materi ajar bahasa inggris 1 &2 - gunadarma

Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris 1 &2 Desthia Amalia

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Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris 1 &2Desthia Amalia

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Present Tense & Present Continous

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Present Tense


• Untuk menerangkan kejadian yang berulang

• Untuk menerangkan sebuah fakta

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(+) Subject + verb 1

Jika subjeknya adalah He, She, It maka V1 + -s/-es/ies

(-) Subject + do/does + not + verb 1

Subjek yang menggunakan do adalah I, You, We, They

Subjek yang menggunakan does adalah He, She, It

Jika sudah ditambah do atau does maka V1 yang di kalimat positif berakhiran –s/es/-ies kembali ke bentuk asli tanpa akhiran apapun.

(?) Do/does + Subject + verb 1?

Untuk kalimat pertanyaan posisi do/ does berada di depan kalimat

Jika sudah ditambah do atau does maka V1 yang di kalimat positif berakhiran –s/es/-ies kembali ke bentuk asli tanpa akhiran apapun.

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Keterangan waktu Present Tense









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• Present Continous

Fungsi :

Untuk menerangkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi

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(+) Subject + to be + verb + ing

(-) Subject + to be + not + verb + ing

(?) To be + subject + verb + ing

Daftar untuk penggunaan to be adalah sebagai berikut :

I + am

You, we, they + are

He, she, it + is

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Keterangan waktu present continuous

ThenNowRight nowAt presentAt this momentTodayThis morning, this afternoon, this eveningTonightNext week, next month, next yearSoon

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Adjective Clause

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• A clause is a structure that has a subject and a verb

• An adjective modifies a noun.

• An adjective clause modifies a noun. It describes or gives information about a noun.

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The man is friendly

He lives next to me

The man who lives next to me is friendly

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The man was friendly

I met him

The man whom I met was friendly

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The river is polutted.

It flows through town

The river which flows through town is polluted

The river that flows through town is polluted

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The books were expensive

I bought them

The books which I bought were expensive

The books that I bought were expensive

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The man called the police

His car was stolen

The man whose car was stolen called the police

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I know a girl

Her brother is a movie star

I know a girl whose brother is a movie star

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The people were friendly

We bought their house

The people whose house we bought were friendly

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• The police officer was friendly. He gave me directions• I don’t know the man. He is talking to Rita• The people were very nice. I met them at the party last night.• The woman thanked me. I helped her.• The people have three cars. They live next to me.• I have a class. It begins at 8:00 a.m. • My daughter asked me a question. I couldn’t answer it.• I lost the scarf. I borrowed it from my roommate.• A globe is a ball. This ball has a map of the world on it. • The bus is always crowded. I take it to school every morning.

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• There is the woman. Her cat died.

• Over there is a man. I’m dating his daughter.

• There is the professor. I’m taking her course.

• That is the man. His son is an astronaut.

• That is the girl. I borrowed her camera.

• There is the boy. His mother is a famous musician.

• They are the people. We visited their house last month.

• That is the couple. Their apartment was burglarized.

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Comparison Degree

• There are three kinds of comparison:1. positive degree2. comparative degree3.Superlative degree

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Positive Degree

Positive Degree → is used o compare two thinks that are equal.

The pattern

S + to be + as + adj + as

S + verb + as + adv + as


1. My book is as interesting as yours

2. His car runs as fast as a race car

3. Their house is as big as that one

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Comparative Degree → is used to compare two things that are not equal.

The Pattern for 1 syllable

S + to be + adj + er + than

S + verb + adv + er + than


1. Today is hotter than yesterday

2. Bill runs faster than Bob

3. This exercise is easier than the last one

4. Andi works harder than his brother

The pattern for more than two syllables

S + to be + more + adj + than

S + verb + more + adv + than

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1. This red dress is more comfortable than the white

2. He speaks Spanish more fluently than I

3. This year’s exhibit is more impressive than the last year’s

4. He visits his family more frequently than she does

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Superlative Degree

It is used to compare one thing with two or more other things.

The pattern for 1 syllable

S + to be + the + adj + est

S + verb + the + adv + est


1. John is the tallest boy in the family

2. He works the hardest employee of all the employee in this office.

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The pattern for more than two syllables

S + to be + the most + adj

S + verb + the most + adv


1. That was the most boring film I have ever seen

2. Sally dances the most gracefully of all the participant


* Use the form more + adjective for adjective ending in the

following suffixes: -ed, -ful, -ing, -ish and ous (more

useful, more boring, more cautious)

* When an adjective ends in a consonant +y, change the y

to i and add –er or - est (happy-happier/ the happiest, dry-drier/the

driest) and for –some, - ow and add –er or -est (handsomer/the

handsomest, narrower/the narrowest)

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The worst

The Farthest

The Furthest

The best

the best

The least

The most

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For example

1. His behavior is as bad (bad) as his brother’s.

2. New York has the most (many) tall buildings of any city in the world

3. She knits as good (good) as her mother

4. Alisa plays the violin better (good) than the other violinist

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1. You can tell Harris about it just ____(easily) as I can.

2. That tall woman is _____ (ambitious) secretary in this house.

3. Pierre understands English _____ (little) of all the students

4. He plays guitar _____ (well) as Andre Segovia.

5. Nobody is _______ (happy) than Maria Elen

6. Brazil export ____ (much) coffee of all the American countries

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Forms of Modals

• Modals do not take third person -s

√ The nurse can give the injection.

x The nurse cans give the injection.

• The infinitive is used after the modal verb.√ The planes must take off now.√ The wastage can be stopped.√ The technical glitch could have been avoided.x She should recycles that paper.

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Forms of Modals

• In negative sentences, not follows the modal even when be or have are present.

The investigation may not end today. √

The survey should not have yielded such results. √

The lecturer could not be there at this hour. √

The lecturer could be not there at this hour. x

Do not use the contracted forms of negatives in formal writing.

Use cannot and not can’t .

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Uses of Modals

To express:

• ability

• degrees of possibility

• advisability

• necessity

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Modals Expressing Ability

Modals Meaning Example

Can Express (a lack of)

physical ability or skill

The new employee can drive.

The astronaut cannot go up the space

shuttle today.

Could Express a (lack of)

past ability or skill

In the 1800s, people could not

communicate with each other across the

globe via email.

Could have +

past participle

Refers to a past

situation in which the

ability for something

to happen existed,

but it didn’t happen.

The team could have won.

(However, they didn’t.)

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Modals Expressing Degrees of Possibility

cannot may/might not should must

Unlikely highly likely

• To express impossibility or near impossibility, use cannot.

• To express low possibility, use may/may not; might/might not; or could/could not.

• To express moderate possibility, use should/should not.

• To express high possibility or probability, use must.

• To express certainty or human intentions, use will/ will not. In the past context, use would/ would not.

See Raimes (2006) pp. 74-75 for examples

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Modals Expressing Degrees of


She’s very intelligent and has been studying

hard so she will pass the test. √

She’s very intelligent and has been studying

hard. She should pass the test. √

She’s very intelligent and has been studying

hard so she cannot pass the test. X

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Modals Expressing Advisability

• To express whether something is a good idea or not, use should or should not.

• To express an advisable action that did not occur in the past, use should have + past participle.

• To express a past action that was not advisable, use should not have+ past participle.

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Phrasal Alternatives to Modal Auxiliaries

Meaning Modal Auxiliary Phrasal Alternative

certainty will be going to

ability can be able to

advisability should had better, ought to,

need to

necessity must have to, have got to,

be supposed to

past necessity had to

lack of necessity do not have to

repeated past event would used to

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Modal Auxiliaries Ranked by Strength

Modal verb Logical probability


Social interaction


will certainty intention strong


must logical necessity obligation

would conditional



should probability advisability

may possibility permission, possibility

can possibility permission

might/could low possibility very polite permission,


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If Conditionals

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Zero Conditional

• The Zero Conditional is formed in this way:

if + Present Simple, Present Simple

If you heat water, it boils.

• We use Zero Conditional to describe rules and situations where one event always follows the other.

If you want to study in the USA, you have to pass an exam in English.

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First Conditional

• The First Conditional is formed in this way:

if + Present Simple, will + infinitive

If you go to the Zoo, you will see the lions.

• We use the First Conditional to talk about possible future events that depend on other future events.

If I pass my exams, my parents will buy me a scooter.

Other possible patterns in the First Conditional:

If we save enough money, we can go on holiday. – can

If you see him, tell him to give me a ring. - imperative

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Second Conditional

The second Conditional is formed in this way:

if + Past Simple, would / could / might + infinitive

If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.

We use the Second Conditional:

1. To talk about imagined, impossible or unlikely events in the future.

If I had enough money, I would love to do something like that. (the sentence refers to the future)

2. To talk about impossible present situations.

If I were you, I would study more.

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Third Conditional

• The Third Conditional is formed in this way:

if + Past Perfect, would/could/might + Perfect Infinitive

If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.

• We use the Third Conditional to talk about unreal situations in the past and to imagine things that did not happen.

If I hadn’t broken my leg, I would have gone skiing.

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Unless = if not

• You don’t get fit unless you exercise regularly.

You don’t get fit if you don’t exercise regularly.

• I won’t go there unless we take a taxi.

I won’t go there if we don’t take a taxi.

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Test Examples

• If you ask him, he ___________ (take) you to the airport.

• The view was wonderful. If I ______________(have) a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

• You know that I can’t afford this ring. If I earned more, I ________________(buy) you the whole world.

• It’s a pity I didn’t go to Spain last summer. If I had gone there, I ____________________ (have) a chance to use my Spanish.

• If I were you, I ______________ (take) your neighbourto court.

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Test Examples

• If you ask him, he will take you to the airport.

• The view was wonderful. If I had had a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

• You know that I can’t afford this ring. If I earned more, I would buy you the whole world.

• It’s a pity I didn’t go to Spain last summer. If I had gone there, I would have had a chance to use my Spanish.

• If I were you, I would take your neighbour to court.

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Noun Phrase

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• The noun phrase is a group of words that ends with a noun.

• It can contain determiners (the,a,this,etc), adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

• It cannot begin with a preposition.

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Count and Non-count Nouns

• A count noun is one that can be counted

Book – one book, two books, three books…

Student - one student, two students, three students….

Person – one person, two people, three people

A non-count is one that cannot be counted

Milk – you cannot say one milk, two milks…

It is possible, however, to count some non-count nouns if the substance is placed in a countable container

Glass of milk, two glasses of milk

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A and An

• A or An can precede only singular count nouns; they mean one. They can be used in a general statement or to introduce a subject which has not been previously mentioned.

A baseball is round (general – means all baseballs)

I saw a boy in the street (we don’t know which boy)

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• An is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. A is used before words that begin with a consonant sound.

A book

An apple

An hour

A university

An umbrella

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• The following words begin with a consonant sound and must always be preceded by a











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• The following words begin with a vowel sound and must always be preceded by an









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• The is used to indicate something that we already know about or something that is common knowledge

The boy in the corner is my friend (the speaker and the listener know which boy)

The earth is round (there is only one earth)

With non-count nouns, one uses the article the if speaking in specific terms, but uses no article if speaking in general

Sugar is sweet (general – all sugar)

The sugar on the table is from Cuba (specific – the sugar that is on the table)

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• Normally, plural count nouns, when they mean everything within a certain class, are not preceded by the.

Oranges are green until they ripen (all oranges)

Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet (all athletes)

Normally a proper noun is not preceded an article unless there are several people or things with the same name and the speaker is specifying one of them

There are three Susan Parkers in the telephone directory

The Susan Parker that I know lives on First Avenue

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• Normally words such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church , home, college and work do not use any article unless to restrict the meaning

We ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning

We went to school yesterday

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• Another and other are nonspecific while the other is specific.

• If the subject is understood, one can omit the noun and keep the determiner and other so that other functions as a pronoun.

• If it is a plural count noun that is omitted, other becomes others.

• the word other can never be plural if it is followed by a noun.

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• I don’t want this book. Please give me another

(another = any other book – not specific)

I don’t want this book. Please give me the other.

(the other = the other book – specific)

This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous too.

(others = other chemicals – not specific)

I don’t want these books. Please give me the others

(the others = the other books – specific)

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Part of Sentence

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The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice; it is the person or thing that performs or is responsible for the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the verb. EVERY SENTENCE IN ENGLISH MUST HAVE A SUBJECT. The subject may be a single noun.

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Coffee is delicious

Milk contains calcium

The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with a noun.

The book is on the table

The weather was very bad yesterday

It can act as a pronoun for a noun or can be the subject of an impersonal verb. As the subject of an impersonal verb, the pronoun is not actually used in place of a noun, but is part of an idiomatic expression.

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It rains quite often here in the summer

In some sentences, the true subject does not appear in normal subject position. There can act as pseudo-subject and is treated like a subject when changing word order to a question. However, the true subject appears after the verb, and the number of the true subject controls the verb.

There was a fire in that building last month

The subject is not the word there but a fire

Was there a fire in that building last month?

Was in this sentence is not playing a role as SUBJECT but a VERB

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The verb follows the subject in a declarative sentence; it generally shows the action of the sentence. EVERY SENTENCE IN ENGLISH MUST HAVE A VERB. The verb may be a single word

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John drives too fast

They hate you

The verb may be a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of one or more auxilaries and one main verb.

John is going to Depok next week

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A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or noun phrase. However, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active voice. EVERY SENTENCE DOES NOT REQUIRE A COMPLEMENT. The complement cannot begin with a preposition. A complement answers the question what? Or whom?

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John bought a cake yesterday.

To find the complement we can give a question; What did John buy?

The answer will be a cake, so a cake is the complement of that sentence.

They called Mary yesterday.

To find the complement, we can give a question; Whom did they call yesterday?

The answer will be Mary, so Mary is the complement of that sentence.

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There are three kinds of modifier in English. There are:

• Modifier of time (keterangan waktu)

• Modifier of place (keterangan tempat)

• Modifier manner of action (keterangan cara)

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John bought a book at the bookstore

At the bookstore is called as modifier of place (keterangan tempat)

Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday

In that sentence there are two kinds of modifier. There are in the pool and yesterday. In the pool is called as modifier of place (keterangantempat) meanwhile yesterday is called as modifier of time (keteranganwaktu)

He was driving very fast.

Very fast is called as modifier manner of action (keterangan cara)