simcat 101

Post on 18-Jul-2016






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SimCAT 101

Section I Section II

Section: Section I


Answer the questions independently of each other.

A dishonest shopkeeper sells sugar at cost price but makes 25% profit by using faulty weights. He decides to give a discount to attract more customers. What percent of discount should he offer to make 12% profit?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Given a bus leaves from city A to B on June 4th at 10.00 PM on a 12 hour journey. On the same day, another bus leaves from city B to A at 11.00 AM. At what time will both the buses meet, given that they both travel (with no breaks in their journeys) with the same constant speed and along the same route?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.4) Answer the questions on the basis of the charts given below.

You are viewing Section I SectionQuestion Palette :

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28

29 30

Legend :

  Answered   Not


  Marked for Review

  Not Answered

  Marked for Review, answered

In which year were the students from the Commerce stream the least?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.5) In the year 2011, the least number of students enrolled for:Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Average number of students who enrolled for Science from 2009 to 2011 was:Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Answer the questions independently of each other.

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.9) A shop has three types of candies costing Re.1, Rs.2 and Rs.3. Neha has Rs.24 and wants to buy exactly 12 candies comprising at least one of each kind. In how many different ways can she buy the candies with all this money?  Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.10)  What is the remainder when (118)4 + (93)3 + (51)2 + 38 is divided by 13?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


In a building with 8 floors(excluding the ground floor), Mr. 'X' along with 4 people enters into a lift on the ground floor. Given that

each person gets off the lift on a different floor, what is the probability that Mr. X gets off the lift before exactly 3 people?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.The letters of the signboard 'RAW IS WAR' glow in such a way that for the first time they glow in successive seconds in the order indicated on the signboard (with the letter R of the word RAW glowing for the first time in the first second).

Each letter subsequently glows in consecutive multiples of the second it glowed the first time. For example, the letter S glows at the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th second......... and so onIn a time period of 5 minutes, how many times does exactly one each of all the letters, 'R', 'A' and 'W' glow at the same time, with no other letter of the signboard glowing?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.14) If the signboard starts glowing at 10.00 am and continues to glow all day, then at what time does the entire signboard glow

for the 30th time?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.15)  Answer the questions independently of each other.

Working together, 'A' and 'B' can complete a piece of work in 't' days. When 'A' works alone he takes 12 days more than 't'. When 'B' works alone he takes 3 days more than 't'. 'A' and 'B' work individually on alternate days and complete the work. If they are paid an amount of Rs. 1000 for the entire work and are to be paid in proportion to the amount of work done by each of them, then what amount does 'A' recieve?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.16) A1, A2, A3, ..., An are the sums of the first 'n' terms of 'n' arithmetic progressions whose first terms are 1, 2, 3, ..., n and common differences are 1, 2, ..., n, respectively. Which of the following can be the value of A1 + A2 + A3 + ... + An?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.17)  What is the maximum number of equilateral triangles with side of length 5 cm, that can be cut out of a rectangular sheet of dimensions 10 cm x 15 cm?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.18)  What will be the cardinal number of the set A where A = {x2 : x is a Non-negative integer and 10x divides 70!}?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Answer the questions independently of each other.

A regular polygon with an even number of sides is inscribed in a circle. 126 of the diagonals of the polygon do not pass through the centre of the circle in which it is inscribed. Find the number of sides of the polygon.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.20 Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

What were the total goals scored by the teams in all the matches that were drawn?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.21)  In the Argentina-Peru match, the winner won by a margin of how many goals? Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.22) What is the score line of the Argentina-Brazil match?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Answer the questions independently of each other.

The powers of 64 starting from 641 to 647are written one beside the other so as to form a big number 'y'. Find the number of digits of y. Given log 2 = 0.3010Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


B moves by taking 3 steps forward and 1 step backward (each step in 1 sec). He walks up a stationary escalator and reaches the top of the escalator in 118 seconds. However on a moving escalator he takes 40 secs to reach the top of the escalator. Find the speed of the escalator (in steps/second.)Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Mr. Dutt has lent Rs.5000 at a rate of 8% p.a. under Simple Interest and Rs.4000 at a rate of 15% p.a. under Compound Interest (interest compunded annually). For how many years, will the amount accrued under S.I. be more than the amount accrued under C.I.?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.27)  N is a natural number having the sum of it's digits as 3. If 1013

< N < 1014, then how many values can 'N' assume?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Answer the questions independently of each other.

There are a certain number of children in a class. Each child has a different number of sweets and there is one who has none. No child has exactly 15 sweets and there are more children in the class than there are sweets with any child. Find the maximum number of children in the class.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.29 Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The least possible value of the amount raised by Future Green through its fund-raising events is _____.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.30)  The amount raised by Future Green through the events can be greater than the amount raised by Earth First by a maximum value of ______.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Section: Section II

Q.1)  The passage given below is followed by a set of three questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.

The beauty of flowers has been taken for granted by people for as long as people have been leaving records of what they considered beautiful. The equation of flowers and beauty was apparently made by all the great civilizations of antiquity. This world-historical consensus about the beauty of flowers, which seems so right and uncontroversial to us, is remarkable when you consider that there are relatively few things in nature whose beauty people haven't had to invent: sunrise, the plumage of birds, the human face and form, and flowers. There may be a few more, but not many. Mountains were ugly until just a few centuries ago ('warts on the earth,' Donne had called them, in an echo of the general consensus); forests were the 'hideous' haunts of Satan until the Romantics rehabilitated them. Flowers have had their poets too, but they never needed them in quite the same way.

The love of flowers is almost, but not quite, universal. The 'not quite' refers to Africa, where flowers play almost no part in religious observance or everyday social ritual. (The exceptions are those parts of Africa that came into early contact with other civilizations - the Islamic north, for example.) Africans seldom grow domesticated flowers, and flower imagery seldom shows up in African art or religion. Apparently when Africans speak or write about flowers, it is usually with an eye to the promise of fruit rather than the thing itself.

There are two possible explanations for the absence of a culture of flowers in Africa. The economic explanation is that people can't afford to pay attention to flowers until they have enough to eat; a well-developed culture of flowers is a luxury that most of Africa historically has not been able to support. The other explanation is that the ecology of Africa doesn't offer a lot of flowers, or at least not a lot of showy ones. Relatively few of the world's domesticated flowers have come from Africa, and the range of flower species on the continent is nowhere near as extensive as it is in, say, Asia or even North America. What flowers one does encounter on the savannah, for example, tend to bloom briefly and then vanish for the duration of the dry season.

Could this mean that the beauty of flowers is in fact in the eye of the beholder - is something people have constructed, like the sublimity of mountains or the spiritual lift we feel in a forest? If so, why did so many different peoples invent it in so many different times and places? More likely, the African case is simply the exception that proves the rule. Africans quickly adopted a culture of flowers wherever others introduced it. Maybe the love of flowers is a predilection all people share, but it's one that cannot itself flower until conditions are ripe - until there are lots

of flowers around and enough leisure to stop and smell them.What is the main point of this passage?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Which of the following, if true, would undermine the author's explanations for the lack of a flower culture in Africa?

A] Flower cultures are known even in places which support fewer domesticated flower species than Africa.

B] The ancient Egyptians treasured flowers, and they were the oldest and most important African civilization.

C] People in many other extremely poor parts of the world still take the time and effort to plant and cherish flowers.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.3)  What does the author mean by this statement: 'Mountains were ugly until just a few centuries ago'?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Each of the following questions has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each question are four pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

Blindly accepting observed facts as a part of the Grand Design of Nature stifles further enquiry - here, then, is a _______ to the accusation that a scientific attitude is prone to _______ our wonderment at the world.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


The almost universal use of music in communal ritual might be understood on the basis that its ability to arouse emotion and _______ on the brink of meaning, without any such meaning ever becoming apparent at the semantic level, seems to recommend it for expressing or representing _______ concepts.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


In the following questions, there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. Children might be able to tell one thing from another,

B. recognizing that two objects posses the same properties are nevertheless distinct,

C. but this doesn't mean that they believe

D. that objects have essences or that they think

E. an objects' value can be affected by its history.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


A. Standing silhouetted in the doorway through where they had entered the vault

B. was the man who wasn't pleased to see them.

C. His displeasure was communicated partly by the barking, hectoring quality of his voice

D. and partly the viciousness with which

E. he waved a long, silver gun at them.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


In the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.

RESERVEQuestion Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.9) BREATHQuestion Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.10)  Each question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has

been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

Before the Age of Reason, the distinction between art and science was not synonymous with that between intuition and rationality respectively. In medieval times, men of science were chroniclers of antique knowledge and theory - a practice that did not necessarily require an inquiring mind. 'Art', by contrast, implied technical or manual skill, and a chemist was as much an artist as a painter was.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Two hundred million years ago, there were no flowers. There were plants then, of course, but these plants didn't form true flowers or fruit and so couldn't support many warm-blooded creatures. Flowers changed everything. The angiosperms, as botanists call the plants that form flowers and then encase seeds, appeared during the Cretaceous period and they spread over the earth with stunning rapidity. By producing sugars and proteins to entice animals to disperse their seed, the angiosperms multiplied the world's supply of food energy, making possible the rise of large warm-blooded mammals, including human beings, eventually. Without flowers, the reptiles, which had prospered in a leafy, fruitless world, would probably still rule.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.12)  In each question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words that are italicized and highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted words, select the most appropriate words (A or B) to form correct sentences. The sentences are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly complete the set of sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate ones.

His new wife seems to be a pleasant, demur (A) / demure (B) young woman.

This is the only known extant (A) / extent (B) copy of this ancient manuscript.

The defendant's story did not jibe (A) / gibe (B) with that of the


Men must take care to get a check up for prostate (A) / prostrate (B) cancer regularly.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


She lead (A) / led (B) her guests into the dining room.

In this novel, there is a prophecy (A) / prophesy (B) that the hero will kill the villain.

The raising (A) / rising (B) tide had cut off the path on the beach, so they had to return by the overland road.

He was too tired to get up, so he lay (A) / laid (B) in bed all morning.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. For hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, men had forgotten it.

B. It is a difficult art that requires immense skill, patience and strength.

C. It wasn't until the tenth century that stone became again the builder's principal material, allowing him to set his sights on eternity.

D. 'Stone age' is a synonym for the primitive only in the minds of those who have never worked with stone.

E. They built their churches from wood, which meant that fire razed them with depressing regularity.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.15)  The passage given below is followed by a set of two questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.There are two types of schedule, which I'll call the manager's schedule and the maker's schedule. The manager's schedule is for bosses. It's

embodied in the traditional appointment book, with each day cut into one hour intervals. You can block off several hours for a single task if you need to, but by default you change what you're doing every hour. When you use time that way, it's merely a practical problem to meet with someone. Find an open slot in your schedule, book them, and you're done.

Most powerful people are on the manager's schedule. It's the schedule of command. But there's another way of using time that's common among people who make things, like programmers and writers. They generally prefer to use time in units of half a day at least. You can't write or program well in units of an hour. That's barely enough time to get started.

When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can waste a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything useful in. Plus you have to remember to go to the meeting. That's no problem for someone on the manager's schedule. There's always something coming on the next hour; the only question is what. But when someone on the maker's schedule has a meeting, they have to think about it. For someone on the maker's schedule, having a meeting is like throwing an exception. It doesn't merely cause you to switch from one task to another; it changes the mode in which you work.

I find one meeting can sometimes affect a whole day. A meeting commonly wastes at least half a day, by breaking up a morning or afternoon. But in addition there's sometimes a cascading effect. If I know the afternoon is going to be broken up, I'm slightly less likely to start something ambitious in the morning. I know this may sound oversensitive, but if you're a maker, think of your own case. Don't your spirits rise at the thought of having an entire day free to work, with no appointments at all? Well, that means your spirits are correspondingly depressed when you don't. And ambitious projects are by definition close to the limits of your capacity. A small decrease in morale is enough to kill them off.

Each type of schedule works fine by itself. Problems arise when they meet. Since most powerful people operate on the manager's schedule, they're in a position to make everyone resonate at their frequency if they want to. But the smarter ones restrain themselves, if they know that some of the people working for them need long chunks of time to work in.What is the main difference between the manager's schedule and the maker's schedule, according to the author?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Which of the following is not true about the author?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.17)  The passage given below is followed by a set of four questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.Since the 1950s, the media, aided and abetted by a lot of professional geneticists who ought to know better, have created a myth of genetic determinism. The enormous prominence given to the magical powers of DNA has led a lot of people to believe that once you have listed an organism's DNA code - its genome - then you've pretty much understood that organism. After all, the genome is the information needed to make the organism, isn't it? And surely, once you know the information, you know everything about the organism? This is why thousands of private investors, and national governments, have poured tens of billions of dollars into biotechnology companies and academic research. They have been promised that once we know the DNA sequence of a human being, we will be able to cure hundreds of new diseases. Those promises have been made not just by the media, but by thousands of professional biologists who really should know better. In this myth, the only important thing you need to know about an organism is its genome. This is the belief that lies at the core of Jurassic Park (the film as well as the book it is based on): that the genetic 'blueprint' for the organism determines everything about it. However, organisms are far more complicated than just a 'message' written in DNA.

The list of things that affect how an organism develops, but aren't DNA, is enormous. Parents often supply 'privilege' - extra food, such as yolk in an egg or milk. For example, there is the anglerfish, a fish whose DNA does not even tell it which sex it should be. The trigger that determines its sex is some chemical, probably a hormone, which causes the juvenile anglerfish to develop into a male. If the trigger is absent, the fish becomes a female.

Let's take this point one step further. All vertebrates start much the same: the embryos are very similar at what is called the phylotypic stage (stage typical of the phylum): all annelid worms look similar at their phylotypic stage, as do all gastropod molluscs (snails). Very different eggs (think of chicken egg, mammal egg, frog-spawn, caviar among vertebrates) all converge on to the phylotypic stage, and the strange thing is that they don't need their genetic instructions to do it. The egg architecture, plus a suite of clever molecules called informosomes copied from the mother's genetics, guides the pre-phyletic embryo to its phylotypic shape, with its nuclei in lots of different kinds of cells. These different cells call up a different developmental programme from each of their nuclei, so that different genes are expressed in liver, kidney, nervous system and skin. In a

very real sense, vertebrates are vertebrate because their mothers were: they made eggs that developed into vertebrate phylotypic embryos, which then read out their genes in the characteristic vertebrate way.

Because of this two-step development, it is much easier to have a well-controlled passage of information: think of the egg as the tapeplayer, the chromosomal DNA information as the tape, which has on it instructions for making the ovary that makes eggs - tape-players - of the appropriate kind. That rather destroys the background 'science' of Jurassic Park, because it suggests that the tape player evolves as well as the DNA tape. Ostrich eggs, and a bit of frog DNA to fill in the gaps in the tape, just won't work. Nature agrees: rat nuclei (complete good-condition nuclei, not DNA that's been through a mosquito gut and then been bombarded by cosmic rays for 70 million years) won't develop properly in mouse eggs, and vice versa. And rat and mouse are a lot closer together than ostriches and tyrannosaurs, or frogs and velociraptors.

The future may have special tricks ... but the Jurassic Park 'science' was based on 'folk' DNA genetics: the belief that the organism is only its DNA writ large. The film is an entertainment, not an educational tool, and it achieved its purpose. But we should bear in mind at least 'tape-player and tape', and not simple media-talk about the DNA being the blueprint for the organism.Suggest a suitable title for this passage.Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.18) What is true about the phylotypic stage, as per this passage?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.19) What is the tapeplayer and tape analogy meant to demonstrate?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.20)  On the basis of this passage, we can conclude that the authors think that Jurassic Park was:Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow4 friends P,Q,R and S are seated on 4 seats on the edge of a circular merry go round, equidistant from each other facing the centre of the merry go round .Initially P is facing the South , R is facing the West , S is facing the East and Q is facing the North.The merry go round rotates in the clockwise direction rotating 45 ° in Step 1, 90 ° in Step 2, 135 ° in Step 3, 180 ° in Step 4, 45 ° in Step 5, 90 ° in Step 6... and the sequence of steps continues in this wayIf Q and R were to interchange their sitting positions before Step 1,then at the end of Step 45 , who would be seated to the immediate right of the person seated in the South East Direction ?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.22) If we reverse the order of the steps,i.e rotate the merry go round clockwise 180 ° in Step 1, 135 ° in Step 2, 90 ° in Step 3... and so on ,then after which step would all 4 friends be at their initial positions the first time ?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question



A group of 7 people Salman, Shahrukh,Aamir,Ranbir,Imran, Shahid and Akshay are to be arranged in a row of 7 chairs (not necessarily in the same order), such that 2 adjacent chairs are facing opposite directions but not facing each other. Given below are some of the conditions to be followed for the seating arrangement


1. Akshay sits in a chair whose direction is opposite to that of Imran

2. None of Salman ,Shahrukh or Aamir can sit adjacent to each other

3. Ranbir and Shahid are best friends, so they always sit together

4. Imran has 4 people sitting to his right

5. Aamir is sitting 2 positions to the right of RanbirWhich of the following can never occupy adjacent chairs ?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.24)  If Ranbir is 3 places to the right of Imran, then who is 2 places to the left of Akshay?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.25)  If Akshay is 3 places to the left of Shahid, then who can occupy the corner positions (in any order)?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Given the above conditions, how many combinations of teams are possible? Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


If Merlin pairs up with Jenny, then who is Donald's partner ?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.28) If Merlin pairs up with Tina, then who is Diana's partner?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question


Ajay takes part in a pistol shooting competition.There are four different coloured targets (red,yellow,green,blue) in front of him.He can take a maximum of 10 shots at the target. He gets 10,9,8 and 7 points for hitting the red,yellow,green and blue coloured targets respectively.For every red coloured target that Ajay hits,he has to hit atleast two or more blue coloured targets and for every yellow coloured target that he hits he has to hit atleast two or more green coloured targets.

Answer the questions on the basis of the above information. If the aim of the Ajay is to maximize his points by hitting the targets, then what is the number of green colured targets that he should hit?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Q.30)  If Ajay should hit each of the red, yellow, green and blue coloured targets atleast once, then what is the maximum number of points that he can earn?Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

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