mengubah perilaku

Post on 14-Sep-2015






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MENGUBAH PERILAKU UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KESEHATANPaul Bennett, Mark Conner and Gaston GodinDalam Health Psychology in Practice (2004)Edited by Susan Michie and Charles AbrahamVictoria: Blackwell publishing ltdDUA PENDEKATANPENDEKATAN PERILAKUOperant conditioningClasical conditioning

PENDEKATAN KOGNITIFSocial learning theorySelf management theoryOPERANT CONDITIONINGBased on Skinnerian psychology (e.g. Skinner, 1953),Skinners basicpremise was that behaviour that is rewarded (reinforced) will increase in frequency or be repeated; that which is not rewarded or punished will decrease in frequency or not be repeatedCLASSICAL CONDITIONINGPavlovian psychology (e.g., Pavlov,1927)Dasar pendekatan ini adalah bahwa suatu stimulus netral yang disajikan pada waktu yang sama dengan stimulus yang menimbulkan tanggapan fisiologis atau emosional dapat menjadi berhubungan. Kemudian pada gilirannya akan menimbulkan suatu kondisi responsif serupa. Alat operasi, dokter gigi, alat suntikCOVERT CONDITIONINGA technique developed from both classical conditioning and operant principlesis known as covert sensitization. The approach is based, in part, on more recent developments of operant theory developed by Bandura (1977) which acknowledges the role of cognitions as mediators between behaviour and external factors.SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY (BANDURA 1977, 1986) suggested that both skills and personal efficacy necessary for behavioural change can be gained or increased through a number of simple procedures, including observation of others performing relevant tasks, practice of tasks in a graded programme of skills development, and active persuasion Lanjutan.The effectiveness of learning is increased by observing people similar to the learner and by observing them cope with, rather than master the behaviour or skillSelf-management Training (Lorig, 1996).This aims to teach people how to manage their illness in a way that maximizes control over their symptoms and maximizes their qualityCOGNITIVE THERAPYBeck (1977) and Ellis (1977)the fundamental determinant of mood, behaviour and our physiological state is our cognitive response to events that impact on usNegative emotions:Catastrophic thinking: mempertimbangkan suatu peristiwa sebagai hal yang negatif dan yang berpotensi celakaOver-generalization: menggambarkan hal negatif dari kesimpulan atas dasar peristiwa tunggalArbitrary inference: menggambarkan suatu kesimpulan tanpa data yang cukup Selective abstraction: memfokuskan pada detail yang diambil keluar dari konteksCognitive TherapySelf talkSelf instructionCognitive behaviour terapyTEORI KEMATIAN (Kubler-Ross)Shock & DenialAngerBargainingDepressionAcceptance

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