islam (4)

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Islam/ islamofobia

    wacana clash of civilizations

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Orient Occident

    Timur Barat

    Islam Barat

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    tampaknya ada oposisi mendasar antara Islam dan Barat

    - mesti kita sikapi dengan cara apa?

    mengikuti pendekatan Edward Said, oposisi binerini dapat kita

    pandang sebagai bagian dari wacana tertentu, serta sebagai

    wujud/efek nyata dari wacana tersebut

    artinya, kita tidak perlu bertanyaBudaya Barat yang sebenarnya itu apa, dan apa budaya Islam yang

    sebenarnya Apa perbedaan antara keduanya?

    tapi lebih relevan kita bertanya

    Dari mana munculnya gagasan bahwa ada Barat dan

    Timur/Islam, dan keduanya bertentangan? Mengapa

    wacana itu begitu emosional? Apa ciri wacana tersebut, di

    mana wacana itu berkembang, dan siapa yang

    berkepentingan dalam wacana itu?

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Apa kaitannya dengan kolonialisme?

    imaji stereotipikal tentang Islam sebagai bagian dari wacana

    kolonialpengetahuan tentang Islam sebagai hasil kerja para

    orientalis (mengetahui = memiliki otoritas = menguasai)

    Islam = statis tertinggal kotor

    primitif bodoh irasional

    bejat dogmatis haus seks

    seksis agresif tertutup

    imajinasi Barat tentang Islam cenderung lebih negatif

    daripada tentang budaya non-Barat lainnya

    rasa benci, rasa takut (islamofobia)

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Samuel P. Huntington


    bidang: ilmu politik, Harvard University

    1993 artikel The Clash of Civilizations?

    1996 buku The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

    Pandangan Huntington di sini kita baca sebagai bagian dari

    wacana neokolonial yang perlu kita kritik.

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    asal usul istilah the clash of civilization

    Bernard Lewis, The Roots of Muslim Rage, 1990

    salah satu orientalis AS yang dikritik

    Edward Said

    This is no less than a clash of

    civilizations the perhaps irrational

    but surely historic reaction of an

    ancient rival against our Judeo-

    Christian heritage, our secular present,

    and the worldwide expansion of both. It

    is crucially important that we on ourside should not be provoked into an

    equally historic but also equally

    irrational reaction against that rival.

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    contoh kasus wacana islamofobia

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    lahir 1969 di Somalia

    1992 mencari suaka di Belanda, dengan alasan

    dipaksa menikah dengan orang yang tidak


    2002 meninggalkan Islam dan menjadi atheis

    aktif menulis mengenai Islam, cenderung

    memberi imaji yang sangat negatif (membenci


    Bergabung antara lain dengan American

    Enterprise Institute (think tankkonservatif yang

    mendukung pemerintahan Bush)

    native orientalist?

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Reason: Do you think Islam could bring about

    [positive] social and political changes?

    Hirsi Ali: Only if Islam is defeated. Because right

    now, the political side of Islam, the power-hungryexpansionist side of Islam, has become superior

    to the Sufis and the Ismailis and the peace-

    seeking Muslims.

    Reason: Dont you mean defeating radicalIslam?

    Hirsi Ali: No. Islam, period. Once its defeated, it

    can mutate into something peaceful. Its very

    difficult to even talk about peace now. Theyre not

    interested in peace.

    Reason: We have to crush the worlds 1.5 billion

    Muslims under our boot? In concrete terms, what

    does that mean, defeat Islam?

    Hirsi Ali: I think that we are at war with Islam. []

    wawancara dengan

    Ayaan Hirsi AliNovember 2007

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)



    we theyBarat Islam

    - menciptakan batas yang tegas

    menghilangkan segala posisi yang ambivalen,hibrid, melintas

    - identitas yang monolitik (Islam yang seragam,

    Barat yang seragam)

    - memandang keduanya sebagai bertentangan

    tanpa merasa perlu membahas konteks

    historis yang konkrit

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Reason: When I read Ian Burumas review of your book in

    The New York Times, I felt he wasnt being fair to you

    when he wrote that you espouse an absolutist way of aperfectly enlightened west at war with the demonic world

    of Islam. But maybe thats a pretty apt description of what

    you believe.

    Hirsi Ali: No, thats not fair. I dont think that the West isperfect, and I think that standing up and defending modern

    society from going back to the law of the jungle is not

    being absolutist.

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    modernitas law of the jungle

    Islam = terkebelakang

    masa lalu ( going back to)

    imaji khusus berkaitan dengan Islam:Islam sebagai ancaman ( defending modern


    bukan hanya: Islam berbeda secara fundamental

    dari Barat

    tapi juga: Islam membenci Barat

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Hirsi Ali: Where I come from, in Islam, the only concept of

    God is you submit to Him and you obey His commands, no

    quarreling allowed. Quarreling or even asking questionsmeans you raise yourself to the same level as Him, and in

    Islam thats the worst sin you can commit. Jews should be

    proselytizing about a God that you can quarrel with.

    Catholics should be proselytizing about a God who is love,

    who represents a hereafter where theres no hell, whowants you to lead a life where you can confess your sins

    and feel much better afterwards. Those are lovely

    concepts of God. They cant compare to the fire-breathing

    Allah who inspires jihadism and totalitarianism.

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Reason: Here in the United States, youd advocate the

    abolition of

    Hirsi Ali: All Muslim schools. Close them down. Yeah, that

    sounds absolutist. I think 10 years ago things were

    different, but now the jihadi genie is out of the bottle. Ive

    been saying this in Australia and in the U.K. and so on,

    and I get exactly the same arguments: The Constitutiondoesnt allow it. But we need to ask where these

    constitutions came from to start withwhats the history of

    Article 23 in the Netherlands, for instance? There were no

    Muslim schools when the constitution was written. There

    were no jihadists. They had no idea.

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    standar ganda: Barat itu lebih baik karena

    kebebasannya, modernitasnya, toleransinya, filsafat


    tapi: terhadap Islam, Barat tidak boleh toleran

    alasan: Islam = the Other, berbeda secara fundamental,musuh abadi ( sekolah bukan diatur tapi dilarang, Islam

    harus dibasmi secara keseluruhan)

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Hirsi Ali: But I dont even think that the trouble is

    Islam. The trouble is the West, because in

    the West theres this notion that we are

    invincible and that everyone willmodernize anyway, and that what we are

    seeing now in Muslim countries is a

    craving for respect. Or its poverty, or its

    caused by colonization.

    The Western mind-setthat if we respect

    them, theyre going to respect us, that if

    we indulge and appease and condone

    and so on, the problem will go awayis

    delusional. The problem is not going to go

    away. Confront it, or its only going to get


  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    bukan kolonialisme, bukan kemiskinan

    lalu apa?

    alasan Islam memusuhi Barat seakan-akan tidak

    perlu dijelaskan

    murni karena mereka berbeda

    esensialisme karakteristik budaya/manusia Islam seakan-

    akan tanpa sejarah, statis, kodrati (mereka

    memang seperti itu tanpa perlu dijelaskan,seakan akan bersumber pada sebuah esensi

    yang sudah dari sononya begitu)

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    We must be patient.America needs to empowerthoseindividuals and groups who are already disenchanted with

    political Islam by helping find and develop an alternative. At

    the heart of that alternative are the ideals of the rule of lawand freedom of thought, worship, and expression. For

    these values there can and should be no

    apologies, no groveling, no hesitation.

    (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 2012)

    Islamofobia dan wacana clash

    of civilizations digunakan sebagailegitimasi hak AS untuk ber-



    wacana pemberadaban

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    pertanyaan berikut:

    Apa implikasi kesadaran akan wacana islamofobiaitu dalam analisis kita tentang wacana Islam sendiri?

    - wacana bukan sekadar omongan (teks, imaji), tapi

    diwujudkan secara konkrit dalam bentuk kebijakan(neo)kolonial

    usaha mempengaruhi/mengarahkan wacana Islam

    usaha meminggirkan Islam

    perang, kekerasan

    - berbagai perkembangan dalam pemikiran Islam dapat

    dipahami sebagai respon terhadap wacana kolonial, atau

    impliksi darinya

  • 7/29/2019 Islam (4)


    Hanif Kureishi

    lahir 1954

    penulis dan sutradara Inggris

    ayahnya asal Pakistan, ibunya Inggris

    topik: migrasi, dislokasi, ras

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