is dancing beautifully)

    connectors (Contoh: First, he arrives; then he sits down; finally, he leaves)

    conjunctions (Contoh:Although he is five, he can speak five languages)

    auxiliary verbs (Contoh: He has won 2 matches) article atau determiner yang lain (Contoh: I have no time)

    relative pronoun (Contoh: Juan, whom I met two years ago, is my best friend)

    pronoun, baik berposisi sebagai subyek, obyek, atau menunjukkan kepemilikan (Contoh: Itis difficultto know)

    degrees of comparison (Contoh: She is taller thanme)

    5. Beberapa kalimat kelihatannya sudah lengkap, dan mengandung gap yang sepertinya tidak penting.Apabila anda menemukan gap seperti ini, mungkin anda memerlukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

    adverb (Contoh: He is alwayslate)

    modal verb (Contoh: They can swim very well)

    kata yang merubah penekanan makna (Contoh: She is good enoughto be a queen)6. Beberapa gap mungkin memerlukan vocabulary yang konsisten dengan topik teks yang sedang

    dihadapi; atau sebuah kata yang merupakan bagian dari ungkapan idiom (Contoh: Goodheavens!);

    atau sebuah kata yangberpasangan dengan kata yang lain (Contoh: do a job); atau sebuahkata yang

    merupakan bagian dari sebuah phrasal verb (Contoh: I was held upby traffic)7. Apabila setelah mempraktekkan teknik-teknik di atas, anda masih menyisakan gap yang belum

    terjawab, maka lakukan "wild guess". ^_^

    8. Jangan pernah meninggalkan gap kosong (tidak terisi), dan jangan pernah mengisi gap denganjawaban yang anda yakin jawaban itu salah meskipun kata tersebut adalah satu-satunya

    pilihan jawaban yang anda pahami maksudnya,

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    Sebelum kita menelaah lebih jauh, ada baiknya kita memetakan jenis-jenis kata yang

    digunakan dalam soal Ujian Nasional SMK / SMA bagian error recognitiondan cloze test.

    1. Noun (kata benda)

    2. Verb (kata kerja)

    3. Adjective (kata sifat)

    4. Adverb (kata keterangan)5. Auxiliary (kata bantu)

    6. Preposition (kata depan)

    7. Conjunction (kata sambung)

    8. Article -> the, a, an

    Untuk jenis kata murni (base), ada hal-hal yang dapat anda lakukan untuk menganalisa

    sebuah kata, yaitu:

    1. Tambahkan "the" di depannya. Kalau bisa, maka kata tersebut pasti noun.

    Contoh: the people, the child, the tree, etc.

    2. Tambahkan akhiran (-ing)di belakangnya. Kalau bisa, maka kata tersebut pasti verb.Contoh: working, speaking, sleeping, etc.

    3. Tambahkan "very" di depannya. Kalau bisa, maka kata tersebut pasti adjective.

    Contoh: very handsome, very afraid, very tired, etc.

    Selanjutnya, yang kadang-kadang susah adalah ketika kita menghadapi pilihan kata yang

    seperti berikut:

    attend, attendant, attendance, attended ^___^.Untuk jenis kata yang seperti ini, kita

    harus menganalisa suffix (akhiran) yang mengikuti kata dasar (base) nya.

    Berikut ini adalah suffix (akhiran) untuk mendeteksi bahwa sebuah kata itu pasti NOUN:1. -ment : government, development, investment, etc.

    2. -ship: friendshep, citizenship, relationship, etc.

    3. -ness: tiredness, friendliness, awareness, etc.

    4. ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency : attendance, relevance, proviciency, existence, etc.

    5. ion, -sion, -tion : organization, acquisition, cohesion, etc.

    6. -ism : pluralism, plagiarism, nationalism

    7. -er, -ar, -or : driver, liar, conductor, etc.

    8. -ee : employee, nominee, refugee, etc.

    9. -ian: civilian, American, Korean, Indian, Christian, musician, etc

    10. -ist : pianist, communist, Nationalist, etc.

    Berikut ini adalah suffix (akhiran) untuk mendeteksi bahwa sebuah kata itu

    pasti ADJECTIVE:

    1. -able, -ible : capable, invicible, durable, etc.

    2. -al : natural, environmental, classical, etc.

    3. -ed : tired, bored, exhausted, etc.

    4. -ful : helpful, careful, doubtful, etc.

    5. -ic: metallic, realistic, patriotic, etc.

    6. -ing : boring, annoying, tiring, etc.

    7. -ish : reddish, Spanish, British, etc.

    8. -ive : exclusive, conclusive, inconclusive, effective, etc.

    9. -less : careless, helpless, hopeless, etc.

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    10. -ous: courtageous, obvious, obnoxious, etc.

    Berikut ini adalah suffix (akhiran) untuk mendeteksi bahwa sebuah kata itu pasti ADVERB:

    -ly : beautifully, carefully, honestly, etc.

    Berikut ini adalah suffix (akhiran) untuk mendeteksi bahwa sebuah kata itu pasti VERB:

    1. -ize : specialize, organize, utilize, etc.

    2. -fy : simplify, beautify, verify, etc.

    3. -ate : manipulate, relate, integrate, etc.


    To : All Employees

    Re : Staff Meeting

    There will be a staff meeting next Friday at 11:00 A.M. All employees are required to ... (1) the

    meeting and to arrive on time. The topic of the meeting is Improving Employee Morale.

    Though it has been a long cold winter, we need to stay positive at work. As usual we have ... (2)

    a guest speaker to join us. The speaker ... (3) this month's meeting will be taking about methods

    of positive thinking.

    Thank you.

    (Teks diambil dari Barron's TOEIC Test 4th Edition)

    1. (A) attend

    (B) attendant

    (C) attending

    (D) attendance

    2. (A) invite(B) invited

    (C) inviting

    (D) invitation

    3. (A) in

    (B) on

    (C) at

    (D) by

    Berhubung banyaknya permintaan mengenai cara mengerjakan soal cloze test, maka berikut ini

    kami sampaikan cara mengerjakan soal di atas.

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    Soal no.1

    Ketika anda mendapatkan pilihan jawaban seperti pada nomor 1 di atas, maka yang perlu anda

    lakukan pertama kali adalah menentukan jenis kata untuk masing-masing pilihan.

    (A) attend = verb 1 (menghadiri)

    (B) attendant = noun (hadirin)

    (C) attending = verb (-ing) (menghadiri)

    (D) attendance = noun (kehadiran)

    Langkah selanjutnya adalah melihat kata/frase di sekitar bagian yang rumpang, dalam hal ini :

    ... required to____ the meeting...

    Kita bisa lihat bahwa sebelum bagian yang rumpang ada kata "to". Kemungkinan pertama,

    dalam bahasa inggris to merupakan bagian dari "to infinitive" atau to + V1. Kemungkinan kedua,

    to merupakan preposition (kata depan) yang selalu diikuti noun berupa time or places.Oleh

    karena nya, soal nomor 1 jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A, dalam hal ini to berfungsi sebagai

    to infinitive, mengingat di pilihan kata tidak ada noun yang berupa time/place.

    Soal no.2

    (A) invite = verb 1 (mengundang)

    (B) invited = verb 2 atau verb 3 (mengundang)

    (C) inviting = verb (-ing) (mengundang)

    (D) invitation = noun (undangan)

    Langkah selanjutnya adalah melihat kata/frase di sekitar bagian yang rumpang, dalam hal ini :

    ... As usual we have _______ a guest speaker.

    Kita lihat sebelum bagian yang rumpang ada kata "have"

    Kemungkinan pertama, "have" sebagai auxiliary + V3

    Kemungkinan kedua, "have" sebagai verb + nounOleh karenanya kita mempunyai 2 kemungkinan jawaban yang secara grammatikal benar,

    yaitu B dan D.

    Akan tetapi jawaban D secara grammatikal ambigu, karena ketika ada beberapa noun

    disandingkan, seharusnya menjadi sebagai satu frase yang utuh, tetapi dalam kalimat we

    have invitation a guest speaker,tidak terbentuk frase yang meaningful.

    Oleh karenanya, jawaban untuk soal nomor 2 yaitu B.

    Soal no.3

    Ketika anda mendapatkan pilihan jawaban seperti ini, anda tidak perlu mencari jenis katanya

    karena keempat pilihan jawaban mempunyai jenis kata yang sama, yaitu preposition.Preposition + noun. Maka kita perlu mengidentifikasi noun yang muncul setelah bagian yang

    rumpang, dalam hal ini:

    The speaker ______ this mon th's meeting. Coba anda perhatikan frase tersebut. Frase

    tersebut mempunyai inti di meeting. Oleh karenanya kita harus mencari preposition yang tepat

    untuk kata "meeting".

    Ada beberapa pendapat tentang pemilihan preposition, tapi karena meeting merupakan suatu

    perkumpulan beberapa orang, maka lazim menggunakan at (jawaban C).

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    Springfield News - Wednesday Edition

    Workers at the Springfield Furniture Factory went on strike yesterday. All ... (1) at the factory

    has stopped. Employees promise that they will not return to work until they ... (2) a new

    contract with the factory owners.

    The Springfield ... (3) has been strong since last February when three new factories opened.

    Unemployment is at an all-time low. Due to an increase in job availability, workers can now

    demand higher pay.

    1. (A) produce

    (B) producer

    (C) production

    (D) productive

    2. (A) negotiate

    (B) negotiator

    (C) negotiable(D) negotiation

    3. (A) economy

    (B) economic

    (C) economize

    (D) economical


    For : Marcia Stevens

    From: Bob EvansCall Back: No

    Urgent: No


    Mr. Evans called this morning. He is catching a flight ... (1) New York early tomorrow. He

    needs you to run some errands while he is away. He left a list for you ... (2) your desk

    drawer. The list is in order of priority. Most important: You need to mail the monthly

    newsletter to all board members. If you have any problems reading his writing, call him ... (3)

    his cell phone. Mr. Evans said he thinks you have the number stored on your computer. If

    not, call his wife at home. She will give it to you.

    Message received by: Erica Meyers

    (Taken from Barron's TOEIC Test 4th Edition)

    1. (A) at

    (B) to

    (C) over

    (D) with

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    2. (A) of

    (B) on

    (C) in

    (D) next

    3. (A) at

    (B) on

    (C) in

    (D) to


    Room 354, Block 6

    Model Village

    North PointHong Kong

    Phone: 24862893

    Mobile: 95427415

    E-mail: [email protected]

    9 April 201321 February 2013

    Mr William Chan

    Personnel Manager

    Wong And Lim Consulting

    PO Box 583

    Kwai Chung


    Dear Mr Chan

    I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student

    Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 9 April 201321 February


    My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership

    skills, ... (1) skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written

    English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland


    Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

    graduating in 20132013. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of

    Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management,

    Accounting, Marketing and Strategic Management.

    My final year project is entitled Knowledge Management Practices in HK. Carrying out this

    project has improved my communication skills, my leadership skills and my ability to lead and

    supervise subordinates effectively. I have also learned how to run a project from the planning

    stage to its completion.

    During my studies I have held the post of Executive in the Management Society. While leading

    and organising Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise

    subordinates .... (2), ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    Working for Wong And Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it

    provides excellent training. Your organisation produces a high-quality service, and I can

    contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.

    I am available ... (3) interview at any time. I can be contacted most easily on the mobile phone

    number given above. I look forward to meeting you.

    Yours sincerely

    Wong Wai Man Wilfred

    Encl: Resume

    (Taken from

    1. (A) communicate

    (B) communicated

    (C) communication

    (D) communicatively

    2. (A) effect

    (B) effects

    (C) effective

    (D) effectively

    3. (A) to

    (B) in

    (C) for

    (D) from

    Teks 2

    3109 Vista Street

    Philadelphia, PA 19136

    January 19th, 2013

    Ms. Stephanie Spencer, Director of Personnel

    Department 411Boeing Naval Systems

    103 Industrial Drive

    Wilmington, DE 20093

    Dear Ms. Spencer:

    I am writing in response to your advertisement in the January 16 Philadelphia Inquirer. I believe

    that my academic training at Drexel University in Electrical Engineering, along with my

    experience with RCA Advanced Technology Laboratory, would qualify me for the position of


  • 7/22/2019 Cloze Test Tips


    My ... (1) at Drexel University has given me a strong background in computer hardware and

    system design. I have concentrated on digital and computer applications, developing and

    designing computer and signal-processing hardware in two graduate-level engineering courses.

    For my senior-design project, I am working with four other undergraduates in using OO

    programming techniques to enhance the path-planning software for an infrared night-vision

    robotics application.

    While ... (2) at RCA, I applied my computer experience to the field of the VLSI design. In one

    project I used my background in LISP to develop and test new LISP software used in the

    automated production of VLSI standard cell family databooks. In another project, I used CAD

    software on a VAX to evaluate IC designs.

    The enclosed resume provides an overview of my education and experience. I would like to meet

    with you at your convenience to discuss my qualifications for this position. Please write to me ....

    (3) the above address or leave a message anytime at (215) 555-5876.


    Carloz Rodriguez.

    (Taken from

    1. (A) educate

    (B) education

    (C) educated

    (D) educatively

    2. (A) work

    (B) worked

    (C) to work

    (D) working

    3. (A) in

    (B) on

    (C) at

    (D) from