
Post on 16-Oct-2015






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Pengertian dan Contoh Simple Sentence (Kalimat Tunggal)Pengertian Simple Sentence Simple sentenceadalahsentence type(tipe kalimat)yang paling mendasar, yaitu hanya terdiri dari satuindependent clause. Tipe kalimat ini bukan berarti simple (sederhana) untuk dipahami karenasimple sentencesendiri merujuk padapola kalimatbukanthe complexity of thought(kompleksitas pemikiran). Tipe kalimat yang lain yaitu:compound,complex, dancompound-complex sentence.Dengan memahami berbagai tipe kalimat, akan sangat membantu dalam memberikan variasi kalimat pada sebuah tulisan.Contoh Simple Sentence: My sister read the magazine.(Saudara perempuanku membaca majalah.) The manager came late today.(Manager tersebut datang terlambat hari ini.)Independent Clause dan Compound Element pada Simple SentenceIndependent clauseterdiri dari satusubject,verb, dengan/tanpa komponenlainnya (sepertimodifierataucomplement) untuk membentuk kalimat yang memiliki arti secara utuh/lengkap.Subjectadalahsomeone/something(seseorang/sesuatu), berupanounataupronoun, yang melakukan aksi. Aksi yang dilakukan (verb) dapat berupaaction(contoh: eat, play, read) ataulinking verb.Contoh Simple Sentence:Contoh Simple SentenceKeterangan

My sister read the magazine.subject= my sister,verb= read,(direct) object= the magazine

The manager came late today.subject= the manager,verb= came,adverb= late, today

He is diligent.(Dia rajin)subject= he (pronoun),(linking) verb= is,adjective= diligent

I was doingphysically exercises at this time yesterday.(Saya sedang melakukan latihan-latihan fisik sepanjang hari.)subject= I,verb= was doing,(direct) object=physically exercisesprepositional phrase= at this time yesterday

Simple sentenceumumnya berupa kalimat yang pendek, namun dapat pula panjang. Kalimat dapat menjadi lebih panjang ketika elemen-elemen kalimat (subject, verb, object, etc) digunakan secara majemuk (compound). Diantara elemen majemuk tersebut (subject compound, verb compound, etc) tidak dipisahkan oleh koma. Selain itu,prepositional phrasejuga dapat berperan untuk memperpanjang suatusimple sentence.Contoh Simple Sentence:Contoh Simple SentenceKeterangan

Atiek and Igot the appreciation for our recent research.(Atiek dan saya mendapatkan perhargaan untuk riset terakhir kami.)compound subject

The babieslaughed and criedsimultaneously.(Bayi-bayi tersebut tertawa dan menangis secara bersamaan.)compound verb

Ana and Yuniread and wrotethe instruction.(Ana dan Yuni membaca dan menulis instruksi.)compound subject,compound verb

Ana and Yuni read the instructionon the whiteboardand wrote iton their book.(Ana dan Yuni membaca instruksi di papan tulis putih dan menuliskannya di buku mereka.)prepositional phrase

Semoga tulisan pengertian dan contohsimple sentence(kalimat tunggal) ini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan

Sentences: Simple, Compound, and ComplexExperienced writers use a variety of sentences to make their writing interesting and lively. Too many simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to understand.This page contains definitions of simple, compound, and complex sentences with many simple examples. The purpose of these examples is to help the ESL/EFL learner to identify sentence basics including identification of sentences in the short quizzes that follow. After that, it will be possible to analyze more complex sentence varieties.Simple SentenceA simple sentence, also called an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. In the following simple sentences, subjects are in yellow, and verbs are in green.1. Somestudentsliketo study in the mornings.2. JuanandArturoplayfootball every afternoon.3. Aliciagoesto the library andstudiesevery day.

The three examples above are all simple sentences. Note that sentence 2 contains a compound subject, and sentence 3 contains a compound verb. Simple sentences, therefore, contain a subject and verb and express a complete thought, but they can also contain compound subjects or verbs.Compound SentenceA compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. In the following compound sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.1. Itriedto speak Spanish, andmyfriendtriedto speak English.2. Alejandroplayedfootball, soMariawentshopping.3. Alejandroplayedfootball, forMariawentshopping.

The above three sentences are compound sentences. Each sentence contains two independent clauses, and they are joined by a coordinator with a comma preceding it. Note how the conscious use of coordinators can change the meaningof the sentences. Sentences 2 and 3, for example, are identical except for the coordinators. In sentence 2, which action occurred first? Obviously, "Alejandro played football" first, and as a consequence, "Maria went shopping." In sentence 3, "Maria went shopping" first. In sentence 3, "Alejandro played football" because, possibly, he didn't have anything else to do,fororbecause"Maria went shopping." How can the use of other coordinators change the relationship between the two clauses? What implications would the use of "yet" or "but" have on the meaning of the sentence?Complex SentenceA True StorySome students believe it is possible to identify simple, compound, and complex sentences by looking at thecomplexityof the ideas in a sentence. Is the idea in the sentence simple, or is it complex? Doesoneidea in a sentence make it simple? Dotwoideas make it compound?However, sentence identification does not work that way.Please take the time to identify the subjects and verbs in a sentence. Then identify coordinators and subordinators when they exist. With these two steps, sentence identification not only becomes easy, but it also provides the foundation for understanding and writing all other kinds of more complicated sentences.A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such asbecause,since,after,although, orwhen(and many others) or a relative pronoun such asthat,who, orwhich. In the following complex sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the subordinators and their commas (when required) are in red.1. Whenhehandedin his homework,heforgotto give the teacher the last page.2. Theteacherreturnedthe homeworkaftershenoticedthe error.3. Thestudentsare studyingbecausetheyhavea test tomorrow.4. Aftertheyfinished studying,JuanandMariawentto the movies5. JuanandMariawentto the moviesaftertheyfinishedstudying.

When a complex sentence begins with a subordinator such as sentences 1 and 4, a comma is required at the end of the dependent clause. When the independent clause begins the sentence with subordinators in the middle as in sentences 2, 3, and 5, no comma is required. If a comma is placed before the subordinators in sentences 2, 3, and 5, it is wrong.Note that sentences 4 and 5 are the same except sentence 4 begins with the dependent clause which is followed by a comma, and sentence 5 begins with the independent clause which contains no comma. The comma after the dependent clause in sentence 4 is required, and experienced listeners of English will oftenheara slight pause there. In sentence 5, however, there will be no pause when the independent clause begins the sentence.Complex Sentences / Adjective ClausesFinally, sentences containing adjective clauses (or dependent clauses) are also complex because they contain an independent clause and a dependent clause. The subjects, verbs, and subordinators are marked the same as in the previous sentences, and in these sentences, the independent clauses are also underlined.1. Thewomanwhocalled my momsellscosmetics.2. ThebookthatJonathan readison the shelf.3. ThehousewhichAbraham Lincoln was born inisstill standing.4. ThetownwhereI grew upisin the United States.

Adjective Clauses are studied in this site separately, but for now it is important to know that sentences containing adjective clauses are complex.

Pengertian dan Contoh Compound SentencePengertian Compound Sentence Compound sentenceadalahsentence type(tipe kalimat) yang terdiri dari dua atau lebihindependent clauseatausimple sentence. Padacompound sentence, pikiran pada dua atau lebihindependent clausetersebut dihubungkan dengan tingkat kepentingan yang setara. Tipe kalimat yang lain yaitu:simple,complex, dancompound-complex sentence.Dengan memahami berbagai tipe kalimat, akan sangat membantu dalam memberikan variasi kalimat pada sebuah tulisan.Conjunction dan Punctuation pada Compound SentenceUntuk menghubungkan dua atau lebihindependent clausedi dalamcompound sentence, dapat digunakancoordinate conjunction,conjunctive adverb, atausemicolon(titik koma) saja. Walaupun dihubungkan olehconjunctionatausemicolon, masing-masingindependent clausetersebut sesungguhnya dapat berdiri sendiri.Coordinate ConjunctionCoordinate conjunctionyang dapat digunakan yaitu:for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so(FANBOYS). Tanda baca koma digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung ini.Contoh Compound Sentence dengan Coordinate Conjunction: He didnt come last night,forhe fell asleep.(Dia tidak datang semalam karena dia terlelap.) Vina and Amel wake up at 5:00 am,andthey go to school at 6:30 am.(Vina dan Amel bangun jam 5 dan mereka pergi ke sekolah jam setengah 7.) Please reconsider,soyou will not regret oneday.(Tolong pertimbangan kembali sehingga kamu tidak menyesalinya suatu hari nanti.)Karena masing-masing klausa tersebut dapat berdiri sendiri, kadang-kadangcoordinate conjunctiontidak mampu menunjukkan hubungan yang cukup spesifik/logis, khususnyaconjunctionand.Conjunctive AdverbConjunctive adverbatauadverbial conjunctionmerupakankata yang berfungsi baik sebagaiadverbmaupunconjunction. Tanda bacasemicolon(titik koma) dan koma biasa digunakan bersamaconjunctionini.Conjunctive adverbantara lain:furthermore,however,otherwise,therefore, danfinally.Contoh Compound Sentence dengan Conjunctive Adverb: Both gold and green kiwifruits are widely cultivated in New Zealand;furthermore, theyre distributed to our country.(Baik kiwigoldmaupun hijau dibudidaya secara luas di New Zealand. Tambahan pula, mereka didistribusikan ke negara kita.) Natural resources of Indonesia spread from Sabang to marauke;however, theyre not utilized properly.(Sumber daya alam Indonesia tersebar dari Sabang sampai Marauke. Akan tetapi, mereka tidak digunakan dengan benar.) Yulia drinks fresh milk and does exercise regularly;therefore, her bones is dense and strong.(Yulia minum susu segar dan berolahraga teratur. Oleh karena itu, tulangnya padat dan kuat.)Semicolon (Titik Koma)Adapunsemicolonsendiri dapat digunakan untukmenghubungkan duaindependent clauseyang sangat berhubungan menjadi satu kalimat.Contoh Compound Sentence dengan Semicolon: Its mine; its not yours.(Itu milikku. Itu bukan milikmu.) Diana looked panic; shes afraid she runs out of words to say to interviewers.(Diana tampak panik. Dia takut kehabisan kata-kata untuk disampaikan kepada pewawancara.)Semoga tulisancompound sentenceini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan.

Pengertian dan Contoh Complex SentencePengertian Complex Sentence Complex sentenceadalahsentence type(tipe kalimat)yang terdiri dari satuindependent clause(simple sentence) dan satu atau lebihdependentatausubordinate clause. Tipe kalimat yang lain yaitu:simple,compound, dancompound-complex.Dengan memahami berbagai tipe kalimat, akan sangat membantu dalam memberikan variasi kalimat pada sebuah tulisan.Dependent Clause pada Complex SentencePadacomplex sentence, pikiran pada klausaindependentmerupakan pikiran utama (lebih penting) sedangkandependentmerupakan tambahan.Dengan kata lain, suatucomplex sentencememiliki pondasi dasar berupaindependentdengan informasi tambahan berupadependent clause(s).Contoh: Independent Clause:I like the book. Dependent Clause:that you bought yesterday. [menerangkan "book"] Complex Sentence:I like the book that you bought yesterday.(Saya suka buku yang kamu beli kemarin.)Peran Subordinate Conjunction dan Relative PronounDependent clausetidak dapat berdiri sendiri, melainkan harus digabungkan denganindependentdengan/tanpadependent clauselain untuk membentukcomplex sentence.Dependent clausediawali dengan: subordinate conjunction(contoh:after,since,when,although,because) ketika digunakan padaadverbial clause, relative pronoun(contoh:who,which,whose,whom,that) ketika digunakan padaadjective clause,serta question word,if/weather, atauthatketika digunakan padanoun clause.Beberapa contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.DCContoh DCContoh ICContoh Complex Sentence

Adverbial Clausewhenhe found a lot of expired foodHe was cleaning the kitchenHe was cleaning the kitchenwhenhe found a lot of expired food.(Dia sedang membersihkan dapur ketika dia menemukan banyak makanan kadaluarsa.)

Becauseshe had free time during last holidayShe rearranged her house.Because she had free time during last holiday, she rearranged her house.(Karena dia mempunyai banyak waktu luang, dia menata ulang rumahnya.)

Adjective Clausewhichis very faithfulMueeza is a cat.Mueeza is a cat whichis very faithful.(Mueeza adalah kucing yang sangat setia)

thatI has dreamed for many years ago.It is the car.It is the car that I has dreamed for many years ago.(Ini mobil yang telah saya impikan selama bertahun-tahun.)

Noun Clause*Whatyou ate last nightWhat you ate last night is a tasty cuisineWhat you ate last night is a tasty cuisine that may contain trans fatty acids.(Apa yang kamu makan semalam merupakan masakan yang mungkin mengandung lemak trans.)

*Pada contohnoun clause, klausa tersebut menggantikan posisinoun(subject) padaindependent clause. Adapunobject(a tasty cuisine) padaindependent, diterangkan olehadjective clause(that may contain trans fatty acids).Complex sentencecenderung lebih efektif daripadacompoundkarena menunjukkan hubungan yang lebih jelas atau spesifik antar klausa di dalam kalimat tersebut berkat peranconjuntion,pronoun,question word, danif.Posisi Dependent Clause dan Tanda Baca pada Complex SentenceAdverbial ClauseAdverbial clausedapat berada di awalcomplex sentence, diikuti olehindependent clause. Sebaliknya,independentdapat berada di awalcomplex sentence, diikuti olehadverbial clause. Jika berada di awal, diujung klausa ini diberi tanda baca koma.Contoh Complex Sentence: Di awal:Though Im annoyed, I try to think positively. Di akhir:I try to think positivelythough Im annoyed.(Saya mencoba berpikir secara positif meskipun saya terganggu.)Adjective ClauseSaat menerangkansubject,adjective clauseberada di tengahcomplex sentence. Informasi tambahan tersebut dapat diapit koma ataupun tidak, tergantung pada penting atau tidaknya informasi tersebut. Informasi tersebut dinilaiessential(penting) jika akan mengubah makna jika dihilangkan. Pada situasi tersebut, koma tidak digunakan.Contoh Complex Sentence: Essential:Peoplewho do exercise regularlyrarely get sick. Non-essential:Yulia,who does exercise regularly, has a positive body image.(Yulia, yang melakukan olahraga teratur, mempunyaibody imageyang positif.)Semoga penjelasan matericomplex sentencesini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan.

Pengertian dan Contoh Compound-Complex SentencePengertian Compound-Complex Sentence Compound-complex sentenceadalahsentence type(tipe kalimat)yang merupakan kombinasi antaracompounddengancomplex sentence. Tipe kalimat ini memiliki 3 atau lebih klausa di dalamnya, dimana minimal terdiri dari 2independent clausedan 1dependent clause. Tipe kalimat yang lain yaitu:simple,compound, dancomplex sentence.Dengan memahami berbagai tipe kalimat, akan sangat membantu dalam memberikan variasi kalimat pada sebuah tulisan.Contoh Compound-Complex Sentence:While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didnt got rid of itimmediately.(Ketika dia sedang membersihkan dapur, dia menemukan banyak makanan kadaluarsa, tapi dia tidak membuangnya segera.)dimana kalimat di atas merupakan gabungan dari: Complex Sentence:While he was cleaning the kitchen,he found a lot of expired food. (dependent,independent) Compound Sentence:He found a lot of expired food, buthe didnt got rid of it immediately. (independent,independent)Sehingga secara keseluruhancompound-complex sentencetersebut memiliki 2independentdan 1dependent clause.Punctuation (Tanda Baca) pada Compound-Complex SentencePada dasarnya,compound-complex sentencemengikuti aturan penggunaan tanda baca yang berlaku terhadapcompounddancomplex sentence. Secara ringkas aturannya adalah sebagai berikut.CompoundComplex

Jika menggunakancoordinate conjunction(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so), tanda baca komadigunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung tersebut. Jika menggunakanconjunctive adverb(furthermore,however,otherwise, when, etc), tanda bacasemicolon(titik koma) digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung dan koma tepat setelah kata hubung. Dapat menggunakansemicolonuntuk menghubungkanduaindependent clauseyang sangat berhubungan.(lihat contoh) Padaadverbial clause,jika berada di awal kalimat, diujung klausa ini diberi tanda baca koma. Padaadjective clause, jika menerangkan subject (berada di tengah kalimat), dapat diapit koma atau tidak tergantung dari penting atau tidak informasi yang dibawanya.(lihat contoh)

Contoh Compound-Complex Sentence:Keterangan: DC= dependent clause IC= independent clause SC= subordinate Conjunction AC= adverbial conjunction RP= relative pronounNo.ContohKeterangan

1While cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food,but he didnt got rid of it.While cleaning the kitchen= DC (adverbial clause)he found a lot of expired food= ICbut= SChe didnt got rid of it= IC

2Andra found a lot of expired food, but he didnt got rid of it because he was too lazy to do it.Andra found a lot of expired food= ICbut= SChe didnt got rid of it= ICbecause= AChe was too lazy to do it= IC

3Yulia,who does exercise regularly, has a positive body image; therefore, she always looks happy and healthy.(Yulia yang berolahraga secara teratur, mempunyaibody imageyang positif. Oleh karena itu, dia selalu tampak bahagia dan sehat.)Yulia has a positive body image= ICwho does exercise regularly= DC (non-essential adjective clause)therefore= ACshe always looks happy and healthy= IC

4Peoplewho do exercise regularlyrarely get sick; they usually have a great immune system.(Orang-orang yang berolahraga secara teratur jarang jatuh sakit. Mereka biasanya mempunyai sistem imun yang baik.)People get sick= ICwho do exercise regularly= DC (essential adjective clause)they usually have a great imune system= IC

Semoga tulisancompound-complex sentenceini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan.

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