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persiapan un 2013



Listening section In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part. Part I Questions: 1 to 4 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogues will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answer and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will Hear : Man : We are almost out of cereal Woman : I know. I will go to the grocery store

to buy some more. I will also get some milk, bread and fruit.

Man : Would you get some instant noodles?

Woman : Sure. Narrator : What does the man want the woman

to buy?

A. Fruit. B. Milk. C. Bread. D. Noodles. E. Cereal.

The best answer to the question is “Noodles.” Therefore, you should choose answer (D). Sample answer

A B C D 1. A. Invitation.

B. Wishing C. Permission. D. Hoping. E. Satisfaction.

2. A. Agreement

B. Disagreement

PETUNJUK UMUM Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN) yang tersedia dengan

menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJUN. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya, pastikan setiap lembar soal memiliki nomor

paket yang sama dengan nomor paket yang tertera pada cover. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak

lengkap. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret. Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum Anda mengerjakannya.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : - Waktu : 120 Menit



C. Satisfaction D. Disatisfaction E. Suggestion

3. A. He is surprise with news.

B. He is getting sad. C. He feels better. D. He gets angry. E. He makes his friend shock.

4. A. Buying textbook with mother.

B. Borrowing textbook in the library. C. Asking for money to buy the textbook. D. Asking help to find the textbook. E. Giving a help for the boy.

Part II Questions 5 to 7 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question. Man : Where are we going to stay? Woman : At the Sun Hotel, near the beach. Man : Why there? Woman : …. What will the woman most likely reply?

A. Stay there. B. It provides excellent service. C. There’s a hotel there. D. It’s on the beach.

The best answer to the question is choice B “It provides excellent service.” Therefore, you should choose answer B. 5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Part III Questions : 8 to 11. Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which

one would be the most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard. 8.







9. A. B.

Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bucephala-albeola-010.jpg

C. D. E. 10.

A. Taken from: http://yogyakarta.panduanwisata.com

B. Taken from: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candi_Prambanan

C. Taken from: http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/muara_takus/09210008.htm


D. Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Castel_statue_menhir.jpg

E. Taken from: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarkofagus







PART IV QUESTIONS 12 TO 15 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one


would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 12.

A. The circus B. The people C. The audience D. The acrobats E. The clown


A. Wait for the surprise. B. See the acrobats cross the wire. C. Give a big applause. D. Cheer the acrobats. E. Laugh at the clown.


A. Crossed the Washington Avenue. B. Drove down Washington Avenue. C. Got an accident D. Got a surprise. E. Got panic.


A. Washington Avenue B. Peddington Avenue C. Rich Avenue D. Boulevard. E. Ringroad.

This is the end of listening section.

This text is for question 16 Dear Mrs. Anna, I need your help. Please deliver some tart cakes for my husband birthday party. I’m waiting the cake before 11 a.m. tomorrow morning. Mrs. Jefri

16. The following statement is NOT TRUE based on the

message… A. Mrs Jefri buys her husband some tart cakes. B. Mrs. Anna is a chef. C. The tart cakes will be arrived at home before

11 a.m. D. Mrs. Jefri is a midwife. E. Mrs. Anna will deliver the cake to Mrs. Jefri‘s


This text is for question 17 The team really misses you. Get well soon, we can't wait to see your smiling face back with us again. Taken from: http://www.whattowriteinacard.com/Get%20Well.htm (31 Mei 2012)

17. What is the text about?

A. To give their friend spirit to recover. B. To express their condolences. C. To make their friend be happy. D. To give support to their friend. E. To express their sadness without their friends.

This text is for question 18. “Lifestyle business opportunity for a fitness industry owner/operator in Bali” This Fitness Centre offers a licensed Les Mills facility, Imported Startrac equipment – USA Club facilities include – Personal Training Floor, Cardio fitness floor with Audio Visual Theater system, group fitness floor, change rooms, parking facilities. Strong membership base. Price includes PMA company (5 resident work Kitas), website, database, current clientele, all equipment. $250,000 USD For further enquiries Contact on 08132456789, or weni@fitfast.com.au Taken from: The Jakarta post Saturday may 26, 2012

18. What does the advertisement offer? A. A new facilitiy for the new member. B. A card membership base. C. A licensed Les mills facility. D. Big discount at weekend. E. Contact person 08132456789

This text is for questions 19, 20, 21 and 22.


The Legend of Lime Stone Hill Once upon a time

in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, there was a kingdom named Medang Kingdom. The king was King Dewata Cengkar. He liked to eat. The chef in the palace always worked hard. The king was never satisfied with the food.

One day, the chef accidentally cut his finger and the blood dropped into the food. The chef was really scared and he told his friends not to tell the king about it. His friends agreed.

After the food was served, the king immediately ate. He really enjoyed the food. He said it was the most delicious food he ever had. Then he had a party and invited many people. He wanted his guests to eat his delicious food. However, the food was not as delicious as the king had earlier. The king was angry, he sent the chef to the jail.

Later, the chef’s friends told the king about the chef’s blood in the food. Probably the blood made the food delicious. The king then asked his soldiers to bring him a villager and dropped his blood to the food. It was true! The food was very delicious. Since then the king always asked his soldiers to go around the villages and bring him someone’s blood.

People were scared. They did not want their blood to be taken. They prayed to Gods days and nights. Gods listened to their prayer. They sent Aji Saka. He was a man with great supernatural power.

When he was meditating, he heard a whisper. He was asked to go to Medang Kingdom to help the people. When he arrived at the kingdom, he told the soldiers that he wanted to give his blood. The soldiers later told the king that there was a man who willing to gave his blood.

The king was very happy. He had not eaten delicious food for a long time. That was because his soldiers could not find a villager who was wiling to give his blood.

“I will give you my blood, but with one condition. You have to take off my robe,” said Aji Saka. “Ha ha ha! That is easy,” said the king.

However when he tried to take off the robe, the king never succeeded. The robe seemed to be very long. The king was very tired. When the king stopped to rest, Aji Saka pushed him. The king fell down. And amazingly the king slowly changed into a white crocodile.

Aji Saka prepared his arrow. He pointed the arrow to the white crocodile. Right after the arrow hit the crocodile’s body, it died instantly.

And on the spot where the crocodile lied down, grew a lime stone hill. The hill was infertile. It

was very difficult for the villagers to plant a tree there. The villagers then made good use of the hill to decorate their houses.*** Taken from: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com/search/label/ Yogyakarta<28 May 2012>

19. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. The king ate the sour food. B. The king ate very delicious food. C. The king gave the food his blood. D. Aji Saka killed the king. E. The place where the crocodile lied down

became a hill.

20. Why was the food delicious? A. The king bought the food from outside. B. The villager gave the food to the king. C. The chef’s blood was in the food. D. The chef gave the right recipe. E. The chef’s king was in food.

21. How did Aji Saka kill the king?

A. He shot with gun. B. He killed himself. C. He was drown in the river. D. He shot the king with his arrow. E. He killed with the special sword.

22. What is the function of the lime hill?

A. To decorate the villagers’ houses. B. To make house for the villager. C. To make a castle for the king. D. To build a nice villa. E. To plant trees


This text is for questions 23 and 24. Two Indonesians Win Science Awards in France The Jakarta Post | Sat, 10/22/2011 10:26 AM

JAKARTA: Two Indonesian PhD students at French universities have won this year’s Mahar Schutzenberger Awards from the AFIDES Foundation.

The award is granted to research that makes major contributions to science and technology.

The students are Kadarusman, currently studying at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, and Hananto Prakoso, studying at Paris Est-Creteil University in Paris.

“Their research is of a high quality and is innovative, offering clear solutions to Indonesia’s current biodiversity, transportation and economic problems,” AFIDES president Helen Schutzenberger said on Thursday as quoted by kompas.com.

Kadarusman’s research is focused on the rainbow fish species that inhabits Papua’s bird head area, while Hananto presented his analysis of the relationship between the labor market and the need to build better infrastructure. Taken from: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/10/22/two-indonesians-win-science-awards-france.html<30mei2012>

23. What is the news about? A. Kadarusman’s research. B. Hananto analysis C. Two students are studying in France. D. Indonesian won Science Award from Paris. E. Two students from Indonesia won Science


24. “…between the labor market and the need to build better infrastructure.” The underlined word has the closet meaning with …. A. Employee B. Worker C. Employer D. Staff E. Servant

This text is for questions 25, 26 and 27.

Bomb in Bali

The bomb, in the resort of Kuta, destroyed the Sari Club and a crowded nightspot. Many people have fallen victims to this blast. Many of them were foreign tourists, especially from Australia. They were burner beyond recognition. Some tourist who were at the scene of the blast said there were two explosions around the nightclub. One bomb had

exploded outside Paddy’s Bar before a Bar bomb hit the Sari Club which was located some meters away.

Hundred were injured in the explosion and about 220 Australians remain unaccounted for. The U.K. Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, said that 33 Britons were among those killed in the Bali attack. The Australian Primer Minister, John Howard, called its borders, saying it had been a problem for a long time.

Lists of missing people have been posted in Bali and official said that it could take days to identity all the victims, some of whom were trapped in the Sari Club by a wall of flames. A notice board at the hospital in Bali includes a section called “Unknown Identity” and detailed list on victims such as : “Young girl in intensive care, 11-14 years old, face burned, income, Causation,” or “Girl in intensive care, about 5 years old, 130 cm, fair skin, Caucasian with reddish brown hair. She has a purplish belly button ring.”

Many embassies, including the British and the American, are advising their people to cancel spending their planned holidays in Indonesia, and all U.S. citizens in the country have been told to leave including diplomats and non-essential government staff. Taken from: http://bos-sulap.blogspot.com/2010/10/contoh-recount-text-bomb-in-bali.html,30mei2012>

25. What is the topic of the text?

A. Bomb blasted in Bali. B. Bali was full of terrorists. C. Many victims were in Bali. D. All the victims were foreigners. E. Many holidays were canceled because of the


26. Why did many embassies warn their people to cancel their visit to Indonesia? Because …. A. Bali is not safe anymore. B. Many bombs in Indonesia. C. Indonesia has many explosives in many places. D. Indonesia is a danger place to visit. E. The tourists are many.

27. “… and non-essential government staff.” (Last

paragraph). The word “essential” is similar to … A. Precise B. Price C. Prize D. Present E. Necessary


This text is for questions 28 and 29. ANNOUNCEMENT This announcement is aimed to all students of LKP Oxford. The examination for Basic Course will be held on: Day : Sunday Date: 8 April 2012 Time: 08.00 - 11.00 a.m. Place: Oxford Hall Please, come on time! The Director, NoviHaryati Taken from: http://www.sekolahoke.com/2012/04/contoh-pengumuman-ujian-dalam-bahasa.html(31st May 2012)

28. What is the announcement about?

A. The test. B. The basic course test. C. The test for newcomer. D. The director of the test. E. The advanced examination.

29. What will the students do on the day?

A. Study hard B. Be on time C. Come and sit D. Do the test unwell E. Ask to the director

This text is for questions 30, 31 and 32.

The White Pellican The white pelican is one of the most

successful fish eating birds. The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozens birds, will gather in a curved are some distance offshore, beating the water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them.

When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks up as each bird dip its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds. Fossil of this genus have been founded dating back 40 millions years. Taken from: http://najmimaulana.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/the-white-pelican.pdf(31 mei2012)

30. How do they hunt for the fish? They do it …..

A. Individually B. One by one C. In a group D. With other mammals E. By flying around the lake

31. Why is white pelican called as the most successful

fish eating bird? I think it’s because…..

A. It’s two dozen birds gather together B. Its command hunting behaviour C. Its curved are D. It’s beating the water furiously E. It’s killing many fish

32. “…beating the water furiously …”. The underlined

word is similar to ... A. Clearly B. Quietly C. Largely D. Angrily E. Calmly

This text is for questions 33, 34 and 35.

My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar--the first instrument I taught myself how to play.

It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and finger-printed. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell off years ago.

No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for that I will always treasure it. Taken from: http://www.englishindo.com/2012/01/descriptive-text-penjelasan-contoh.html#provo<28 May 2012>

33. What is the text about? A. The white pear. B. The wrong shipping. C. The favourite guitar. D. The beautiful girl. E. The nice girlfriend.


34. What is the writer’s hobby? A. Writing a song. B. Singing a song C. Playing his guitar. D. Making a new hobby. E. Learning a new music style.

35. “… I will treasure it.” Treasure has closest meaning

with …. A. Pay attention B. Appreciate C. Give away D. Put on E. stay

This text is for questions 36, 37 and 38.

How Earthquakes Happen

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake. Mainly taken from: www.geo.mtu.edu/UPSeis/why.html

36. How does the earthquake happen?

A. When a lot of energy crosses under the water. B. Rock underground suddenly breaks along the

fault. C. Rocks are pushing and pulling one another. D. There are many focuses on the break. E. The earth shakes suddenly.

37. What is the purpose of the writer writing the text?

A. Tell how and why the earthquake occurs. B. Tell the reader how the earthquake happens. C. Explain why the earthquake happened in

Sumatra. D. Give arguments why the earthquake occurs.

E. Tell the step of how earthquake happens. 38. “…the earthquake occurs.“ Occurs is similar to ….

A. Take away B. Put out C. Put off D. Put in E. Take place

This text is for questions 39, 40 and 41.

The Benefit of Reading

Most people believe that reading is a very important. There are many benefits of reading. What are they?

First, reading can gives us knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.

Second, reading makes us know a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world?

Reading also give us pleasure. When we are tired, we read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc, to make us relaxed.

It is obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. However, Not all of us love reading. Here are the steps how we should do to love reading? 1. Identify what kind of reading material we want to enjoy. People enjoy different kinds of reading. 2. Try a variety of books and series of the reading materils. 3. Go to your local library. We can try out as many books as we would like for free. 3. Create a good reading environment. Find a place that is quiet, well-lit, and comfortable. Even some people love reading while listening to music. Taken from: http://www.englishdirection.com/2012/05/contoh-example-of-hortatory-text.html<28 May 2012>

39. What is the topic of the text? A. The advantage of reading. B. Reading habit C. Library D. Having a lot of knowledge E. Giving a knowledge

40. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Reading is a good behavior. B. Reading is an investment in the future. C. Reading gives us more knowledge. D. Reading makes us smarter. E. Everyone likes reading.


41. Why do people need to read? A. To get knowledge B. To earn a lot of money. C. To learn faster than before. D. To have a lot of information E. To get knowledge, information, and

entertainment. This text is for questions 42, 43 and 44.

The advantage and disadvantage of Internet Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other

devices connected to Internet have been the most outstanding innovation in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The target of internet has always been the communication. By the advent of computer's Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other parts of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship.

However, Internet also has disadvantageous sides. One of them is the wide spread of unsuitable content for kids. It is a very serious issue and related to children's healthy mental life. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the Internet which can be easily found.

Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages. Taken from: www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-disadvantages-internet.html (1 June 2012)

42. The following statement is the advantage of the

using of the internet, EXCEPT …. A. Chatting with others in different places. B. Communicating is easily. C. There are plenty messenger services from the

internet. D. Children can download all adult matters. E. Distance is not a matter anymore for


43. What is not the disadvantage of the using of the internet? A. There are a lot of junk information. B. There are the wide spread of unsuitable

content for kids. C. Children can see all adult information.

D. The internet harms children mentality. E. The internet makes us communicate easily.

44. “Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other devices connected to ….” (paragraph 1). The underlined word is closest meaning with …. A. Tools B. Hardware C. Software D. Web E. Spaces

This text is for questions 45 and 46.

“Mission: Impossible 2” When I saw the original Brian de Palma

“Mission: Impossible” in 1996, I found the plot confusing but the action sequences thrilling – and I especially enjoyed the Prague locations (because I know the city so well). In the case of “M:i 2”, there is very little plot, but – thanks to director John Woo (“Broken Arrow” and “Face/Off”) - the action scenes are even more explosive and even more visceral with some superb stunts and a pounding soundtrack. I could have done without the repeated use of a particular prosthetics trick, but the thrilling final bike chase sequence is vintage Woo and worth the admission price alone.

This time round, we have a very different Tom Cruise as Impossible Missions Force agent Ethan Hunt: he looks different, with his long hair flaying all over the place; he fights differently, displaying flying drop kicks at every opportunity; and he feels differently, almost immediately falling in love. Cruise can act, as we know from “Magnolia”, but here his thespian talents are not really needed. However, the guy did do virtually all his own stunts and he was co-producer, so I suppose he deserves his rumoured 30% share of the profits.

I would like to have seen half British half Zimbabwean Thandie Newton (“Beloved”), as both the agent and the villain’s love interest, given a more physically resourceful role and the great Anthony Hopkins is sadly underused – although he does have the best lines – as the head of the IMF. At least the Scottish Dougray Scott is suitably chilling as the renegade with an original use for his cigar cutter.

The critics have been pretty cynical about this movie – “More Tom foolery with Mr Cruise” and “Cruising on empty” were just two of the British headlines – but, when I saw the film on its opening weekend at the largest cinema in London (the Empire Leicester Square), every performance that evening was sold out and, at the end of my showing, the audience actually applauded. Sure, it’s a triumph of style over performance – but what style. And, if you’ve had a tough week at work (as I had), it’s a terrific antidote. Taken from:


http://www.rogerdarlington.me.uk/FilmsM-N.html#MIP<29 May 2012>

45. What makes “Mission Impossible 2” more

interesting than the first? A. The action is more explosive. B. The place is so amazing. C. The changing of the actor. D. The difference stuntman. E. The tickets were sold out.

46. What is the purpose of the writer writing the text?

A. To explain the difference between “Miision Imposible I and II”

B. To tell about the “Mission Impossible II”. C. To review the movie “Mission Impossible II”. D. To argue abot the comparison. E. To entertain the audience of the movie.

For numbers 47 rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph. 1. I had my adolescence when I was thirteen. 2. It started with acne that showed up on my face. 3. Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. 4. My Adolescence 5. That was my bad experience with adolescence,

though there were still lots of good experience too.

6. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.

7. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.

Taken from: http://www.englishindo.com/2012/01/recount-text-penjelasan-contoh.html<29 May 2012>

A. 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 5 B. 4 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 7 - 5 - 6 C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 6 - 3 – 7 – 5 D. 3 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 7 - 4 – 5 E. 3 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 6 - 4 – 5

For numbers 48 to 50, choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.

Well , one day the Wind and the Sun were … (48) which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road, and The Sun said, “I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of use can cause that traveler to take off his … (49) shall be regarded as the stronger. You begin. “So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler. But the harder he

blew the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak round him, till at last the wind help the give up in despair. Then the sun came out and …(50) in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on. That’s the end of the story.

What lesson can we learn? Right. “KINDNESS EFFECTS MORE THAN SLAVERY” 48. A. quarell

B. Displayed C. Argumentating D. Fighting E. Disputing

49. A. cloak

B. Suits C. Dress D. Shirt E. T-shirt

50. A. splashed

B. Blinged C. Glittered D. Shone E. Starring


KUNCI JAWABAN Listening Transcript PART 1 1. Girl : Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit

here? I'm waiting for my friend. Boy : No. It's OK. Narrator : “Do you mind if I sit here?

“expresses her ….

2. Woman : Smoking is dangerous for our

health? Man : I agree. Narrator : What does the man express? He

expresses his …. 3. Woman : I've just met the headmaster in the

teachers' room. He told me about our holiday.

Man : Really? Why are you so gloomy? Bad news?

Woman : The headmaster cancelled tomorrow's holiday.

Man : Oh, no. What a shocking. I don't believe it.

Narrator : What is the man mean by saying Oh, no?

4. Boy : Mom, may I ask you something? Mother : Yes, of course. What's wrong with

you? Boy : Ineed a lot of money to buy a text

book. Mother : Okay. I'll give it to you if it is

important for you. Boy : Thank you, Mom. Narrator : What is the conversation about?

PART II 5. Man : I have to admit I cheated in the

exam. I do apologise. Narrator : What does the best respond to the

man? A. I’ll consider that B. Thank you for telling me C. No use crying over spilt milk D. It’s good for you admitted that

6. Man : I don't think you ought to buy that novel. I think the story is awful.

A. I disagree because my boyfriend like it. B. I agree with my friend’s idea C. O.K. I promise to buy it. D. Oh really? Thanks for your advice. I'll

consider that. 7. Woman : I want to complain about the

dictionary I bought yesterday. It is said thatI can get 15% off, but I paid the normal price.

A. We’re satisfied. B. We agree. C. We do apologize. D. That’s my mistake

PART III 8. They are in a group of aquatic,flightless birds living almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, especially inAntarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, they have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have become flippers. Most of these animals feed on krill, fish,squid, and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans. Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguin(12June2012) Which picture goes to the monolog? 9. Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the Anatidae family of birds, which also includes swans and geese. The ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the Anatidae family; they do not represent a monophyletic group (the group of all descendants of a single common ancestral species) but a form taxon, since swans and geese are not considered ducks. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water. Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck(12june2012) Which picture goes to the monolog? 10.

Man : I've never been to Borobudur before. What is it like?


Woman : It's very beautiful. The temple is extravagant. Beautiful stone carvings surrounded the temple and the statues are amazing too

11. These animals are the tallest animals in the world. They belong to herbivores because they feed on green plants. They belong to mammals because they have babies. They have long necks and horns.

Which animal is described in the monolog? PART IV The monolog is for questions number 12 and 13. The circus also has clowns and acrobats. There are people high on a wire. They walk across the wire to the other side. All eyes are on them. The people are quiet until they make it across. Then, they all cheer. Some circus performers swing on a trapeze. They are funny to watch, too.

12. What is the monologue about? 13. Why do people keep quiet? Because they The monolog is for questions number 14 and 15.

Yuda had almost a car accident last night. Yuda drove down Washington Avenue when suddenly he saw a car in his lane. It came right at his car. He stepped on the brakes and swerved to the right. The other car missed just his car by about an inch.

Taken from: developing English grade X

14. What happen to Yudha? Yudha almost …

15. Where did Yudha drive?

KUNCI JAWABAN 1. C 11. D 21. D 31. B 41. E 2. A 12. A 22. A 32. D 42. D 3. A 13. B 23. E 33. C 43. E 4. C 14. C 24. B 34. C 44. A 5. D 15. A 25. A 35. B 45. A 6. D 16. D 26. A 36. B 46. C 7. C 17. A 27. E 37. A 47. C 8. A 18. C 28. B 38. E 48. E 9. B 19. B 29. B 39. A 49. A 10. A 20. C 30. C 40. C 50. D

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