20120608 solo ie

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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1. Oleh : DR. Makarim Wibisono Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta 8 Juni 2012 2. Perdagangan internasional : membutuhkan mengambil ekonomi mikro terdahulu. Aspek mikro meliputi jual beli secara internasional. Dalam ekonomi mikro mencakup faktor pasar hasil produksi dan pasar faktor produksi. Keuangan Internasional dan Investasi: membutuhkan ekonomi makro karena menyangkut masalah uang, bank dan lalu lintas modal. Praktek Pelajaran Eko. Internasional: 3. Bedanya dengan ekonomi nasional: Immobilitas faktor produksi: tenaga kerja, alat atau mesin serta modal. Lingkungan eksternal berbeda: sistim sospol, sistim ekonomi, sistim perbankan, kebudayaan termasuk bahasa. Factor endowment berbeda sehingga harga barang juga berbeda. 4. Perdagangan Internasional The Mercantilists : nation building Adam Smith: free trade David Ricardo: comparative advantage Faktor Proporsi (Hecksher & Ohlin) Faktor price equalization (P. Samuelson) Partial Theory 5. A Group of early economists called the mercantilists, who were active in the period 1500-1800. They believed that a country should always export more than it imports, thereby gaining gaining what they called treasure-silver and gold- from other countries. An influx of treasure was supposed to stimulate economic activity and provide the revenue necessary to build a stronger nation. The Mercantilists: Nation Building 6. The Mercantilists preference 7. Is defined as the difference between the value of exports and the value of imports in a specified period ( a month, quarter, or year ). By convention the BOT is said to be favorable when exports exceed imports in value. 8. 9. He argued that the wealth of a nation would expand most rapidly if the government would abandon mercantilistic controls over domestic and foreign economic activities and permit consumers and producers greater freedom to follow their own self- interests. Each nation would imports goods from the cheapest overseas source, and would in turn exports those products in which it had a price advantage. Adam Smith (1723-1790) : Free Trade 10. Considerable efficiency gains arise as each nation specializes in those goods it can produce most cheaply within a system of international division of labor. Liberal perspective 11. The principle that that government should minimize its role in the economy, confining itself to the maintenance of law and order, defense, and a few public services. Laissez-faire 12. Absolute Advantage Tenaga kerja yg diperlukan per unit: AS UK Gandum 8 10 Pakaian 4 2 13. David Ricardo (1772-1823) in his Principles of Political Economy (1817). Even the least efficient, highest- cost nation in the world could benefit from trade. David Ricardo: Comparative Advantage 14. Comparative Cost Hari kerja yg dipakai untuk memproduksi: Anggur (1 botol) Pakaian (1 yard) Portugis 3 hari 4 hari UK 6 hari 5 hari Portugis utk anggur 3/6 < 4/5 or 3/4 < 6/5 Inggris utk pakaian 5/4 < 6/3 or 5/6

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