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Post on 02-Mar-2019






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Lampiran 1

Daftar Perusahaan Sampel

No Nama perusahaan

1 AKR Corporindo

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry

3 Apac Citra Centertex

4 Argo Pantes

5 Asiaplast Industries

6 Astra Graphia

7 Astra International

8 Astra Otoparts

9 Barito Pacific Timber

10 Bentoel International Investama

11 Berlina

12 Betonjaya Manunggal

13 Budi Acid jaya

14 Colorpak Indonesia

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria

16 Davomas Abadi

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara

18 Dynaplast

19 Ekadharma International

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa

22 Fast Food Indonesia

23 Gajah Tunggal

24 Gudang Garam

25 HM Sampoerna

26 Holcim Indonesia

27 Indal Aluminium Industry

28 Indo Acidatama

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia)

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur

32 Indospring

33 Inter Delta

34 Intraco Penta

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works

36 Jaya Pari Steel


37 Jembo Cable Company

38 Kalbe Farma

39 Kedawung Setia industrial

40 Kimia Farma

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri

42 Lion Mesh prima

43 Lion Metal Works

44 Mandom Indonesia

45 Merck

46 Metrodata Electronics

47 Modern Internasional(Modern Photo Film)

48 Mulia Industrindo

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana

51 Mustika Ratu

52 Myoh technology

53 Pan Brothers Tex

54 Panasia Filament Inti

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet International

57 Polychem Indo (GT Petrochem Industries)

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia Pacific Fibers)

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga

60 Prima Alloy Steel

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure

62 Pyridam farma

63 Resource Alam Indonesia

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo

65 Roda Vivatex

66 Schering Plough Indonesia

67 Sekar Laut

68 Selamat sempurna

69 Semen Gresik

70 Sepatu Bata

71 Sinar Mas Agro Resources Technology

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya

74 Sumi Indo Kabel

75 Surabaya Agung Industri Pulp & Kertas

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur

77 Tempo Scan pacific


78 Trias Sentosa

79 Tunas Baru Lampung

80 Tunas Ridean

81 Ultra Jaya Milk

82 Unilever Indonesia

83 United Tractors

84 Unitex

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada


Lampiran 2

Perhitungan Biaya Diskresioner Abnormal

Tahun 2007

No Nama perusahaan At-1 St-1 DISEXP Disexp/At-1 1/At-1 St-1/At-1 Abn_DISC

1 AKR Corporindo 2.377E+12 3.97E+12 5.19E+09 0.0021833 4.206E-13 1.6700695 -.04882

2 Alumindo Light Metal

Industry 1.25E+12 1.97E+12 312629353 0.0002502 8.002E-13 1.576107 -.04949

3 Apac Citra Centertex 2.235E+12 2.217E+12 4.459E+09 0.0019957 4.475E-13 0.9919859 -.04030

4 Argo Pantes 1.96E+12 9.283E+11 789220000 0.0004026 5.101E-13 0.473587 -.03524

5 Asiaplast Industries 2.674E+11 1.615E+11 87270054 0.0003263 3.739E-12 0.6037231 -.03656

6 Astra Graphia 5.848E+11 6.19E+11 1.818E+10 0.0310917 1.71E-12 1.0584773 -.01189

7 Astra International 5.793E+13 5.571E+13 9.352E+11 0.0161438 1.726E-14 0.9616756 -.02582

8 Astra Otoparts 3.028E+12 3.372E+12 4.96E+10 0.0163796 3.302E-13 1.1135138 -.02749

9 Barito Pacific Timber 1.739E+12 4.655E+11 6.557E+09 0.0037703 5.75E-13 0.2676352 -.02922

10 Bentoel International

Investama 2.348E+12 2.997E+12 2.551E+11 0.1086619 4.259E-13 1.2762302 .06272

11 Berlina 4.109E+11 3.067E+11 570076407 0.0013874 2.434E-12 0.7463282 -.03750

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 3.367E+10 5.725E+10 13939889 0.000414 2.97E-11 1.700253 -.04712

13 Budi Acid jaya 9.316E+11 1.073E+12 659000000 0.0007074 1.073E-12 1.1516658 -.04356

14 Colorpak Indonesia 1.334E+11 2.918E+11 489058374 0.0036672 7.498E-12 2.188174 -.05305

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 5.573E+11 5.767E+11 9.215E+10 0.1653429 1.794E-12 1.0346859 .12268

16 Davomas Abadi 1.032E+12 1.657E+12 176742683 0.0001712 9.687E-13 1.6048124 -.04992

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 1.46E+11 8.466E+10 294698117 0.0020179 6.847E-12 0.5796955 -.03415


18 Dynaplast 1.124E+12 1.003E+12 2.427E+09 0.0021598 8.897E-13 0.8922014 -.03880

19 Ekadharma International 7.465E+10 1.101E+11 296016669 0.0039656 1.34E-11 1.4753133 -.04283

20 Ever Shine Textile

Industry 5.306E+11 4.78E+11 371200197 0.0006995 1.884E-12 0.9008177 -.04024

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 3.422E+12 1.693E+12 0 0 2.922E-13 0.4947791 -.03594

22 Fast Food Indonesia 4.836E+11 1.276E+12 1.169E+11 0.2417798 2.068E-12 2.6395418 .17856

23 Gajah Tunggal 7.276E+12 5.471E+12 1.077E+11 0.0148023 1.374E-13 0.7518844 -.02446

24 Gudang Garam 2.173E+13 2.634E+13 1.809E+12 0.0832176 4.601E-14 1.2119475 .03805

25 HM Sampoerna 1.266E+13 2.955E+13 1.083E+12 0.0855349 7.899E-14 2.333771 .02598

26 Holcim Indonesia 7.066E+12 2.993E+12 6.329E+10 0.0089569 1.415E-13 0.4236148 -.02609

27 Indal Aluminium

Industry 5.56E+11 5.576E+11 4.384E+09 0.007885 1.799E-12 1.002854 -.03437

28 Indo Acidatama 3.304E+11 2.694E+11 737213000 0.002231 3.026E-12 0.815204 -.03746

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta

Mulia) 1.529E+12 1.511E+12 1.313E+09 0.0008587 6.541E-13 0.9880552 -.04136

30 Indocement Tunggal

Prakarsa 9.598E+12 6.325E+12 3.937E+10 0.0041021 1.042E-13 0.6590065 -.03397

31 Indofood Sukses

Makmur 1.627E+13 2.194E+13 9.416E+11 0.0578826 6.147E-14 1.3487986 .01096

32 Indospring 4.906E+11 3.91E+11 5.019E+09 0.0102297 2.038E-12 0.7969269 -.02936

33 Inter Delta 2.827E+10 8.074E+10 2.376E+09 0.0840529 3.537E-11 2.8561594 .02244

34 Intraco Penta 8.318E+11 5.521E+11 6.674E+09 0.0080229 1.202E-12 0.6636529 -.02996

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel

Works 2.635E+11 1.259E+11 154845360 0.0005877 3.795E-12 0.4776343 -.03467

36 Jaya Pari Steel 1.894E+11 3.402E+11 441077188 0.002329 5.28E-12 1.7963998 -.04965

37 Jembo Cable Company 3.626E+11 4.48E+11 1E+09 0.0027583 2.757E-12 1.2354168 -.04236


38 Kalbe Farma 4.625E+12 6.072E+12 1.078E+12 0.2330552 2.162E-13 1.3128758 .18661

39 Kedawung Setia

industrial 4.397E+11 6.579E+11 2.396E+09 0.0054478 2.274E-12 1.496177 -.04308

40 Kimia Farma 1.262E+12 2.19E+12 1.55E+11 0.1228902 7.927E-13 1.7356873 .07110

41 Langgeng Makmur

Industri 5.089E+11 2.707E+11 3.886E+09 0.0076366 1.965E-12 0.531934 -.02856

42 Lion Mesh prima 4.359E+10 7.934E+10 232262360 0.0053286 2.294E-11 1.8202966 -.04464

43 Lion Metal Works 1.877E+11 1.433E+11 5.654E+09 0.0301225 5.328E-12 0.7633442 -.00860

44 Mandom Indonesia 6.722E+11 9.516E+11 1.406E+11 0.2091297 1.488E-12 1.4157023 .16153

45 Merck 2.827E+11 4.876E+11 8.358E+10 0.2956548 3.537E-12 1.7248075 .24436

46 Metrodata Electronics 7.408E+11 1.636E+12 1.866E+10 0.0251829 1.35E-12 2.2088024 -.03261




Photo Film)

8.937E+11 1.191E+12 1.962E+10 0.021948 1.119E-12 1.3331788 -.02464

48 Mulia Industrindo 3.78E+12 2.465E+12 5.959E+10 0.015763 2.645E-13 0.6519806 -.02220

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 6.104E+11 8.91E+11 9.942E+10 0.1628702 1.638E-12 1.4596117 .11473

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 1.434E+12 5.68E+11 9.951E+09 0.0069409 6.975E-13 0.3962032 -.02768

51 Mustika Ratu 2.918E+11 2.264E+11 5.322E+10 0.1824 3.427E-12 0.7759103 .14327

52 Myoh technology 9.499E+09 2.192E+09 34746950 0.0036579 1.053E-10 0.2308015 -.01508

53 Pan Brothers Tex 5.538E+11 1.427E+12 1.589E+09 0.0028685 1.806E-12 2.5758229 -.05957

54 Panasia Filament Inti 6.64E+11 3.552E+11 13379500 2.015E-05 1.506E-12 0.5348742 -.03627

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 6.623E+10 5.872E+10 2.246E+09 0.03391 1.51E-11 0.8866092 -.00511

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 7.576E+10 1.421E+11 1.086E+10 0.1433501 1.32E-11 1.8763384 .09139

57 Polychem Indo (GT

Petrochem Industries) 3.987E+12 3.259E+12 1.301E+10 0.003264 2.508E-13 0.8173761 -.03682


58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa

(Asia Pacific Fibers) 5.849E+12 3.061E+12 5.158E+10 0.0088192 1.71E-13 0.5233414 -.02750

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 2.881E+11 5.198E+11 1.358E+09 0.0047133 3.471E-12 1.804502 -.04761

60 Prima Alloy Steel 5.932E+11 7.461E+11 182807414 0.0003082 1.686E-12 1.257874 -.04524

61 Primarindo Asia

Infrastructure 1.04E+11 1.331E+11 8.345E+09 0.0802731 9.619E-12 1.2800268 .03549

62 Pyridam Farma 8.313E+10 6.134E+10 2.808E+10 0.3378258 1.203E-11 0.737863 .30031

63 Resource Alam

Indonesia 1.981E+11 4.842E+10 3.805E+09 0.0192069 5.048E-12 0.2444606 -.01290

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 5.165E+11 4.178E+11 4.396E+09 0.0085119 1.936E-12 0.8089437 -.03124

65 Roda Vivatex 5.338E+11 1.407E+11 438745917 0.0008219 1.873E-12 0.2635354 -.03194

66 Schering Plough

Indonesia 9.887E+10 1.238E+11 1.929E+10 0.1950696 1.011E-11 1.2516737 .15071

67 Sekar Laut 1.619E+11 1.939E+11 6.809E+09 0.04206 6.177E-12 1.1979782 -.00213

68 Selamat sempurna 7.167E+11 8.811E+11 2.999E+10 0.0418417 1.395E-12 1.2294318 -.00338

69 Semen Gresik 7.496E+12 8.728E+12 2.209E+11 0.0294648 1.334E-13 1.1642703 -.01508

70 Sepatu Bata 2.715E+11 4.286E+11 7.47E+09 0.0275191 3.684E-12 1.5789749 -.02188

71 SMART 5.312E+12 4.708E+12 5.92E+10 0.0111447 1.883E-13 0.8863539 -.02983

72 Sorini Agro Asia

Corporindo 6.423E+11 8.066E+11 2.11E+09 0.0032855 1.557E-12 1.2557401 -.04225

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.521E+12 7.04E+11 8.134E+09 0.0053491 6.576E-13 0.4629694 -.03013

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 5.903E+11 1.914E+12 1.174E+09 0.0019887 1.694E-12 3.2430253 -.06902

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 2.202E+12 4.387E+11 0 0 4.541E-13 0.1991818 -.03213

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 1.459E+11 1.376E+11 57432336 0.0003936 6.853E-12 0.9431359 -.04043

77 Tempo Scan pacific 2.479E+12 2.729E+12 4.676E+11 0.1885886 4.033E-13 1.100826 .14489


78 Trias Sentosa 2.02E+12 1.207E+12 3.862E+09 0.0019116 4.949E-13 0.5974119 -.03532

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 2.049E+12 1.194E+12 3.931E+09 0.0019183 4.88E-13 0.5826764 -.03512

80 Tunas Ridean 2.858E+12 3.874E+12 1.907E+10 0.0066732 3.499E-13 1.3557038 -.04030

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 1.249E+12 8.352E+11 1.077E+11 0.0862312 8.006E-13 0.6686759 .04813

82 Unilever Indonesia 4.626E+12 1.134E+13 1.797E+12 0.3884047 2.162E-13 2.4503331 .32737

83 United Tractors 1.125E+13 1.372E+13 3.514E+10 0.0031242 8.891E-14 1.2197506 -.04214

84 Unitex 1.598E+11 1.305E+11 874208747 0.0054702 6.257E-12 0.8165271 -.03381

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 1.383E+11 1.746E+11 353020229 0.0025517 7.228E-12 1.2616905 -.04231

Tahun 2008

No Nama perusahaan At-1 St-1 DISEXP Disexp/At-1 1/At-1 St-1/At-1 Abn_DISC

1 AKR Corporindo 3.498E+12 5.895E+12 6.57E+09 0.0018783 2.859E-13 1.6853745 -.04934

2 Alumindo Light Metal

Industry 1.371E+12 2.322E+12 1.538E+09 0.001122 7.294E-13 1.693649 -.05014

3 Apac Citra Centertex 2.335E+12 2.595E+12 4.739E+09 0.0020291 4.282E-13 1.1113012 -.04180

4 Argo Pantes 1.866E+12 1.045E+12 148265000 7.946E-05 5.359E-13 0.5602191 -.03667

5 Asiaplast Industries 2.952E+11 1.93E+11 141387787 0.0004789 3.387E-12 0.6536296 -.03709

6 Astra Graphia 6.246E+11 7.256E+11 1.522E+10 0.0243729 1.601E-12 1.161752 -.01995

7 Astra International 6.352E+13 7.018E+13 1.158E+12 0.0182305 1.574E-14 1.1048961 -.02557

8 Astra Otoparts 3.454E+12 4.184E+12 7.483E+10 0.021662 2.895E-13 1.2113409 -.02347

9 Barito Pacific Timber 1.691E+13 3.369E+11 9.555E+09 0.000565 5.913E-14 0.0199177 -.02931

10 Bentoel International

Investama 3.859E+12 4.586E+12 2.854E+11 0.0739563 2.591E-13 1.1883432 .02912


11 Berlina 3.87E+11 3.759E+11 599562170 0.0015494 2.584E-12 0.9714846 -.04020

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 4.647E+10 1.152E+11 48192727 0.0010371 2.152E-11 2.4791186 -.05757

13 Budi Acid jaya 1.486E+12 1.35E+12 2.172E+09 0.001462 6.731E-13 0.9088931 -.03974

14 Colorpak Indonesia 1.676E+11 3.823E+11 537344643 0.0032064 5.967E-12 2.281046 -.05490

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 5.609E+11 4.948E+11 1.046E+11 0.186499 1.783E-12 0.8821633 .14579

16 Davomas Abadi 1.339E+12 2.8E+12 143160874 0.0001069 7.467E-13 2.0907447 -.05625

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 1.561E+11 1.007E+11 299577462 0.0019197 6.408E-12 0.6455719 -.03515

18 Dynaplast 1.123E+12 1.139E+12 2.875E+09 0.0025588 8.902E-13 1.0140354 -.03996

19 Ekadharma International 8.493E+10 1.469E+11 534906486 0.0062985 1.177E-11 1.729879 -.04398

20 Ever Shine Textile

Industry 5.407E+11 5.075E+11 286936827 0.0005307 1.849E-12 0.9385836 -.04090

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 3.77E+12 2.656E+12 0 0 2.653E-13 0.7045318 -.03863

22 Fast Food Indonesia 6.295E+11 1.59E+12 1.963E+11 0.3119072 1.589E-12 2.5252824 .25009

23 Gajah Tunggal 8.455E+12 6.66E+12 7.795E+10 0.0092202 1.183E-13 0.7877109 -.03050

24 Gudang Garam 2.378E+13 2.739E+13 9.958E+11 0.0418765 4.205E-14 1.1517839 -.00252

25 HM Sampoerna 1.568E+13 2.979E+13 1.165E+12 0.0743251 6.377E-14 1.8996617 .02033

26 Holcim Indonesia 7.208E+12 3.755E+12 8.349E+10 0.011583 1.387E-13 0.5209178 -.02471

27 Indal Aluminium

Industry 4.827E+11 5.141E+11 4.578E+09 0.009484 2.072E-12 1.0649308 -.03354

28 Indo Acidatama 3.341E+11 2.681E+11 875268000 0.0026196 2.993E-12 0.8023231 -.03691

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta

Mulia) 1.555E+12 1.547E+12 1.328E+09 0.0008544 6.431E-13 0.9950149 -.04146

30 Indocement Tunggal

Prakarsa 1.004E+13 7.324E+12 4.058E+10 0.0040431 9.962E-14 0.7295973 -.03493

31 Indofood Sukses

Makmur 2.971E+13 2.786E+13 9.379E+11 0.0315717 3.366E-14 0.9377723 -.01008


32 Indospring 2.433E+11 5.644E+11 9.891E+09 0.040647 4.11E-12 2.3195996 -.01820

33 Inter Delta 2.429E+10 8.133E+10 1.68E+09 0.0691751 4.117E-11 3.3487913 .00200

34 Intraco Penta 8.638E+11 6.618E+11 7.74E+09 0.0089606 1.158E-12 0.7661132 -.03035

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel

Works 2.901E+11 1.313E+11 67121499 0.0002313 3.447E-12 0.4524896 -.03475

36 Jaya Pari Steel 2.688E+11 4.328E+11 433415125 0.0016125 3.72E-12 1.6102073 -.04819

37 Jembo Cable Company 4.705E+11 7.356E+11 1.099E+09 0.0023351 2.126E-12 1.5635034 -.04707

38 Kalbe Farma 5.138E+12 7.005E+12 1.164E+12 0.2266273 1.946E-13 1.363297 .17953

39 Kedawung Setia

industrial 5.421E+11 9.226E+11 2.79E+09 0.0051478 1.845E-12 1.701946 -.04607

40 Kimia Farma 4.933E+11 2.366E+12 1.316E+11 0.2668402 2.027E-12 4.7956065 .17595

41 Langgeng Makmur

Industri 5.318E+11 3.032E+11 4.899E+09 0.0092134 1.881E-12 0.5701237 -.02748

42 Lion Mesh prima 6.281E+10 1.172E+11 277036540 0.0044105 1.592E-11 1.8664586 -.04707

43 Lion Metal Works 2.161E+11 1.796E+11 9.426E+09 0.0436124 4.627E-12 0.8308372 .00393

44 Mandom Indonesia 7.252E+11 1.018E+12 1.454E+11 0.2004685 1.379E-12 1.4042164 .15301

45 Merck 3.311E+11 5.472E+11 8.97E+10 0.270959 3.021E-12 1.6529762 .22052

46 Metrodata Electronics 1.162E+12 2.713E+12 2.237E+10 0.0192501 8.604E-13 2.3342521 -.04021




Photo Film)

9.101E+11 1.256E+12 1.203E+10 0.0132201 1.099E-12 1.3804176 -.03397

48 Mulia Industrindo 3.823E+12 2.776E+12 3.105E+09 0.0008122 2.616E-13 0.7261098 -.03810

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 6.218E+11 9.786E+11 1.212E+11 0.1948459 1.608E-12 1.5737294 .14524

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 1.799E+12 8.983E+11 1.781E+10 0.0099012 5.558E-13 0.4993045 -.02606

51 Mustika Ratu 3.16E+11 2.521E+11 6.692E+10 0.2117784 3.165E-12 0.7978628 .17233

52 Myoh technology 9.511E+09 2.303E+09 14385000 0.0015125 1.051E-10 0.2421946 -.01739


53 Pan Brothers Tex 8.331E+11 1.623E+12 2.379E+09 0.0028556 1.2E-12 1.9487029 -.05162

54 Panasia Filament Inti 6.062E+11 3.886E+11 583391174 0.0009623 1.649E-12 0.6409414 -.03667

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 6.292E+10 5.377E+10 1.485E+09 0.0236019 1.589E-11 0.8545348 -.01490

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 7.401E+10 1.599E+11 1.326E+10 0.1791817 1.351E-11 2.1603313 .12361

57 Polychem Indo (GT

Petrochem Industries) 4.161E+12 3.858E+12 1.181E+10 0.0028371 2.403E-13 0.9272243 -.03866

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa

(Asia Pacific Fibers) 5.448E+12 3.639E+12 5.202E+10 0.0095489 1.835E-13 0.6679484 -.02863

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 2.917E+11 6.001E+11 1.536E+09 0.0052669 3.428E-12 2.0569519 -.05030

60 Prima Alloy Steel 5.43E+11 6.581E+11 16283037 2.999E-05 1.842E-12 1.2120497 -.04491

61 Primarindo Asia

Infrastructure 9.718E+10 2.364E+11 7.756E+09 0.0798174 1.029E-11 2.4322872 .02034

62 Pyridam farma 9.516E+10 8.664E+10 3.617E+10 0.3800901 1.051E-11 0.9105237 .34016

63 Resource Alam

Indonesia 1.738E+11 5.527E+10 3.164E+09 0.0182057 5.753E-12 0.3179583 -.01475

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 5.747E+11 4.256E+11 5.591E+09 0.0097291 1.74E-12 0.7405619 -.02917

65 Roda Vivatex 5.835E+11 1.42E+11 5.43E+09 0.0093071 1.714E-12 0.2434045 -.02322

66 Schering Plough

Indonesia 1.286E+11 1.704E+11 2.127E+10 0.1654335 7.778E-12 1.3250167 .11983

67 Sekar Laut 1.827E+11 2.371E+11 8.438E+09 0.046186 5.474E-12 1.2975009 .00063

68 Selamat sempurna 8.3E+11 1.064E+12 3.911E+10 0.047119 1.205E-12 1.2819176 .00120

69 Semen Gresik 8.515E+12 9.601E+12 2.851E+11 0.0334782 1.174E-13 1.1274861 -.01060

70 Sepatu Bata 3.321E+11 4.937E+11 9.113E+09 0.0274409 3.011E-12 1.4867412 -.02087

71 SMART 8.063E+12 8.08E+12 1.038E+11 0.0128728 1.24E-13 1.002052 -.02960

72 Sorini Agro Asia 8.425E+11 1.042E+12 3.781E+09 0.0044873 1.187E-12 1.2373252 -.04086



73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.896E+12 1.074E+12 9.219E+09 0.0048625 5.275E-13 0.566444 -.03196

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 5.893E+11 1.59E+12 1.94E+09 0.0032917 1.697E-12 2.6987867 -.06074

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 2.662E+12 6.732E+11 0 0 3.757E-13 0.252902 -.03282

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 1.177E+11 1.321E+11 65461306 0.0005563 8.498E-12 1.1227888 -.04236

77 Tempo Scan pacific 2.773E+12 3.124E+12 4.983E+11 0.179688 3.606E-13 1.1265491 .13565

78 Trias Sentosa 2.139E+12 1.497E+12 5.087E+09 0.0023781 4.675E-13 0.6996484 -.03617

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 2.457E+12 1.844E+12 7.094E+09 0.0028872 4.07E-13 0.7505563 -.03632

80 Tunas Ridean 3.345E+12 4.412E+12 1.392E+10 0.0041617 2.989E-13 1.3188923 -.04235

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 1.363E+12 1.127E+12 1.551E+11 0.1137827 7.338E-13 0.8268091 .07364

82 Unilever Indonesia 5.333E+12 1.254E+13 2.02E+12 0.3787962 1.875E-13 2.3521369 .31902

83 United Tractors 1.3E+13 1.817E+13 5.466E+10 0.0042035 7.691E-14 1.3970722 -.04334

84 Unitex 1.506E+11 1.129E+12 566361495 0.0037598 6.639E-12 7.4925322 -.12112

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 1.253E+11 2.412E+11 194042535 0.0015483 7.979E-12 1.9247597 -.05172

Tahun 2009

No Nama perusahaan At-1 St-1 DISEXP Disexp/At-1 1/At-1 St-1/At-1 Abn_DISC

1 AKR Corporindo 4.875E+12 9.476E+12 7.504E+09 0.0015394 2.051E-13 1.9438816 -.05300

2 Alumindo Light Metal

Industry 1.637E+12 2.377E+12 853159711 0.0005213 6.11E-13 1.4522175 -.04766

3 Apac Citra Centertex 2.176E+12 1.908E+12 4.229E+09 0.0019434 4.595E-13 0.8768162 -.03887

4 Argo Pantes 1.724E+12 1.092E+12 17550000 1.018E-05 5.8E-13 0.6331921 -.03767


5 Asiaplast Industries 2.761E+11 3.008E+11 923108465 0.0033436 3.622E-12 1.0894771 -.03979

6 Astra Graphia 8.411E+11 1.028E+12 1.394E+10 0.0165697 1.189E-12 1.2219637 -.02858

7 Astra International 8.074E+13 9.706E+13 1.308E+12 0.0162001 1.239E-14 1.2021798 -.02885

8 Astra Otoparts 3.981E+12 5.278E+12 5.403E+10 0.0135711 2.512E-13 1.3257463 -.03303

9 Barito Pacific Timber 1.724E+13 1.832E+13 8.409E+09 0.0004877 5.799E-14 1.0625838 -.04277

10 Bentoel International

Investama 4.456E+12 5.941E+12 3.393E+11 0.0761492 2.244E-13 1.333354 .02944

11 Berlina 4.322E+11 4.799E+11 713369108 0.0016506 2.314E-12 1.1104662 -.04192

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 7.051E+10 1.724E+11 14920126 0.0002116 1.418E-11 2.4449519 -.05892

13 Budi Acid jaya 1.699E+12 1.552E+12 4.956E+09 0.0029174 5.887E-13 0.9136053 -.03836

14 Colorpak Indonesia 2.589E+11 5.047E+11 631371879 0.0024387 3.863E-12 1.9492664 -.05169

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 6.377E+11 5.483E+11 1.309E+11 0.2053394 1.568E-12 0.8599122 .16488

16 Davomas Abadi 3.62E+12 3.393E+12 92111781 2.544E-05 2.762E-13 0.9372314 -.04159

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 1.426E+11 1.127E+11 247789255 0.0017373 7.011E-12 0.7900207 -.03711

18 Dynaplast 1.235E+12 1.382E+12 3.978E+09 0.0032213 8.097E-13 1.1190843 -.04066

19 Ekadharma International 1.408E+11 1.826E+11 623122705 0.0044267 7.104E-12 1.2975626 -.04092

20 Ever Shine Textile

Industry 5.302E+11 5.691E+11 254050224 0.0004791 1.886E-12 1.0733121 -.04267

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 3.719E+12 3.027E+12 0 0 2.689E-13 0.8140308 -.04004

22 Fast Food Indonesia 7.848E+11 2.023E+12 2.384E+11 0.3037862 1.274E-12 2.577395 .24126

23 Gajah Tunggal 8.714E+12 7.963E+12 7.036E+10 0.0080748 1.148E-13 0.9139174 -.03326

24 Gudang Garam 2.407E+13 3.025E+13 9.268E+11 0.0384996 4.154E-14 1.2566649 -.00725

25 HM Sampoerna 1.613E+13 3.468E+13 1.19E+12 0.0737847 6.198E-14 2.1495497 .01659

26 Holcim Indonesia 8.209E+12 5.341E+12 4.574E+10 0.0055717 1.218E-13 0.6506351 -.03239

27 Indal Aluminium 6.224E+11 6.42E+11 8.256E+09 0.0132652 1.607E-12 1.0315123 -.02939



28 Indo Acidatama 3.929E+11 3.139E+11 6.677E+09 0.0169927 2.545E-12 0.7989048 -.02255

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta

Mulia) 1.673E+12 1.638E+12 1.455E+09 0.00087 5.978E-13 0.9791482 -.04124

30 Indocement Tunggal

Prakarsa 1.129E+13 9.78E+12 3.068E+10 0.002718 8.86E-14 0.8665502 -.03802

31 Indofood Sukses

Makmur 3.959E+13 3.88E+13 8.374E+11 0.0211514 2.526E-14 0.9799949 -.02105

32 Indospring 9.182E+11 9.632E+11 9.733E+09 0.0105993 1.089E-12 1.0489753 -.03234

33 Inter Delta 3.767E+10 8.305E+10 1.799E+09 0.0477653 2.655E-11 2.2046281 -.00666

34 Intraco Penta 1.137E+12 1.052E+12 7.011E+09 0.0061654 8.793E-13 0.9253015 -.03522

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel

Works 3.003E+11 1.901E+11 67741425 0.0002255 3.33E-12 0.6327946 -.03708

36 Jaya Pari Steel 3.993E+11 7.327E+11 48690092 0.0001219 2.504E-12 1.8347685 -.05272

37 Jembo Cable Company 6.734E+11 1.131E+12 1.448E+09 0.0021505 1.485E-12 1.6797509 -.04883

38 Kalbe Farma 5.704E+12 7.877E+12 9.344E+11 0.1638278 1.753E-13 1.3810655 .11650

39 Kedawung Setia

industrial 4.857E+11 1.078E+12 1.962E+09 0.0040396 2.059E-12 2.2194243 -.05379

40 Kimia Farma 1.446E+12 2.705E+12 1.085E+11 0.0750286 6.917E-13 1.8709171 .02149

41 Langgeng Makmur

Industri 5.601E+11 3.262E+11 4.926E+09 0.0087955 1.785E-12 0.5823877 -.02807

42 Lion Mesh prima 6.199E+10 1.633E+11 265034735 0.0042756 1.613E-11 2.6346579 -.05703

43 Lion Metal Works 2.531E+11 2.296E+11 7.564E+09 0.0298789 3.95E-12 0.9070291 -.01087

44 Mandom Indonesia 9.108E+11 1.24E+12 1.639E+11 0.1799786 1.098E-12 1.3612093 .13303

45 Merck 3.751E+11 6.371E+11 8.697E+10 0.2318757 2.666E-12 1.6987321 .18080

46 Metrodata Electronics 1.289E+12 3.422E+12 2.213E+10 0.0171733 7.759E-13 2.6553473 -.04642





Photo Film)

7.908E+11 1.057E+12 1.154E+10 0.0145933 1.264E-12 1.3369994 -.03202

48 Mulia Industrindo 3.741E+12 3.347E+12 5.696E+10 0.0152266 2.673E-13 0.8946856 -.02585

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 9.414E+11 1.326E+12 1.134E+11 0.1204454 1.062E-12 1.4081968 .07289

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 2.379E+12 1.334E+12 1.781E+10 0.0074879 4.203E-13 0.5605677 -.02928

51 Mustika Ratu 3.548E+11 3.078E+11 7.079E+10 0.1995241 2.819E-12 0.8675904 .15913

52 Myoh technology 7.547E+09 1.749E+09 23756958 0.0031479 1.325E-10 0.2317142 -.01202

53 Pan Brothers Tex 9.527E+11 1.758E+12 1.979E+09 0.0020777 1.05E-12 1.8452997 -.05109

54 Panasia Filament Inti 5.818E+11 3.278E+11 12487360 2.146E-05 1.719E-12 0.5634298 -.03661

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 5.356E+10 5.085E+10 2.217E+09 0.0413854 1.867E-11 0.9495021 .00203

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 8.176E+10 2.038E+11 1.398E+10 0.1709844 1.223E-11 2.492869 .11098

57 Polychem Indo (GT

Petrochem Industries) 3.856E+12 4.003E+12 206420000 5.353E-05 2.593E-13 1.0380199 -.04286

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa

(Asia Pacific Fibers) 4.913E+12 3.741E+12 4.296E+10 0.0087439 2.035E-13 0.761363 -.03063

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 2.87E+11 7.131E+11 1.222E+09 0.0042572 3.485E-12 2.4850203 -.05679

60 Prima Alloy Steel 5.553E+11 4.107E+11 92832942 0.0001672 1.801E-12 0.7395238 -.03871

61 Primarindo Asia

Infrastructure 1.075E+11 2.84E+11 7.387E+09 0.0687372 9.305E-12 2.6428426 .00643

62 Pyridam farma 9.866E+10 1.196E+11 3.77E+10 0.3821312 1.014E-11 1.2121088 .33828

63 Resource Alam

Indonesia 2.252E+11 3.384E+11 4.106E+09 0.0182371 4.441E-12 1.5028131 -.03009

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 6.458E+11 4.908E+11 8.491E+09 0.0131487 1.549E-12 0.7600116 -.02603

65 Roda Vivatex 5.809E+11 2.056E+11 1.023E+09 0.0017616 1.721E-12 0.3538662 -.03218


66 Schering Plough

Indonesia 1.995E+11 2.04E+11 1.802E+10 0.0903254 5.012E-12 1.0224812 .04824

67 Sekar Laut 2.01E+11 3.131E+11 9.126E+09 0.0454009 4.975E-12 1.5578102 -.00356

68 Selamat sempurna 9.298E+11 1.354E+12 4.924E+10 0.0529556 1.076E-12 1.4558553 .00479

69 Semen Gresik 1.06E+13 1.221E+13 3.33E+11 0.0314055 9.431E-14 1.1515503 -.01299

70 Sepatu Bata 4.019E+11 5.398E+11 9.184E+09 0.0228503 2.488E-12 1.3430246 -.02368

71 SMART 1.003E+13 1.61E+14 1.09E+11 0.0108681 9.974E-14 16.059944 -.22478

72 Sorini Agro Asia

Corporindo 1.111E+12 1.493E+12 0 0 9E-13 1.3439037 -.04675

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 2.17E+12 1.097E+12 5.497E+09 0.0025332 4.608E-13 0.505579 -.03352

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 6.364E+11 1.645E+12 1.134E+09 0.0017816 1.571E-12 2.5853306 -.06081

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 2.523E+12 6.531E+11 0 0 3.963E-13 0.2588143 -.03290

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 8.064E+10 4.57E+10 57504359 0.0007131 1.24E-11 0.5667862 -.03456

77 Tempo Scan pacific 2.967E+12 3.634E+12 6.024E+11 0.2030383 3.37E-13 1.2247116 .15774

78 Trias Sentosa 2.159E+12 1.811E+12 3.486E+09 0.0016147 4.632E-13 0.8388293 -.03872

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 2.802E+12 3.956E+12 4.067E+09 0.0014513 3.568E-13 1.4115434 -.04624

80 Tunas Ridean 3.583E+12 5.523E+12 1.117E+10 0.0031175 2.791E-13 1.541169 -.04625

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 1.719E+12 1.363E+12 1.042E+11 0.0605939 5.817E-13 0.7926752 .02087

82 Unilever Indonesia 6.505E+12 1.558E+13 2.276E+12 0.3498866 1.537E-13 2.3948414 .28955

83 United Tractors 2.285E+13 2.79E+13 5.327E+10 0.0023315 4.377E-14 1.2212682 -.04296

84 Unitex 1.531E+11 1.541E+11 685117947 0.0044736 6.53E-12 1.0062889 -.03721

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 1.805E+11 2.778E+11 243832694 0.0013505 5.539E-12 1.5383941 -.04729


Tahun 2010

No Nama perusahaan At-1 St-1 DISEXP Disexp/At-1 1/At-1 St-1/At-1 Abn_DISC

1 AKR Corporindo 6.059E+12 8.96E+12 1.167E+10 0.0019254 1.65E-13 1.4787486 -.04665

2 Alumindo Light Metal

Industry 1.482E+12 7.483E+10 1.023E+09 0.0006908 6.749E-13 0.050508 -.02950

3 Apac Citra Centertex 1.803E+12 1.488E+12 2.474E+09 0.0013719 5.545E-13 0.8250663 -.03877

4 Argo Pantes 1.461E+12 7.55E+11 307445000 0.0002104 6.844E-13 0.5167202 -.03596

5 Asiaplast Industries 3.024E+11 2.845E+11 1.485E+09 0.0049118 3.307E-12 0.9409939 -.03636

6 Astra Graphia 7.749E+11 1.335E+12 1.401E+10 0.0180846 1.291E-12 1.7232048 -.03348

7 Astra International 8.894E+13 9.853E+13 2.123E+12 0.0238706 1.124E-14 1.1078054 -.01997

8 Astra Otoparts 4.645E+12 5.266E+12 5.737E+10 0.0123515 2.153E-13 1.1336635 -.03179

9 Barito Pacific Timber 1.657E+13 1.439E+13 5.425E+09 0.0003274 6.035E-14 0.8686236 -.04044

10 Bentoel International

Investama 4.894E+12 7.255E+12 5.812E+11 0.1187488 2.043E-13 1.4823624 .07013

11 Berlina 5.072E+11 5.371E+11 847548513 0.0016709 1.972E-12 1.0589795 -.04129

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 6.978E+10 1.331E+11 16933236 0.0002427 1.433E-11 1.9074699 -.05197

13 Budi Acid jaya 1.599E+12 1.782E+12 5.48E+09 0.0034275 6.255E-13 1.1146518 -.04042

14 Colorpak Indonesia 2.192E+11 4.48E+11 631371879 0.0028804 4.562E-12 2.0436062 -.05237

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 7.836E+11 8.692E+11 1.488E+11 0.1898705 1.276E-12 1.1091838 .14618

16 Davomas Abadi 2.806E+12 4.061E+11 76656530 2.732E-05 3.564E-13 0.1447114 -.03141

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 1.426E+11 9.329E+10 221247242 0.0015521 7.015E-12 0.6544076 -.03555


18 Dynaplast 1.291E+12 1.492E+12 3.787E+09 0.0029341 7.748E-13 1.1561107 -.04143

19 Ekadharma International 1.651E+11 2.052E+11 810126256 0.0049062 6.056E-12 1.2428241 -.03987

20 Ever Shine Textile

Industry 5.189E+11 5.398E+11 735635071 0.0014178 1.927E-12 1.0403799 -.04131

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 3.671E+12 2.733E+12 776771172 0.0002116 2.724E-13 0.7445179 -.03893

22 Fast Food Indonesia 1.041E+12 2.454E+12 2.635E+11 0.2530356 9.602E-13 2.3567687 .19330

23 Gajah Tunggal 8.877E+12 7.936E+12 4.446E+10 0.0050087 1.126E-13 0.8940297 -.03608

24 Gudang Garam 2.723E+13 3.297E+13 1.662E+12 0.0610174 3.672E-14 1.2108671 .01586

25 HM Sampoerna 1.772E+13 3.897E+13 1.171E+12 0.0661178 5.644E-14 2.1997744 .00827

26 Holcim Indonesia 7.265E+12 5.944E+12 7.357E+10 0.0101261 1.376E-13 0.8181117 -.02998

27 Indal Aluminium

Industry 4.704E+11 4.706E+11 6.967E+09 0.0148096 2.126E-12 1.0004966 -.02738

28 Indo Acidatama 4.138E+11 3.525E+11 1.275E+09 0.0030823 2.417E-12 0.8520138 -.03716

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta

Mulia) 1.35E+12 1.501E+12 1.22E+09 0.0009038 7.409E-13 1.1118886 -.04289

30 Indocement Tunggal

Prakarsa 1.328E+13 1.058E+13 6.007E+10 0.0045243 7.532E-14 0.7966289 -.03532

31 Indofood Sukses

Makmur 4.038E+13 3.74E+13 7.986E+11 0.0197755 2.476E-14 0.926067 -.02173

32 Indospring 6.211E+11 7.202E+11 1.419E+10 0.0228511 1.61E-12 1.1595265 -.02144

33 Inter Delta 3.507E+10 7.905E+10 1.046E+09 0.0298358 2.852E-11 2.2542155 -.02496

34 Intraco Penta 1.172E+12 9.343E+11 8.545E+09 0.0072899 8.531E-13 0.7970993 -.03245

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel

Works 2.71E+11 2.057E+11 45252450 0.000167 3.69E-12 0.7589642 -.03871

36 Jaya Pari Steel 3.54E+11 3.029E+11 26627974 7.523E-05 2.825E-12 0.8556789 -.04016

37 Jembo Cable Company 5.874E+11 7.63E+11 1.71E+09 0.0029118 1.702E-12 1.2989464 -.04316


38 Kalbe Farma 6.482E+12 9.087E+12 1.214E+12 0.1872845 1.543E-13 1.4018392 .13969

39 Kedawung Setia

industrial 5.507E+11 9.598E+11 2.069E+09 0.0037578 1.816E-12 1.7429621 -.04799

40 Kimia Farma 1.566E+12 2.854E+12 1.191E+11 0.0760379 6.386E-13 1.8227109 .02311

41 Langgeng Makmur

Industri 5.405E+11 3.811E+11 1.345E+10 0.0248789 1.85E-12 0.7051451 -.01355

42 Lion Mesh prima 7.283E+10 1.248E+11 267951700 0.0036791 1.373E-11 1.7137052 -.04613

43 Lion Metal Works 2.714E+11 1.975E+11 6.803E+09 0.0250702 3.685E-12 0.7278273 -.01341

44 Mandom Indonesia 9.946E+11 1.389E+12 2.121E+11 0.2132723 1.005E-12 1.3962361 .16586

45 Merck 4.34E+11 7.514E+11 1.062E+11 0.2448316 2.304E-12 1.7314605 .19329

46 Metrodata Electronics 1.059E+12 3.397E+12 2.4E+10 0.022658 9.442E-13 3.2075007 -.04800




Photo Film)

7.73E+11 8.989E+11 5.006E+09 0.0064752 1.294E-12 1.1628575 -.03790

48 Mulia Industrindo 3.239E+12 3.165E+12 6.105E+10 0.01885 3.088E-13 0.977181 -.02328

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 9.935E+11 1.616E+12 1.73E+11 0.1741652 1.007E-12 1.6268958 .12380

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 2.536E+12 1.691E+12 2.001E+10 0.0078906 3.943E-13 0.6669736 -.03024

51 Mustika Ratu 3.656E+11 3.456E+11 8.072E+10 0.2207757 2.735E-12 0.945137 .17938

52 Myoh technology 6.931E+09 2.047E+09 24748246 0.0035709 1.443E-10 0.2953961 -.01087

53 Pan Brothers Tex 8.196E+11 1.594E+12 2.324E+09 0.0028359 1.22E-12 1.9444482 -.05158

54 Panasia Filament Inti 4.636E+11 2.471E+11 0 0 2.157E-12 0.532939 -.03618

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 9.312E+10 5.195E+10 1.978E+09 0.0212446 1.074E-11 0.557905 -.01413

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 9.114E+10 2.228E+11 1.44E+10 0.1580128 1.097E-11 2.4448016 .09846

57 Polychem Indo (GT

Petrochem Industries) 3.72E+12 3.143E+12 0 0 2.688E-13 0.8449108 -.04043


58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa

(Asia Pacific Fibers) 4.57E+12 3.512E+12 1.802E+09 0.0003943 2.188E-13 0.7684455 -.03907

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 3.536E+11 5.924E+11 0 0 2.828E-12 1.6750866 -.05075

60 Prima Alloy Steel 4.207E+11 1.612E+11 458006020 0.0010886 2.377E-12 0.3831612 -.03314

61 Primarindo Asia

Infrastructure 9.488E+10 2.422E+11 8.704E+09 0.091734 1.054E-11 2.5529707 .03074

62 Pyridam farma 9.994E+10 1.32E+11 3.764E+10 0.3766277 1.001E-11 1.3208325 .33137

63 Resource Alam

Indonesia 2.729E+11 4.066E+11 5.168E+09 0.0189363 3.664E-12 1.4897719 -.02932

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 5.997E+11 5.08E+11 1.607E+10 0.0267941 1.667E-12 0.8469871 -.01348

65 Roda Vivatex 6.512E+11 2.361E+11 467757690 0.0007183 1.536E-12 0.3625197 -.03336

66 Schering Plough

Indonesia 2.063E+11 2.849E+11 1.034E+10 0.0501179 4.848E-12 1.3812851 .00341

67 Sekar Laut 1.962E+11 2.763E+11 9.701E+09 0.0494501 5.097E-12 1.4084185 .00242

68 Selamat sempurna 9.417E+11 1.375E+12 4.57E+10 0.048527 1.062E-12 1.4598309 .00031

69 Semen Gresik 1.295E+13 1.439E+13 0 0 7.721E-14 1.1109187 -.04387

70 Sepatu Bata 4.167E+11 5.985E+11 1.921E+09 0.0046111 2.4E-12 1.4362764 -.04313

71 SMART 1.021E+13 1.42E+13 1.109E+11 0.0108601 9.794E-14 1.3908328 -.03660

72 Sorini Agro Asia

Corporindo 1.263E+12 1.471E+12 0 0 7.921E-13 1.1650902 -.04447

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 2.01E+12 6.673E+11 5.212E+09 0.0025935 4.976E-13 0.3320665 -.03123

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 5.619E+11 8.621E+11 877877547 0.0015622 1.78E-12 1.5341472 -.04752

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 2.414E+12 4.527E+11 0 0 4.143E-13 0.1875341 -.03198

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 6.004E+10 4.219E+09 83653869 0.0013933 1.666E-11 0.0702674 -.02695

77 Tempo Scan pacific 3.263E+12 4.498E+12 6.203E+11 0.1901061 3.065E-13 1.3784214 .14283


78 Trias Sentosa 1.922E+12 1.572E+12 4.681E+09 0.002436 5.204E-13 0.8177882 -.03762

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 2.786E+12 2.784E+12 6.063E+09 0.002176 3.589E-13 0.9990068 -.04022

80 Tunas Ridean 1.771E+12 4.593E+12 5.145E+10 0.0290581 5.648E-13 2.5937583 -.03377

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 1.733E+12 1.614E+12 1.817E+11 0.1048712 5.771E-13 0.9314516 .06337

82 Unilever Indonesia 7.485E+12 1.825E+13 2.831E+12 0.3782523 1.336E-13 2.4377951 .31737

83 United Tractors 2.44E+13 2.924E+13 7.689E+10 0.0031505 4.098E-14 1.1982007 -.04185

84 Unitex 1.437E+11 1.456E+11 1.256E+09 0.008745 6.961E-12 1.0134015 -.03297

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 1.911E+11 2.789E+11 186208350 0.0009742 5.232E-12 1.4590403 -.04669


Lampiran 3

Data Proporsi Dewan Komisaris, Rangkap Jabatan Dewan Komisaris, Kepemilikan Manajerial, dan Kepemilikan


No Nama perusahaan 2007 2008


1 AKR Corporindo 0.33333 0 0.00130 0.71240 0.33333 0 0.00240 0.71110

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 0.20000 0 0.01650 0.80930 0.20000 1 0.01650 0.80990

3 Apac Citra Centertex 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.79720 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.79720

4 Argo Pantes 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.47430 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.43070

5 Asiaplast Industries 0.33333 0 0.07690 0.46440 0.33333 0 0.07690 0.54060

6 Astra Graphia 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.76870 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.76870

7 Astra International 0.50000 1 0.00020 0.50110 0.50000 1 0.00030 0.50110

8 Astra Otoparts 0.42857 1 0.00050 0.86720 0.00000 1 0.00070 0.93910

9 Barito Pacific Timber 0.40000 1 0.00290 0.72210 0.40000 1 0.00420 0.72200

10 Bentoel International Investama 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.65870 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.65870

11 Berlina 0.25000 0 0.10510 0.51420 0.25000 0 0.10510 0.51420

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 0.50000 0 0.09580 0.00000 0.50000 0 0.09580 0.00000

13 Budi Acid jaya 0.40000 0 0.09620 0.58800 0.40000 0 0.01000 0.50500

14 Colorpak Indonesia 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.84000 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.94590

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.92660 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.92660

16 Davomas Abadi 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.80320 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.82750

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 0.33333 0 0.01900 0.68920 0.33333 0 0.01900 0.66870


18 Dynaplast 0.50000 0 0.00690 0.69200 0.50000 0 0.00690 0.74700

19 Ekadharma International 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.79380 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75450

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.72580 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.72580

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.77700 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.77700

22 Fast Food Indonesia 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.80000 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.80000

23 Gajah Tunggal 0.42857 0 0.00080 0.65000 0.42857 0 0.00080 0.57870

24 Gudang Garam 0.60000 0 0.02060 0.72120 0.60000 0 0.02060 0.72120

25 HM Sampoerna 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.97950 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.98040

26 Holcim Indonesia 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.77330 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.77330

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 0.20000 0 0.00030 0.65850 0.20000 0 0.00030 0.65850

28 Indo Acidatama 0.33333 1 0.00050 0.78760 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.78380

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 0.28571 0 0.25400 0.65820 0.28571 0 0.25400 0.65820

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 0.14286 1 0.00000 0.78170 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.78170

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 0.30000 0 0.00050 0.51530 0.30000 0 0.00060 0.50050

32 Indospring 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.87460 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.87460

33 Inter Delta 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.12880

34 Intraco Penta 0.33333 0 0.02190 0.86510 0.33333 0 0.05430 0.86500

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 0.50000 0 0.01330 0.59230 0.50000 0 0.01330 0.59230

36 Jaya Pari Steel 0.33333 0 0.02200 0.67620 0.33333 0 0.02200 0.67620

37 Jembo Cable Company 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.87500 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.90150

38 Kalbe Farma 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.53640 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.55370

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.74810 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.74810

40 Kimia Farma 0.60000 0 0.00270 0.90030 0.60000 0 0.00270 0.90030

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 0.66667 1 0.00020 0.77530 1.00000 1 0.00020 0.77530

42 Lion Mesh prima 0.33333 0 0.25600 0.32200 0.33333 0 0.25600 0.32200


43 Lion Metal Works 0.33333 0 0.00180 0.57700 0.33333 0 0.00180 0.57700

44 Mandom Indonesia 0.40000 0 0.00749 0.79503 0.40000 0 0.00190 0.79234

45 Merck 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.74000 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.74000

46 Metrodata Electronics 0.33333 1 0.01710 0.12930 0.33333 1 0.06420 0.12930

47 Modern Internasional 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75452 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75452

48 Mulia Industrindo 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.67250 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.67250

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.83370 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.83370

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 0.50000 1 0.01870 0.56110 0.60000 1 0.01870 0.63100

51 Mustika Ratu 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.80480 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.80480

52 Myoh technology 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.83350 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.83350

53 Pan Brothers Tex 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.40230 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.32960

54 Panasia Filament Inti 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.97840 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.99920

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 0.33333 0 0.05580 0.72870 0.33333 0 0.05580 0.72870

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet International 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.97330 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.97330

57 Polychem Indo 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.89922 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.89922

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 0.20000 0 0.00000 0.66230 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.66230

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 0.33333 1 0.00259 0.92396 0.33333 1 0.00259 0.92396

60 Prima Alloy Steel 0.33333 0 0.06270 0.87430 0.33333 0 0.06270 0.81130

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.74190 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.74190

62 Pyridam farma 0.33333 0 0.23080 0.53850 0.33333 0 0.23080 0.53850

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 0.25000 0 0.00000 0.66360 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.66830

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.40140 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.34940

65 Roda Vivatex 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.83960 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.81460

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.89200 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.89200


67 Sekar Laut 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.96000 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.96000

68 Selamat sempurna 0.33333 0 0.08264 0.69940 0.33333 0 0.06043 0.69940

69 Semen Gresik 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.75910 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.76770

70 Sepatu Bata 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.84900 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.85700

71 SMART 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.95210 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.95210

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 0.33333 0 0.00040 0.69910 0.33333 0 0.00190 0.85110

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.52060 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.51740

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 0.40000 0 0.00090 0.93060 0.40000 0 0.00100 0.93060

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 0.25000 0 0.00000 0.82480 0.25000 0 0.00000 0.82480

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 0.66667 1 0.01400 0.68600 0.66667 1 0.01400 0.68600

77 Tempo Scan pacific 0.33333 1 0.00087 0.70920 0.33333 1 0.00027 0.95100

78 Trias Sentosa 0.25000 1 0.00000 0.42200 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.52950

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 0.33333 0 0.00100 0.57350 0.33333 0 0.00100 0.57860

80 Tunas Ridean 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.85850 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.87670

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 0.33333 0 0.08970 0.49080 0.33333 0 0.11330 0.46820

82 Unilever Indonesia 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.85000 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.85000

83 United Tractors 0.37500 0 0.00000 0.58450 0.37500 0 0.00000 0.59500

84 Unitex 0.33333 0 0.00010 0.69370 0.33333 0 0.00010 0.69370

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 0.33333 0 0.00392 0.99608 0.33333 0 0.00352 0.89469


No Nama perusahaan 2009 2010


1 AKR Corporindo 0.33333 0 0.00500 0.70820 0.33333 0 0.00630 0.59240

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 0.40000 1 0.01590 0.80980 0.40000 1 0.01600 0.83830

3 Apac Citra Centertex 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.79720 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.79720

4 Argo Pantes 0.40000 0 0.02400 0.43070 0.40000 0 0.02400 0.44560

5 Asiaplast Industries 0.33333 0 0.07690 0.56310 0.33333 0 0.06670 0.66660

6 Astra Graphia 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.76870 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.76870

7 Astra International 0.50000 1 0.00040 0.50110 0.45455 1 0.00040 0.50110

8 Astra Otoparts 0.33333 1 0.00040 0.95650 0.30000 1 0.00070 0.95650

9 Barito Pacific Timber 0.60000 0 0.00430 0.72200 0.60000 0 0.00490 0.72200

10 Bentoel International Investama 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.99740 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.99140

11 Berlina 0.25000 0 0.10510 0.51420 0.50000 1 0.10510 0.51420

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 0.50000 0 0.09580 0.00000 0.50000 0 0.09580 0.79870

13 Budi Acid jaya 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.51400 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.51200

14 Colorpak Indonesia 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.83150 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.82030

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.92660 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.92660

16 Davomas Abadi 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.79850 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.79850

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 0.33333 0 0.06460 0.66870 0.33333 0 0.06870 0.68500

18 Dynaplast 0.50000 0 0.00690 0.74370 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.75460

19 Ekadharma International 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75450 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75450

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.72580 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.72580

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75700 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75740


22 Fast Food Indonesia 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.90310 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.89640

23 Gajah Tunggal 0.42857 0 0.00080 0.61840 0.37500 0 0.00080 0.59010

24 Gudang Garam 0.80000 0 0.00800 0.73060 0.60000 0 0.00800 0.75550

25 HM Sampoerna 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.98180 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.98180

26 Holcim Indonesia 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.77330 0.57143 1 0.00000 0.80650

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.65860 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.65860

28 Indo Acidatama 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.84740 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.85320

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 0.28571 0 0.25400 0.65820 0.42857 0 0.25400 0.65820

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.64030 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.64030

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 0.30000 0 0.00050 0.50050 0.30000 0 0.00060 0.50050

32 Indospring 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.87460 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.87460

33 Inter Delta 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.12880 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.74500

34 Intraco Penta 0.33333 0 0.05760 0.86500 0.33333 0 0.03530 0.82210

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 0.50000 0 0.01330 0.59230 0.50000 0 0.01330 0.59230

36 Jaya Pari Steel 0.50000 0 0.15530 0.68420 0.50000 0 0.15530 0.68420

37 Jembo Cable Company 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.90150 0.66667 0 0.00000 0.90150

38 Kalbe Farma 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.56740 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.56640

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.74810 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.74810

40 Kimia Farma 0.60000 0 0.00260 0.90030 0.60000 0 0.00260 0.90030

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 1.00000 1 0.00010 0.77530 1.00000 1 0.00010 0.77530

42 Lion Mesh prima 0.33333 0 0.14090 0.32200 0.33333 0 0.14090 0.32200

43 Lion Metal Works 0.33333 0 0.00230 0.57700 0.33333 0 0.00230 0.57700

44 Mandom Indonesia 0.40000 0 0.00184 0.79234 0.40000 0 0.00148 0.73774

45 Merck 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.74000 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.74000

46 Metrodata Electronics 0.33333 1 0.10070 0.12930 0.33333 1 0.10830 0.12320


47 Modern Internasional 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.75452 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.61370

48 Mulia Industrindo 0.33333 0 0.00040 0.67250 0.33333 0 0.00040 0.67250

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 0.40000 0 0.00000 0.83370 0.28571 0 0.00000 0.82530

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 0.60000 1 0.01870 0.50000 0.50000 1 0.01870 0.44700

51 Mustika Ratu 0.33333 0 0.00030 0.80480 0.33333 0 0.00030 0.80240

52 Myoh technology 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.83390 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.83390

53 Pan Brothers Tex 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.32960 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.49430

54 Panasia Filament Inti 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.99920 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.99920

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 0.33333 0 0.05580 0.72370 0.33333 0 0.05580 0.72370

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet International 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.97330 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.87670

57 Polychem Indo 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.89922 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.89922

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.66230 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.65950

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 0.33333 1 0.00259 0.92396 0.33333 0 0.01648 0.72092

60 Prima Alloy Steel 0.33333 0 0.06270 0.45760 0.33333 0 0.05910 0.45760

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.88960 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.88960

62 Pyridam farma 0.33333 0 0.23080 0.53850 0.33333 0 0.23080 0.53850

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.66900 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.66900

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.48040 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.48040

65 Roda Vivatex 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.81470 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.81470

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.89200 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.89200

67 Sekar Laut 0.33333 0 0.00120 0.96090 0.33333 0 0.00120 0.96090

68 Selamat sempurna 0.33333 0 0.06043 0.58130 0.33333 0 0.06043 0.58130

69 Semen Gresik 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.75910 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.51010

70 Sepatu Bata 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.85800 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.84000


71 SMART 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.95210 0.42857 1 0.00000 0.95210

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 0.33333 0 0.00430 0.87150 0.33333 0 0.00810 0.86080

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.56880 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.52350

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 0.40000 0 0.00100 0.93060 0.40000 0 0.00100 0.93060

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 0.25000 0 0.00000 0.88790 0.33333 0 0.00000 0.88790

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 0.66667 1 0.01400 0.68600 0.66667 1 0.01400 0.68600

77 Tempo Scan pacific 0.33333 1 0.00057 0.95110 0.33333 1 0.00081 0.95030

78 Trias Sentosa 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.59460 0.33333 1 0.00000 0.59460

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 0.33333 0 0.00100 0.57850 0.33333 0 0.00100 0.56650

80 Tunas Ridean 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.87670 0.40000 1 0.00000 0.87680

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 0.33333 0 0.14720 0.46820 0.33333 0 0.14720 0.46620

82 Unilever Indonesia 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.85000 0.50000 1 0.00000 0.85000

83 United Tractors 0.37500 0 0.00000 0.59500 0.50000 0 0.00000 0.59500

84 Unitex 0.33333 0 0.00010 0.69370 0.25000 0 0.00010 0.69370

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 0.33333 0 0.00352 0.89469 0.33333 0 0.00352 0.89469


Lampiran 4

Data Leverage dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan

Tahun 2007

No Nama Perusahaan Total Debt Total Equity Leverage St St-1 Sales growth

1 AKR Corporindo 1.99983E+12 1.27762E+12 1.5652806 5.89475E+12 3.97032E+12 0.326464624

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 9.24245E+11 4.46682E+11 2.0691332 2.32187E+12 1.96968E+12 0.151685344

3 Apac Citra Centertex 1.89564E+12 1.46028E+11 12.981367 2.59536E+12 2.2166E+12 0.145936971

4 Argo Pantes 1.56503E+12 3.0097E+11 5.1999487 1.04537E+12 9.2835E+11 0.111941060

5 Asiaplast Industries 1.6493E+11 1.30304E+11 1.265735 1.92974E+11 1.6145E+11 0.163356922

6 Astra Graphia 3.10481E+11 3.14076E+11 0.9885523 7.25581E+11 6.19039E+11 0.146836887

7 Astra International 3.15117E+13 2.69626E+13 1.1687205 7.0183E+13 5.57092E+13 0.206229204

8 Astra Otoparts 1.19284E+12 2.26141E+12 0.5274753 4.20528E+12 3.3719E+12 0.198174198

9 Barito Pacific Timber 7.59229E+12 9.31983E+12 0.8146387 3.3685E+11 4.65455E+11 -0.381787146

10 Bentoel International Investama 2.31764E+12 1.54152E+12 1.5034782 4.58601E+12 2.99651E+12 0.346596241

11 Berlina 2.30741E+11 1.56532E+11 1.4740874 3.75941E+11 3.06652E+11 0.184308505

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 12054011218 34415187819 0.3502527 1.15203E+11 57254482820 0.503010741

13 Budi Acid jaya 8.59689E+11 1.48565E+12 0.5786615 1.3503E+12 1.07291E+12 0.205428728

14 Colorpak Indonesia 94376952335 73205660292 1.2892029 3.82264E+11 2.91816E+11 0.236611268

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 98700541000 4.6223E+11 0.2135311 5.09498E+11 5.76669E+11 -0.131838634

16 Davomas Abadi 2.68412E+12 1.18441E+12 2.2662156 2.80008E+12 1.65658E+12 0.408380590

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 46797572583 1.09255E+11 0.4283339 1.00743E+11 84661420462 0.159630437

18 Dynaplast 7.3451E+11 3.88879E+11 1.8887881 1.13916E+12 1.00279E+12 0.119711341

19 Ekadharma International 24085499331 60840715169 0.395878 1.46912E+11 1.10127E+11 0.250386705


20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 2.69625E+11 2.71097E+11 0.994572 5.07513E+11 4.78016E+11 0.058120200

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 2.4735E+12 1.29608E+12 1.9084442 2.6558E+12 1.69308E+12 0.362495729

22 Fast Food Indonesia 2.52133E+11 3.77358E+11 0.6681516 1.58964E+12 1.27642E+12 0.197042029

23 Gajah Tunggal 6.06888E+12 2.38581E+12 2.5437352 6.65985E+12 5.47073E+12 0.178551061

24 Gudang Garam 9.80917E+12 1.41198E+13 0.6947106 2.81584E+13 2.63393E+13 0.064603429

25 HM Sampoerna 7.617E+12 8.06354E+12 0.9446221 2.97877E+13 2.95451E+13 0.008145704

26 Holcim Indonesia 4.95089E+12 2.25736E+12 2.1932255 3.75491E+12 2.9932E+12 0.202857009

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 4.07114E+11 75597645549 5.3852735 5.14055E+11 5.57583E+11 -0.084676337

28 Indo Acidatama 1.47879E+11 1.86249E+11 0.7939853 2.68079E+11 2.6938E+11 -0.004855278

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 6.60857E+11 8.94006E+11 0.7392095 1.54711E+12 1.51064E+12 0.023573072

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 3.09002E+12 6.92601E+12 0.4461474 7.32364E+12 6.32533E+12 0.136313945

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 2.24009E+13 7.1266E+12 3.1432777 2.78583E+13 2.19416E+13 0.212387158

32 Indospring 5.20551E+11 78722742572 6.612456 5.64441E+11 3.90976E+11 0.307321934

33 Inter Delta 57819121170 -33531964286 -1.724299 81332619745 80742204521 0.007259267

34 Intraco Penta 5.43728E+11 3.2009E+11 1.6986744 6.61782E+11 5.52057E+11 0.165802476

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 6.78743E+11 -3.88604E+11 -1.746621 1.31285E+11 1.25853E+11 0.041375556

36 Jaya Pari Steel 48176410330 2.20614E+11 0.2183745 4.32808E+11 3.4021E+11 0.213946702

37 Jembo Cable Company 3.8321E+11 87264669000 4.3913527 7.35589E+11 4.48021E+11 0.390935515

38 Kalbe Farma 1.75135E+12 3.38686E+12 0.5171013 7.00491E+12 6.07155E+12 0.133243601

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 3.19639E+11 2.22421E+11 1.4370856 9.22557E+11 6.57924E+11 0.286847323

40 Kimia Farma 4.78712E+11 9.08028E+11 0.5271993 2.36564E+12 2.18971E+12 0.074365212

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 1.41419E+11 3.90338E+11 0.3622978 3.03167E+11 2.70682E+11 0.107150564

42 Lion Mesh prima 33671285095 29141114218 1.1554563 1.17237E+11 79342796777 0.323225864

43 Lion Metal Works 46259852615 1.6987E+11 0.2723256 1.79568E+11 1.43272E+11 0.202133395

44 Mandom Indonesia 51556836404 6.7364E+11 0.0765347 1.01833E+12 9.5163E+11 0.065502452


45 Merck 50838488000 2.80224E+11 0.1814211 5.47238E+11 4.87601E+11 0.108977806

46 Metrodata Electronics 8.77969E+11 2.84282E+11 3.0883754 2.71299E+12 1.63628E+12 0.396870637

47 Modern Internasional 5.94668E+11 3.15417E+11 1.8853417 1.2563E+12 1.1915E+12 0.051581479

48 Mulia Industrindo 8.02625E+12 -4.2033E+12 -1.90951 2.77588E+12 2.46457E+12 0.112146475

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 4.24112E+11 1.97723E+11 2.1449806 9.786E+11 8.91001E+11 0.089514613

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 5.11231E+11 1.28794E+12 0.3969361 8.98335E+11 5.68032E+11 0.367683521

51 Mustika Ratu 36438354180 2.79559E+11 0.1303421 2.52123E+11 2.26387E+11 0.102078443

52 Myoh technology 7038946268 2471987555 2.8474845 2303496441 2192429662 0.048216605

53 Pan Brothers Tex 6.90723E+11 1.4237E+11 4.8516237 1.62345E+12 1.42661E+12 0.121248758

54 Panasia Filament Inti 4.84382E+11 1.21866E+11 3.9747147 3.88569E+11 3.55162E+11 0.085975121

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 43314806790 19415973218 2.2308852 53771074832 58719723472 -0.092031797

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 69144287660 1072565836 64.466241 1.59884E+11 1.42149E+11 0.110919860

57 Polychem Indo 2.84138E+12 1.31913E+12 2.1539785 3.8585E+12 3.25893E+12 0.155387536

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 1.25258E+13 -7.07764E+12 -1.769773 3.6391E+12 3.06083E+12 0.158905646

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 1.77076E+11 83530513668 2.1198909 6.0006E+11 5.19849E+11 0.133671755

60 Prima Alloy Steel 4.13393E+11 1.29567E+11 3.190587 6.58094E+11 7.46121E+11 -0.133759964

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 2.89812E+11 -1.92635E+11 -1.504461 2.36362E+11 1.33075E+11 0.436984403

62 Pyridam farma 28213190146 66944157194 0.4214437 86643019272 61336546459 0.292077458

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 90471614342 83340897632 1.0855608 52265128544 48423477834 0.073503133

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 2.38173E+11 3.3346E+11 0.7142473 4.25584E+11 4.1781E+11 0.018266533

65 Roda Vivatex 2.09181E+11 3.74273E+11 0.5589 1.42015E+11 1.40672E+11 0.009458312

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 1.26767E+11 1798893905 70.469142 1.70351E+11 1.23758E+11 0.273515773

67 Sekar Laut 86299994149 96394370444 0.8952804 2.3705E+11 1.93928E+11 0.181912551


68 Selamat sempurna 3.15576E+11 4.82204E+11 0.6544447 1.06406E+12 8.81116E+11 0.171925906

69 Semen Gresik 1.79564E+12 6.62726E+12 0.2709475 9.6008E+12 8.72786E+12 0.090923961

70 Sepatu Bata 1.24381E+11 2.077E+11 0.5988489 4.93717E+11 4.2863E+11 0.131831939

71 SMART 4.53491E+12 3.52825E+12 1.2853165 8.07971E+12 4.70825E+12 0.417275151

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 3.6469E+11 4.4132E+11 0.8263618 1.04245E+12 8.0658E+11 0.226266510

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.27705E+12 5.79937E+11 2.202043 1.07389E+12 7.03992E+11 0.344446647

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 1.49273E+11 4.40049E+11 0.3392181 1.59045E+12 1.91434E+12 -0.203646074

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 3.37361E+12 -7.11801E+11 -4.739534 6.73176E+11 4.38659E+11 0.348373275

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 77089111209 39133414203 1.9699051 1.32129E+11 1.37624E+11 -0.041590110

77 Tempo Scan pacific 5.58369E+11 2.11564E+12 0.263924 3.12407E+12 2.72922E+12 0.126389212

78 Trias Sentosa 1.15783E+12 9.81161E+11 1.1800614 1.49654E+12 1.20706E+12 0.193435092

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 1.51822E+12 9.3496E+11 1.6238339 1.84421E+12 1.194E+12 0.352567861

80 Tunas Ridean 2.48897E+12 8.56276E+11 2.9067368 4.41202E+12 3.87439E+12 0.121854444

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 5.30492E+11 8.31157E+11 0.638257 1.1268E+12 8.3523E+11 0.258759295

82 Unilever Indonesia 2.63929E+12 2.69214E+12 0.9803673 1.25449E+13 1.13352E+13 0.096426429

83 United Tractors 7.21643E+12 5.73334E+12 1.2586796 1.81656E+13 1.37196E+13 0.244750049

84 Unitex 2.52372E+11 -1.01737E+11 -2.480637 1.28638E+11 1.30493E+11 -0.014415210

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 60387168466 64942615201 0.9298543 2.4123E+11 1.74551E+11 0.276409899


Tahun 2008

No Nama Perusahaan Total Debt Total Equity Leverage St St-1 Sales growth

1 AKR Corporindo 2.91821E+12 1.60824E+12 1.8145316 9.47253E+12 5.89475E+12 0.377700398

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 1.20083E+12 4.35837E+11 2.7552265 2.3768E+12 2.32187E+12 0.023109883

3 Apac Citra Centertex 2.07074E+12 9575385077 216.2563 1.908E+12 2.59536E+12 -0.360252368

4 Argo Pantes 1.61177E+12 1.12469E+11 14.330827 1.09178E+12 1.04537E+12 0.042505248

5 Asiaplast Industries 1.506E+11 1.25482E+11 1.2001711 3.00786E+11 1.92974E+11 0.358434926

6 Astra Graphia 5.08178E+11 3.32874E+11 1.5266361 1.02774E+12 7.25581E+11 0.294002084

7 Astra International 4.0163E+13 3.308E+13 1.2141173 9.7064E+13 7.0183E+13 0.276940987

8 Astra Otoparts 1.19089E+12 2.65297E+12 0.448888 5.33772E+12 4.18428E+12 0.216092451

9 Barito Pacific Timber 8.3093E+12 6.82499E+12 1.217481 1.83229E+13 3.3685E+11 0.981615899

10 Bentoel International Investama 2.72533E+12 1.7302E+12 1.5751534 5.9408E+12 4.58601E+12 0.228049107

11 Berlina 2.30647E+11 1.81297E+11 1.2721992 4.79934E+11 3.75941E+11 0.216682038

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 15270565124 55238249453 0.2764491 1.72391E+11 1.15203E+11 0.331734944

13 Budi Acid jaya 6.81317E+11 6.1885E+11 1.1009405 1.55199E+12 1.3503E+12 0.129955341

14 Colorpak Indonesia 1.68494E+11 90403740317 1.8637944 5.04661E+11 3.82264E+11 0.242533278

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 1.29812E+11 5.07849E+11 0.2556104 5.77599E+11 4.94832E+11 0.143293941

16 Davomas Abadi 2.94632E+12 6.73755E+11 4.3729813 3.39285E+12 2.80008E+12 0.174709543

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 33937781103 1.00588E+11 0.3373948 1.12678E+11 1.00743E+11 0.105924389

18 Dynaplast 7.17902E+11 4.01249E+11 1.7891682 1.38207E+12 1.13916E+12 0.175763575

19 Ekadharma International 60864566037 59020079203 1.0312519 1.8265E+11 1.46912E+11 0.195662501

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 2.8117E+11 2.49073E+11 1.1288647 5.69121E+11 5.07513E+11 0.108252051

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 2.41069E+12 1.30786E+12 1.8432328 3.02701E+12 2.6558E+12 0.122634933


22 Fast Food Indonesia 3.02214E+11 4.82545E+11 0.6262908 2.02263E+12 1.58964E+12 0.214072728

23 Gajah Tunggal 7.06413E+12 1.64943E+12 4.2827858 7.96347E+12 6.65985E+12 0.163699808

24 Gudang Garam 8.55369E+12 1.55193E+13 0.5511658 3.02516E+13 2.73894E+13 0.094615621

25 HM Sampoerna 8.08358E+12 8.0479E+12 1.0044345 3.46804E+13 2.97877E+13 0.141080081

26 Holcim Indonesia 5.13705E+12 2.53793E+12 2.024115 4.80338E+12 3.75491E+12 0.218277891

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 5.458E+11 76605153474 7.1248462 6.42018E+11 5.14055E+11 0.199315115

28 Indo Acidatama 1.99896E+11 1.93041E+11 1.0355079 3.13919E+11 2.68079E+11 0.146026426

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 4.80181E+11 9.98025E+11 0.4811314 1.63789E+12 1.54711E+12 0.055421593

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 2.76498E+12 8.50019E+12 0.3252839 9.7805E+12 7.32364E+12 0.251199319

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 2.64324E+13 8.49875E+12 3.1101482 3.87993E+13 2.78583E+13 0.281989132

32 Indospring 8.09432E+11 1.08675E+11 7.4481949 9.63198E+11 5.64441E+11 0.413993033

33 Inter Delta 73905464921 -36236286930 -2.039543 83046529232 81332619745 0.020637942

34 Intraco Penta 8.08595E+11 3.28623E+11 2.4605507 1.05227E+12 6.61782E+11 0.371090799

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 7.18864E+11 -4.18519E+11 -1.717636 1.90057E+11 1.31285E+11 0.309231091

36 Jaya Pari Steel 1.29572E+11 2.69771E+11 0.4803047 7.32703E+11 4.32808E+11 0.409299932

37 Jembo Cable Company 5.86203E+11 87193173000 6.7230419 1.13114E+12 7.35589E+11 0.349691741

38 Kalbe Farma 1.35899E+12 3.6224E+12 0.3751629 7.87737E+12 7.00491E+12 0.110754850

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 2.57584E+11 2.28138E+11 1.1290736 1.07802E+12 9.22557E+11 0.144214096

40 Kimia Farma 4.97905E+11 9.47765E+11 0.525347 2.70473E+12 2.36564E+12 0.125370261

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 1.67168E+11 3.9291E+11 0.4254626 3.26183E+11 3.03167E+11 0.070560849

42 Lion Mesh prima 24089510317 37898295096 0.6356357 1.63317E+11 1.17237E+11 0.282150737

43 Lion Metal Works 51933803127 2.01208E+11 0.25811 2.29607E+11 1.79568E+11 0.217931414

44 Mandom Indonesia 94623628100 8.16166E+11 0.1159367 1.23978E+12 1.01833E+12 0.178614467

45 Merck 47740685000 3.27324E+11 0.1458516 6.37134E+11 5.47238E+11 0.141094455

46 Metrodata Electronics 8.69036E+11 3.17151E+11 2.740134 3.4222E+12 2.71299E+12 0.207238948


47 Modern Internasional 4.73367E+11 3.17476E+11 1.4910332 1.05736E+12 1.2563E+12 -0.188149481

48 Mulia Industrindo 8.69504E+12 -4.96202E+12 -1.752317 3.3467E+12 2.77588E+12 0.170563432

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 5.97123E+11 3.44178E+11 1.734925 1.32566E+12 9.786E+11 0.261802225

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 1.09423E+12 1.2848E+12 0.851674 1.3336E+12 8.98335E+11 0.326385754

51 Mustika Ratu 51145982537 3.03623E+11 0.1684525 3.07804E+11 2.52123E+11 0.180898832

52 Myoh technology 6075646120 1471160772 4.1298315 1748702009 2303496441 -0.317260705

53 Pan Brothers Tex 8.54088E+11 98242113972 8.6937082 1.7581E+12 1.62345E+12 0.076585384

54 Panasia Filament Inti 6.0584E+11 -23998278100 -25.24515 3.27827E+11 3.88569E+11 -0.185288058

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 36788224311 16607642473 2.2151383 50853140325 53771074832 -0.057379633

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 73508285048 4810594753 15.280498 2.03805E+11 1.59884E+11 0.215507059

57 Polychem Indo 2.84407E+12 1.01116E+12 2.8126803 4.00253E+12 3.8585E+12 0.035986304

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 1.41414E+13 -9.22846E+12 -1.532374 3.74057E+12 3.6391E+12 0.027125465

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 1.50807E+11 92978723576 1.6219494 7.13114E+11 6.0006E+11 0.158535073

60 Prima Alloy Steel 4.40568E+11 1.14753E+11 3.8392616 4.10673E+11 6.58094E+11 -0.602477400

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 3.21839E+11 -2.1437E+11 -1.501326 2.84024E+11 2.36362E+11 0.167809843

62 Pyridam farma 29402274912 69253034523 0.424563 1.19581E+11 86643019272 0.275444772

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 1.01348E+11 1.23814E+11 0.8185452 3.38377E+11 55265128544 0.836675741

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 3.21669E+11 3.20877E+11 1.0024703 4.90783E+11 4.25584E+11 0.132847241

65 Roda Vivatex 1.49646E+11 4.31285E+11 0.3469777 2.05572E+11 1.42015E+11 0.309169154

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 1.91178E+11 8348589399 22.899408 2.04012E+11 1.70351E+11 0.164993431

67 Sekar Laut 1.00335E+11 1.00665E+11 0.9967168 3.13125E+11 2.3705E+11 0.242954240

68 Selamat sempurna 3.41289E+11 5.46222E+11 0.6248181 1.35359E+12 1.06406E+12 0.213899208

69 Semen Gresik 2.42925E+12 8.06959E+12 0.3010376 1.22098E+13 9.6008E+12 0.213683727


70 Sepatu Bata 1.28782E+11 2.73118E+11 0.471526 5.39762E+11 4.93717E+11 0.085306064

71 SMART 5.24749E+12 4.6152E+12 1.1370004 1.60944E+13 8.07971E+12 0.497980532

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 5.16717E+11 5.43759E+11 0.9502682 1.49321E+12 1.04245E+12 0.301872005

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.79592E+12 3.24951E+11 5.5267434 1.09708E+12 1.07389E+12 0.021136188

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 1.29272E+11 5.07136E+11 0.254907 1.64533E+12 1.59045E+12 0.033349932

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 3.66994E+12 -1.1465E+12 -3.200981 6.53101E+11 6.73176E+11 -0.030737629

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 98909297015 -19146772572 -5.165847 45704751175 1.32129E+11 -1.890929248

77 Tempo Scan pacific 6.55932E+11 2.23569E+12 0.2933917 3.63379E+12 3.12407E+12 0.140271371

78 Trias Sentosa 1.12148E+12 1.03739E+12 1.0810604 1.81092E+12 1.49654E+12 0.173601566

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 1.90893E+12 8.88773E+11 2.147825 3.95585E+12 1.84421E+12 0.533802164

80 Tunas Ridean 2.5587E+12 1.02463E+12 2.4971922 5.54197E+12 4.41202E+12 0.203889234

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 6.03996E+11 1.13532E+12 0.5320033 1.36261E+12 1.1268E+12 0.173055573

82 Unilever Indonesia 3.39792E+12 3.10031E+12 1.0959913 1.55778E+13 1.25449E+13 0.194694235

83 United Tractors 1.16449E+13 1.11316E+13 1.0461127 2.79032E+13 1.81656E+13 0.348977873

84 Unitex 3.22097E+11 -1.68951E+11 -1.906456 1.5411E+11 1.12864E+12 -6.323605285

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 62060635440 1.18489E+11 0.5237666 2.77757E+11 2.4123E+11 0.131507035


Tahun 2009

No Nama Perusahaan Total Debt Total Equity Leverage St St-1 Sales growth

1 AKR Corporindo 2.83225E+12 1.74106E+12 1.6267399 8.95984E+12 9.47613E+12 -0.057622804

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 1.01955E+12 4.62065E+11 2.2064983 1.7542E+12 2.3768E+12 -0.354916814

3 Apac Citra Centertex 1.72095E+12 22761578953 75.607688 1.48792E+12 1.908E+12 -0.282325773

4 Argo Pantes 1.42433E+12 36722514000 38.786382 7.54957E+11 1.09178E+12 -0.446143009

5 Asiaplast Industries 1.46756E+11 1.55625E+11 0.9430101 2.84539E+11 3.00786E+11 -0.057099322

6 Astra Graphia 3.93916E+11 3.80937E+11 1.0340717 1.33524E+12 1.02774E+12 0.230295664

7 Astra International 4.0006E+13 3.9894E+13 1.0028074 9.8526E+13 9.7064E+13 0.014838723

8 Astra Otoparts 1.26229E+12 3.20878E+12 0.3933871 5.2658E+12 5.27822E+12 -0.002358047

9 Barito Pacific Timber 7.57399E+12 6.46742E+12 1.1710995 1.43929E+13 1.83229E+13 -0.273047619

10 Bentoel International Investama 2.54729E+12 1.75537E+12 1.4511469 6.08173E+12 5.9408E+12 0.023171875

11 Berlina 3.05973E+11 1.7973E+11 1.7024055 5.37142E+11 4.79934E+11 0.106504518

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 5157471281 64626406123 0.0798044 1.33111E+11 1.72391E+11 -0.295092995

13 Budi Acid jaya 8.15632E+11 7.4404E+11 1.0962206 1.78213E+12 1.55199E+12 0.129140266

14 Colorpak Indonesia 1.0389E+11 1.15309E+11 0.9009708 4.47956E+11 5.04661E+11 -0.126584828

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 2.28692E+11 5.54922E+11 0.4121151 8.51314E+11 5.48332E+11 0.355898964

16 Davomas Abadi 2.35907E+12 4.46944E+11 5.2782275 4.06063E+11 3.39285E+12 -7.355476454

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 27503213317 1.07818E+11 0.2550896 93286770819 1.12678E+11 -0.207872040

18 Dynaplast 7.25497E+11 4.39404E+11 1.6510934 1.49207E+12 1.38207E+12 0.073718046

19 Ekadharma International 76211304840 69524864274 1.0961734 2.05218E+11 1.8265E+11 0.109972884

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 2.6206E+11 2.56793E+11 1.0205098 5.39809E+11 5.69121E+11 -0.054301531

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 2.08665E+12 1.58459E+12 1.316839 2.7333E+12 3.02701E+12 -0.107457048


22 Fast Food Indonesia 4.02303E+11 6.39106E+11 0.6294787 2.45436E+12 2.02263E+12 0.175901799

23 Gajah Tunggal 6.20649E+12 2.67066E+12 2.3239521 7.93643E+12 7.96347E+12 -0.003407199

24 Gudang Garam 8.84842E+12 1.83015E+13 0.4834798 3.29731E+13 3.02516E+13 0.082535117

25 HM Sampoerna 7.25052E+12 1.04616E+13 0.6930595 3.89722E+13 3.46804E+13 0.110123179

26 Holcim Indonesia 3.94918E+12 3.31489E+12 1.1913466 5.94388E+12 5.34105E+12 0.101419763

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 4.06635E+11 63781013341 6.375486 4.7065E+11 6.42018E+11 -0.364111539

28 Indo Acidatama 1.95354E+11 2.18423E+11 0.8943854 3.52543E+11 3.13919E+11 0.109558588

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 2.24873E+11 9.81988E+11 0.2289976 1.50064E+12 1.63789E+12 -0.091458956

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 2.57208E+12 1.06807E+13 0.2408147 1.05765E+13 9.7805E+12 0.075257534

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 2.48868E+13 1.01555E+13 2.4505729 3.71408E+13 3.87993E+13 -0.044652987

32 Indospring 4.55454E+11 1.65566E+11 2.7508928 7.20229E+11 9.63198E+11 -0.337350276

33 Inter Delta 72044167525 -36974963249 -1.948458 79053542938 83046529232 -0.050509897

34 Intraco Penta 6.82054E+11 3.57457E+11 1.908076 1.02689E+12 1.05227E+12 -0.024717509

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 6.82764E+11 -4.11798E+11 -1.658009 2.05654E+11 1.90057E+11 0.075842548

36 Jaya Pari Steel 82262329224 2.71689E+11 0.3027816 3.02868E+11 7.32703E+11 -1.419213364

37 Jembo Cable Company 4.84844E+11 1.0251E+11 4.7297075 7.62976E+11 1.13114E+12 -0.482534444

38 Kalbe Farma 1.69151E+12 4.31044E+12 0.3924224 9.08735E+12 7.87737E+12 0.133150104

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 3.12043E+11 2.38648E+11 1.3075453 9.59834E+11 1.07802E+12 -0.123134291

40 Kimia Farma 5.6731E+11 9.95315E+11 0.5699798 2.85406E+12 2.70473E+12 0.052321746

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 1.41612E+11 3.98902E+11 0.3550055 3.81141E+11 3.26183E+11 0.144193449

42 Lion Mesh prima 33108113850 39722802130 0.8334788 1.24811E+11 1.63317E+11 -0.308514736

43 Lion Metal Works 43567152983 2.27799E+11 0.1912524 1.97508E+11 2.29607E+11 -0.162520961

44 Mandom Indonesia 1.13823E+11 8.80797E+11 0.1292272 1.38872E+12 1.23978E+12 0.107256142

45 Merck 79786650000 3.54184E+11 0.2252689 7.51403E+11 6.37134E+11 0.152074117

46 Metrodata Electronics 6.53776E+11 3.20261E+11 2.0413814 3.39692E+12 3.4222E+12 -0.007442815


47 Modern Internasional 4.43549E+11 3.295E+11 1.346129 8.98946E+11 1.05736E+12 -0.176218019

48 Mulia Industrindo 6.7586E+12 -3.52E+12 -1.920054 3.16469E+12 3.3467E+12 -0.057513148

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 8.88122E+11 1.05211E+11 8.4413417 1.61626E+12 1.32566E+12 0.179799216

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 1.07639E+12 1.45966E+12 0.7374253 1.69148E+12 1.3336E+12 0.211573331

51 Mustika Ratu 49211308083 3.16412E+11 0.155529 3.45576E+11 3.07804E+11 0.109300439

52 Myoh technology 5974661708 955866788 6.2505171 2047250938 1748702009 0.145829182

53 Pan Brothers Tex 6.87508E+11 1.31524E+11 5.2272581 1.5936E+12 1.7581E+12 -0.103220813

54 Panasia Filament Inti 5.01226E+11 -37653863229 -13.3114 2.47056E+11 3.27827E+11 -0.326936477

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 70896108432 22090651929 3.2093262 51950337626 50853140325 0.021120119

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 69399146628 17070029514 4.0655552 2.22824E+11 2.03805E+11 0.085352372

57 Polychem Indo 2.62954E+12 1.08968E+12 2.4131307 3.14296E+12 4.00253E+12 -0.273491227

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 1.24497E+13 -7.88006E+12 -1.579897 3.51151E+12 3.74057E+12 -0.065231910

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 1.7986E+11 1.25429E+11 1.4339677 5.92358E+11 7.13114E+11 -0.203855466

60 Prima Alloy Steel 3.42177E+11 78536907751 4.3568997 1.61201E+11 4.10673E+11 -1.547577054

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 2.96912E+11 -2.02031E+11 -1.469634 2.42228E+11 2.84024E+11 -0.172548067

62 Pyridam farma 26911380313 73026002882 0.3685178 1.32001E+11 1.19581E+11 0.094087256

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 1.22121E+11 1.50818E+11 0.8097256 4.06616E+11 3.38377E+11 0.167822493

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 2.72408E+11 3.24449E+11 0.8396024 5.07955E+11 4.90783E+11 0.033806049

65 Roda Vivatex 1.17423E+11 5.33757E+11 0.2199932 2.36066E+11 2.05572E+11 0.129175036

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 1.86589E+11 19668483000 9.4866863 2.849E+11 2.04012E+11 0.283917463

67 Sekar Laut 82714835051 1.13468E+11 0.7289711 2.76312E+11 3.13125E+11 -0.133230507

68 Selamat sempurna 3.97397E+11 4.97822E+11 0.7982725 1.37465E+12 1.35359E+12 0.015324261

69 Semen Gresik 2.63321E+12 1.01977E+13 0.258217 1.43878E+13 1.22098E+13 0.151377988


70 Sepatu Bata 1.15335E+11 3.01344E+11 0.3827363 5.98466E+11 5.39762E+11 0.098090845

71 SMART 5.26016E+12 4.79588E+12 1.0968075 1.42012E+13 1.61016E+14 -10.33814792

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 5.22093E+11 6.72907E+11 0.7758758 1.47096E+12 1.49321E+12 -0.015127074

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.73546E+12 2.21136E+11 7.8479417 6.673E+11 1.09708E+12 -0.644056482

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 69844457698 4.92104E+11 0.1419302 8.62112E+11 1.64533E+12 -0.908482742

75 Surabaya Agung Industri

Pulp&Kertas 3.22464E+12 -8.10941E+11 -3.976424 4.52652E+11 6.53101E+11 -0.442833616

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 87064514931 -27400104832 -3.177525 4218733134 45704751175 -9.833762109

77 Tempo Scan pacific 8.19647E+11 2.40887E+12 0.3402619 4.49793E+12 3.63379E+12 0.192119852

78 Trias Sentosa 7.76931E+11 1.14473E+12 0.6787036 1.57151E+12 1.81092E+12 -0.152343110

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 1.88164E+12 8.99648E+11 2.091529 2.78357E+12 3.95585E+12 -0.421139896

80 Tunas Ridean 2.5587E+12 1.02463E+12 2.4971922 4.8902E+12 5.52251E+12 -0.129301585

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 5.38164E+11 1.19158E+12 0.451638 1.61393E+12 1.36261E+12 0.155720337

82 Unilever Indonesia 3.77642E+12 3.70282E+12 1.0198757 1.82469E+13 1.55778E+13 0.146274989

83 United Tractors 1.04537E+13 1.38437E+13 0.7551262 2.92419E+13 2.79032E+13 0.045779781

84 Unitex 2.81936E+11 -1.38271E+11 -2.03901 1.4559E+11 1.5411E+11 -0.058516133

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 67466291661 1.2367E+11 0.5455355 2.78875E+11 2.77757E+11 0.004011342


Tahun 2010

No Nama Perusahaan Total Debt Total Equity Leverage St St-1 Sales growth

1 AKR Corporindo 4.80676E+12 2.38641E+12 2.0142236 1.2195E+13 8.95984E+12 0.265285458

2 Alumindo Light Metal Industry 9.98356E+11 5.05798E+11 1.9738236 1.84615E+11 74833197280 0.594652417

3 Apac Citra Centertex 1.69551E+12 62651077066 27.062779 1.72396E+12 1.48792E+12 0.136916990

4 Argo Pantes 1.21633E+12 2.11904E+11 5.7400017 6.64257E+11 7.54957E+11 -0.136543663

5 Asiaplast Industries 1.05491E+11 2.2946E+11 0.4597354 2.83739E+11 2.84539E+11 -0.002817238

6 Astra Graphia 5.15495E+11 4.66983E+11 1.1038837 4.56557E+12 1.33524E+12 0.707541929

7 Astra International 5.4168E+13 4.931E+13 1.0985196 1.29991E+14 9.8526E+13 0.242055219

8 Astra Otoparts 1.48271E+12 3.86083E+12 0.3840382 6.25511E+12 5.2658E+12 0.158160473

9 Barito Pacific Timber 8.14573E+12 5.85905E+12 1.3902813 1.69652E+13 1.43933E+13 0.151598906

10 Bentoel International Investama 1.22129E+12 1.55178E+12 0.7870264 8.90457E+12 7.25533E+12 0.185213140

11 Berlina 3.26944E+11 2.01353E+11 1.6237309 5.68328E+11 5.37142E+11 0.054872927

12 Betonjaya Manunggal 16630315057 73193699660 0.2272097 1.27919E+11 1.33111E+11 -0.040589396

13 Budi Acid jaya 1.16509E+12 7.6271E+11 1.5275609 2.12438E+12 1.78213E+12 0.161105282

14 Colorpak Indonesia 1.4088E+11 1.34499E+11 1.0474399 5.16582E+11 4.47956E+11 0.132845637

15 Darya-Varia Laboratoria 2.13508E+11 6.40602E+11 0.3332926 9.29197E+11 8.69171E+11 0.064599624

16 Davomas Abadi 1.89174E+12 9.65469E+11 1.9593955 1.61084E+12 4.06063E+11 0.747918066

17 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara 48342281124 1.20827E+11 0.4000967 97283942857 93286770819 0.041087685

18 Dynaplast 9.6898E+11 5.0644E+11 1.913315 1.61369E+12 1.49207E+12 0.075369380

19 Ekadharma International 79271063174 1.06522E+11 0.744175 2.54276E+11 2.05218E+11 0.192930998

20 Ever Shine Textile Industry 3.27067E+11 2.56181E+11 1.2767026 6.15069E+11 5.39809E+11 0.122360089

21 Fajar Surya Wisesa 2.68442E+12 1.8106E+12 1.4826173 3.38597E+12 2.7333E+12 0.192757957


22 Fast Food Indonesia 4.34379E+11 8.01664E+11 0.5418468 2.9136E+12 2.45436E+12 0.157620836

23 Gajah Tunggal 6.84497E+12 3.5266E+12 1.9409561 9.8539E+12 7.93643E+12 0.194590083

24 Gudang Garam 9.4214E+12 2.11972E+13 0.4444653 3.7692E+13 3.29731E+13 0.125196789

25 HM Sampoerna 1.03097E+13 1.02145E+13 1.0093208 4.33817E+13 3.89722E+13 0.101643695

26 Holcim Indonesia 3.61125E+12 6.82261E+12 0.5293058 5.96059E+12 5.94388E+12 0.002803079

27 Indal Aluminium Industry 3.09302E+11 79705884198 3.8805357 4.61421E+11 4.7065E+11 -0.019999550

28 Indo Acidatama 1.35752E+11 2.28252E+11 0.5947466 3.4287E+11 3.52543E+11 -0.028212497

29 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) 2.83851E+11 1.07256E+12 0.2646487 1.80536E+12 1.50064E+12 0.168786484

30 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 2.24555E+12 1.30774E+13 0.1717122 1.11378E+13 1.05765E+13 0.050400317

31 Indofood Sukses Makmur 2.24231E+13 1.67847E+13 1.3359283 3.84034E+13 3.73973E+13 0.026196692

32 Indospring 5.43189E+11 2.273E+11 2.3897401 1.02712E+12 7.20229E+11 0.298788334

33 Inter Delta 33471828551 9115314299 3.6720433 81432466745 79053542938 0.029213456

34 Intraco Penta 1.19808E+12 4.12046E+11 2.9076498 1.53268E+12 9.34304E+11 0.390412839

35 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works 6.70205E+11 -3.80218E+11 -1.762689 1.81159E+11 2.05654E+11 -0.135212788

36 Jaya Pari Steel 1.11147E+11 3.00134E+11 0.3703254 4.27793E+11 3.02868E+11 0.292020334

37 Jembo Cable Company 4.63285E+11 98678716000 4.6948825 8.30723E+11 7.62976E+11 0.081551831

38 Kalbe Farma 1.26036E+12 5.37378E+12 0.2345389 1.02268E+13 9.08735E+12 0.111417329

39 Kedawung Setia industrial 3.02184E+11 2.5554E+11 1.1825315 1.12305E+12 9.59834E+11 0.145332595

40 Kimia Farma 5.43257E+11 1.11403E+12 0.4876511 3.18383E+12 2.85406E+12 0.103577039

41 Langgeng Makmur Industri 2.07224E+11 4.01696E+11 0.5158744 4.01594E+11 3.81141E+11 0.050930923

42 Lion Mesh prima 31414708371 46785338474 0.6714648 1.61012E+11 1.24811E+11 0.224834369

43 Lion Metal Works 43971457126 2.59929E+11 0.1691675 2.07833E+11 1.97508E+11 0.049678305

44 Mandom Indonesia 98758035129 9.4848E+11 0.1041224 1.46694E+12 1.38872E+12 0.053317884

45 Merck 71751830000 3.63017E+11 0.1976544 7.95689E+11 7.51403E+11 0.055657145

46 Metrodata Electronics 5.84566E+11 3.58147E+11 1.6321938 3.95397E+12 3.39692E+12 0.140884758


47 Modern Internasional 4.25173E+11 3.68489E+11 1.1538284 7.33001E+11 8.98946E+11 -0.226391012

48 Mulia Industrindo 5.01752E+12 -4.85222E+11 -10.34068 3.38077E+12 3.16469E+12 0.063913160

49 Multi Bintang Indonesia 6.65714E+11 4.71221E+11 1.4127426 1.79016E+12 1.61626E+12 0.097141938

50 Multistrada Arah Sarana 1.40928E+12 1.62914E+12 0.8650462 2.00684E+12 1.69148E+12 0.157145064

51 Mustika Ratu 48828866257 3.37512E+11 0.1446732 3.69366E+11 3.45576E+11 0.064408247

52 Myoh technology 3961204372 -898999591 -4.406236 1947360109 2047250938 -0.051295510

53 Pan Brothers Tex 7.19716E+11 1.67132E+11 4.3062714 1.42809E+12 1.5936E+12 -0.115897583

54 Panasia Filament Inti 4.80991E+11 -1.2862E+11 -3.739629 27204084331 2.47056E+11 -8.081560022

55 Perdana Bangun Pusaka 61274121869 23468973977 2.6108564 77888958822 51950337626 0.333020515

56 Pioneerindo Gourmet

International 67771120951 36419163734 1.8608643 2.41832E+11 2.22824E+11 0.078602869

57 Polychem Indo 2.51679E+12 2.27736E+12 1.1051321 3.62717E+12 3.14296E+12 0.133495771

58 Polysindo Eka Perkasa (Asia

Pacific Fibers) 1.19007E+13 -7.91225E+12 -1.504084 4.45545E+12 3.51151E+12 0.211862513

59 Prasidha Aneka Niaga 2.21094E+11 1.38348E+11 1.598107 9.28527E+11 5.92358E+11 0.362045069

60 Prima Alloy Steel 3.26703E+11 1.35266E+11 2.4152666 2.872E+11 1.61201E+11 0.438714357

61 Primarindo Asia Infrastructure 2.80153E+11 -1.92878E+11 -1.452489 3.21452E+11 2.42228E+11 0.246457180

62 Pyridam farma 23361793395 77225205835 0.3025151 1.40858E+11 1.32001E+11 0.062885122

63 Resource Alam Indonesia 2.20401E+11 3.06844E+11 0.7182819 9.69355E+11 4.06616E+11 0.580529237

64 Ricky Putra Globalindo 2.75342E+11 3.35267E+11 0.8212625 5.80322E+11 5.07955E+11 0.124702738

65 Roda Vivatex 1.37995E+11 7.14452E+11 0.1931481 2.60802E+11 2.36066E+11 0.094847080

66 Schering Plough Indonesia 2.21633E+11 12123043000 18.281963 2.60316E+11 2.849E+11 -0.094440109

67 Sekar Laut 81070404211 1.18301E+11 0.6852866 3.14146E+11 2.76312E+11 0.120433530

68 Selamat sempurna 4.98628E+11 5.19375E+11 0.9600543 1.56179E+12 1.37465E+12 0.119821305

69 Semen Gresik 3.42325E+12 1.20064E+13 0.2851175 1.43442E+13 1.43878E+13 -0.003043818


70 Sepatu Bata 1.52744E+11 3.31509E+11 0.4607525 6.44189E+11 5.98466E+11 0.070977219

71 SMART 6.49885E+12 5.8297E+12 1.1147823 2.02654E+13 1.42012E+13 0.299238481

72 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo 8.99323E+11 6.96842E+11 1.2905691 1.87428E+12 1.47096E+12 0.215188558

73 Sumalindo lestari jaya 1.59971E+12 3.55812E+11 4.4959506 5.92238E+11 6.673E+11 -0.126743183

74 Sumi Indo Kabel 1.08391E+11 4.92429E+11 0.2201155 1.2263E+12 8.62112E+11 0.296981988

75 Surabaya Agung Industri Pulp &

Kertas 3.08289E+12 -8.71193E+11 -3.538705 3.65502E+11 4.52652E+11 -0.238438419

76 Surya Intrindo Makmur 88812236428 -32090003814 -2.767598 0.000000000 4218733134 0.000000000

77 Tempo Scan pacific 9.44863E+11 2.6041E+12 0.362836 5.13424E+12 4.49793E+12 0.123934764

78 Trias Sentosa 7.91576E+11 1.23798E+12 0.6394086 1.74551E+12 1.57151E+12 0.099684279

79 Tunas Baru Lampung 2.40951E+12 1.23418E+12 1.9523177 2.95111E+12 2.78357E+12 0.056772159

80 Tunas Ridean 8.86701E+11 1.21345E+12 0.7307255 6.82568E+12 4.59275E+12 0.327137372

81 Ultra Jaya Milk 7.05472E+11 1.29795E+12 0.543527 1.88041E+12 1.61393E+12 0.141715516

82 Unilever Indonesia 4.65241E+12 4.04542E+12 1.1500438 1.96902E+13 1.82469E+13 0.073303681

83 United Tractors 1.35355E+13 1.61363E+13 0.8388215 3.73239E+13 2.92419E+13 0.216536725

84 Unitex 3.17461E+11 -1.63559E+11 -1.940954 1.64593E+11 1.4559E+11 0.115453610

85 Yanaprima Hastapersada 69360273967 1.31496E+11 0.5274707 3.48359E+11 2.78875E+11 0.199460256


Lampiran 5

Data yang Diolah untuk Model Regresi

No Nama Perusahaan DKI DKI

Busy KPM KPI Lev









1 Alumindo Light Metal Industry .200000 0 .016500 .809300 2.069133 .151685 -.00699 .00699 .00151 .00151

2 Asiaplast Industries .333333 0 .076900 .464400 1.265735 .163357 -.00380 .00380 -.00142 .00142

3 Astra International .500000 1 .000200 .501100 1.168720 .206229 .00979 .00979 .00302 .00302

4 Astra Otoparts .428571 1 .000500 .867200 .527475 .198174 .00986 .00986 .00415 .00415

5 Barito Pacific Timber .400000 1 .002900 .722100 .814639 -.38179 -.00099 .00099 -.00538 .00538

6 Berlina .250000 0 .105100 .514200 1.474087 .184309 -.00355 .00355 -.00171 .00171

7 Betonjaya Manunggal .500000 0 .095800 .000000 .350253 .503011 .00478 .00478 -.00111 .00111

8 Budi Acid jaya .400000 0 .096200 .588000 .578661 .205429 -.00558 .00558 .00167 .00167

9 Gajah Tunggal .428571 0 .000800 .650000 2.543735 .178551 .00891 .00891 .00431 .00431

10 Indal Aluminium Industry .200000 0 .000300 .658500 5.385274 -.08468 .00218 .00218 -.00396 .00396

11 Indo Acidatama .333333 1 .000500 .787600 .793985 -.00486 -.00260 .00260 -.00414 .00414

12 Intraco Penta .333333 0 .021900 .865100 1.698674 .165802 .00274 .00274 -.00138 .00138

13 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works .500000 0 .013300 .592300 -1.746621 .041376 -.00326 .00326 -.00104 .00104

14 Jaya Pari Steel .333333 0 .022000 .676200 .218374 .213947 -.00350 .00350 -.00156 .00156

15 Langgeng Makmur Industri .666667 1 .000200 .775300 .362298 .107151 .00293 .00293 -.00131 .00131

16 Lion Mesh prima .333333 0 .256000 .322000 1.155456 .323226 .00669 .00669 .00321 .00321

17 Metrodata Electronics .333333 1 .017100 .129300 3.088375 .396871 .01693 .01693 .00743 .00743

18 Multistrada Arah Sarana .500000 1 .018700 .561100 .396936 .367684 .00198 .00198 -.00436 .00436

19 Prasidha Aneka Niaga .333333 1 .002590 .923960 2.119891 .133672 -.00188 .00188 -.00420 .00420

20 Prima Alloy Steel .333333 0 .062700 .874300 3.190587 -.13376 -.00594 .00594 .00257 .00257


21 Sumi Indo Kabel .400000 0 .000900 .930600 .339218 -.20365 -.00816 .00816 .00461 .00461

22 Surya Intrindo Makmur .666667 1 .014000 .686000 1.969905 -.04159 -.00312 .00312 -.00122 .00122

23 Tunas Baru Lampung .333333 0 .001000 .573500 1.623834 .352568 -.00349 .00349 -.00229 .00229

24 Yanaprima Hastapersada .333333 0 .003920 .996080 .929854 .276410 -.00143 .00143 -.00242 .00242

25 Alumindo Light Metal Industry .200000 1 .016500 .809900 2.755226 .023110 -.00638 .00638 -.00101 .00101

26 Asiaplast Industries .333333 0 .076900 .540600 1.200171 .358435 -.00389 .00389 -.00104 .00104

27 Astra International .500000 1 .000300 .501100 1.214117 .276941 .01160 .01160 .00480 .00480

28 Astra Otoparts .000000 1 .000700 .939100 .448888 .216092 .01493 .01493 .00618 .00618

29 Barito Pacific Timber .400000 1 .004200 .722000 1.217481 .981616 -.00392 .00392 -.00282 .00282

30 Berlina .250000 0 .105100 .514200 1.272199 .216682 -.00377 .00377 -.00151 .00151

31 Betonjaya Manunggal .500000 0 .095800 .000000 .276449 .331735 .00052 .00052 -.00532 .00532

32 Budi Acid jaya .400000 0 .010000 .505000 1.100940 .129955 -.00452 .00452 -.00089 .00089

33 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara .333333 0 .019000 .668700 .337395 .105924 -.00119 .00119 -.00391 .00391

34 Dynaplast .500000 0 .006900 .747000 1.789168 .175764 -.00354 .00354 -.00002 .00002

35 Gajah Tunggal .428571 0 .000800 .578700 4.282786 .163700 .00325 .00325 -.00158 .00158

36 Indal Aluminium Industry .200000 0 .000300 .658500 7.124846 .199315 .00377 .00377 -.00237 .00237

37 Intraco Penta .333333 0 .054300 .865000 2.460551 .371091 .00346 .00346 -.00025 .00025

38 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works .500000 0 .013300 .592300 -1.717636 .309231 -.00371 .00371 -.00066 .00066

39 Jaya Pari Steel .333333 0 .022000 .676200 .480305 .409300 -.00450 .00450 -.00062 .00062

40 Langgeng Makmur Industri 1.000000 1 .000200 .775300 .425463 .070561 .00440 .00440 .00278 .00278

41 Lion Mesh prima .333333 0 .256000 .322000 .635636 .282151 .00280 .00280 -.00069 .00069

42 Metrodata Electronics .333333 1 .064200 .129300 2.740134 .207239 .01055 .01055 .00173 .00173

43 Multistrada Arah Sarana .600000 1 .018700 .631000 .851674 .326386 .00468 .00468 -.00053 .00053

44 Prasidha Aneka Niaga .333333 1 .002590 .923960 1.621949 .158535 -.00184 .00184 -.00427 .00427

45 Prima Alloy Steel .333333 0 .062700 .811300 3.839262 -.60247 -.00607 .00607 .00258 .00258


46 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo .333333 0 .001900 .851100 .950268 .301872 -.00193 .00193 -.00261 .00261

47 Sumi Indo Kabel .400000 0 .001000 .930600 .254907 .033350 -.00579 .00579 .00216 .00216

48 Surya Intrindo Makmur .666667 1 .014000 .686000 -5.165847 -1.8909 -.00263 .00263 -.00150 .00150

49 Yanaprima Hastapersada .333333 0 .003520 .894690 .523767 .131507 -.00343 .00343 -.00086 .00086

50 AKR Corporindo .333333 0 .005000 .708200 1.626740 -.05762 -.00667 .00667 .00166 .00166

51 Alumindo Light Metal Industry .400000 1 .015900 .809800 2.206498 -.35492 -.00655 .00655 .00081 .00081

52 Argo Pantes .400000 0 .024000 .430700 38.786382 -.44614 -.00546 .00546 .00191 .00191

53 Asiaplast Industries .333333 0 .076900 .563100 .943010 -.05710 -.00178 .00178 -.00294 .00294

54 Astra International .500000 1 .000400 .501100 1.002807 .014839 .00937 .00937 .00265 .00265

55 Astra Otoparts .333333 1 .000400 .956500 .393387 -.00236 .00660 .00660 .00060 .00060

56 Barito Pacific Timber .600000 0 .004300 .722000 1.171100 -.27305 -.00604 .00604 .00323 .00323

57 Berlina .250000 0 .105100 .514200 1.702406 .106505 -.00405 .00405 -.00117 .00117

58 Betonjaya Manunggal .500000 0 .095800 .000000 .079804 -.29509 -.00325 .00325 -.00242 .00242

59 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara .333333 0 .064600 .668700 .255090 -.20787 -.00141 .00141 -.00299 .00299

60 Dynaplast .500000 0 .006900 .743700 1.651093 .073718 -.00311 .00311 -.00043 .00043

61 Gajah Tunggal .428571 0 .000800 .618400 2.323952 -.00341 .00186 .00186 -.00284 .00284

62 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) .285714 0 .254000 .658200 .228998 -.09146 -.00528 .00528 .00299 .00299

63 Indofood Sukses Makmur .300000 0 .000500 .500500 2.450573 -.04465 .01477 .01477 .00854 .00854

64 Intraco Penta .333333 0 .057600 .865000 1.908076 -.02472 .00024 .00024 -.00334 .00334

65 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works .500000 0 .013300 .592300 -1.658009 .075843 -.00412 .00412 -.00018 .00018

66 Jaya Pari Steel .500000 0 .155300 .684200 .302782 -1.4192 -.00693 .00693 .00549 .00549

67 Lion Mesh prima .333333 0 .140900 .322000 .833479 -.30851 .00124 .00124 -.00363 .00363

68 Metrodata Electronics .333333 1 .100700 .129300 2.041381 -.00744 .00780 .00780 -.00049 .00049

69 Mulia Industrindo .333333 0 .000400 .672500 -1.920054 -.05751 .00911 .00911 .00371 .00371

70 Multistrada Arah Sarana .600000 1 .018700 .500000 .737425 .211573 .00209 .00209 -.00368 .00368


71 Prasidha Aneka Niaga .333333 1 .002590 .923960 1.433968 -.20386 -.00367 .00367 -.00234 .00234

72 Prima Alloy Steel .333333 0 .062700 .457600 4.356900 -1.5475 -.00502 .00502 .00023 .00023

73 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo .333333 0 .004300 .871500 .775876 -.01512 -.00674 .00674 .00241 .00241

74 Sumi Indo Kabel .400000 0 .001000 .930600 .141930 -.90848 -.00712 .00712 .00377 .00377

75 Surya Intrindo Makmur .666667 1 .014000 .686000 -3.177525 -9.8337 .00022 .00022 -.00149 .00149

76 Tunas Baru Lampung .333333 0 .001000 .578500 2.091529 -.42114 -.00564 .00564 .00013 .00013

77 Yanaprima Hastapersada .333333 0 .003520 .894690 .545535 .004011 -.00387 .00387 -.00038 .00038

78 AKR Corporindo .333333 0 .006300 .592400 2.014224 .265285 -.00538 .00538 -.00020 .00020

79 Alumindo Light Metal Industry .400000 1 .016000 .838300 1.973824 .594652 -.00360 .00360 -.00230 .00230

80 Argo Pantes .400000 0 .024000 .445600 5.740002 -.13654 -.00499 .00499 -.00019 .00019

81 Asiaplast Industries .333333 0 .066700 .666600 .459735 -.00281 -.00005 .00005 -.00438 .00438

82 Astra International .454545 1 .000400 .501100 1.098520 .242055 .01723 .01723 .01009 .01009

83 Astra Otoparts .300000 1 .000700 .956500 .384038 .158160 .00574 .00574 -.00056 .00056

84 Barito Pacific Timber .600000 0 .004900 .722000 1.390281 .151599 -.00582 .00582 .00290 .00290

85 Berlina .500000 1 .105100 .514200 1.623731 .054873 -.00407 .00407 -.00116 .00116

86 Betonjaya Manunggal .500000 0 .095800 .798700 .227210 -.04058 -.00210 .00210 -.00003 .00003

87 Duta Pertiwi Nusantara .333333 0 .068700 .685000 .400097 .041088 -.00133 .00133 -.00301 .00301

88 Gajah Tunggal .375000 0 .000800 .590100 1.940956 .194590 -.00117 .00117 -.00415 .00415

89 Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia) .428571 0 .254000 .658200 .264649 .168786 -.00545 .00545 .00420 .00420

90 Indofood Sukses Makmur .300000 0 .000600 .500500 1.335928 .026197 .01350 .01350 .00720 .00720

91 Intraco Penta .333333 0 .035300 .822100 2.907650 .390413 .00161 .00161 -.00254 .00254

92 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works .500000 0 .013300 .592300 -1.762689 -.13521 -.00428 .00428 .00003 .00003

93 Lion Mesh prima .333333 0 .140900 .322000 .671465 .224834 .00147 .00147 -.00356 .00356

94 Metrodata Electronics .333333 1 .108300 .123200 1.632194 .140885 .01227 .01227 .00399 .00399

95 Mulia Industrindo .333333 0 .000400 .672500 -10.34068 .063913 .01259 .01259 .00674 .00674


96 Multistrada Arah Sarana .500000 1 .018700 .447000 .865046 .157145 .00227 .00227 -.00450 .00450

97 Prasidha Aneka Niaga .333333 0 .016480 .720920 1.598107 .362045 -.00660 .00660 .00169 .00169

98 Prima Alloy Steel .333333 0 .059100 .457600 2.415267 .438714 -.00316 .00316 -.00235 .00235

99 Sumi Indo Kabel .400000 0 .001000 .930600 .220115 .296982 -.00519 .00519 .00149 .00149

100 Surya Intrindo Makmur .666667 1 .014000 .686000 -2.767598 .000000 .00362 .00362 -.00096 .00096

101 Unitex .250000 0 .000100 .693700 -1.940954 .115454 .00514 .00514 -.00087 .00087

102 Yanaprima Hastapersada .333333 0 .003520 .894690 .527471 .199460 -.00422 .00422 -.00009 .00009


Lampiran 6

Uji Asumsi Klasik

Uji Normalitas : Kolmogorov-Smirnov

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test



N 340

Normal Parametersa,b

Mean .0000000

Std. Deviation .05836033

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .279

Positive .279

Negative -.140

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 5.152

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

Uji Normalitas Setelah Pengeliminasian Data Outlier

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test



N 102

Normal Parametersa,b

Mean .0000000

Std. Deviation .00320973

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .133

Positive .133

Negative -.061

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.347

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .053

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.


Uji Heteroskedastisitas : Glejser



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) .005 .001 4.379 .000

DKI -.003 .002 -.194 -1.800 .075

DKIBusy .001 .000 .206 1.945 .055

KPM -.003 .004 -.088 -.768 .444

KPI -.002 .001 -.192 -1.710 .090

Lev -4.171E-5 .000 -.091 -.902 .369

SalesGrowth 5.402E-5 .000 .029 .286 .776

a. Dependent Variable: Abs_RES_2

Uji Autokorelasi : Durbin-Watson

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .431a .186 .134 .00330953 2.162

a. Predictors: (Constant), SalesGrowth, KPM, Lev, DKIBusy, DKI, KPI

b. Dependent Variable: Abs_DISC


Uji Multikolonieritas







t Sig.



B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) .011 .002 6.004 .000

DKI -.008 .003 -.286 -2.804 .006 .825 1.212

DKIBusy .002 .001 .260 2.601 .011 .859 1.164

KPM -.014 .007 -.223 -2.075 .041 .739 1.353

KPI -.005 .002 -.285 -2.685 .009 .764 1.310

Lev -4.864E-5 .000 -.058 -.613 .542 .951 1.051

SalesGrowth .000 .000 .087 .906 .367 .931 1.074

a. Dependent Variable: Abs_DISC

Lampiran 7

Pengujian Hipotesis 1 – 4

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 .431a .186 .134 .00330953

a. Predictors: (Constant), SalesGrowth, KPM, Lev, DKIBusy, DKI, KPI

b. Dependent Variable: Abs_DISC


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression .000 6 .000 3.607 .003a

Residual .001 95 .000

Total .001 101

a. Predictors: (Constant), SalesGrowth, KPM, Lev, DKIBusy, DKI, KPI

b. Dependent Variable: Abs_DISC




Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) .011 .002 6.004 .000

DKI -.008 .003 -.286 -2.804 .006

DKIBusy .002 .001 .260 2.601 .011

KPM -.014 .007 -.223 -2.075 .041

KPI -.005 .002 -.285 -2.685 .009

Lev -4.864E-5 .000 -.058 -.613 .542

SalesGrowth .000 .000 .087 .906 .367

a. Dependent Variable: Abs_DISC

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