populasi volume 17, number 2, year 2006

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Populasi Volume 17, Number 2, Year 2006



Indonesian Bureaucratic Culture: The Ambiquity between

Pangreh Praja and Civil Servant

Pande Made Kutanegara

Berbagai kebijakan dan upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah

untuk meningkatkan layanan kepada masyarakat belum

menampakkan hasil yang maksimal. Salah satu penyebabnya

adalah rendahnya kinerja birokrasi dalam memberikan

pelayanan. Fenomena ini dapat ditemui hampir dalam semua

instansi pemberi layanan kepada masyarakat luas. Perubahan

paradigm birokrasi dari pangreh praja dan pamong praja

menuju civil servant (pelayan masyarakat) masih sulit

diaplikasikan oleh birokrat. Fenomena ini muncul karena

masyarakat kita gagal memahami dan menghadapi proses

transformasi dunia yang begitu cepat. Proses transformasi

sering kali hanya dilihat dalam konteks perubahan yang

berbentuk fisik (material culture). Padahal sebenarnya

transformasi ada dalam tiga level, yakni dalam tataran materi,

perilaku, dan system nilai budaya. Sayangnya, transformasi

dalam tataran nilai atau kultur sering kali diabaikan karena

dianggap tidak penting, padahal berbagai persoalan yang

muncul dalam masyarakat kita sebenarnya bersumber pada

persoalan budaya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perhatian

yang lebih besar terhadap persoalan-persoalan kultural

sehingga tidak menjadi batu sandungan, bahkan dapat

menggagalkan proses modernisasi di Indonesia.

Kata kunci: kinerja birokrasi, pelayanan

Indeks Kepuasan Pengguna Layanan: Menggeser

Kepentingan Pelanggan ke Kepentingan Warga Negara

Bevaola Kusumasari

The new public service recognizes that those who interact

with government are not simply called customers but rather

citizens. In government, citizens are not only customers, they

are owners of the government, and therefore citizens decide

what is so important that the government will do. Today,

citizens expect public services to meet standards not only

such as timeliness and reliability in getting the service but

also they should do the services be delivered fairly and with

attention to fiscal responsibility as well. More important,

citizens contemplate to have the opportunity to influence the

services they receive as well as the quality of those services.

Keywords: public service, customer satisfaction

Population and Development: The Effect of Demographic

Transition in Human Resources Development and Welfare

in West Sumatra

Teguh Sugiyarto; Desy Febrianty

Artiel ini bertujuan menggambarkan dampak dinamika

penduduk yang memengaruhi pembangunan SDM dan

kesejahteraan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, dengan

menggunakan data sekunder dari BPS. Hasil analisis

menunjukkan dinamika penduduk yang ditunjukkan dengan

indeks transisi demografi terkait secara signifikan dengan

tingkat kesejahteraan. Kesejahteraan juga berhubungan

dengan pencapaian di bidang pendidikan, penduduk yang

bekerja di sektor pertanian, dan persentase penduduk yang

bekerja selama 35 jam setiap minggunya. Ini mengindikasikan

tingkat kesejahteraan berhubungan dengan tingkat

pembangunan manusia. Ketika semua variabel digunakan

untuk mengontrol hubungan transisi demografi dengan

kesejahteraan, variabel yang terkait secara signifikan dengan

indeks transisi demografi hanyalah persentase penduduk

yang konsumsi makanannya 70 persen dari total


Kata kunci: dinamika penduduk, kesejahteraan,

pembangunan manusia

Perdagangan Perempuan Antarnegara: Perdagangan Amoi

di Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat

Agus Sikwan

Cross country trafficking in women has happened for so

many years in many provinces in Indonesia which territory

were near other country’s territory. This cross country

trafficking has become more complex and related to not just

inner state territory, but also outside the country. Its pattern

was also changed, not ust organized by one person, but by a

syndicated camouflazed in beauty salons, hotels, and tour

travel agents. Its purpose moved from prostitution to

become migrant workers and the bride of foreign men. The

victims also suffered from much harassment, physically,

social and economics. Recruitment agents, costumers,

husband / family, the owners of the place they worked in

were the people who caused the harassment towards them.

Keywords: trafficking, amoi

Ijon dalam Jaringan Perdagangan Anak Perempuan yang


Johanna Debora Imelda

This paper explores the mechanism of the ijon system in child

trafficking and the actors involved in this network. The focus

is on the girls who sell tea in bottles in Jakarta. The bosses in

child trafficking using the ijon system to maintain their

product (the girl child). They keep the girl under endless debt

(either money or moral obligation) eversince their leave their

origin place. The actors involved in maintaining this system

are the girls’ parents and relatives, the bosses in Jakarta and

mediators in their origin place, and the local elites in the

village. Ironically, the girls who involved in this network were

not aware of the exploitation they are going through. On the

other side, which the fact happened, they were exploited

economically, physically, psychologically, and sexually.

Keywords: child trafficking, ijon system

Menggagas Model Penanganan Perdagangan Anak di

Sumatera Utara

Ahmad Sofian

The province of North Sumatera is facing a crucial problem in

child trafficking for prostitution. The responses to overcome

this problem are insignificant while the case of child

trafficking has grown rapidly lately. Many parties gain benefit

from this illegal business, on the contrast the children lost

their future as becoming the victims of this problem. This

study aims to understand the perception and responses to

overcome this problem in the future. The result shows that

child trafficking for prostitution is still considered a new

phenomenon. It is not surprising that the actions taken by

the government is till very general, such as policies and

program for prostitution in general while the victims are

under aged children. There are no specific policies aimed to

child trafficking. At the end, this study recommends the

importance of intensive and comprehensive coordination of

all relevant institution in solving the crucial problem.

Keywords: child trafficking, policies

Pemanfaatan Devisa Pekerja Migran Internasional Di Nusa

Tenggara Barat

Lalu Tajuddin; Tukiran

West Nusa Tenggara is well known as the sending place for

international migrant workers, especially to Saudi Arabia and

Malaysia. The foreign exchanged they produced is big

enough, almost Rp 1.6 million per day. Unfortunately, the

local government did not receive anything from that amount,

except for many complicated problems occurred by the

international migrant workers. Many brokers or fund

supported agents had benefit from the workers by preparing

their administration paper for the departure. These people

also put higher interest on the loan made by the workers and

they have a lot of money considered that each year the

amount of international migrant workers have increased. On

the other side, the local government still resistant in showing

goodwill to become the fund supported agent which can

protect the workers from loan with higher interest.

Keywords: foreign exchanged, international migrant workers

Perkembangan Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Transmigran

Daerah Pantai Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa


Antonia Sasap Abao; Nining Sofiati; dan Rita Dewi Tristianti

The observation and interview with some transmigrants in

Karangsewu and Bugel found that the rate of prosperity since

they joined the transmigration program was not yet

promising. There are some factors causing it, such as less

commitment from the government in handling the program

and problems inside it, the condition of the land given to the

transmigrants were sandy land which is not good for

agriculture and the low quality of human resources itself. All

that causing factors resulted in the low level of prosperity of

those who joined the transmigration program. It showed in

the classification of their family level which is still KS-1 (family

with the first level of prosperity). The data collected by doing

quick survey through observation and indepth interview.

Keywords: prosperity, household, transmigration

Kematian Terkait Gempa Bumi 27 Mei 2006 di Kabupaten

Klaten, Jawa Tengah

Abdur Rofi

Satlak Klaten published that the number of death affected by

earthquake in May 27, 2006 is different spatially. It is

interesting to study why it could happen and who has riskiest

by earthquake. The research is limited to study the mortality

related with the earthquake in Klaten District of Central Java

Province, focused on spatial differences in village and sub-

district level. Klaten District is chosen as research location

because Klaten is most affected than other districts in Central

Java and spatial variation of mortality is interesting. Reseach

is conducted using secondary data collected from Satlak

Klaten, Sakorlak Central Java, and UN-OCHA. Their data is

most complete than another institution and enough for

preliminary study. The data is analyzed using ArcGis 9.2 for

spatial analysis and SPSS for correlation analysis. Correlation

analysis is using crosstable and Pearson correlation. The

research found that seismic, structural and individual

characteristics have contributions to risk of death from

earthquake. Female and elderly people have higher risk of

death than male and younger people. Building damage is

strong predictor to risk of death of earthquake. Magnitude of

earthquake and location of population to epicenter have

positive correlation with risk of death.

Keywords: mortality, spatial differences, earthquake

Jurnal Populasi

Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Bulaksumur G-7 Yogyakarta 55281

populasi@cpps.or.id; populasi_cpps@yahoo.com

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