a guide on what to do with old bike helmets

Post on 05-Oct-2021






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The invention of plastic brought many valuable tools like duct tape to make our life easier. Helmets are one such invention that is still used by bike riders today. Helmets are a helpful tool that can save you in time of an accident.



A Guide on What to do with Old Bike Helmetsfindhelmets.com/a-guide-on-what-to-do-with-old-bike-helmets

The invention of plastic brought many valuable tools like duct tape to make our life easier.

Helmets are one such invention that is still used by bike riders today. Helmets are a

helpful tool that can save you in time of an accident. You can put it on your head, and it

will protect you in time of need. But, what to do with old bike helmets? Tossing it in the

bin isn’t going to cut it. But, since most people are into recycling, it could be a good

option. Also, there are safety regulations that tell us when your helmet needs changing.

As most of us who use helmets know what stuff they encase. Because most helmets have

plastic outer shells, they deteriorate faster than usual. It is the reason safety officials

recommend using helmets designed for safety. So, it is best not to use cheap, mixed-

material helmets that could be harmful to you in bike accidents.

Ways to recycle old helmets

Recycling has improved on many levels over the years. After some time, you started

receiving money for recycling. The same is the case with old helmets. But, old plastic

helmets or a helmet with cheap mixed materials doesn’t have a good value in recycling.

For the rest, it’s all another story.

Thus, in case you’re wondering, here are some ideas that you might try.

1. You can donate helmets to Emergency Services.


2. You can exchange a helmet for a new one.

3. Particular use in DIY projects.

4. To open it and observe how Motorcycle Helmets protect the rider or what’s under

the helmet.

5. Donate a helmet to a new rider (if it is in good shape).

6. One can recycle your helmet.

7. You can collect a helmet as a showpiece for your old memories (memorabilia).

8. You can reuse the helmet as a hanging basket (in-home or garden).

9. There is another way to learn new moves. In this method, there is no risk of

damaging your expensive helmet or your head.

To use the helmet for targeting practice

Let’s go through each of them. Try to read it all to find your best practical use.

Donating helmet to Emergency Services

Emergency services these days need donations to keep their good work going. It is why

they get equipment and other stuff, including money as donations. Helmets could be one

of these things. Most of the emergency services donate to other people in need. You can

also use old helmets to make new helmets or fix old ones that emergency services use.

Exchanging helmets with a new one

You can sell your old helmets and get new helmets. But you have to pay some extra money

since nothing is free globally. But it is usually at a low cost.

Particular use in DIY projects

Helmets are the best tool for young artists’ creativity at home. Plain-finished helmets

allow children to create unique artwork around the helmet. It helps to develop the child’s

creative side. It also serves as an excellent exercise for children. For toddlers, you can use

a classic brush and water-based acrylic paints to protect them from harm. If you’re

feeling a little more daring, you may try spray painting some cool patterns on your old


See how Motorcycle Helmets protect the rider by opening it up

A used helmet can be helpful for someone who wants to know the answers to these

questions firsthand. Layer by layer, you can open up the helmet. It will give you an

understanding of the materials and design that have kept you safe in past rides. You can

also subject your helmet to a series of safety tests. It will provide you with a sign of the

quality of the helmet you had.

Donating a helmet to a new rider (if it’s in good shape)


Most bikers give their helmets to their younger siblings or someone who needs a helmet.

In this case, you are training a younger one to drive and wear a helmet, which is a good

safety practice. But, this donation or giving away is only possible if the helmet is either

new or in good shape. Moreover, donating it to other people of donation services

increases their chances of survival in case of any accidents.

Recycling your helmet

Helmets consist of plastic, fiberglass, and other materials. We can recycle some of the

material. Ask if your local dealer or recycling center accepts used helmets. If they do, be

sure the type of plastic used in your helmet is recyclable. If possible, remove the inside

lining and cut the straps, as it is impossible to recycle them. Make sure the type of plastic

used in your helmet is recyclable.

Collecting helmets as a showpiece for your old memories (memorabilia)

Helmets are one of the most precious riding equipment that many riders have. They are a

result of the fantastic experiences that the rider has had. As a result, many bikers display

their helmets in their living rooms for all to see. Helmets, due to their design, are pretty

easy to hang up and exhibit on a wall. All you need to do is find a sturdy enough hook to

hold your helmet, and you’re ready to go. Some riders have an entire wall dedicated to

helmets that they have worn. Each helmet has its own story, making it a terrific way to

remember the happy moments you had on your motorcycle.

Reusing a helmet as a hanging basket (in-home or garden)

Because of the design of helmets, you can reuse them for household activities such as

potting plants and making baskets. Helmets make big pots for small plants because of

their strong structure. The waterproof outer linen makes it excellent for an indoor garden.

On the other hand, you can reuse it as a daily-use basket. To build an elegant strap, drill

small holes in the side and string threads or chains through them.

Alternative use

Racers or stunt performers use some old helmets because they don’t want to damage their

fancy helmets. These are common when learning new moves on roller skating or

motocross practice.

Using a helmet for targeting practice

Since the rules about guns have changed, helmets for target practice are becoming

common. Why? Well, you can’t go on practicing targets with new helmets, can you (unless

you’re filthy rich). Some people even use them in making scarecrows and Halloween



Some extra things you should know

Also to the above, you should know a few things:

Selling old helmets

As you know, selling your old helmet, not much of a challenge. If it is in excellent shape,

its reusing is possible. But it would be best if you washed it before selling it. For reselling,

there should be two conditions;

Everything on the helmet should be intact, like straps and inner linings. So some

minor scratches that don’t reduce the integrity of the helmet are nothing much. This

way, you can help a younger bike rider or someone without a helmet, giving them a

chance of survival.

The helmet is not in a flawed or damaged condition. But, it includes cracking and

scratching of helmets that can later damage helmets. This damaged helmet may save

your life in an accident, so it is better to have a good quality helmet.

Do helmets expire?

Usually, most perishable goods have an expiry value. When it comes to expiration,

helmets don’t have one. But safety officers recommend changing helmets after 5 to 6

years. Moreover, if you use a cheap helmet, it is better to upgrade and buy a good one. You

may need to replace padding if the helmet gets loose.



Old helmets can be beneficial since you can use them in a variety of ways. Helmets are

lifesavers that save your life in an accident. It covers your head, giving it a hard external

shell. It protects you from head-related injuries. Since helmets get old and worn off, what

to do with old bike helmets is something on everyone’s mind. You can use old helmets

for many DIY projects, repurposing them as home or garden improvements. Then there is

a possibility of recycling old helmets. You can also give them to your young siblings who

are new to riding bikes.

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