business model generation: design

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Business Model Generation : Design

Presented by :Elly Apryani (0751601003)Erwan Cipto (0741501004)

Vickih Triyana Putri (0751601014)

1. Sebutkan teknik-teknik design bisnis model?2. Dalam empathy map, hal-hal apa saja yang

perlu dianalisa untuk mengetahui customer insight?

3. Apa saja ideation process?4. Sebutkan epicenters of business model

inovation?5. Sebutkan teknik story telling?


Customer InsightEmphaty Map

Customer Insight

Source :

Customer Insight

Source :

• Pemetaan model bisnis yang ada adalah merancang model bisnis baru dan inovatif. Yang dibutuhkan adalah proses kreatif untuk menghasilkan banyak ide model bisnis.

• Anda dapat menghasilkan ide-ide untuk model bisnis yang inovatif dari beberapa titik awal yang berbeda. Dilihat dari episenter dari inovasi model bisnis menggunakan Model Bisnis Canvas,dan pertanyaan "bagaimana jika".


Pembentukan ide merupakan proses kreatif untuk membangun sejumlah ide model bisnis dan memilih salah satu diantaranya yang terbaik.

Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah:

1. Mengabaikan status quo2. Hanya memperhatikan

isu-isu operasional

Pembentukan ide

Pusat Inovasi Model Bisnis

Resource-Driven Offer-Driven



Multiple-Epicenter Driven

The Ideation Process1. Team Composition2. Immersion3. Expanding4. Criteria Selection5. Prototyping

Tugas menghasilkan ide-ide baru tidak harus secara eksklusif, biasa disebut “ kreatif“. Ideation adalah latihan tim. Bahkan, pada dasarnya model bisnis inovasi memerlukan partisipasi dari orang-orang dari seluruh organisasi. Model bisnis inovasi adalah mencari untuk menciptakan nilai dengan mengeksplorasi blok bangunan model bisnis baru dan membangun hubungan inovatif antara blok. Hal ini dapat melibatkan semua blok dari kanvas, apakah Saluran Distribusi, atau sumber daya kunci. Sehingga membutuhkan masukan dan ide-ide dari orang-orang yang mewakili beberapa daerah.

Assemble a Diverse Team

Proses pembentukan ide sbb:

1. Komposisi Tim2. Keterlibatan Penuh3. Memperluas4. Seleksi Kriteria5. Prototyping

Brainstorming & Proses Pembentukan Ide

Aturan-Aturan Brainstorming:

1. Tetap Terfokus2. Jalankan

peraturan3. Berpikir secara

visual4. bersiap

The Value of Visual Thinking

using visual tools to construct and discuss meaning. to turns its tacit assumptions into explicit information. a different discussion that give options easily by

adding, removing, or moving pictures around. to enhances strategic inquiries by making the abstract

concrete, by illuminating relationships between elements, and by simplifying the complex.

four processes improved by visual thinking: understanding, dialogue, exploration, and communication.

Visualizing with Post-it Notes

Post-itTM notes function like idea containers that can be added, removed, and easily shifted between business model building blocks.

Three simple guidelines: (1) use thick marking pens, (2) write only one element per Post-itTM note, and (3) write only a few words per note to capture the essential point

Discussion around which notes to place on or remove from the Canvas and debate over how one element influences others give participants a deep understanding of the business model and its dynamics.

Visualizing with Drawings people react more strongly to images than to

words. People interpret simple stick figures far more easily than abstract concepts expressed in text.

Sketches & drawing is◦ explaining and communicating your business model

based on simple drawings◦ sketching out a typical client, their needs and

environment to illustrate one of your Customer Segments.

Process 1. Understand the Essence1.Visual Grammar: It tells you which pieces of

information to insert in the model, and where.

2.Capturing the Big Picture: The Business Model Canvas visually simplifies the reality of an enterprise with all its processes, structures, and systems.

3.Seeing Relationships: requires not only knowing the compositional elements, but also grasping the interdependencies between elements.

Process 2. Enhance Dialogue1.Collective Reference Point: tacit assumptions turns into

explicit information is a way to improve dialogue.

2.Shared Language: it is not only a reference point but also a vocabulary & grammar that helps people better understand each other.

3.Joint Understanding: When experts jointly draw a business model, everybody involved gains an understanding of the individual components and develops a shared understanding of the relationships between these components.

Process 3. Explore Ideas1.Idea Trigger: Ideas placed in the Canvas trigger new

ones. The Canvas becomes a tool for facilitating the idea dialogue—for individuals sketching out their ideas and for groups developing ideas together.

2.Play: With the elements of a model visible on a wall in the form of individual Post-itTM notes, you can start discussing what happens when you remove certain elements or insert new ones.

Process 4. Improve Communication1.Create Company-Wide Understanding: employees need a

shared understanding of the model so they can move in the same strategic direction.

2.Selling Internally: ideas and plans often must be “sold” internally at various levels to garner support or obtain funding. Good imagery readily communicates your organization’s current status, what needs doing, how it can be done, and what the future might look like.

3. Selling Externally: entrepreneurs with plans based on new business models must sell them to other parties, such as investors or potential collaborators.

Telling a Visual Story A powerful way to explain a

business model is to tell a story one image at a time.

It’s better to introduce the model piece by piece. You could do this by drawing one piece after another, or by using PowerPoint.

An appealing alternative is to pre-draw all the elements of a business model on Post-itTM notes, then put them up one after another as you explain the model.

Prototyping’s Value

Abstract Concept

Tangible Concept

Exploring new idea

Prototipe adalah alat yang membantu mengexplore konsep yang berbeda dari bisnis model yang akan dijalankan.

Prototipe berperan dalam pra-pelaksanaan yakni visualisasi dan pengujian. Selain itu juga sebagai alat penyelidikan untuk mengexplore kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru.

Prototipe membantu mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih baik.

Prototipe jarang menjelaskan semua elemen dari model bisnis yang nyata. Namun berfokus hanya pada aspek-aspek tertentu dari model sehingga bisa menunjukkan arah baru untuk eksplorasi.

Design Attitude

Prototyping business model adalah mindset yang disebut “Design Attitude." 

Prototype adalah komitmen untuk menemukan bisnis baru dan model yang lebih baik dengan membuat banyak sketsa prototipe (baik yang masih kasarsampai dengan yang detail akan mewakili banyak pilihan strategis)

Prototype bukan hanya tentang menguraikan ide-ide yang direncananakan untuk diterapkan, namun tentang eksplorasi hal-hal baru yang mungkin tidak masuk akal, bahkan “imposibble idea” yang ditambah atau dikurangi dari masing-masing elemen prototipe. 

Prototypes at Different Scales

“Tujuan bercerita adalah untuk memperkenalkan model bisnis baru dengan

cara yang menarik dan nyata”


Mengapa Bercerita: 1. Memperkenalkan Yang Baru

2. Melempar Ke Investor

3. Melibatkan Karyawan

StoryTelling A

Storytelling B

Teknik-Teknik Storytelling

Scenarios can be useful in guiding the design of new business

models or innovating around existing models. Like visual thinking, prototyping and storytelling, scenarios render the abstract tangible.

For our purposes, their primary function is to inform the business model development process by making the design context specific and detailed.

Scenario-GuidedBusiness Model Design

The scenario is another thinking tool that helps us reflect on business models of the future.

Scenario-GuidedBusiness Model Design

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