closing strategyofworldclasssalesperson

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2. Pengertian Dasar Penutupan (Closing), dalam bisnis berarti langkah final penjualan. Tidak melakukan Closing menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman pada Prospek dan Penjual Untuk memastikan langkah selanjutnya 3. Sikap Pikiran Prospek ingin memenuhi KEBUTUHAN Bila anda berpikir Orang ini tidak akan membeli, maka tanpa sadar, prilaku dan tindakan anda akan mencari pembenaran bahwa mereka tidak akan membeli. Ini disebut Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 4. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 5. Sikap Pikiran Berpikir hasil terbaik, maka kemungkinan lebih besar Anda dapat. Jangan berharap closing pada pertemuan pertama Jalankan semua proses dengan benar, closing adalah langkah terakhir 6. Buying Sign Non-Verbal Mencondongkan tubuh ke depan Membasahi bibir Kelopak mata dan pupil melebar Menunjukkan minat Postur tubuh menjadi lebih tegak Verbal Mengajukan pertanyaan Minta untuk mengulang informasi tertentu Membahas langkah selanjutnya Memperjelas informasi kunci 7. Closing Strategies A. Gain or confirm agreement on steps in the sales process B. Step-by-step advance the sale and reduce anxiety C. Trade to advance the sale D. Reassure the customer E. Comparison closing F. Balance Sheets G. Urgency Builders H. Final Closing Strategies 8. Closing Strategy-A Alternate Choice Close - either answer advances the sale. To add power to this close, try it with three alternatives. Example: "Will you want to put these items on your credit card, write a check, or did you want to issue a purchase order?" 9. Closing Strategy-A Erroneous Conclusion Close - correction means conviction; to use this close, you simply take advantage of any mistake you make in talking with the customer. Example: "I believe you said earlier that you wanted to go with the color blue." 10. Closing Strategy-A Major/Minor Questions - for prospects who have trouble making "big" decisions," introduce a major question followed immediately by the secondary question. Use a transition sentence before the secondary sentence. Example: "As I see it, the only decision we have to make today is how soon you want your productivity to increase. By the way, will you want it delivered at the ____ address or the _____ address? 11. Closing Strategy-A Physical Action Close - clearly signal agreement and closure on a step in the sales process; take some physical action that signifies the sale is settled. Example: Adjust your posture, move a step in another direction, close your note pad, start writing on the order form or create some combination of all of these. 12. Closing Strategy-A Rhetorical Question Close - create positive response set. The importance of rhetorical questions is that you get the prospect's head nodding in agreement. You develop a positive mind set that is difficult to change. Example: "Wouldn't you expect to pay a lot more for this level of quality?" 13. Closing Strategy-B Agenda Close - pre-close on next steps; begin each meeting or contact with agreement on the agenda. Example: "First, I would like to give you a brief overview of our company to help orient and define some of our capabilities. Then, if I could get some information about your organization so that I can quickly determine if there is an area where we can help you..." when the prospect says, "Okay, let's get started," you have pre- closed on several steps of your sales process. 14. Closing Strategy-B Interim Action Plan Close - blocks competition between calls and commits prospect; the Interim Action Plan is written at the end of the meeting on carbonless paper so that you can provide the prospective customer with a copy of the action items to be completed by both parties between meetings. Example: List and assign action items to individuals 15. Closing Strategy-B Next Step or Plan of Action - lay out the steps to advance the sale; always keep your customer informed about the next steps in the process. Example: "I guess my next step would be to review briefly how we can meet your expectations. If you would check on your inventory levels, that would help us do the math when we get back together. What else do you see we need to accomplish?" 16. Closing Strategy-B Probability Close - establishes progress in prospect's mind; after you complete the list of tasks for your prospect, ask a question that causes the prospect to recognize that he or she is about to invest some amount of effort to fill a need. Certainly, he or she would not go ahead unless there was a good probability of a positive outcome. Example: "After we get this together (point to list), what are the chances that we will be doing business together?" 17. Closing Strategy-C Answering Questions with Questions - insistent advancement of the sale; you obtain further clarification of questions asked. Example: Prospect: "Do you have it in stock?" You: "Do you need it right away? 18. Closing Strategy-C Give to Get Close - value added; by giving services and related products to your customers at no additional cost, you can often pull in those who are teetering on the borderline. Example: "We're going to help our new customers stay with us for years to come. With your purchase of a(name your product or service), we will make your December payments for you for the next 4 years." 19. Closing Strategy-C Trade-Off Close - get something solid that advances the sale; When the prospect asks you for something or places a requirement in front of you that you can provide, get something in return. Example: Prospect: "Can I get this scheduled for delivery on the 14th?" You: "If I can get it scheduled, do you want me to go ahead and put it on order?" 20. Closing Strategy-C Try It Out Close - just as the name implies, let them try it out. Put their concerns or doubts to rest. Once they have the product or service for a few days, call to find out if it is working as expected. Don't try any closes at this time. Call back at the appointed time to close. 21. Closing Strategy-D D.1.Consultants - This is it! - reaffirms expertise and provides reassurance; present the item and say in an authoritative voice, This is it! This is very strong over the phone if you quickly describe in detail how it will meet each of the prospects expectations. Example: Ive got it! I know exactly what will work for you. Conclude with, If you feel as good about this as I do, then I think were ready to move forward. Whats our next step? Note: Do not use a verbal Rhetorical Question. Don't speak. Wait for their response. If they aren't overwhelmed with the same conclusion, then romance the selection, and tell how it meets their greatest needs. 22. Closing Strategy-D D.2. Customer List - provides credible reassurance; if you are selling to a specialized market within an industry such as personnel managers in the chemical industry, then alphabetize by the individual's name then list the company name. If the emphasis is on which companies do business with you, (i.e., Fortune 500), listing alphabetically by company would probably be appropriate. D.3. Higher or Alternate Authority - assurance from an authority. "Higher" should be interpreted to mean a person who is in a position to know the value of your product or service. While you may be calling on the Vice-President of a firm, your higher authority may be the shop foreman who uses it everyday. Your alternate authority should be more than a satisfied customer, they should be an enthusiastic one. Have more than one alternate authority ready to use. 23. Closing Strategy-D D.4. Ownership Question Close - creates a "we're together" mind set; ask a question that requires the prospect to see him/herself already in possession of the chosen product or service. Example: "Will you be putting the equipment on the first or second floor?" 24. Closing Strategy-D D.5. Show Them How To Own Close - reduces anxiety and provides reassurance; state the buying process for your particular product or service. Example: "To own thiswe will need to (State your process)." "In order to acquire the franchise for this area, you will need to be able to store the products in a low humidity environment. What storage facilities do you have available?" 25. Closing Strategy-D D.6.Similar Situation Close - reduces anxiety and provides reassurance; tell a story about a customer who was in a similar situation to the one your prospect finds him or herself in today. Your story will tell how, through the use of your products and services, your customer was able to solve his or her problem. D.7.Take Over - expert steps in to save or advance sale; this type of third party close consists of a pre-arrangement in which another person on your sales staff enters the selling situation on cue in order to aid in closing. Example: The "Take Over" will go through a "question down" closing sequence, "And did he explain What did you think about the" 26. Closing Strategy-D D.8. Testimonial Letters - provides credible reassurance; when you present those letters at closing time, use those from customers who are at least similar or higher in professional and social stature as your prospect. Use the most convincing first. Hand them to the prospect one at a time and allow him or her the time necessary to read them. Use current letters. 27. Closing Strategy-D D.9.Third Party Close - provides credible reassurance; The third party is someone who has nothing to gain from the sale. Therefore, she or he is perceived by the prospect as giving an unbiased opinion. Select your third party based on the following priority sequence: 1. Someone the prospect knows personally. 2. A company the prospect would recognize and one that is known for standards similar to, or slightly higher than that of the prospect. Example: a. Customer list b. Testimonial letters c. Someone in a similar situation d. Someone else in the company 28. Closing Strategy-E E.1.Comparative Question - help the prospect gain a pre- defined perspective; have your prospect think about an aspect of your product or service from a specific perspective. It helps to meet a possible objection head on and remove it from later consideration. This close always starts with the words, "Isn't it true that" Example: "Isn't it true that the operational cost is more important than the initial investment?" 29. Closing Strategy-E E.2. Competitive Comparison Close - compare apples to apples; this close allows prospects to compare what you have to offer with the competing ways of getting his or her needs met. 1. Help the prospect to set expectations that only you can meet. 2. Get the prospect to defend those expectations with additional benefit questions. Example: "Do you see how installing the plastic components instead of the metal ones can immediately begin saving you money?" Do this with three to five of your strong selling points. This will position you and your solution as being different from that of the competition. 30. Closing Strategy-E E.3.Spotlight Close - intense focus on needed unique selling point; use this close to help shut out the competition. If you know the features and benefits that your competition offers, find those that are offered exclusively by your product or company. Put the spotlight on these features and benefits. Example: "Being able to measure your work to close tolerances is critical for the type of machined products you are building. This semi- automatic lathe comes equipped with the standard visual scales for loose tolerance work. But for close tolerances, we've built in a laser- mirror-measuring device with digital read out, precise to ten places. There's not even a fully automatic lathe built that can match that kind of precision. For the short run prototypes you specialize in, don't you agree this is the lathe to cut with?" 31. Closing Strategy-F F.1.Balance Sheet Closing - "Ben Franklin" style closes;on paper, make a large "T." On the left side, place a plus sign with the word, "yes." On the right, place a minus sign with the word, "no." Discuss with the prospect the assets of your proposal. Place them in the "yes" column. Place the drawbacks or weaknesses in the "no" column. The benefits should outweigh the disadvantages and your client will see it visually. 32. Closing Strategy-F F.2. Pro-Con Close - demonstrate the lopsided balance in favor of the "go- ahead" decision; this is a simple balance sheet, with columns as above. Example: "George, let's take a look at what you would be gaining by switching over to the new phone system, as well as what detractors to the change might be. Let's start with the positives. Here, (hand George the balance sheet) if you'll do the writing, I'll work the facts and figures. Once you've completed the positives, then work through some negatives. Don't provide help with the negatives. You probably know a lot more than your prospect does. Don't give him any more negatives than he already has. Only help clarify those items that the prospect brings up. 33. Closing Strategy-F F.3. Real Dollar Balance Sheet - prevent and close out the price objection and to create a sense of urgency; the balance sheet is set up the same except the heading for the left-hand column states "current system" or you can write in the name of the system or product being used. In the right hand column, write the name of your product or service. Begin by itemizing all of the costs involved with the current system. Identify and list them in the left-hand column. Tabulate the total and put it in the left column. Obtain agreement on that amount. Verify that a similar amount is, or will be, budgeted for the next year. Next, in the left-hand column, begin to work your numbers for the present system. Example: "...These are real dollars that you have spent these last 12 months, aren't they? Is this approximately the same dollar figure that you have set aside in your budget for next year? Probably the same for the following year with perhaps a little extra added in for inflation, right? So over a period of five years, you will be spending around $52,000." Do the same for your product in the right hand column. Emphasize that the difference is in real dollars over time. 34. Closing Strategy-F F.4. Yardstick Close - provides credible scale for comparing performance, price, etc., critical in negotiations; use measurements that are relative to other things. Example: "Some of my customers budget around $1,000 per person and some go upwards of $5,000, but most invest in the range of $1,500 to $2,500. About where do you find yourself?" Often the customer will pick the middle range so set it where you really want to be based on the profile of the customer and the value youve established. 35. Closing Strategy-G G.1. Credit Close - increase "want" for the item; for many types of products and services, it is necessary to obtain credit information. For example, if financing is involved, use the form as a part of the "order blank close." Example: After you have determined the prospect's needs and are in the final phase of closing, you might say something like, "It would certainly speed things up if we could attach an order to the credit form. That will put us at the top of the stack. What size order do you want to start with to open your account?" 36. Closing Strategy-G G.2. Fire Insurance Close - create sense of urgency; if your products or service had some feature that provided some sort of added protection. The prospect feels it's not necessary. His company has been getting along without the feature for a number of years. Compare it to the fire insurance he/she is carrying. Example: "When you use this product without the safety device, you're just as liable to have an accident at any time. The expense of just one accident would pay for (number of devices)." 37. Closing Strategy-G G.3. Lost Dollar Close - consequences of not solving problem; this close works well at the end of a balance sheet close where you have clearly demonstrated the cost-saving effectiveness of your product or service. Example: "What needs to be taken into account in determining how soon we should initiate this service, is the amount of dollars that will be lost from untimely delays. Based on the figures that you came up with, each week will be costing you $ 38. Closing Strategy-G G.4. Pending Event Close - create a sense of urgency; this close works on the basis of fear of loss of some opportunity (benefits). Example: "If you don't buy now, I can't guarantee there will be any here for you tomorrow." "This will be the only notice you will receive. You have until October first to return your reservation or it will be assigned to the next person on the waiting list." "This is the last one we've got until the next shipment." 39. Closing Strategy-G G.5. Save the Company Money Close - consequences of not taking action now; when the prospect says that he's got to save the company money, your response should be, "Over what period of time? Example: Once you have this line of thought established, use the standard balance sheet close emphasizing cost rather than price - "Our price includes the cost of delivery, set- up, training, and first year's service." 40. Closing Strategy-H H.1. Ask for the Order Directly - make clear you want the sale. Example: "I think weve got all the items you want here. Would it be all right if I started writing up the order? 41. Closing Strategy-H H.2.Basic Written Close - order blank; if you are going to use an order blank close, it is strongly recommend that you fill in the prospect's name and address ahead of time. Order blanks are cheap, and when you start working on one that already has the prospect's name and address filled in, it has a much greater positive impact than one without it. The same is true for worksheets. 42. Closing Strategy-H H.3.Closing on the Final Objection - stop the flow of "nit-picky" objections; sometimes as a last defense against buying, people will come up with many objections. Example: The customer states an objection and you respond with... "Aside from that, is there anything else that prevents us from going ahead with the purchase today?" When the customer responds with, "No, thats the reason," then, you can start working the Objection Response Strategy. 43. Closing Strategy-H H.4.Honest Inquiry Close - last ditch effort. "What prevents us from doing business? "Do you mind if I ask what is preventing us from going ahead today? At the very least, you may get a true objection that you can work with. At the very best you will learn where you may have missed an important step or point that could have made the difference. 44. Closing Strategy-H H.5.Summary Close - set expectations, criteria or specifications, wrap up close. The concept is to simply review the decisions made throughout the sales interaction in a summary presentation format. Example: Summarize the benefits the prospect is looking for, as you discovered. Use partnership pronouns such as we, us, our: "We wanted to make sure that these two parts will work with how we designed the system..." Sequence the summary to allow your customer to get a good physical feel and a clear visualization of the features and benefits: "So, lets quickly summarize what we discovered and look at some of the recommendations we made. First, we talked about how you currently move equipment from one side of the building to the other, and decided that because of the costs involved..." 45. Hubungi Kami Hubungi kami di E-mail: [email protected] YM: [email protected] Skype: Virja DG Website