gmn juli 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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District GovernorMUFID WAHYUDI

BOD 1 District Administration Director : PP. HENDRO SISWANTOBOD 2 District Finance Director : PP. WIMPHRY SUWIGNJOBOD 3 District Strategic Planning : IPDG. HANNY ARIANTOBOD 4 District Membership Development : PDG. ALOYSIUS PURWABOD 5 District Rotary Foundation Chair : PDG. THOMAS AQUINASBOD 6 District Training Director : PP. SUZANA CHANDRABOD 7 District Public Relation Chair : DDG. YETTY P. SUTANBOD 8 District Service Project Comm. Chair : PP. BENNY BUDI PRIBADIBOD 9 Rotary Youth Exchange Chair : DGN. HERMANTO ANGKABOD 10 District Disaster Relief Comm. Chair : PP. BAMBANG SAROSABOD 11 District Fundrising Comm. Chair : PDG. ALOYSIUS PURWABOD 12 District Resolution, Rules, Proc & Ethics : PDG. SOERJO WIBISONOBOD 13 DGND Nominating Comm. Chair : IPDG. HANNY ARIANTOBOD 14 District Conference Chair 2015-2016 : DDG. YETTY P. SUTANBOD 15 District Service to Youth Chair : PP. WAYAN SURYAWANBOD 16 RI Program Chair : DDG. HESTY UTAMI BASUKIBOD 17 District Finance Controller : PP. HENDRO LUHUR

Dear Presidents dan fellow Rotarians,

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb., Salam Sejahtera, Om Swastiastu, Nammo Buddhaya.

Suatu kehormatan besar bagi saya menjadi District Governor Rotary International D 3420 masa bakti 2015 – 2016. Terima kasih kepada seluruh fellow Rotarians yang telah memberi-kan amanah kepada saya untuk memimpin distrik pada periode ini. Insha ALLAH amanah ini akan saya jalankan dengan sebaik – baiknya atas dukungan seluruh fellow Rotarians.

Rotary telah menjadi bagian hidup saya sejak tahun 2008 saat saya bergabung di RC of Surabaja. Banyak sekali manfaat yang saya dapat dari Rotary, terutama leadership dan de-velopment yang sekarang ini saya terapkan di dalam kehidupan keluarga dan usaha saya.

Sebelum saya menjadi Rotarian pandangan saya tentang dunia begitu sempit, saya hanya melihat apa yang ada di depan saya, membantu sesama hanya di lingkungan yang saya ke-nal, tetapi dengan Rotary tidak hanya lingkungan saya saja akan tetapi bisa membantu dunia untuk menjadi lebih baik, dengan kita melakukan bersama – sama semakin banyak yang bisa kita lakukan untuk dunia ini.

Dengan menjadi Rotarian hidup saya berubah, saya menyadari tujuan hidup saya tidak hanya untuk bekerja , bekerja dan bekerja untuk mencari materi akan tetapi yang terpenting adalah untuk keluarga dan menjadi berguna bagi sesama tanpa memandang suku, ras, ag-ama dan tingkat sosial. Tujuan ini saya bisa dapatkan di Rotary, dengan membantu sesama bahkan dengan cara yang sederhana pun sudah dapat membantu dunia.

“Be a gift to the world” slogan tahun ini yang di canangkan oleh President Ravindran adalah slogan yang sangat luar biasa, slogan terbaik yang pernah saya dengar, slogan yang mem-bangkitkan semangat saya bahwa kita bisa memberikan yang terbaik buat dunia. Melalui Rotary kita bisa menjadi bagian penting dari perdamaian dunia.

110 th usia Rotary tidak membuat organisasi ini tua, tapi menjadi organisasi yang dewasa yang selalu mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Pada tahun ini RI President telah menetapkan sebagai tahun teknologi, tahun paperless dengan telah meyiapkan tools berupa web My Ro-tary sehingga menjadikan Rotary semakin kuat, lebih efektif dalam pelayanan, lebih dikenal dan dihargai publik.

Di masa pengabdian tahun 2015 – 2016 ini mari kita jadikan distrik kita ini menjadi district vibrant yang menjadi lebih baik dari sebelum nya dan menjadi landasan yang kuat bagi pemimpin berikutnya. Mari bersama – sama, bahu membahu kita capai RI Goals dan Dis-trict Goals yang telah ditetapkan. Jadikan lah tahun ini tahun terbaik dari pengabadian kita, bersama kita bisa.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yours in Rotary,

A. Mufid WahyudiDistrict Governor 2015 – 2016 D-3420 Indonesia


Serah terima jabatan District Governor Rotary International D 3420 dari IPDG Hanny Arianto (kiri) kepada DG Mufid Wahyudi (kanan) di J.W Marriott Hotel Surabaya, Sabtu (4 Juni 2015)


Theme for 2015-2016 “Be a gift to the Word”

RI President-elect K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran chose Be a Gift to the World as his theme for 2015-16. Ravindran urges Rotary members to give the gifts of time,

talent, and knowledge to improve lives in communities across the globe. “Through Rotary, we can take these gifts and make a genuine difference in the

lives of others and in our world.”

RI President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran

JULY 2015

We in Rotary aspire to great deeds. We admire those who gave great gifts to humanity: Abraham Lincoln, who gave the gift of human dignity to the downtrodden; Mother Teresa, who gave the gift of compassion to the forgotten; Mahatma Gandhi, who gave the gift of peaceful change to the oppressed. Their very lives became gifts to the world. We can be inspired by their example. We can be inspired to ask, how can I, in the life that I live – without neglecting the responsibilities that are so dear to me – how can I, too, become a gift to the world? As I considered my theme, I thought of the lessons I have learned through my Hindu faith. I thought especially of the story of Sudama.

Sudama was a poor child and a bosom friend of Krishna, who was born in a royal lineage as an avatar – an incarnation of the divine. As the two boys grow up, they drift apart, and while Krishna becomes a military leader and king of great repute, Sudama remains a humble villager.

The years go by and Sudama’s poverty deepens. Finally, he lacks even food to feed his children. His wife reminds him of his childhood friendship with Krishna: Perhaps it is time to go to the mighty ruler for help. Reluctantly, Sudama agrees, but resolves that he will not go empty-handed. He gathers together a few handfuls of rice – all the food his family has left – and wraps them in a piece of cloth as a gift for his friend. When Sudama enters the palace, he is overwhelmed by the grandeur and by Krishna’s gracious welcome. His meager gift, so carefully prepared, seems a humiliating reminder of his poverty. Krishna embraces Sudama, who hides the hand holding the rice behind his back. Krishna asks what he is holding.

Far from being disdainful, Krishna accepts the rice with gratitude and consumes it with joy as the two sit and talk together. Hours pass, during which the pleasures of their rekindled friendship push all thoughts of his desperate plight from Sudama’s mind. When evening falls, Sudama sets out for home – and only then realizes that he has neglected his task. He is returning with nothing, and Krishna has eaten his family’s last grains of rice.

Sudama steels himself to return to his hungry children. But standing before his gate, as dawn begins to break, he sees that the hut he left yesterday has become a stately home, and waiting to greet him is his own family: well-dressed, and well-fed by the baskets of food that appeared in their kitchen as Krishna ate each grain of Sudama’s rice.

Krishna understood what Sudama had brought him: everything he had to give. In return, Krishna gave him everything he needed. It is never the material value of a gift that matters – it is the love that comes with it. Just as Sudama’s gift to Krishna became a gift to Sudama, what we give through Rotary becomes a gift to us. And we all have a choice: whether to keep our gifts to ourselves or give them to others, and Be a Gift to the World. We have only one chance at our lives. And we will have only one chance at this new Rotary year. This is our time. Let us grasp it. Let us Be a Gift to the World.

Director’s MessageRI Director Guiller E Tumangan and Rotary Leaders of Zones 7A, 7B, and 8

Attending inductions, I am happy listening to either the district governor or the club president commit to goals that are aligned with the general direction adopted by the RI Board. This means that during this Rotary Year, we can look forward to among others engagement of new members, improved member retention rate.

I heard some clubs’ desire to lower the average age of club members. What changes in the club culture will have to be made to make the club attractive to young professionals and exec-utives? Having visited clubs many times over, we know that the club’s culture is their source of pride. Just one small detail, though. I went to Rotary Club Central and found that some 60% of members do not report their birth date. We will not be able to accurately track the progress on such an important commitment. This is the second year that club members are encouraged to complete their profiles in My Rotary and our target for each club is to have at least 50% of their members have activated accounts.

Reflecting on the present state of growth and President Ravi’s theme, I wondered: Is the ease with which this year’s theme is translated into projects and contributions to The Rotary Foun-dation the same for membership growth?

How can we concretize the idea of “Join Rotary and Be a Gift to the World?”, What strategies do we formulate so that the young professionals will see an invitation to Rotary as a gift?What intervention or activity can be undertaken so that the more senior members feel that they are a gift and translate this feeling to recruitment of relatives and friends to Rotary?

What visuals do we need to communicate to prospective Rotarians that to be in Rotary is a gift to the world?There are no easy answers. I can empathize with a relatively rookie Rotarian now serving as club president as he/she struggles to create or modify the club’s culture to make the club attrac-

tive for recruitment, engagement and retention of members.When we go to the community for project implementation, we find that the volunteer leaders are mostly women. So when they are invited to join Rotary and Be a Gift to the World, they

are quick to reply “I am already being a gift to the world, why do I still have to join Rotary?” The same also happens with a businessperson or manager. Even if their corporate mission states a commitment to nation building and sustainable development, there seems to be a disconnect between corporate social responsibility and Rotary membership. “We give sustainable employ-ment to the youth. That should count as gift to the world. What added value can Rotary membership give?

Clubs working in clusters can formulate an integrative vocational service/public image/membership strategy to increasingly draw in more women leaders, business persons and young executives. What message and communication materials can be developed to speak to their minds and hearts? Non-profit managers refer to these models of charitable engagement as venture philanthropy and impact investing. In Zones 7 and 8, we saw initiatives in this direction last year. We just have to benchmark between districts, intensify efforts and have an integrative inter-country cooperation as a follow through to the exchange of vocational training teams. In local developing communities, the clubs intensify use of Rotarians’ vocations to expand the scope of the sixth area of focus by providing skills for family management, employment training, project management, leadership development, productivity improvement and high performance environment.Strategic thinking, not just annual events planning, are now expected by the RI Board from district governance. Necessarily, the District Governor, Governor-Elect, and Governor-Nominee need to work on a 3-year development plans, the choice of chairperson, and the measures of sustainability enumerated in the global grant monitoring guide.


KIcK Off MEETInG D-3420 (Sabtu, 4 Juli 2015 - 10.00 s/d 13.00 WIB di Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya)

Meeting perdana Board D-3420 periode 2015/2016 ini dihadiri oleh 1. DG Mufid Wahyudi 7. DAD Hendro Siswanto2. PDG Panudiana Kuhn 8. PP Irawan Susilo3. IPDG Hanny Arianto 9. PP Hesti Utami4. PDG Thomas Aquinas 10. PP Wimphry Suwignjo5. IDAD Julia Rivai 11. PP Lily Maria6. DGN Hermanto AngkaMeeting ini membahas koordinasi Peralihan Kepengurusan, koordinasi Kepengurusan periode 2015/2016 dan pembagian Personalia, Tugas dan Tanggungjawab District Of-ficer. Dibicarakan juga berbagai tantangan dan kendala ke depan yang akan dihadapi oleh kepengurusan yang baru sehingga dapat segera dicarikan solusi yang tepat dan efektif.Dalam meeting ini DG Mufid menyampaikan bahwa beliau selalu mengharapkan dukungan dari para senior dan kerja sama yang erat antara pengurus lama dan pengu-rus baru. (*ES)

DISTRICTGOVERNORINSTALLATION2015-2016 D3420(Sabtu, 4 Juli 2015 - 17.00 s/d 21.00 WIB di Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya)

Rotary Indonesia District 3420 mengadakan acara District Governor Installa-tion, yaitu penyerahan tampuk kepemimpinan District Governor dari IPDG Han-ny Arianto kepada DG Mufid Wahyudi.

DG Mufid Wahyudi akan menjabat sebagai District Governor 3420 selama satu tahun yakni periode 2015-2016.

IPDG Hanny Arianto, berpesan kepada DG Mufid untuk memperkuat organi-sasi dan jangan sampai kehilangan anggota.

“Ke depan, saya optimistis akan lebih baik. Secara pribadi, saya berpesan kepada semua presiden yang tergabung di distrik ini untuk tetap membantu dan mengabdi. Jangan bekerja karena jabatan, tapi jiwa ini harus sepanjang massa.”

Hadir dalam acara serah terima jabatan sekitar 200 rotarian, sekaligus digelar buka puasa bersama dengan seluruh “District Officers” dan rotarian di District 3420. (*ES)

Seamless seminar yang mengupas semua hal tentang The Rotary Foundation, member-ship dan public image ini menghadirkan 4 nara sumber dari Philipina:1. RI Director Guiller Tumangan2. PDG Ernie Choa3. PDG Mac Hermoso4. PDG Ed AlvarezIkut hadir dalam seminar ini PDG. Al Purwa, PDG Thomas, PDG Soerjo, PDG Januar, DG Mufid, DGE Hermanto, AG Rizya serta beberapa Presiden Club dan rotarian. (*ES)

SEAMLESS SEMInAR D-3420(Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015 - Swissbel-Inn Hotel Surabaya)


DG VISIT KE RC SURABAJA SELATAN(Selasa, 7 Juli 2015 - Resto Nine, Jl. Mayjend Sungkono Surabaya)

Kunjungan DG Mufid ke RC Surabaja Selatan ini merupakan DG Visit pertama untuk kepemimpinannya setelah menjadi District Governor D 3420. Dalam kunjungan ini DG Mufid menyampaikan dan memaparkan tentang susunan Board Officer, visi dan misinya, serta rencana program yang akan dilaksanakan District 3420.

Setelah pemaparan program, DG Mufid bersama Pres. Henny Muhardini juga melan-tik 2 member baru dari RC Surabaja Selatan. (*ES)

DG VISIT KE RC SURABAYA TIMUR(Jum’at, 10 Juli 2015 - Delicia Cafe, Nginden Intan Raya 1A, Surabaya)

Di RC Surabaya Timur, Kunjungan DG Mufid masih dalam rangka sosialisasi susunan Board Officers D3420 dan program kerjanya. Didampingi Pres. Djuanda Gondo Suwito, DG Mufid menyampaikan tentang apa saja goal yang ingin dicapai dalam 1 tahun ini. Salah satu hal baru yang disampaikan adalah rencana pembe-rian District Award, salah satunya adalah pemilihan The Best Rotary Club D 3420 yang akan diberikan apresiasi berupa Piala Bergilir. (*ES)

DG VISIT KE RC SURABAJA(Kamis, 9 Juli 2015 - Grand City Surabaya)

Kunjungan DG Mufid ke RC Surabaja, selain menyampaikan visi, misi dan program kerja District 3420, beliau juga ikut menemani anak-anak YPAC Surabaya untuk berbuka puasa bersama. Sebelumnya Spouse DG Mufid - Rtn. Marisa juga ikut menemani mereka nonton bareng film anak-anak.Dalam setiap kunjungan ke RC, DG Mufid juga membagikan pin theme kepada seluruh rotarian serta menyerahkan vandel kepada Pres. Eka Soelistiawati. (*ES)


RC SURABAJA-DARMO BERBUKA PUASA BERSAMA 100 ORANG DHUAFA(Senin, 6 Juli 2015 - Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya)

Setiap bulan Ramadhan, RC Surabaja-Darmo secara rutin menyelenggaran buka puasa bersama anak yatim dan dhuafa. Tahun ini sudah memasuki tahun ke-30 diselenggarakannya acara tersebut. Untuk tahun ini penyelenggaraan acara ini juga ikut didukung oleh IA Alumni ITB Jawa Timur yang diketua oleh PP. Gatut Prasetiyo yang juga merupakan member RC Surabaja-Darmo.

Menurut koordinator acara PP. Soeharto, tujuan acara ini adalah ikut berbagi ke-pada kaum dhuafa di bulan yang penuh berkah. Paling tidak mengajak mereka untuk merasakan masuk dan menikmati makanan di Hotel berbintang. Selain buka puasa bersama juga dibagikan santunan untuk masing-masing dhuafa yang hadir.

Pres.. Yousri dalam sambutann-ya menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua member RCSD dan IA Alumni ITB Jatim yang tel-ah membuat acara ini terlaksana dengan baik, juga untuk DG Mufid yang berkenan hadir serta seluruh undangan yang hadir.

Untuk Rotary Club D-3420 dapat mengirimkan berita kegiatan club-nya paling lambat tgl 25 setiap bulannya untuk dapat dimuat di

Governor’s Monthly newsletter melalui email:

Board change OverRc Surabaya Jembatan Merah(Jum’at, 19 Juni 2015, Hotel Shangrila Surabaya)

PP Evans Winata menyerahkan jabatannya kepada Pres. Ong Pendopo Winoto

DG Mufid Wahyudi memberikan sambutan dalam acara BCO dan memberikan apresiasi besar atas prestasi yang telah dicapai club dan berharap RCS Jembatan Merah bisa makin maju lagi di masa depan.

Board change Over Rc Surabaja-Darmo(Senin, 29 Juni 2015, Hotel JW. Marriott Surabaya)

AG Rizya menyerahkan kalung kepresidenan kepada Pres. Yousri sebagai tanda serah terima jabatan presiden RCSD. Pres Yousri didampingi Rtn. Gandhie yang juga dilantik menjadi Secretary untuk periode 2015-16.

DG Mufid yang ikut hadir dalam acara ini mendapatkan plakat RCSD yang diberikan langsung oleh Pres. Yousri

Board change Over Rc Surabaya Kaliasin(Kamis, 9 Juli 2015, Hotel JW. Marriott Surabaya)

RC Surabaya Kaliasin melakukan serah terima jabatan dari PP Lucia Ratna kepada Pres. Penny Sutrisno, disaksikan DG Mufid Wahyudi


Update MAR Bulan Juli 2015

Berikut ini RC yang sudah melaporkan MAR update Juli 2015, terima kasih kepada:1. RC Bali Kuta2. RC Bali Seminyak3. RC Bali Taman4. RC Bali Ubud Sunset5. RC Madiun Raya6. RC Semarang Sentral7. RC Sidoarjo8. RC Surabaja9. RC Surabaya Selatan10. RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah11. RC Surabaya Kaliasin12. RC Surabaya Metropolitan13. RC Surabaya Rungkut

Update SemiAnnual Report (SAR)

1. RC Bali Benoa2. RC Bali Denpasar3. RC Bali Kuta4. RC Bali Nusa Dua5. RC Bali Seminyak6. RC Bali Taman7. RC Bali Ubud Sunset8. RC Indraprasta9. RC Kudus10. RC Kudus Srikandi11. RC Malang Central

Terima kasih untuk RC yang sudah melakukan pembayaran

12. RC Semarang Kunthi13. RC Semarang Central14. RC Semarang Bojong15. RC Sidoarjo16. RC Solo Sriwedari17. RC Surabaja18. RC Surabaja Selatan19. RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah20. RC Surabaya Kaliasin21. RC Surabaya Metropolitan22. RC Surabaya Rungkut

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